Deliverance Fasting Service || Wednesday June 23, 2021

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] please and good morning to everyone what a beautiful day it is that we can be in the house of the lord hallelujah another wednesday hallelujah to god be the glory great things he has done hallelujah we are coming to you this morning from the montego bay new testament church of god hallelujah welcome to our fasting and deliverance service hallelujah we know that the presence of the lord is always here in our midst and so this morning we want to say praise the lord all e people hallelujah we want to shout to god with the voice of triumph can i just hear a shout in the place this morning hallelujah come on can i just hear a shout in the place this morning [Music] hallelujah he is worthy to be praised hallelujah psalm 147 says hallelujah and i read from the new international version how good it is to sing praises to our god how pleasant and fitting to praise him the lord builds up jerusalem he gathers the exiles of israel he heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds he determines the number of the stars and called them each by name great is our god and mighty in power his understanding has no limit the lord sustained the humble but cast the wicked to the ground sing to the lord with thanksgiving make music to our god on the arm he covers the skies with clouds he supplies the earth we drain him sorry and makes the grass to grow on the illness he provides food for the cackle and for the young ravens when they call hallelujah can we just bless the lord hallelujah can we just magnify his name hallelujah and so we gonna continue hallelujah as we call on the praise and worship to open with us as we lift up the praises of the most high god remember we are here to honor him in praise and worship this morning god bless you praise team hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we bless the name almighty god hallelujah we exalt the king of kings and the lord of lords we exhort the conquering land of the tribe of judah we welcome the sweet holy spirit in our midst this morning come on shall we bless the name of the lord come on shall we exalt the name of the lord this morning hallelujah glory to the most high god hallelujah we worship you jesus welcome holy spirit we are in your presence fill us with [Music] live inside of me [Music] [Music] [Music] oh holy spirit live inside of me you're the living [Music] waterflow take complete control [Music] fill us with your live inside of [Music] of me [Music] for my soul [Music] come [Music] [Music] [Music] my soul [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] we worship your chiefs hallelujah can we glory we're asking the lord to sweep over our soul this morning hallelujah we have entered into his presence hallelujah and we just don't my brothers and sisters i want to say to you this morning we have the opportunity hallelujah out of 50 to be here this morning and i don't want us to just come and relax hallelujah the opportunity has been afforded us and i want to say to every one of us that we take this is a moment where we will just lift up hallelujah the praises to the almighty one considering that we are we are blessed to be in his house this morning and so i don't want to see anybody relaxing we are not in a relaxing mood at this moment we are here to praise the lord god almighty hallelujah and so at this time i'm gonna ask mr charming williams hallelujah to come back right here and lead us into our devotion hallelujah and then i'll get back to you god bless you glory to the name of the lord hallelujah come on shall we bless the name of the lord hallelujah shall we bless the king of kings and the lord of lords the conquering line of the tribe of judah the god that never changed this morning the i am that i am hallelujah the one that they're high and look low they want to rule their fears of men this morning blessed be the name of the lord hallelujah he's god and his god alone we're going to turn our hymnal to 138 when god depicts love you know my heart glory to the name of the lord come on shall we bless the name of the lord glory to god oh when god it of is in my heart and write my soul a message he wants me to know he is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] sometimes [Music] sorrow keeps me [Music] peace [Music] [Music] hallelujah completely and bring [Music] it took me [Music] jesus he makes me cry oh [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] hallelujah thank god for the blood of jesus thank god hallelujah for the blood that he dips in my heart this morning for his love hallelujah come on shall we bless the name of the lord this morning hallelujah we're going to turn our scripture to isaiah 2. and we're going to read from verse 18 to 22 glory to the most high god hallelujah and it read us and the idols he shall utterly abolish and they shall go into the holes of the rocks and into the caves of the earth for fear of the lord and for the glory of his majesty and when he arises to shake terrible the earth in that day a man shall cast his idols of silver and his idols of gold which which they made each one for himself to worship to the to the mold and to the bats and to go into the cliffs of the rock and into this top of the rugged rocks for fear of the lord and for the glory of his and for the glory of his majesty when he arises to shake the terp shake terrible the earth 22 and last cease he from man whom whose breath is in his nostril for where him is he to be accounted of this is the word of the lord shall we bless the name of the lord this morning shall we bless the name of the lord this morning glory to the name of the lord hallelujah we are going to pray at this time we are prepared the prayer of confession and repentance for the physical and virtual worshipers hallelujah psalms 51 said have mercy upon me oh god according to their loving-kindness in accordance to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgression wash me thoroughly from my iniquities and cleanse me from my sin for acknowledge my transgression and my sin is ever before me against thee only have i sin and done this evil in thy sight that thou might just be justified when the speakers and be clear when they're judges behold i was shaping in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me be over this as truth in the inward part and it in part though shall make me to know wisdom purge me with his support and i shall be clean wash me and i shall be whiter than snow make me to hear joy and gladness that the bone which that was broken may rejoice i thy face from my sins and blocked out all my iniquities creating me a clean art oh god and a new right spirit within me cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy holy spirit from me restored unto me the joy of thy salvation and uphold me with thy free spirit then will i teach transgressions thy ways and sinners shall be converted unto thee deliver me from blood guiltiness oh god though god of my salvation and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness oh lord open down my lips and my mouth shall show forth thy praise for those though desires not sacrifice as i would give it though the light has nothing burnt offering the sacrifice of god is a broken spirit and a broken and a contrite heart oh god thou will not despise do good in thy good pleasure unto zion build the wall of jerusalem then shall thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness with burnt offering an old burnt offering then shall they offer bullocks upon then altar glory to the name of the lord let us all pray hallelujah jesus hallelujah create in me a clean-up oh lord and renewed a right spirit hallelujah oh glory to god say create me a clean heart [Music] away from my presence o lord and take not thy holy spirit from me restored the joy of christ's salvation and renewing the right spirit within me can we sing that just one more time sing create me a clean [Music] heart oh lord and when and the right spirit within me lord created me [Music] full hearts hallelujah [Music] cast me not away [Music] please lord please lord take not thy holy spirit from me the joy of thy salvation and immunoright spirit [Music] hallelujah father haba father in the name of jesus christ of nazareth your holy begotten son will shed his blood and calvary cross so that we can have life out of it more abundantly we come to your father for you are god and you are god alone this morning you are the creator of heaven on earth you are the sovereign god this morning there's nothing hidden from you lord hallelujah and so we come almighty god to confess our sins oh god what the physical worshipers and the virtual worshipers lord god we come to confess our sin this morning hallelujah we come to consecrate yourself this morning before your holy presence lord god search us oh god in our hearts we pray try us their savior and our thoughts see if there's any wicked ways in us lord god cast it out and set us free this morning cleanse us from our own unrighteousness lord god let the fire of god purify us this morning in the name of jesus christ of nazareth help us almighty god to be worthy this morning to come before your presence oh god creating us a clean heart renewing our right spirit within us this morning cast us not away from your presence and take not your holy spirit from us this morning restored unto us the joy of our salvation this morning in the name of jesus christ of nazareth mighty god pull us close to you this morning in the name of jesus christ this song was hold me close so lord god almighty so i can feel your heartbeat this morning in the name of jesus christ of nazareth cleanse us lord cleanse the physical worship this morning cleanse the virtual worshipers this morning almighty god in the name of jesus christ purify us i must be pure this morning almighty god hallelujah jesus blood out all our transgressions blot out every sin this morning almighty god let the holy ghost search us this morning jesus who wanted us to search us this morning anything in us hallelujah this unlike god hallelujah wash it out with the blood of jesus christ this morning and almighty god so we can enter hallelujah unto the holy foolish to the lord god almighty because we know that no sin can come before your presence so god almighty take full control as we surrender everything to your father we give you all the praise we give you all the honor and we give you all the glory in jesus name glory to the most high god hallelujah we worship you jesus we worship you jesus we worship you jesus we worship you jesus hallelujah hallelujah come on let me hear you just sir give up a praise hallelujah let us just pick up the lord this morning come on let us just pick him up this morning hallelujah we worship he deserves hallelujah he deserves all the praise hallelujah he deserves all the glory hallelujah and he deserves all the honor god is indeed a good god can you testify that this morning can somebody just stand he's a good guy he's a good guy he's a good guy hallelujah the writer said all give thanks unto the lord for he is god hallelujah for his mercy endured forever hallelujah because of his mercies this morning why you and i are in his house this morning let us not take it for granted hallelujah our sins have come up so high before him but thank god this morning that he looks down hallelujah and when he looks down he did not see our sins but he saw the blood of his son jesus christ that covers our sins and for the reason this morning hallelujah i just feel i just gave him a praise this morning hallelujah i just feel like just give him a praise this morning hallelujah he has been too good to me for me not to give him praise he has been too good to you for you not to give him praise hallelujah don't let the enemy rob you of giving him the praise this morning hallelujah thank you very much you may be seated god bless you sister sherman for doing their devotion and exercise so heavily hallelujah we give god thanks god continue to bless you my dear sister bless the lord hallelujah if you believe that you have a testimony of god's goodness to you if you want to share the blessings that god has blessed you the deliverance that he has given to you that you think will be a blessing to someone i'm just gonna ask you to just go around the back and just speak with sister bennett all right we have room for maybe three or so two minutes so if you feel that you are blessed you have been blessed and you want to share within two minutes just me sister bennett at the back god bless you i just want to bless the lord and give him glory hallelujah my brothers and sisters god is good you know god is good and all that the lord desires from us is just to praise him so when we come into his house hallelujah we come to praise him i don't know what you came to do but when we get the opportunity right now we have about three of our brothers our members brothers and sisters that are lying called hallelujah god bless and rest their soul so the breath of god my brothers and sisters are flowing through us they would have given anything this morning to be taking your seat hallelujah so when we come in god's sanctuary i want to praise him i want to love him because this could just be my last day hallelujah i am not guaranteed tomorrow i don't know about you i am not guaranteed tomorrow so when i come in god's sanctuary i don't need nobody to tell me to praise god because when i pass on i don't want him to say you were in fasting today what about the praise how did you praise me ah you just sat we just sat and just looking to be entertained no we want to entertain any entertainment is we entertain in the presence of the lord i gotta amen for that bless the lord hallelujah so we wanna say blessed holy ghost we welcome you and i want everybody to say that this morning because he is the lord of this church whether we believe it or not he is the lord of this church so we are going to say blessed holy ghost we welcome you come on come alive my brothers and sisters blessed all egos come on blessed holy