Defeating Mario Party's HARDEST CPU

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yo yo hey everyone welcome to Mario Party five it is May after all which is unrelated to the fact we're playing Mario yeah it's just yeah happy May everyone hey happy 702k huge special huge actually honestly I I think the Iran the sub growth has been very random to me so I was looking at the stats I'm pretty sure the video that got us the most subscribers was FNAF that makes sense yeah the FNAF 2 which I I mean I guess we did start off by saying subscribe And subscribe subscribe yeah if you want to subscribe if you like this content or if you hate it hey watch it that's fine hey hey hey watching the still of you and we appreciate it all right you're allowed to hey watch it I think we're just a lot of people's like homework helpers that's kind of how I see yeah we're like Hamburger Helper but yeah homework bro Hamburger Helper could go crazy oh my God yeah we haven't had a hamburger helper night in a while yeah we haven't okay so wait a sec uh you might say don't you always play Mario Party with a third person well uh I wouldn't really uh want to put someone else through this yeah so we are going to have four CPUs but toad is on easy easy toad it's easy toad but here's the catch right uh we have four CPUs playing Joe and I are just gonna podcast but if you look on the scoreboard toad has Nine Stars yeah so this is more about honestly we should have put him with like Koopa Kid boo Waluigi yeah oh against the villains yeah uh that's that would have been good actually yeah next month yeah next month next month yeah and can we play Mario Party 6 actually I like Mario Party yeah okay Marbury seven though seven yeah Fox seven seven I don't really care for that much I don't hate seven I think the biggest problem with seven though is that there's a tier list in it wait oh yeah yeah the hitboxes are actually different right no it's that um uh each character has unique items they can buy in the shop wait I did not know that yeah or if I did I just forgot dude peaches is actually crazy because uh hers nullifies all traps that she rolls across and every space she moves she gains three coins for that turn yeah so you can get 30 coins and just get around all the traps yeah Peach can just get 30 coins that's insane actually yeah that um as you guys know I've been a pretty devout uh Mario Party 5 hater I just think there's a limit on Randomness in Mario Party you like the randomness being within like the games not the boards themselves right yeah I mean I think the boards can be random but I think it's just like all the spaces at random there's not like very many just plain blue spaces yeah like there are blue space of course but it's like the space that Mario landed on that could have been a Koopa spot that could have been a free star that could have been dual like the orbs are crazy there's no item shot where you can buy anything that's the randomness that comes to my mind is it's just the uh the the the the toy machine the item shop I think is huge and also like 33 ish I might be over exaggerating but last time I remember counting like of all free for all games I think like a like a good amount are just mashing games okay that's that's not like the worst thing out there okay this game's from this one okay yeah no this game has some decent mini games yeah uh who are you rooting for you I'm I'm honestly I'm rooting for Big Man toad oh yeah big man too I would love to see him win okay so I don't think he's gonna do too well yeah I I think he could win if he if he doesn't win I'd love to see Koopa Kid win just because I don't know it makes me happy that he's in this game yeah hard DK's not in Mario party right now so we can't click bait him yeah we like which is terrible I was actually talking about that on stream I was like I was going through all the thumbnails and stuff I was like yeah like he's talking about things I was like Mario Party is always easy because we just put hard DK and thumbnail on like people follow up for DK yeah but now it's like hard DK's dead I think Mario Party 6 is just better five because the orb mechanics are so much better it's a shop and also you can go throw five forward and five spaces back and six whereas in five it's ten chord which is honestly a lot that is really far yeah tin forward is like a lot you can't throw back at all and keep her back oh you can use it on yourself but it costs money which I think also kind of sucks words cost some money to use in this game on yourself okay uh that's an interesting mechanic because that's like how they use it's like buying an item from the shop right oh okay that makes sense things are not looking good for toad already yeah that was an unfortunate 10 for him no way he loses a story here though no no way he loses a star turn two it's just not possible I like how smushed his face is here though he's very squishy he just has a view of Bowser's garage right now okay it's a mini game see that's not bad yeah what do they do yeah give up his or her half coins okay yeah okay you know at least Bowser is not misgendering yeah yeah also good thing for toad worst case scenario he loses two coins also uh time to talk about one piecesm real quick yeah uh if you guys don't know there's a there's a trans prominent prominent trans character in one piece right in the Last Arc um and his dad is an antagonist in one piece and he's just a big bad dude yeah CJ when he caught up to one piece he was just like dude shout out to kaido like he might be evil in a dictator but he never once misgendered that character that's actually so true and I thought wow what a what a trans Ally dude honestly yeah kind of kaido is in fact an ally yeah despite all the you know the murder that he did and everything I mean to be fair that dude just wanted to host a house party and had a fight of 30 dudes on his roof yeah and he was on that roof for a while that is a long time on that roof years even oh shout outs to kaido for not being transferred but I I heard uh early July a certain episode of One Piece is getting animated oh you know the one I think I know the one I think I know the one oh yeah yeah yeah yeah find another one um and what's crazy about it like how you gestured it too yeah yeah um what's crazy about it is that they're apparently working with Warner Brothers to animate that one episode okay I know well I think it's because they want to go in like the rubber hose like super old anime animated style you know yeah I know that makes sense yeah so I that's kind of what I'm prediction imagine we get like a Hanna-Barbera sound effects wait that is so sick yeah are we talking that that quick wait how long has it been in since that happened bro bro which I'm never having this conversation that [ __ ] the big the most recent giant one piece thing that happened was a March of last year what the [ __ ] right what no yeah no that was not it was like I'm sorry I have to fact check I have to fact check that yeah no that's fair spoiler I typed in spoiler I just looked at because uh we have channels for in like our one piece server and that was honestly we never had like channels dedicated to discuss chapters until that one uh uh okay when did this chapter whenever we got scans support the official showing by the way um it was I think March 25th [Music] okay yeah 22. [Music] my sources are saying December 11th 2022. that is that is just not true I see us talking about it right here oh my God yeah wow so here you go it came out on March 24th oh I don't like that I don't like that at all oh do you believe in toad no I want to I don't think he's gonna I I think these guys are just too cracked I don't think toe can take out will be hard he's only using half of his inputs uh you can ground pound and send lava out at people oh see oh he's figured it out can he do both at once is that allowed he can sure as I'll try oh no toad