Deliverance Fasting Service || Wednesday April 21, 2021

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oh my heart i pray try me o save your know my thoughts i pray see there be [Music] some weak headways in me me from every sin and said me free search me oh god search me oh god [Music] try [Music] [Music] i praised [Music] me free hallelujah lord i lift my spirit to your sweet spirit ain't nobody sweet communion [Music] i sense thy [Music] my spirit to you lord i live [Music] in all this sweet communion [Music] is [Music] presence [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to you oh lord i lift my spirits [Music] [Applause] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh we sing that one more time lord i lift my spirit [Music] me [Music] is [Music] i my we worship you jesus we lift our spirit to you this morning almighty god we lift our spirit to you this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah king of kings and lord of lords conquering land of the tribe of judah you are god and you are god alone this morning great is your faithfulness lord god because morning by morning your mercies we see and all that we have needed the hand that provided we worship you this morning jesus we worship you we worship you we worship the lord hallelujah we bless your name almighty god hallelujah jesus we bless the name jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we glorify your name jesus hallelujah i'm president [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my feet [Applause] [Music] my feet [Applause] [Music] rise [Music] my head [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] my feet [Applause] [Music] me the joyful sounds [Music] [Applause] [Music] my feet [Music] [Music] and is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my feet [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] my feet [Music] [Music] said [Music] is hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to the name of the lord hallelujah psalm 138 i will praise thee with my whole heart before the gods will i sing praise unto thee i will worship toward thy holy temple and praise thy name for thy loving kindness and for thy fruit for thou has magnified the word above thy name the lord will perfect that which concerneth me thy mercy o lord endure it forever forsake not the works of thine hoon hands hallelujah hallelujah good morning to the people of god good morning to our virtual family good morning to our youtube listeners and our youtube glory to god viewers this morning my name is joseph bennett i'll be your moderator for today we are on business for the king hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and so we welcome you hallelujah to our wednesday morning virtual deliverance service at tree water lane montego bay new testament church of god hallelujah let me see through my spirit right now as your lift up holy hands and praise your god and give him the highest praise come on people of god give your god the highest prices hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah my hallelujah belongs to him come on this morning my hallelujah belongs to him he woke me up this morning he clothed me in my right mind hallelujah glory to the name of the lord we continue at this time bless the name of the lord our devotional exercise and so i'm going to ask you to join with us this morning in your hymn now as we sing together 138 when god dips his love in my heart hallelujah god bless you come on christy [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] my heart [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] is oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] he makes me cry is hallelujah glory to the name of the lord just in case we were going a bit fast hallelujah and he didn't really get the words hallelujah when i said i want to tell it to a living soul how he brought salvation and he made me whole but i found i couldn't hide such a love as jesus didn't part really made me laugh and he made me cry hallelujah he set my sinful soul and fire hallelujah when god dip his love into my heart and into your heart this morning hallelujah glory to god what a wonderful love of jesus that he reaches down to you and i so we can say this morning we have been redeemed hallelujah not by silver not my goal because we have been redeemed by the precious blood of jesus and through the blood of jesus salvation hallelujah we have brought salvation to him and his love glory to the name of the lord our morning scripture will be taken from jeremiah 1 verse 42 to 10 hallelujah so come on now together as we read this morning that the word of the lord came unto me saying before i formed thee in the belly i knew thee and before the cometh out fought fought out of the womb i sanctify thee and ordain thee a prophet unto the nations then said i oh lord god behold i cannot speak for arm i am a child but the lord said unto me say not i am a child for thou shalt go to all that i shall send thee and whatsoever i command thee thou shalt speak be not afraid of their faces for i am with thee to deliver thee saith the lord then the lord put forth his hand and touch my mouth and the lord said unto me behold i have put my words in thy mouth see i have this there set me over the nations and over the kingdom to root out to pull down and to destroy and to throw down to build and to plant hallelujah hallelujah come on people of god and we just hand a portion of the of god's word by saying glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy ghost hallelujah we bless the name of the lord amen to the reading of god's word this morning bless the name of the lord at this time brethren i'm just gonna invite us those of us who are at the platform and those of you this morning who take time out making the sacrifice to join with us today is your day hallelujah we're here for you glory to god so at this time i ask that you get yourself in the position for prayer glory to god and so i'm gonna ask us at this time we're gonna confess before the lord we're gonna repent of our ways and our doings before god and we're gonna adore him hallelujah because he's a merciful god his mercies endure it forever it is new every morning hallelujah glory to the name of the lord and so we confess together our sins our short comments come on people of god in our very thought hallelujah we sin before god we are nothing we are human but we doubting we cannot do nothing so we want to as the word of god tells us hallelujah romans 12 paul says i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto god which is our reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that it may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god let us come together to the throne room of god at this time as we confess before him hallelujah and prayer our father in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we come to you this morning hallelujah and so as i stand in the gap oh god for the audience this morning in our virtual worship i stand on the behalf lord god almighty of each and every person's oh glory to god who open up their homes into their cars at their workplaces hallelujah business places wherever they are this morning i ask for forgiveness we confess before you the things that we have done lord the presumption of sins hallelujah the way in which lord god we have treated each other the words lord god almighty that we have spoken against each other hallelujah the things that we think about lord that is negative oh glory to god forgive us this morning cleanse our heart as david says creating us a clean heart and renew our right spirit within us lord god we ask that you will forgive us right now jesus oh god even as we come together hallelujah in our virtual spaces before you jesus we want you to do a mighty work in our life in our situation but we need to confess before you forgive us lord forgive me jesus hallelujah hallelujah i ask if you know jesus that you will look down this morning and hear our cry hear my cry i repent of my sins i repent of the things lord jesus christ of nazareth that the enemy brought into my thought hallelujah and want me to harden it and to think of it lord god hallelujah because god it is not right before you jesus and so i ask for your forgiveness i repent this morning jesus of anything hallelujah glory to god that is in me lord jesus that proverbs 3 and 16 talk about lord six and oh god talk about proverbs jesus that anything at our lord we can't so discard we can't have lying lips we can't do the things lord jesus christ of the flesh and believe lord god almighty that you will accept our worship i repent this morning jesus and i ask heavenly father that you the power of your holy spirit you will help me help us lord god to come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need so we give her the praise we give her the glory and we thank you for accepting our cry hallelujah we stand on the behalf of our families we stand on the be off of our children we stand on the bear for our church brethren we stand on the behalf of our co-workers hallelujah and so we ask lord god for your forgiveness we present ourselves to you today to use us to the unto your glory and that you'll find favor hallelujah in our lives as we worship you in the beauty of holiness hallelujah and so we adore you hallelujah hallelujah we praise you jesus we thank you this morning lord that you are our source this morning you are the great rock of ages you are the shelter in the time of storm you are the rock hallelujah you know what we rely on we give you praise we give you glory come on jesus we thank you for sending the comforter hallelujah we thank you lord that you are the mediator between god and man and even this morning jesus hallelujah you're the writer of your father make an intercession for all of us and so we lift your blood and we glorify you jesus hallelujah there is not a friend like the lowly jesus no not one no not one no one can heal our soul's diseases no not one you know all about our struggles you promise to guide us until the day is done there is not a friend like the lowly jesus no not one hallelujah we give your praise this morning father as i come before you one more time i present the viewers lord god this morning hallelujah we thank you for their spirit we thank you for their obedience we thank you for the power of the holy spirit lord god who allow them jesus to see lord god that it is through you their overcomers they have testified you have proven time and time again that you are their refuge and you are their strength you are the very present help in their troublesome time we present our viewers this morning who are having difficulties lord tough times hard times family issues oh god financial situation unemployed children are there lord god and virtual children jesus on their different platform we present them to you this morning we present even those lord who have the appointment this morning but they will not go to their different clinics or their doctor because they trust in jehovah god that trust in their healer this morning the medication may not reach to their symptoms but we know that there is power in the blood of jesus there is healing in the blood of jesus there is deliverance in the blood of jesus and so your name is above every other this morning that at the name of jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue must confess that you alone are worthy represent the virtual church jesus because they have their situation lord and they trust you today because you're a miracle working god please just have your way we are gonna let go hallelujah they are gonna let go and let god today have your way jesus reacts for healing we ask for miracles we ask for deliverance set every captive free oh god shaka jesus will be broken today through the name of jesus and the blood of jesus we give you praise we give you glory and we give you honor and we thank you for your people hallelujah we thank you for your people jesus show up for somebody today and we thank you for the testimony in jesus name come on people of god hallelujah come on people hallelujah hey we worship him this morning on this planet we worship in here [Music] hallelujah [Music] this morning hallelujah i'm walking with jesus and he's holding my hand this morning hallelujah oh about you this morning now you're walking with jesus hallelujah he will hold your hand hallelujah