Defining Australian Hamptons. Natalee Bowen’s Toodyay Farm Renovation

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I'm Michael and I'm Colleen and this is our house we're living our best renovation life for over ten long years now we've pulled off a massive transformation but still there's a long way to go so we're heading out again to see some of the brightest and boldest renovations in the country for some great design ideas and plenty of inspiration we'll reveal a finished home every single episode and our place all will be revealed let's go this episode we're in the West the wild wild west we're in the wheatbelt region of Western Australia near a town called 2da about 85 kilometers northeast of Perth we're following the transformation of this rundown farmhouse into a sprawling Hamptons style estate the scale of which may have never been attempted before in Australia this is where our story starts and believe me this place has plenty of stories to tell I meet with Natalie Bowen Hamptons design expert and husband Marc Bohan whose family have lived and worked on this farm for five generations it's some really dry at the moment because it's like literally January this is the probably the most horrible time of the year here but that being said when it's green it's just beautiful for as far as the eye can see there's no doubt this is spectacular land and very very harsh much like the condition of this farmhouse behind us you've got plans for this year ready to rock and roll yeah we have we've actually been just having a another little squeeze at them and you know these are the plans that we're going to be doing so we're keeping the original homestead we'll talk you through yeah in why that is so it's got a lot of sentimental value yeah cuz marks actually the sixth generation Bowl so he's great-great-great-great six times over grandfather originally built this house with his hat so so there's lots of sentimentality with the home itself and you know we've decided to keep the Bowen name going and gonna build a happen style rural extension and we're not talking a little add-on here Natalie and mark planned to create two huge wings that extend out from the original farmhouse and go up they plan to salvage what they can from the original structure that was built by hand by marks fifth-generation grandfather in 1860 that's right the original part of this house was constructed 160 years ago an extension was added on in the 70s in 70's style of course and most of this will be demolished taking it back to the original footprint and starting from scratch look to be honest they use this to his house there's one of the original old wood which is fantastic and just these rooms here so these these three bedrooms here are the original bedrooms and this is all the extension from from about 30 years ago so we will be keeping obviously the also taking do you have sentimental value it'd probably be easier bulldoze okay but sentimental value it definitely has in spades well Monster is actually born here so you know had luncheons and they talk and reminisce about the old time so the stories that we've heard you know is that granddad Bolan you know great great kind that dong used to sitting there that 64m used to look at the leading jar yeah it's cute so used to running and going to really cute you can even see a little old severy there's all sorts of little things we've got a cake we've got a place that we're going to try to clean and then when marks I'm dead emeritus mom they actually do one of the intros and that's really it's just were born so mass extinction mentality and trying to impart a little bit back here we are in the kitchen this is the original one of the original wooden stairs probably one of the old things that really lucky nice to still have here yeah and there's not much of a you'll see the old Mack bridge here especially been washed away so this is actually one of the sides that isn't going to stay fortunately because it's just not structurally sound so a two of the sides that have to come down and that's how we're gonna build out along and up so in the Hosking and things it'll actually all come together really beautifully and be still have that really old-school feel but be very kind of hampton stuff and this is what natalie does so well i can't wait to see how she applies her classic Hamptons touch to a house of this scale far far from the coast my dream has always been that original sort of Hamptons you know the great rooms you know those huge big chrome so you don't who's this is us the opportunity to do that and have that sort of style in Australia on a it will be quite a sight out here amongst the windswept plains these land talks of hardship and extreme weather mark tells us the story of Michael Baldwin the original builder of his house Michael was a convict tried for stealing a sheep to feed his family and sent to the new country to do his time on the East Coast he eventually pardoned and came West where he bought this land in 1859 he worked tirelessly on the house while also holding down a job up the road working after hours and on the weekends laying the mud bricks that still remain today sadly just before completion Michael's wife contracted pneumonia tragically she died before the house was complete never getting to see the finished home the homestead is named in her honor Patricia and Patricia is ready to be reimagined for the next 160 years it will take