DEFINITELY my favourite Lens of all time (HERE'S WHY!)

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oh my goodness me there he went then guys oh the sun the sun has just come out absolutely gorgeous it was quite um pretty miserable on the drive here really and the forecast is for the cloud to come in from the west as the evening goes on so it's perfect it's my perfect walk i get to walk for the most part in the sun enjoy it as a hike but then the clouds will come in a bit later on fingers crossed anyway and give us um give us some detail up there in the sky for the photography so welcome back to the channel guys today it's another wainwright adventure here in the district the lake district and i'm going up this one here this is the just thinking about this is the best one yet where i can just point to it and show you place fell so i'm in patterdale um in between all's water and brothers water and you can probably even see the whole sort of path going up the side of this i don't know but yeah quality um so fairly straightforward hike i suppose um you know it's just a big straight walk up to place fell i've got the nikon z7 as always and i want to talk about and hopefully use as well that'd be ideal my uh nikon 24 to 200 uh zed mount lens as well which is just best lens i've ever had i'll get out of the way to start with absolute quality lens like i said hopefully i'll be able to use it today uh i'll more than uh almost certainly be using it today but yeah just i want to talk a little bit about why i love it so much as well oh winter that's what it's all about for me best season by a country mile look at this light and i'll tell you what it's 12 noon and look at this light already it's only going to get better ah nice crack on [Music] it is it's one of those days or afternoons where i'm out hiking with the camera with the nikon z7 and i'm just in awe you know of the world around me and feeling so grateful that i actually do this for a living so i'm gonna have to stop before i get into this shot and just say a nice little thank you to you guys a huge thank you to you guys actually for your support um i feel like when i started doing this full-time landscape photography youtube whatever one of my biggest anxieties for the future was excuse me whether or not i could cling to the gratitude and you know constantly be able to remind myself how lucky i am fortunately so far i have been able to do that so grateful look at this it's absolutely beautiful it's not soul about it it really is just me and the sheep it's quality um so i wasn't really expecting to take a photograph this early on but one word light it's beautiful up there you can see it look at the rays nice and soft um it's probably been about an hour since i started so one o'clock in the afternoon but the thing is right we all know this because it's winter in winter here in the uk the sun obviously doesn't come right above you like it does in the summer so your light your light on the land your direct sunlight is very limited you know that's going to go soon enough behind the fells and then that's it i'm probably just waiting to see if there's going to be a sunset then so i'm just trying to make the most you know whilst this light is here most importantly but also whilst it's nice i'm trying to grab a shot so you can see here we've got brothers water and then we've got i think hearts hop dodd on the left hand side which is where i went up fairly recently and then we've got red squeeze off in the background and i'm just sort of combining those three subjects you know the two fells and brothers water and trying to utilize that gorgeous light that's the main thing now let's talk about this 24 to 200 lens this is um i think i said in the introduction definitely the best lens i've ever owned um on many different levels and i wanted to get into a couple of them reasons today the main thing is and and this is the big one for me by an absolute country mile is the fact it is the versatility of the lens in terms of its focal range 24 mil on full frame you know that's wide that's really wide um all the way up to 200 mil which yes all right on my nikon d7200 i used to have a 55 to 300 mil lens so i have actually lost quite a bit of that focal length at the far end you know 200 mil on a full frame i definitely noticed i wasn't able to zoom in as far but as of yet i've had no problems with 200 mil you know i i've never really felt that i need any longer than that any more than that um for the sorts of landscapes that i shoot at least so yeah the versatility of this nikon 24 to zed mount lens unreal now a lot of people talk about those extremes don't they 24 mil oh it's so wide it's brilliant and 200 ml i can get so far in and that would be the definition of the versatility that you usually have rightly so you know they're the extremes but i wanted to talk briefly about the middle range and um the versatility that that gives you so i'm shooting this shot here for example at 100 mil it's very rare to be honest i shoot at 24 mil or 200 mil i'm always tweaking it slightly and essentially cropping the photograph live whilst i'm stood here that's how i like to see it you know i almost