Defenders of the Earth Feature: The Story Begins

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[Music] [Music] [Music] with our new young heroes proving our poor become eight defending me [Music] [Applause] [Music] who's that it looked like a spacecraft hurry and Boris sprung I'll rip it off wait Luther you'll fry your hands allow me it's Flash Gordon let's get him into the house here this piece should help you feel better yes yes it will I'll be fine but will they flash my friend you must not exert yourself but my wife and son are prisoners of Ming the Merciless mean his home planet of is dying from the lack of resources he plans to leave and invade the earth I came to warn you but my ship was chased and shot down by Ming's ice robots you must rest my friend Wow they don't teach stuff like this in science class sounds like science fiction question nothing like that could be ever we pursue the golden haired visitor in this hovel we are to return him to our leader meaning the merciless I seen a visitor here and neither do you what is that spacecraft doing outside it appears to be taking off [Applause] my ship it's taking off it hasn't moved i hypnotized our pursuers into believing that you flew off if they're chasing after it right now LJ your net again one of these days you'll be sorry a pop I'm sorry now it looks like you got some more action than I did my leader Gary axe and the ice robots are reporting in Flash Gordon has eluded them what did you expect father it was stupid of you to send brainless robots on such an important mission silence all of the ice robots to return immediately flash Gordon's wife and son are still my business he will return for his family or his family will lead us to him bring the prisoners before me without delay yes my lord don't be afraid Rick your father will come back to help us stay where you are Rick I have a plan the female birthing she's gone blast it open [Music] grab it Rick I'm not going without you mom I'll come back for you we must find him search the area [Music] you're friendly now cut it out ouch where is everybody where's your mom and dad I know how you feel little guy sure wish I knew where my father is [Music] I'm sure glad you're feeling better mr. Gordon I don't believe it it's gotta be one of your tricks Mandrake it's no illusion just a little elbow grease and some knowledge of astral mechanics how about taking it out for a test run you bet - to rescue my family and stop Ming before he leaves for Earth and when I come along we thought you'd never ask what about me kitchen you'll stay behind and finish your homework [Music] I gotta find my mother before Ming does something horrible to her [Music] it's means pets [Music] come here we have kiddo [Music] either you will tell me where Flash Gordon is hiding or I will activate the Inquisitor and drain you of the information I want and your life force as well so you choose to remain silent mondo activate the Inquisitor no you tell me everything [Music] release her no it is too late for it Gordon [Music] after Nyong'o [Music] I'll be back she must not what the nests for Allah we're under attack [Music] only one attack vehicle sighted as I expected Flash Gordon is returning for his wife and son but neither he nor his family will leave alive the battle has just begun father ships to intercept and destroy Flash Gordon he must not interfere with my plans to leave and establish new headquarters or Ming's palace is directly below and as rubble ships are directly above at this rate my most powerful father you won't have much of an empire [Music] hold it right pass no cones Rick where's your mother dad she's she's [Music] there goes me forget me we gotta help my mother I fear we are too late [Music] wherever you go Ming I will find you all of us forever and I will stop you for you mom how inviting it looks so rich and bountiful it will be perfect for my needs and so easy to invade and dominate with all the possible hiding places on earth it'll be nearly impossible to locate me or his new base of operations even so no matter where he chooses to hide I'll find him little sulphide what are you doing here obviously a stowaway what do you say to that Sophie what is that this crystal was part of Ming's Inquisitor I remember now I saw just before my escape [Music] I proclaim this by station earth here in the Arctic where the icy temperatures will sustain our technology you will begin construction of my new headquarters yes sire bottom flash gordon sun you begin school shortly find that school and I will find Flash Gordon these unfortunate Earthlings are coated with a veneer of frost which makes their hearts cold and their wills mine to command with his son as our hostage Flash Gordon will come to me [Laughter] [Music] my head spins to think of how many places on earth Ming can hide with all of us looking will find him fast right Rick you bet LJ Ming is too dangerous besides LJ you have to enroll Rick in high school tomorrow we need the help of someone with the senses of a jungle animal to sniff out this space pirate yeah but where do we find someone like that I know just the someone we need ghost who walks hopefully we're not too far from the legendary skull