ghost yay [Music] [Music] say welcome holy spirit come and take control i give you the program holy spirit take it from me and have your way have your way holy spirit all have your way holy spirit we welcome you this morning hallelujah welcome father son and holy ghost welcome in this place welcome it's all about you god it's all about you it's nothing to do with us holy spirit it's all about you it's all about you so we welcome you holy spirit hallelujah we welcome you we welcome you holy ghost [Music] holy spirit hallelujah be present in our midst this morning lord welcome be presents a blessing we will be present to heal be present to deliver this morning holy ghost a be present to speak to yourself through your servant this morning in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hey in addition to the welcome i want to continue and i want to welcome all of you are seated before me this morning it's so good to see you all in the house of the lord one writer said it's joy and speakable and full of glory the half have never yet been told hallelujah so i want to give a special welcome you do well to come in in your father's house this morning and i am sure that if you give god what belongs to him he will give you what belongs to you hallelujah but if you with all what he is supposed to get then he will withhold from you what you are to receive from him hallelujah so it's a giving and receiving in both ways hallelujah so we welcome you do we have a first time visitor in the house this morning can we just see you standing if you're a first time visitor you can indicate you might not be a first time visitor but you are a visitor you're not a member of this church and you are here this morning can i see you standing hallelujah god bless you so ah hallelujah put your hands together for that sister we have another one at the back so we have two so we say god bless you we are happy to have you this morning and we do trust and hope that as you worship hallelujah as you give god the praise and the glory that you in turn will experience a new touch and a fresh touch from the hands of the lord hallelujah so for those of you are always coming i'm sorry you know that you're always welcome and i just want to say to our listeners and our viewers in the virtual space if you're a first time visitor if you are listening or logging on for the very first time we want to say to you that we are happy that you have linked with us hallelujah and i know that you are gonna receive a blessing so we say welcome to you those in the um virtual space we are always happy to have you listening and viewing us and god bless you as you spend the time with us hallelujah lift up the praises unto the most i god hallelujah wherever you are wherever you are in your space i want to tell you this morning that you can have an encounter hallelujah with the power and the presence of the holy ghost god bless you hallelujah just want to praise him to this time in this song and blessed holy ghost we welcome you hallelujah just one or two times as we stand up hallelujah blessed holy ghost we welcome you hallelujah welcome welcome welcome welcome our [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] oh [Music] oh oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] whatever [Music] welcome holy ghost we welcome you god bless you you may be seated hallelujah happy here we're gonna have a praise break and you know what while i see this word praise break i remember when we usually have um spring break and those young people would come from the usa you know when them touchdown and jamaica you know what kind of br them have here hallelujah anywhere the music is that's where they are because they come to leave it up and to party we're not going to any spring break in order to break out another world so the only break that we have is praise break so i don't want us to sit here and just watch the first team doing praise break i want you to praise break with them a little bit i want you to get up and get fire in your soul hallelujah and dance by david dance as their minister as we minister together in our praise break so everybody stand and join in with the praise team as we do our praise break to the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah rock of ages play for me [Music] [Music] say [Music] myself [Music] is [Music] you can say [Music] you can't [Applause] come on [Music] jesus is [Music] is [Music] shall ever pass [Music] everything every time i rise against me [Music] is [Applause] everybody praise the lord [Music] you can say you can [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i want you to know same time [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] from [Applause] [Music] myself [Music] from the wounded [Music] let me hide let me hide let me [Music] you can say [Music] [Music] hey [Music] hey and you know the power that you've got you can say come on everybody hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] come on in the name of jesus [Music] hey jesus [Music] hey oh hallelujah all your victories in your march your victories in your march your victories and your march hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah glory to god hallelujah oh jesus is the rock on which i stand hey jesus you are the rock on which we stand lord hallelujah all the rock of ages the rock of ages played for us this morning hallelujah i just feel a presence of the lord in this place hey god i have a program but i just feel like the presence of the lord just want to come in and enable some place oh god if we will just allow the praises of the presence of god hallelujah [Music] oh hallelujah you don't have to wait until reverend rob is the cop to pray that healing prayer all that deliverance prayer jesus is a solid rock on which we stand your deliverance is in your praise hallelujah your deliverance is in your praise hallelujah hallelujah oh hallelujah bless the lord o my soul jesus bless the lord o my soul hallelujah bless the lord bless the lord bless the lord bless the lord the praise god oh we give it a praise almighty god holy spirit you are welcome in this place welcome holy spirit welcome holy spirit oh you are welcome in this place your presence is here to heal to set free to deliver god we thank you we thank you we thank you oh hallelujah we have a rich part of intercessory prayer oh god we know that we can always come to the father hey hallelujah this is about prayer and fasting hey hallelujah prayer can break every chain hallelujah praying fasting can break every chain and give us the victory hallelujah and so we'll be looking at the men hallelujah and the youth oh god the men are hurting and so they take it out on the ladies oh god and they kill their loved ones oh god with the baby inside oh god we are reaching out for the man all the men of our society they need help oh and it's holy jesus alone can help them and so we're going to put their many youths before hallelujah the presence of almighty god hallelujah unemployment opportunities employment opportunities unemployment oh god many people have been laid off oh god even our brothers and sisters god knows all their manager oh hallelujah but we are praying for a breakthrough this morning in the name of jesus we are looking at stability in marriage oh hallelujah oh the word of god said well god has joined together let no man put asunder oh my god stability oh we need firmness strength oh god for the marriage relationships oh god and save loved ones hallelujah god desires that all men be saved and so as we stand and i go lead you into prayer in your hearts hallelujah you lift up you have your program hallelujah and we can just join hands and heart together so while i might be leading the prayer i want to hear the church reach out our souls prayer and fasting hallelujah and that's what we come here for so while i am praying you reach out on these points also and let's reach the lord together let us pray father hallelujah we come in your name the name which is above every other name at the name of jesus every knee shall bow hallelujah and every tongue shall confess that you are lord to the glory of god the father we thank you lord that we can always come to you you're never tired of hearing us you're never too busy lord god central never be seen you're always on the line and so god will come hallelujah we come we cry until you hear our cry hear my cry o lord hear our cry o lord attend unto our prayers we come to you from the ends of the earth when our hearts are overwhelmed lead us to the rock lord i'm sorry lead us to the rock lead us to the rock lord lead us to the rock lead us to the rock jesus you are the rock on which we stand represent the men we represent the youth oh god you know them you said young men i call upon you because you're strong oh god you desire men everywhere to come hallelujah oh god they are earthing some are not working and so stressed and distressed oh god oh god they are depressed oh god their minds are confused hallelujah and the men generally don't talk about their issues and so god they internalize it and end up hurting those who they love the most but god we are calling to you this morning from tree water lane we ask lord represent the men of our country the men in our churches oh god the youths of our country the youth in our churches we present them to you in the name of jesus and we ask lord that you will see oh god hallelujah and you will hear them father god i said cry to you lord many of them are crying to you and they are asking you to help them lord hear their cry oh god attend unto their prayers as they cry to you from the ends of the earth prove yourself strong and mighty to them lord there might be one that is thinking lord god even know that it doesn't make sense to be alive and so they might be thinking even at this moment to put a gun to their head to put a rope to their neck to drink grandma's zone and take something pointless to jump into the sea or the river but in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i command that spirit right now oh god that possessive spirit alleluia that confusing spirit right now to go in the name of jesus go in the name of jesus loose them and set them free by the power of the blood of jesus i plead the blood of jesus over jamaica men right now god oh god too much of them are in prison right now god our men they are full of so much potential oh god and they are in prison rotted but i pray god that even in prison you will go there and reach them and hell god i pray that you will oh god take them out oh god in their minds oh god free their minds lord let them hear the word of god if there is one watching in prison right now god oh holy spirit do a work in the hearts of those who are listening right now god in the name of jesus oh god employment opportunities we know that money answered all things hallelujah hallelujah and your desire lord that your people will not be beggars especially your children so we pray in the name of jesus that you will lose the resources you will open some opportunities lord in the name of jesus they will be called back to work opportunities will be open lord god that they will be able lord to earn money again lord you promise that you are our supplier and our provider and so we are asking you lord to supply the needs of your people for your words declare my god shall supply all our knees all our knees according to your riches in glory through christ jesus oh god you say call upon me and i will hear and i will answer and i will show you all great and mighty i am that i can open hallelujah rivers in the desert hallelujah hallelujah streams in a wilderness in the tribe places god you can bring about a change hallelujah we pray god for stability in marriage what you have joined together lord let no man put a sun down and so god we pray for the married couples we ask lord that you will give them oh god that that you that unity lord god that unity oh god that oneness that stability lord we know god that problems will come god because we are human and it's two two different persons two different minds but lord we ask that you will help them lord god to see you to seek you and to ask for your help that they will not turn to the right not to the left but they will lift up their eyes onto the hills from whence commit their help for all god our help coming from you god the one who made heaven and earth and you made marriage and if you make god you know that it can last lord we have seen people celebrating 38 39 40 49 50 60 years together god you can do it for those who are having problems turn it around god bring back the love of god oh god the love man of god called hallelujah but i pray god that you will renew that love in their hearts one for another lord we give you thanks that you are doing it even now and so god our unsaved family members lord we are here and we are enjoying the blessings and we are thinking that we are going to heaven lord god but oh oh comfortable are we oh god to know that our sons and our daughters our husbands our wives our mothers our father whoever god they are unsaved lord how can we be comfortable that we are on our way to heaven and they are on up their way to hell lord in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i mashed on that like god and i claim and saves our god anywhere they are as they hear the word of god lord jesus give them a divine encounter with you holy ghost because it's only you alone can save it's only you alone can break the chains god and give them victory so i ask lord in the name of jesus christ of nazareth that you will break the chains that bind them hallelujah let it drop off lord god move the scales from their eyes and let them see god oh god move move in their eyes lord in the name of jesus let them hear that still small voice saying to them behold i stand at the door and knock if any man will hear my voice and will open unto me i will come and i will sup with him and he with me and so we thank you lord that you have heard our prayers and lord these points that we have prayed for we believe i believe god that you will give us exceedingly