Central defensive midfield - explaining the different roles in this position

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the next position we're going to talk about is the central defensive midfielder so the cdm so this midfielder normally sits in behind the midfield line all right so it basically links the defense to the midfield sitting in between the midfield and the defense screening this hole and this zone here on the defense and also when you have the ball so there's lots of roles for the cdm which we will go through um wherever you play with two cdms so a bit more defensive right or you just play with the one and there's some formations which don't have any cdm so like the 442 straight lines don't really have a cdm in this hole all right so we're going to work with a cdm or two cdms and we'll go through the different roles for this more defensive midfielder depends on your formation depends on their role the first role we're going to look at for the cdm is what they call a half back so the half back is a very defensive center midfield so defensive midfield and the idea is in the name so they stay half back so they sit in front of the defensive line sometimes even dropping into the defensive line to pick up balls right so they sit back into here back into a back five but then they push up a little bit further just in front and not too far forward over the halfway so the idea of the half back is to have a very defensive player screening the midfield either the back line by screening that back line it allows this player to pick up any balls before they get to the back line and it also covers this hole and this zone in here for any balls past the midfield so the half back also works as a bit of a sweeper behind the midfield and allows these players a bit more freedom a bit more movement forward so some instructions you can use for the half back is if the left or right wing backs push forward and overlap can we sit back into here as a back three liverpool do this really well because they love to push their left and right backs forward and they're half back normally further normally uh uh fabinho normally sits back into this back line so they're basically a bit more of a centre-back which pushes into the midfield some other great players that play this role is fernandinho for man city again man city loves to push players forward they have that defensive player ruben nevers for wolves and portugal and for the matildas emily van egmond plays this one really well where she can just sit into this zone into there cover the defenders help out the defenders but then also influence the midfield so that is the half back for the central defensive midfielder the next role we're going to talk about for the central defensive midfielder is the deep line playmaker so still in this central defensive midfield role so behind the midfield in front of the defense the deep line playmaker it's in the name they're deep lying which means they're deep and they're a playmaker so they'll always want to get on the ball to create something to get out of the half to sit even when balls are up here players are up here sitting deep looking to receive looking to switch the point of attack rarely would they venture too far into the opposition's box their role is still a defensive role but it is looking to get on that ball and switch play get on the ball create with passes and really dictate the tempo and the play by being a play maker so players will look to play this player the ball um they'll look to try to get this player on the ball as much as possible so they've got to have a lot of movement in the round but then they're still deep lying if you want to see a player that does this really well in today's football is thiago for liverpool got a great passing ability great positioning looks like he does it effortlessly but he also has his defensive work as well so some instructions you can give your deepline playmaker is can you receive the ball from the defense to look to link the midfield or even the attack another one can be can we drop deeper so can we receive in the ball facing forward it's key that we face forward because that's the way we want to go because that's where the goal is all right so there's some instructions look at thiago's highlight reel but that is the deepline playmaker the next role we're going to talk about for the central defensive midfielder is the ball winning cdm so again a very defensive role their main objective is to win any balls in this area even when we have the ball they're always focused on their defensive positioning to counter quick breakaways and nullify any counter-attack so this position is made famous by claude mccaley played for chelsea he made that role his own and now a lot of teams are utilizing a player like that in their team so chelsea now also have uh kante played for leicester bryn player sits in that hole hardly any attacker can get past him does their job plays it off to more creative players doesn't support the attack too far around the box again worried about the defensive positioning first so the ball winning midfielder normally has a tendency to be a strong tackler they're really workhorse and opposition do not like coming up against him two great examples of this are patrick vieira and roy keane look at their highlight reel look at their positioning they're aggressive players so don't get too aggressive as they were but they did their job they weren't flashy they got the ball they made it off to more creative players focused on their defensive position and a lot of teams struggled to get past them so what they look to do is pick up any player that starts floating in between the lines so when you hear in between lines you got attacking line you go to the midfield line you've got a defensive line players that sit in between lines looking to get on that ball through one line so they can attack the other this player looks to pick them up so some instructions you can give your ball winning cdm is like the sweeper roll in center back can you position yourself so you are between the ball and the goal all right so into here so any balls any players that make runs into here we can clean them up legally so another instruction you can be is if any striker starts dropping deep can we start picking them up we don't want our center backs or our stoppers to follow that striker and legs faces are behind can we pass that on to a cdm or even any additional midfielders going forward in between lines can we pick them up all right so look at those guys hydrill very very defensive role looking to win the ball looking at their positioning but that is the ball winning cdm you
Channel: CCJSA - Country Coastal Junior Soccer Association
Views: 17,896
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Id: Js6A6FCopaI
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Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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