never crop in lightroom because i'm cropping with the telephoto lens with the 24 to 200 lens um live on location so it's always random like millimeters so this is like i mean i'll put it up when i show you the photograph but it's looking like 99 millimeters or something like that and to me that is the essence of the versus versatility that this lens gives you yeah or any lens of this sort of vocal range 24 to 200 there's so much play in the middle where you can create the photograph that you want to create when you zoom in across landscapes just like this absolutely brilliant so this shot was taken with the 24 to 200 if you didn't know iso 64 f11 and one 125th of a second we've got this beautiful light here streaming in from the right hand side of the frame and it really is that simple it's not gonna be the best shot in the world but it's definitely um a really good example of the versatility of this lens and like i say i'm just trying to make the most of this beautiful light at the moment [Music] [Music] i was just thinking about this before i carry on um up towards place fell which is getting closer by the minute um about the 24 to 200 and this just came into my head now um about i suppose just having such a versatile lens or even just a telephoto sort of lens in these sorts of landscapes up on the fells for me it's my license or my key to i suppose originality you know you could argue and probably rightly so that the lake district is or could be if you wanted it to be just a series of hot spots um in terms of photographs honey honey pot locations people call them don't they which to an extent i agree with but i do feel like only if you let it be like that you know and i just feel i could come to these fells you know for the rest of my life and i wouldn't even scratch the surface of the photography with this 24 to 200 lens or you know a telephoto lens because once you're up high like this you've just got that license then like i said to just pick off little areas of the landscape and really just make your own photographs you know because a lot of this a lot of what catches you right exactly like that last shot is light you know that might look right it doesn't even look that good now because the sun's gone behind some of these thicker clouds it probably won't have caught my eye and that's what it's all about being up in these places and having that focal length that versatility to say right i can't move from here it doesn't matter if i move because these things are so far away i'm gonna make the lens do the work you know and zoom in across the way across the valleys and really find small photographs off in the distance somebody once commented one of my youtube videos actually and they said using the longer focal lengths in that way is almost like a picture within a picture and i loved that that's dead on that's exactly it because i could shoot for example this scene here looking back down towards glenn ridding the town i could shoot that with a wide lens let's say i could get my 14 to 30 millimeter zed lens out shoot at 14 mil and then imagine then i got it into lightroom i wouldn't do it but hypothetically imagine i got it into lightroom and i just just cropping into the image tiny little bits it's exactly like that imagine taking one big wide photograph but then zooming into little areas to find loads of little photographs you know that's all the telephoto lenses for me when i'm up on the fells but yeah that originality it gives you that right let's carry on that cloud is coming in just as forecast which i'm happy with i don't mind we've got some beautiful detail up there it's almost like that sort of mackerel sky absolutely stunning [Music] [Music] oh look at it goodness me so i'm stopping here 24 to 200 lens of course nikon 7. and i'm taking this shot again it's pretty much exactly the same photograph oh look at that light now it is just it never fails to grab me when the light just starts getting better and better as the evening evening progresses um i don't think that that will ever leave me that excitement because you get here at like 12 o'clock 1 o'clock in the afternoon like i have and in winter the light's nice and you just sort of it's like you never expect it to get even better but obviously it always does and it always gets me that there is basically it just looks better than what it did before so i'm gonna retake it two reasons why it looks better firstly i've just talked about that is the light and secondly we've just got a better perspective if you look at that there brother's water is directly below red squeeze directly below it and it just feels a lot better compositionally where i felt like the last one the summit wasn't quite right with the balance i think um so i'm gonna grab this now just handheld ah that's so much better so i'm zoomed in similar focal length it's looking like about 90 between 90 and 100 mil and again we're using the versatility that we get from this lens absolutely wonderful and there we go something like that oh that's glorious absolutely glorious um so yes f11 iso 64 on one 125th quite a high dynamic range this scene because we've got the sun streaming in i mean look at it