Tone come on buddy all right we have to Premiere this one right oh absolutely the new saga can they take nine stars from toad I think that's honestly that's such a good challenge I wish we could make this a 3D one actually like I think that'd be yeah that would be cool like I don't know how that would work for like mini games and stuff yeah only 1v3 would be brutal because usually there's no way in hell an easy computer can win that it's just 30 coins of the economy every single time yeah oh oh what are we landing on who knows it's a fun surprise oh yeah toad threw that one down oh so they can just get coins cool I'd be so tilted at this I'd be so tilted with this tone is broke as [ __ ] yep oh no oh no it's rolling huge too I I now realize what you mentioned earlier about the cutscenes and stuff in this game too that there's oh they're they're sure a lot of them yeah so what's crazy about chain chomp is this is essentially boo in this game but it's hard because you have to land on chain shot okay oh this is about through space right I think this is where turtle wasn't everything or Mario has to land on one of these chain chomp spaces no one off okay okay so they land on that space and is it then they roll again okay and they have to like you have to run into them on the board I feel yeah so it's going to be a little tricky oh we're all grouped yeah there's a lot of grouping this board you have Cooper kid rolls I think that's like a three or four or something like that um you could steal the first star from toad that that'd be interesting I kind of I kind of want to see that oh stealing sources to be a lot harder in this game is Boo in the game as well or is it only the chain chomp uh I know there's like God lights in there so I know boo is in the game it might just be but I think it's you know random items so like who knows what you get oh that's so what I like about this mini game is um what's Peach doing every mini game or every Mario party has a few of these where you're like why does this look so nice yeah uh this is what I call an E3 mini game yeah I was gonna say this game is on the uh demo disc for Double Dash yep sure is it's like uh it was on promotional material every Mario Party in this era has like a few of these um and it's really like jarring how much better those games look than the others it's like one of those I don't think so that yeah I guess engineering I think like the big ones in Mario Party Six there's like a Whirlpool blooper mini game and it suddenly hits you with like cell shaded HD graphics and it's like why wait which game is that I I do not remember oh we'll get there don't worry we'll get there yeah yeah oh and now I'm on the edge one to see through that game I oh wait I remember that one it's kind of like almost got it it's like getting sucked into it he can still get an extra and he was a thing but now Toad's leaving yeah oh yeah okay toes toes far toes too far yeah man those are really Slim odds then that is some slim slim odds uh but people could dual toad you know it's always possible oh and he's like yeah he's on his own little Island right now okay he's going towards the star but I do not think he poses much of a threat I don't think he understands anything about economics no well he he does not a little toe does not have that much of a brain for this [ __ ] okay I just want to see like what some of the items are I'm just now remembering something from whenever we played this game like two three years ago back the old office like turn one I got just random capsule or whatever and you got was it oh what what's the what's the butterfly wiggler wiggler yeah I heard you got that turn one yep and it just takes you right to the star yeah and I think that was that you had been telling me this game is [ __ ] the entire time yep and I was like okay I'll see it it's the fact that anyone can land on a golden lamp essentially is just wild I have won games by just doing that okay get ready to switch place with another player oh toad is that I feel like this is somehow gonna screw toad over it does he was on the path to the star oh okay cool all right good for Mario then oh my God this is bullying there have been so many 3D ones actually I mean Mario mix I don't dude all these mini games are just so so unknown to me uh this is a pretty interesting one it's not like anything else in Mario party it's just a weird oh my god when are we playing Custom Robo I was just thinking about that look at this layout though why is the middle Peach so much smaller than the others oh my God yeah this is a very weird formatting also okay did you ever play on Mario 45 the uh neck mode that they have oh yeah I did play it a lot that's all I ever played on this game right because I read the real party I've ran Mario Party five like a couple times from Blockbuster back in the day yeah Toad's holding his own never played the actual games he's he killed Mario at least okay he's not doing too bad wait oh no Peach is tanky though there's no way there's no way bro dude if I teach I'm kind of tilted that they don't get rid of Mario's like camera at this point yeah she's oh it's just up to her oh my God Little Toad wow oh my God upset of the century 3D one bro that is crazy that is shraving human reactions right there from toad I'll be honest thought he was gonna go oh and 20 in mini games yeah yeah especially the three of you I thought you might get carried in one yeah maybe a 2v2 or something yeah but all right I've seen like 3v1 where he's on the three he could win a Bowser's big blast type of mini game oh see chain shot would that be nice that okay does chainsaw stay here now no you have to land on the space Oh the space the space stays there okay okay yeah [Music] that's whoa okay oh oh never mind oh yeah he's just boo that's right oh no it's it's uh it's not Gad light orb in this game because there's no boo uh it's chain chomp and the item to get rid of it is uh uh it's like a bone it's just a bone okay that's honestly kind of cute I like yeah okay no sorry I'm slowly remembering I'm I confused some of the GameCube Mario parties together that's fair yeah that's fine understandable comments definitely did not already leave something about that yeah I mean I don't know I feel like I feel like it's very understandable because all the Mario parties on the GameCube look the exact same and that's that's the okay thing oh wait actually Mario was on Pat to the star oh uh so I mean toad doesn't have the money or anything I'm surprised you didn't use the Coin Block uh to try and land on it oh oh wait totally a huge play okay scholar no he might toad my pull through oh shoot oh my God oh my God wait this could go crazy wait is it just randomly a star sometimes wait let's decide start the roulette yo wait what oh my gosh wait never left insane yeah so uh I wasn't gonna say like that happening spot if everyone had a star toe would gain three stars oh oh God yeah or but he just took two items which is the tamest because if he got coins he was probably gonna get that star wait he wait so why would he have gotten three stars if everyone had a star because that roulette gives you whatever it lands on oh oh okay okay dang dang well okay glad it didn't happen I'm not ruined for the little guy he's the underdog here he's already lost one star he has but oh dude I I feel like he surely toad can't throw this you know like it would be impressive because everyone has to roughly steal about three stars from him you know yeah like they're Assuming he's not getting any of it actually no um if they all steal like two stars from him uh he would be at three and then if everyone just gets a star on the board naturally they can all beat him yeah that's true that's true oh okay I will say aesthetically though I do like this game a lot yeah like visuals are really good like I don't know if it's like I can't even say it's nostalgic because I haven't played