cave the home of the Phantom Bendrick I sense danger hid your senses are quite accurate Oh friend accepted danger is below [Music] any ideas destination beats me I haven't seen a street sign yet the band are natives are my friends who are you and what do you want these gentlemen of flash cotton and Lothar my friends and I'm mandrill we're looking for the ghost who walks the man you are seeking is my father the phantom yes I will join you and your fight against this ring and I'm always ready to battle pirates from whatever they come I'm concerned about the welfare of my daughter get up I understand your concern phantom if you come with us Jeddah you can attend school in Central City our sons Rick and LJ will already be there I think Central City High is a great school and it suddenly got better now you know you can't come in with me kiesza school is no place for a panther let's check it out we aren't going anywhere except to class hey get your hands off me you've grabbed the wrong guys [Music] I have debate now to set the trap Kisa father the creature with wheels good kita stay with it I knew they were in trouble but I had no idea they were Rick and LJ this is the first time my ship's flight plan has been based on mental telepathy Talent Jetta picked up from the bend on natives Kisa is mirror down there they own State Penitentiary but it's been abandoned for years not anymore kiesza is inside the gates you better stay here there may be trouble inside now all we have to do is figure out how we get past the gates without being spotted leave it to me my jungle birthright I call upon the power of 10 Tigers [Music] hurry before word spotted Ming the Merciless we've been expecting you [Music] I don't will ever find us here dad and the others they're here I knew they'd come oh no no longer will you interfere with my conquest of Earth you murdered my wife and I promise the same fate for you Flash Gordon listen my captives to the sound of the prison generators they will be used to power this discarded equipment once used for the execution of prisoners electrocution we've got to find some way of getting out of here fast I hope this old door is as rotten as it looks [Music] good work LJ let's move which way to the power generators [Music] that way [Music] Kisa how did you get out what there's trouble inside you to better wait here again executioner throw the switch what's wrong why is a non-polar you did it you just connected the switches in time only one more job to do inferior earthling technology quickly check the generators [Applause] [Music] No stop before they escape everyone is in the van I reversed the power generators to overload we have only seconds before they explode [Music] [Music] [Music] and the crystal showed us the way to the generators mind if I examine it reading interesting this crystal has absorbed the personality elements of your mother maybe it can be the personality base for the new supercomputer I'm designing that will be a great help in our fight against Bing and all of you have something to offer your special skills someday cash in and Safie even you will be able to join the team which will be forever known as the defenders of the earth [Music] it won't be long now you've been saying that for the last two hours give me a break LJ certainly a few hours is not too long to wait for the creation of dine act X the most advanced computer I've ever seen owners father I don't understand it's the crystal from Ming's Inquisitor it contains the essence of Rick's mother [Music] dad it's ready son Dynex is your creation you activator attention all personnel unidentified ships are approaching in central city unidentified but not unfriendly I hope if their friends a means we're in big trouble sire I have picked up transmissions from the computer using flash Gordon's gold Flash Gordon determine the source of the transmissions if it is Gordon I will destroy the earth man once and for all those are grille ships who are they old friends of mine and they're here to help us construct our new headquarters welcome to earth we decided to call it monitor from which we will monitor the activities of the tyrant Ming the perfect name for the home of the defenders of the earth Bobson have Gerrits follow the Krell to the present location of these defenders of Earth and destroys him or lasers where did they come from means robo ships they follow the credits to our location they've broken Dynex code she needs more shielding I'm working on it now jack [Music] robo ships at port clock flash Roger Lothar Thanks please Kushina we're trying to concentrate sure come on Duffy find a place why you can stay out of trouble tushy it'll be okay my friend [Music] [Music] get'em flash [Music] look out dad meetings Robo ships are right behind you missile fake about [Music] closer closer [Music] watch out Sophie they miss one of the Robo ships autumn conform the origin of that creature with the earth body yes sir the creature is a suffering from I knew it and that boy was with Flash Gordon garrix I want that boy in support captured alive with the ball is my hostage Flash Gordon will walk right into my hands and I will cause the defenders of the earth [Music] [Music] [Music] right