there well bright but the camera's dealing with it and on the back of the camera at least it looks absolutely fantastic oh beautiful what a treat it's all about photography landscape photography it's the biggest cliche of them all but it is all about the light it's all about the light stunning [Music] so we are not far from the top in fact i can see it there you can probably see i'm terrible at doing this trying to figure out where i'm pointing i think it's that one there yeah you could see the style or the cairn on top of it style my honourable you see the cane on top of it now look let me brighten that up a little bit um i knew this was going to happen i knew it i got out my car genuinely i just thought to myself today is going to be the day i can feel it brewing i've made a video today yeah mostly about a 24 to 200 lens and i'm now taking an image here with the 14 to 30 millimeter which i haven't used in ages i haven't used this in weeks not because i don't like it it's a beautiful lens it's fantastic in its own right but i just find that 14 mil or you know that wide field of view that wide focal length um quite specialist is the best way to describe it unless i've got foreground like i've got now right up in front of the lens i ain't using it i find the 24 mil on the 24 to 200 is fine but i just knew i'd be using it today so anyway i apologize if you're watching this wanted to hear all about 24 to 200 and here's me wally over here taking a shot at 40 mil but no um one thing that i love about winter on the fells is you do get loads of these beautiful little frozen puddles because that's all they are you know they're not ponds they're not tarn certainly um and they're just fantastic to get in close with the wide-angle lens oh we're getting some nice light there i'm going to retake that as we speak um so yeah all i'm doing here is i'm at 14 mil um and like i said just getting in really close we've got all these beautiful oh that is stunning we've got all these beautiful patterns down here in the ice um and that is filling up look at this almost two-thirds of the of the whole photograph the bottom two-thirds and then the top third is just our sky which honestly guys is absolutely stunning um i'm doing two things with this if anyone's interested in these technicalities um i think some of yours are i'm exposure blending it just because that sky you can see there look at that it's proper bright where it's down here look at that dark pitch black so the camera's struggling with it slightly i could probably get away with one shot but more of just an insurance policy you know and because i'm doing that anyway exposure blending for the foreground and the background i'm also focused stacking it so i'm doing one shot that's focused on the ice one shot that's focused on hell velin off there in the background which is topped with a little bit of snow um and that's it guys i'm an f11 iso 64 and then just changing the shutter speed for those two different exposures i'll tell you what it's only just i don't know if you're gonna see this here look look look at the look at the way the light is hitting the ice and on the back of the camera honestly it's beautiful oh it's so like subtle we're just getting this nice subtle reflection um of a sort of glow here in the foreground and to be honest again how mad is that that to me for me that is what's making this photograph and it's a light again but it's a completely different type of light that we were getting earlier on and i'm saying that that was making those photographs and once again it just shows you the importance of light in landscape photography this video should have been about light not about that lens um but yeah absolutely love that my only problem i suppose it's not a problem because this photograph is all about this ice in the foreground but it's a little bit of a shame and i always say this with the wide angle because helvelin those distant fells that sort of they've got a dusting of snow i kind of lost in the background a little bit you know because we are we're at 14 mil so they're quite small but i don't mind because like i say it really is all about the ice um but yeah it wasn't really expected well i was expecting to use the the wide angle lens so i'll probably have to say i was expecting this sort of shot but favorite one of the day so far um i'll show you it now and then i'll meet you up at the top of place now [Music] oh wow so just um oh you've seen me then just at the uh at the top right of your frame there you'll be able to see some of the last light of the evening atop blencastra absolutely gorgeous now i have i've got one more photograph in mind aside from this i didn't even know i would be able to see blen castro from up here to be honest but that is beautiful has to grab a shot of it so before we get into the final shot uh i'm going to quickly grab this one here so i've got the 24 to 200 lens back on thank goodness and uh i just fancy shooting this one handheld reminds me of last winter i was doing a lot of handheld shooting but anyway i'm zooming in at 200 mil and i've put the nikon z7 into dx mode um which is going to give me that extra reach and i'm actually