a lot of work and they'll need to pour their hearts into this to do it justice this is a passion project for Natalie and mark mark was brought up on a farm and they hope to keep that experience alive for the next generation of bones showing them what it truly means to live on the land but will the home be too large and too luxurious to garner that feeling I'm very excited to see the end result yeah we are too many people think we're insane but renovators are yes yeah and this is definitely an interesting project is about yeah it is let's get after that I can't wait to see how they blend the old in the new and create something really unique that has never been seen before on this scale in Australia [Applause] welcome back to 2d a about an hour out of Perth in Western Australia we're following the transformation of this 1860s farmhouse into a huge hampton style homestead the house and the land have been in the bone family for five generations and Natalie and mark hope it will continue to be for five more they have big plans for this project and when I visited I was shocked to learn they had planned to complete the home in just six months so of course the next time that you come here hopefully this will all be completely transformed what's your timeline ah not very long we're looking at about six months this is all going to happen fast first mark and his brothers get to work demolishing the previous extension and bringing the house back to its original structure after that is the arduous task of getting out of the ground this means all the plumbing must go in and the slab formed and poured and that's when I arrived today I'm checking out mark and Natalie's renovation and I'm super excited for this one carlene's taught me a lot about it and from all her reports it's gonna be pretty impressive initially on the way out I was thinking that we're driving and driving and it's a long way from the city thanks 5 you died carlene's gonna kill me when she sees this over Ville [Music] walking up the driveway it all made sense to me why mark and net decided to move out here there's rolling hills as far as you can see it's perched on top of the hills they're getting nice cool breeze this place is magic when people come here I think they get a bit of a shock that there's so vast and there's just so much land I'm a city boy I'm your typical city folk and I've come all the way out here without a hat so uh-oh that has hooked me up with the old fashioned of kübra boy don't I look good you know one of the things that just blew my socks off is when he came he didn't have a hat now we all know country you need to have a hat there you go that was an expensive every ride you can take the boy out of the city but you can't take the city out of the boy is that how it goes well welcome to the country Outback WI it is certainly Outback yeah you can't get more Australia honor than this Kenya no you can't and look at this farmhouse when I first rocked up on site it was all systems go there was still getting delivered there was windows getting delivered now we've got the pad down and we've got all the plumbing in it's gonna be great to show Michael around exactly the size of what this property is gonna be this is the original home as marks 5th generations family built in 1860 so we're gonna show you today what we're gonna transform it into because it is going to be really not in 1816 house we're turning into the Hamptons farmhouse I think I've ever seen an 1860s house 1860 I love the story that this place has been in Mark's family for five generations and I think it's great that mark and now to go into such an effort to keep those original features it'll be a shame to see that building yet demolish so the design is absolute genius having the the new wings on either side of the old farmhouse I think is gonna look spectacular and going by the renders that nut showed me I'm really looking forward to seeing this build finish [Music] we'd had this property for about two years and the dream obviously always was and the first thing that I did was designed up the wish you know dream home never thought that it would really come to fruition but you know here we are in the making creating it all didn't think it was going to be as big and of course it's huge but you know again we're just so excited that it's going to be kept in the family and I'm able to really do what I want to do as far as a Hamptons house is concerned I've got to be honest when I first heard you were going to an Hamptons home out here in Country WI I originally thought oh that seems a bit weird but now that you explained it it makes complete sense well you actually go to the Hamptons you see the most extraordinary farm houses actually on farm let's because that was originally what the Hamptons was used for it wasn't until probably 20-30 years ago that the celebrity started going oh hang on a minute we're from Manhattan Drive to the beach in the coast why don't we put these houses on the coastline so that's how people started to know the Hamptons but in its day they were farm houses so if this awesome to be able to create that here so we've actually done a lot of the groundwork literally here so we've got the pad down we've done all the earth moving and all the site works and that was laborious and really a hard job to do given that we're in a rural property so a lot of the excavation had been done all the plumbing now has been done and you know one