Deepcool CH160 - overrated but good enough. Far from being the best SFF

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[Music] hi everyone welcome back this is the Deep cool ch1 160 and I like to make it clear that this unit here is not from Deep cool I purchased this unit myself and even the creative bits and I've decorated it with my subscriber account so if you haven't subscribed to this channel I hope you can help me so that I can make contents like this where I purchase the products myself instead of relying on units to come to me for review so with that said let's head on to the review itself now this case small phone factor it's almost 20 l in size the the why I want to talk about volume wise almost 20 if it's with the handle and feet minus all that the case itself is about 16.5 L overall the case itself is nice it's okay is it good that's it's not something I would say good but it's good as you can see the appearance and let me tell you more about it as we go along in this video the material itself I feel is okay at some points it does feel flimsy simply because it has a lot of you can see there a lot of perforations for the you you can decorate all those bits so maybe that makes it feel flimsy at certain places so like when you touch the handles it does warp a bit however I did measure the the thickness it comes to about 0.7 mm which is common for metal it has a glass panel over here overall build wi I mean the build quality I'd say is okay you have to bear in mind that white color the the pin right is uh powder coated nice doesn't look like it cheap easily however the white pieces such as the handle and the front here so when you're building just know that as time goes by white does change color and yeah as for building inside the system it gets a little bit annoying because uh the front and the rear cannot be removed and it does not use thumb screw to secure the pieces so every time you want to make changes you have to use screwdriver to open the screws so that's a lot of work for the this panel alone that's two back panel that's I prefer thumb screw makes it a lot easier but now you have to S screw and then the top can be removed as well as you can see my build here I have a rear intake and my heat sink this sorry this CPU Cooler is the as400 how was it S500 I should have taken note of the model name before I uh made this video so it's a huge Tower cooler from De cool and again it's from the red back instead of from the front I for a case set up like this I prefer to have it intake where they closest to the the the point where the fresh air is which is in this case intake and it exhausts to the front the fence I'm using the fence from the ls 720 The Deco LS 720 30 360 mm EO intake exhaust so it's really a wide build over here motherboard is from the is a gigabyte the Aus b50 b550 I Pro ax now I'm using the pmy silver colored memory and a pmy white colored graphics card now as I speak along U now I'm just going to show you the footage I did which is my handheld drone so you can see the space is very limited inside and as we go along I going to show you even additional videos that I recorded as I was building to show you the complications I had when it comes to building this rig so at one point of this installation I feel that the design is I don't know how to put it is it poor or is it unrealistic because if you want to fit a large graphics card you have definitely have to remove this panel because it will not have room to fit either you remove this or don't don't install Tower coolers yet whatever I had this pre already pre-installed on my motherboard and have everything in and even so luckily I could fit it in because I I didn't realize the having power supply installed making the installation of the motherboard but let's H back to this topic so about the graphics card the thing is all the cables are attached to this panel so if you to put the graphics card first and you install this back in there's no way for you to Route the KE cables to the the parts of the the system that you need so in this case I will have to Route the cables to the connection points while leaving this hanging means I couldn't manage the the cable in any way and then after that install the graphics card hopefully the cables do not obstruct the graphics card and vice versa and then um yeah closer panel so this is one part of this um installation of the ch60 that I feel um needs to work on now since I have the graphics card already fitted into the system here which took me quite some effort and I hope py can let me keep this card because I do not know whether I am able to remove it because the lower panel here and the front panels are not removable so there's an issue of um getting things in now with the card in I actually do not know how to route this cable other than leaving it as a messy way of going around so I don't see a I don't see a good way to tidy things up because really I'm really no space underneath the card for anything else and pardon me for the lack of focusing is yeah so anyway pretty much that so I think this is an issue it will not be a tidy system or at least um it will not be something that's uh easy to go about so overall that's the thing that makes me feel whether this case is actually good or not there's really nothing much to talk about it's pretty much like an ATX or Micro ATX case where you assemble everything that way with some options to put ATX and small forf factor PSU it's not complicated like sandwich case setup so so you can see that it's reasonably long long over here it's wide so that's where you can fit large Tower coolers and if if this unit was from De cool you you have you see the one with the SS in 4 cooler because that's to what I understood de cool share to me that if I were to make a review I have to pair it with the Assassin 4 however since there's not enough review sample to go around I actually purchase mine so yeah and I was initially I wanted black but totally ran out stock so I went with the white which I did not regret actually I find it the white one looks nicer than the black and then okay um that aside um pardon me I did not script this video so we going as I remember now let's talk about uh yeah the assembly part there's a very little space as you can see from my drone video drone video again that um there's very little space around at the back to um for cable management I did manage to fiddle around and adjust accordingly but really there's not enough space so just a general view it looks nice when you go closer you can see a lot of the mess I have a lot of additional wires here because I'm using the the the fans from the ls 720 which I did manage to get it to work I'm happy with that and then you have to understand that even this like I show you in my footage earlier this graphics card it goes in now I'm wondering whether I can get it out I somehow managed to slide in but I think in order to remove it this time I probably have to deal with the power supply and to cooler first don't ask me how I got it in I managed to get it in and then couldn't get it out it's totally um like the Austin Powers car stuck there and and yeah I did manage to just continue to just