Deep Ocean Floating Wind Turbines. How do they do that?

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You might remember I bought this wind turbine  a few weeks ago for one of my previous videos.   It's been upon the bookcase since then, but  I thought it might come in handy again today.   You see while onshore wind power is something  we've all become quite used to seeing in most   parts of the world, offshore wind actually  represents the biggest opportunity for generating   massive quantities of power for our electricity  grids. That's because winds are stronger and   steadier at sea than they are on land, so offshore  wind delivers a higher power per unit area   than onshore wind. Winds out in the open sea often  blow during the afternoon too which means the   offshore turbines can provide very useful power at  a peak time of the day. We've already got loads of   offshore wind farms here in the UK and around  the coast of some other European countries,   but they're all located in relatively shallow  waters, only about 25 to 30 metres deep where   everything can be nicely bolted down to the  seabed. Now though the race is on to develop   wind turbines that can be towed out into the deep  ocean where the winds are even stronger and more   consistent. The only snag is that those open ocean  waters are far too deep for a tower to be extended   down and bolted to the bottom. So apparently  these turbines are just going to float... So how they're going to do that then Hello and welcome to Just Have a Think. The  first ever offshore wind farm was opened   at Vinderby in Denmark in 1991. It had a  power generating capacity of 5 megawatts   providing for the annual electricity consumption  of just over 2 000 Danish households.   In 2013 a comprehensive review of offshore  wind concluded that the benefits to cost ratio   was not as good as the industry had suggested,  and that the offshore wind market "doesn't look   as if it's going to be big". The review pointed to  what it saw as critical disadvantages of offshore   installations, including difficulty of access  and harsher conditions like higher humidity   and saltwater corrosion and oxidation which tend  to increase maintenance and repair costs and in   general make every aspect of installation  and operation more difficult and dangerous,   and therefore more time consuming and expensive  than sites on land. Despite that pessimism,   the offshore wind market has grown strongly. There  are now 162 offshore wind farms around the world,   with a combined generating capacity of nearly 33  gigawatts. That's more than 6 000 times the size   of that very first Danish installation. Just last  year another 15 new offshore wind farms went into   operation with a combined capacity of 5.2  gigawatts. The majority of those installations   are located in Europe and China, but the United  States is now starting to get into the market too.   President Biden has pledged to deploy 30 gigawatts  of offshore wind power within the next decade,   and the first major project, called Vineyard  Wind 1 - an 800 megawatt farm off the coast of   Massachusetts, was announced in May 2021. All  these installations stay close to the shoreline   where waters are shallow and the distances to  large urban connections are relatively small.   The technology is now fairly mature and  there's 40 years of industry knowledge   and experience in the field bringing efficiencies  and economies of scale that just weren't foreseen   in that 2013 review paper. So why rock the boat,  quite literally, and push out into deep waters   where the whole operation takes on far greater  risk and expense? Well, here in Europe wind farm   developers are rapidly consuming the low-hanging  fruit of easily accessible near-shore shallow   water locations that can be exploited without  too much objection from local fishing fleets,   conservation groups and coastal residents who  complain about having their views spoiled.   So going further out to sea is becoming  an increasingly urgent consideration.   Installing turbines in the open sea also presents  fewer risks for other species that we share the   planet with too. Krag Peterson, a wildlife  ecologist at Aarhus University in Denmark,   says birds like eagles, ducks, griffins, stalks  and gannets can collide with the mammoth blades   of offshore rigs, but the density of turbines in  deep sea wind arrays is far lower and bird flights   are more thinly distributed, so the potential  impact on their population is greatly reduced. Up   off the windswept northern coast of Scotland, five  towering turbines -each standing 174 meters tall -   make up a renewable energy project called Highwind  Scotland, a floating deep water demonstration wind   farm that's been generating enough electricity  for more than 20 000 homes since 2017.   The giant masts and turbines float in waters more  than 90 metres deep, sitting in buoyant concrete   and steel keels that enable them to stand upright  on the water a bit like a (UK) buoy or (US) buoy.   The cylindrical bases of the turbines weigh  10,000 tons and are held in place with three   taught mooring cables attached to anchors  which lie on the sea floor. Each cable has   a 60 ton weight hanging from its midpoint to  provide additional tension. Control software   on board constantly monitors the operation of the  wind turbine and alters the pitch of the blades   to effectively dampen the motion of the tower  and maximize production. So far the high wind   demo has functioned well in all the wind and wave  conditions the North Sea has been able to throw at   it over the past four years, including hurricane  Ophelia in 2017, and other harsh winter storms   bringing hundred mile an hour winds and eight  meter high waves. Just a few miles away, off the   coast of Aberdeen, the world's largest floating  wind farm received its fifth and final turbine in   July 2021 and it will be fully operational at the  start of 2022. The six turbines at the Kincardine   installation are the largest machines ever to have  been installed onto floating platforms and they'll   have a generating capacity of 50 megawatts -  enough power to run almost 60,000 Scottish homes.   The area beyond reach of conventional offshore  turbines makes up 80% of the world's maritime   waters and the mind-boggling amount of energy  available out in the wilds of the open ocean   is proving to be just a bit too tempting for  turbine makers to ignore. Over in the United   States, according to the National Renewable Energy  Laboratory or NREL, the total potential production   capacity of offshore wind farms there is nearly  double the entire US annual power consumption   of four thousand terawatt hours per year.  