Our Biggest Project Was Almost Our Biggest Mistake

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We almost dropped them installing them,   we're gonna be showing you guys our construction  and install process for the biggest bar tops we've   ever made they're worth over a hundred  thousand dollars for the two bar tops so   we're going to take you along for the whole  process and i hope you guys enjoy the video   so they got their cabinets in and we're just  coming to do preliminary measurements and then   we got to get back to the shop and actually  pick out the burls that we're going to use those might not work no those won't work we have to they're  going to lift the second layer off   yeah and then we're going to route channels  for the wire etc and then once we get a burl   location so we have to get that sooner than later  like an actual burl location and stick to that   so the sooner we can do the layout for this  the better almost like next week or something   we should try and pull all our buckeye  out yeah hopefully we still have enough   yeah we should I think so yeah so after our site  measure now we can begin laying out the burls   for the actual layout in the bar top so what  Spencer's doing here right now is using a chalk   line just to get our rough cut lines on there  and then he's just marking everything square   obviously what we are doing here is we're marking  things out about two inches oversized just for our   initial flattening on the CNC machine I love it  this is just like such a little tiny microphone   so once he's got him marked out then we take  these barrels over to our sliding panel saw   this saw is very nice because you can see the  blade goes up quite high and it cuts through these   burls very easily and once we've got them all  cut then we got to go back on down to the ground   make sure everything's looking good and  then get them flat on our avid cnc machine after flattening and getting the pieces in  the mold we can actually start mixing up the   resin and pigmenting it for the pour so this  piece is going to incorporate led lighting so   we don't want to go too dark with this but we  do want to have kind of this slight black tint   just to tie into all the other materials in the  space so i think we ended up doing about five   drops of the black color effects die and we're  just pouring all of this resin in a single shot   here we have no need to do a base layer because  we actually want to see through this piece   and with our black forest deep resin we can  pour up to three inches thick like you're seeing   here in one shot one thing i will mention is if  you're going to do a thick pour like this it is   critical to have lots of cooling so we  have an air conditioned room we have large   fans that we actually blow on the surface of the  pores and then our pore tables themselves have a   sheet of aluminum beneath them that has water  cooling that runs throughout the whole thing ground one into a point a little bit offside there it goes oh okay it's technically off it's just still after waiting seven days for the cure we get  it de-molded and it is kind of stressful to   move pieces like this especially this one when  they're long and skinny and have pieces of burl   we've never had one break but kind of our worst  nightmare is that one of these is going to snap   on the burl point because end grain burl doesn't  have as much structure as like length grain pieces   of wood if we were just doing a regular river so  you can see we have someone like every two feet   down the end of this to make sure it doesn't  break and now we kind of have to precariously   lift it down using our forklift so we've got an  extra long custom pallet that we got just for this   purpose of moving it and then using two forklifts  at a time we have to slowly lower these bars down so once we successfully get it down without  dropping it then we're back onto the avid cnc   for more flattening here and what we're trying to  do is just go back down to the surface of the wood   we don't actually want to leave a layer of epoxy  on there the only reason that we over pour is so   that we can fill in all of the cracks and voids in  a single shot but when it comes to our finish we   want to go right back down to that wood surface so  in order for us to trace out the led lights on it   um we kind of nee actually need to flip it upside  down to trace the bottom side of the barrel so you   want to get it over on the saw horses for now so  we can at least get it sized because then we'll   know for sure how much of the barrel is going to  be showing and whatever yeah and after flattening   we can go and use our festool tracks off for some  sizing on this piece again with the festool track   saw especially if you want to get a clean cut  make sure you go in a few passes otherwise you'll   probably get burning the blade will deflect and  it's just not going to be quite as clean as if   you did it in a couple passes now what we're doing  here is actually templating out the exact shape of   every piece of burl the reason that we need to do  this is so that we can take this template go on   site lay it down where this bar top is going to go  and trace it out onto the physical substrate then   utec the company who's doing our led lights for us  will go and place their lights on that substrate   in the exact location of where our burrows will  be and if everything goes to plan and we don't   mess anything up we should have all of our lights  hidden beneath the burles so now we need to repeat   that whole process over again for the smaller  bar top that's going downstairs on the main floor   we'll go through