abundantly above all that we can never ask or even imagine and so we thank you for deliverance we thank you for victory we thank you lord hallelujah that a man and the youths shall find their place in you we thank you that employment opportunity shall burst forth all around god we thank you that stability in marriage will come forth in the name of jesus and we thank you lord that our unsaved members family everywhere will come to know you as lord and savior father we bless you we worship you and we honor you and we say amen and amen amen amen can we see amen if you believe can i hear you say amen come on if you believe that god has heard us let me hear you say amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i still say for those who um have your testimony let me hope that you have responded and have contacted sister bennett at the back do whatever mr davis in the house mr davis mr davis all right i was told that mr davis a visitor came in after if you are here or anyway is that you sir bless the lord happy to have you sir god bless you a blessing awaits you in the house this morning hallelujah all right so i'm sure that we're not tired of praising the lord and i'm sure that i praised him they are not tired of singing and so they'll be coming again to lead us in another section of praise break hallelujah bless you lord hallelujah hallelujah shall we bless the name of the lord shall we exalt the name of the lord he's god and his god alone hallelujah how do we want to praise him because he's got an iran supreme he reigns victorious could your stand as we watch the lord together as we sing this hymn praise him praise him hello jesus our blessed redeemer lord the most high god hallelujah hallelujah praise him praise him jesus our blessed redeemer [Music] singing go like the shepherd jesus will guard his children in his arms he carries them all day long [Music] joyful [Music] suffered and [Music] jesus [Music] wonderful [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] mighty and strong wonderful come on [Applause] [Music] [Music] carries them all [Music] joyful [Music] it's all about praising the lord hallelujah hallelujah is archangels in glory hallelujah praise and praise him the angels are 24 sevens hallelujah is all about praise and it says that when we reach heaven the angels will fold their wings hallelujah because they do not know the joy that full salvation brings my sisters and my brothers so that's why i'm saying start practice from now to give the praises because when you go up to heaven up your prayers is up there pure praises if you're tired of prayers friends know when up there is not for you and it's not for me i'm not can't continue on five minutes of praise to god are you gonna do forever and everyone never praises ah there is no time to sit down up there hallelujah so we better get used to it now hallelujah bless the lord hallelujah bless the lord so um before i go to the testimonies there's another person i'm down in the audience sister perry who is visiting the fasting for the first time can i see sister perry standing bless the lord thank you put your hands together and bless her happy to have you my dear sister and god bless you as you worship with us today okay i take it that this is our guest speaker reverend dr stella davis god bless you sir we're happy to have you and your companions bless you my brothers god bless you put your hands together for our guest speaker hallelujah reverend dr stenet who we will hear more about and the two young men young men i call upon you because you're strong hallelujah so we give god thanks and any other visitors who came in after the welcome another visitor came in after the welcome bless the lord hallelujah amen all right so at this time where is pastor wilson passover [Laughter] you know i heard um sister sister benny told me something about pastor wisdom so honestly i'm looking there turning around i'm trying to identify apostles i'll tell you i hope you come out of this mass business stand up again for my pastor will say god bless you put your hands together hallelujah our previous youth pastor is in the house hallelujah reverend kevin wilson god bless you sir happy to have you amen you're going to say young man i call upon you because you're strong i still give it to you because you're young hallelujah at this time we are going to go right into our testimonies and i'm sure that you have been briefed all right so at this time and praise him is gonna work with me here i have four testimonies and you know it's a two-minute start right so the first person that i'll be calling on his sister foster will be coming to give your testimony and following sister foster we will have sister karen blake and then sister cummings and then sister rose campbell so we go in that order and please please what a mighty god we serve what a mighty god we still [Music] one more time say what a mighty god [Music] [Music] just go to the mic thank you hallelujah i'm no stranger [Music] a very very long years and who believe that god raised the dead i am one of them right i find myself very healed sometimes i don't even know and sometimes at one time i i was alone i'd drop off the bed and i couldn't get up and i lied on in my mind and i said god you can carry your child on sofa and to kill him now and let the enemy have control and i was there there was someone else in the house but he wasn't paying me any mind and i lied there and i got up about 12 o'clock in the night and i got up the liquor thing that was to do in the house i said guys i went to vietnam right that twelve o'clock in the night you couldn't believe me was lying down yeah i'm gonna get up i'd rather get up and i pray with money i say thanks be to god um you don't bring me here to leave me and many times the other day last month i don't know if i took up one not three back seats i don't know if he did for two months i was all right and then in last month no i get up and i feel a feeling that i can't walk and going down like that like going down like that i said to a roommate of mine you know make me break stop inaudible you send me a good hospital you say you want me to say me one going what god is with me and i took a taxi and i went to the hospital and i registered the nurse them have me run and run and run and run i said to the nurse one of the nurse nurse let me tell you something when i don't come up here i don't come up here you know let me get up here you better mistake me home and do and talk with god and lie down and die in peace so what are you doing for me until the doctor came and i sat down here two nights and here not sleeping uh oh lady at the head of 70 80 years old and the cheer with dripping my hands and i gotta to meditation of inquiry and doctors are going to have to take a test and take us to muktais and all those things and hear me i walk from the hospital and they put them what was leaning like straight down down the parade i stopped with some dead sister at worst and i sat down and hear a man praising god and i know god is good and he can do many many times i saw my grave but god don't read me because i don't finish with him yet amen wonderful god a great big wonderful god he's always victorious always watching over a celebrating wonderful always watching over hallelujah praise the lord i just want to give god thanks and praise for his goodness to me from school start online my little granddaughter she always have problem to do our schoolwork i have to leave my phone give her many times and god bless her with a tablet for her own self now i have access back to my fault i just want to give god glory and honor that he is a blessing in our life amen he's my rock my sword my shield is a wheel in the middle of the wheel easily of the valley the brightest oh the brightest morning oh oh oh lord sister cummings and sister rose campbell have you changed your mind is that a person coming hallelujah two minutes two minutes please it's the coins and brother thomas and sister mark um ellis and brother ellis and pastor malcolm they come and they usually violate me and then work and i tell god i say god i'm going to put on the um the key and i'm not going to work with it again i need your strength bedring and not even realize i know that i still have the kill so i just packed it one child and here we are this morning so we have to give god the praise and the honor for the healing in jesus name bless the lord hallelujah [Music] shall we praise the lord hallelujah shall we bless you hallelujah happy to be in god's house let us stand and give god a great praise hallelujah glory to god hallelujah it's such a joy to be back in the house of the lord after one year not coming to fasting because of kovi but look what the lord has done he has kept us in our right mind he has been our protector he has been my doctor god is a good god and because of that i just want to live for him i just want to praise him when you think of it bret drain cove with calm and we could wipe out but god kept us it's not that we have done anything good but it's because of the love of god god is a good god and he's worthy to be praised today all that i am and all that i ever be cannot repay the debt that i hold i hold it all to him and for that course i mean to follow jesus the lord bless you god bless you my sister hallelujah we give god thanks for those testimonies the word of god says that we overcome by our testimony and by the blood of the lamb so whenever god has done anything for us hallelujah we ought to give him praise hallelujah we cannot be ungrateful let us not be like the one um the nine lepers who did not return to give god thanks hallelujah but let's be like that one who sought fit to come back and say thank you jesus for what you have done for me put your hands together and bless the lord for those testimonies god bless you god is indeed a good god hallelujah this time i am going to ask some reverend kevin wilson to greet us for two minutes and after that reverend there are neil lewin to also greet us in that order and bef while pastor wilson's coming i just want to say welcome to our pastor god bless you sir happy to have you god bless you servant of god hallelujah bless the lord everybody hallelujah lord jesus let us bless the lord hallelujah it's not a cliche no a blessing because god is a good god let me greet the honorable reverend bishop robinson and dr stennett davis greetings and my young fellow minister is a sharp quick victory testimony i want to encourage somebody who are here and the thousands that subscribe watching whether you're watching no or later that if you are praying about something don't stop don't stop from last year march my wife was working at a well-known hotel nice steady job profit come then lay her off i have been praying from last year much asking god to give her a good work amen one that you can't go to our church and one that pay a big dollar stoop of course and from laws here we send an application and send an application and let me tell you man like it does i hit the ceiling and come back nothing then color back for one two three month and then later off then then put her off for good and as a mana work and it worked me get for the mirror because guess what i'm a wife i'm a little son and i do every god thing possible because we have to make them eat and drink and live all right of course are we satisfied well god bless you don't eat sometimes we give god thanks hunger with bed but i still have it in my belly that god is going to come through and about four weeks you know four weeks ago or so somebody said to our they're gonna be the champion old sale or whatever in kingston coming to mobe like it's tomorrow is the interview the person said apply when we apply the night the email bounce back wrong email address but i sit right down beside her in the city and i said to her and say here what are you doing my wife you must apply for a manager position she said to me said well my husband will never reckon i might have positioned me said my wife no argue with your husband he said my wife listen to a man of god let me say here what you do apply for a man is a position now he said write it man me now move till i write it and when we write it we drove down to the place at the interview the manager come on said did you get that call we said no mom but we come still she said come in man she says sign up the document and i bought a week later then call and say is this camille brown wilson she said yes they said you have been chosen to be the assistant manager of the store of the company wait a very good package he's a miracle working god almighty and i want to encourage somebody who have been praying you better don't stop in jesus christ's name god bless you in jesus name hallelujah lord hallelujah what almighty god we serve hallelujah hallelujah i'm sorry i'm not sorry i've answered [Music] i'm not sorry at all i'm not sorry i'm not sorry jesus took my heavy lord now i'm on the glory road [Music] hallelujah praise the lord let me greet this noble house in the mighty name of jesus let me greet bishop robinson bishop davis reverend wilson and all you wonderful saints in christ greetings it is good to be in the presence of the lord to worship him in spirit and in truth if you would spare me just one minute to share a brief testimony i will do so praise the lord you know the holy spirit is somebody you can send an assignment two sundays ago i got up my wife ironed from saturday night but i woke up sunday morning and was getting ready for church and i picked out a tie and i said i want to wear this tie to church so i plugged in the iron and i just kind of just brush it over the tie we jumped into the car and you know from church is like 30 minutes drive and while we're almost at church something came back to me and i said babes did i plug out the iron she said i don't know i didn't even know that you're using iron this morning but anyways it's like i heard the devil said to me when you shouldn't buy your own a house you have to go build back people house and right there again i said holy spirit may i send you to christiana just