this game that much I mostly played the demo desk or like the robot mode uh toad is not cooking oh he's pick up a bomb yeah it's okay as I've learned toad should not ever cook here we are at Super Nintendo Land the happiest place on Earth is they call it supposedly if you make a reservation for the toad Cafe that is a reservation to start waiting in line the reservation literally does nothing and it is not even clear when we got to the front they did not even check to see if we had a reservation yeah wait they didn't no oh I didn't know that which that's the most tilting part yeah I was in the back of the line I was in the very back of the line so I didn't get to see that part oh my God wait he's he's just farming that's the the the chainsaw oh total he's got big plans what is he I I have no clue what he's cooking but he sure is yeah no toad Cafe Mario Land do not believe any influencer or tick tocker that is telling you that Mario burgers to die for okay here's the thing we did go with our friend Tia who was a food blogger and she ordered one of everything to experience it and then when she ordered one of everything she said it was all actually good so I'm convinced that like if the influence because we just ordered food normally we did not order like food and mass like influencers do yeah yeah I think that like when the influencers go and they can tell they make the food better okay okay so the influencers are probably not lying to you but neither are we look all right you can leave the tick tockers or you can believe us all right I I like that conspiracy honestly I believe it yeah because I remember like my food because you know like whenever you order at a restaurant like if they bring your food out at the same time as somebody else's like they're usually both hot plates yeah like if you watch Hell's Kitchen that's a big thing is like Gordon's always like don't bring one person's food early so he gets cold whenever my food came out yeah all of it was cold it was all just freezing cold still like I had like some of my phras were still a little warm but also if you don't like mushrooms uh you will not like oh I liked his head I had a fatal allergy to mushrooms because everything on that menu has mushrooms in it yes and they will not let you remove it unless you have an allergy so oh you're smart for lying yeah I have to be prepared to lie I like mushrooms on my stuff but I remember sitting there oh it was mushroom spaghetti yeah I was well I was saying that like I sat there watching Rickles pick out each individual mushroom from his spaghetti not to put wrinkles on blast but like he was sitting there for like 10 minutes because there were a lot of mushrooms in that [ __ ] there were lying is smart though yeah yeah sorry I'm allergic to mushrooms at the Mario Cafe this mini game is really funny because the correct answers are just Mash I believe that yeah oh dude I I don't know if we talked about on here you so you finally played Mario pinball hell oh my God I'm sorry man I think I apologize to you I think I said sorry no you did but like I I I don't hold it against you man yeah I'm just sorry that you had to play viewers I would think you all owe Joe an apology as well because if you watch more a pinball land and think it's easy to understand and play it is it is very simple to look like you know how to play yes but the actual game is Hell incarnate it is so unforgiving it is brutal people say oh I had fun with it as a kid I believe you play it out but try it now it is fun when you do not focus on the objective but when you try to view it as an adult who has [ __ ] to do and you want to reach the end it is not your friend yeah play it don't even play it all alone play it in front of literally anyone playing a Discord someone else watch you yes and then make sure they're judgmental yes make sure their microphone is on or their keyboard is active one of the two just also just see how you feel about it to celebrate hitting 702k Joe and I ordered some big food tonight yeah I'll be right back oh my gosh I can't wait for this yeah all right I'm gonna talk to little bro real quick yo Colin first off you better be adding this because otherwise it's gonna be some awkward blank spaces but first off man just you know turn on the camera how's your day going awesome also Colin just wanted to say you're doing great great work man hey this is the you don't need your camera on for this everyone in the comments also leave leave a little bro a nice little like thumbs up we leave a nice shout out he puts in Mad work for us gold would not happen if not for him TBH because God knows that editing all these videos every day we don't have the sanity for it but he's here every day but the thing I am most excited about for getting rid of Colin right now um we're forgetting about calling we're not getting rid of calling calling you're not fired all right don't worry about that but the thing I'm most excited about is Jacob ordering McDonald's and he got me fries and then three half pieces of bacon I've never had three half strips of bacon in my life I don't know what that means but God knows I am so thrilled to find out what that means because in my mind I was like okay why don't they just call it one and a half pieces of bacon but then I realized that three oh okay Mario gotta start to you all right toad not looking as good but still I think toad one's toad wins for sure but I don't know I I now get the science of McDonald's saying three half pieces of bacon because that sounds like so much more than one and a half strips of bacon you know I I think that's pretty pretty Sound Logic to me I didn't want to start doing that more like I'm not gonna say that like so today for example Jacob hit 10 000 Subs on Twitch but instead we could say Jacob hit 20 000 half Subs on Twitch or like Alfred gold we are at 700k Subs right now or sorry 702k uh but we're at 1408 half Subs so I think like it's a really good way to boost the numbers mentally I don't know that's just me I I think that I'm gonna start taking the McDonald's I'm just like their philosophy of life and also this game absolutely based I know any game that's just basic platform is jumping left and right like Ah that's very much my cup of tea I was about to say little Roto was actually doing kind of kind of nice for a second oh okay no no never mind all right he's jumping he's jumping all right but he can't he he can't hang with the big dogs but I know like this game what's the game I think it's it's either Mario Party 44 and Mario party I think it's Mario Party Six yeah uh what goes up it must come down the games where you're like it's you running off the Koopas and just trying to get to the ground as quickly as possible or like I think what goes up is whenever you have to like jump up it just depends on like the night or day cycles I don't know I'm excited for that game I I like I love just the games like that like I know this game is also in super or Superstar Superstars Mario Party supers uh I don't know dude I I don't freaking know it they're all they're all kind of the same games at this point but I love those games I think those games are pretty great uh Colin can you put Subway Surfers or something on the screen for like just like just for like 30 seconds because I kind of need to drink some water right now I I won't lie Colin honestly can you fill like the next like 15 seconds while I drink water uh I I believe in you little bro you got this hmm [Music] awesome thank you Colin also as a you guys sure may have noticed um I don't know jack [ __ ] about this game so I'm not really going to talk about the gameplay but as I'm sure most of you guys know I don't really ever know anything about any of the games that we play so I can just kind of keep talking about it it doesn't really matter to me hi guess what what's up sorry it took so long you see this bag of McDonald's we ordered yes uh what