Floating Offshore Wind Systems of Tomorrow

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>>Alex: Good morning everyone wherever you  are. It could be afternoon or evening. But   I wanted to welcome you to today’s webinar  Floating Offshore Wind Systems of Tomorrow.   My name is Alex Lemke and I’m really excited to  be part of NREL’s ongoing wind energy science   leadership series that includes presentations  and discussions on wind energy related topics   featuring speakers from the National Renewable  Laboratory, in some cases academia and our   industry partners. These webinars will discus  the challenges facing wind energy and the   pathways forward for making wind one of the  most prevalent energy sources of the future.   Today we begin with a panel of some  NREL’s senior research engineers   to discuss the research needed to design and  optimize innovative floating wind systems that   will enable the deep cost reductions necessary  for the commercialization of offshore wind. But before we begin, I have a few housekeeping  items to cover. First, today’s webinar will be   recorded and available on demand and will  be posted on NREL’s website shortly after   the webinar today. Please mute your lines and make  sure your cameras are off unless you’re speaking.   Next, we encourage you to use the  chat feature to ask questions.   And we’ll be answering those questions at  the end of the session. If we do not get   to your questions during today’s webinar, we  will be sure to follow up with you afterward.   And finally, I would like to introduce Nate  McKenzie from the United States’ Department   of Energy Wind Energy Technologies office  to say a few words before we begin. Nate? >>Nate: Thank you Alex. I’m the technology manager   for offshore wind R&D here at the Wind  Energy Technologies Office or WETO.   I joined WETO earlier this year on the first day  of quarantine. I’m a naval architect coming over   from the contractor side at the Office of Naval  Research where I worked on a variety of seabasing   and energy projects. And prior to that I spent a  good bit of time at a shipyard working on naval   ship design. At WETO research into floating  wind is a top priority. Floating wind offers   a tremendous opportunity to cost effectively  harness a reliable energy source. The floating   space is nascent with several demonstration  projects and a wide variety of concepts. As such we see a wide need, a strong need  for significant research across a variety   of technical areas. These include platform  and turbine design and assessment tools,   development of controls which can include platform  motions and full wake effects for the whole farm   and understanding of wind behavior  across the marine boundary layer.   The team at NREL is critical to making progress  against these priorities and I’m delighted to   be able to work with an extremely capable group  of engineers and scientists. And the four that   we’ll be presenting to you today are some of  the best, Amy Robertson, Jason Jonkman, Garrett   Barter and Senu Sirnivas from NREL are leading key  research in floating platform tool development,   system engineering, aerodynamics and platform  design. And with that I’ll turn it over to Amy. >>Amy:   Thank Nate. Good morning everyone. My name is Amy  Robertson and I work at the National Renewable   Energy Laboratory and I will be moderating this  webinar on the floating wind systems of tomorrow.   In addition to myself you’ll be hearing from three  other speakers today including Jason Jonkman,   Garrett Barter and Senu Sirnivas who are  all senior researchers here at NREL. Now   the purpose of this panel is to introduce you  to the floating wind research that is being done   at NREL that will help pave the path to its  commercialization. I’ll first give a bit of   an overview of why we are studying floating wind  and what our overarching research focus is. And   then the three speakers will provide details  on some of the more prominent research areas. So why are we pursuing offshore wind? Well, this  map of the US shows what the wind speeds are   on land and offshore and indicates that  in general the winds offshore are stronger   but they are also less turbulent and more  consistent. Building wind turbines in the   water means that you’ll be less encumbered by  transportation and construction constraints   which will enable the turbine size  to grow and can help to reduce cost.   It will also be closest to the largest  population centers in the US and you’ll   provide economic benefits to those coastal  states revitalizing ports and adding new jobs. Most offshore wind turbines in the world  today are what we call fixed bottom design   where the support structure for the  wind turbine is built to the sea floor.   Here you can see a couple of the examples of  these types of systems including the monopile   and four legged jacket which are the  most prominent designs being built today.   But in the US and other places in the world a  lot of the offshore wind regions are in water   depths where it starts to become too costly to  built a system all the way to the sea floor.   And that threshold is considered to be commonly  around about 60 meters. For the US 58 percent of   the offshore wind development areas are in these  deeper water depths as you can see here with   the delineation between the darker for the deeper  water and the light blue for the shallower water. For these deep-water regions wind turbines are  needed that float on the surface of the water   and are tethered to the sea floor using mooring  lines and anchors. Here we see the three general   architects of floating wind designs which are  categorized by the way that they stabilize the   system to keep it from tipping over during  wind and wave excitation. These structures   closely resemble those used in the oil and gas  industry but these design approaches at present   are too costly for the competitive wind energy  market. New floating wind system designs are   needed that push beyond these traditional designs  to find ways to lower the costs of the system. At present floating wind is at a precommercial  stage of development and here you can see   the evolution its taken over the years.  Starting in about 2009 to 206 a number of   one off demonstration projects were developed  which was able to show the feasibility of floating   wind as a technology. We’re now in what we call  a precommercial stage where small multi-unit   farms are being built including the Equinor  Hywind Scotland farm with five turbines   and the Wind Float Atlantic with three turbines.  But the next big step is to get to full   commercialization where we have large wind farms  of about 400 megawatts and plus. To get there   we need to overcome the hurdles of getting the  cost on par with land based systems, developing   the industrialized infrastructure and also  addressing the social and environmental issues. So NREL is working to address these issues  to achieve floating wind commercialization   in three fundamental areas. The first focus area  is developing a suite of tools and methods for   floating wind design which can be used to search  for optimal solutions that will lower cost. These   tools incorporate the ability to characterize  the meteorological and oceanographic conditions   offshore which we shorten here to Metocean, their  loads and the structures and their power output   and their associated cost. We’re also developing  tools to help to optimize these design solutions. Today Jason and Garrett are going to be presenting  on these tools and the topic areas they’ll be   discussing are highlighted here in these lighter  blue colors. Another critical area of research   is the verification and validation of these  tools which is needed to ensure their accuracy   to enable optimization and the development of  experimental methods and measurements to acquire   the data needed. The foundational support of this  research comes from the Department of Energy’s   Wind Energy Technology Office and their mission is  to advance to scientific knowledge to enable clean   low cost wind energy options nationwide. The  folded list on this slide and the next two   show some of the DOE funded projects NREL  is working on in some of these areas. The second research focus area is technology  innovation where we use the developed tool   sets to explore innovative pathways  that most effectively lower cost.   Today Senu is going to be talking about some  work on the area of floating substructure design   again colored here in light blue. But our  work also looks at large turbine design   and floating wind control methods  both at the turbine and farm level.   