DEEP TRANSCENDENCE - Guided meditation for awakening and transcendental consciousness

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hello everybody and welcome to yet another guided meditation for transcendence with a transcendental sound for you today thank you so much for joining me i am honored for you to be here for you to including me in this journey so thank you so much for being here and without further ado let's start on today's meditation by sitting nice and comfortably make sure that you're in a safe place where it is safe for you to relax completely you can either sit on a pillow or on the chair you can sit on the floor as long as your posture remains nice and steady you want to be nice and tall not too straight so that you don't introduce any tensions in your body one thing that i like to remind myself when i sit for meditation is to sit with dignity imagine that you have a string pulling you up from the top of your head chin in chest out let's start with some nice deep breaths in through the nose nice and deep nice and slow nice and easy and out through the mouth releasing the tension through that exhalation and we're just breathing now to relax our body a little bit more and to get prepared for our meditation but a question that i get asked often is what do you do with your breathing once the meditation starts forget about your breathing lose the focus of your breath as you'll be introduced to the sound your focus your attention will be gently towards that sound and let's get started and now close your eyes if you've not done so already take one last deep breath projecting your love gratitude and appreciation to somebody somebody to whom you would like to dedicate meditation session too it can be anybody somebody you know somebody you don't know somebody you care about somebody that is facing challenges right now we do so again by putting our hands to our hearts nice breath in through the nose and on the exhale project your love appreciation gratitude and courage to that person or group of people in a few moments you'll be introduced to a sound a vibration which will be your guide to transcendence your guide beyond your ego beyond your understanding of life beyond yourself with a big s eliminating the past and eliminating the future being fully present and most importantly getting rid of all expectations don't expect to go deep don't expect not to don't judge your meditation don't judge the way you are meditating meditation is a practice something that we do every day sometimes you go deep sometimes you don't it's all part of the process as well as your thoughts coming into your mind this is also part of the process don't judge the thoughts and don't try to eliminate the thoughts you'll simply put your attention back to the sound to the vibration to your guide for this guided meditation today when the sound fades away keep it alive in your mind reproducing it for a few moments [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you may now let go of the vibration the meditation session is over take your time to let it go and get reacquainted to the sensations in your body starting with your toes and with your fingers wiggling them letting your body move when it wants to move and whenever you're ready take a nice deep breath in through the nose and on the exhalation gently open your eyes notice around you your surroundings your environment the place that you're in start getting reacquainted with the colors and shadows lights objects that may be familiar or not and i will leave you now to take your time and enjoy this moment of peace of calm of relaxation thank you so much again for joining us on today's meditation if you have enjoyed this session please do subscribe to the channel we'll do many more remember that wednesday you will have a breathing exercise so important and also these meditation sessions are brought to you for free so if you would like to support the channel please follow the links in the description and buy me a coffee or make a donation on paypal i appreciate you i appreciate your time here i appreciate your generosity and i really appreciate your energies for when we meditate together last little shameless plug if you may uh every sunday we meditate together on the channel at 4 00 pm central european time that's 10 am eastern in for our friends in new york and we meditate live so be there bring your family my goal here is to create a movement of energy every sunday having the most people meditate together live so to invite your friends share this meditation if it's been useful for you and i'll see you in the next one take care bye
Channel: Raphael Reiter
Views: 444,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guided meditation, meditation, Guided, transcendental meditation guided, guided transcendental meditation, tm meditation, tm meditation guided, how to do transcendental meditation, how to transcendental meditation, guided tm meditation, guided meditation transcendental, transcendental meditation tutorial, learn transcendental meditation, learn transcendental meditation online, learn transcendental meditation free, transcendental meditation
Id: 9lvNhOKtifU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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