did we order we ordered food right yes I ordered would you like to look what's in here uh look what's in the bag okay I see two waters nope four Waters yep [ __ ] you that's it I didn't get my three half strips of bacon nope yo okay we're gonna talk about the hamsters of bacon why did why is this okay why do they give us a straw for bottled water and why do they only give us one I I don't know also the wrapping paper is ripped off of this what Joe and I I was just like you know what McDonald's would hit so I ordered some nuggies and a drink and I was like let's get a couple bottles of water they give us four uh which isn't what we ordered either they didn't give us any of the food um yeah well here's your water um all right that's that's interesting are you talking to yeah I'm giving them a Stern talking to you right now he just says the guy is just saying that's what I got and I'm like what what do you want me to do about that do problems with Dash like all of my food has been just incorrect lately yeah see oh gosh look at these guys but yeah so I I don't know what this game is but also they had what I thought was funny was that they had on the menu Joe and I just ordered out of sheer curiosity but they have three half strips of bacon as a side item yeah see I was saying this man yeah I was talking to the the chat about this when I was just rambling I really think we just got to start doubling numbers as halves like congrats on 20 000 half Subs on Twitch today oh my God yeah I know we all yeah we have like we have 1.5 million over a million half Subs yeah yeah like I was saying honestly like if we if you keep dividing it down like oh we're honestly probably the biggest sub like Channel on YouTube we can start lying yeah views back to some denomination I just gotta say like I'm missing all my [ __ ] food yeah they gave us not really uh I I sure would like to have strips of bacon like I'm just generally curious at this point we should yeah no I just think it's so crazy that he just we got four bottles of water what the [ __ ] I I really want to know how like I'm sure they'll like they just gave the two bags and they just forgot to hand over the second bag but I am chatting with the agent I'll give him the word hello I have a word to say sorry no not them okay okay yeah oh I I hope any of the words kind of help oh okay I mean honestly Peach can hit this Peach can absolutely hit this I think that she should have thrown it on one space personally though like that's just what I was thinking oh no man what I'm so sad right now I'm so sad I really wanted my half strips of bacon yeah I'm gonna ask I'm just gonna say like hey can we reorder it oh yeah we didn't receive any of our food just four bottle of waters yeah just you know the nuggies would be nice or we if they tell us that we have to reorder I'll push if he was based love this game love this game oh I remember this game was [ __ ] up on the old computer actually yeah this is a classic thing like uh I mean dolphin's just better now but whenever I see this game I just picture all the black box when the Dolphins yeah it doesn't come through it well it doesn't look right now yeah it doesn't look right you gave him a kiss I guess oh Mario you dumb [ __ ] yeah if we had to reorder can you give me a cookie oh I don't think it's like that I think they were just like well they just they'll just send it again but if they just give me credit I will get you a cookie yeah sweet that'd be awesome they said oh my God doordash support says looks like you did not receive your order correct that that yeah shake it shake it yeah ah oh dude I gotta get off twitch I was about to say you changed as a person I have changed as a person I I dude I I stopped streaming for a little bit and I restarted streaming a bunch like over the last time a lot yeah like I think this leak was like the least I've streamed I I accidentally streamed like 60 hours this last month which isn't insane numbers but for me like that's pretty good dude Bowser Koopa Kid has been on this he loves this this is through time he hit it while you were gone too oh wow yeah oh that's crazy so happening star for sure yeah but no I've been pepeing more and just twitch emoting like yeah it's pretty yeah pretty insane yeah oh is he gonna get rid of the no I thought he's gonna get rid of the the chain shot that that would have been a good plan you know oh huge one from toad oh oh wow okay well luckily he doesn't have he's still coins though yeah who do you think he's gonna steal from a Koopa Kid yeah probably I feel like he I would steal from Mario because he's right there I agree Mario is the right play that is interesting okay so he's a misogynist gotcha oh do you know what I've learned recently as well um did you know that Mario and Toad's last uh dialogue interaction is like literally oh in the Mario movie yeah yeah it's like at the start of the film I like the way I know how to put it is I didn't even see Mario and Toad interact like which is [ __ ] to me because I I would have told you yeah I saw them interact but apparently they don't talk after the very first time they meet or like so it's a bit after it's like in the Midway film they have one line of dialogue in the DK section but that's really it oh they do oh oh yeah yeah it's like a one-liner two from toad really it's not like a conversation the Mario movie though I I still think it was a cute movie that was about it I don't think it I don't know how you could enjoy it if you didn't like Mario though yeah yeah I know but luckily lucky for me I'm that exact target audience yeah no it was perfect for me the pacing was atrocious but I don't care I just pointed and laughed and smiled at the screen the whole time yeah oh yeah hey it's Mario and also my favorite Koopa scene ever in media all right like I gotta give it to them they really made the ultimate hater out there oh yeah the blue shell Koopa was insane yeah like what what a twist can't believe they put suicide bombing in the Mario movie yeah but they made it cool okay dude all these coins now go to Mario or is it just like it's those are coins out of the economy okay they're just out of the economy oh uh I'm going to try to order from McDonald's again Joe all right get best of luck it honestly a huge shame but now it's like now it's been teased out more now we're more excited for it oh it's gonna be great I I don't feel like I need to order water bottles anymore which is a good thing yeah no honestly save that money there yeah we essentially got free water bottles if you think about it yeah did you tell them that we got our water or did they I did but they refunded the whole thing oh hell yeah um they didn't waive the delivery fee I said can you wave it and they said sure and then just didn't what yeah anyways I'll get your three half strips of bacon and you want your cookie yeah three strips of half bacon and a cookie uh I think that's the dinner of Champions yes oh oh wait this game's sick wait this mini game's so good yeah what kind of coffee did you want to get I just said roast a black roast coffee with a sugar oh yeah here it is Yeah just something this is something simple okay toad you got this you got this yes okay now you walk forward okay okay yo okay second floor now okay he's kind of cooking oh the he's assessing the situation oh no wrong way toad oh no so he did great though he did his absolute best yeah he did his best wait is that supposed to be uh is this supposed to be the level for Mario Sunshine maybe you have to be this is about the time or that was relevant yeah God I wish they gave us some sunshine HD but not 3D All-Stars I I just can't believe they gave us four [ __ ] bottles of water yeah oh wait let's oh he might use this and finally get off oh it's next turn oh so Mario he could roll a one here oh toad rolling big oh what's she gonna get to 22 coins on the big man oh it's just guaranteed 10. bro