Sensitivity analyses are used to assess the  impact of tradeoffs in different design approaches   and regional conditions to help us understand the  impact on the entire system. This allows us to   identify what components most affect cost and how  to combine them to achieve a pathway that provides   optimal system cost reduction. We’re also starting  to do work in the operation and maintenance space   where we’re looking to develop methods that are  specifically applicable to floating wind designs. The final area we focus on is the  adoption of floating wind technology.   The work at NREL in this area includes  resource assessment which assesses the amount   of wind energy available in our offshore  wind regions as shown here in this map.   Then the grid where we work to coordinate  and develop and vet a strategy for the   integration of floating wind into the US  infrastructure. Environmental social acceptance   which includes the SEER project mentioned here,  workforce development where we examine offshore   wind workforce needs and skills and develop  curricula for K to 12 education. And finally the   development of standards for the installation  of floating wind technology in US waters. In addition to the funding we get from WETO,  NREL performs floating wind research through   other funding mechanisms as well. One is through  the Department of Energy’s National Offshore Wind   Research and Development Consortium which  hosts a number of competitive solicitations   for offshore wind research. The NOWRDC is focused  on building connections between the research and   industrial communities to produce innovations  that directly address near term challenges   to the advancement of offshore wind in the US.  This is a bit different than the WETO work we   are showing on the previous slides which is  focused on more long term research goals.   This slide shows some of the funding areas in the  first round of awards where 7 of the 20 projects   awarded were focused on floating wind including  topics like wind farm control optimization,   advancing mooring design and the development  of the National Offshore Wind Resource Dataset. Another research program coming out of the RPE  arm of the Department of Energy is the Atlantis   program which is focused on using controlled  codesign to achieve more optimized floating   wind designs. The controller on wind turbine  will tell the blades to pitch, the turbine yaw   or changes to the rotational speed to try to  maximize power while not overtaxing the system.   But when on a floating platform these actions  can excite dynamics into the system which can   lead to instability issues. But this ability to  impose dynamic excitation can also be used to   improve the stability of the system which could  allow for smaller and more lightweight designs. A controller codesign approach means  that you’re integrating the controllers,   the fundamental component in the wind turbine  design process rather than developing it   after the design is already fixed. Atlantis  includes a series of projects that are looking   at developing the computer tools to enable  controls codesign, experiments to validate   these tools and the exploration of radically new  floating designs based on these capabilities.   At NREL we’re leading a project in each of  these areas including USFLOWT in area one,   WEIS in area two and the  FOCAL project in area three. A lot of the research that NREL performs in  coordination with the larger international   research community through the International  Energy Agency which is focused on advancing wind   energy deployment by bringing together a global  network of researchers and policy experts. There   are a total of 17 active research projects right  now in IEA Wind and four of these at least have   some focus on floating wind. Those include Task  26 which is focused on the cost of wind energy,   task 28 focused on social acceptance for offshore  wind, task 30 which performs the verification and   validation of offshore wind modeling tools,  task 37 focused on system engineering which   has also created just recently a 50 megawatt  floating wind reference model and then a   future task that’s being developed presently  that will focus on floating array challenges. NREL also supports the adoption of offshore  wind in the US through support of the Bureau   of Ocean Energy Management. BOAM is the one  that oversees the leasing of offshore wind   development sites off the US coastlines. To  support BOAM, NREL has updated floating wind   cost predictions in California as well  as working on lease area delineation and   outreach and education in California and other  analysis work in Oregon and Hawaii as well.   NREL has also been leading the development  of the US design standards for offshore wind   including a working group  specifically focused on floating wind. Finally in addition to the government based  funding NREL works directly with industry partners   to help bridge the gap from basic science to  commercial application. This direct engagement   allows NREL to help accelerate innovation and  the commercialization of floating wind in the US.   Here you can see some of the partners  that we work with in offshore wind.   So hopefully that presentation has provided  you some insight into the vast research NREL   is doing in floating wind to help push  it towards commercialization. Our next   three speakers will provide some more  detail on some of these research areas.   And so now I’ll hand it over to Jason Jonkman. >>Jason: Thank you Amy. So I’m going to  continue on the discussion with the focus on   wind turbine modeling. First of  all I should introduce myself.   I’m the senior engineer at NREL. I’ve  been here for about 20 years now.   I actually got my PhD study in the dynamics of  floating wind turbines back in 2007 and lead   our numerical modeling work for engineering  applications to floating wind. I also support   the development of international departments  through the IAC design standard for floating wind.   Get that out of the way here. First of all when we talk about modeling the  main goal of course is to develop advanced wind   energy technology. And the pathway to doing that  through modeling is to basically develop models   that are based on first of all international  design requirements like IAC design standards   or as well as the local jurisdiction requirements.  Of course you have to base the design of   technology on the physics, the fundamental physics  of the motion and unloading of the turbine.   Any sort of unique technology  innovations that have come to play,   say here a partial span play pitch  or some novel floating system   you need to capture the right physics of those  systems in these tools to enable their design. Because typically we need to run  thousands of load case simulations   when we do technology development, we can’t run  full up high-performance computing solutions   and we can’t solve the problem fully  with test data. However, both of those   really feed into the development of  these tools for advanced technology.   I want to have tools that can really be  applied for a range of technology solutions   including novel rotor concepts, novel sensors  and actuations. There’s a whole transition   within NREL to focus on not just individual  turbine technology but also design at the full   plant level including this active control. And  then of course things like novel drive trains,   towers and all these floating support  structures that we’ve been talking about today. When talking about floating wind one thing  that’s very critical is the coupled nature of   the problem. So these are large structures,  basically as large as civil engineering   structures like skyscrapers. However they’re  active machines that have basically a brain   inside a control system that interacts with  the environment. So of course we have the   wind loading and dynamic loading of the structure  and that responds structurally to that. Because   it’s now installed on a floating platform we  also have the dynamics of the floating system   and station keeping system as well as of course  the hydrodynamic loads for impact. That’s the   coupled nature of this problem that makes  floating wind challenging but also quite exciting. In some ways some of the modeling challenges we  face when we talk about floating wind. First of   all, large effects is a major concern particular  as we go from the precommercial stage now to full   we expect turbines to get much larger than they  are now. So nowadays it’s sub ten megawatt.   Turbine designs on the drawing board are around  14 megawatts. And then in the research community   we’re looking at the 15 megawatt turbine with  IEA task 37 as well as larger turbines up to   20 megawatts. And these turbines are not the  same as we had before. The spatial variability   of the inflow can be very dramatic. And to  make sure they’re cost effective we need to   make them night and that makes them flexible.  