it a little bit quicker this time  but we still want to show you some of the process   so spencer rough cut the pieces on the panel  saw after marking them out with the chalk line   and then again we have to flatten them on  the cnc machine before they go into the mold   once they're flat we put them in the mold in their  actual layout that they're gonna go for the pour   we add our pigment to our resin we mix all  that in and then we go ahead and pour the   nearly three inches thick in a single  shot with our black forest deep resin we're on our second bar top we're doing this exact  same thing drilling through our first layer of mdf   just until we hit this plywood that  way we can mark where we have to route   one continuous line so we can create a circuit  for all the led lights i'll probably follow that all right so we got our holes drilled  it's marked us onto our second surface   where we have to run all the wires to connect our  circuit we'll be routing a half inch slot that's   two to three mils deep just to allow this wire to  recess into so it can run flush to the countertop   so as john just mentioned he's working with alex  from u technology to lay out where the lights are   going to go on here and i just wanted to give a  big shout out to utechnology they're the company   that's supplying the leds for this project but  they did a whole lot more than just supply the   lights there's alex here on site helping our  guys out and making sure that this install   went flawless now we have to go to jeko they  actually needed our help to come down and flip   these things just because it's so nerve-wracking  to move them around so we brought all the boys   down we flip them over and then they can start  to prepare to put the finished coats on here   so i believe they do two coats of sealer and then  two or three top coats in total it ends up being   somewhere between five and six different  spray coats that they put on these pieces   a piece like this it's especially important that  we we build up as much of a coat as we can on here   because these are going to get used heavily like  there's probably going to be hundreds of people   every single night that are going to use these  bar tops so we need to make sure that they last   so once ian at jekyll has sanded the pieces and  prepped them for spraying he can go ahead and   start with his sealer coat between this and the  pour this might be one of the most satisfying   parts of the process because you get to see  all of your hard work actually come to life   in the way it's going to look in the finished  product so one thing that i really like about   this piece too is you can see that we got  the natural kind of bluish gray staining   in the buckeye and it kind of ties in perfectly  to the color of resin that the client chose so the first one you saw was the bigger bar top  and now this is the smaller of the two bar tops   here so still an absolutely massive piece but  it is the smaller one and unfortunately it's   not the one that has to get lifted upstairs  we've got to lift the bigger one upstairs now those of you who follow us on instagram have  probably seen this clip before what jack is doing   here is flame polishing some acrylics risers  that are going to be used to support the bar top   uh when we put this on our instagram i think it  literally got almost 10 million views everybody   absolutely loves seeing this process and it's  actually the first time we've ever done something   like this now to clear up one misconception here  you cannot do this with epoxy this only works with   acrylic i don't know exactly why maybe someone  can answer that in the comments why this works   for acrylic and it doesn't work for epoxy but  all we got to do is sand them to like i think it   was 300 grit hit them with the torch and they go  perfectly clear and now here we are for delivery   day i don't know if you guys can see it there in  the top two there's a little drone flying up above   that's luca he did a lot of the filming  on the launch pad side for this project   and i believe they will be having their  own video that's coming out for this   so check out barry eller and launch pad  golf on youtube if you guys want to see   their version of this video but this was the big  day for us the day we had all been waiting for   getting these bar tops finally installed into  the space and this is where it's going to happen   alex said he'd be here by 10 30. well  we're we're moving forward right we'll   get it up here we'll get our notches yeah  it's up to him to keep up to us so yeah yeah   yeah there's no option as far as barry's concerned  i just talked to barry it's it's happening right   now no it definitely is yeah whether he's ready  or not so yeah yeah okay so we um we got here and   the painting isn't quite done on the countertop  so if you guys check this out um you can see all   the primers still on there it's not quite clean  the way that we want this surface yet um so the   painter was actually saying maybe we installed  tomorrow but we have to install today because   there is a safety inspection happening so we're  going to do some of the routing that we have to   do to pre-fit these countertops and hopefully by  the time we're done this is ready to install after   we've kind of scoped the place out it's time to  start getting these bar tops in so to make things   easy on our stealth we're going to start with the  downstairs bar top the smaller one that we don't   have to use manual hand crank forklifts to lift  up a story so that's what we're doing here we're   getting this bar top off onto some rolling carts  and we'll get it in place to