in our own backyard and we never knew what was here [Music] [Music] you're good Sophie this wall could be miles thick they found us [Music] we don't have to worry about them anymore let's hope we can find our way out of here sure is dark in here zoffie stay close okay what was that Kisa was right somebody is in Mandrake's wine cellar how can you to see with the lights off according to the data I am receiving the mountain includes a cavern large enough for a small city which is perfect Dianetics because that's exactly what its gonna be I don't think we'll ever find a better place for monitor than the one cache in and something found machine has the makings of a real defender if only he can learn to follow orders there is one piece of data which may alter the plan to locate monitor inside this particular mountain the mountain is a volcano and it is not entirely extant we can cap the active shaft and harness the geothermal energy for power leave it to Jetta to think of an organic solution to our energy problem Jetta is correct right phantom will have an endless supply of energy once the crown is finished it will rise on the shafts through the opening in the crater the final stage of construction Derrick's you fool not only have you lost a fleet of robots a phalanx of heist robots but you lost a boy as well sire I detected massive amounts of power being used in approximately the same location but inside the mountain it must be the defenders base very well girls you may do so and this time I will not tolerate failure [Music] [Music] it's a good idea to store our ships inside the mountain more con it's much safer my friend if Ming attacks our ships won't be so vulnerable [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a krill machine that can cut knock can also cut those Ike robots down to size [Applause] there's no way to hit those ice robots they move too fast perhaps their strengths can be turned to power advantage [Music] by ganga law that ghost walks cause forth the power of tigers [Applause] [Music] [Music] what a mess you're a handy man to have around Mandrake garrix your robots follow your example with great fidelity I want the defenders base to end up like der axis worthless ice robots let this be a foretaste of what I have in store for all who oppose me damage to monitor is not critical alert a fleet of robots approaching with the mountain sealed off there's no way to defend ourselves I have an idea Danny X broadcast a strong SOS signal originating from the top of the volcano but that would be nothing more than a homing signal for me exactly [Music] we respond by them out of their misery [Music] they fell for it they opened the crater for us perfect now we can raise the crown and take off yeah it looks good I'm filling the camouflage Lake now launched many doors is clear that's our cue let's go get him wait for me [Music] [Music] [Music] warning we are losing geothermal pressure emergency power limited performance over cap warning we are losing the geothermal pressure we've got to stop it Morgan emergency power limited I'm trying to find the pressure point in the Geo systems report ina caps according to my calculations an explosion at this point good relief pressure on the system this mega bomb has enough blasting power to do that trick I'll plant the device none of us can do it phantom the proper location is at the end of a long slanting shaft barely big enough for a child or a cat [Music] that's it Kisa that's it just a little further good kesa good now put the explosive down gently gentle Kisa now come Pisa yes a volcanic eruption stop Phillies won the defender space is destroyed nothing can stop me now girl he's a good girl Kisa was terrified we don't belong here father we've made a commitment to our friends Jetta while at the submerging race construction debris Dianetics release me you should be very pleased when he sees that debris a nice trick if I say so myself Lothar very nice indeed Achtung recall the fleet is merely residual energy from the eruption but sire it cannot be silenced where are you taking us more Conn while investigating the damage done by the eruption I discovered the creation of this new cabin Wow it's enormous the natural steam escaping from the inactive faucets volcano keeps it humid and at a constant 80 degrees Fahrenheit father it's like the climate of our home in Africa it will make a perfect location for a second skull cave Sam a fleet of ships is departing on a cruise ships are retreating with an escort from Flash Gordon sire no it cannot be the defenders of the earth are still alive sire but not for [Music] maybe we lost it no way Jetta that creeps down there somewhere [Applause] it's Chow time folks and we're the main course [Music] [Applause] [Music] I really scared you guys didn't I yeah you did a good job cuz Shin come on down Asians got more of an imagination that I bought that's for sure Rick this new invention of yours it's great how does it work it's a thought transference cap Jetta as long as it's hooked to the battle simulation computer you can create anything you can imagine defender alert alert come on guys [Music] a deadly alien known as a doomsday device capable of destroying