hallelujah we worship you jesus we bless the name almighty god i'm walking with jesus he's all in my hand i'm walking with [Music] with jesus he's everything to me [Applause] he's everything to me i know yes it is to me [Music] is [Music] to me [Music] with jesus [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] lord jesus christ [Music] [Music] [Music] oh lord jesus it makes me [Music] love jesus one more time it true give me [Music] it power [Music] give me [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] give me power oh jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] lord jesus keep me true keep me true lord jesus keep me true for there's a right [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] lord give me power lord give me power hallelujah jesus keep me true keep us true there is a race we have to run come on people of god you have to put on the armor you know yes man you have to wear the armor in order for you to run the wrist hallelujah with patient hallelujah ephesians 6 and 10 paul's remind us finally my brethren be strong wear your armor he will keep you true in this race hallelujah glory to the name of the lord hallelujah i just want to welcome this morning glory to god reverend darmian rose is worshiping with us and minister javon robinson is minister worshiping with us this morning we want to bless the lord for our praise team our musician hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and the multimedia glory to god hallelujah is with us i want to say this morning welcome welcome welcome to our virtual church this morning welcome you audiences are they are welcome to be a part of this our fasting service more fm listeners welcome welcome welcome hallelujah those who are passing this way welcome for listening us this morning hallelujah we welcome you wherever your space is and wherever you are we want to tell you this morning that jesus is alive and well everywhere you go just tell the persons you see that jesus is alive and well we are on business for the king we are here just because of you we are here to bring your petition to the lord we are here to give you a word for the time of the season hallelujah believe your god as you always do come on people god was with us hallelujah all along before kobe 19 become pandemic today your god is able he's able that's what isaiah 41 10 tells you be not afraid be not this man is your god hallelujah yes he will help you he will hold you up with the right and of his righteousness come on get out of that fair get out of that dog your god is bigger than that look what he has done for you over the years come on come on lift up your heads all you guys hey jesus and be lifted up everlasting everlasting door let the king of glory come in hallelujah come on people of god come and worship us hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah look where he brought you from hallelujah come on just reflect this morning come on he has been your source he has been your god you cannot let him down you cannot doubt him so we welcome you this morning as your worship with us in the beauty of holiness come on grab something in that house present it before god and tell god what you want him to do in this season for you god bless you god bless you hallelujah and at this time our first intercessory prayer will be coming to you from sister marcia duncan as we pray together she's going to present to the lord the members of the diaspora the new viewers and listeners we welcome you for joining us and we just want to tell you that we have you at heart persons who continue to sow online in this ministry we want to tell you that you are not forgotten person who have been delivered and receive your miracles your breakthrough we thank god for you come sister marcy and present the people of god before god hallelujah hear my cry oh lord i turned on to my birth from the ends of the earth will i cry unto thee [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] our [Applause] [Music] oh when my heart is over [Music] that is [Music] we worship you jesus hallelujah worship your lord we bless your name god we give you all the glory and all the honor king of kings and lord of lords the conquering lion of the tribe of julia father we worship you lord we bless you and we bow before your throne today lord father as we come to intercede on behalf of this um intercessory prayer the members of the diaspora the new viewers the listeners the person who continues to sow online in ministry person who are being delivered and received miracle father we just give your praise we just give you worship we just give you all the glory conquering lion of the tribe of judea the alpha omega the beginning and the end the lily of the valley the bright and morning star the sovereign god the miraculous god the wondrous god the god who rolled away the red sea the god of abram isaac you are the same god today you are the god of lazarus who raised lazarus from the dead father we bless you cause you are great you are miracles so great there is no one like you lord we give you all the glory all the honor that is drawn to your muchless name father we place the members in your hand oh god we place them lord god somewhere in england some are in america some are in canada some are all over the world father will pass back the plan of the enemy over their lives we praise your god and we give all the glory father we lift them up before your lord father these times are trying times father we pray lord god almighty that you touch them lord god father god we decree and declare lord god isaiah 41 verse 13 in their lives you say fear not o god for you will up all of us with your right hand and father you god will set us free father we just bless your name forever god some may have been difficult some have migrated oh god and have been difficult to lord god for papers to come true some have lost their job some have been sick but father we send the holy ghost and fire we send the healing power to heal them lord god to overturn and overturn every plan of the works of the enemy father lose them and set them free oh god undercurrent them with your blood under guard them with your blood undergird the members with your blood lord god almighty sons are evangelists some are pastors oh god some are members of god father we break every chain and never fetters over their lives father take full control lord god almighty that the power of the holy ghost take over them lord god in the name of jesus christ we break the spell out god almighty that have set over your people lose them and set them free o god help them fear not fear not for god with thee fear not only ghosts and fire help them and undergird them with your precious blood father we give you all the praise and all the glory we thank you for the new fears oh god we thank you for the listeners father we place them before you oh god almighty bless them and increase them in the mighty name of jesus christ and we pray lord god almighty that any new viewers oh god almighty and listeners have known your lord as savior father god i pray jesus that they repented and be saved and baptized and filled with the holy ghost father we just give you all the praise and all the glory that is drawn to your matches name father god we pray for the personal line that's sowing in this ministry father god we declare and decree lord god that deuteronomy 28 will reach them lord you will bless them in your going out you will bless them in your coming in you will bless the fruit of their body you will open the good shred your lord god almighty and bless them lord god almighty you will bless them and bless them and increase them father god restore the ears that the locusts and the conquerors have eaten father we just worship you we just bow before your presence and we just tell you thanks holy ghost thanks holy ghost sons holy ghost lord we give you all the glory and all the honor that is true unto your matchless name lord god almighty we give you all the glory father continue to bless those pers lord god almighty who have been delivered and set free lord god almighty and them to come and testify about your glory because god you are mighty lord god almighty and father there is not like you are none to compare unto your god you are suffering you are holy you are mighty you are the master of today and tomorrow and forever help your people not to lose hope help us lord god almighty to worship your lord god almighty for you are the king of kings and the lord of lord and the conquering lion of the tribe of judah turn things around for your people turn things around for the listeners turn things around lord god almighty for this church and the church of the holy god father we just give you all the glory and all the honor that is true unto your name mighty god mighty god mighty god have a lasting father do what no other powers can do take full control holy spirit and have thy own way holy ghost lord god break up that revival in our soul as we look to you with the earth and the finish of our faith and we tell our thanks in jesus mighty name amen and amen hallelujah glory we bless you hallelujah god bless you woman of god hallelujah come people of god you know you now need to receive from the lord we pray god will deliver and set you free and he will work it out for you and for me faith in god come on put your faith in action hallelujah praise team at this time hallelujah thank you lord i come into your holy place standing up of your cleansing grace lord to am i that you would care for me i glorified i glorified the one who died [Music] standing on [Applause] [Music] glorify the one who died for me glorified [Music] is [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the one who died for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] sacrifice [Music] [Music] the one who died for me [Music] that's [Music] [Applause] oh hallelujah we glorify you this morning hallelujah you are high and lifted up lord and your friends feel the temper hallelujah hallelujah we worship you lord because the closer we get hallelujah the more we'll see the glory of our soon coming king hallelujah god bless you god bless you praise you and so we continue our service hallelujah at this time we'll be having our 10-minute speaker none other than minister giovanni robinson and after minister robinson are through with his word to us today he will be doing the intercessory prayer for all our virtual worshipers hallelujah we prepare our hearts for the word at this time god bless you god bless us minister robinson at this time hallelujah shall we praise the lord hallelujah shall we praise the lord in our time hallelujah glory to god today is a wonderful feeling to be back in the house of the lord to share with god's wonderful people i greet the man of this house bishop real robinson to the members of the council board the listeners on youtube and more fm i greet you well in the mighty name of jesus christ and to reverend durman rose i agree to sir uh this morning we want to look on a very very well-known bible passage i just want to take you to psalms 91 verse 1. and it said he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty shall we bless the lord we are living in a world that is full of problems and uncertainties people are seeking true protection not only that people are seeking true protection we are in an age where they are a lot of different entities to suggest that they have the power to protect but there is only one true protection listening listeners on youtube and more fm there is only one true protection that you need and that is the protection of the almighty god the bible said eat that dwell it in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty what this means it means that when you live in the presence of god there is a comprehensive coverage that is over your life that the devil cannot touch you because god himself put an edge around you our god almighty the devil said to job the only reason why you are serving god is because god put an edge around you i want to tell the people of god that there is an edge around you this morning that no weapon that form against you will ever prosper because you are serving the highest power our god almighty there is no other way of a true protection than jesus christ this morning for he said that i am the way the truth and the life what this means there is there is no other source than him to give you