take charge at home for me we went to church and we had a good time in the presence of the lord and we went home sunday afternoon i didn't even remember i was so happy that everything was all right i didn't even remember to check if the iron was on or not monday morning about 11 30 i was in the back room where the iron was and i was folding up some clothing and i heard a ticking sound and then i turned around remembering everything about the iron when i looked at the iron brothers and sisters it was still plugged in it was still hot it was still placed face down on the iron board on a piece of sheet that was spread on the iron board when i lifted up the spot where it was it was dark almost black i lifted my hands and i said thank you holy spirit you took charge from yesterday even till this morning it could only be god god bless you brothers and sisters hallelujah oh hallelujah what almighty god we serve always victorious always watching over us what almighty god i want to say to you that if you will believe you will receive and i want to say god can dash if you dash so god can do it if you will believe it god bless you thanks for those testimony moving along at this time we'll be going to our other intercessory prayer where we'll be praying for earthing and abused women earthing and abused children and hurting family members and this will be done by sister nikki reed god bless you hallelujah as we join her in prayer hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i greet you well this morning before i go into my intercessory prayer i would like to read the victory testimonies from our virtual worshipers hallelujah narissa welch is reporting victory she took her documents on the day that bishop requested and she drew a picture of a driver's license and she has received that license and she is reporting from the usa hallelujah we give god all the glory colton nelson and michael charles sends their thanks for prayers prayed they are doing much better today sir jean sent requests a month ago about jobs she was requesting jobs and now she has been offered two jobs that she can choose which one she wants to work isn't god good hallelujah audrey's daughter is now out of the hospital and doing well she sends her thanks to bishop and the prayer team for praying to shane whittingham got into the university of his choice his mother says thanks to the montego bay new testament church of god for praying patricia treasure did surgery and is out of the hospital and doing well we give god all the glory all the honor and all the praise ebal in canada received healing in her right foot she sent in prayer requests two weeks ago and now she's doing well she's reporting victory healing in the name of jesus hallelujah marital morris has been in and out of the hospital for the last six weeks she is doing much better now and she wants to give thanks to god and she sends her best regards to bishop royal robinson and the prayer warriors hallelujah julius swanson and edisha results came back normal no trace of cancer isn't our god great isn't our god good isn't our god all together lovely hallelujah we glorify him in this place we worship him in this place and we give him thanks for the victory victory in the name of jesus glory hallelujah thank you jesus glory to god hallelujah hallelujah glory to god it is good to hear these victory testimonies reading names week after week reading people's name and their issues week after week but when we get a victory testimony it's like heaven's gateway has opened and he has poured out his blessings and our prayers have been answered we give him all the thanks we give him all the glory we give him all the praise hallelujah hallelujah i am here also this morning to do the intercessory prayer for hurting and abuse women hurting and abuse children hurting family members the bible says suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not children are a heritage of the lord philippians 1 verse 16 tells me being confident in this very thing that he who was started a good work in me will complete it unto the day of jesus christ all those that have been abused or are being abused be confident in this one thing that the lord will strengthen you he will renew you he will keep you he will satisfy you he says all vengeance belongs to him so trust him this morning while you are going through your problems it is real it [Music] is [Music] my doubts are settled [Music] yes it's real it's real [Music] [Music] and i know yes it's real it is [Applause] [Music] my doubts are central [Music] glory to the living god hallelujah please keep standing in the sanctuary as we lift our petition to the most high and righteous god the one who never fails us jesus who is standing at the right hand of our father as our intercessor interceding pleading on our behalf this morning we are going to lift this petition together i will lead out but your prayers will go up in the atmosphere we cramp and paralyze the words of the enemy this morning we destroy the prince of persia this prayer must go up and not be held back like daniel's prayer this morning we clear the airway we clear the atmosphere we clear the territories this morning in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah holy news hallelujah righteous heavenly father we come in your presence this morning god we bow in adoration to you mighty king we lift your name on high because you are the most high priest this morning we are petitioner will be lifted up unto you god no other help we know this morning oh king of all kings righteous leader just georgia the majestic one alpha and omega jovaci emmanuel this morning we come before you we have no other help we asked god to lift up our hands up we are weak but you are strong and mighty god glory to god we cry out from of a new testament church of god three waterline to be examined you know this location god we are gathered together lord to lift their petitions to pray to praise to worship you god this morning father we cannot do it on our own so we cry out for help in jesus name mighty god we present this morning hurting and abuse women jesus the woman that bears the children the woman that packed the lunch bags the woman that bathes the kids the woman that gets her husband dressed the woman that prays for her family the woman that seller wears by the roadside the woman that holds the managerial position the woman that domesticate and clean the house we bring the petition of the abused woman to you this morning god many cry out in silence jesus many cried publicly god almighty god this morning your only hope of defense jesus is you we ask you god to strengthen the arm of the woman this morning mighty god hide there in a secret pavilion hide almighty god under your feathers be the rock and a strong tower unto her this morning mighty god resuppended almighty god in those homes that the women are being abused jesus i ask you this morning abuse that father god will come to know you god will surrender the anger that he has within him to the power and the will of almighty god i pray for surrender of anger to the will of god this morning concerning the abuse to women mighty god this morning the woman covers in the corner the woman hides her face in defense the woman is hidden she's hurt she's crying god by this morning mighty god we know that you said in your word jesus that he will lift up out of the horrible peter repeat of embarrassment they picked up this grace the pit of shame the pit of unworthiness the pit of low self-esteem this morning god you will rise up jesus you will lift her up with your mighty hand you will place your feet upon a solid rock and you will establish your going this morning mighty god you said there is a means of escape there is no sin that is new upon this earth the mighty god opener we have escaped for the women that have been abused that have been being emotionally disgraced mighty god we ask the rise of strength and power in the women this morning god american esther out of a woman this morning god make a rahab out of a woman this man in god rise up the women mighty god you said vengeance is yours god this morning i want you to avenge some problems for some women that are going through this morning god vengeance to the attacker vengeance to the abuser unless he does not almighty god submitter and surrender his anger to your will god enter the host this morning jesus send your holy spirit god to envy the territory of the who on this man and god remove the machiata remove the gun lessen the strength of the feasts let the harm go or come down let the food that go out relax no power for the wicked this morning god peace in the home jesus i lift up the abused children god many of them are at home they are not going to school god they are being let loose there is no the supervision children god suffer them to come unto you tell them to forbid them not let them get to watch the program on tv on the youtube sunday service sunday school mighty god many of them are being left with uncles and brothers and neighbors that are abusing them hallelujah sexual immorality towards the children god i ask you this morning to protect the little ones cover them under your blood jesus rise up someone to rescue them god help us not to keep silent jesus let us open our mouth and cry out for the children this morning god cry out for help for the children this morning god many of them are being abused emotionally almighty god the words we use to them are wrong life and death is in the power of the tongue if you tell them they're worthless they will become worthless if you tell them they're good for nothing they will be good for nothing speak alive i speak life all the children this morning daddy oh god almighty despite your angers god to encounter them jesus they cannot help themself god they are the minority because they are children mighty god when they speak let us believe them god let us hold him at their word god let us move out god report the abusers forget about the shame forget about the embarrassment report the abusers jesus give us the strength god to stand up for our children mighty god as i lift up mighty god hurting family members almighty god hurting is a broad word hurting is financially hurting us emotionally hurting us physically almighty god but we know that you're a good god a great god all good gifts come from your god father god replenish your spirit restore their minds cover the multitude with love cover the multitude of sin with love god when you are hurting god and choose the wrong thing but this morning father i know that you are a god who will not give us almighty god stoned for bread our serpent for a fish when our earthly father foresee a course lord you will not do that unto us so almighty god this morning restore the hurting family members god financially open doors physically restore the body mighty god emotionally help them to find peace in your word god your word is peace your word is light your word is a life it will restore the broken spirit god is murdered restore god restoration to the hurting family members this morning sometimes it's a grandmother that needs help it's not being helped it's not been fed it's not been taken care of risk to work on restore mighty god and do a new thing this morning god i ask you this morning to torture each and every person on this request god you know them by name god you know their location hurting and abuse women hurting family members abuse children god look at them you have a spiritual reader locate the media territories god i come against a redeemed force that will try to hinder them lord from coming to your true room of grace and prayer i come against every demonic force that is coming against them lord in force and sweetness to us suddenly in your life this man in god do something suddenly for them in jesus name mighty god but i failed to request this morning what i failed to ask you this morning mighty god you know the heart intent so we give you thanks and praise for coming through almighty god we worship you because you're a good god unto us almighty god you are saved that is morning save the unsaved breed upon your people have your way this morning in jesus mighty precious name hallelujah we worship god we glorify him we thank him enough hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah oh can we just lift our hands hallelujah hallelujah can we just lift our hands hallelujah as we just embrace the presence of the lord in this place hallelujah glory be to your name jesus hallelujah hallelujah we give you thanks oh god hallelujah we give you thanks oh god hallelujah hallelujah god bless you god bless you god bless you i want to let you know that prayer changes things hallelujah i want to let you know that nothing is impossible with god hallelujah though it might seem as if there is no way out but i want to say to us that when we intercede when we supplicate hallelujah on behalf oh hallelujah of our people on behalf of the knees hallelujah that are replaced before god if we believe hallelujah that he can do it he will do it and so lift your hands and just say thank you jesus thank you hallelujah for answering our prayers come on thank you thank you jesus for answering our prayers hallelujah hallelujah at this time the praise team will be coming on to lead us into the final praise break and immediately after they finish sister jennifer bright will be coming on to bless us with a high temp god bless you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise god come on shall we bless the name of the lord we give you praise we give you all and we give you glory we magnify you there's no god like jehovah we give our highest praise hallelujah we bless your name almighty god [Music] hallelujah [Music] for the lord god almighty [Music] [Applause] for the lord [Music] hallelujah [Music] what is [Music] [Music] is [Applause] this morning we give the highest praise king of kings a lot of lords conquering of the tribe of judah for the lord [Music] praise is is [Music] [Music] is we worship you jesus we worship your jesus [Music] hallelujah hallelujah we bless the name jesus