I just can't believe I said they also what I find insulting is that the guy just said sorry that's all I got and I was like bro you saw the I I don't want to criticize doordash because I'm sure it's a hard job but I feel like somebody [ __ ] up where you should at least check to see the food like I ordered we ordered a lot of food between the two of us it wasn't then yeah that was the water in one bag I I will give them at the very least McDonald's did do the thing where they sealed the bag so they couldn't look in and check yeah but I wish I I don't like that they do that I get that people don't want their fries stolen yeah um but you know as a former doordash employee uh myself get a [ __ ] idiot it's you know it's the job doesn't pay you well let me have some and I just thought it was crazy we only got four bottles of water and uh then I when I said hey can I just get the order recent to our house and they said sorry McDonald's is closed and I was like no it's [ __ ] not what they're trying to Gaslight you out I was like I am looking at the shop it says it's open right now they're like sorry it's not also it wasn't even 9pm at that point yeah McDonald's is not McDonald's is usually like 11. what's Peach doing oh McDonald's is open like 24 7. wait okay tell us actually toes actually cleaning right now oh Kyle he's kind of throwing now oh oh wait this is like power wash them but even better but with Mario yeah oh wait toad toad on okay he's now going oh my God they actually hold up hold up okay little Peach can actually just sweep this oh she's oh she's has to go up she just has to go up and cover oh no oh don't throw this don't throw this y'all you have 30 seconds there's no way they throw this oh wow okay I want to point out though yeah there's definitely more goop on the right car there is Ellie more goop left over well toad ones has won two mini games which again much more than I anticipated yeah no same I he doesn't want a solo one if he ever wins a solo mini game that's when I'll be like impressed the 1v3 is honestly I think more impressive yeah okay the money series pretty impressive I forgot about that oh that's past the chain shop I think everyone wants to land on that yeah I don't know where the star is right now either honestly Joe's looking pretty set right now yeah I'm pretty shocked I think last five turns if people land on the same space duels is when we're really gonna see things shine oh true yeah yeah well we need like a carry at that point though I mean Peach can land on this Oh I thought he had that for a second yeah I did too I I I My Heart Skip for a second the peach rolls a two she could duel oh oh that's uh that's so sad yeah she's gonna go towards the star now oh see last five turns that's a duel can you duel okay so can you challenge four star if you don't have a star and a duel uh I think in this game you can put a 40 coins okay yo DK thank God yo let's ruin the economy oh that's right so that's right I've talked about this before in first second I don't remember some grade you had like daily Morning Journal assignments from like when Bell Rings to look for like 20 minutes you said right about ringers and stuff yeah I just had to write for a prompt yeah and every Monday the prompt was always what did you do over the weekend and I remember when Mario Party 5 came out I just wrote about Mario Party five oh [ __ ] really yeah and in it I just talked about how crazy it is that DK's not a character and has his own space now and then the teacher wrote back and said why do you always write about video games I was like what the [ __ ] you asked what I did this weekend who are you passionate about this [ __ ] yeah yeah joke's on you now I hit 10 10K Subs on Twitch yeah 20K half Subs yeah yeah I got 20K half subs and that's your salary [ __ ] that's not even that's not even close to her salary because you haven't destroyed that's so [ __ ] up that's really [ __ ] when you pointed that oh no I you know I'm thinking about that now I think once you make like twenty thousand dollars you realize how little that is for a year-long salary dude teachers in Oklahoma make like 25k yeah yeah no I I know yeah I know yeah I'm telling the people so starting pay um if you're a brand new teacher uh and you're at a shitty region that's 32k minimum is the uh which has before taxes and [ __ ] after they take out taxes and [ __ ] you're [ __ ] um that is just so insane that's like roughly two thousand dollars a month yeah and anything about the fact that yeah classroom supplies yeah yeah if you have a teacher friend get the money get the money buy them lunch buy them there buy them a drink because they're buying their kids lunch and dinner oh whoa wow I thought that was you for a second honestly yeah perfect path but me oh [ __ ] dude hearing the I don't like thinking about that now that I think about it that 10K Subs is actually just a tea tree salary yeah oh that's sorry I said that it felt pretty I needed arrogant when I said that too dude if I got to 10K subs for a year straight yeah that would put me like 10 years ahead of where I was thinking I was gonna be like five years ago which is so [ __ ] to think about but now I'm like okay 10K stops for a year you know that's that's so easy yeah yeah dude oh did you I wish twitch sent you a plaque or something if you hit 10K Subs kind of like you know YouTube does that I think okay yeah I think YouTube like I don't know who had the idea for plaques because it would have been so easy to have just never done those you know yeah but I think they're such a genius idea because it gives something physical it gives everyone something physical to thrive for yeah I'm like it's also just kind of like it's kind of nice like yeah like dude I remember I walked into James's house at odd one's out yeah just like he's like have you guys seen my 10 million subscribe to paperweight yeah it's like in front and center too I'm like yes of course we've seen everyone all right there we go toad was about to get the star and Peach landed on a wiggler and sniped it oh okay that's good for that's good for the toe deniers right now yeah because oh man well okay maybe the main store goes right in front of toad maybe maybe he goes one space behind yeah God sucks for toad I mean I would just try and farm that one spot then yeah oh oh that is on the peach no she has to go up never mind do you oh that sucks to get to you though because that's all that's also kind of RNG like yep it sure is this map is awesome this is the craziest thing one of the best maps in the game oh that's [ __ ] that is [ __ ] this Maps if I saw this map in any other Mario Party game like oh this is the bad nap I think toy dream and pirate dream are okay I think but I think okay is the best this game has oh I remember pirate dream and that's the one with the two ships right like there's the Bowser ship in the regular ship no is that where it's basics Yo Fishing Game yo fish sticks you like fish sticks oh I love fish sticks is classic do you ever see that South Park bit with fish sticks yeah the Kanye West episode yeah yeah yeah I know I I I I I I just want to bring it up for everyone who might not know super funny bit South Park they had a joke where wow yeah good job toad good job little bro and they said you know the joke was like uh have you seen the bird that hides from gay people like one of those jokes yeah and it's just like do you like fish sticks well you're a gay fish because it sounds like fish dicks yeah and the joke just spreads but in the South Park Universe they make it to where everybody gets the joke and thinks it's hilarious besides Kanye West and I think that's so [ __ ] funny because he's like I'm not a gay fish like what he goes on TV about it like all these talk shows just he's screaming at people and then the real life Kanye West made a statement it's like I don't think that was funny and I don't get it I didn't