World's most powerful tidal turbine : Launched April 2021

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We humans have been harnessing the energy in  flowing water for thousands of years. I'm sure we   all know what a water wheel looks like, but just  in case anyone's missed it, here's one in action.   Very quaint! Today flowing water in one form or  another accounts for about 16% of all electricity   generation around the world. According to the  International Hydropower Association, the total   installed capacity in 2019 was 1,308 gigawatts,  generating more than 4,300 terawatt hours of   electricity. The vast majority of that power comes  from hydroelectric dams on large river systems,   which have developed into extremely sophisticated  and efficient engineering marvels. But as   we've discovered in previous videos on this  channel, those dams also come with significant   environmental impacts upstream and downstream,  as well as greenhouse gas emissions from their   construction, and from the reservoirs immediately  behind them. What we haven't been quite so   successful at, at least not so far anyway, is  harnessing the almost unimaginable quantity   of energy in our oceans. Wave and tidal power  does exist of course, but high costs and limited   availability of suitable sites have hampered  progress towards large-scale implementation.   That's been changing quite rapidly in recent years  though. New materials and turbine technologies   are opening up a wider range of geographical  locations, suggesting the total availability   of tidal power may be much higher than previously  assumed, and at a much more competitive cost with   a far smaller environmental impact than large  hydroelectric dams. And at the end of April 2021   the world's most powerful tidal turbine, boasting  some pretty ground breaking design features,   was launched off the east coast of Scotland. So  could this be the game changer that the tidal   energy industry has been looking for? Hello and  welcome to Just Have a Think. One of the biggest   criticisms of renewables like wind and solar  is of course the old bugbear of intermittency.   That unpredictability is being addressed to a  large extent with modern energy storage solutions,   many of which we've looked at on the channel,  but tidal energy has the great advantage of being   entirely predictable and reliable, because  it's driven by our orbit around the sun,   and more importantly by our planet's  rotation combined with the gravitational pull   of our moon's orbit around us. All three of  those dynamics look set to stay pretty regular   for several million years to come, so you can  see the appeal of using the tides to generate   reliable renewable energy at potentially extremely  large scale. Plus ocean water is more than 800   times denser than air, so in theory you can  generate vastly more energy per unit volume   by sinking a turbine under water than  you can from putting one up in the wind.   The world's first large-scale tidal power  plant went into operation way back in 1966   at the Rance power station in Brittany in France.  That facility remained the largest in the world   right up until 2011 when the Sihwa Lake  Tidal Power Station was built in South Korea.   The 10 turbines there have a combined  generating capacity of 254 megawatts.   Both those installations are examples of a tidal  barrage, otherwise known as a tidal range device.   Essentially they're just dams, very similar to the  type seen on major rivers around the world, but   instead of using the flow of a river, they exploit  the change in energy between high and low tides   to turn their turbines and generate electricity.  They're very large and relatively expensive.   They also have to be constructed in locations  like the mouth of an estuary where they can be   permanently anchored to the land on either side.  And they can have similar environmental impacts to   hydroelectric river dams. Tidal stream devices,  which you and I know better as tidal turbines,   generally have far lower installation costs, much  greater flexibility of location, and are way less   impactful on the local environment and ecology.  As a result, especially in more recent years,   far more investment and development has been  focused on tidal turbines than tidal barrages.   But unlike wind turbines where the classic  three-bladed design has been fairly widely   accepted as the most efficient configuration,  especially at larger scale, there are still lots   of different designs for tidal turbines, all vying  for supremacy in what is still a relatively young   but potentially very lucrative industry. This  latest design is called the O2 tidal turbine. It's   the product of 15 years of continuous development  from an Orkney-based engineering company   called Orbital Marine Power. It was built at the  Forth Port quayside facility in Dundee Scotland   and towed out on the 22nd of April, arriving two  days later at an interim commissioning location at   Deer Sound, where it will undergo final testing  and tow trials before being taken to its final   location at the European Marine Energy Centre,  or EMEC, in the Fall of Warness, in Orkney.   In a recent BBC interview, Orbital's chief  executive Andrew Scott pointed out that Orkney   was an ideal location to host the new turbine,  not just because that's where the company's   headquarters are located, but also because Orkney  sits in some of the strongest currents in the   world with sea conditions that can get fairly  ferocious. And that makes it an ideal location   to test and develop these sorts of technologies,  which will ultimately have to stand the test of   time in some of the most unforgiving environments  on earth. It's not the first machine from orbital   to arrive at EMEC either. Two previous versions  have been tested there. The most recent of which   was a full-scale prototype called the SR-2000,  which was put through its paces between 2016   and 2018. That trial delivered record-breaking  results as well as vital test data and operational   experience that laid the groundwork for  this latest commercial scale evolution   of the design concept. When it's fully operational  the O2 turbine will have a generating capacity   of 2 megawatts - enough to power about 2 000  homes. The structure is made up of a 680 ton   floating hull measuring 72 meters or 236 feet in  length. That's about the same size as a jumbo jet.   