what you need for true protection we are living in a time where we are clustered by threats threats of violence threats of sickness threats in our finances and in recent times kobe 19 is threatening us but god said if you serve me i will not let these diseases come upon you our god almighty for the bible said that he is our shepherd according to psalms 23 so we should not worry when things rise up in our life when things strengthen us we should understand that we are serving the bomb in gideon we serve the god that is well able we serve a god that does not sweeten our slumber when man treat you and treat your life that they are going to kill you that they are going to take you out we serve a god that flash lightning and rule thunder they will go to their beds and not wake up because the almighty god our god almighty deal with them on your behalf you're listening to the radio hallelujah you're on youtube something is threatening your life i want you to look unto the hills from whence commit your help your help commit from almighty god our god almighty from time to time in history god people is oppressed by systems but they were able to come out successful i can't remember the three hebrew boys in babylon our god almighty and the nebuchadnezzar ruler our god they were under pressure to power their life was threatened but they had their faith in god as the king live forever but we will not power we straighten you today i want you to hold on to your god i want you to hold on to your firm foundation i want you to live your faith in the supreme begin this morning our god almighty because we serve a god that does not lost the battle god almighty if you need somebody to protect you is the jehovah wire you do not have to worry this morning so the three hebrew boys said king we're not going to bow they would show in the fiery furnace some of you are showing the furnace of god almighty of life but hold on to your god sickness is rocking your body your finances is going down mantra in you but hold on to the firm foundation stay under the covering of god stay under the blood of jesus and the devil can do you no harm for when i see the blood i will pass over you i don't care where you are this morning i don't care what kind of trick you are under just be sure that they hunker hole this morning and grip the solid rocker for upon this rocker i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against satan what jamaica need is the abiding place under the covering of god our god almighty we are living in a time where false god are dominating the land and saying that they have the way to true protection but there is only one that can give you coverage and that is jesus christ the son of the living god but there is no other name and an heaven which man might be saved but through the blood of jesus christ hallelujah glory to god hallelujah so i charge you this morning you're in your home your marriage is being attacked dwelling the secret place the secret place of the most high when you talk about a secret place it is a place where you entertain a particular individual it is that place where you commune with god so lock down in your closet of your muscle take your secret place with god and tell him all your problems he said come unto me all who are labored and evolated and i will give you rest god want to give somebody rest this morning you are challenged you are frustrated feeling threatened by the hands of the enemy [Music] but who can stand against the lord who can stand against the most high god the bible said in psalms 27 that the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life of whom shall i be afraid when the wicked and even my enemies came up to eat up my flesh they stumbled and fell lord god almighty some people i've been oppressor you are listening you're a child of god you have been threatened by your adversaries look unto your god because god will come to your defense just like when david faces goliath he thought that he could destroy him but he was just seeing a little boy but he did not know that david was dwelling in the secret place of god almighty i charge you this morning to hold on to the living god this morning the one that can give true protection years ago i was sick and about to die but you have some members of the church of the living god who dwelled in the secret place of the most high hallelujah they came and they stretched their hands over my body and prayed and the power of healing hit my body hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah do not be afraid this morning just dwell in the secret place of the almighty god this morning for he is the most high the king of glory he is the king of glory hallelujah this morning so i just want to encourage you do not be discouraged do not be dismayed because god is with you and when you dwell in the secret place you are bound to be protected by almighty god god bless you hallelujah [Music] at this time i'm going to be praying for our viewers hallelujah wherever you are just stand and bow your heads eternal god and father king of kings and lord of lord the conquering lion of the tribe of judah the sovereign king of all ages father god almighty this fasting was erected to bring deliverance unto your people father some is tuning in on the radio some is tuning in on youtube there are various situations proposed oh god almighty at your feet this morning father god some people are going track shine time they don't know what to do god almighty but i pray god almighty that you will show on their behalf some of them their families are troubled god but i pray that the anointing will break the yolk this morning bring healing to somebody's soul this morning bring healing to somebody's life this morning bring the act of salvation to our viewer this morning give somebody a testimony this morning show up oh god almighty and pay the bills for somebody god almighty touch somebody's sickness this morning terminal illness cancer fiber diabetes so god almighty touch somebody high blood pressure blood pressure in the head our god almighty jesus we command you to be silent in the name of jesus christ of nazareth father god almighty i pray that you will provide a job for somebody that is tuning to this fasting oh god and wanting your help god almighty the enemy has put in them to shame for too long god almighty show up and somebody's behalf show up in a mighty way god almighty god almighty i pray that you will give somebody assurance that your presence is with them that you will never leave them night i will will you forsake them give them the desires of their heart bring comfort to somebody this morning father god almighty jesus somebody is suffering long this morning would you show up on their behalf would you lend them your presence for just a moment oh god heal that person in the name of jesus heal that person oh god almighty hallelujah somebody is under demonic oppression father god almighty jesus cannot sleep in the night fear has grieved that individual god almighty jesus they are very fearful oh god almighty to even live but i pray god almighty by your hands that you will touch that spirit of fear god almighty we cancel it and we shed it back to hell father god almighty let everyone that is tuning in god almighty be touched in a special way father we ask for your divine intervention we ask for your covering yes lord we ask for your power to rain down in the viewer's life the listener oh god almighty jesus our god almighty a woman that is listening your life has been threatened god almighty by your boyfriend your husband oh god almighty i pray god that you will show up in that situation father god stop the act of violence hallelujah there is a child being molested god i pray god almighty jesus that you will expose the hands of the enemy lord god almighty i pray you will move the impediment show god almighty out of your people's life give them a purpose to live one more time show them that you are the answer god somebody is crying out for salvation today i pray that you will turn up i pray that you will show them that you are the god that save cover your people under your blood in jesus name i pray amen hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah if your hands and give him the highest praise this morning hallelujah hallelujah your hallelujah belongs to your god hallelujah your redeemer and your friend the word has spoken hallelujah your faith has been lifted up knowing that your god is able you have been prayed for what else do you need give them all give them all to jesus and he will surely turn yourself into joy with hallelujah this morning and just before the praise team will come and give you your deliverance song just before your testimonies being read out i just want to encourage your heart [Music] jeremiah 4 if thou wilt return or israel say the lord return unto me and if thou will put away thy abomination out of thy sight then shall thou not remove and thou shalt swear the lord leave it in truth in judgment and in righteousness and the nation shall bless themselves in him and in him shall the glory for thus say the lord to the men of judah and jerusalem break up your folly ground and so not among thoughts come on people of god come on god people out there circumcise yourselves to the lord and take away the foreskin of your heart amen of judah inhabitant of jerusalem lest my fury hallelujah comfort like fire and burn that none can quench it because of the evil of your doings come on people god is gonna work for you amen he's gonna do something for you but circumcise your heart of your evil and wicked ways come on break up your foreground and let the lord work through you and for you come on prince team hallelujah hallelujah come let us worship the lord hallelujah hallelujah we are you are god and there's none like unto you you are god and you're reigned supreme and you're right victorious we're inviting you to worship the lord with us whether you're in england hallelujah canada i don't know wherever you are in your space gene over there in england hallelujah jesus [Music] is my [Music] right oh [Music] is oh i will say i was [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is me [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] only one [Music] [Music] is he is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] hello come on jesus hallelujah don't let nobody steal your joy come on people of god continue to worship hallelujah walk through that house and worship don't let nobody steal your joy shout out on that sickbed don't let nobody steal your joy come on the joy of the lord is your strength come on and shout for joy this morning hallelujah hallelujah don't listen to the voice of that wicked one the joy of the lord is your strength hallelujah your strength is not in your child hallelujah already medication glory to god hallelujah the joy of the strength is in god oh jesus joy joy real joy come on people of god let give let give god a wave hallelujah for the strength of the lord it's the strength of my life hallelujah hallelujah come on you'll feel the trail i like the trail that i feel uh i wanna get together with god's wonderful people it's such a joy to see those smiley faces praising god in virtual purses hallelujah hallelujah praise your god this morning praise your god is the one who woke you up lord in your right mind come on join the lord that's your strength this morning hallelujah hallelujah come on raise yourself up by faith come on rise yourself up by faith he's with you this morning glory to god hallelujah god bless you hallelujah glory to the name of the lord i want us in the house at this time just put your hands together for he was all the time listening us hallelujah glory to god hallelujah hallelujah you'll hear more about him as we continue the program and so at this time those of you who send time and time again you know whatever platform you use to tell us how the lord has been doing into your life hallelujah glory to the name of the lord hallelujah we want to ask this morning that our dear sister will come and will call your names because you send him and tell us what the lord has done for you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i report victory this morning on behalf of maricopa morris successful in surgery she said thanks to the new testament church of god three waterline montego bay thank you for the prayers jennifer english's son got through