"Deliverance" with Fr. Mark Goring

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on this edition of food for life father Marc Goering looks at deliverance but if we do not have the the wisdom to entrust ourselves to Jesus to run to Jesus we can really get hurt we can get messed up brothers and sisters and so again it's good to recognize if there was a time in your life that was difficult when you were wounded when you were weak and you were not close to the Good Shepherd and Lord Jesus Christ there might be some wounding that really needs to be healed so an interesting passage of the gospel we heard today Jesus says when a strong man fully armed guards his palace his possessions are safe who's that strong man fully armed it's the devil but Jesus goes on to say but when one stronger then he attacks and overcomes him he takes away the armor on which he relied and distributes the spoils and who's the one who is stronger as the Lord Jesus Christ our Lord Jesus is the one in Isaiah speaks about he's the one who came to despoil the enemy what the what the enemy took that was not his Jesus came to restore to its rightful owners now a little while ago the Companions of the Cross priest we all gathered here in Texas and we had our annual or biannual study days all the priests we got together and we invited to Azhar speaker this year a lay Catholic a Catholic layman whose name is Neil Lozano some of you have heard of him Neil Lozano does deliverance ministry he travels all around the world doing deliverance ministry he's written a number of books about deliverance ministry and he has it he has a lot of wisdom about spiritual warfare we know that the evil one can establish strongholds in our life and we need wisdom about how to be set free from these strongholds and Neela's Arno's teaching is so simple it's so clear and it's it's it's so so right on it's so biblical and all of us priests you know when you get a whole bunch of priests together it's hard to impress them all but Neil Lozano did there wasn't one person who was not saying that yes what this man is teaching is right on this is this is this is a wonderful teacher a great biblical teaching on deliverance ministry and what I want to do tonight is I want to share with you Neil Lozano teaches what he calls five keys to deliverance to experiencing deliverance in our lives and what I want to do is I want to share with you these five keys but I want to the way I want to do it is by sharing with you a story in my life where it's like the evil one got a bit of a stronghold in my life and where I needed to turn to the Lord through the wisdom Neil taught to be set free so so what happened is is me as a child growing up I had had wonderful school teachers but some of them were a little mean and one teacher in particular she was I thought she was real mean to me she would sometimes humiliate me in front of the class I was sometimes accused of doing things I didn't do and because I was so young I was really hurt and I mean I need to say I was no angel myself but again I was I was hurt at a young age by this teacher go forward maybe fifteen years later and I'm in seminary and one one day our professor invited in a lay woman to give us a little teaching and she gave a teaching and it was a nice teaching but she said a few things that I felt were a little off but I experienced this anger towards her I was just so angry at her and I was shocked it's like what is happening to me why am I so angry towards this woman who is teaching us and I remember I made a few comments in the class and and and the in the my fellow seminarians were kind of looking I said man he's he's got an edge on those comments he's angry and I remember later after the class I was still making some comments and one of my body is one of the seminary and say dude what's wrong with you like you're you're angry and I remember just reflecting like generally I'm not a very angry person you know all the guy is I struggle with with all kinds of things but anger is generally something I don't struggle with but something surfaced something welled up I was angry and so what I what I did is I you know I I at the time we had been taught you know basic wisdom about inner healing prayer and forgiveness and all that and I went through that but I wish I would have had these five keys I probably could have processed what happened a little more quickly a little more thoroughly a little more definitively and a little more simply and so I'll go with you go with you through with you now through these five keys what I I mean I went through most of these keys but what I should have approached at how we approach things like that first of all when something like this surfaces in our life we call this a fruit a fruit and when we look at it when there's a fruit on a tree there's got to be a root in the ground so what's the root of this anger some of us might struggle with with sudden depression at times or fear or or or or you know we we just shut down and say what's up with this that this is a fruit where does this come from and so thanks me God I was able to identify was pretty obvious to me the reason I'm so angry towards this woman who is teaching us is because she reminded me of that school teacher and the wound is still there and not only is the wound still there there's kind of a bit of a stronghold by the enemy now some of your thing I'll come on like it's just a little you know you're hurt as a kid like it doesn't mean that Devils involved I'm giving this as a simple example the truth is is some of us have been seriously hurt and the fruit is more than just getting angry it can be debilitating in our lives there can be other manifestations we can hardly keep a job we can't we can't keep good relationships we can't function because of this debilitating a stronghold in our life and that's serious and that's why this wisdom is so important so the first key the first thing we need to do is we need to express faith in the Lord Jesus and to repent so we also again I'm going