Men In Black: The Series | The Long Goodbye Syndrome | Season 1 Ep.1 Full Episode | Throwback Toons

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we'll get you down whiskers [Music] [Applause] [Music] fire marshall division six we'll take it from here who are these guys you never heard of us because we're your best kept secret dick that's an undocumented mercurian sporting non-department issue concealment nothing is what it seems i got it this cat's mine easy tiger you don't know what you're dealing with plead all you want we're shipping your main detail back to outer space [Music] [Music] [Music] here [Music] gentlemen watch the birdie you've got a lot to learn slick [Music] [Music] this what's the distinguishing characteristics of a rhaenyssian schizoid no sweat cheesehead dude with 17 digestive systems wrong that's an aborian schizoid different moon trick question you didn't do your reading did you hmm maybe you're not in the nypd anymore junior if you're gonna tangle with a skeezaloid you better know how to cuff them by the wrists schizoids don't even have arms i know how to apprehend this alien with a roll newspaper and a short leash stop you're killing me i'm gonna jump on a biscuit you're so funny where'd you get such a wit from partner k wrong again sport this is not any newspaper this is the hot sheets nothing is what it seems right frank i'm living proof baby read them know them okay okay shellfish arrive from outer space little farfetch don't you think jumbo martians with cocktail sauce okay hope you like the beach shellfish thing is true the hot sheets never lie now what we're going in and we are waiting in filth why remember the shellfish overpopulation a few years back gummed up half the city's waterline they weren't shellfish [Music] they were aliens human beings tend to label that which they don't understand makes them feel like they've got a handle on things so what was it we human beings didn't have a handle on scroll beans from the plant scroll they thrive in moist humid climates such as this fragrant palace they also multiply like gangbusters and they're grouchy you don't want to crosswalk i told you not to cross one use this and you'll wonder why we don't want them on earth release the safety catch [Music] say hello to my oyster shooter no noisy cricket shelter like a peanut [Music] just a couple of cpas having a clambake folks don't forget to file your tax returns clean up aisle seven bring a scooper it lobbed on me never use a noisy cricket on a scraldian why not blows them up that's a bad thing dude was gonna mess up your haircut no the dude was only gonna sting me i would have swelled up and turned the color of rotten eggplant but only for a week my mistake one you'll never make again what you're gonna find me for saving your mark jay it might be dry cleaning a little handling you don't understand permanently marked this is the last suit you'll ever wear marked you're a dead man marked scroll beans possess a hive mentality they're psychically linked they saw what you did they know what you look like they know where you live all of them well not the first time bad dude's been out to get me listen slick this is a whole planet of dudes dedicated to your demise four billion assassins locked onto your dna thinking about you every three seconds you're a celebrity son why didn't you tell me any of this before it's all there in black and white can we just nuke their planet out of the question mib's jurisdiction extends only as far as earth's atmosphere what what am i going to do you nothing leave it to me what are you going to do leave it to the twins they always come up with something never mind battery park they're in the brooklyn zoo orangutan enclosure it seems carnelian's like a girl there jay heard the news kid sorry about the scrolling thing but if anybody can get you through this it's k iffy shake down bobo the squad i don't want him doing deadly whoa zed chief what do you mean if he may not show it but this is breaking his heart b have the twins line up another rookie huh standard procedure okay i hear you may be in the market for a new partner consider me i'm itching to get out of the lab you told elle not me it's always sad when the new guy goes but i'm not dead yet don't they're upset enough as it is look this is ridiculous even if i am marked who knows when the scroll guys will strike could be today could be 40 years from now probably today we're gonna have to have a look in your trunk sir problem code 51. visitor trying to smuggle illicit goods seems like sort of a exoskeleton i've got just the thing why [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] uh no no no no no no [Applause] yes i sir good thinking you know about these i read the hot sheets so keep me in mind huh we'll do lunch this mean you're mark two i iced it i didn't blow it up let's see if the twins have come up with anything any cardio bob what do we got twins will always come up with something huh you'll hurt their feelings jay you know i was kidding back there about being a replacement well you all seem to be taking my predicament a little lightly only because you're not going anywhere okay we'll let that happen yeah well i can't afford to be so sure you got anything for me one of these i sir cool anything else [Music] what's [Applause] why did you have to go and do that what's it matter they're coming to off me either way yeah but now they'll probably put you in the soup [Music] the soup okay emergency distress signal from the arquillian ambassador the signal came from a seafood restaurant can i at least drive not today but i may not see tomorrow maybe later [Music] nothing's coming out paramedics division six we'll take it from here [Music] alien projectile vomit twice in one day no scraldians the place is clean um i gagged on a prawn must have gone up the wrong pipe your attention people tonight's dessert menu features idea we take your neuralizer zap the next chowder head we see and wipe all their memories clean hive mentality see nice try neuralizers designed to modify human memory cells scraldians possess a different genetic makeup this experience has made me realize how delicate life is we are all so full of the one moment we're eating seafood the next we're eating dirt i owe you my life okay could we please change the subject what's with him blew up a scroll dean blew why didn't he just jump off the empire state building ow watch the face okay guys keep me posted twins are working double shift you know this is the spot where i decided to join the mib regrets well you shouldn't have any let's do something you always wanted to do drive the ltd nice try slick not gonna happen i usually watch what i eat but what the heck hot dog with the works [Music] those things will kill you [Applause] i told you those things will kill you [Music] uh you you guys must have me confused with someone else my name is nice try slick but they locked on to your dna remember [Music] got one too pardon gift from ill i think she liked me you're not dead yet let's hit the road you pushed a button slick never push the button we in the clear hold that thought [Music] [Music] [Music] what'd they say something about soup that's me okay well twins came up with something what was that the worst thing you can do to a scroll down worse than blowing them up much worse yep they're really upset probably won't even wait to get me back to their planet before putting the soup on wait what do you mean you you're off the hook sport their beef is with me now wait a second you can't go they mocked me the dna i just made them forget all about you you didn't show them your muculidge okay what don't we we'll go together both of us get whacked explain that to zed but what will i tell sam tell him to give you a grievance day then take the ltd for a spin goodbye partner [Music] thanks kate [Music] i appreciate the gesture [Music] must be what two three thousand degrees i can hold my breath a long time you know what do you say sport no time to stand around blubbering we've got places to go skeezaloids that brand that was me a remarkable simulation actually let's just say a friend owed me a favor [Music] but but the the switch when minutia what's important right now is that with a little wax the twins will get the ltd looking like new which means scooter i can't let you drive it you
Channel: Throwback Toons
Views: 702,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cartoons, cartoon clips, 90s cartoons, retro cartoons, classic cartoons, jumanji, jumanji cartoon, astro boy, astro boy cartoon, Godzilla, Godzilla cartoon, Dilbert, Dilbert cartoon, the critic, the critic cartoon, Jackie chan, Jackie chan adventures, Jackie chan cartoon, men in black, men in black cartoon, full cartoon episodes, Men In Black, Men In Black The Series, men in black the cartoon, men in black clips
Id: 7DrLvKAqjKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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