know that part actually I'm paraphrasing but he did make a statement and it essentially boils down to uh that he didn't really get the joke holy [ __ ] dude he ran for president he did Tanya the birthday party oh my God that hey it scares me to think how close he got yeah wow ooh good position from Koopa Kid and another oh yeah because he also has uh the Dual orb so now he's probably gonna dual toad yeah he got here in like two turns like he landed there like a few turns ago this is AD not a bad spot for him God all the duels are free against toad too unless it's like luck face but even though I could see I could see it being more like easy luck it was just worse yeah like they just have worse luck somehow look at that would not Shock me at all oh he is stuck in the loop it seems poor guy poor guy like I I don't know what you're supposed to do there actually uh get better is the answer yeah higher level okay so toad I mean I don't like I think with Nine Stars might have been too many we could have given five yeah and that would have felt good I think five would have been fine but maybe I don't know okay okay let's say if it was at five I guess we won to four right now yeah yeah like I think seven might have been The Sweet Spot number to you yeah I think five essentially means everyone has to steal a star from him though Koopa kids already stolen one from him and now he's about to steal another with the duel then he's gonna buy one on his own I think it's possible he at least gets out of first Koopa gets kind of clearing up yeah it's kind of clean in this game wait uh this is just a reaction test game uh the controller vibrates and you press a as soon as it happens okay this would be a great commentary game oh it would be but here we are commentating would you like yeah nice nice for us too every second I thought they're gonna keep lowbro up there for a second oh that would be funny like oh this this game this is a rap this is a wrap he's at least trying his best though you can see him he put that was close he put his arms out yeah like he always got the animation out there dude I I like Shy Guy uh I think he doesn't get enough credit no I'm a huge Shy Guy fan I I think my favorite my favorite Mario enemy for sure for sure he he's like top three for me I think I might have a new favorite I don't I don't know the way koopa's knocked down yeah there's a new Contender okay who bumpty the Penguins oh that's fair dude I because I've been playing Tetris attack in like there's a Mr bumpy and Dr Fred or I think his name is Dr freeze good and I don't know I just I just like that about them their boards just kind of nice I I don't like the uh Paper Mario 64 they're like little detectives oh wow wow yeah Surgical okay I see what you mean he is kind of cleaning up yeah I mean if he loses his toe gets 50 coins but oh Shy Guy Showdown I'm pretty sure this is just a reaction test oh yes this game wait this game's sick this is the shortest duel in Mario Party history this [ __ ] lasts so short okay the honestly that favorite's children I think this is his most likely game and it's just over I like how he doesn't like frown or anything he just stands there just smiling with egg on his face well there's a star for Koopa Kid good for Koopa Kid good good the Empire is burning down slowly Ash by Ash okay hear me out if he gets chains off this turn yeah Oh I thought you're talking about this Shy Guy no no try guys not to hear me out dude I felt so upset I had a Yawkey DM me about that to hear me out I was like I thought like I'm afraid to hear me out for the SpongeBob Cosmic Shake yeah like they'll know that we uploaded a couple days ago or yesterday for us oh [ __ ] wait by the way oh have we oh oh no what time is it have we uploading now we're good we're good have we uploaded no all right I'm messaging a little bro right now good call good job what needs to go up today uh or the name of the game oh my God thank God we got there yeah it was almost oh oh oops hey Colin uh uh calling gold one yep oh wait here in a sec I'm gonna um yeah I'm gonna call him I have exactly what I want to do okay for the yeah all I was gonna say was uh Yaki DMV that just question mark question mark question mark I was like look man I I I I have a job oh no uh oh little bro you're a last hope he better not be playing OverWatch right now wrestling Omega Strikers oh is he oh he is a striking I'll check and see he's in the Discord right now too oh no little bro I'm gonna yeah is he is he in the server is he called no he's oh he's oh I don't see him I don't see him in there oh oh he messaged me five minutes ago on Discord what do you say uh I'm not gonna read out loud oh damn personal information oh okay I mean I would say oh okay I was gonna say you could just read it out loud and then it's on him if he didn't edit it out Colin oh no the channel might die tonight Mario Party five oh this is I'm on the edge of my seat I'm on the edge of my seat right now oh no Colin okay hear me out what if I call him no I'm calling him again I'm not done can we just see what happens if I call him and just I know I hear you but it's gonna hurt my self-esteem a lot more than you think if you would do that okay that's fair that's fair oh bro Colin oh no oh no first McDonald's and now this it's been the worst day worst day ever dude no we've had a good run I do think it's funny that ever oh oh he's calling back oh thank God hey Colin yo everything good yeah uh you're on the mic right now just so you know um Joe and I we realized we're like how stupid would it be if we forgot to upload oh [ __ ] have we uploaded today and no we haven't and it's a 9 20 p.m so I need you to uh okay so here's the idea for the title thumbnails battle block theater for today theater and just in the game I can reach my handout off platforms to grab Joe and sometimes I don't as a as a little troll can you just find a screenshot of me reaching out and Joe's jumping in front of it zoom in on that just title a little bit of trolling yeah thank you Colin yeah no problem we're in the last five turns of Mario party so it's very urgent that we get this done now are you guys just playing Just YouTube we're watching the computers play it's awesome oh that's awesome do you think uh who are you rooting for toad Koopa Kid Mario or Peach he's not in Mario Party five this game just came out for you I'm toad yeah okay bye-bye all right of course he picks a little bro character yeah of course he picks a little broke character oh oh wait that is good for yeah yeah that's good for everyone that doesn't want toad to win s like yeah I like okay let's see what item polls we get though because that changes a lot of things like chain chomp here goes wild mushroom yeah change home's blue or okay realistically We need oh [ __ ] okay okay then all right so realistically though we need what like two stars to be sold everyone steals one he goes down to four that's did he just throw this on himself yeah he's burning his ass the burning Aztec is very interesting here it does move you forward and it skips all traps so I I see the Merit of it uh because I think you still get to roll yeah oh I think he just wanted to move a little forward no I think that yeah honestly good play toad I I thought it was gonna be like every I was thinking the Vault word oh yeah that one's [ __ ] oh sorry it's a trap in Mario Party Six okay nice there's a star oh Mario duel oh no nevermind damn okay well it could happen though yeah they're on the same path or fat tin oh Peach gets this one okay every Star that's out of the economy I think is good yeah um I don't really think there's chance time in this game wait what I think we have Miracle orbs which you have to get all three and then swaps first and fourth places stars and coins yo if toad did use that orb oh my God how does he consistently make the worst decisions possible like that's not even his fault but like no