jesus jesus jesus hallelujah hallelujah oh jesus you are god from beginning you are god from beginning no place for argument [Music] you are god almighty [Music] [Music] argument you are guarded by yourself you are god [Music] [Music] you've got time and seasons in your head [Music] out of darkness and you don't need [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] by yourself [Music] foreign [Music] you call for [Music] but you have chosen [Music] [Music] from [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah jesus you are god hallelujah you are god you are god you are god from beginning unto the end lord and there's no place for argument this morning you are god all by yourself are you seated on your throne unshakable unbreakable unstoppable you are god all by yourself we worship you jesus we worship you jesus we worship you ouch we worship you almighty god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah good morning sins of god hey jesus i know we all have a cross to carry and let us carry her across this morning and give god the glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah glory to your name jesus hallelujah thank you jesus i woke one day along a country road and there are [Music] beneath the burdens [Music] it was a cross a cross i knew [Music] take [Music] [Music] stay [Music] when she [Music] till the crowd [Music] himself shall wipe away our tears and pray the fellowship with friends [Applause] and follow me [Music] [Applause] [Music] when she till the crowd [Applause] [Music] himself shall wipe away [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] okay [Music] and follow me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah take up the cross and follow me hallelujah ask the question today are you willing to take up your cross hallelujah and follow christ the word of god said if any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross the cross sometimes might be heavy and you wanted to trade it for someone else's cross but i tell you you better carry your cross hallelujah until he calls you home i'm sure the holy spirit the presence of the holy spirit will be right there to help me and to help you to bear the cross no matter how heavy it might seems to be lift your hands and just magnify the lord and thank him that he is right there to help us to bear our every cross hallelujah so on your program you might see intercessory prayer and you might wonder why i missed it but don't worry yourself all right that will be coming further down so at this point in time it was good to be your moderator and i am gonna decrease and allow our blessed servant of god a man that i dearly admired and loved from the first day i saw him outside there when he came the first day i just fall in love with this man and pastor i just want to tell you i love you hallelujah and i love your entire family god bless you and so he's coming right here now let's continue to pray for him he has it a heavy load to carry but i know that if we put him in our prize when we go down on our knees don't forget to pray for the man of god he needs our prayer so he'll be coming on right here to introduce to us hallelujah our guest speaker and take it there on god bless you sir god bless you [Music] to sing [Music] come on somebody raise those hands in the fast in service [Music] come on everybody one last time come on to sing [Music] glory to praises [Music] [Music] hallelujah come on from behind those masks we can give you a healthy hallelujah come on come on when it comes on to hallelujah we have no time we pay no tax come on come on come on just just just raise your bold hands in the house raise up both hands in the house and give him a praise give him a praise in the fasting service give him a praise in the fasting service give him a praise in the fasting service whether you are a physical worshiper or a virtual worshiper all across england canada america the caribbean india pakistan oh lord jerusalem palestine oh god almighty come on france germany someone australia you are tuning into this fasting service now come on somebody come on let's take half a minute more give him a praise our hallelujah belongs to him keep it going organism here's the drummer come on our hallelujah belongs to him allah hallelujah belongs to him our praise belongs to him when the praises go up then the blessings shall come down [Music] hallelujah hallelujah it is said that the devil trembles whenever he sees the weakest saint on his knees but may i add to that he is confused when the church worship god hallelujah come on somebody is confused he is disoriented when the church praise god he cannot tap into the praise called somebody worship the lord praise the lord you may be seated glory to god quickly it's the preacher's time but what a marvelous job of a moderator has pulled off today amen she's not only in the physical space but all she meet the quality and the requirement oh lord of the demand worldwide come on everybody put your hands together for sister young marvelous job marvelous job i quickly greet the council members who are here and those who are viewing from a distance you are you are a wonderful set and we give god thanks for you our fasting coordinator deaconess bennett and her deputy sister reed they work around the clock to ensure that the fasting ministry is up going running amen and shining for the glory of god put your hands together for these two ladies and your team i am extremely happy for them glory to god we have in the house we have in the house uh reverend bishop wilson and the reverend lewin you heard from them already and we are happy to have them in the house worshipping god with us amen amen amen the the engineer is tuning this microphone but oh i want it to be at its optimum level i said some months ago progressively let us not bash the prime minister he has a job to do let us pray for him amen and i realized that the more we pray for the prime minister he and his advisors they add more to the worshipping amen little by little by little amen and we are wonderfully happy for the announcement that was made yesterday as it relates to church that few more can turn up to the house of god to seek his face to praise his name to hand over their lives to the lord can we give god thanks can we give god hands i am convinced kovid will not win because the god that we serve is bigger and greater than kovid come on somebody amen upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church of the living god somebody put your hands in the here and give the lord a handclap of praise argoness help me come on come on praise him praise him praise him praise him praise him in the morning praise him all day long i feel like praising praise oh lord somebody's not there with me glory to god glory to god listen church we have one of god's champion in the house today all the way out of manchester newport where he passed us the district overseer for the newport district of churches uh dr stennett davis is a great man of god he was my deputy as the national director of evangelism amen we rub shoulders together in seminary amen and he did a marvelous job currently he holds a doctoral degree amen in transformational leadership article genuine doctoral degree amen but the beauty about it he doesn't walk with a trip on his shoulder amen he allowed god to go ahead of him and he remains humble behind her almighty god a preacher extraordinaire an anointed servant of god a principle by by i don't know it's choice but a great principle in the educational sector amen a teacher by profession also amen but bless be god he has men with uh who is multiple talented yet still they maintain their pentecostal touch they maintain their tongue talking under the anointing of the holy ghost they maintain their shout their dancing and their holy ghost preaching he sweetly married and the union produced two boys great family it is my joy and pleasure to present to the three water lane congregation and almost a thousand person life right now viewing online the word or the servant of god to preach the word today open your heart open your spirit and let god speak to you let us all rise together and receive god's choice servant dr stennett davis in care of the holy ghost [Applause] hallelujah once from my forcing six so [Music] now i want ready and hold [Music] hand in hand which [Music] praise hand in god along the way [Music] hand in hand with jesus can we do that first verse again once from my once from my sins walk hallelujah and hold on hallelujah yes lord hallelujah can we lift our hands and raise our voices [Music] lord yes hallelujah [Applause] [Music] can we praise the lord brothers and sisters while you're still standing can we turn our bibles to the book of acts chapter 27. while we're trying to find that scripture that takes that chapter i want to use the opportunity to sincerely greet the presence of the lord that is with us and that is among us praise god somebody praise the lord somebody praise the lord it's good to be in waterlane hallelujah it's good to be with god's choice servant bishop ruel robinson and his family i want to greet the leadership the team behind him or the team with him we declare forward still be it jehovah's will somebody praise god one agreed the saints gathered here today want to greet those who are in virtual space through varying platforms i greet you well today i want to greet reverend wilson and to really embrace you in that testimony worship with you in that testimony somebody praise god one agreed reverend lewin who journeyed with me and brother sapoton out of manchester to be with god's people today i am here for no other reason but to worship god lift up your hands and say devil i refuse to do nothing else today but to worship god just lift your hands like you're shutting down something in the atmosphere oh hallelujah just bring it down bring it down bring it down hold it somebody worship jehovah just make a 360 degrees turn and charge this atmosphere for divine worship yes sir somebody shout hallelujah make another 360 degrees turn and declare a hallelujah yes sir yes sir yes sir what about the third time make another turn and declare a hallelujah yes holy ghost thank you ah acts chapter 27 let us start from verse nine now when much time was spent and when sailing was now dangerous because the fast was now already past paul admonished them and said unto them sirs i perceive that this voyage will be with hurt and much damage not only of the lady and ship but also of our lives nevertheless the centurion believed the master and the owner of the ship more than those things which were spoken by paul and because the haven was not commodious to winter in the more parts advised to depart then also if by any means they might attend to finis and there to winter which is an haven of crete and leith toward the southwest and northwest verse 13. when the south wind blew softly supposing that they had obtained their purpose losing vents their sail closed by creed but not long after their arose against it a tempestuous wind called your racleton somebody praise god somebody praise god let the church attempt pestious wind let us jump over to verse 21 for time's sake but after long abstinence paul stood forth in the midst of them and said sirs he should have hearken unto me and not have loosed from crete and to have gained this harm and loss but now i exhort you to be of good chair hallelujah for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you but of the ship almighty god for there stood by me this night the angel of god whose i am and whom i serve saying fear not paul thou must be brought before caesar no god hath given thee all them that sailed with thee we move over to the very last verse of the text 44 and the rest some on boards some unbroken pieces of the ship but it came to pass that they escaped all safe to land somebody glorify god somebody glorify god lift your hands open your mouth and declare fear not christ is in the crisis oh declare it once more fear not christ is in the crisis lord may you add your blessings to your words may you anoint this lump of clay marred vessel to bring glory to your name for this specific assignment thank you for using me lord in jesus name amen you may be seated brothers and sisters fear not christ is in the crisis a crisis is a time of intense difficulty or danger a crisis is an emotionally charged situation to which a difficult or important decision must be made bryant mcgill argues or postulates that a crisis is what suppressed pain looks like it always comes to the surface it shakes you into reflection and healing for the faith-believing community i am of the affirmative that a crisis is an opportunity for our great god to demonstrate his power on our behalf and to teach us a lesson that we could not learn in any other way somebody praise god paul our subject for this text learns through crisis let the church say crisis paul learns through crisis what he would never have learned any other way it is interesting to note that god often brings us into crisis to teach us a lesson jesus did so with the rich young ruler by confronting him with his failure to love god enough paul does this in romans when he brings us under conviction before he shares the good news with us yes a crisis is a teachable moment to the contrary instead of a teachable moment a crisis can also be an opportunity for great danger let the church a great danger the question to our hearts this afternoon is what do we do in times of crisis where do we oh god who do we turn to in the times of crisis somebody praise god if we look across this nation if we look across the education landscape if we look across this world we are seeing communities countries the entire world in a crisis it is a known fact that the corona virus has led to great worry panic and fear in jamaica the monster of crime and violence is a crisis mother's day we lost a young girl hallelujah father's day we lost another young girl because there is a crisis in the land somebody praise god we look among us we see corruption we see shattered family structures we see stagnation