every living thing on earth but leaving the planet intact is on a collision course with earth is it one of Ming's weapons negative it's a warhead leftover from a war fought in another galaxy seven billion years ago that's older than the earth itself sure it no longer works unfortunately the vacuum of space has preserved the weapon perfectly when and where will it land zero degrees latitude 60 degrees longitude deep within the Amazon rainforest then let's go wait Sun I want all of you to stay here and find a way to disarm that baby once we've recovered it I only hope Maine hasn't discovered it yet [Music] this alien doomsday warhead fits him perfectly with my plans Garrett's bring the weapon to my new asteroid base at once my source indicate a defender ship on route to the doomsday weapon landing site in the Amazon rainforest so my enemies wish to make a game of it do they prepare to launch the fleet immediately refine their battle simulation override I will be able to take complete control of the defender simulation room and their minds dead with a doomsday weapon when dad and the others get back at the warhead disarming it'll be a cinch [Music] the Doomsday warhead should be just ahead my only hope we've reached it before me look there in the clearing die neck was right again it appears we've beaten Ming's forces to the warhead may have spoken too soon that's a Ming scout ship dead ahead we've got to stop it before it gets back to the main fleet delicious in this storm I'd say we've been expected [Music] there is no issue from the molecular Destructo beam [Music] Thank You virgins Igor's our Jam [Music] the emergency doors are jammed leave that door to me [Music] [Music] at war head might as well be an ice station earth will never be able to cut through this jungle you don't fight the jungle flash you become one with it I believe this is what we're letters good work phantom but how do we get back to monitor without a ship you don't [Music] [Music] [Music] the defenders [Music] I grow impatient on when can I take control of the battle simulations within monitor once I have control of the battle simulation room I can destroy the minds of my enemies like that and while we're in here Ming's robots are getting away with the doomsday warhead no little wall of ice is going to hold me save your strength old friend this is mango ice how can we free ourselves observe [Music] excuse me old man we'd like to borrow your spaceship if you don't mind [Music] leave them to me bye jungle are the ghosts to walks [Music] and now to turn up the heat [Music] bird in the air before these dice robots change their minds [Music] [Music] now there is only one way for me to retrieve the water the next time Dunston vendors use their battle simulation room it will be the end up there okay okay cash in but this is the last one for today yeah we're bushed defender alert alert [Music] [Music] open the visual check the mini ship will be within range in exactly one minute don't worry we'll blow him back to no radios there's no way to contact monitor I'm afraid he'll contact us with a laser blast there's no way that cost isn't it on count three fire one two three [Music] hold on tight this is gonna be close [Music] this lasted for sure no LJ wait I know that style of flying anywhere that's my father diner open the landing Bay [Music] this one bomb could destroy the whole world how come it didn't blow up when it landed on earth it requires a special detonation code before it will explode just like it needs a special computer program to disarm it it'll take Dyna 24 hours to work out the diffusing code I know what we can do please kiss Ian we've had enough enough of what geta my special battle simulations they're really scary maybe too scary they're really scary huh let's see how good of an imagination you really got cuz yet [Music] here's the battle simulation override device ready octant yes sire everything is in order when the defenders activate their simulation then you will complete control of their minds now Achtung turn it on now so far it's a piece of cake okay cash-in pull out all the stops just watch what I imagine [Music] I guess we're supposed to go in we must stop telling that boy ghost stories anybody home Donal answer it once [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you can hear me cash in this is really some heavy action you're dishing out is three defendants what diabolically delightful things that lead can imagine but they are nothing compared with what I have in store for you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] come on cash in take it easy simulation computer they want a beanie it's gone crazy we've got it wait [Music] everything seems real [Music] [Applause] that sounds like a shin we've got to get rid of these pests creatures of darkness in the light [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] they're not my boy the best week of santa lucia is with illusion the shins right why haven't those illusions vanished I don't know the simulation computer it won't amay me we'll have to fight our way out Rick we've got to do something the machines got a mind of its own he won't shut off we'll have to wreck it what are we waiting