it's not damn dude yeah that's rough [Music] that is change oh oh okay okay that's good yeah Peach needs uh oh that twister that moves the star yeah oh I see okay I thought that was the LA player that's the one ahead though this one yeah that's one more she rolls a one she gets it uh I feel like Peach pops the chain chomp orb no matter what so I think she kind of has to win this next mini game just to make sure she can steal a star yeah yeah that's right that's right yeah and then if I wish there was a way for Mario to go backwards yeah I think that's chainsaw nah no that's Donkey Kong okay well that's good for a peach oh you're right yeah like it certainly does not hurt her yeah she needs the money yeah I I would find it very unlikely that she doesn't get uh oh is this just Mario though yeah it's just Mario gotcha sometimes there's a multiplayer mini game all right 25 coins from Mario wow oh that's not in a mini game it's just 25 points yeah sometimes it'd be like that wow um money Guy this is a high econ game I'm Peach I guess it only has 25 coins so yeah if you just kind of been doing the least it feels she needs to win this next mini game steel star detail I can't remember did Tony actually buy a star at one point no he got close um okay oh wait this game's sick no I think this is an awesome game I wish we got more games like this okay I'm thinking about this honestly I love the games and this is a lot of the mini games here are really good yeah I mean it's just like Mario Party 9 like Mario Party 9 has probably the best mini game variety of any Mario party but you're just in the [ __ ] car so it sucks yeah yeah look at kubica you're supposed to just stay up there and camp like like this is a game you just camping oh yeah you're staying on like that right platform you just hit the 50 come up yeah you wanna and then if someone comes down you just jump away right that oh yeah that makes sense so this is a Camper's Paradise of a game wow yep oh okay peaches she is you see her yeah you see her strategy I I don't see toad at all okay oh well she still has three you know like even if she runs away yeah honestly kind of oh oh she oh oh oh okay that's fine that's fine yeah that helps that it still helps yeah yo peach got her coin she's gonna steal from her wait oh Toad's sitting down so sad actually yeah they're rooting for his downfall they're plotting in fact I okay so there's four turns left too yeah it's not the most unheard of thing but we have to see some noodles oh okay he didn't cover up the Dual space which is good yeah I thought that's exactly what was about to happen he's gonna oh okay interesting all right and we're going this way that was I I don't understand the turn yeah I don't understand why he didn't throw it on his own space All Right Toby burning money okay nice I'm about it I think he's trying to roll fat now he could land on Mario keep in mind Mario is like a Space Nine spaces in front exactly oh if he just rolled one actually now Mario has to roll a nine which realistic yeah so two chances for a duel and then one turn like that's yeah and you could also just land on the Chain Chomp right yeah okay so there's like there's a one in five chance a star could be stolen this turn for Mario if my math is correct sure I'll be right back I think we got delivered McDonald's let's see if it's more than water oh please be please be more than just water yeah okay remember I was saying earlier about uh by the way chat um chest without calling for making the title thumbnail uh solely noticed so again leave it thanks a little bro his links are down in the description I'm sure I'll show for him I'll show for the guy we always have a [ __ ] down there I think it's just his Twitter read streams to you he plays Pikmin on his stream and Peach has another star thank God oh am I like am I an [ __ ] for wanting to see toe loose here like I I don't think this is an underdog I don't think he's the underdog here I think he's had the heavy overdog oh oh my God wait that is okay Mario is the money guy to you this star is right in front of Mario it is Mario literally cannot miss a star the handle was broken off the bag when I got it but okay bad premonition so far uh okay I ordered a large orange juice and didn't get it wait where the [ __ ] puts ice and orange juice right thank you I don't get that they never put ice in orange juice dude I went I got I went on an airplane once and they did that [ __ ] to me they I asked for an orange juice and they put ice in it they don't normally do that I just wanted some OJ yo Mario huge okay I wish Mario did not use that on him are these my cookies or is this my bacon okay this is my cookies here you go yo fries dope ooh awesome it was my three house trip or your three half trips of bacon that's right um nope no nope we did not get three half trips of bacon McDonald's fell off bro McDonald's fell off hard I put them in Deeds here on my fast food tier list earlier today yeah I'm lowering them they're after here oh the Nuggets hit today though maybe their age yeah how's the coffee how's the coffee let me see it well I just think it's crazy is that I ordered a large orange juice and not only did I not get it but they also put ice in it see I think that that's so [ __ ] up uh-huh that is so [ __ ] up oh I'll get in that yeah no honest I think McDonald's like Peak nuggies are so good but they're so volatile yes no I heart agree I think Donald's has the biggest variance and how good their nuggets are today yeah like I would love to be able to tell you consistently eat the McDonald's nuggets okay they were good every day McDonald's is so like if you know it's arguing like RTA versus Taz yeah yeah yeah it's just like past level McDonald's is insane yeah McDonald's is crazy the thing is Mario or McDonald's never has tasks they always go over the task strats and their tines are [ __ ] awful because of it like I I know it's it's never that good but sometimes it is sometimes sometimes you do hit the one frame input whoa Revolution oh wow good for toad it's awful for Mario to you that's great for peach okay so we have a three-way tie for a second uh oh wow you're right answer them getting three stars is pretty crazy yeah not undoable it's just not likely okay Toad's gonna go like pretty far next turn then yeah I mean Peach still has a change on board right yes I don't think she's used it yet why would you not throw it I mean she could just save it I mean she could just use it on herself I'm surprised oh you can use it on yourself okay okay I hope she steals from Toad and not some dumb ass play like stealing from Mario I think she always steals from first place okay I hope so that makes sense that makes sense [Music] wow honestly insane play WoW wait okay I mean toad probably it's five stars it's five stars to six now five stars to six because she's okay Peach is gonna be able to get a star next turn yeah and then she still has just started to uh from toad you're forgetting toad as the mushroom and he moves first so he might snipe it oh [ __ ] you're right here toad would have to roll like phenomenally low not to get it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] so it all comes down to looking little guy roll when everything yeah it can little bro roll are we combining all their Stars no no no I don't think that was the plane from the beginning but if so toad is already lost yeah that it's does anyone win this game looks like hell oh my God this game looks [ __ ] [Music] like death perception hell oh I would fail this game this would be a really good 3DS game I think like but not for the GameCube they're just too far out of their time as a kid did anybody actively play with the 3DS like the 3D feature on or did you just turn it on once go whoa that's crazy and turn it off awesome whoa that's crazy guy and then yeah I was like well that's crazy guy too see honestly like whenever they announced