of economies we see psychosocial issues you name it they are all on the increase can the church say we are in a crisis brothers and sisters may i bring to our hearts this afternoon that a crisis is something that belongs to the human race i am yet to meet anyone who can boast of being totally free from crisis it is one of the common denominators that link everyone who has lived that link everyone who is living and everyone who will ever come to this earth to live somebody praise god ask job about it and job would tell you in job chapter 5 7 man is born unto trouble job went down to chapter 14 and he said man that is born of a woman is off a few days to live and full of nothing but trouble open your mouth and say you can't escape trouble for a man that is born unto a woman is oh god almighty is born unto trouble trouble plagues the human race brothers and sisters let us say trouble come on open your mouth and it look like some people don't you're not going through trouble if you're having a crisis to the stand upon the crisis a man that is born of a woman is full of nothing but trouble somebody praise god in alliance with the subject of our text i feel an anointing coming on to preach today very few people today have experienced as many difficulties in their life as paul did second corinthians 11 verse 23 to 28 sums up some of the crisis that paul went through paul shares some of his experience with crisis paul said five times i have received at the hands of the jews fourth stripe save one three times i have been beaten with rods once i was stoned hallelujah three times i have been shipwrecked a night and a day i have been adrift at sea let the church say crisis let the church declare crisis on my journeys i have often been in danger from rivers robbers my own people the jews the gentiles falls brethren and the sea somebody praise god i have been in constant toil and a hardship with many sleepless nights literally sleepless nights i am often in hunger and tours without food this sounds like a crisis i am often in cold and exposure without warm clothes to protect me from the elements and always upon me there is the pressure of the care of the church somebody praised god but troubles could not put paul down he refused to be defeated by them they failed in detouring him from serving god and so paul recorded in second corinthians 4 verse 8 we are trotted on every side but not in distress perplexed but not in despair somebody lift your hands and praise god around here somebody lift your hands and praise god around here i know you're surrounded by some crisis but still possibly still look good i am troubled on every side but i'm not in distress [Music] oh lord god almighty somebody help me to praise god around here there are some enemies who believe that your trouble would show up on your face day after day but look the enemy in the face oh god today spiritually and declare devil i have some troubles but may still look good i am not in this choice where are the worshipers come on stand up and say devil you've tried it but i'm not in distress trouble on every side but not in distress brothers and sisters why do you think some of us can smile why do you think some of us oh god are so good at allowing clothes to look good for another close make summer we look good we make clothes look good it's because we are troubled on every side but not in distress i feel a worship or somebody praise god open your mouth and declare i have some troubles i am troubled on every side but i'm not in this race brothers and sisters according to the text one could conclude that there are three types of storms or crisis that comes into the life of the believer crisis number one or storm number one is a storm or a crisis that we bring unto ourselves some troubles that we are going through how we cause it by ourselves somebody walk your mouth and see a true pastor for somebody would have warned you a prophet would have warned you an elderly lady in the church would have warned you a family member would have warned you there are those of us going through some crisis that we would have caused on ourselves this second set of crisis or storm is that which is caused by others there are some of us who are going through some storms that we didn't cause on ourselves somebody else caused it somebody praised god and the third type of crisis or storm that hits the ship of the believer is the storm that god allows there are some storms that are chosen by jehovah god somebody lift your hands and praise god i really don't care today if you cause the storm for yourself or somebody calls it or jesus is allowing it i'm here to declare to you there is a christ for every crisis somebody will come out and say yes there is a cries for every crisis and so let me hurry on with the text by giving you a little of the background paul is on his way to rome to be a witness of jesus christ to those of us whom have decided to be a witness of christ we must be prepared to face storms and crisis paul is going as a prisoner because of his appeal to caesar a roman centurion named julius who was of the royal guard has been given the responsibility to see that paul gets to rome there are other prisoners traveling with him julius seems to respect paul and treated him very kindly just giving you a background when they had stopped in sidon he allowed paul the freedom to visit with the christians who were there the churning up the coast has been slow because they were sailing into the winds meaning they were moving forward with the wind against their direction this sounds like a crisis have you ever been there oh god you're battling downhill but the winds are against you you're paddling upstream but the winds are against you somebody praise god the story said that they finally arrived to the port in myra where they got on a larger cargo ship that was transporting grain from egypt to italy they were still having trouble with the winds thus the journey was very slow there are some wind going against the sail of some of our lives they might slow us down but they cannot stop for though the vision tariffs it must come to pass somebody get up and said yes hallelujah it's just a delay and not god's denial lord god almighty oh god woke me up and said help me lord not to complain the winds are against me they are slowing me down but i'm destined to appear before caesar oh that was about josiah somebody worship god somebody worship god somebody worship god come on open your mouth and say the winds are against me the winds are against the direction that god is taking you there are some winds going against the direction that god is taking you but stand still there is a christ in the midst of your crisis hallelujah they finally arrived at a place called fair haven but because it was getting late in the year paul warned them about trying to go any further but the captain and owner of the ship with the crew convinced the centurion that they knew more about the seas than paul so they set sail they had hardly begun the journey before a north easterner began to blow it was almost of hurricane force they took some action they decided to take some physical actions they could not bear up with the wind so they decided to just let the wind drive them they undergirded the ship with ropes and begun to throw overboard the tackling to lighten the ship so that they could ride higher on the wind but the bible said after many days the storms had not abided somebody praised god and they began to give up hope of ever making it out of the storm alive they began to give up hope of ever making it out of the storm alive this sounds like a crisis a life and death situation i'm speaking to a viewer today you are standing in a crisis a life and death situation god told you that you will get to the other side but what you're seeing is death what do you do when what you're seeing is different from what god told you jesus christ can i worship our worship god what do you do when what you're seeing is different from what you heard from god [Music] it was a real life and death situation somebody praise god but may i bring to you three oh god almighty suggestions that i believe that paul used in the midst of this crisis to conquer death and to arrive safely to his god-given destiny the first one is paul took charge of the situation with the anchor of god's presence let the church say presence let the church say presence oh somebody glorify god brothers and sisters they are those of us bearing the mark of the lord jesus christ in our body we need to stand up and take charge of some situations around us oh god we have we would have delayed the process for too long there are some of us who should have made a sharp rebuke long ago paul after much abstinence the text said paul stood up and he took charge of the situation and i believe the bible didn't say presence but i believe in order for us to confront some category 5 hurricane you've got to stand in the presence of the sweet holy ghost somebody declare a yes over here somebody declare a yes over so paul took charge with the anchor of god's presence by way of definition an anchor is a heavy object attached to a cable or chain used to more a ship to the sea bottom what do you do when all around you seems to be dismal i say to you drop your ankle and stand still in the presence of god lord god almighty somebody praise god somebody praise god so the scripture tells us that paul stood forth in the midst of them and said you should have listened to me and not tried to sail from crete you would not have suffered this loss but even though you were disobedient oh somebody praise god even though you thought you knew more than your leader hallelujah even though we are all fellow prisoners i want to declare to you in the midst of a life and death situation be of good share for though this ship will be wrecked there will be no loss of any man's life jesus christ somebody glorify god somebody glorify god there will be no loss of life how did paul arrive at this theory a little ship you rockledon nearing category five paul is telling them that this ship can battle the storm and you will get to your god-given destiny safely how did he arrive at this theory paul backed it up with his experience if you're going to speak to some storms you must have encounters with god or somebody glorify god if you're going to ride out some storms there must be an encoder somebody stand up and say help me lord i need an encounter in your presence today i just don't want coming fasting don't know waterline what i want is an encounter so i can speak to my storms paul said for last night there stood by me the angel of god oh hallelujah while you were worried to death i'm reporting to you last night the angel of god stood by me may i declare to some storms that you are going through that the presence of the lord means everything to be brothers and sisters have you ever been to the point in your life where if you don't get a word from god himself pastor could have preached from now until next year you forget something for yourself paul said i'm telling you to fear not because last night an angel stood an angel of the lord stood by me you know why some of us would have survived coved up to this point and will survive kovid oh god we have mingled with so many coved patients can i preach a little in waterloo i want some people to help me man stand up and say i am a survivor because the angel of the lord and campaign round about them that fear him jesus i feel a little preaching coming on you somebody worship god i am alive because of his presence somebody praise god for his presence you know why i'm not dead buried and long forgotten i've been having some visitation with his presence somebody worship god man welcome to your seat and say i am alive because of his presence and his presence means everything to me let the church have presence oh lord i feel the holy ghost here somebody declare presence i'm alive because of his presence so paul said to them i'm not only telling you to fear not be of good share i'm telling you out of my experience last night an angel of god stood by me and he told me to tell you fear not fear not for though we may lose this ship and the cargo hold of ashandar of our josiah but we will get to the other side safely somebody lift your hands and praise god somebody lift your hands and praise god paul said the angel of the lord told me not to fear for i must stand before caesar what joy what solace it brings when we can feel the presence of god in the midst of a crisis i heard pastor testifying about the iron plugged in on the iron board overnight that must be the presence of the holy ghost somebody help me here if you know that you're a carrier of his presence just go ahead and open your mouth and declare i'm a carrier of his presence so let the storms rage high they won't worry me lord god almighty oh holy ghost somebody praise god somebody praise god somebody declare presence presence presence presence come on can i worship by the clear presence walk out to your seat and declare presence you shall not die but live and declare because you are a carrier of his presence this storm will not hurt you whoa oh god thank you for your presence thank you holy ghost somebody give god thanks for his present oh god somebody give god thanks if you're standing in a crisis just recognize that an angel of god is standing with you whoa he said that all that are with me some of you worried about your house that you're going to lose it and the motor vehicle and your child or children will drop out of school paul told the jailers and the crew men on board hallelujah all that are with me will be saved oh god amen i'm not going to lose my house i'm not going to lose my job somebody help me here i'm not even going to lose my worship somebody help me here to praise god all that are with me will be saved [Music] somebody help me to praise god somebody help me here to praise god your children will not suffer you will not lose the house because of the mortgage not being paid all those who are with me will be saved that sounds like the presence of god that