for increase the simulation override but sire it cannot take more power [Applause] yes I see you later man hurry [Music] [Music] [Applause] it looks like we'll be without a battle simulation room for a while guys that's okay I think my imagination needs a rest anyway sire are you sure you wouldn't prefer using a robot no upton i have fought this through this earthling has a powerful motive but there's power and humans are so I'm dependable silence our Tom he will not fail me send in the earthly [Music] who you I am Ming the Merciless and it pleases me to grant you a wish I have only one wish to destroy the Phantom enter the chamber earthling and your wish shall be granted you will have the power you need your brother you are now in Dhamma demon of whether go now and destroy the Phantom and now this incredible story from our impossible but true file the once in humid tropics of Africa are covered with a foot of snow all this in the middle of summer the deep woods of Africa have been plagued with heat rain wind and snow leaving scientists puzzled and the inhabitants in a state of despair phantom jeddah there's news about your home in Africa those clouds couldn't be natural their family home is being threatened and that makes this a personal challenge then we've got to help them unless they ask for our help the Phantom and Jetta will face this threat alone [Applause] [Music] and spirit demon of the winds have come back to my ancestral home to rule this land oh baby without question I know that voice can it be I am gurad chief of a band our people we follow only the teachings of our elders you are not welcome in Dhamma are you defying the spirit of the wind with a wave of my hand I could lay your village to waste spirit but a bad child leave us or the eyes but ghost who walks will know your deeds [Music] no one has seen him in months your ghost has walked away it's true the Phantom has been gone for a long time the Phantom is our friend and brother he will not fail us by nightfall you and your people will be my subjects or you will all be destroyed my friend the Phantom if ever your people need you it's now I'm glad you want me with you Father it's important that the band are no The Phantom will always stand by them and as a future phantom I'll do whatever I can just be careful not to get in over your head I knew you would come to save your people it's been 20 years since we last met but this time things will be different mr. escape we won't have to fight whatever is causing this [Music] well done phantom but the real test of your worth is yet to come tonight we should move our people to the caves in the hills there we can keep dry we don't have to move anyone if we do as the weather demon asks could you live under the evil one where's the ghost who walks is he afraid of n Donna for 400 years the Phantom has stood by the bender The Phantom knows no fear he will come my family is in danger I cannot risk their lives against one so powerful I've lived my life as a free man and not as someone's puppet as do we my friend what is the strange force which threatens our people Garron he calls himself in Dhamma full-leather demon I believe your father knows him well didn't I know it dama Goren you will remember him in Dhamma has not forgotten you then it's time we got reacquainted where can we find him he waits in the skull cave no one would desecrate my home [Music] [Applause] the skull cave just as I remembered it can it be is it really you yes it's your dear older brother Kurt and this time I'll get the title that's do me you never told me I have an uncle I hoped I'd never see you again Kurt yet you knew this day would come it was only a matter of time I don't understand how did this happen it all started the day our Father put us to the ultimate test today is the day of the banda rite of passage my son's to determine who will be the next phantom I want the two of you to go to the shrine on Mount M Tenga and bring the jewel of sanddune back for the ceremony let me go alone dad I can do this by myself no Kurt you must be able to work with others this is one of the most important lessons you will never learn it'll only get in a way I'm just as good as you are but I don't want him with me the two of you would work together nothing more will be said okay little brother let's see who can grab the jewel first but father said we should work together what's wrong little brother Fredo beats yep you watch Kurt I'll bring the jewel of Xion dune down all by myself not running from any cat Kurtz safe in that tree I should finish the race and win that one showing well but I can't reason like that dad wants us to work as a team get healthy [Music] thanks little brother see you when I get home with the Jew loves and dude [Music] [Applause] Kurt must be halfway to the temple by now I can afford a few minutes rest kid brother of mine now there'll be no doubt dad's mind who is the best of his sons this could be a trick KITT things I'll fall for well I'm no fool little brother I'll get the jewel first and then see if he's okay this was your dad I'm worthy to be the next phantom kids look what I've got kid hey kid no foolin where are you mr. farlan over what I took dad to