And so the interaction there is very important. Floating wind also presents some quite unique  hydrodynamic challenges. Floating structures tend   to look like structures that have been designed  for oil and gas platforms like the semi ATLP   inspar that Amy showed. However we have to keep in  mind that they’re not really oil and gas platform.   First of all they’re quite a bite smaller and that  makes the hydrodynamic theory that’s being used   to develop them only semi applicable. So we have  potential flow as well as viscus effects that are   important. Also, these systems can be much more  compliant than an oil and gas platform could.   Dynamic stability is a core consideration as  normally you design structures of course it has   to be floating stable. But because of the  dynamic nature of the floating wind problem   treating the stability in the  dynamic sense is also important. The area is simply the coupled nature of the  turbine with its environment. So of course the   rotor has an impact on the floater response. The  floater response also has an impact on the rotor   effect. And that can impact say how the rotor  interacts with it’s wake and say how the wakes are   generated in a wind farm. Another concern that we  have, particularly off the US Gulf of Mexico and   east coast locations as tropic cyclones. And this  presents certain unique challenges in terms of   extreme wind conditions as well as extreme wave  conditions and what happens when those things come   through. We want to make sure that the systems  in the end are cost effective but also reliable. Finally another major challenge is simply that  the huge probabilistic design space that we have,   normally we have to consider of course a range of  wind conditions. You have your operational cases   as well as parked cases. You also have to  consider the range of wave conditions and   the directionality between them. And you  can kind of consider the full combination   of these things. You could have a million  plus timed simulations that you need to run.   And so finding trackable ways of  narrowing down that probabilistic design   space so you can capture the overall ultimate  particulars reliably is quite a challenge. So the Department of Energy and Wind  Energy Program heavily involved with NREL   is really developing a suite of tools to  support the design of floating wind systems.   These kind of tools you think of in terms  of whether they apply to the turbines   themselves in isolation or full wind plants.  And then also from a range of model fidelity.   So at the lowest fidelity we have tools that  basically run practically instantaneously. Things   that you can run millions of combinations  in very little time. This is a good way to   explore the design space of the system. What’s my  general configuration of my turbine or my plants? At the highest fidelity level what we’re really  trying to do is resolve as much physics as we   can to really understand the problem. So really  trying to understand the physical interactions   of the turbine and the sea environment, both  of them being at the turbine plant level.   That’s with our SOFA out annexes and platforms  and actually Mike Spreg led a webinar a couple   months ago on these topics. So then the middle  is engineering tools, really meant for detailed   design applications to open fast for the turbine  itself and then tools like fast farm and Wind SE   for analysis of turbines at the farm level.  So these tools can effectively run real time   such that you can still run hundreds of  thousands of timed domain simulations to   capture the main physics necessary to do the  actual structural design calculations with. Talk a little bit about OpenFAST ‘cause that’s  really our workhorse simulation tool here.   So, we want to try to capture the coupled  aerodynamic structure and control capability   of these floating wind turbines. The main purpose  is to run nonlinear time domain simulations. So,   we try to capture the aero in hydrodynamic  input, put it to the model and then the   reaction in terms of structural response,  the control system as well as the mooring   or station keeping system behaves. So this is  doing that for kind of detailed time domain   loads analysis calculations basically following  what’s required in the national design standards. Another major important feature of OpenFAST is  developing delinearized models and underlying   equations that themselves are nonlinear. But  if you can linearize them then you can really   understand what this, what the physics really  means. And so the linearization feature is really   important to calculate things like eigen solution.  That means calculating the natural frequencies,   the load shapes and damping and various  modes of operation. Linear models are   great for controlled design applications as  well as analyzing things like instabilities. Because engineering models themselves  don’t fully resolve all physics we had to   make some simplified assumptions to make them  efficient enough to run the full load suite.   Verification and validation of  these tools is highly important.   And so as I mentioned earlier what we really do  is a combination of verification and validation.   Verification, by that we really mean comparing  the model with some underlying mathematical model.   And we often do this by basically  comparing one model against the other   among similar levels of fidelity. That tells us  that the software has been implemented properly as   we expect. But validation of course is also very  critical. That’s really saying test our model,   fully represent the reality of interest that we’re  considering. We do that through a combination of   analysis against of course real world test data  whether that’s some model scale experiment,   in let’s say a wave-basin, and if they are a full  scale operational turbine. We also use the high   fidelity models like the SOFA and Exelon tools to  do validation of our real world models and try to   form development of these tools. And of course to  use those tools in their technology development. This slide summarizes some of the major  accomplishments that we’ve had over the years,   particularly in the area of engineering  modeling. And so first of all OpenFAST   is used worldwide to design systems not only in  the research and academic communities but also   in the ministry. In fact 80 percent of the first  precommercial and prototypes in floating wind   were actually designed with support from OpenFAST.  These are some of the examples shown here.   Another major accomplishment is  NREL has led this international   codes comparison collaboration or  what’s known as OC 3, 4, 5, and now 6   really leading the international community  in the verification and validation of   these tools. And that’s happened since 2005.  Finally most recently NREL has now developed   basically new capability which for the first time  ever will enable us to do full loads calculations   of turbines and wind farms. This is showing  actually not a floating case. This is a flowing   complex terrain but showing basically the streak  lines of flow through the wind farm. So these are   simulations now we can do practically real time  to do loads calculations of turbines and farms. Final couple slides will just summarize  some of the key developments that are   ongoing now and sort of recent accomplishments.  So first of all – and actually this was presented   at the last webinar. We’ve introduced a  new free wake vortex model to capture,   better capture the ergonomic interaction of the  rotor with its near wake. This is quite important   for floating wind because of the floater platform  induced motion of the rotor. Another area that   we’ve been working on is in the area of improving  Fast Farm at high thrust conditions. The current   model in Fast Farm is quite robust for low thrust  cases where basic momentum theory applies. But in   high thrust cases effectively momentum theory  breaks down and the wake expands quite quickly.   And so we’ve been developing a model based on  this, high fidelity Exelon wind simulations to   allow us to understand what happens there in the  high thrust conditions that are in wind models. Another example is from our high-fidelity  modeling group where they’ve been using or   upgrading Exelon wind recently to study  the turbulence induced wave fields.   And this may impact of course how we do  FIDEEP analysis of floating offshore turbines.   