shooting this um 1 60th of a second iso 200 i've put that up a little bit to get a quicker shutter speed because i'm shooting handheld and i'm shooting at f 6.3 and what i'm doing is i'm focusing on that sort of blend caster range off in the background as it's being lit by the light there's enough cloud above it and around it to give a little bit of interest and i'm just sort of deliberately blurring out the foreground here on place fell just to give a bit of an illusion of depth i suppose and uh yeah i suppose probably just something a little bit different you know before we get into this last shot um the sky is looking glorious i've had this idea in mind as i've been going up so i'm going to get myself set up in that direction looking back towards helvelin and i'll talk you through what i'm on about here hopefully this one's come out all right as well oh living the dream [Music] [Music] oh i'm shattered it's one of them look at this guys oh my eyes are kind of blinded because i've been looking into the sun no good is there any better sight in all of the world i mean it probably is but for me there's not much better than that the sight of the sun going down in the background oh in the fells in the lake district national park absolutely glorious um so what a treat what a treat um [Music] it's been carnage it's been it's been mental um so i've taken i have i did i get got the 24 to 200 lens out again and i did a pano from right to left zoomed right in i think at 200 mil in normal full frame mode um and yeah about six shots from right to left what i wanted what i said before i had this idea was to try and capture the last of the light but also the snow up here uh back up to hell villain and cassidy cameras oh it looks like we might get a bit of a sunset that is looking glorious but anyway that's what i did got that pano in and that's another thing that i wanted to mention about the 24 to 200 or you know any telephoto lens really you know use it as a telescope but do a pano as well so you're getting that width but you're also getting that compression effect with the telephoto but yeah that's what i've done and again it's just a it's just another nice way of being able to control what you're photographing you know all right you might be doing a panel you're shooting quite a lot when you're doing a panel you know that's the whole point of it uh but you're still doing it in a really controlled fashion you're not just chucking a wide angle lens on the front and then shooting everything wide now with that being said i also did chuck the wide-angle lens back on the front of the lens for one reason only because the wide-angle lens gives you really nice sun stars you probably saw it in that shot before with the ice and because the sun was just dipping down as it is now it's only a couple of minutes ago and i just wanted to try and see if i could get another one of them sun stars once again and that's what i did uh it looks all right on the back of the camera i think i probably prefer that one annoyingly as opposed to the panel but i'll show you the boat anywhere news can decide um and i think this is going to be one of them let's have a look at the time what are we at oh sunset is what time is sunset tonight two it's now 12 minutes to four so sunset's in two minutes but yeah i think uh what i was going to say is i think it's going to be one of them nights where i'm just going to sit on the top of a fella there's no wind on my own and leave yours just to enjoy it by myself i'll show you these last two photographs of course um well that's that a massive thank you for tuning in your support is always appreciated so much i wanted to say a special thank you to everybody that's supported me in purchasing one of my prints during this sale that i've got on um so humbling and overwhelming to be honest when people buy prints off me um and yeah i'm just so grateful and i really do genuinely look forward to sending them out to you all if you'd like to support me i'll put a link in the video description below the print sale is still on probably a good christmas gift for people as well um but yeah if you want to it's a good product and you get to support me so whatever uh thank you so much for tuning in hope you like these last two images hope you enjoyed me chatting away about the 24 to 200 please comment below always love to hear from you and uh if you have a quick second give the video a thumbs up if you think he deserves it it always does help me out i'll see you on the next adventure out [Music] you
Channel: Henry Turner
Views: 24,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nikon 24-200, Nikon 24-200 z lens, Nikon lens, Nikon z7, Nikon mirrorless, best lens for landscape photography, landscape photography tutorial, lake district, place fell, best camera lenses 2021, travel photography, NIKKOR Z 24-200mm f/4-6.3 VR, Thomas heaton, best photography gear, telephoto lens, wide angle lens, Nikon 14-30, uk photography, hiking in winter, winter photography, landscape photography on location, landscape photography tips tricks
Id: MgWKPfF5ik0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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