sounds like the presence of god somebody declared the presence of god now another point that struck me in the text that i want to highlight to us here today during the fierce storm none of them had much of an appetite for eating food they weren't happy they lost their appetite but after telling them to fear not paul said to them began to eat don't just speak picky around food but the devil is telling some of us the crisis is so great you see a meal that god provides and you can't eat it you eat it and your stomach can't digest it because of the crisis i believe that paul was saying to them eat drink when you get to the other side to give your testimony you must look good hallelujah i feel like i'm preaching here stand up stand up and declare it you can't give your testimony and look mashed on and pop down you must look good when you come out of it you must look good [Music] hallelujah somebody praise god somebody praise god there is a devil that is playing on your very appetite because of the crisis that you're in but jesus said to tell you it i feel like somebody getting back their appetite today can the church declare it can the church declare it when you get up to give your testimony your muscles look like you come from hell even though you've been through hell because you were on a holy ghost diet hallelujah somebody praise god around here paul said if we are going to get to the other side to tell the story how we overcome you must get up and you must eat for you need physical strength for the journey you need spiritual strength for the journey so we encourage the others to eat the only reason why you can eat when you stand up in some crisis it's because the presence of god is with you i want to talk to some real people if certain storm ever rock your ship only god can stand up beside you and make you eat and digest your food properly for stomach start to develop all different type of acid reflux issues i want to talk to a stomach condition today that is the cause from a crisis god said get up and eat i want somebody touch your stomach right now and say my god so we must eat burp on belch i come against indigestion right now in the name of jesus christ of nazareth the journey is great get up and eat [Music] you know why you must eat though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for the heart with me i feel like the holy ghost is doing something lift up your hands again and say eat stomach must digest lord god i feel the holy ghost doing something right here oh god touch your stomach touch your stomach touch your belly we curse over intestinal disorders and stomach disorders god said i am with you in the midst of the crisis it is presence means everything so paul anchored himself in god's presence the lord was with paul in this crisis brothers and sisters the lord could have delivered paul from being in the storm but he chose to be with him in the storm there are some things that you're going through that god could have prevented you from going through but he said no no i will permit you to go through it while i stand with you in the midst of the storm somebody lift your hands and praise god somebody lift your hands and praise god if you are going to arrive safely into god's given destiny you must stand in the presence of god and take charge of the situation speak to your storm and allow your storm to know how big your god is i share my testimony with you some years ago while working at a specific place i lost i lost my energy totally in the mornings i don't want to get up out of bed that that's how bad it was one specific i don't mind going there late almost every morning i said god this cannot continue like this one morning my wife left me in bed she got dressed for work and i was still in bed and she said you're not going to work i said to her maybe perhaps i laid in bed reverend well and minutes after 11 that day i felt like i couldn't feel nothing my spirit but the voice of god came in the room i was home alone and i heard god saying stand up get up and reintroduce yourself to the devil oh somebody glorify god god said get up and re-introduce yourself to the devil i jumped off the bed and i said devil i am kenneth davis holy ghost filled water baptized the lord is my shepherd i shall not want somebody else near to glorify god there are some crisis that you're going through you better get up and tell the devil whose you are and whom you are somebody stand your feet call your name and tell the devil who you are and who's you are what is this i say call your name and tell the devil who you are and who's you are um do it one more time i don't hear you're calling your name lord call your name and tell the devil whose you are reintroduce yourself to the devil i belong to the waterlane new testament church of god we believe in the presence of the sweet holy ghost somebody turned around and said devil i'm a child of the king jesus christ i feel the holy ghost here bishop i'm a child of the king somebody help me to praise god around here i'ma carry off his presence can the presence carry us worship god [Applause] yes sir if you are a carrier of the present worship god some devil must know that you carry the presents [Music] oh god i feel like the holy ghost is waiting on somebody to tell the devil i am a carrier of god's presence i have to hurry on any choice of presence the second thing paul did paul anchored himself in the midst of the storm hallelujah on the promises of god so presence and then promise according to verse 24 and 25 the word of god said to paul fear not paul thou must be brought to caesar fear not thou must be brought to caesar the storm that you're experiencing may delay you but there's a promise over your head you are destined to stand before caesar jesus god let the church promise god almighty i wish i was talking to some people who got a promise from god and the devil have gone like inaudible stand up and say i am waiting on the promises of god paul was told that you will get to caesar that sounds like a promise anything that the lord has promised you it will come to pass even though the vision might tarry there is a promise fear not fear not all literature say fear not paul thou must be brought to caesar and lord god had given thee all them that sail with thee stop looking on the crisis stand on the promises god told paul fear not you will get to caesar you must be brought to caesar i wonder why the songwriter pens it standing on the promises of christ my king through eternal ages let us praise this ring glory in the highest i will shout and sing standing on the promises of god what do you do when all around you seem to be losing hope i suggest to you stand on the promises of god somebody praise god you've got to believe god that it shall be even as it was told to me so even though what you're seeing with your natural eyes is different from what god told you that's the time to stand on the promises to anchor your ship on the promises of god hallelujah god said paul you must get to your god-given destiny safely and so it will be for all those who sail with you has god given you a promise since lately or probably 10 15 years ago if you got a promise from god just stand up and remind god of the promise you probably can't talk it's so loud that your neighbor can hear but god gave your words some years ago can you use this fasting service those in virtual space use this moment to remind god of that promise and if you can't help me to declare standing on the promises of christ my king through eternal ages though the storms are rejected glory in the higher [Music] can we do that first verse again standing on the promises [Music] somebody praise god glory in the highest standing on the promises of god so when all around you your soul gives way and all that you're seeing is just broken pieces of the promise stand on the promises of god for he never promised that this cross would not get heavy i feel a burden being lifted here and the hills would not be hard to climb what do you do when all around you seems to spell death and destruction stand on the promises of god fear not you must be brought to caesar i submit to us this afternoon that in the midst of your crisis god has a plan that is anchored in his promise towards your life and he's not going to leave the same unfinished but guess what if you're going to stand on the promise of god you must stay on board oh holy ghost stay unborn don't leave the church of god the devil is telling you it's the right time to backslide in the midst of this crisis but hear the voice of god stay on board my promises are sure god will perfect that which concerns hallelujah god will perfect that which concerns you stay on board you will arrive safely that's a promise somebody praise god there will be no lust of life it will be we will prosper and be in good health anchor yourself in the midst of the crisis and the promises of god i've had some crisis that in the midst of it i just have to declare and decree the promises of god paul was also promised that you must be cast upon a certain island he wasn't even given the name of the island brothers and sisters we are not being driven aimlessly the lord through the storm is bringing us to a place where the lord is going to open the door to us for a great testimony for a great ministry somebody praise god i declare to you that there is purpose behind the crisis stand on the promises of god and the third suggestion from paul's action to us why i believe paul overcame this storm paul took charge of the crisis with the strong anchor of god's power so we have presence we have promise and we have power brothers and sisters there are two types of power ruling this universe we have the power of evil and we have the power of god we have the power of the adversary and we have the power of jesus christ some of these powers are truly powerful but you belong to a church that declares that god is not just powerful but is all powerful somebody help me to praise god around here somebody help me to praise god around here stand up and declare i don't only serve a powerful god but i serve a god who is all powerful hallelujah somebody praise jehovah god hallelujah hallelujah verse 44 of the texas it came to pass that they all escape safe to land may i suggest to us if we are going to make it through this crisis whatever you're going through we must rely on the power of god brothers and sisters all sorts of power are surfacing in our society and they're becoming more powerful and the church can lose power stand up and declare it can't lose power oh somebody praise god with power you're going to get to the other side if you rely on the power of the holy ghost which is all powerful it's not by might nor by power but it's going to be done by my spirit said the almighty god oh holy ghost there are some forces who could have ashamed of josiah that would have been assigned for you not to get to your god given destiny if you're going to get here safely you must soar you must sail with the power of the holy ghost somebody stand up and shout hallelujah let your storm hear you declare a hallelujah declare hallelujah with power another word for power is authority somebody declare authority over your crisis right now remain standing remain stunning let me say again there are some forces that you are up against if you cannot carry the presence and demonstrate the power of god you will not get to your god-given destiny church of god it's not time to sleep it's not time to lose the power for there's a devil that is working overtime when last you stood with authority and speak to some devil in your life somebody lift your right hands oh holy ghost when last you called you spoke to some situations and declare no more with power and with authority there are some of us that needs to stop bothering pastor with the same crisis wednesday after wednesday it's time for you to stand in the power of the holy ghost have you not heard whatsoever you bind on earth it is bound in heaven i have given you the keys of the kingdom of heaven somebody praise god somebody praise god hallelujah somebody praise god hallelujah brothers and sisters when you get to a point where you have no control over the situation this is where the power of god must come into play when we feel like our life is out of control it's time to anchor our ship in god's power and not in our innate abilities when we are driven by circumstances beyond our control it's time to rely on god's power the text tells us forcefully that they did not see the sun nor stars for many days oh somebody praise god all that surrounded them would have been darkness darkness in your finances darkness in your marriage darkness in your home for many days they did not see the sun nor the star but i come to tell this gathering that your sun will shine again i believe you're getting closer to the breaking of the day and i'm relying on the power of god somebody needs to worship god under this roof somebody needs to worship god under this rule one songwriter puts it this way when all around my soul gives way he then is all my home and say so with our lives there are many times when we cannot see the light oh i thought i told the people of god to stand if you have power here for watch the holy ghost and sometimes you got some some of us too mindful of watching over other people business just tell yourselves america watch over from the business today but somehow we're smiling in a pure darkness when you go home somehow we're leading all different type of worship but when fasting over pure darkness stand up and declare a word in your situation there are times we cannot see the light we cannot see any purpose for the trials that we are experiencing i suggest to us today like jehoshaphat he was told that this battle is not yours there are some battles that you're up against that is not yours it is the lord and you must rely on the power of the holy ghost oh god open your mouth lift your hands and declare this battle it's not mine it is the lord's jesus i feel a shift come on declare it again this battle is not mine it is the lord and i god shall fight your battles