Forty-two percent of that will most likely come   from fixed-base offshore turbines in shallow  waters off the eastern seaboard like those being   developed at Vineyard Wind 1, but it's a very  different story on the other side of the country   where the continental shelf drops off  very rapidly and you're into deep water   within only a few miles of the shore. The  remaining 58% of US offshore potential power is,   according to NREL, therefore locked up in these  deep water ocean areas. And that's something that   the American behemoth General Electric, or  GE, are fully engaged in trying to liberate.   This guy is Rogier Blom. He's the Senior  Principal Engineer for Controls and Optimization   at GE global research in Niskayuna, New York.  Rogier and his team have designed a 12 megawatt   floating version of the Haliade X, the most  powerful offshore wind turbine in the world.   These colossal feats of engineering will have 260  meter tall turbines with a rotor diameter of 220   meters. Each turbine will be capable of generating  67 gigawatt hours of electricity a year. That's   enough power to run 16 000 households - just from  a single turbine! The system being developed by GE   involves bolting the towers to floating platforms  which the development team refer to as floaters.   Which is unfortunate! But those floaters are  essential to carry the turbine's tremendous weight   and respond to the constant motion of the seas  and wind. As Blom explains in this GE article   from May 2021 "building a floating wind turbine  is like putting a bus on a tall pole and keeping   it upright floating and steady no matter what  conditions it faces". Blom's plan is for the   floating platforms to be tethered to the ocean  floor by what he calls actuated tension legs.   Active tendons will allow the turbines to  ride big waves and reduce the magnitude   of the overall mechanical load. GE's concept  is based on what's called control co-design,   in which the entire system - the turbine and  platform as well as the control algorithms - are   all designed in tandem, and that avoids the  need to put additional mass into the system   to withstand high winds and waves - something that  adds huge cost to the construction of floating oil   rigs for example. That cost reduction results  in a lower levelized cost of energy or LCOE,   which is the standard metric that the energy  industry uses to compare different technologies.   Some renewable energy experts do still remain  skeptical though that the high cost of floating   offshore wind turbines will come down far  enough to rival other clean energy technologies.   Currently the electricity they generate is often  almost twice as expensive as near shore wind   turbines and three times that of land-based wind  turbines. It is still maritime engineering after   all, which makes it comparatively expensive  to build, deploy and maintain, with shorter   operational life spans as a result of the  corrosive nature of the marine environment that   they sit in. But advocates of floating wind point  out that the costs of onshore and near-shore wind   energy have continuously dropped as efficiency  and economy of scales have improved over time,   and those trends are likely to be the same for  floating wind turbines too. They argue that while   some of the mechanical details are still being  tweaked, the basic technology of floating wind   is sound. After all, they say, the oil and gas  industry has been using similar marine know-how   for decades on their floating platforms in some  of the harshest marine environments on the planet.   We are still some years away from a world with  hundreds of deep sea floating wind turbines   providing huge quantities of renewable energy  to major populations all over the planet,   and the rollout of these facilities at the sort of  scale required will certainly call for big backing   from governments and corporate investors who will  of course need to be convinced of the long-term   capital returns. As Frank Adam, an expert on  wind energy technology at Rostock University   points out in this BBC interview, "it's easy to  produce one or half a dozen floating turbines,   but 10 or 20 or 100? That's another story. This  requires supply chains, shipyards and ports   that can handle such enormous structures, and  factories for serial fabrication". Nevertheless,   despite these challenges, the potential of  this kind of renewable energy generation   remains an attractive proposition and the amount  of energy that could be produced would be globally   transformational. The International Energy  Agency projects that offshore wind power alone   could eventually meet the entire electricity needs  of Europe, the US and Japan many times over. And   if China does dive into offshore wind like they  have done with other renewable energy technologies   then it may just provide yet another route  for them to slow down or even reverse their   currently unsustainable schedule of opening  the equivalent of a new coal mine every week.   If you've got news or views on this one, or if you  have direct experience in the industry that you'd   like to share, then jump down to the comments  section below and leave your thoughts there.   That's it for this week though.  A big thank you as always   to the folks who enable me to keep these  videos independent and completely ad-free   by supporting my work via Patreon. You can join  them and get the opportunity to watch exclusive   monthly news updates from me and have your say  on future programmes in monthly content polls   by visiting www,  and you can hugely support the channel absolutely   for free by subscribing and hitting that like  button and notification bell. Dead easy to do   all that, you just need to click down there or on  that icon there. As always, thanks very much for   watching, have a great week, and remember  to just have a think. See you next week. you
Channel: Just Have a Think
Views: 163,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wind Power, Offshore Wind Power, Floating Wind Turbine, Wind Turbine, Deep ocean wind, Renewable energy, sustainable energy, Decarbonisation
Id: tfz5zcAcJNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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