with the job merle carr got through with the h-2b visa she said thanks for praying janice welsh release of h-2b visa olivia salmon release of paperwork k marie thomas victory over mental illness julia swanson's surgery was successful lauren lawson davison in north carolina is feeling better noah bennett is out of the hospital in server victory in jesus name victory in jesus name we pray and god delivers our victory hallelujah in jesus mighty name hallelujah hallelujah the church pray hallelujah hallelujah and victory to the people of god hallelujah deliverance to the people of god glory to the name of the lord god bless you for sending in your victory testimonies hallelujah continue to pray continue to believe as we will bring all your situation to the lord we're gonna continue to pull down every stronghold over your life hallelujah that the enemy please oh glory to god against your future hallelujah believe your god this morning believe god hallelujah is gonna do it again he has done it already he'll do it again for you he'll do it again for you and for you and for me as we believe god together this morning oh we're gonna pull down stronghold oh pull down stronghold we're gonna pull down strongholds in the name of the lord [Music] oh we're [Music] in the name of the lord [Music] things are getting things are getting later [Music] things [Music] uh [Music] in the name of the lord [Music] in the name of the lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] is my name is [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] put it down [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] it's yes getting better in the name of the lord [Laughter] [Music] in our presence here and those who are watching us this morning we're gonna play the blood of jesus seven times because it's only through the blood of jesus the stronghold will be broken all for your life all of a situation this morning after two one two the blood of jesus the blood of jesus the blood of jesus the blood of jesus hallelujah the blood of jesus pulling down stronghold this morning the devil is a liar he's a deceiver come on he's a devourer come on people of god we must have the power and the authority over the strategy of the enemy hallelujah holy ghost hallelujah hallelujah we continue at this time reverend rose is going to come and he's going to do his greeting and after which he's going to do a prayer for us hallelujah bless the name of the lord hallelujah hallelujah those who are with us in the sanctuary just lift your hands man and just give the lord a wave offering and a shout of praise hallelujah things are getting better indeed and the lord is still good in spite of all that is happening around us god still remains our god and we are grateful for that let me greet bishop robinson and also minister robinson who did the well he ministered earlier and the priest team musicians are the the few persons who are here with us and i just want to pick up all those who are watching us via youtube and those who are listening to us and more fm the lord bless you richly and i'm not saying that because it's something that we say i'm saying that right now because i believe it in the name of jesus christ of nazareth that the lord's richest blessings will begin to flow in your life that your prayers will be answered there are many of us we have prayed and we are waiting for the answers but we are trusting god that today we will start to see results of our prayers we will start to see the lord coming through for us we will start to see our new seasoning season we will start to see a turnaround in our lives like never before i trust and i believe the lord will do something in somebody's life because of your faithfulness towards him there are some people you know all they have they have given to the lord their entire self they have given to the lord and i trust that the lord will just see you through in this time i want to pray i want to pray for some persons who are unemployed for those who have lost their financial resources in whichever way you used to be financed and you have lost that i want to pray for those who are currently just depressed because you don't have any money you know you are wondering where your next meal where the next money is going to come from oh you're going to pay your partner this month oh you're going to make it through financially this month i want to pray for you not only to encourage you but i want to pray that the lord will pop up in your life and work another miracle i'm going to be praying that the lord will just see you through this season so wherever you are whether uh you are a home on the road wherever you are just humble your heart with me as i pray for you right now father in the name of jesus christ of nazareth lord we want to thank you first of all for your faithfulness towards us we want to thank you god that you have opened doors for us god we want to thank you that you have brought us thus far there are many oh god almighty uh that are having challenges at this time even being in the position that we are in so god we are grateful to you for what you have done and what you are doing in our lives but father we also want to ask you today that you will show up oh god almighty in our finances oh god father there are some persons who are watching there are some persons who are listening there are some persons who are here physically oh god almighty and they are wondering how they are going to make it through this season ah but we know that the god that we serve he is jehovah jiren he is the great provider we know that a god that we serve there is nothing that is hard for him we know the god that we serve can do the impossible we know the god that we serve can turn it around we know that god that we serve can provide for us oh god almighty your word declare that we should take no thought of tomorrow what we might eat or drink because when we look at the birds oh god almighty ah in the air they don't work but yet still they are way to fader god will look at the lilies in the valleys our god and your word declare that all they are good for is to be rooted up and burned but king solomon and holy splendor our god almighty couldn't dress as good as any of those elites that you have clothed so god almighty you say to us that we should seek ye first the kingdom of god and all his righteousness and then the clothes and the food our god and his shelter and everything that we need shall be added unto us so father in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we are actively seeking you first right now god almighty we are extending our faith unto you our god art and decree and the creator of our lives god almighty we are asking you now in the name of jesus christ of nazareth that you will provide the clothes that we need her that you will provide the food that we need that you will pay the bills oh god almighty that is currently growing interest god almighty that you will open the financial doors that the enemy have closed her oh god almighty you will just see your people through this season god will curse the spirit of poverty and luck that would want to creep itself into the lives of your people to tell your people oh god almighty ah that they need to be poor and they leave and they need to live impoverished lives we curse that now in the name of jesus christ of nazareth and we declare a new season in the lives of your people we declare god almighty that you will begin to extend your wisdom into the mind and the knowledge of your people oh god that your people will be creative in this season that new financial opportunities will begin to create in their minds that business ideas will come to the minds of your people ah that when the devil taught her that he won oh god almighty because he had closed one door in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we declare a thousand doors open we declare oh god that your people will begin to receive from avenues that they least expected from your people will get phone calls from persons that they least expect oh god almighty to call and to send them among here oh god i pray in the name of jesus christ of nazareth that your people will begin to see a light even in this dark color that they are going through we declare that the devil is a liar oh god we curse the spirit of giving up we curse the spirit of depression we curse the spirit of stress we curse the spirit of article we curse the spirit of hypertension oh god almighty that your people are going through right now because of lack of funds oh god almighty we declare peace in the lives of your people as you see us through god i declare peace in somebody's life peace in somebody's life i declare oh god that today somebody will get a call oh god for an interview that they applied for a while back oh god almighty somebody will get a call about a job that they didn't even remember that they had applied for god i pray in the name of jesus christ of nazareth that your people will get a breakthrough today because of their faithfulness towards you god we ask you to see your people through you are the same god oh god almighty the sinner raven to feed elijah we know you can do it again you are the same god oh now from the old testament the same god in the new testament the same god in the book of acts of the early church you are the same god today and we are trusting you that you will see your people through god we are depending on you oh god there are some persons who have nowhere else to go nobody has to turn to all the sources of dried up here on earth but god almighty i pray that heaven will open god somebody will experience an open heaven miracle today in the name of jesus christ of nazareth somebody who is watching us now we'll experience a miracle somebody or god almighty is listening to us and more if ever will experience a miracle somebody who is wondering oh god oh am i going to make it through her i declare miracle miracle miracles ah you are the god of miracles you are the god of signs and wonders there is nothing that is hard for you miracle again god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth a miracle a miracle in somebody's life oh god turn it around oh god oh god almighty lift the head of your people again take somebody out of shame and disgrace ah god almighty let somebody walk with their heads let somebody renew their worship oh god because of what you have done for them father we pray now in the name of jesus christ of nazareth that today will be the beginning of a new season in somebody's life oh god have your way let your glory be evident in the lives of somebody in the name of jesus i pray amen amen hallelujah hallelujah come on virtual church do better than that hallelujah those in your presence hallelujah homelessness hallelujah hallelujah more of him come on give him the highest prizes hallelujah he's your god he hears your cry hallelujah you know in matthew 5 when jesus was there with his disciples and he's taught to tell him how blessed they are blessed are those who mourn you shall be comforted blessed are they make for they shall inherit the heart come on as the first go on blessed are you when men shall revile you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven and further down he says you are the salt of the earth come on people now your authority know what you have but if the salt has lost its savior where we shall it be salted it is henceforth and good for nothing but to be casted out and threatened under the foot of men we cannot afford that we have the authority through the power of god in spite of come people of god in spite of what we are going through where is your authority what god told you to do when lost the holy spirit spoke to your spirit and tell you what you must do trust your god and believe him he's with you to comfort you and give her the peace that possible understanding come on i love the word you know brethren because romans 8 1 tells me there is therefore no no condemnation to them that are in christ jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit hallelujah don't let anybody condem you and take tell you any word negative over your life when you accept it the devil is a liar hallelujah and verse 26 27 of the same romans 8 said like was the spirit of god hallelujah he know how to pray for us hallelujah he can intercede on our behalf come on people of god use your authority hey jesus hallelujah