Another major area that we focus on is really  improving the models to better support specific   technology enhancements. One area we’ve done in  partnership with Stiesdal Offshore Technology with   their tetraspar design making sure our tools  dually capture the highly compliant nature of   these systems. We have quite slender structures  here as well as things like pretension cables   and hanging ballast systems that we want to make  sure we can capture of course the structural loads   in those components. Historically we  also modeled the floater as a rigid body.   That really doesn’t apply to these next  generation technologies that they’re much more   compliant. So that has been a great partnership in  highly advanced capability of the OpenFAST tool. Another example is a partnership we had with  Makani. This one, this is a project fully   actually funded by Makani. It’s basically  to support the development of a _ that we   actually called KiteFAST for airborne floating  wind systems. And so this tool is now publicly   available to the community to support airborne  technology development. Final example I’ll show.   This is from Matt Hall at NREL who is leading an  effort to do basically development of floating   technologies that have shared mooring systems.  So here the turbines interact not just because   of wakes that may come by and controls that may  be talking to each other but also directly through   the mooring connections. And so we’ve been now  making improvements say to FAST Farm to be able   to model this and develop design techniques to  analyze these types of unique floating concepts. Final slide here is on verification and  validation. This is just showing a couple of   examples recently that we’ve been addressing.  One was a partnership we had with Siemens   when they used a highly instrumented 2.3 megawatt  turbine with aero elastically tethered blades   and nice inflow measurement as well. And we used  that to validate our next capability in FAST   called Bindine to do aero elastic calculations for  these highly flexible blades. This is showing sort   of the mean plus or minus one standard deviation  across a thousand time series cases and showing   we’ve matched quite well to the experimental data.  Finally Amy leads a project actually was an OC6 in   IEA task 30 that’s really focused on improving  our understanding and ability to model the   moving of the towers for floating wind systems.  Historically in OC5 we found actually quite   consistent under prediction across a range of  modeling tools for a range of load cases as well,   basically a 20 percent under prediction of  ultimate and peak loads. We found out this was   basically caused by a resonance excitation from  hydrodynamic loading that we weren’t properly   capturing in our model. And now within OC6 we’re  actively working to resolve that so our models can   predict this better in the future. So with  that I’ll pass the control now to Garrett. >>Garrett: Thank you Jason.   We rehearsed this and now it’s not working. >Female:   Garrett I can go ahead and share the screen. >>Garrett: this is Garrett Barter. >>We can see it now. >>Garrett: Yeah. Hi. My name is Garrett  Barter. I’ve been at NREL about three and   a half years having previously spent time at  Sandia National Labs in aerospace industry.   I lead the systems engineering for wind research  portfolio. And I like to continue on the theme   of the talk of moving towards cost competitive  commercial floating wind energy. And I’m going   to talk about getting there through  systems engineering and optimization.   So I’d like to take a step back first  and look at the current design paradigm   for offshore wind plants. I would call it the  iterative design paradigm. Really reflects   the current market reality where each company  that’s involved uses its specialized expertise.   And multiple companies have to come  together to make a plan to reality. You have   your OEM which designed turbine. Another company  will design the substructure. The two have to   come together and iterate on a controller that  minimizes the loads and maximizes the power. Once   that product is refined they hand it over to a  developer who owns the array layout and logistics   of your balance of plant, assembly installations,  operations and maintenance, that sort of thing. Now again this reflects the current market reality  which you can’t really knock too much. Offshore   wind has been successful over the past 20 years or  so. It’s grown tremendously. However we think that   this approach when applied to floating will give  you solutions that work, just not necessarily   that are cost competitive. May need to show this  integrated paradigm at work. I’ll take a look at   recent or kind of the only somewhat commercial  wind, offshore wind project here in the US,   the Block Island wind farm installed off  of Rhode Island. It was installed by then   Deep Water Wind now part of Orstead. And  there were many suppliers. Their turbine was   supplied by GE. They have their own network of  subcontractors. There’s a little diagram there   on the drive train components. You can’t read  it but lots of other contractors are listed. The blades were from LM. The jacket was made by  Gulf Island Fabrication. The cables were supplied   by somebody else and other companies owned the  vessels. Deep Water Wind was responsible for   getting all of these players together to make  one cohesive project. But they didn’t possess   the final design authority over everything. If you  compare that to the aerospace industry where wind   is also considered a younger cousin of sorts  one recent big introduction in aerospace was   the Boeing 787 although maybe not so recent  anymore. Certainly also a complex system,   maybe subcontractors responsible for executing on  different components. Boeing however is the prime   systems contractor. They retain ultimate design  authority and as the prime systems integrator over   everything. Since they own the whole design they  can trade off and make changes to one component   that might go to the system. That’s something  we’re not yet able to do for a full wind plant. So why won’t iterative design  paradigm cut it for floating? Well,   Jason already explained to you how complex the  floating environment is in terms of the physics.   I would say that as engineers we typically want to  understand that environment thoroughly and design   a product meant to operate in that environment.  But even if you’re wildly successful at that   your turbine costs, your turbo capital costs are  really only a small fraction of the lifetime cost,   the lifetime levelized cost of energy LCOE. A  lot of other cost is buried in the additional   complexity of your logistics, balance a  plant, operation maintenance, financing.   Now all of these are tied in certainly to your  engineering choices but you really need a systems   approach in order to reflect that coupling  and tackle the whole balance sheet at once. So we would propose then an integrated  approach through multidisciplinary analysis   and optimization, MDAO. We think this is the most  promising pathway to getting to cost competitive   floating wind. And the concept, you take a  given innovation which could be for a specific   component, a logistic, really anything and you  would insert that into a big framework that has   all your engineering and all your cost represented  together. And that are moreover coupled with one   another which is in some ways the hardest thing  to do. From there you apply analyses that can   vary from simply parametric sweeps or sensitivity  studies to a little bit more wonky mathematical   approaches that do optimization in the presence  of uncertainty. In the end you’ve derived the cost   benefit tradeoffs or the levelized cost of energy  impact for a given innovation on the whole system.   And this way you can start to evaluate which  pathways or innovations make the most sense. So our thoughts and our approach is to use this  type of tool and technique to move from these   say more archetype floating platform geometries  which Amy described that were borrowed mostly   from oil and gas into something else a little bit  more innovative, a little bit more systems aware.   Some attempts at that are shown on the  right and there are many ideas out there.   Not all of these will be successful. We  don’t know which ones are going to win out.   It’s going to be a combination of  engineering and market reasons.   But we’d like to build the tools to ease  that transition as much as possible.   Now it’s also easy to think that all you have  to do is build the Uber or the ultimate systems   framework here and click optimize and you’re  done. But that’s actually not how it works. Actually a lot of [Break in Audio] the  entire space of possible designs. And   there’s things that make sense and things that  don’t make sense. You can think of maybe the   area of cost competitive floating wind systems  as a corner of this trade space which is shown   here on the bottom. So we want to narrow from  the yellow circle to the dark blue circle.   