Defensive Midfielder Tips to Make you MUCH Better (Very Quick)

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playing Central defensive midfielder requires insane amount of discipline when you're on the pitch because you are basically the soldier on the pitch and the most important player to your coach's tactics you must know what your position requires from you 100% as well as what your coach wants you to do exactly you take one wrong positioning as a central defensive midfielder you're going to be in trouble on the pitch as as well as you're going to put your team in a dangerous situation this is super important for you to be successful as a central defensive midfielder to know and understand your role as well as those instructions that your coach gave it to you for that particular game you have a very specific job on the pitch doesn't matter what team you are playing against but you're going to be playing the role of being right in front of the center backs as well as being right behind your Center M throughout the entire game what you need to do as a central defensive midfielder will change almost every game you're going to be doing different things when defending and attacking according to the position that you're playing against the most important attribute to a successful Central defensive midfielder is the adaptability you need to be super open to every different formation and every different tactics that you're going to be getting from your coaches let's get more into tactical requirements of central defensive midfielder formations like 42 31 or 433 or 4132 are the more common formations to have traditional Central defensive midfielder but some of these formations you're alone some of these formations that you're going to be playing with a partner which makes your job a bit easier because there are two of you when you are playing with two holding midfielders or defensive midfielders that you're going to have more spaces to receive the ball you're going to have more spaces to be able to turn with the ball and create the game but when you are playing alone this is not going to be the case yes you're still going to have to receive the ball to distribute the game but more importantly your job becomes more of a defending rather than attacking or creating the game there will be more Central midfielders where your teammates are going to be looking to find because you are going to mainly be focusing on actually stopping the opposition from counterattacks or stopping the opposition when they are going through those channels that your central midfielders couldn't cover when you are playing with two defensive midfielders your job is significantly important one of your job is significantly important one of you dropping deep to receive the ball means that the opposition will be following you one of them will be following you that you created a space for your other defensive midfielder to receive the ball or your other defensive midfielder let's say drops back as well with you now you're opening up space for your central midfielder to receive the ball but you're understanding each other when you're playing two holding midfielders is incredibly important because this needs to happen you both are there to create space for one another as well as for your other teammates to receive the ball your creating space ability is incredibly important because when one of you is dropping deep to receive the ball the other one most likely will need to stay higher up to receive the ball closer to the central area personally I like my central defensive midfielder to drop very deep right in between the center backs receive the ball and actually distribute the game from there in case we lose the ball we have extra body there to defend against a Counterattack most likely as a central defensive midfielder your technical skills are better than the center backs so I'd rather my central defensive midfielders to create the game than my center backs this really makes my Center back's job more comfortable and easier but again that's my personal preference because every coach will want something different from you some coaches don't want their defensive midfielders to come back that deep to receive the ball or if the opposition is really high pressing and you are dropping deep as a defensive midfielder now we don't have as much time to actually receive the ball there and create the game from all the way back there because opposition will be very high to stop this from happening and this is when the opposition leaves gaps in the central areas more Central areas where your Center midfielder can re receive the ball or your attacking midfielder or your Wingers can receive the ball to create the game and that's the good part about it if they are coming high up to press now we have gaps other places if they're not coming really high to press now we have space in the backline for our defensive midfielders to receive the ball very important attribute to a successful defensive midfielder is to be able to progress the game always forward because it's easy for many players to just just receive the ball and play it back to your Center back or play it back to your fullbacks but not every holding midfielder can progress the game forward that's what separates an excellent defensive midfielder versus an average defensive midfielder when you think about it it's so much simpler for you to receive the ball and just play back right you're not going to have risk you're not going to have risk of turning with the ball I'm not telling you that you should be turning with the ball you need to learn to properly position your body that you don't need to turn where you've already turned so you can receive the ball and you're facing the opposition's 18 not your own half and that's what makes a good defensive midfielder where you know exactly what's going on behind you where you know exactly where the position is or your teammates are so you can progress the game forward because if you receive the ball when your back's turned to the opposition now you don't know