hallelujah he know how to intercede for us with groaning which cannot be uttered i'll ask the praise him one last time to come and give us their favorite selection hallelujah hallelujah one of their favorite glory to the name of the lord blessed lord it's the name of the lord hallelujah shall we bless the name of the lord shall we exalt the name of the lord hallelujah this afternoon i declare that i'm in love with jesus hallelujah come on shall we bless the name of the lord are you in love with jesus this afternoon hallelujah you lord and i lift my voice [Music] oh my soul [Music] in [Music] declare that you love him this afternoon [Music] oh my [Music] hallelujah let it be [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] us with your love for is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] us with [Music] [Applause] a oh we know that we are [Music] we give him the highest praise this morning hallelujah come on hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you have so much so much so much so much so much to give him thanks for hallelujah hallelujah hey jesus hallelujah we have the weapon to use against the enemy and so we have so much i must decrease at this time but i just want to say thanks to sister duncan and minister robinson glory to god and reverend rose glory to the name of the lord praise breakers sister williams and her team and for the testimonies that was read by sister nicklin reed hallelujah want to welcome to the podium just before he comes there's going to be a special song by sister alison graham we want those of us who are in the house and those who are viewing us and listening us put your hands together with a shout of praise to welcome the man of god bishop ruel robinson who will be breaking the word to our hearts today hallelujah and to give to us what the lord has laid in his heart so we can continue in jesus and stay at his feet and grow in the world hallelujah because we must be overcomers through the word of god hallelujah bishop hallelujah saint matthew 12 and 41 tells us bishop the men of nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation and shall condemn it because they repent at the preaching of jonas and behold greater than jonas is here god bless you god bless us sister alison graham after which bishop will be coming to us today hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus lord to the name of the lord i was fine without you [Music] i was covering up the secret tears one day someone told me of your mercy and the love you showed on a hill called hell worry there you died and purchased my redemption when you broke since far and set my spirits free [Music] [Applause] [Music] and my sins are washed they're all washed away all my sins are washed away no one knew how alone i was feeling and the emptiness i tried so hard to hide though i laughed and said my life was fine without you i was covering then one day someone told me of your the mercies you showed on a hill called calvary there you died and purchased [Music] that you [Music] [Applause] blood [Music] they're all washed away [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] was let you love me [Music] [Applause] [Music] there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] washed away [Music] is that you love me [Applause] [Music] they're all washed away all my sins are washed away [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i [Music] lift somebody out there as a virtual worshiper give god the praise give god the praise in this fasting service give god the praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we magnify your lord we glorify you worthy to be praised worthy is the lamb we exalt your name this wednesday morning hallelujah hallelujah glory to god for those who are standing in the house at your own house you may be seated because we know that our virtual worshipers you cooperate with us in every sense of the word hallelujah god is truly an amazing god there is no one like him he is god all by himself hallelujah i stand tall this morning to greet our moderator deaconess bennett uh reverend rose in the house minister jeffery robinson who has ministered an intercede uh for the virtual worshipers i mean god is raising up young men to carry on uh the work i greet the officer's presence amen and those who are tuning in by virtual uh space and virtual worshipping i greet you i greet every worshiper uh the many many worshipers across the world those who are in some special groups that commit themselves to the praying and to the success of this fasting service my god i always label them the canada canada crew uh the canadian crew the english crew you know yourself uh the queen's crew the brooklyn crew the bronx crew the uh fort lauderdale crew the miami crew amen the cayman crew amen reverend bishop neil morris in cayman uh the orlando crew bishop uh richard noticed my brother and friend the various are intercessory group that is joining this fasting across the 14 parishes of this beautiful country i treat you in the mighty name of jesus and i must by way of footnote recognize our senior members they are not on spot they are not in the house but good god they are with the fasting service they are standing as how moses stood with the rod lifted up my god so that joshua could win the battle i am amazed i am blessed by the phone calls our senior members constantly give to your pastor your pledge of support amen god bless you richly richly amen today i stand in the gap to minister to you today god always speak to his people and god always use his servant to minister his word amen amen and so the lord has laid a word on my heart and i want to invite your attention to psalm 109 psalm 109. and it reads us reading from verse 1 hold not thy peace o god of my praise come on i will like that hold not thy peace o god of my praise for the mold of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful are open against me they have spoken against me with a lying tongue they compass me about also with words of hatred and fought against me without a cause for my love they are my adversaries for my love they are my adversaries but i give myself unto prayer come on now hallelujah come on i want you to preach with me on the keyboard i want you to amen church of god for my love they are my adversaries but i give myself unto prayer that's why we are in fasting hallelujah amen fifth and last and they have rewarded me evil for good and hatred for my love hallelujah hallelujah father i thank you for your word your word is power your word is life your word almighty god is like tonic to the bone i stand behind this sacred desk to share your word again lord just another time i ask you for a touch lord cleanse your servant that nothing you would have to say to the hundreds of worshipers be hindered from them lord let the words of my mouth the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight hallelujah we back back the force of darkness we we cramp we paralyze every demon from hell ah that is raging war against your people arise almighty god arise almighty god arise almighty god her and let your enemies scatter we scatter the enemies of god to the east we scatter them to the west we scatter them to the north we scatter them to the south we send them into oblivion in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah arise prince emmanuel arise with power in your wings arise with fire arise with your glory hallelujah arise in the east arise in the west arise in the north arise in the salt and rise that tree [Music] somebody just where you are shout arise arise arise arise come on alright somebody help me lift up jesus our eyes arise arise [Music] hallelujah i want to i want to speak to us today uh quickly from a theme that the lord dropped in my spirit and the theme is enemies are real write it down enemies are real they are not fake they are not shadow but they are oh lord somebody help me now somebody better preach with me today enemies are real amen never you ah i interpret the enemy smile our god for invitation because they are real somebody praise the lord real enemies real enemies amen don't let me run ahead of myself uh enemies are persons who are actively opposed are hostile to someone or something amen amen a thing that harms or weakens somebody could be sickness and pain come on our spirit a thing that harm a weakness or weaken someone or something else enemies my friends are those who hate your guts and want to see you dead they want to see your casket they want to see your funeral and because of coving no funeral uh in the place again they want to hear of your burial come on somebody shout enemies are real amen enemies want to see you suffer they want to see your family destroyed they want to see your spouse dead come and be somebody hallelujah they want to see you suffer without a cause amen i'm in church what a wicked enemy listen there are types of enemies it is safe to say there are types of enemies are physical enemies spiritual enemies visible enemies invisible enemies work enemies enemies are you there somebody cooperate enemies somebody on the chop don't light one bone in here and they have the vow to take you out amen somebody worship the lord with me hallelujah sadly my friend even in the courts of god's holy place they are unsuspecting enemies amen amen [Music] hallelujah in the courts of god they are unsuspecting enemies hallelujah our god david are one of the uh main person of the bible that was shrouded with enemies he said in psalm 55 and verse 14 oh my god is not the enemy on the road that harm him come on but those who took sweet homes with him those who walked with him into the house of god in company come on so come on somebody right where you least expect they are enemies but i hear somebody said who god bless [Music] somebody say that with me who god bless no man curse can you point to somebody in your house on the job who god bless no man curse can you just anoint yourself and declare yourself blessed i am blessed come on fasting us come on organizer come on brooklyn tour come on anoint yourself i am blessed i am highly favored i am special hallelujah i am the righteousness of god hallelujah and when god opened doors for me i am going to escape in without looking at any enemy that is watching me [Music] hallelujah hallelujah can i talk to you today the enemy becomes enemies because the devil reigns upon their hearts enemy become enemy because the devil ran upon the heart sit down on their heart ride your heart like our jockey ride the horses achievement spark turn their heart this way turn your heart that way the devil is on their heart oh somebody praise the lord enemy becomes enemy because they want to be like you hello they want to be like you for god and they want to have what you have can i say that again enemy becomes enemy because you have something that they don't have they want what you have they want your height they want your print your beauty they want your clothes come on they want what you drive they want your business they want your family they want your spouse come on somebody show enemy enemy enemy enemy amen oh god they want what god bless you god give your blessing they never saw when life was killing you but god turned that around and oh lord you're no enjoying the blessing of the lord enemy but minded people the one god's blessing that god give to you but in the name of jesus my blessing shall stay with me my blessing shall stay with my wife my blessings shall stay with my children my blessings are scared of oh hallelujah i declare somebody's blessing to stay with them hallelujah and every chunk of worm and power my worm and caterpillar that they will set up to rob our blessing oh my god we plead the blood of chris you know what somebody pray for me today we plead the blood of jesus against every caterpillar every chunk of worm every primer worm in the name of jesus hallelujah can't get my blessing where were you where were you when i was in need where were you when i spend hours and days on my knees where were you when i was alone in the house of god king to god where were you where were you no god bless me the spirit of conviciousness [Music] come on believers we are free to shout i am blessed i am blessed every day of my life i am blessed when i wake up in the morning where i lay my head to rest i am blessed come on worship the lord come on bless people come on jta you are blessed