make up something father the jewel of sand dune mercy but where is your brother father something terrible has happened kid fell as he was climbing Mountain tanga I tried to save him but your brother is still alive Kurt I asked your aunt to follow you on your quest when you left kid on the mountain the Lord he carried your brother home you have cheated and lied Kurt I have decided to make it the next phantom after I'm gone I'm sorry my son but you have never learned that the Phantom is meant to serve others you're making a big mistake choosing this wimp you just wait I'll show you I'm worthy I'll make you pay for this kit no let him go Kurt must find his own destiny remember now little brother my grandfather was right you never will be worthy to be the Phantom I hope the years would have given you wisdom I see they haven't I'm sorry for you brave it's our fight to stop it stop staring at me I could have been a better parent any of you then I stand all right father now you'll see who is the more worthy [Music] [Music] [Music] not these moments where my brother for they are your last [Laughter] this is my moment of triumph I will destroy you and take the title and it is rightfully mine don't you see this is my moment of triumph triumph triumph [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if I cannot be the Phantom then I will destroy everything the Phantom stands for and you you will stand by helplessly and watch brother dearest [Music] I won't stand by and see the bend or hurt what can you do with the wave of my hand I can destroy your friend once it should appeal to your sporting nature a race a race for the tools and to like when we were boys only this time the winner becomes the Phantom as I should have their dad can't people's lives are at stake I have no choice then let me go to the mountain ahead of you I'll make sure it's a fair race not this time Jenna this is something between Kurt Walker and kid Walker the race [Applause] [Music] don't leave me waiting at the altar kid [Music] was it wrong for me to let my father race against ten Dhamma I feel I should be there with him this is for you and you alone to decide I'm going [Music] Kurt is this how you want it to end why can't I say you have the situation well [Music] thanks for right southern [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] court must be it mountain by now it's time I used the powers of the phantom like jungle or the ghost walks [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's too far behind this time one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm sorry it didn't have to end like this went to question my ball then carry me [Music] you won this time little brother but you will have to look over your shoulder every day of your life I may have lost this battle [Music] I know you're trying to teach a strategy Deb but you haven't made a move for at least half an hour LJ's right Lothar this is boring there's no action in this game this is more than just a game my young friends it teaches the fundamentals of generalship tactical strategies and patience but chessboard someone has made a very bad move Richard how did you manage to do that with a new device I'm testing I call it the micro neither that was great Rick it's capable of shrinking objects two infinitesimally sizes my compliments Rick how long does the effect last only one hour then the object returns to normal size no problem Rick data take leaves that long for my dead to figure out his next move attention standby for an incoming message we would be delighted malechek expect us there tomorrow with you it would make for a good demonstration against their own chess-playing computer I will look forward to seeing all of you I did this you commanded [Music] [Music] uptime energize the electronic connected [Music] [Applause] [Music] good as soon as the defenders hookup died next to my special chess-playing computer they will implant the maggot in eighth circuit's berry will unlock the top-secret access codes to the Earth's weather systems then I will bring this world to its knees [Music] the tournament looks well attended but where's your friend malechek more important where's this great chess-playing computer straight ahead it hasn't got a chance against Dianetics first you got to figure out how to hook it up LG see who can find malechek in the executive offices [Music] hmm I didn't know chess tournaments had so much to offer now if I make the right moves hi girls can you help the Unicom pom-pom Monsieur checkmate mmm sounds like somebody's in trouble [Music] don't let them linked up with Dianetics to the main computer one more cable to attach the dining exes monitor speak to me Dinah gets I can't get through door fools I now control the dining dining respond dark okay [Music] what is it phantom old buddy I'd call it monitor and check it how much longer before repairs are completed few more hours and I think she'll be better than you [Music] thank heavens Ming has taken over die neck what Jun and I are trapped here your attempts to override the will of men are useless main is the supreme power in the universe [Music] eat all you want my little pet soon you will reach the plans were activating