of the things that I didn't realize it's very easy to do suburbia builds and renovations what's difficult is when you're on a big property and especially a rural property where do you put your toilet sumps where do you have your water coming from so you also have to think about design wise how all that's got to come together so that was a really big thing for us you know there's a lot of time getting to this stage now that the frames are on-site it's gonna be exciting for them to see everything go up and I think it's gonna happen quickly I can't wait to see these frames go up these are true core steel frames strong straight and precise they won't twist or warp over time all important factors to consider out here as mark knows all too well I guess the reality is had you guys not taken on this build this place would probably fall down to the ground in the net over the next ten years or so yeah absolutely look to be honest with you Michael this place has been uninhabited for probably 15 close on 20 years and and it was in a bad state of repair we had a situation where a bushfire went through in 2012 and frankly that's when the damage was done it took out all the old sheds that were over here as well a lot of historical stuff in the sheds and it kind of laughing up to this particular house burned most of that shadow as well and I never since that time you know it has many in good shape a door and we got to the point where we thought you know what if we don't do something now and it has something we've spoken about for a lot of years is we'd love to you know to be able to preserve longer mine for the history of our generation and beyond well this is going to be one amazing build it's got everything history incredible design and plenty of challenges and at the helm of all this is chippie been from carport Co this is the first time he's been on site and I was keen to hear his thoughts so I've been brought on by that today I was coming out to have a look around I'm gonna be doing the carport some James Hardie cladding got the verandas to go through so plenty out here to do how do you the boys gonna go out here in this heat mate because this is country this is country they're gonna have their kubarz so they'll be they'll be fine awning and have you worked with them James Hardie linear before have you used that product uh yeah we've done it a couple of times definitely not on this scale I'm excited to see what happens or it might we'll see you go thank you it's a lot of cheers well I'm really looking forward to seeing this all come together but today my time has come to go all right guys well you got lots to do so thank you showing me through and I will see you soon yeah fantastic you have to come and stay all right so yeah what do you think he's going go east they told me you know I think after being out here for the day I'm converted [Music] you [Music] welcome back to to da about an hour out of Perth in Western Australia we're following the transformation of this 1860s farmhouse into a huge hampton style homestead just after Michael left things really started to get going the next thing that we're doing with this field is really resurrecting the whole thing it's going to be put together literally like a Meccano said it's gonna happen within two to three weeks which is just phenomenal I mean it's something that doesn't normally happen in normal builds and that's because we are actually using the steel frame and would you believe this is only day two of framing so right now we're standing in what we call the great room and the reason it's termed a great room is that we have these huge soaring rate ceilings in we've got incredibly beautiful windows and then outwards where it's you've got these gorgeous bi-fold doors there's nothing more exciting to a designer and builder than to be able to walk through the space they've created now the frames are coming up Natalie can feel the very expansive scale of the rooms this is the north wing a large open-plan room with the kitchen and living over on the south wing there's also been progress standing in our second living room here upstairs we're having a mezzanine floor and again another big open plan area here is going to be our bedroom the main bedroom with beautiful French doors going out and we have an ensuite over here as well the other thing that's going to be happening is actually putting in all the windows I mean that's going to be an absolute masterpiece putting that in and then roof on and then we're actually going inside every detail is poured over by the crew and every material has been carefully chosen for these conditions like this innovative decking product from new tech wood that is completely maintenance-free the textual feel of this product has just blown my socks off and some innovative tech a 3d render for the huge scaffolding that will go up next I find this quite fascinating so everybody is we've got the 3d design of the building with the actual stuff all around it with this kind of design you can actually see what once scaffolds look like once all in he comes the real thing [Music] so we've just got all of our scaffold arriving which is again another huge step for us this is going to be wrapped around the whole building and I was just saying to the guys you know for me this is actually one of the best parts because you start actually seeing again how big this is gonna be [Music] just a couple of weeks later and the