prepare for the lift pull up now this is the part where we're kind of dreading   we have to take the bigger of the two bar tops  all the way upstairs to the second bar as you   guys can imagine these bar tops are not light so  this is going to get a little stressful here for   us we did not realize what was about to happen  and i will just let you guys watch and see go all right 11 12 13 14 15 okay you guys are pretty close right now okay yeah we're over oh my god so now the idea to keep a hand on it guys   is we need two men on each one of these  jacks here to stabilize and push it right to i don't think this railing is going  to hold the two of us if we leave no   you guys feel pressured right now i'm up stay now whatever you guys do just be aware  that that end of this wants to slide off oh yeah oh you got to go yeah do we need to get the other lift in  between those two so it can't slide forward   back side i think we need to get the other way we'll have to move it but we need  something there for even the next two feet   well even we could just swing them that  way yeah yeah we can swing the end out   yeah once you guys once you guys have  both of those we can just move them both all right okay okay that was terrible yep that was an awful feeling  if we only had two we would have discussed   it good good so far we haven't dropped it so a little stress though all right so as you guys  saw we were lifting that countertop up using   the three hand crank jacks and kind of what our  plan was was to lift it up evenly drop the first   one and then start rolling it in but as we were  doing that it started sliding off the back jack   and like we we all saw it go like probably  this much it was sliding off yeah that was   that was great i thought that was  gonna fall for a second i was actually   we all kind of panicked i think we we saw  the whole job flash before our eyes and   imagine this piece falling down uh luckily though  we were able to get the other jack around to the   other side to kind of support it from both ways we  did have to hold it for a long time i think a lot   of the guys are sore and they were a little  nervous but luckily we managed to get it up   no damage at all to the piece everything is safe  and now we can move on to the rest of the install   so these are little spacers clear as you can see  but they are about a mil thicker than our metal   here so that will be what the actual counter top  sits on instead of sitting on top of this metal so during transport um there's a few little  scuffs that are on the bottom of this piece   now luckily the top side still looks perfect but  if you come around here luckily we don't have to   refinish the whole thing we're just using  uh our polishing compounds and the polisher   and we're gonna polish this whole bottom surface  to an even sheen that's gonna get rid of any   imperfections just you know normally you wouldn't  see this on the bottom but because we're doing   the led lights and we're actually going to be  illuminating everything it's very important   that we have it all perfect see a polishing  compound and whatever brand of polisher we have   it's as good as i can do so to get some of these  marks out that are on the bottom of the bar top   jack is using some of the sia abrasives polishing  compounds they have three grits i believe we're   just using two of the grits here but they do  a really good job just to polish things up get   out any micro scratches and bring that shine up  too so what's happening here is the countertop   along the back wall is actually out of square of  course and that's causing a little bit of a gap   for our fitment on the countertop so we have  to actually skew it at a bit of an angle   but we can kind of cheat it when we  line up the other counter top too   if everything goes right we should still maintain  an even gap all the way along we going let's go okay can we go right there yeah when you get too good at that game  people stop playing just keep the wave yeah he can't get his fingers out okay all right we're just shimming up the countertop right now  just to actually get it to sit straight because   this whole thing is so heavy that it's sagging the  entire support system down so we've got two sticks   underneath there right now just to hold everything  up we're going to add some shims underneath   and then we should have it all sitting level you  what you can't silicon it down then i guess yeah   we don't gonna make some custom metal brackets  that are going underneath to support the thing   yeah oh they are but as soon as they release it  it's just gonna sag and bring the silicone yeah   true yeah so maybe we just have to leave it today  and then we have to come back fix the led get   the tape silicon it down wait so are they saying  they're going to build some support brackets like   something like this that's actually no no like a  like a 90 degree 40k from the edge of the plate   to the counter like it sounds like what they're  going to have to do is weld a bracket from the end   of the plate the only thing though is like this  is just hollow tin right i don't know how well   that's actually gonna hold i don't think it'll  hold at all i don't think it's gonna hold much okay we wanna just kind of set it on  him a little further a little further okay lift up okay okay like that yeah do we gotta come more this  way or we will yeah we should be able to   get it the last hole is right there okay i  should we should be able to turn this okay okay so that is the end of day one uh i'm at the  upstairs bar top right now and this one actually   went a lot better than the downstairs bar you  guys probably saw