And there’s a few ways we go through  that. First there are standards and   regulations that get applied. We also  have lessons learned from experience.   And this could be a floating prototype, could be  oil and gas. And then after that is when you start   to apply your optimization to squeeze out the last  iota of performance and cost from your system. So when it comes to standards I’m not going to  talk about them. Amy mentioned them briefly.   There are no formal standards yet for floating  wind. We’re moving in that direction but it   takes a long time. Currently what we have is  the force of guidelines or recommendations.   For the lessons learned I will  talk about those just briefly.   And these are a list of some of the  concepts or ideas that we have in mind   that are borrowed from prior projects and that we  know will lead to our cost competitive solution.   So I’ll talk about some of these, not all of  them. Don’t quite have the time budget today. But all of these could have an entire presentation  of their own. Now the ideally we like to   ingest these or insert these  into our design framework.   And that’s easier for some of them more than  others. So really what that means is the engineer   and the model have to work closely together. It is  a cooperation and collaboration between the two.   That’s another key point I want to make is just  because you want to make is just because you can   do fancy optimization that doesn’t remove  the value of the engineer from the process.   Ok. So, with that soapbox message  aside let’s dive into some of these. So let’s first think about assembly. Well,  for instance what would make sense for a   floating turbine to make it easy to assemble and  cheap to assemble? Shallow draft so this is the   depth of the substructure as it extends into  the water column. If it's more shallow it can be   easily assembled at ports or at keyside and also  go into a lot of different ports around the world   which was another listing on our key learnings.  it also means that if you can do assembly at the   port, you could use land-based crawler cranes  instead of specialized offshore cranes which   are bigger and can lift heavier items. But they're  much more expensive and it requires labor at sea.   To further alleviate your crane requirements  you can see some designs here on the right   have off center turbines. And one of the reasons  for this is now it requires a shorter boom length   and smaller counterweight on your  land-based crane to assemble. Going onto from assembly to installation  if you are able to assemble at the port   your full turbine in floater you'd be able to  tow it out directly to site. We think that would   certainly be the cheapest option as opposed to  again labor at sea and specialized vessels at sea.   if turbines could be transported horizontally  as that diagram shows or that image shows,   it would certainly open up new possibilities  and excite the spar enthusiast.   But that is a new load case on the drive train and  the bearings that really hasn't been examined or   considered yet by the OEMS. So we're not quite  ready for that. But who knows. Maybe it could   come. Once you've towed it all you have to install  and get the turbines set upon station. That can   also take some specialized vessels especially  around moorings and anchors. One idea from   DMVGL is to includes wenches on the platform  or at least allow them to be easily attached.   That could might eliminate some of the time for  again specialized vessels. Gravity anchors shown   there on the top right are also gaining popularity  especially for some of the tauter mooring ideas or   semi taught mooring ideas. again there's very  little sea bed prep and anchor deployment that   would require there. Finally I should mention  the Stiesdal TetraSpar which Jason talked about   in depth. Just know that it's a transformer of  sorts and that I mean it has a - it looks like a   semi-submersible with a very shallow draft during  tow out. And once it gets on station it drops a   ballast to gain some stability but it's also  very easy installation step. And it looks more   like a spar when in operation. So we think there  are a lot of good merits there in that concept. Ok. So now I finally made it to the  final narrowing of the trade space   to applying optimization so  we'll talk about that now.   Now it's probably very easy to think about  optimization as a way to do cost reduction.   Most folks jump to the area of weight reduction  as that pathway. And pretty much any component   you can consider on the turbine has a pathway  to weight reduction. Oftentimes you could just   substitute in a new material like carbon fiber or  move to something like super conducting generators   which has a lot of nice scaling capabilities.  Two bladed downwind rotors, much more lightweight   or something more radical like generative  designs with additive manufacturing   or a complete concept change is kind of shown  there on the top left. Now each of these would   essentially require fewer kilograms but might be  more expensive per kilogram as you introduce a   new innovation. It's very difficult for a human  brain to wrap around what makes sense, how to   do all those system tradeoffs. This goes back  to the need for an integrated design paradigm, So I would say that this isn't something that I'm  saying is completely novel. Folks are doing this.   You will dive into literature and finally many  examples in wind, even floating offshore wind   where folks are trying systems optimization.  We just haven't yet hit the bar of doing full   floating turbine and platform as a systems  optimization. Here are some examples where   optimization has been applied, the 15 megahertz  wind turbine. Many components were designed with   optimization but not the floating substructure  together with the turbine. Our own Matt Hall has   some nice papers in his publication history of  doing something similar. But again it was mostly   focused on the platform. And our own John Yasa was  recently involved in a paper had some really nice   takes and thoughts on how to do spar optimization.  and you can some very nonstandard designs coming   out of the optimization process, things that the  engineer might not have thought of by themselves. So how are we going to get there? Well, I'll just  wrap up with this message. We've, both Jason and   Amy have also talked about Atlantis, this idea,  this project from RPE to do controls codesign   where you design the geometry, the architecture  at the same time as the controller as opposed to   leaving the controller for the end. So we think  that is a great pathway and in order to enable   that, we're going to do a multi fidelity approach.  Since the floating environment is so complex and   the numeric are going to be so complex, we kind  of have to chip away through a multi fidelity   approach. So we're going to bring together  wisdom and Open FAST, two common NREL tools,   the idea being Wisdom is a good design tool but  not a - but too low fidelity to handle floating.   OpenFAST is a great analysis tool but it was never  meant to be a systems optimization design tool.   So we're going to combine those together  and use the best of both worlds.   That's it for me. So I'd like to turn it over now  to Senu Sirnivas to discuss how we go from this   conceptual design approach to the practicality  of real world design. Thank you very much. >>Senu:   Hello everyone. I hope everyone is doing well.   I'm going to talk about design  and let me share my screen here.   All right. So Amy talked about - >>Amy: Sorry Senu.   We're still seeing Garrett's screen right  now. Not seeing anything shared from you yet.   Disappeared but not seeing anything from you. >>Senu: Thought I was sharing my screen.   All right. Is that coming through? >>Amy: Yeah. Thanks. >>Senu: All right. Thanks for keeping me straight  Amy. Amy talked about general resources and why   we should do floating wind. Jason came in and  talked about the physics and all the complexity   that has to be modeled and then we had Garrett  talking about optimization and tools in general.   I'm going to talk about design. So we have the  resource. We have the physics. We have the tools.   Now design is a little different in the sense  that we have to use these tools and to put these   platforms that we can install in the water. So  one of the things that Amy talked about and so did   Jason and Garrett, that we've brought a lot of  technology from oil and gas. Here you see that   there is an oil and gas drilling and production  platform which is huge. Usually the oil and gas   fields are designed and developed as one  offs. They don't really mass produce them.   