what's going on back there and you're going to probably have to play back simple to your Center back sometimes you're going to have the ball your back turn turn to the opposition but it's very important that after you play that ball back to your center backs make sure you go to the space and now you're facing and to receive the ball again and progress the game forward you can't just pass it back to your center backs and stay there you need to actually pass and then show to a better position where you can see the opposition where you know where you're going to go next being able to progress the game forward and sending those meaning meanful passes not just to pass but those meaningful passes where you are finding those channels where you are Distributing the game properly as a central defensive midfielder is the hardest thing you can ask from a defensive midfielder and that's why they are rare and you need to be excellent at doing this watch players like Sergio buset or Luca Modric see how they actually pass show to a better position to see the entire field after they make a move to the different play to receive the ball and seeing everything that's happening on the pitch that's why you're creating space abilities your decision making you being at the right place at the right time and positioning your body properly as a central defensive midfielder is incredibly important when it comes to your team's attack defensively as a defensive midfielder you are playing a massive role on the pitch you need to know exactly where you need to be on the pitch as a defensive midfielder otherwise you you are not going to be a successful holding midfielder defensive midfielder one of the most important thing to a successful defensive midfielder you being able to stay on your feet what I mean by this is you cannot slide tackle all the time you have to be on your feet you need to be joging and those are the key attributes to a successful defensive midfielder because your goal is to stall the game so everybody else on the pitch takes a good position takes their shape back so you know the opposition cannot progress the game forward as well as you are allowing your teammates to take the comfortable positions and they can come to help you if they need to your Center mids can drop your other defensive midfielder partner can drop and you can all help each other but if you slide tackle it's going to be very easy for the opposition to eliminate you you might win it with the slide tackle but more importantly that you need to be staying on your feet to avoid And Delay the opposition from making those incredible passes that could cause danger in your own nck when the opposition have the ball your job is like almost like sweeper but in the Central Area you're right behind the central midfielders and you're right in front of your center backs your goal as a defensive midfielder is to find those channels find those gaps where your central midfielders left open in case if the ball goes through those channels because your central midfielders are the ones that going to be tackling and closing those gaps first and if they can't and if they left SP space is open now you need to be aware 100% that if that ball goes through those channels that your central midfielders left open you're going to have to be able to see those gaps so this doesn't happen to cause threat on your own net you are also one of those players that are very easy to get yellow cards because you are the one dealing with those counterattacks and most likely at some point you're going to receive a yellow card I would say the defensive midfielders are the ones that gets the most yellow cards in the world I didn't look it up but I'm pretty sure that's the case and also the red cards most likely because you are the first one to stop those challenges you're going to be the first one to stop those counterattacks and that's why you need to be as smart as possible with your tackles and with your challenges in the beginning of the game the earlier you get a yellow card it is harder for you to play the game because you're going to be playing like you're walking on eggshells because you already have a yellow card now you can't be comfortably challenging the opposition throughout the entire game so make sure you delay that yellow card as long as you can so then you're more comfortable to make those challenges later in the game you're going to have to do some tactical Falls sometimes which is going to cause you yellow cards and this is why you need to delay the first yellow card as late as possible so your Tactical Falls could be your first yellow card you probably are going to be the one that defends the most on the pitch even more than your center backs because you are the first one deals with these situations and deals with the opposition's attacks you need to be aware you need to be on your feet and you need to be very smart about seeing those gaps your Center Ms your Wingers whoever is left open and the quicker that you can stop the opposition attack the better for your team because your main job is to make as easy as possible for your center backs so they don't have to deal with it you stop it right there I hope you enjoy this video please drop a like subscribe to my Channel with the notifications on you can also find my playlist right over here thanks for tuning in and I will see you next time
Channel: Football Fundamental
Views: 8,062
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Keywords: sergio busquets analysis, how to play as a cdm, sergio busquets (football player), football analysis, cdm analysis, best defensive midfielder, tactical analysis, sergio busquets, barca, football fundamental, holding midfielder, how to play as a defensive midfielder, sergio busquets skills, busquets, cdm skills, every footballer, footballer, how to be insanely good defensive midfielder, good defensive midfielder, Defensive Midfielder 4 basic analysis, defensive midfielder analysis
Id: MEMyxaXWHi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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