framing is complete and it looks spectacular the Hamptons farmhouse that we've built has actually gone up so incredibly fast the design itself the structure the way that it feels it just feels incredibly solid which was just so important to us given that this was our heritage it was my husband's fifth generation a farmhouse so to know that this is gonna go on for generation and generation is just incredible that we know that this products gonna stay true deliveries just keep on coming something that will really give this house the Hamptons look is the cladding so when we design a beautiful hampton style home one of our go-to products is this linear product the reason is is that it gives it that beautiful opulent weatherboard look that creates those gorgeous streamlined lines and creates the layers that we want to have so it's all about the detailing and when you're using the cladding around the whole house it actually creates those amazing details that really screams Hamptons another important component is the Bruce so one of the deliveries that we're getting today is from colorbond and a part of this build is to really try to traditionally keep the integrity of that Hamptons farm look so we've actually chosen a surf mess with the colorbond with all the gutters and all the down pipes and even our old home is going to get an incredible new facelift with this roof so excited it's being delivered today a couple of months later the scaffolding is up and the roof of the north wing is almost complete as work on the south wing gears up the color of this roof really pops against the big skies and expansive landscape and with these velux skylights not only will the rooms be flooded with a natural light during the day but looking up at the night sky will be a treat now that the roof is nearing completion Natalie and Mark will start to get ready for some of the interior features one of these is home automation bred from a quantifier technology is bringing his a-game with a full system going in not only does this technology give you easier and safer living is good for the environment - allowing you to manage your energy use efficiently we've got a range of devices that will go into the home it will sync automatically in this case with Amazon elixir and it will allow you to control Alexa close the blinds it will allow you to use an app if you're away from the home did I switch the lights off or I'll switch them off and it allows the switch to operate like a switch at this stage Natalie also needs to lock in the electrical and plumbing placement as this will impact the design choices of the finishes and furniture my name is Natalie Bowen and I'm a consistent so you know ability to be able to you know make sure that we have internet and TVs and you know all everything that needs to go around there so that's probably why we're driving you in up the wall we know from following Natalie's previous builds that she works from furniture first which means everything going into this room has already been selected and the room designed around size and placement and that's exactly how she's approaching the farmhouse project [Music] well this is all coming together perfectly after the break Dave Franklin comes to 2da now I'm looking out I think the job is there now getting scared yeah because this is a monster and later we reveal this amazing home [Music] while work continues on the farmhouse Natalie takes the opportunity to head back into town and check in with some of her suppliers it's a whistle-stop tour to keep abreast of everything that's about to come to sight let's go first stop is Silverline cabinetry who have a custom make in the wardrobes for the original part of the farmhouse Hampden style but with modern touches tick next it's off to Blum who are creating the heart of the home the kitchen here in the test drive room Natalie can maximize the kitchens functionality Blum also have some space-saving and organizational solutions that'll make your heart sing then it's off to Madi Keystone and granite to check out these stain and heat-resistant Carrara marble door bench tops that will go into the laundry and salary' even better than the real thing a quick stop at DMS spray solutions to choose the front doors and then the all-important centerpiece to any home Natalie visits Constantino who are supplying her beautiful kitchen bench top Wow I think it's time to get back on site and just in time to Natalie and mark have big plans for the landscaping and when you have big plans there's only one man for the job that lien mark of our stay Franklin to come up with one of his biggest designs today Dave visited the site as the pad was going down and came up with the design he thought would match the scale of the house now that the frames are up and he has seen the scale of the project he might have to go even bigger everything is bigger in the West look at the progress that's going on that you're here we literally had Pat down right the concrete slab was getting done okay and that was when it was all excited now I'm looking how big the job is and now I'm getting scared yeah because this is a monster there was a room ago around a thousand square meters of paver not a peep I don't think we've ever designed at the others memories are paving yeah in the last couple of years that I know of so that is just showing the size of his house Laura can we get around the house have a little yes we'll get our plan [Music] we've got the pool going in here with eco techniques and yeah you're not gonna get this but it's called the color Hamptons blue Hamptons blue so how awesome is that did you register that is in that Hamptons flu Ebola so let's talk about the fire pit looking at the timing that we have the build your budget me getting nervous all those come on there I think that we've got two readers on this part here so I would suggest it no cuz I didn't know that you're gonna have the canola behind here as well so that's quite a feature and that's always been a feature that you guys have had from the start yes so I think let's get rid of the arbor let's put more emphasis on the fireplace yeah let's find some old stone from that's gonna be local vaults that will find something around here I'm sure it's not we'll find some gold hopefully Birds out let's have those beautiful silhouette of a fireplace that's behind the pool area let's make the fireplace a bit smaller yes and it'll be a little bit more cozy cheaper yes and achievable alright so I say so I think that's what we've got ahead with and we'll bring that in so it'll be almost part of the pool so they'll sit like ice floating behind okay so if we attack that then I'm not as nervous good it was one of the windiest days on record so really there was nothing else to do but head to the local [Music] such a special town and a special project to match I can't wait to see days finish landscape if he ever makes it out of the pub that is [Music] just a few weeks later we're back on site for another busy day at the farmhouse you know arriving up here today there's a lot going on we've got air conditioning going in we've got mouldings being measured we've got cabinetry being measured we're still going hard on all the cladding things that are actually been finished at this particular point are all the colorbond roof has actually now been um come on and you can see the beautiful match that we've actually chosen in the surface now that the sky on linear where the boards are going up we're getting glimpses of that Hamptons look Natalie and mark are going for it's nearly finished it's nearly over Spain every screws gone in so we'll get this last little bit on and we're done well done the end is in sight the day the scaffolding comes down will be a special day indeed as Natalie says achieving the Hamptons look is all in the detail and in charge of a lot of that detail is Bruno from era stone these guys will be making the windowsills decorative vents for the gable and wrapping every single post in a hampton style column okay so era stone is a product that we basically take the Hebel block yes is well known and we've developed machinery over the years to actually shape it and profile it to whatever anybody needs for their homes or commercial properties and so on obviously with heritage buildings and so on they're all unique I mean the the art of doing that type of molds been lost so we just replicate whatever's on the site and that comes down to the type of machinery we have where it's a fairly cost effective way of reproducing those shapes and profiles yeah gorgeous and for me it's kind of like you know the accessorizing of a home so you know it's all the bling that's gonna go on the house so we're gonna do some beautiful decorative columns around the home which is gonna be high in my opinion I think that's gonna be the icing on the cake yeah you've got a lot of columns yeah that's right every single post these are the details that will really set this home off that's a minute ago I was downstairs and I looked up and I've got to tell you I think it was the most excited I've been since all of this is started I mean this this actually makes it look like homes as the new wings are constructed with all new materials there's debate over what to do in the original rooms if these walls could talk the next few months progress is quick the new tech wood decking surrounds the house the steel poles are wrapped the floorboards go down and the stairs are installed Nataly jets to Melbourne to choose the handles and Hardware kitchen and cabinets go in lights are hung rooms are painted outside the pool is in and the landscaping is kicked off back at our place on the Gold Coast and we've had one of our biggest days yet today we had so much happen it was hectic on site we had felon here putting in all our goodies all our CCTV all the electrical stuff going in all the lights from beacon went in we had painters we had our Tyler's who were grouting we had this amazing bench seat going which we've been waiting for for a long time we had zip water tap go in which I have been waiting for about 10 years for I'm so excited about this zip hydro tap boiling chilled and sparkling water even matching a tap with our style was a breeze too I think when there's a lot of trades on site and you sort of need to be everywhere at once the pressure is on and there's also always still decisions to be made and I think having to make a million micro decisions in a really compacted space and time it's it's a lot so I always get to the end of these days and we're a bit wrecked have it frazzled but know that it'll be worth it so let's just focus in on a few highlights from the day there's many I'm actually very excited to see the end of our tiling process on the deck because it's been about five days I chose a fairly intricate complicated pattern using the PGH bricks and I guess we always