to follow the story of myself with the school teacher so I need to say Lord Jesus I believe that you can heal me I'm feeling anger right now and I recognize that it's because I was hurt but I believe you're the healer I believe you can take this anger away you can heal what happened to me I have faith in you Jesus and Lord Jesus I do repent for the ways I was wrong in that situation for being such a stubborn little kid you know for being so bold for being so you know self-centered all that type of thing so lord I repent but more importantly and catch this this is important more importantly I repent of as a young boy responding by opening my heart to hatred again as a as a child I made a decision I could have just said you know what I'm just gonna love or I'm gonna you know I'm not gonna I'm not gonna let this you know take away whatever but instead in some mysterious way I did open my heart to hatred I let hatred in I let vengeful thoughts in and that was wrong and that's where the stronghold happened see again our soul is kind of like a house or a palace or a mansion or fortress whatever it is all kinds of biblical images and I have authority even as a child and somehow I chose to let hatred in to let vengeful thoughts in that was wrong and for that Lord Jesus I repent I repent of having done that that's the first key to express faith Jesus you can heal me and I repent and the second key is to forgive Lord Jesus I forgive this teacher for what she did to me and your name Lord Jesus I forgive her and not only do I forgive her but I love her and I ask you Lord to bless her and take good care of her that's the second key it's essential we must forgive the people who hurt us the third key then is renunciation Lord Jesus in your name I renounce the hatred that I let into my Lord Jesus in your name I renounce the Vengeance that I brought into my heart that I opened my heart to I allowed those things in and now Lord Jesus I'm renouncing them I'm saying you know it times up out you go I renounce those things in your name Lord Jesus the fourth the fourth key and this is this is this is important and again this is this is kind of the power that with a wisdom of Lila's on was teaching taking authority now some people think whoa can we really take authority listen to this Luke chapter 10 verse beginning in 17 the 72 returned rejoicing and said Lord even the demons are subject to us because of your name jesus said I have observed Satan fall like lightning from the sky behold I have given you the power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and upon the full force of the enemy and nothing will harm you the Lord has given us power and authority over the enemy in our lives in his name not in our name not because I'm really holy or because I'm a nice guy are because I'm a priest in his name and also in the Gospel of Mark chapter 16 verse 17 Jesus says these signs will accompany those who believe in my name they will drive out demons and so again now now we need to be very careful don't go home starting driving out demons everywhere or worse don't go home and tell your husband I know what's wrong with you you're full of demons you know please don't do that this is this is this is not a full teaching so please don't don't you know do anything that's going to get yourself or me into trouble taking authority so again I've expressed faith I've repented I've forgiven I've ever announced and now Lord Jesus Jesus in your name I command the spirit of hatred to be gone in the name of Jesus and I command the spirit of vengeance to be gone in the name of Jesus and what Neal teaches he says when you when you do this do it out loud and I'll speak more more about that later and then finally the the fifth step or key is to now we've we've commanded the evil to be gone too now receive the father's blessing because that's what the Lord wants to restore he doesn't want to just leave our hearts like an empty vacuum he wants to fill us now with his blessing so to receive his blessing we will continue with the teaching by father Mark in just a moment the Food for Life ministry is only made possible by the financial donations from you our viewers we ask that after the program you prayerfully consider a tax-deductible financial donation to help us continue this Catholic television ministry to save postage you may now make your donation online just go to our web site and follow the link thank you for your prayers and support and now back to father Mark goring so those are the five keys I just want to go through a few more principles from his book this isn't a full teaching but he says evil spirits gain influence in a life through doorways that are opened often in childhood by us or by other people it doesn't mean other people have authority to get demons in our lives but we can respond to what other people have done to us and an open the door like what happened to me and so all of us you know every one of us brothers and sisters things happen to us in our childhood we were hurt and we did not respond in love we opened our little hearts to something and were still wounded and oftentimes we experience the fruit again anger depression other other things fear inability to communicate whatever the Lord Jesus wants us to recognize those things he wants to heal them he also says he quotes a first Peter chapter 5 verse 8 he says your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour and Neal goes on to say what better pray for the lion than one who has been wounded unfortunate we know in nature who do the Lions go after they go after the weak the hurt the devil attacks us when we when were weak and hurt and that's why for example a lot of a lot of children if their parents are going through a divorce man they're weak they're hurt and the enemy he's going to go after them now we know of course that we do have a shepherd the good shepherd if we are with the Good Shepherd the enemy he's not even going to come close but if we do not have the the wisdom to entrust ourselves to Jesus to run