but you must rely on the power of the holy ghost when last you exercise our authority and allow some devil and demons to know that yeah do i walk through the valley i feel a worship i hear somebody praise god come on let it go let it go let it go let it go so the lord said to joshua i'm saying to you in this crisis stand up man stand up the ship cannot sink and storm on board and you are asleep come on wake up your spiritual life get out your weapons of warfare you think pastor robinson alone can do it in waterline some of you better watch over him you think the devil is happy that there's a deliverance fasting around here somebody plead the blood of jesus somebody turn around and plead the blood of jesus what is this what is this somebody plead the blood of jesus show some blood show some blood show some blood somebody said blood blood blood blood blood yes sir [Music] yo about that work under your seat and throw some blood hallelujah there is a storm on board but we have an anchor that keeps the soul steadfast at shore while the villas wow [Music] god said to jehoshaphat tomorrow morning i want you to go down and face the enemy some of you are running from some stones and you don't want to answer certain phone calls and you don't want to see certain people god said fears the enemy don't allow the enemy to get on your turf you need to get to the enemy's turf i feel the holy ghost i feel the holy ghost somebody stump your feet god said joshua get the worshipers ready get the prince team ready for the devil must know that you serve an all-powerful god [Music] are you ready church of god fear not god is in the crisis jehoshaphat get the worshipers ready i'm here to declare to somebody you are going to get to your god-given destiny you must be a true worshiper hallelujah i feel the holy ghost [Music] demonstrate the power of the holy ghost this battle is not yours get out your worship spirit let the devil know that you serve an all-powerful god [Music] let the church declare powerful god all-powerful god [Music] everything seem dark around you but rely on the power of god it seems as if all hope is lost but call upon the power of god [Music] don't give up hope of surviving rely on the power of god stand in his presence stand on his promises rely on his power and you will get to your god given destiny safely for this battle it's not yours it is the lord i feel a holy ghost travel somebody is crossing over [Music] you can cross it i feel a holy ghost push of your mountain declare i can cross it [Music] open your mouth and declare i can cross it [Music] hallelujah those who are in virtual space i declare that you can cross it with the presence with the promise and with the power of the holy ghost [Music] with men this is impossible but with god all things are possible can i declare it again with men it is impossible but with god all things are possible worship worship confront the enemy with the worship worship waterline there is a demonstration of the power of the holy ghost yes [Music] hallelujah yes sir whoa [Music] i submit to you hallelujah [Music] hallelujah glory to god [Applause] hallelujah i submit to you if god has the power to cause an axe head to float you will survive this one and act said to float touch your stomach and save god has the power to cause an axe head to float a deep sea i will survive come on whop your mouth and declare survival declare i shall not die i want somebody to declare survival this storm will not get the best of me i will arrive safely [Music] open your mouth with me and say if god if god lord can cause a donkey to talk he has the answer to my crisis [Music] lord god almighty if god can cause a donkey to talk he has the answer to my crisis [Music] lift your voice again and say if god has the power to split the red sea and the jordan river i'm going to cross over [Music] i am crossing over closing now lift up your voice and declare if god has the power to raise the dead i'm crossing over if god can tell the thunder and the lightning to cease you will arrive to your god-given destiny safely though my ship may be rocking and my sails may be torn but i shall rest i shall rest in the eye of the storm [Music] i declare to us today stay in his presence stand on his promise hallelujah and rely on his power i declare to the viewers today physically and virtually that your next chapter is unfolding lift your hands and declare it thank you lord my next chapter is unfolding lift your hands and say thank you lord the storm is passing over [Music] the hallelujah is passing over for some of us you will have to pass through the storm and for some of us you have to stand still while the storm passes over i wonder if the church got that for some of you you have to pass through the storm what for paul oh god almighty they had to allow the storm to pass over rely on his power stand on his promise and stay in his presence divine destiny might be hindered but cannot stop some people may slow you down some things may slow you down but i am destined for greatness for my next chapter is unfolding lift your hands and declare it's only a test lord god don't help me worship god the man lift your hands and declare it's only a test my next chapter is unfolding [Music] messiah walk me out and say it's only a test my index chapter is unfolding purpose will reveal like this story in the next chapter purpose will unfold in the next chapter i declare to you that what the enemy meant for evil god turned it around to represent good can somebody worship god can somebody worship hallelujah it's the hour of deliverance somebody worship god you're ready for deliverance [Music] yes sir hallelujah thank you jesus brothers and sisters whatever is rocking your ship stay in his presence stand on his promise and rely on his power prior request on the table items to be prayed for if you're at home if you're at work and you have a prior request or item to be prayed for just hold that prior request to just touch that item even by faith right now for this storm will not devour you you're destined to cross over holy ghosts we worship you jesus some more items are coming [Music] like a ship that's tossed and driven battered by an angry wave when the storms of life are raging and the bills fall on me i wonder what i have done made this race so hard to run but then i said to my soul don't worry the lord will take away somehow the lord will make a way somehow when beneath the cross i bow he will take away my sorrow let him have his burdens now when the yolk upon me gets heavy make the weight show on my bro but then i said to myself don't worry the law can take away someone i try to do the best in service i try to do the best i can and even when i do the right thing they persecute on every hander then i wonder what i have done that made this race so hard to run but then i said to my soul don't worry hallelujah oh the lord will make a way somehow when we need a cross i bow he will take away my sorrow upon me gets heavy made this ratio on my bro but then i said to my soul don't worry i try to do the best in service i try to do the best i can and even when i do the right thing they persecute on every hand oh i wonder what i have done that made this race so hard to run but then i said to my soul don't worry he will take away your sorrow let him have your burdens now i try to do the best in service i try to do the best i can and even when i do the right things they persecute on every hand i wonder what i have done made this race so hard to run but then i said to my soul don't worry the lord will make a wish the lord will make a way somehow i try to do the best in service i try to do the best i can and even when i do the right thing they persecute on every hand i wonder what i have done made this way so hard to run but then my god somebody praise god somebody praise jehovah [Music] fear not fear not god is with you oh holy ghost is in this atmosphere can somebody salute him glory to god hallelujah the presence of the lord is here [Music] hallelujah to those of us who are here today to those of us who are in virtual space you may not be a carrier of his presence and it might just be you're not standing on his promise and you're not relying on his power whether you're here physically or virtually you've listened to god's voice through his servant today and you're willing to turn with the belief that your next chapter is unfolding is there an unsafe a backslider today to just raise your hand and i'm sure the operators will signal to us if there are some raising of hands in virtual space you're not safe and you want to carry the presence you want to stand on the promise yes there's a hand down there somebody praise god for that lady is there a second hand hallelujah oh god is there a second hand you're not saved could you walk a little closer to this altar i think we have enough space up here i try to do the best in service i try to do the best i can and even when i do the right thing they persecute on every hand i wonder what i have done made this race so hard to run but then i said to my soul don't worry stretch your hands to her stretch your hands to her with authority and with power is there a second person yes the church is believing god for a deliverance today or somebody help me to praise god she's not going to leave this place the way she came somebody help me to praise god especially in this atmosphere holy ghost somebody just stand a distance behind her just stand a distance behind her holy ghost stretch your hands is there another person in virtual space not yes just stand right is there another person in virtual space you're ready to carry the presence to stand on the promise and to rely on the power of god stretch your hands towards your church god thank you for showing up for this young lady thank you for sending a word that you could have permitted her not to enter the storm you could have stopped her from getting onto that ship on board but you allowed it to happen so that you can stand with her may your presence come on board for her right now may you allow her to stand on your promise and to rely on your power wash her lord cleanse her set her free god from every sin stain attachment to hell and its emissaries cut our loose hold of a shadow of a kosai raise up another intercessor oh somebody praise god raise up another prior warrior it's about time god you step into this situation show up and show off god turn it around i believe your lord for repentance and for the plan of salvation upon her life today and even those who are in virtual space lord that i may not recognize their hands but you know their heart you can see their heart wash them cleanse them lord i'm sure they're going to type in the chat they're going to send a message pastor i've received the word and i'm giving my life to jehovah god walk in their house walk in their cars walk in their offices their workplace wherever they are right now in their kitchen god almighty do something that will prove that you are the god of the storm turn it around lord your people are about to worship you in giving in the midst of a crisis lord economies are failing but we stand on your promise that you will supply our needs according to your riches in glory as we give to you today god some of us out of our nothingness bless it lord and restored to the givers we ask these mercies in jesus name somebody praise god my sister jesus loves you are you willing to give it up to god today praise god hallelujah stretch your hands towards her again hallelujah yes she's a member of this church but she feels like she needs strength for this journey stretch your hands towards her again strength lord rely on god's presence stand on his promise and work the power of the holy ghost i declare a forward move for you right now in the name of jesus christ of nazareth cut loose jehovah god deliver this woman deliver this woman speedily we ask these mercies god in jesus name hallelujah brothers and sisters what a word from god's heart to our hearts today put your hands together for the lord the task the privilege it's not the task the privilege is mine to lead god's people also into giving in the midst of a crisis in the midst of a pandemic here we are being asked to give once more to the work of the lord we are assured that he is our provider his name is jehovah jehari hallelujah to those of us who are not here physically please remember that you too can contribute to the financial needs of this ministry here in waterloo and there are two methods that i believe you can use to bless this church with your offering all right number one says go to the web page spur open dot com and please click spur open on your your youtube chat and you will be able to donate to this worthy cause another option is transfer to bank of nova scotia sam sharp square it's a checking account one two zero zero one four let me go bns some sharp square checking account one two zero zero one four and the account name is new testament church of god montego bay what a god we serve people can give to his cause from all over this world can we put our hands together for the lord i don't just want for you to walk to this altar and to give any gift but to bring the gift stand with your offering at this time squeeze it in your hand it might be out of your nothingness the widow's might it might be out of a bill that is due to be paid even if you're in virtual space but we are going to trust god one more time by giving i was young set one right now i'm old and i'm yet to see the righteous forsaken or a seed begging bread god will never leave us nor forsake us he will continue to be our jehovah charity somebody praise god walk to this altar spacing out yourself with god's giver when you drop it in the box shout hallelujah hallelujah don't move unless you're shout hallelujah oh glory to of god make sure your feet [Music]
Channel: The Montego Bay New Testament Church of God
Views: 10,481
Rating: 4.7480316 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 230min 48sec (13848 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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