canada who you are blessed come on come on england crew you're blessed [Music] there's a big difference from being rich and blessed you can be rich but you are not blessed and you can be blessed but you are not rich come on somebody i rather to be blessed by god than to have riches and not bless somebody praise the lord so when i get up in the morning i give god oh god somebody worship the lord i walk with my head high my shoulders clear i may not be richer but i am blessed bless me blessed somebody wants your beauty somebody wants your education somebody want your help somebody want your family somebody want your job somebody want your life so you must not be beautiful you must not be educated you must not be healthy you must not have a family you must be unemployed you must be dead dad dad but in the name of jesus somebody help me now you will not die hallelujah can you say with me i shall not die but i will live and declare the words of the lord come on oh lord oh lord batman said somebody's gonna tired to see my face come on come on your enemy's gonna be tired come on camera run with me somebody's going to be tired to see your fears you ain't going anywhere we now go nowhere god is the keeper of my life and when you say stop and god say go i am going on right on that's all i know somebody give him praise in the house david in the 23rd psalm lord he said they'll prepare us a table before me in the presence of my friends in the presence of my family anyways no but in the presence of my enemies i don't know why god behaved like that but he could have prepared it in your family in your house but god carried to a conspicuous place that your enemies can see your blessing but they can only look but they can't touch oh lord somebody help me now because when they're about to touch god said back off oh lord somebody shall back off back off off my blessing is secure hallelujah to god listen to me the characteristics of enemies enemies are malicious enemies are mischievous enemies are envious are you there enemies are bad mind are bad minded enemies are confucius enemies are ungodly enemies are haters of god despises of progress enemies are underminers they are platters of evil they are witchcraft workers lovers of innocent blood amen jesus oh jesus lovers of innocent blood somebody pray for me now in the name of jesus witchcraft workers you are fast asleep and people trying to fall up your life [Music] but oh god bless hallelujah glory to the most high god hallelujah somebody gave him a praise in the house hallelujah hallelujah glory to the most god lovers of innocent blood but if they succeed with others they cannot succeed with that child of god if they succeed with others they're not going to succeed with the child of god hallelujah because we carry blood coverage come on oh man come on harm yourself with the blood of jesus dub yourself the blood the blood the blood hallelujah we are covered [Music] can succeed in the name of jesus you can succeed all the witchcraft the they can't succeed so when some people say you are a witchcraft worker don't worry yourself they try your many times talk to me now and every blow they sure it bonks back come on man come on you know see the family can ask prosper somebody help me man you don't see certain death in the family come on no man help me pray you better help me preach your mother help me preacher hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah turn back turn back turn that blue [Music] oh jesus hallelujah mr jimmy cliff said the regular singer their heart that they come their heart that they fall one and all so if they come in sing the file the fall if they come in group they tumble down yes i'm overshadowed by is boundless love come on i have protection from the lord above jesus walked beside me [Music] every person and i know it guide me all the way somebody glorify him hallelujah david said in psalm 37 fret not thyself because of evildoers neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity for they shall soon be cut down like the grass and the witch and withered i like the green herb why are you fretting yourself why are you worrying yourself why you can't sleep why your appetite is gone in the name of jesus but david said fret not yourself against evildoers if a man said it's gonna hurt you pray more worship more rejoice more come to church more [Music] jesus somebody glorify him worship the lord worship the lord god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god listen according to the text uh it allows us to know that enemies are real they are not fake they are real hallelujah listen to me they because they are real they are active amen you don't hear me they are active they are relentless they are having confronts they are setting traps [Music] are you there there have been confronts they are setting traps they are digging pits but the righteous is safe and secure amen hallelujah from all along somebody praise the lord [Music] listen church never deceive yourself that everyone loves you and no one hates you come on now don't deceive yourself nobody hit me everybody love me you are mistaken amen enemies are as old as the bible from genesis to revelation and what i learned about enemies you don't have to do a man anything oh jesus you don't have to do a man anything [Music] for him to become your enemy moses her god encounter pharaoh because fear of belief he should hold god's people down come on now they are those with that mentality god's people must be under bondage all the time but they are a liar in the name of jesus is there somebody under the reach of my voice have a fear in your life [Music] jesus is there somebody in your life how god is enslaving you i hear the spirit of god saying deliverance come on help me shout deliverance for somebody there's a young lady right now you're under bondage oh god whatever your name janet or janice whatever the lord just drop it in my spirit god said deliverance come on let me minister today deliverance deliverance deliverance somebody help me show deliverance somebody help me show deliberate [Music] hallelujah come on somebody worship [Music] deliverance come on show deliverance for somebody show deliverance for somebody deliverance [Music] [Music] joseph he encountered his brothers one of the worst enemy you can have is your very own come at me somebody amen one of the worst enemy you can have is somebody you put your head on the pillar with one of the worst enemies you can have is someone who laughs with you oh jesus someone that is close to you that was joseph encounter joshua had jericho oh my god david had saul amen and listen the the the the the character in saul he was pursuant he was determined amen amen listen to me he was trailing david everywhere he goes [Music] to the point david took rest in the cave of adelaide come on come on you need to serve god you need to serve god because god is going to take your enemy right in your space oh jesus come on stand with me those in the house come on everybody oh first come on listen and god clear reforms saul and his men [Music] and allow them to have god's snore but david armabeera heard the snoring and said master your main enemy is outside just give me the power to just push my dart through him david said touch not the lord's anointed come on but come with me boys come on come on come on george come on we are going to walk over them come on we are going to walk over come on walk over come on you're gonna walk over in the name of jesus come on you you need to walk over your soul come on walk over your soul uh come on can you step over in the name of jesus step over your [Music] enemy [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] you think the god you serve easy my god is an awesome god hallelujah he can reform the enemy right under the nose of davey and give you time to walk over come on no man step over the is there somebody with us all in your life is there somebody with a soul in your matrimonial life [Music] die jesus christ [Music] you know hear me let me preach to you because you are preaching to me my organ is not preaching i said you're not going to run for too long because judgment is coming for saul [Music] because when charles cannot reach you he's going to kill himself [Music] hallelujah i feel suicidal in the priest hallelujah of god because when shall cheer some cheers and could not get the evil one and give up [Music] hallelujah i don't want to be militant today now [Music] hallelujah there are some enemies not even the funeral you must attend amen amen listen job encounter enemies and you know what kind of enemies those friend enemies jesus who our friend enemies job friends came to visit him no edge of accusation [Music] but joe calm himself come on can i tell somebody to relax in god hallelujah let them talk them talk let them accuse them accusation let them lie at you let them set you up god is gonna turn it around listen according to the text someone need to start celebrate hallelujah come on worshipers somebody need to start to celebrate somebody need to start to worship somebody need to start to shout hallelujah come on now come on i'm closing i'm closing hallelujah hallelujah somebody somewhere need to start to give god a praise stop the crying start to praise your god stop your crying start to give god a praise for the egyptians you'll see today the egyptians you'll see today satan are a liar in the name of jesus i rebuke you right now hold your peace the egyptians you'll see today [Music] i want to read the scripture for you and call the reverend rose back to the podium to pray exodus 23 22 but if if you carefully obey the lord he will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries [Music] come on believers you need to start dancing all the christians have to do is whenever your enemy opened their mouth like david of the text go down on your knees and pray go down on your knee and pray go down on your knee and pray go down on your knee and pray go down on your knees and i call upon the warriors today hallelujah go on your knees and pray hallelujah the enemies of god will be your enemy god said i will fight for you no weapon [Music] oh lord no weapon shall ever prosper somebody worship the lord somebody magnify him somebody glorified [Music] your hands man come on lift your hands lift your hands lift your hands and let us put our hands together in victory hallelujah wherever you are watching or listening just put your hands together in victory hallelujah remember your enemy as a child of god is an enemy of god once you are a child of god your enemies god's enemy oh hallelujah your enemy it's god's enemy and you don't want to make an enemy of the lord you don't want god to be your enemy today so i want to encourage somebody today to remember that the lord is fighting on your behalf i don't care who the fear is i don't care who the enemy is i don't care how long this enemy has been in your life this enemy is fighting against god and when god show up just like he showed up ah to moses at the burning bush and he declared i that tell fear to let my people go because i have seen their affliction and i have heard their cry and now it's time for me to fight on their behalf god and showed up and god will fight on your behalf so you might be fighting about for many years but god has shown up and god wants you to know that he will fight for you he is fighting for you so somebody put your hands together in victory put your hands together as somebody who knows that the lord is fighting on your behalf somebody who knows that today are the enemies conquered today god is going to show up in egypt today god is going to tear down the empire of hero today god is going to send plague against your enemies today our fear will come to know today egypt can hold you by bondage no more because god god god god it's fighting on your behalf somebody shout today i shall have my victory today is my day to overcome my enemies today is the day where the war that i have been fighting for many years is coming to an end because god show up and god will fight for me he wants you to know that the egyptians you see today you will see them again no more forever he wants you to know that after babylon has run their course babylon shall not have its victory because god says in jeremiah chapter 29 that after these 70 years have completed then you will seek me and you will find me because you have searched