during the install that we   were scratching our heads and struggling quite a  bit when it came to that lower one i don't know   exactly why that one is sagging more than this one  but the issue is is that because of the weight the   whole thing's sagging down where this one's not  doing it quite as bad so we are going to be adding   some extra brackets underneath or the construction  team here is so we haven't secured anything down   yet at this point we're going to come back on  friday do our final silicone to just hold this   thing in place uh do any final touch-ups if we  need to put some more ceramic on we'll do that   but that was a very successful day the  burls look absolutely incredible that   we didn't know if this was going to work till we  got these lifted on and it completely gives the   effect we're going for where each individual burl  has its own light source and it just kind of glows   so we are very excited for this to be  finished up we'll be back on friday   but then we're also coming back on  the 29th for the big grand opening thanks man so we'll play a video on the screen right now  that i've got here on my phone um the install   went great on the bar tops but then we got a  note from the owner that i guess the the cleaners   it looks like they used the  wrong type of cleaner on here   and there's some sort of abrasive  cleaner or maybe a dirty cloth   but essentially what's happened is the lower bar  top is completely scratched all over the whole   surface and the grand opening is just in over 24  hours it's at 7 pm tomorrow night so we have to go   there try and polish it get coats of ceramic on it  and hope that it's ready for the big day tomorrow   drama so this piece actually had some pretty  deep scratches that required us to go all the   way down to 2000 grit sandpaper we did a 2  000 grit sand a 4 000 grit sand and then we   moved on to polishing compounds now remember  i mentioned earlier how we kind of go extra   thick on a top coat like this because we  are doing it in a commercial application   well deco that is for that matter i  mean they go thick with their top coat   this is why it helps to have a thick top coat if  we didn't have so many layers on there we wouldn't   be able to actually come and sand this layer down  to get rid of those scratches but because we have   done that we've got room to take those scratches  out re-polish things back up to a nice sheen   and then apply our black forest ceramics on the  surface so we did miss that part in this filming   session but we do apply our black four ceramics  after we polish just to give some more durability i was trying to scare you but i got too excited   i know you're thinking though good trick that guy  must eat his vegetables yeah oh my goodness wow   that's a nice camera you got one of those big old  mics on it does that mean i don't have to talk so   loud yeah well i'm gonna do it anyway though so  now here we are at opening night you can actually   see the bar tops being used this is the first  time we've even got to witness this it was kind   of funny at the opening night you know everyone  else is just taking in the awe of the whole space   and mostly paying attention to the actual golf  aspect of it and then there's our whole crew they   probably thought we were alcoholics we were just  hanging around the bar the whole night staring at   it oohing and awing over it but you know it was it  was worth it if if i do say so myself i think it   was probably the coolest thing there all right  so you guys just got to see the opening night   at launch pad our entire team had a blast some  of us might have had a little bit too much fun   but that that's okay um the bar tops now have  been in here for i guess almost a month or so   and they're getting well used everything still  looks very shiny we've got the hydrophobic effect   from the ceramic we put on so we're very happy  with how that turned out and i just have to again   say a huge thank you to launchpad especially  barry here for choosing us to work on this project   and then also a huge thank you to our  entire team who absolutely busted their   butts to get this done this ended up being  kind of a rush for us right in the end and   we had to go all hands on deck on this project  we did not know if we were going to get it done   but the boys pulled it off so we're very grateful  for our team so thank you to you guys and thank   you to our audience as well for following along  in this process this is probably one of our more   impressive projects we've ever done i know i keep  saying that but we always keep pushing the limits   it was an absolute pleasure to complete this and  we've got some more crazy stuff coming up soon   so if you guys enjoy this type of content if you  like seeing us make crazy huge expensive things   out of wooden resin please hit the subscribe  button below and if this was impressive enough   to earn your like then we'd also appreciate  if you hit that but that's all we got for   this video this week you guys thank you again  for watching and we'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Black Forest Wood Co.
Views: 195,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Resin, Resin Pour, Epoxy, Ecopoxy, Wood, Resin Art, Resin Table, Resin Crafts, Resin River, Epoxy Table, Epoxy Resin Table, Epoxy Resin, Epoxy Resin Projects, Project, Black Forest Wood Company, Black Forest Wood Co, Black Forest, Black Forest Resins, Rich, Money, Expensive, Woodshop, Workshop, live edge, live edge slabs, calgary, canada
Id: uTqYeKP6sXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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