get it installed so does this that's why I'm going back to what I started off with earlier is it good a good case well in a sense yes in the sense no in because let's talk about a case itself uh pricing wise about R 229 for black 239 for white COA Master nr200 is the one I like to compare to because the size is similar but um out of the box experience they give us a very the presentation is poor just you just open the box and the manual is folded and it's just in the one plastic bag coola Masters um the packaging there's so many it's so such a nice experience to to open up everything the box everything is box and properly um it's just a different level of experience price wise the nr200 I remember was a little um a little okay there's a currency issue over here this really cheap it's about what 50 us very very affordable which is why a lot of people like but then the issue is that with uh K if R 200 if it's available now probably about 250 300 but it has a better experience it comes with fan the ch1 160 does not come with fan and I feel that the nr200 is so much more user friendly although to use ATX power supply you need to have a an get additional bracket it doesn't support a full tower uh um cooler like this but the 200 can support 280 mm AO so yeah due to the limited space if you're just pluging things in I guess it's okay but if you want to go more complex um deeper more detail build a lot of cables around it gets challenging for newbies due to the lack of space and a lot of things to go about and plus the things that you saw in the earlier footage now um I also like to highlight that in no way uh this is an ultra portable case believe me when I first started small pH Factor thingy on my interest I thought the nr200 was small nice and all that I even brought it to a talk show but that thing fully built is very heavy you use two arms two hands to hold same for this one the weight for this entire build comes to about 7 kg and it is not even the biggest tower cooler not the heest G graphics card not the heaviest power supply yet okay so it can get a lot heavier when things go to that level of weight 7 to 9 kg you don't hold it with one handle trust me one handle one arm it gets tiring as you walk around it feels nice a lot of content creator will say oh nice that's because you're bringing it from the table to the floor and around it's easy try walking a distance from the car par to a studio or whatever it is you realize that this is not Ultra portable at all furthermore you have to take care of the glass uh I did drop the glass to the floor it did not break table down to the floor amazing regardless it's still glass all right to me an ultra portable system should not have glass because glass adds to the weight you should use acrylic or metal metal will be somewhat heavy too but at least you're not worried about being shattered so this is not something I would like to carry around this kind of width this kind of weight and with the glass and weight because if you're buying this this case and you're putting tiny graphics card tiny cooler uh what's the point you actually looks the the the beauty of this case is that it actually fits big cooler big graphics card and big power supply being about 20 uh 16.5 U uh lit in volume so that's the beauty of the CH 160 and you get to decorate which I actually spend more time decorating this I think or equally almost as much time a portion of my time moving it around hurts my fingers and I quite enjoy it but regardless what I'm saying is that it is not as Ultra portable as one might think let me give you a bit of example so this one here is my Sugo sg13 from Silverstone which is 11.5 l in volume and it is much smaller than the ch60 up next my two very portable systems this one is the sgpc which I will have a Revis build soon and it is 4 L in volume and this one is the geek case G4 which the volume is 4.8 4 4.8 18 16.5 is just a key okay let's just go without the handle this one is 4 4.8 I think pardon me if I'm wrong but regardless whether handle or not it is that kind of volume I admit that I should have checked whether it's with handle or not doesn't matter even we go with this one 16.5 that one even we go we go with the handle let's give it a plus one liter that'll be 5 to 6 lit it's still a lot smaller than this and those are really portable those these are really Ultra Portables you can use one finger to bring it around and all that you do not call a fully built 20ish lit system with glass Ultra portable it's not it is portable yes uh portable in the sense you know handle I understand but when you have these expensive components in there and with a glass as I don't think you want to swing around with a handle it's better off you hold it with both your hands for optimal security now when it comes to portability let me show you how my geek case M5 which is the case I'm using for my main work R how it fits into a bag so easily and definitely this is not what the ch1 160 can do definitely it is not of the size that can fit into a bag because the G case M5 is is about 10.6 l in volume that's really small and with the dimension it is compact enough to fit into a bag and then there is the geek case B20 volume wise it is similar to the ch60 over here it cannot support large Tower coolers however it can support ATX power supply it can support AIO and it can support large size graphics card and most importantly you can use Micro ATX motherboards on a case like the B20 so overall I think this case it does look nice it's it's good in my book but not that good enough for me to immediately recommend to any newb because there are challenges with it and also yeah pretty much just that however if you do like Challenge and you like the display and all that yeah I think this is a reasonable case to look into you somehow fancy something with the handle and the glass to show all right so before we end this video I just want to highlight that um unlike many other cases where the cable extends the back and had the connection is here de Co decides to give this case a tail so when you carry out that is we will be have a tail dangling around for you to connect the the power cord no it's a plus and minus thing in the sense that the cable extends so you don't have to worry about the length of the power cord to reach the system plus or minus so but as you lock around there will be a tail and with that we come to the end of this video uh longer than I expected they not script but it's pretty much that no temperature no build sorry no this uh not the the time to do this temperature test because it really depends on depends on your build I have a 5900 X inside it this A 4070 TI and yeah really it is a gaming rig itself good to bring to L party I suppose but as why I say personally I will not use the handle I would just carry it like this that's it for this one thanks for watching guys I'll see you in the next one do remember to subscribe to my channel if you haven't and bye-bye [Music]
Channel: goldfries
Views: 1,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pc components
Id: WrabDc_2MP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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