with all your heart i will come and i will bring you out of this land that you have been devoted to my brothers and sisters god wants you to know that the enemies has already been conquered you are strategically and divinely are aligned for your breakthrough so i know that you're going through a rough season i know it looks as if your your enemies are winning it looks as if your enemies are trying are triumphing over you but in the name of jesus christ of nazareth be encouraged that god has it all are in divine alignment ah there is coming a day when enough is enough enough is enough i don't care who your enemies are i don't care how long they have been in your life i don't care oh how they have been working to see you to see your don't fall when i've read the scriptures i've recognized that if god is fighting for you you have already won you have already won you have already won so in the midst of the battle now one more time we are going to put our hands together and we are going to behave as people of victory come on put your hands together put your hands together put your hands together and just shout just rejoice in your picture rejoice in your victory rejoice in your picture rejoice in your picture rejoice in your victory rejoice in your victory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hold on a little bit i want to i want to give you an opportunity to give so for all those who are watching us are listening to us uh via the various medias i i want to give you an opportunity to to give into the lord's ministry uh if you would like to give to our bank of nova scotia's account uh the checking well it's a checking account and the account number is of course you would need to add three zeros before the number so that's zero zero zero one two zero zero uh then there's an a dash there and one four let me repeat the checking account number for the bank of nova scotia is zero zero zero one two zero zero dash one four uh the transit number is one zero two one five and the name of the account is the new testament church of god montego b and i see swift here the swift number here is uh n o s c j m k n uh if you would like to give through the jmmb account it's a saving account the account number is zero zero zero four zero zero one seven eight nine one two let me repeat that's a jmmb account savings account it's zero zero zero four zero zero one seven eight nine one two and of course the account name well the address is the jmmb church street montego bay and uh yes it is the beneficiary bank the jmmp bank of jamaica limited and if you would like to give through our paypal it is a new test well it is the ntcg 3pp let me repeat that our paypal is ntcg 3pp at and also our spur open uh dot com that is [Music] s-p-u-r-r-o-p-e-n dot com so those are the different uh avenues for which you can give which you can sow into this ministry so go ahead and just sow into the ministries of the lord i believe that as we plant seeds into god's ministry we will bear good fruit are these seeds will be a good fruit we have heard many testimonies before of what the lord is doing through this fasting and prior ministry and we encourage you to continue to give to pray and to offer your support in whichever way to this ministry and the lord will continue to bless you at this time i'm going to invite our sister to come and she will be reading the prior requests that were sent in via youtube please [Music] hallelujah i will be reading the request today april 21 20 20 marissa sinclair hospitalized battling blood cancer novelling perry financial breakthrough elaine campbell healing for family maretta morris healing maxine price burger lavina riley leita and rager ramsey kaydon darby and family sister brown got a slight stroke smith's family ling steed and mom in new york ermeline luke and family estella james's sons troy and matthew and mom and rest of the family lenox immigration paper release in uk and usa lydia perkins and donald reed healing and deliverance also needs a job ianna lawrence's mom needs restoration of the mind dad needs healing martin parry foot breakthrough ermeline luke healing in body and deliverance pauline brown and family strength mikey tana shade crystal roger delroy cory mindell alfonso susie kern vera and coral calvin and marcia borising in the hospital carving cincy clark and family in new york and montego bay jamaica audrey bennett and her four children and six grandchildren lesma perkins pain in left side of head and foot beverly white's sister-in-law healing mcfarlane family lost their daughter ruth krasick family in papua new guinea deliverance for sister-in-law ramsey family in anchovy dobson family lost mother melodia peaches and family special prayer for daughter tamoya and sanik clive horton kathy patrick peter and family salvation jennifer lewis and family son had an accident and i is not functioning well princess chin healing in belly mary horn and family healing deliverance and financial breakthrough healthy healing in eyes henry meadowmore resort workers release of paperwork rubber battling with prostate cancer kidney disease needs finances for surgery juliet triverton in nevis next wave employment agency sonia ferguson and family in new york and friends in jamaica robert longmore return of workies latoya birch laverne morris nakisha allwood baptism of the holy spirit and prayer for her son brown horton williams and walker families healing salvation peace restoration byron nelson salvation and deliverance jennifer and family karnath and yasin families healing and wisdom samara gardner sheena horton release of immigration documents and she needs a job michaelish robinson and boswell family sister mertos simpson healing and the birch family carlington forest salvation and deliverance jennifer roberts and family deliverance gennado walker strength nikkisha christie and children lorna malcolm not feeling well in cambridge elaine brown and family joycelyn messon pain in the left leg and foot and her grand granddaughter sanaya lazita wallace and family dawn's family healing and breakthrough sister tracy and doyle her father is celebrating his 75th birthday she's asking for prayer for his salvation and prayer also for the men in her family die endure breakthrough in business in harborview dixon and heath family paul newman salvation and deliverance a lot of mackintosh decrease in blood pressure so that heart and family daughter in georgia needs healing in her foot ronald dillon keith thorpe in the usa castle and welch's family hamilton brown and fishnet nadia pinock and fear king heath faith spence healing and deliverance marcia and lorna ives battling search for cancer chanette ives who recently did a surgery sherry lately spiritual and financial breakthrough sharon richards constant pain on the right side of stomach lucy smith financial breakthrough and for her family miss fraser johnson in hospital coverage over baby and mother halloween and steve decide lingsteen merle grant healing in foot and hip lauren lawson davidson suffering from busyness anne-marie sims and daughter daniel hutchinson reconciliation jason elaine daniel shaydon israel restoration alma coxen family keon street restoration of mine in antigua valine thorpen family joyce ferguson healing and deliverance monica morrison's strength eva barrett and family healing in body so that powell healing in foot cover cover bryan in georgia carmen gager in freeport bahamas pastor leandra cooper in new york citizens of saint vincent velona s pain in the right side andre shalom jahim jayden and israel kassan hamilton family simone services son meets healing melva hill enlarge heart patricia chambers and jillian lindo healing and restoration miller's family in bickerstein sister margaret blossom bailey nevine webley husband and children lucille mcfarlane in icu in canada donna thompson's son doing sexy needs a breakthrough sharing henry and family sister is sick courtney breakthrough pull it clark healing against thyroid nicola jerry residency paperwork release simpson family in florida sister kimberly cunningham's son dominique restoration and deliverance from evil attacks loretta manderson severe pain in belly misha pierced kids and siblings for peace and restoration brenda charles demonic attack on sister and son alves morris avery and brittany and family brown and carter family sister morgan healing from sickness and pain marjorie atterberry and family especially her children philippa and family in lindstead and canada claudine hails claudine hill's cousin in the hospital demario needs a job rania morris in hospital shanica healing and deliverance nyan healing and restoration kenneth suffering from diabetes character facing infection of lungs garfield welsh release of work permits in canada ammon grants success on interview sister dawkins and family carmen family and children sister veronica ellis not feeling well valerie and son khalil in england brittany l bennett 16 year old battling lupus jennifer walker and family monique o'sheen trudy oral cadry sandra priya jd and sanya healing deliverance restoration and salvation cynthia semester betsy mcdonald norma trench mclean christina maria deliverance from evil attacks madeleine maxwell's son incarcerated prayer for strength marcia ewan not feeling well dwindling shepherd prayer for family devon chavene javon unsettling robert and melissa financial breakthrough camille cummings release and deliverance at job warrell and hyacinth stanberry sister brenda stevens and family rose mchale healing just did a surgery jennifer sepal healing from hypertension and diabetes ruth walder fresh touch tasha brown and jason jennifer mclean in new jersey kristela and son of brice hyacinth campbell paulette coley janika reed and family chancelley and lenox mitchell shaw and family restoration and financial breakthrough denise campbell randall dane shaddain and siobhan nardia gregory latoya tanisha inferez ramona severe headaches chinese healing euler lee brown and family joy maitland christine and lloyd maitland jamily cahoon and zarya wright in cuba omar johnson and family six sister maxine cole's son with eye condition greg's family natalie harriet and family joyce and alton morris sister berdlin stevens sister tyrion leslie stephanie heath corrine and stefan don henry in the usa pearl dawkins and family deliverance tatiana ramik romaine cluster nicole carrolly adet and suzette edward herron suffering from dizziness and sinus diane mcdonald and family breakthrough reverend gunzelet and sister lucille grant reverend joycelyn malcolm reverend finletta evangelist melbourne reverend alfonso barrett sister isilda drummer sister millicent daily sister maybe riley sister christie sister delcita mcintosh and cecilia stevens jillian hyman and children val valerie family issues in westmoreland sister maggie miller and daughter asha and justin being treated unjustly donnick surrounded by the enemy brother eli anderson sister gibbon brooks in canada sister faye duncan mcgee marquise healing in falmouth hospital janet gordon canada frontline worker carlene deliverance sister marja carr going for observation jeffrey coleman restoration of mind over depression and stress in clarendon vida woolry in the hospital maureen willing willingston in the hospital sister clover brown and family the norwood community lisa graham jeremy and giovanni reed alicia rose mcintosh deliverance and healing renardo vernon terence johnson damien rowe in the cornwall regional hospital winston carroll and son jordan and edith allen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah this time i'm going to invite the praise team to come and sing one nice lively chorus and we will be giving an opportunity to those who are inside the temple to give at this time and then we will do the final prayer for those names that you heard earlier [Music] [Applause] only you can do [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] always [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah let us pray church father we thank you for your many blessings that you have given unto us oh god lord we thank you that we have so that we can bring back to your to your kingdom and to your service here on earth lord we are grateful to you for that fact father as your people have brought back oh god almighty to you through the various platforms oh god uh those who have given online those who uh have just walked with their