to Jesus we can really get hurt we can get messed up brothers and sisters and so again it's good to recognize if there was a time in your life that was difficult when you were wounded when you were weak and you were not close to the Good Shepherd of the Lord Jesus Christ there might be some wounding that really needs to be healed he goes on to say deliverance ministry is acknowledging the doors we have opened to the influence of evil and learning how to close them again what doors have you opened in your past to evil because if you've opened doors in your past - evil guess what they came in and they're probably still there unless you tell them get out in the name of Jesus and so and again it's not just being hurt by other people it's going to whatever seances tarot cards you know occult type stuff all of those types of things you go to a palm reader the palm reader says give me your hand whoa wait a minute if I give you my hand I'm opening myself to your power or whatever powers at work I'm giving you a thority I'm saying okay I've opened the door come on in and if we do that we need to repent we need to renounce and we need to take authority he goes on to say renunciation is how we notice that they they must vacate that their lease has been terminated again he uses the imagery of a house which is very common in Scripture they've taken residence in the house of our soul when we renounce we say hey times up you're out most often you need on only to open the or and cancel the lease but also to command them to leave it is all it is to say to the evil one it is over I've had enough I know where you are hiding and you cannot hide there anymore and so this is just a brief introduction brothers and sisters I might be leaving something Oh what do I do now it's like we'll wait a minute you open your door to something let's let's go through these five steps some things like what happened to me in grade school can be fixed quickly simply other things take a little more time so I invite you to XIV nning to just look in your own lives are there ways you've opened your heart to the enemy are there fruits of this that are debilitating in your life and if there are I encourage you to allow the Lord to heal you through forgiveness through renunciation to take an authority and receiving the father's blessing for an audio CD or video DVD of the teaching by Father mark going on deliverance we invite you to write to us our address is food for Life box 1107 station F Toronto Ontario m4y 2 T 8 when you're right ask for an audio CD or video DVD of the teaching by father Mark going on deliverance on the next edition of food for life father Mark Goering looks at God will never forget you this miracle is a sign it's a proclamation to each one of us we have nothing to be afraid of yes we will go through trials and difficulties but God will never ever ever forget your name because your name is written in the palm of his hand have you heard that expression it takes a community to raise a child well it takes a community to raise a believer so how many people have been a part of raising you in the faith over many years those people that have encouraged you challenged you taught you reached out to you maybe supported you during difficult times there's probably a whole cast of characters the part of the play called you and your walk with Jesus so maybe today you could find one person one person in that vast cast of characters and thank them thank them for what they've done for your spiritual life and the reason why we do that is is completely biblical that we are we're called to encourage one another you know for folks that really try to be available to help others in their faith they can get discouraged because sometimes making yourself available to help other spiritually frankly isn't all well received so that's why for those people that have helped us along the way we want to encourage them we read in 1 Thessalonians 5 verse 11 therefore encourage one another and build each other up just as in fact you are doing so ask the Lord maybe take a moment to pray and say Lord of all the wonderful people you've set my way who could I call today or visit or write or send an email to and just say thank you and if you can be specific that's great you know maybe it's something that was done recently maybe a homily that touched you or a book that someone gave you or maybe someone shared something personal about their spiritual life that really encouraged you whatever it is it can be small it can be big it doesn't matter it's that you reached out encouraged them so father we we thank you for the many people that that make up our story that make up the story of our relationship with you and oh what a story it is those many people that are part of our own salvation history the many people that you've sent father show us one person that we should thank today and we thank you now father we thank you first for those people give us give us the love and the grace the wisdom to thank them in Jesus name we pray amen I have a wonderful testimony to read to you today and it was just so touched me and I think you'll be blessed by this gentleman's words as well he writes I was born and educated in Northern Ireland and became a teacher my parents introduced me to a prayerful relationship with God my relationship with Jesus was enriched by the Eucharist although I looked upon God the Father is a far-off mystical figure distantly removed from the film familiarity of Abba or daddy in the scripture I found myself searching for the reality of God in other people's lives familiarizing myself by friendships with other Catholic teachers who were lay apostles led me to further doubts the testimony of their lives was not of one of having personally met God in any clear visible way they were involved in factional rivalry but one young nurse I met was different she made a personal commitment to Jesus and it really showed in her life in her words and in her relationships with others one morning it was Good Friday many years ago and