the Earth's weapon Arsenal's then I will control more than Dianetics I will control the earth well perhaps I should arrange a little welcome-home party or should I say a surprise party yes master the outer security doors are locked they will respond to the override signal I've got a signal of my own I'd like to try let me try dad that seems to be a waste of time and we have precious little time to waste [Music] intruder alert intruder alert intruder alert Mandrake Lothar meanness arm die next defense systems against you and you had to design them so efficiently we're running out of places to stand [Music] the proof is pretty we've got a hurry [Music] [Music] you pulled me up none too soon sometimes strength works better than magic I have no illusions about that good friend dinette is programmed not to let anyone near her Ming has her totally under his control perhaps I can make mental contact [Music] help me mandarin help it's me there's nothing where is it what did you see die Mac but not like I've ever seen before it was horrible she's powerless against a hideous worm-like creature what does mean one with die neck X he knows he can control us through her it may be more than that the information stored in die neck is endless if only I could get inside her I know I could help Rick the micronesia right that's how I can stop that creature count me in me too remember if you don't return within one hour you'll be crushed as you regain your normal size [Music] it's beautiful how are we ever gonna find that creature in the middle of all this if Ming is behind this we won't have to find it it will find us [Music] the young fools the computer's own defenses will destroy them before they even Cesar made it what are those they're tiny necks internal monitoring systems sorry guys but I'm gonna have to deactivate you [Music] [Applause] with Ming behind this just about anything could happen what could happen [Music] the maze of short circuits the creature must have caused this if I remember correctly the circuit breakers are over there but we can't reach them listen to me get to the switches Kisa get to the switches and turtle Kisa [Music] [Applause] [Music] good work he's a good girl you did it oh what a good girl we seem to be near dynex Center and according to my detector the electronic maggot is - this place is some crazy Hall of Mirrors now there's a good-looking fellow if I do say so myself [Music] [Music] whatever you've got in mind make it fast [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's gonna jump it'll never make it Never Say Never Rick [Music] Jenna no we've got to move get going Keith I'll be able to take care of herself [Music] my yeah I'm okay [Music] how can i free you there the crystal within the room center smash it and you will free me Mandrake is not the only one who can create illusions obey your mother smash that whistle and the secret of the Earth's weapon systems will be mine [Music] no Rick don't do it Bendrick what's wrong Mina's using Wix memories of his mother's life essence to trick him I must stop him [Music] this is a trick of means believe me do not hesitate you have only minutes before you return to normal size we have no time left but if we had only stopped that creature we could have saved died neck [Music] Bing has gained access to some top-secret info I'm through running [Music] [Music] thank you for freeing me you must hurry [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we've located the power source well done by congratulations to all of you that is correct the power source is coming from the coordinates indicated origin of power source located we're proceeding there immediately thence will be a fast enough or Dynex finished only hope is that flash in the Phantom will be able to stop it there's the indicated target a large volcanic at all and mains power station is right there [Music] I've won the defenders never gained control of die neck but the Earth's military weapons are mine no one can stop me now master launch the rubble shoots the defenders of the earth must be stopped heads up flash looks like being is sending up a reception committee [Music] retro chance to try out our new device swordship activated [Music] find out if this ship is worth the time we put in designing it raise that if issues we will shatter their sort you it will be the end of Flash Gordon and the Phantom what if this thing doesn't work there won't be enough left to matter hold on [Music] prepare my struggle to depart immediately success that holds a destroy and we've stopped Ming for now Houston Exxon let her tell you herself damn I'm fine flash thanks to Rick and I love you we'll never let anything happen to you again die neck that goes double for me flash we're making our last move we're coming home [Music]
Channel: Comics Kingdom
Views: 529,952
Rating: 4.8604999 out of 5
Keywords: The Phantom, Flash Gordon, Animation, Action, Ming the Merciless, Family, Adventure, Classic Cartoon, Comics, Comic Strip, King Features, Comics Kingdom, Science Fiction, 1980s Cartoons, Mandrake the Magician
Id: qZSdvdBmNtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 48sec (5328 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.