Inside the hull is all the electrical equipment  to power the various systems, and attached to the   sides of the hull are two 18 meter long pivoting  arms, each one supporting a 20 meter rotor with   a sweep of 600 square meters. The whole thing is  held down to the seabed with a four-point mooring   system using some pretty serious chains -  each one capable of suspending more than   50 double-decker buses. According to Orbital,  about 50% of the power available in the water   column comes from the top third, and the currents  in Orkney can get up to four meters per second,   so those rotors are well placed to capture  the full force of that tide to generate power.   One of the smart innovations with this  system is that the pitch of the blades   can be reversed between tides so they can rotate  whichever way the water is flowing. Electricity   is transferred from the turbine via a dynamic  cable to the seabed and then through a static   cable to the local onshore electricity network.  And thanks to another piece of very clever design,   the rotor support arms can be lifted out of the  water in a sort of gull wing motion by a hydraulic   actuated linkage system that makes the whole thing  much easier to tow using relatively small and   inexpensive tug boats. And it also minimizes the  complication and cost of maintenance and repair.   In fact that low cost simplicity was one of the  key objectives of the project. According to Scott,   as a very rough comparison, if the cost of any  given maintenance job onshore is, say, one dollar   then that same job could cost more like a hundred  dollars in an offshore location at the surface and   perhaps as much as ten thousand dollars at the  bottom of the seabed. So investing in a very   sophisticated hydraulic hinge system actually  makes good business sense in the long run.   It's probably a bit of a stretch to refer to a  680 ton superstructure as a plug and play system,   but there really is not much  more to the installation than   towing the rig to site, connecting up the chains  and electrical cable and pressing the go button.   There's none of the huge civil engineering works  or CO2 hungry concrete support structure or dams   that you get with tidal barrages.  Orbital are now moving full steam ahead   on the commercialization of the design, and  they're seeking market support to enable them to   build and install multiple units right around the  UK coastline and potentially beyond that as well.   Just like any other sustainable technology, tidal  power on its own can't solve all the problems we   face as a result of the climate emergency, but  turbines like these could play a very important   role in complementing existing wind and solar  installations as part of the overall strategy to   help the UK to achieve its commitment to reach  net zero no later than 2050. Eighty percent of   the materials are UK sourced and there'll be an  obvious boost to local employment through the long   term operation of the turbines which means as well  as seizing an opportunity to become a world leader   in tidal technology Orbital will also be playing  their part in supporting the UK's green recovery.   And just last week the Perpetuus tidal energy  center on the Isle of Wight, which is right   at the other end of the United Kingdom, announced  that they've now gained offshore consents to place   tidal turbines in their surrounding waters and  they've signed an agreement with Orbital as part   of a target deployment of 15 megawatts of tidal  power by 2025. That's potentially enough to run   14,000 homes. On the global stage there's  an estimated capacity of about 100 gigawatts   available for tidal energy harvesting.  That's enough to power 80 million homes.   If that potential was fully deployed then Orbital  reckon it represents an investment in equipment   and services of about 430 billion dollars, not  to mention the raft of jobs around the world   that the infrastructure would create. Now, as  I mentioned earlier, I should make clear that   other flavours of tidal turbine are of course  available! But orbital look like they've solved   a great many of the problems that have beset  previous attempts at large-scale tidal turbines,   and this O2 floating rig may just have set  a new benchmark for marine power generation.   If you've got views on tidal power in general,  or if you work in the industry or maybe even have   direct experience working on this project, then  I'd love to hear from you in the comments section   below. That's it for this week though. A big  thank you, as always, to the people who make these   videos possible by supporting my work via Patreon.  They allow me to remain completely independent and   they enable me to keep all these videos totally  ad free which means you're not bombarded with   commercials for all sorts of stuff you don't  really need. And I must just give a shout out   to the folks who've joined since last time  with pledges of ten dollars or more a month.   They are Fred Pratt, Hope Rohuovi, Ernst Devert,  Rob Kwikkers, Andy Buchman, Timothy Kerssen,   William Toffey, Peter Cope, Matthew Werle, and  Artur Emmanuel Kawa. You can join the team at   Patreon and get the opportunity to exchange ideas  and information with like-minded folks plus watch   exclusive monthly news updates from me and have  your say on future programmes in monthly content   polls by visiting  And you can hugely support the channel absolutely   for free by subscribing and hitting that like  button and notification bell. It's dead easy   to do all that. You just need to click down  there, or on that icon there. As always, thanks   very much for watching, have a great week and  remember to just have a think. See you next week
Channel: Just Have a Think
Views: 354,683
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Id: pdxjlRFjNLU
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Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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