think everything's going to bit take so much less time than it actually does so worth it though because it's almost like a real worker barn out there we've also had these amazing kitchen farmhouse sinks from a be installed they've introduced a bit of the traditional into an otherwise modern space also the laundering and powder room walls have been finished in a product called esteem Toliver gato by luxury wall finishes it's an all-natural material made up of crushed marble and lime that's applied to create an interesting organic effect ideal for use in wet areas and links the two areas together perfectly also in the powder room sits our red hot Tropez from concrete nations this is a beauty to behold I love the red iron color of this space and against the nude of the walls bold color can feel like a risk but it's almost always worth it and without brass tap wear from a bi interiors and complementing bronze flush from broad wear well when we're finished we'll have ourselves a powder room out of a magazine and a powder room in which to read magazines today I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off I was you know putting up gutters I was finishing the cladding just trying to stay in front of everyone and of course you know there's a million questions but you know that's renovating and that's renovating to tight timeline and so we used to it or getting these tool button for punishment back at Natalie and marks place in TOR da progress has been strong [Music] it looks like it's all coming together after the break we head west for the big reveal [Applause] well the day has finally arrived the transformation is breathtaking we've seen little glimpses of what Nathalie and Mark have in store for us at the farmhouse we're pretty excited and I think that this will exceed their expectation because of the work that's been done it's amazing just this massive transformation when I was here I just there's no way I could have imagined this would be the end result from what it was yeah all you saw last time was literally the old home and I think the last time you hear it was cement slab so we're giving the viewers a bit of a false sense of timeline because it's only being like 11 month yeah I know but we do it so yeah it's been quite an incredible journey the whole time and it's been stressful it's been enjoyable we've laughed we've cried we screamed that's that's renovating and that's coming in and let's go and have a look at it walk into that front door you know I'm super impressed by the height of the ceilings but then you're looking around you know it's all about the detail they've got you know wall paneling and you know and that's got vignettes galore I just recently learnt that word so I just wanted to use it for this home is a smart home so we have smartphones and now we're gonna have a smart home so fully automated we have a new member of our family Alexa from Amazon and everything in this home can be turned on turned off how beautiful scenes set all through quantified technologies which I absolutely love because it just makes your house so easy to live in yeah and I guess with a house this size you want to be able to click your fingers one of the things that I loved about designing this home was really trying to find something that was gonna work for us we had to also keep in keeping with a farmhouse style so this whole kitchen was really designed about these pendants I'd seen these loved them and went I have to have those over an island bench I hadn't seen it done before so even though I wanted to try to keep that Hampton style I wanted to try to give a bit of character to make it my personalities and again I organized over this color that you understand because it's one of those things that you go oh what am I gonna use so I think we had about five different colorways in here and watching the shades and Sun and everything go down and then this was the winner and then of course having this beautiful 3 meter bench with nothing on it just makes an incredible buffet spot for people when they come and entertain and you know have a lot of people over it's just been amazing yeah that's how I feel an island bench should be sort of like a big chopping block absolutely because as soon as you put a sink in there it just creates a bit of mess so I love that you've done that I can definitely relate to color agony because we've done it in our own home but yeah this feels spot-on you can talk color and detail all day but I love how good that pot filler is one of the biggest questions that we have is what's that on the wall now anybody that knows it is a pot filler so when we can go and get some crayfish or yachties you can put it on there off you're making a big super winter and you turn it on and you don't have to lift it and take it from a sink to stove and I just think it's a really cool feature so cool the one thing that you do really well is make your homes feel lived in you can't tell that this home has just been finished because you filled it yes yes I was actually gonna ask if there's any way I can sit down no Michael it's what the house is that you've been in a mine before I do love myself a chair we have got some that are best spoke and some are customized but we've used some incredible people like mol Nick for our beautiful sofas we've had beautiful upholstery done we've had the home styling warehouse so we've had huge collaborations with different people and partnering