I was driving and my life was changed I was involved in a head-on collision in my new car was demolished the police later charged the other driver with impaired driving a frantic battle began 16 hours of surgery to try and save my life after being removed from the critical care list I encountered a time of depression I shall never forget times I thought of suicide as I learned I was blind in one eye deaf in one ear had lost my sense of smell part of my taste my face was disfigured and Nam in one area my forehead had been removed as well as a ruptured spleen I had lacerations and my hair had been shaved off and I just really was led into deep remorse weeks later I recall lying on my bed and the depression started to lift and I lay there wondering if there was really a Jesus at all at the time there was nothing else to hang my threadbare hopes on as I emerged from this tunnel of hopelessness that morning I made a commitment in my heart that if there was a Jesus I would lay down my nets as Peter and others had done and I would follow him at that moment I saw my life as a useless piece of scrap and I was blessed with the grace of humility and the repentance that David had in Psalm 51 as soon as I surrendered my life to Jesus by an act of the will I experienced that grace that Paul speaks of in Ephesians and the Peace of God's Spirit flowed over my body from the top of my head to the sole of my feet for the first time in my life I had given control to Jesus I was his property I was evangelized I was so blessed by this testimony as I read it and reread it and I thought of so many Catholics I've known who have really said essentially the same thing they found that they went to Mass and they were faithful in their practice of their faith but they were missing something and it was at that moment where they really committed their lives to Jesus that they felt this peace that they felt a new relationship with Jesus recently I had the privilege of hearing Bishop give a homily at Mass and he said you know liturgy is wonderful and works are very important but he said the key is a relationship with Jesus that's what we need as Catholics I have a wonderful quote I want to read to you from a Catholic writer that sums up everything I've shared with you thus far he right at every Sunday Mass I see men and women looking for something yet apparently not finding it they go through rites and rituals without discovering the reality behind them some have been searching for so long that they are now convinced the reality cannot be found and they keep attending mass out of sheer habit but they are wrong there is a reality to be found the reality of God alive today he is awakening our hearts my Christian life was dull powerless and joyless in desperation I sincerely prayed God if you're real show me he did just that and I've now come to see that a personal relationship with God is not only possible for the average Christian but it's the only way to fly I have also come to see that this personal Christianity is not new it's not Protestant and it's not a passing fad in fact it's at the heart of Christianity it's the center of Catholic teaching and it's there for anyone who wants to live the Christian life with power joy and satisfaction that really ministered to me and I'm sure to you as well if you are going through the motions going to mass out of habit and you want just that much more that relationship that that Bishop spoke of that's key you can have that too I encourage you today to find some quiet time and go before the Lord ask him and ask him to show you if he's real give your life to Him commit to him and you will see a difference you will begin to grow in him and grow in a new and wonderful spiritual journey if we too can join you in prayer at food for life we'd be happy to do that please write to us at food for life we invite you to send your prayer request to food for life box 1107 station F Toronto Ontario m4y to t 8 that's food for Life box 1107 station F Toronto Ontario m4y to T 8 for an audio CD or video DVD of today's ministry we invite you to write to us when you're right mention the program number fifteen hundred and thirty eight and today's topic father Mark going on deliverance food for life is a non-profit Catholic charity funded only by donations from viewers to help us continue this Catholic television ministry please send your tax-deductible donation to food for life box 1107 station F Toronto Ontario m4y 2 t 8 to save postage you may now make your donation online just go to our website at www.kppc.org/keeps Pence's would be met if you have never donated before we ask that you make your cheque payable to food for life and our address is food for Life box 1107 station F Toronto Ontario M 4 y 2 t 8 thanks to your faithful prayers and tax-deductible financial support food for life is the longest-running Catholic television program in Canada on the next edition of food for life father Marc Goering looks at God will never forget you this miracle is a sign it's a proclamation to each one of us we have nothing to be afraid of yes we will go through trials and difficulties but God will never ever ever forget your name because your name is written in the palm of his hand we would like to thank you for your financial support of the food for life television ministry Food for Life is funded only by viewers like yourself we have no commercial sponsors your tax-deductible donations help pay for production of the program pay the television station for the time that the program is on the air and pay for the mailing of our monthly newsletter thank you again for your support of this Catholic television ministry
Channel: Food for Life TV Ministry
Views: 26,199
Rating: 4.9017339 out of 5
Keywords: Deliverance, Food for Life, Catholic, Fr. Mark Goring, wounded, good shepherd, healing, hurt
Id: z70ByCrNqsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 49sec (1789 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 10 2015
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