the 3DS and I initially saw that there was a I wasn't sold on it because like I feel like 3DS like 3D is gonna be stupid because I hated 3D movies at that point I saw Avatar and after I saw Avatar I was like yeah 3D movies suck and they're awful they're just grazing me how quickly they folded made the 2DS yeah which which was just a better console I wish that they initially sold the 2DS that folded I get they eventually did that but I'm like yeah the 2DS is like awkward and like thick yeah it was like I don't even know it was like a really fat ass calculator but Yellow base capsule but I don't know I wish I wish they were really just released it sooner just because it was cheaper I I could just turn off the 3DS I just wanted to can little guy roll oh I think that's it okay well Okay so [Music] oh that's bad then four stars so it's gonna be four stars to seven still that's that's pretty rough [Music] I can't believe you got a star yeah oh my God the only Cuba kid didn't put it right there a mushroom right there yeah if you put it down it went right which didn't really make sense if yeah if you would have put it on his path yeah a phenomenal play it would have been a phenomenal play because he would have landed on it too yeah he also would have yeah uh well okay he filled with the star here though if in which case there is still a world [Music] well actually I don't know yeah that's there's a lot of okay things that can happen with Bowser though it's next event Donkey Kong comes in from the do you know about this he gets him away there's a random chance that Donkey Kong go jogging on punch no way Donkey Kong said toad has to win oh he stole his 20 coins though yeah he just said I guess I'll just take coins okay I don't really I don't really know what all you did there then save Peach misogynist massaging it oh rough damn uh well all right maybe could you imagine what the hero no way no way my goat DJ I take it back he said sorry Queen I like how it it's just one punch too yeah it's not like and he doesn't even take that much damage from it yeah he just like kind of steps back like oh [ __ ] okay okay all right we don't want that smoke Donkey Kong it's funny that like Bowser's like just scared of DK for some reason but I don't think they've ever interacted in the games at all okay where does this take him uh 200 opponent of space all right space is that I don't think that's good for Mario it moved him like yeah that is I guess it doesn't hurt he effectively got a 10 I guess well okay and this is a third Bowser space if I am correct yep oh my God okay DK you you can you can just let this one happen man all right I'll be honest you can just let it happen yeah DK we've been through a lot but imagine the hero he would be if it was three for three yeah a Bowser mini okay I mean this this is fine forfeit all coins if they lose wow dude I miss Bowser being raw because like in all in Superstars my biggest complaint is that Bowser can only take 10 coins from you in like mini games and stuff oh that's what I'm like why are we playing the mini game yeah like that doesn't really impact that much like Bowser mini games are never hard but it's the stakes that make him feel tense yeah yeah oh also I don't know the fact that like these ones are kind of sick like just the ones where you're competing against people yeah all right yeah that makes sense doesn't it that makes perfect sense like the one before where I was just like hiding a barrel and hope he doesn't choose yours yeah it's just tints right like that's all they're supposed to be like that one doing that with four people just screaming at each other that that sounds like fun that sounds like Mario Party all right goodbye toad well it turns too late honestly yeah the next turn would have to be very crazy for it anyone to have a chance so I mean if we just pretend we had the magic number of five stars um yeah I think Nine Stars was a lot yeah either we either need a Lost Stars or more turns yeah like really I really make mistakes I think we just had to boo if we had like a consistent boo that'd be different yeah instead it's just like oh can you land on this one specific place look at toast anything sabotaging oh wow oh my God oh no oh no toad no way did he catch he could have he could have he didn't want to pull the trigger they all could have what is he doing toad toe toad oh my God I thought he had it for a second that's the first like successful like oh okay Wow real shame huh that was a huge shame I feel like that should be a hard game for the one but I don't know I think it's just kind of like a hard game to Pilot no matter what you do yeah okay so final turn can we see two stars stolen um probably not I'm just surprised Peach hasn't done anything with hers hey dude we didn't get a single duel either okay I I think that's GG I I think we need to see something unless toad also interesting yeah okay yep big plays from Little Man very impactful play right there see that's the thing I don't like for the castle is not in fact until next turn yeah because like you you can't use that's two that's two turns effectively that you can't use items you can't use items on the first turn just use on yourself Peach what the [ __ ] oh my God okay well she lands on it she's a legend I guess but dude she could have used it on herself yeah and then oh she wouldn't have coins never mind no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way dude that you know have been cool you know what we should have done we should have let us we we should have been able to take over for one turn for a computer no I'm happy I feel like the outcome just like take down toad yo that's so mean wow wow so like hypothetically let's say they're tied eight to eight Stars if you combine them yeah uh does Mario get I can't remember is he next to the start of this turn um I don't think so uh wow what an event wow that well I I I I don't know I don't know yeah not really a lot to comment on I agree I I I hope Koopa Kid gets second because that was my T was my hope for winning it all if they lived in it this game I feel like this okay so let's pretend he had five stars he would have four right now yeah still puts him in the lead foreign Stars I guess yeah it would so you know we'll see if one person has gets two bonus Stars they win I also told us zero coins now yeah yeah true true Let's Pretend he has four stars for now yeah just for the sake of uh suspense yeah go back and edit all that for this entire time no that's a lot we can't we can't have him Gaslight that hard well I think then that at that point Koop against probably wins because I think he he kept farming that one like I guess I don't know what the bonuses are in this game uh it's it's minigame coin and item no the minigame coin happening yeah Cuba good did form that one spot yeah he farmed happening a lot um I don't know who mini game is [Music] I'm gonna go with peach what if it was toad oh okay koopy kid yo the Koop kid sweep though okay can we get one of one then unless toad okay next Mario got Coinstar Mario absolutely got Coinstar okay yeah cool and then Kuba kid had to have gotten happening okay so Koopa Kid I always still would say that's not a complete victory in a format like this you want to see toad fall to Fourth yeah that would have been nice that would have been nice yeah so you know I think that's a good compromise like even if it was five they didn't get the total Victory they needed yeah yeah it was close it was close I think Peach losing that star right at the end so let's say toad had four stars oh oh I want to go I want to okay oh no we don't get to do it see you guys next time
Channel: Alpharad Gold
Views: 84,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2yiBJKEt0tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 58sec (4258 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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