to get the best result for this because I didn't want it to look cookie cutter I wanted to make sure that it was a really characterized feeling here there's a handful of cushions you'll see as well too many but I think the other thing that really makes this room not only the high ceilings but the detail in the windows that we've done but also having some really unique lights and what about the build process mark was your project managing this job how did it go I look fantastic look it's it's a huge job as you can see and obviously for us as well it's been a labor of love as well you know when you first came through it was diabolical to be honest and even back managed yeah I was he was derelict for the most part the old house and it was built in the 1860s as you know so um for us we used to come out here and go are we insane you know we'd sit around going I'm sure you had that initial thought when you guys came out the first time but but now look it's been fantastic and we're being we're been privileged to have some really good trades around as well that we'll work with and but it's been it went you know quite quickly 11 months but you know cracking the whip that's why we had a goal to try to knock it off a little bit faster but we are an hour and a half from you know from per say yeah well that's really one of the hardest things about this build I guess is probably getting the trades to come out this far you know cuz it's it is only an hour and a half but you know for a tradesman you know who's forgotten something but we had a lot of really fabulous local guys like our electrician local unbelievable you know so they had a connection to the house as well but then the guys that came all the way from Perth and we're just dedicated and did what they did phenomenal at what their work was so you know we had some good bad and the ugly but you know all in all as in all renovation and builds you know the guys that end up finishing the job have just been incredible but yeah look I was I was cracking the whip and also remember when we first got the house so when we first bought the property we were just gonna fix it up a little bit and have it as a little weekender you know ground the kids you know get them outside you know with a few cows and sheep and that plan has now exploded yeah that's how renovations work you start off with this little plan and then y'all might as well do that that's exactly why they add these two massive wings yeah after the break the tour continues what I love about this room is that you can really take in the scenery you well we've seen the north wing time to check out the south wing [Music] I love those faces that feel like a little haven a little sanctuary I think I would probably sit there the most so mark how is the process being for you because it's a great story you know this house obviously being you know in your family for years and you know and you've you must be so proud with what you've achieved with the house we really wanted to bring it all back to life as you saw it was quite derelict before and and so now we've turned into really something quite special and I love that you have paid homage to to the original home you know with those features like that amazing brick wall as you walk through that hallway oh it's great we try to maintain as much as we could obviously there was a lot that we had to take damage nan on the north wing and the south wing when we got the phone call from his cousin to say look we know that you guys are quite sentimental about the old homestead would you like to have the opportunity to buy it and of course at that stage it's like how are we gonna do that do we really need to do that and then I knew that it was his passion and his dream so we did it it's a six generation family home here and and to be honest um I think we could be pretty proud of well we're done here I think our ancestors will be sitting up there and and hopefully giving you some well wishes what I love about this room is that you can sit in here on a 45 degree day out of the elements in the comfort of the air-conditioning but really taking the scenery and and sort of make it all worthwhile we're very fortunate we're up on a very high Hugh as you can see as well and we've got literally panoramic views all the way around and and this room is is beautiful so I start with furniture in mind so every single space I already had in my head the sofas and how the spaces wanted to look so I knew that I wanted to have two three seater sofas I knew I wanted to have to sort of separate sitting areas each side so then this is a library / retreat room one of the things I really wanted in all of the areas was out I'm a white shot a girl so we've got these really unique incredible little letters I've got all the bells and whistles here so this is actually automated again but this is from Luxor flex so when they open and you can actually have them completely open up it gives you an the enhanced look being able to see all the way out but then when you want them closed you can close them off and they look like a roman blind so it was like tick solution yeah so it gives it a softness as well which is just amazing so you guys were lucky you know you had the original house and you left that for the bedrooms but just talk us through the rest of the layout so the original building are the bedrooms bathroom powder room and then these wings we did a studio in that particular room