So there's really no automation  in the process. And in a sense   then this becomes very expensive if we use  technologies coming from oil and gas. And   on top of that it's also bulky. So we need  to come up with new ways of doing things. So one of the things that I started with  in the beginning - and I'm going to talk   about one design here although the tools and  things that Jason and Garrett talked about   is agnostic and can be used for any floating  structures. There are mainly three floating   structures that you could think of them at spars,  as semis and as TLPs and then variations of that.   Right? And people are always coming up with more  imaginary ideas and wacky designs that we have   to - that the tools have to adapt to. Right? And  in this specific instance that I'm talking about   the SpiderFLOAT, we're only going to consider the  floating structure, substructure design and not   the turbine itself. Right? Because  that's constrained by the manufacturer. So in 2017 we started this LDRD and to look at  innovative floating structures and we wanted   to go in with an open idea in the sense that we  can come up with something new, think outside the   box. But one of the things that we knew in 2017  that the cost of the LCOE needed to be about 15   cents a kilowatt hour as you can see on this  slide here. This is for a semi and the cost of   the substructure was going to be about $10.72  million. So we kind of had this constraint and   wanted to either meet this or beat this at least  in 2018. And we started this project in 2017. So we wanted to come up with a  floating substructure design and have a   functional requirement that we came up with that  we wanted to address. There were a total of 16   of them but we mainly wanted to concentrate on  the first few here which is highlighted in red.   I talked about the 15 cents a kilowatt hour for  the LCOE. And also if you look at the ports in   where we can actually build and assemble these  things, we wanted to keep the draft to a very   shallow draft about 14 meters so that we can  actually do all the pre-commissioning and   everything on the key site before taking it off  at site. And we also wanted to use off the shelf   components. We didn't want any special components  because that will just increase the cost. So the   water depth we considered was about 60 meters  and beyond. Anything below that you could use a   fixed bottom structure so we wanted  to concentrate on 60 meters and above. The rest of the functional requirements we  have here, a design life of 25 years. And I   talked a little bit about pitch here, six  degrees. But really it could go more than   that. But we kind of want to limit the pitch  in extreme conditions to about six degrees.   We also wanted to have station keeping  redundancy. What that means is we wanted to have   additional mooring lines. If one mooring  line does fail the system is still   there. And the other big thing  is also simple decommissioning,   Right? We didn't want to have very complex heavy  vessels, heavy lift vessels out there to do the   commissioning or also the installing. So all  of this plays into trying to lower the LCOE.   And the other big thing that we wanted to  do that should be highlighted in red here   is minimize the wave loads. And if we  minimize the wave loads then we can minimize   the amount of steel or material that we  need on the floating structure itself. So having these functional requirements, we  start looking at different concepts. What can we   do to come up with innovative idea. What  kind of materials we can use. Right? So   there are all kinds of materials you can  use. There's concrete. There's steel. There's   fiberglass, composite that can go into building a  floating system. So we start looking, exploring at   the materials and also different designs  and how to capture maybe added mass   and different things. And also to reduce the  loads being transmitted to the central structure.   And these are some of the ideas that we came up  with. We have a barge here. This is all made of   concrete. And I wanted to grab some water in the  space here so we can have some added mass that   we have to move about and reduce the heat. And  then this idea here is about having a bunch of   connections here. They are moment free connections  and also a retractable ballast. And this is just a   variation of that. It's some buoyancy cans on  the side here and another variation of that. So we looked at all of these and we finally  concluded that what we really wanted to do was   incorporate some of the ideas that  we were considering in the concept   and we came up with this innovative  concept called SpiderFLOAT.   Now I'm going to go through this in a little bit  of detail. Sorry. All right. I've got to go back.   There we go. So we wanted to have moment free  connections so that we can reduce the load being   transmitted to the central. And if you look at  these schematic that we have here, we said ok.   We're going to make joints here, universal joints  that connects the buoyancy cans which is going to   provide the buoyancy that's needed. We have a  central column here and a couple - there's arms,   three arms here that you can see. There's one  on the back here. So we have the arms here   and these are moment free connections here and  here. So the scans in fact they can flex as the   waves come in and go. So we also wanted to use  different kinds of materials. We wanted to keep   the heavy materials at the bottom and we wanted to  keep the light materials at the top. So I called   this material for purpose. And so what we ended up  doing was we said we're going to make these cans   out of fiberglass and then we're going to make  the central column here and these legs here using   concrete because we want the heavy stuff to be in  the bottom and the light stuff to be at the top. So this design finally we called it SpiderFLOAT  because it kind of looks like a spider in some   ways. And as I said earlier we are constrained  by what we were going to do at the top so we   were only concentrating on the platform here  and we also considered retractable ballast.   The design that we're considering now  does not have a retractable ballast   but this is an option that we can add to it to get  better stability. So here is a simulation that we   did in ANSYS. Part, I'll get to why we're using  different tool sets to Open FAST in a bit here.   But what we wanted to do is to have a lightweight  design and we wanted structural compliance. So   we wanted the cans to move and we wanted to  have all this moment free connections. And   what this is is really if you look at this picture  here, if you have a hurricane coming through   and you see these palm trees they're  flexing. The more flex you have, they can,   you can actually come up with lighter  design and that's what we wanted to do. So now we have the design sort of figured out  and we really know what we wanted from the   functional requirements we had.  And we have the simulations done.   one of the other things that needs to be done in  any design is you have to go into a model base.   And you've got to actually test this in a model  scale to see how you actually perform in the   actual model scale and compare that back to  your simulation and adapt your simulation tools   to match your model test. So Matt Hall here has  done this hybrid testing that's come on board   and he's going to help us move this along  to do a model test probably at a 150 scale   at one of the model basins here. And so here  we have a hybrid simulation system where we   have the platform here. Of course these are  individual cans. Now they're all as one big can   in the model test. And we have this optional  thing for adjusted, adjustable ballast here   so that we can try different things if we want  to go that route. This is being in the process   of being done. We haven't really got there  yet. But we will be doing this model test soon. So here's the detail of the LDRE itself,  the SpiderFLOAT. And we applied for an RPE   project and we got awarded. Amy talked about  this earlier. It's called US Float and US Float   is really a combination of SpiderFLOAT  plus the D2 10 megawatt machine. And   I talked about this a little bit earlier about  the buoyancy cans being made of fiberglass and   we wanted to make them at factory or on  site so that we can easily produce them   and have it be cost effective. And here  are the connections that I talked about   earlier where we wanted to have moment free  connections so these cans can really move.   