Delicious Turkish Street Food Tour In Istanbul June 2021 |4k UHD 60fps

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This nomadic food has sheep herds in Central Asia and travelers have imported it to Anatolia and Turkey over the years This food has become one of the most delicious dishes in Turkey for 100 years The intestines in this food are divided into small pieces and mixed with thyme, mint, salt, pepper, tomatoes and fresh parsley The mixture is then added to a loaf of bread to make a sandwich Cağ kebabı is a horizontally stacked marinated rotating lamb kebab variety, originating in Erzurum Slices of lamb and large quantities of tail fat are left to marinate in a mixture of basil, black pepper, salt and sliced onions for the length of a day They are then impaled on the spit (Cağ), and stacked thickly The spit is then locked and transferred to the fire where there is a fairly complicated device that controls the cooking of the spit his typically includes a mechanism for turning the meat, another one for raising and lowering it and also dents on the side to move the stack towards the fire as it gets thinner after servings are repeatedly cut away The meat used for Cağ kebabı is exclusively lamb Kebab is one of the foods that you can enjoy in Turkey In Turkey, you can order kebabs in any city One of the most famous Turkish kebabs is Adana for the city of the same name Adana Kebab is a flavored lamb that is grilled in two ways, spicy and ordinary, on a special skewer Adana kebab is very tasty and has a sharp, sharp color and taste due to the large amounts of red pepper and paprika Kebabs are served with bread or rice At many parties you can see kebabs on the table Turkey is famous for its delicious kebabs and is a paradise for kebab and meat lovers. There are many kebabs in Turkey, all of which are honestly delicious and are known by different names. Tantoni is a spicy type of durum food made from slices and pieces of beef or lamb that are fried in oil This type of sandwich is mostly cooked and found in the Turkish city of Mersin The meat is first boiled in water and fried in oil and salt. Finally, lavash bread sandwich is served with spices, tomatoes, fried onions, green peppers and parsley. Undoubtedly, the most popular and famous Turkish dessert that has found popularity among the people is the attractive Turkish baklava When traveling to Turkey, if you ask anyone about the best Turkish dessert, everyone will undoubtedly recommend baklava. Turks love sweets and baklava is the best example of this sweet taste If you travel to different cities of Turkey such as Istanbul, Antalya or Kusadasi, you will get acquainted with a diverse range of baklava. Freshly baked baklava smells like butter. Many famous Turkish cities such as Istanbul, Antalya and kusadasi are located near the sea and are coastal cities. For this reason, it is not far-fetched that seafood is also a major part of the most delicious Turkish food Fish sandwich is one of the most popular Turkish sandwiches, which is usually sold as a street food. Place fried or grilled fish fillets with onions, lettuce and other vegetables in the sandwich and serve with a variety of sauces! Turkish coffee is made from roasted coffee beans Turkish coffee is one of the most popular drinks in Turkey due to its strong taste and special method of preparation and serving Caffeine found in coffee stimulates the nervous system; Lack of energy provides and also forces the body not to sleep too much Many people choose Turkish coffee to stay awake until the morning or to have more energy during the day. Pide has many similarities with Lahmacun , and perhaps the main difference is in their appearance In Turkey, when ordering Turkish pizza, you must specify whether you mean Lahmajun or Pide, as both are known as Turkish pizza. Of course, Pide is more like today's pizza The dough is shaped into a boat and the inside of the boat is filled with ingredients such as cheese, vegetables and various types of meat. Pide is served in a special wooden dish in the restaurant, which makes it more attractive Turkey is famous for its delicious meat dishes and without a doubt one of the most famous Turkish dishes is Doner Kebab. A large amount of meat or chicken is placed in layers on a rotating skewer, and by turning the kebab near the fire, the meat is gradually grilled and cooked! For serving, they take the necessary amount of kebab and serve it with ingredients such as onions and peppers. For serving, they take the necessary amount of kebab and serve it with ingredients such as onions and peppers. Doner Kebab is one of the most popular dishes in Turkey and this type of kebab is served both as a sandwich and as a press! Borek is one of the most popular and delicious dishes in Turkey that is served as breakfast and snack Burke is very diverse and comes in different shapes and flavors. Yufka dough is used to make Borek The dough is shaped to your liking and then stuffed with various ingredients such as minced meat, cheese and vegetables. In Turkey, restaurants and cafes also serve Borek You should eat York hot and fresh to realize its delicious and wonderful taste Borek dates back to the Ottoman Empire and is one of the most famous dishes of Turkey Grilled or modified Turkish sandwiches Izgara Kofte are very tasty In every neighborhood of Istanbul you can find a restaurant that offers Izgara Kofte sandwiches.
Channel: Feel The World
Views: 1,080,180
Rating: 4.7808928 out of 5
Keywords: walking istanbul, istanbul, reopening of istanbul, istanbul streets, istanbul restrictions, turkish food vlog, street food mukbang, istanbul tourism, Turkish Food, Turkish Street food, Street food tour, street food, Doner kebab, istanbul 2021, turkish food tour in istanbul, turkish street food tour, istanbul food travel, turkey food blog, turkey food prices, turkey food asmr, اسطنبول, istanbul food street, yemek tarifleri, istanbul food, turkish food street, turkey food, 4k
Id: fjOzeey6OxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 20sec (2180 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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