we started out just wanting a little kitchenette and we end up doing a beautiful kitchen so and we chose Navion there to be a little bit different and then as we come down we've got main bedroom ensuite walk-in robe and then this retreat room but then also we wanted to have upstairs and again going back to oh I knew I wanted to create these different looks in these different spaces and that's what it's all about when you are styling and layering and bringing in paces to make it look eclectic but still not disjointed so I think I've done that okay you've done extraordinary ticket approval yeah you're not wrong about the seats this space is amazing look again you know this has been such a evolving space you know this one so we can have a ping pong table I'm going for me you know I think the the mezzanine is a missed opportunity for mark you know he had his chance please pool table ping pong table we will make it a real man's cave so I reckon he needs to put his foot down and you know play up some of those couches and start putting those manly touches in look one of the things that we wanted to really make sure that we had in here was enough light because in any sort of mezzanine lofty area can be quite dark so we've had these amazingly Lux in here that they open and close automatically they've got blinds on them when it's too harsh and as you can see they just work really well we think every house today looks like we've got them all to our place and it does make such a difference to every area absolutely and letting the hot air out as well it's amazing yeah it's quite warm up here we wanted to make sure that we had enough detail in here so again we had this incredible wainscotting through here with his in trim we've had a lot of artisans you know like the staircase amazing guy urban chippy that did this I think any building project does come down to the quality of your trades you know I understand driving here and we saw a pretty exceptional outdoor entertaining area I'm almost looking like a resort I'm pretty excited to see that yeah the Bowen Resort yeah well let's go and have a look at that because it's phenomenal I'm excited have this a/c [Music] just when I thought they couldn't be any more seating in this house I go outside to the pool area and it is seating cool this really feels like the ultimate farm resort and I feel like I'm out in the elements cuz that huge pour yeah hot hot and this is a cool day I'm like wow this is really a work in progress of what we're doing here with the landscaping we've worked with day Franklin and a shady character again it was wanting to be Resort slash farm slash Hamptons it really had again so many different elements that I wanted to jam into this space but one of the things that we wanted to do is that we've got this beautiful cluttered James Hardie house with all the trimmings and all the details did that gorgeous colorbond roof and it was that beautiful grays and whites and we wanted to then bring this through here having this beautiful pool really wanted to emulate the hampton style pools that are very long and thin this is from eco techniques and is just as you can say divine I'm absolutely jumping in that way but again we didn't want to use too many tiles so we wanted to try to keep that indoor/outdoor feel using the beaumont tile with just a little spattering beautiful urban chef i really wanted to have it feel like a resort and have all this incredible seating this is a girl from sydney that he's designed all of this from SEO berlin she's just made them so comfortable and beautiful but still keeping that hamptons feel which i love and of course layering that with all the beautiful three beaches fabric from sunbrella i wanted to be able to not have muck having to cut things in and out all the time no she'll have them looking divine you know the long term goal for us is that you'll see the big old shed out the back that's gonna be our next stage where we're going to be building or kind of renovating to try to keep that farmy feel to have like weddings and events I think this home is an absolute showstopper and I think you know those viewers at home this style in particular is very popular and I think viewers are gonna absolutely love this place I'm kind of terming it now the Australian house okay rather than the American Hamptons because it's got all the Australian element and features that we really want to have like the wide verandas and all the detail well this whole project feels like a beautiful celebration of our Aussie landscape with reference to the coast with your Hamptons aesthetic and a beautiful celebration of the history of your family so well done to you both it's beautiful and you've done an exceptional job thank you thank you so much this is a renovation over 160 years in the making this historic farmhouse has been resurrected reimagined and executed to perfection now this home is ready to make many more stories for generations to come [Music] on the next Ready Set Renault so from now on we just got to get the place a huge clean all the furnitures got to come in rugs it's got to get hung and then hopefully we'll get our deadline [Applause] you
Channel: JamesHardieAu
Views: 34,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: k4aW1joP8fA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 18sec (2958 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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