And we also wanted to have And connecting it to  the arms and we have actuators here that we can   control the tensions of these cables. And these  arms now they can be built on site or they can be   done at the factory as well and brought in and  assembled. And talked about he cables. That's   how we're going to control the tension on these  arms. And the central column is also going to be   of column and that can be done on site. So a lot  the cost savings here is really going to come from   either building a lot of these components in  factory and assembling them at port or actually   pouring them out since we're using concrete, using  the port itself and making the pieces on site. Here's an animation of the system, complete  system. I'm going to move this forward a little   bit because it takes a little while to run. And we  modeled this in OrcaFLEX and part of the reason we   did this is because Open FAST as it stands right  now does not have the capability to do multibody   modeling with the flexible cans we have  and the flexible arms we have. We don't   have the capability to do the cables with active  tensioning and also joint damping which is not   available in OrcaFLEX as well. And our tapered  buoyancy cans which can be done in OrcaFLEX.   And linearization. Right? So part of the reason  we are using OrcaFLEX at this time is because   these capabilities are available in OrcaFLEX but  OrcaFLEX is not able to do linearization which is   needed for control codesign as what we need in  RPE Atlantis program. And I wanted to say that   a lot of the work although we're doing it  in OrcaFLEX as Jason talked about and as   Garrett talked about, a lot of these capabilities  are being added to Open FAST and we would be - we   will be moving to Open FAST in the future here  to do the US Float CCD design using Open FAST. So I just wanted to leave one  thing with the audience here. And   Amy talked about market resource and what's  available and how this can - we need designs   to place in this market. So we have designs.  And people are coming up with wacky designs.   The US Float is kind of wacky design in some  ways. And wacky designs need new physics and   so new physics need to be added to Open FAST. And  then what happens is we need to have the physics   being added to the simulation tool and the  simulation tool to be applied to the design.   This is an iterative process. It's not a process  where like Garrett was saying you press a button   and you get an optimized solution. It is really  iterative design. It has new wacky designs come   into place and physics need to be solved. And the  physics need to be added to the simulation tool   and the simulation tool can be used in the design.  And so this is iterative process and I want to   leave everyone with that. And that's all I had  really. Thank you. I hope that was 15 minutes. >>Amy: Thank you Senu. And thanks Garrett and  thanks Jason for your presentations. That was all   really great. I'll just remind people that there  is a chat function associated with this webinar   that you can posting your questions in. A  few people have done that but just encourage   more people to do that if you like. So there  should be like a little bubble looking thing   at the top to be able to - that you can click  on to enter some questions. So for the next 15   minutes approximately we're going to go through  some question and answers first trying to address   any that are being posted in the chat area. And  then if we have some extra time we can look at   some additional ones as well. So based on the  ones in the chat I think maybe we'll go to this   one first that I think Jason I'd like you to see  if you'd like to answer. And the question is what   is the level of error in these models. Or given  the amount of variables do you expect a certain   percent of installed turbines to not produce or  break? Does this factor into commercialization? >>Jason: Yeah. That's really a great question.  I would say it's kind of fundamental to   the work we do. So we don't just do the  tool development. We also do a lot of   work on verification and validation. I would say  the answer is not completely straightforward. I   can't just say it's 20 percent or whatever  'cause it certainly depends on many things.   Just a couple comments. I'll say certainly that  because we know there is uncertainty that can   never fully be eliminated - obviously  we will make improvements over time.   But because we'll never fully make perfect models  there is some built in safety into the design. The   standards require that basically a load  safety factor. The typical value is 1.35.   We typically assume about half of that comes  from uncertainty in numerical modeling and   about another half comes from uncertainty in your  environment in which you operate your turbine in.   So that's probably a general  rule of thumb that we use. But then if you kind of talk  about specifics, certainly   things we do quite well, structural dynamics  tends to be quite well captured within the model.   I think the physics are well known and as long  as you have the material properties known that's   quite good. Hydrodynamics we have quite good I  would say for say like direct wave excitation,   first order wave excitation at the model.  Things like nonlinear wave excitation and   some of the difference we can see we tend to have  a hard time with. And then I think the biggest   source of uncertainty in any of these models is  really on the aerodynamics side. Highly nonlinear,   highly challenging when you talk about large  rotors in the atmospheric boundary layer and   so the aerodynamic uncertainty is probably the  biggest source and often the one we focus on. >>Amy: Great. Thanks Jason. And if any of  the speakers ever want to chime in addition   please just go ahead. Senu we're still seeing your  slides. I don't know if you were trying to share   still but just so you know. Ok. The  next question actually I was going to   direct at Senu. The question is how is the  design process impacted when designing larger   systems with 15 to 20 megawatt wind turbines if  it is or is it just a straightforward upscale? >>Senu: Yeah.   [Break in audio] 15 is not really that big of a  deal, right? Just need to make it a little bigger.   So in the US Float system that we're designing  it's actually sort of modular in some sense   that you could scale anything from 6 megawatt  up to 20 megawatt. And the incremental cost   factor is not that big. So let's say for  example if you're going from a 10 to 15   the platform cost would be a lot smaller  than let's say the turbine cost for example. >>Jason:   I might want to add to that. Garrett  can step in too. I might want to add   to that. If you simply take a smaller turbine and  scale it up generally the rule of thumb if you say   the mass would go as the cube and that's basically  the cost. And then tower would go with the square   of the say the rotor diameter or link scale.  And so you can't really solve that by scaling   directly. Eventually you're going to hit a  limit where basically building bigger is more   expensive. And so there's definitely lots of  technology innovation that goes with building   bigger systems. And then as I mentioned  in my presentation as well, large rotors   introduce quite a number of unique challenges  at large spatial temporal variability of the   wind across the rotor as well as because you're  trying to eliminate that square cube law and   make it lighter, more flexible  aero elastic challenges as well. >>Garrett: The only thing I would add is your  computer and your design found [Break in Audio]   just can't be manufactured today. So now you have  to either invent some new manufacturing method or   put in an additional constraint which then has  other system impacts. So maybe for small steps,   yeah, scaling works. But for big  steps changes are you're going to   run into some sort of constraint like that. >>Senu: So those are really constraints  on the turbine and the blades and whatnot. >>Amy: Yeah. I think there's also a constraint  that I've heard about on the moorings.   Again as the system, the turbine size grows again  your support structure will grow in size too.   There's constraints on whether facilities  are able to produce those larger turbines.   And for moorings from my understanding can get  to be such a long lengthy heavy mooring line at   these larger scales that that can actually max out  the capabilities we have right now in terms of the   installation vessels to lay down those moorings.  So I think there's yeah, there's multiple areas   that we might have that effect. I have the next question I'm not sure if we - the  next three questions we have and then we have a   fourth. The next three I'm not sure if the panel  is the best for answering. But I think I'll just   pose this one just in case. The question is do  you envision some acoustic constraints offshore   as on shore and will any changes or relaxation of  acoustic constraints allow you to increase energy   production and reduce LCOE. So Jason I thought  maybe you might be able to take that. If you like. >>Jason: Yeah. Well, certainty the  acoustics is the noise emission.   