offerings a while a while ago god almighty to your service father we trust and we believe your word as your word declare o god almighty that we are to give and it will come back to us uh good measures pressed down shaken together and running over and for that oh god almighty we anticipate as you give back to us oh god almighty from what we have given as you multiply oh god almighty unto us god you know that there are persons who have given out of their lives oh god almighty ah like the widow's might they are persons oh god almighty who have given uh from their last they have given their last to you but we trust the word o god almighty that you will bless your people oh god as we give to your kingdom oh god almighty you will just begin to overflow in their lives oh god you will begin to pour back in different aspects of their lives oh god i pray that their children shall be blessed i pray o god almighty that their generation shall be blessed i pray that everything that they put their hands to shall be blessed oh god i pray that even the very jobs that they are in it shall be blessed in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i pray oh god that blessings will flow in their lives like never before oh god and everything that is connected to them o god almighty shall inherit the blessings that you have poured upon their lives oh god almighty i pray for those who are who are asking for prayer because they are lacking o god financially i pray oh god almighty that you will bless them in abundance for those who have sent in their request oh god for prayer father you know the various needs i can't list them all right now but i know you great initiate god that you can meet the needs of everybody that have sent in their list and even those who did not get a chance to send in oh god almighty the request we know that you are the god that can grant the desires of the hearts of your people we know that you are the god that can heal the sick god we are we know that you can even raise dead there is nothing that you cannot do so father as we call and heaven's help oh god this afternoon wherever your people are those who are in the united states of america those who are in incline those who are in barbados those who are in our god almighty selfie center wherever your people are your hands are not short that you cannot reach them i ask you no god almighty just church with your hands and touch your people in canada wherever there i know god almighty show up in their lives now oh god i pray that you will turn their lives around oh god for your glory and your glory alone o god almighty heal is sick in the name of jesus christ of nazareth intervening in somebody's life like never before god almighty somebody is desperate and depending on you oh god for a miracle oh god you can do it because you have done it before i hear this someone say you'll do it again just take a look at where we are now and where we have been our god you have always come through so one more time oh god we ask you to come through for somebody come through for our mother come through our father come through for our son come true for our daughter oh god almighty comes through our young lady come true for a whole man whatever the conditions are oh god show up and come through for your people oh god oh god almighty maryvana sent in the request oh god i ask you that you will come through for them oh god almighty show up in their lives and set them free oh god from whatever the problems are oh god sister major show up in her life oh god almighty and send forty deliverance we continue to pray oh god for your people your people see the need to seek your intervention so they ask for prayer god we ask you to prove a daughter wrong today let the enemy know that you are still in control let the devil know that you are alive and well and you are operating in the lives of your people let the devil know that god almighty the gates of hell shall not prevail against your church let the devil know that the demons of sickness in whichever farm is chosen to raise its ugly head cannot prosper against the church of god we declare war in the name of jesus christ of nazareth against hell this afternoon ah cancer is in one angel against you ah diabetes we declare war against you i pretend shall we declare war against you back pain with a clear war against you oh god outright is with the clear war in the clear war with the clear war against your spinal injury declared war against you in the name of jesus christ of nazareth our god whatever the conditions are we declare war at the church of god against every sickness in the name of jesus a report from hell that is at work in the lives of your people the church in montevideo the mounting of the new testament church of god we stand resolute and we declare that no weapon that is formed against the people of god shall prosper in the name of jesus christ of nazareth the demons that is assigned to destroy marriages we curse your recursion we curse your encouragement we blind you will confuse you in the name of jesus whatsoever the lord has put together let no money no demons let no powers ah try to destroy it and pull it apart our god almighty on this request oh god and i ask you no god almighty to set your people free in the name of jesus christ of nazareth somebody is crying god all that desperation somebody's tired god i need a church somebody's boring god almighty enough is enough god you are our only source of help and we are calling on you now to show up do it again jesus do it again jesus oh god almighty oh god for that whole where it seems as if the enemy has taken it over that home oh god that you have built and it seems as if demons want to chase your people out in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we declare war against hell in the name of jesus you have no dominion you have no power over the people of god and their house somebody know who is listening i you know yourself just raise your hands to the various corners of your home and just begin to plead the blood of jesus if you have a consecrated animal just begin to alert your house in the name of jesus christ of nazareth the power of god is alive and well and god is about to do something he's about to break something he's about to set somebody free in the name of jesus i declare you afraid of today in the name of jesus in the name of jesus oh god almighty our god for somebody who is tired somebody who's weary somebody or god almighty who feel as if they are losing the [Music] battle in the name of jesus christ of nazareth for somebody who feels as if they are losing the battle in the name of jesus i declare strength i declare strength to your body i declare strength to your spirit man i declare strength to your mind now in the name of jesus you shall not go under you shall not be defeated ah in the name of jesus christ of nazareth you are an overcomer you are an overcomer somebody needs to shout it oh lord wherever you are wherever you are just declare it over your life lay your hand on yourself let the enemy hear you and fix this afternoon i am an overcomer i am an overcomer i am an overcomer somebody put their hands together for jesus somebody put their hands together for jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah will not turn back over to our disease moderator together hallelujah to worship your god for victory and deliverance through prayer hallelujah come on people of god hallelujah hallelujah walk through and rest your hand walk through and put your hands all over your body all over those person among you walk over and give god praise and glory hallelujah we pray your god will deliver we pray your god will come right on time he may not come when you wanted him but he's an untimed god yes he is hallelujah the supplier of all of our needs he will supply our needs god bless you bishop robinson god bless you reverend rose hallelujah hallelujah there's a special prayer at this time hallelujah i'm going to invite minister giovanni robinson to come at this time and he's going to take this prayer request to the lord hallelujah sister daughter-in-law sister matt please come yes please come to god be all the glory hallelujah hallelujah hey jesus we pray and god delivers us we pray and god stop the war gave us one more chance [Music] [Music] god gave us [Applause] let us live for faith to god hallelujah father in the name of jesus we i come before thee god almighty on behalf of a request o god almighty from a mother for a daughter father she has been sick for some time the enemy is given trouble in and outs of sickness god but you said o god almighty there is healing through the atoning blood of jesus we submit her to your care god almighty father we ask you god almighty to touch her from the crown of her head and to the soul of her feet remove every diabolic assignment whatever the enemy has meant for evil god turn it around to become good we back the forces of darkness we shatter the pieces every dog of the enemy father god whether it be demonic or natural father we come against it the church in waterloo come against it in the mighty name of jesus healing and deliverance fasting god almighty bishop robinson fasting come against it in the name of jesus christ father god almighty jesus touch our muscles and tendons oh god father god she is supposed to be represented at work tomorrow father god almighty show up now she need a no-touch god not later god almighty [Music] i speak healing over your body woman of god i speak healing over your body i speak healing and speak life into you i declare a turnaround in your situation ah god almighty i put a full stop lord god almighty jesus we shut it down we come against it we paralyze it in the name of jesus we plead the blood at jesus on your behalf give her peace in our mind god for you said you are the jehovah rapha you heal father god you deliver you are the jehovah's shalom oh calmer situation calm her storm give her a testimony god touch her fire again god almighty jesus father god almighty you call us to be the repairer of the breach father god i declare that there shall be a testimony father god almighty jesus i rest at night so god i send you oh god almighty jesus to dwell with her o god father god almighty free earth from any demonic powers that have helped her hostage father to you we give the glory to you we give the honor to you we give the praise visit her one more time and the church of the living god say amen [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah put our hands together for victory this afternoon hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to the name of the lord jesus hallelujah hallelujah god bless you my brother god bless you god bless you god bless you just want to say to us this afternoon that all is well hallelujah glory to god bishop is just sharing today's fasting with all of us hallelujah hallelujah glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah god bless you people of god god bless you for sharing for keeping our company in your different spaces hallelujah we're going to pray your strength we're going to see god and intercede on your behalf on your family's behalf whatever situation you're going through your god know all about it and it's going to take you through god bless you god bless us this afternoon we'll be having our bible studies at 5 30 and i know that you will link with us and share with us in your space at this time we pronounce our benediction hallelujah please stand everywhere we believe god and now may be saving grace of our lord and our savior jesus christ the love of god the father the full fellowship of the communion of the holy spirit of god nor rests remain and abide with us all but no one forevermore all of god's children say amen amen praise team hallelujah we pray and god delivers we pray [Music] [Applause] [Music] delivers one more time and god stop the war us one more
Channel: The Montego Bay New Testament Church of God
Views: 11,752
Rating: 4.7520661 out of 5
Keywords: Deliverance, Fasting, Live, Live Church, Healing, Worship, Annointing, Blessing, Montego Bay, Mobay, Water Lane, New Testament, Hallelujah, Fasting Service, Live Church Online, new year, Jamaican Church Live, Sunday Worship
Id: GqMb1NCEvHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 57sec (12717 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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