When you talk about something far offshore  you can certainly say that's likely   less of an issue which means you can tend to push  up your speed ratio and your blade tip speeds   which means you can go to a lower solidity  rotor in general. That's about all I can say. >>Garrett: I'll just add that   yeah, so relaxing your acoustic constraints may  get you to - you think you might be able to get   to a higher tip speed. But offshore there's  also a leading edge erosion issue that can   come into play. And that can sometimes drive  your max tip speed. So just because you don't   have the acoustics issue doesn't mean you  have free reign to go as fast as possible. >>Amy: Yeah. Thank. And I don’t think the  question is directed in this way but there   is acoustic constraints also on the installation  process offshore and that’s another thing we’re   looking at for innovative designs to think this  is more problematic on the fixed bottom rather   than floating. But actually installing the  system itself, pile driving in the sea bed,   things like that, doing work in the ocean has an  affect acoustically on the oceanographic animals. And the other two questions were related to the  electrical system which yeah, the speakers here   on this panel I don’t think are really the  appropriate ones unfortunately to answer   that question. One was related to whether we’re  looking at transmission challenges associated   with floating offshore wind. And another is if  the offshore electrical collection system for   floating wind is straightforward or a solved  issue. I will just from myself mention and   I can let others interject if they do have  anything to say on this. I know this is   an area that we’re working on in terms of  the offshore wind integration into the US   grid. As far as kind of the focus areas that we  have in terms of the modeling and dynamics, there   is an issue with the – for floating wind the way  the power is transported is through a power cable. For a fixed bottom offshore wind system that  will be very static cable. But for a floating   wind system it also needs to hang, kind of similar  to the mooring line, hang off the floating wind   system. So there are challenges in modeling or  designing, sorry, that cable system that will   take the energy from the floating platform  into the grid infrastructure. So that is an   ongoing challenge of trying to understand what  the dynamics of these floating wind systems are   and ensuring that we can create a cable design  that can withstand the motion characteristics. >>Garrett: Amy, the only thing I’ll add is   like Amy said the dynamic cables can be  both a modeling and a maintenance challenge.   But also floating projects tend to be a little  bit further from shore than fixed bottom.   So in that sense you may – other folks at NREL  are considering medium voltage or high voltage DC   export cables and collection systems. Like Amy  said, the folks here on the panel, that’s not   really our area of expertise but it’s definitely  something to consider. I think once you get the   energy on shore the electronics look the same  as fixed bottom wind. So integrating into the   grid isn’t necessarily the challenge. It’s just  getting it on shore that is the bigger challenge. >>Amy: Great. Thanks. Ok. Another question is are  there any issues with aero elastic instabilities   such as wave flutter with larger rotor systems.  Jason do you want to maybe start that one off? >>Jason: Yeah. So certainly because you’re trying  to beat this square ______ you try to make your   systems generally lighter, more flexible. And  with that the flexibility means that you’re   likely approaching flutter limits. So you want to  make sure that say your torsional, first torsional   frequency is above the operational speed of the  rotor. Or if it’s not to make sure that you don’t   rest on that frequency well. So this is a big  reason why we focus on our modeling work, not   just on time demand simulations which of course  is important to analyze these systems but also   focusing on linearization so we can properly  predict natural frequencies in a range of   conditions but ultimately focusing on aero elastic  tailored waves so being able to model the torsion   and of course offset say mass and stiffness   from the fixed axis including composite tailoring.  So yeah. Definitely it’s an issue. It’s becoming   more important as you get to larger systems mostly  ‘cause you’re pushing them to be more flexible. >>Amy: Ok. Great. Thanks.  We have another question.   How is Open FAST multibody  dynamic solver being changed   to model systems like the SpiderFLOAT and  will a third party multibody solver be used.   So maybe Senu if you want to start with that  and Jason or Garrett if you want to add in. >>Senu: Sure. So one of the biggest challenges  we had when we were coming up with the idea for   SpiderFLOAT is tools. And the tools were not there  for us to really investigate. The flexibility   of what we had in SpiderFLOAT. So in the very  beginning the way we addressed it was we said ok.   We’re just going to look at it like a fixed system  for now because that’s what we could do in FAST.   And then just get the turbine loads that we can  from FAST and then impose that in ANSYS model   where you can do multibody. Right? So there’s  always these tools that are always lagging   what I call wacky designs. And so somehow you  have to come up with a way to engineer it. And you could use tools like FAST that is not  there yet. But you can use other tools that   have some of the features you need and then try  to use them together until a tool is ready. And   Jason is working on this and the Wise team is. And  they’re adding a lot of features of flexibility,   multibody, cables with tensions and whatnot which  we’ll eventually be able to use with SpiderFLOAT.   And OrcaFLEX on the other hand  also has the turbine in there,   right? So you could do – you could do multibody  with the cables and the turbine. But it has its   own lack of features. You can’t  do linearization that you need   for a CCD approach that we need to do in RPE.  So you just need to find [Break in Audio]   and try to bridge the gap. And that’s kind of  what we did and now we have let the Wise team know   these are the features we need and they’re adding  to Open FAST. So this is a cyclic process. Right? >>Jason: Maybe I’ll just add that I mentioned the  Stiesdal project where we vetted the ability to   model the substructure as basically a series  of bean elements and various joint types. So   we can represent the arms so you have the  SpiderFLOAT as beams. And then we also   have – we’ve introduced things like ball joints  and universal joints within those beams as well   as pretension cable elements. That gets most of  the way there for the SpiderFLOAT. But the thing   that was still missing is the buoyancy cans which  are heavily bound linear as Senu showed in his   animation that they move a lot. And so we can’t  assume things that we’ve assumed in other models. And so we’re actually introducing that now  with our nonlinear solver called Bordine.   Matt Hall is taking the lead on that and so  soon I think we’ll actually be able to model   the SpiderFLOAT quite well. We chose not to  use a third party multibody solver for this.   A big part, big reasons for that is  because a lot of our focus is on full,   not just single turbines but also full floating  wind farms. And so having a multi body solver   would make that sort of coupled problem quite  challenging. And so but if we can control the   coupling scheme and how it solves then  it’s easier if we do that ourselves. >>Amy: Ok. Great. Thanks  everyone. I think we are actually   out of time and we’re out of questions on the  panel. I had some staged but I think since we’ve   run out of time maybe we should just close it  there. And I’d just like to take the time to   thank Alex and Nate for the introduction and  organization of this webinar. And to Jason,   Garrett and Senu for their great presentations  and their great discussions in the panel as well. >>Jason: Thank you Amy. >>Amy: Yeah. And I think Alex posted. I think  this will be – Alex is this being shared,   the recording of this that  people can download as well? >>Alex: Yes. It’s on the Wind Energy Science  Leadership series page and I will go ahead and   put the link in the chat box so everyone can  look forward to the next topic in December. >>Amy: Great. Thank you. Thanks everyone.
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Length: 77min 37sec (4657 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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