女将のいる屋台は平日でも女性客で満席!屋台では珍しいうどんと焼きめんたい重が旨過ぎた!japanese street food

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Thank you for reading today's digest . Fukuoka,Japan Today, I took a photo of "Yatai Hitotoshiro no Shita" in Tenjin, Chuo Ward, Fukuoka City. Today I took close-up photos of the food stall as it was being assembled. Carrying in, assembling, and dismantling the food stalls every day is hard work. First, we will dismantle the stall. This stall opened in July 2023 in front of the Tenjin Mitsukoshi Bus Center in the fourth period of publicly recruiting stalls! The walls used for the food stall are also attached to the food stall itself. This food stall is located in the downtown area of ​​Tenjin, right in the middle of Fukuoka. It looks like we'll soon be able to see the full picture of the stall. The roof of the stall is completely fixed with wooden poles. The food stalls are not very strong against wind, so be sure to secure them firmly. The other side is also open. Again, secure it firmly with a wooden stick. Once again, the stall workers are amazing. The food stalls are packed with everything you need. For the time being, items that are not in use will be temporarily evacuated to the roof of the stall. Preparing the water heater. It seems normal for food preparation and preparation to be completed in advance at home. There are many food stalls not only in Nakasu but also in the Tenjin area. There were various cooking utensils. It looks like the preparations for opening the stall at dusk will still take a long time. Of course gas is also available. propane gas. Everyone, please stop by our stall when you come to Tenjin. This stall has a single roof and is owned by a woman. It's no wonder that most of our customers are women. This stall's specialty oden. The aroma of oden soup is so irresistible. When it comes to oden ingredients, I love radish the most. Adding a noren (noren curtain) will instantly make it look like a food stall. There are many other specialties, so I will introduce them later. Preparations for oden are progressing steadily. Preparing the chair. It seems like each stall can seat about 10 to 15 people at most. The pot is on fire. What's inside that pot? We are busy assembling the stalls, preparing for opening, and preparing food. The oden menu looks pretty good too. Bring to a simmer over low heat. I feel like it's almost time for the store to open. The specialty of this stall is mentaiko juju and udon. I feel like udon is quite rare at food stalls. Also, when it comes to food stalls, oden is also a must-have item. Assembly of the stalls will be possible starting from 5pm. The opening time is usually around 6pm. welcome. That's why we are opening. Recently, the number of foreign tourists has increased considerably. Oden is also very popular among foreigners. The contents of the pot actually look like stewed beef tendon meat. Personally, this might be the one I want to eat the most. There may not be many people right after the store opens, so it might be a good idea. Owner: I'm happy that people from Fukuoka come in when there's an empty seat. Be careful as it is often full and there is a long line around 7pm. Oden is ¥1000 for 5 types of oden. Single items are also OK from 3 pieces. Recommended 5 types of oden ¥1000 Oden was selling like hotcakes during the first time slot. Perhaps the good aroma of the soup stock is what makes them fall in love with it. In Fukuoka, yuzu pepper is often used, but what do other regions use? I would be happy if you could let me know in the comments. Shopkeeper) Sorry to have kept you waiting. Assortment of 5 types of oden. It was getting crowded little by little. The appeal of the food stalls is that you can enjoy food and drinks in a nice atmosphere. You can also enjoy draft beer at this stall. Of course, we also have other alcoholic beverages and juices. First of all, I also love draft beer. Draft beer (sorry, price unknown) and mentaiko cheese omelet also seem to be popular. It's been quite busy. Cheers! Shopkeeper) Yes, thank you for waiting. Assortment of 5 types of oden. Owner) I put yuzu pepper on the edge of the plate. Orders for oden and alcoholic dishes are coming in one after another. I received an order for egg dishes. I wonder why the egg dishes eaten at food stalls are so delicious. The tamagoyaki and mentaiko tamagoyaki from the food stalls are exceptional. Is this a mentaiko omelet? This overwhelming visual feeling. The glasses are also very stylish. Mentaiko is now in the oven. The rice is also cooked. This looks like the weight of that rumored mentaiko. Spread the seaweed over the rice. Place a whole mentaiko on top. Grilled mentaiko roe (starting from ¥1,200 (owner)) Add sauce to your preference before enjoying. Clerk) Contains oolong tea and green tea. It seems that there are also fried items starting from Mentaiko Omelet ¥800 . Stewed beef tendon ¥700. Since the owner is a woman, I feel that most of the customers are women. It seems like there are several types of fried foods as well. Owner ) Chicken skin gyoza, chicken skin rice crackers, fried horse mackerel, etc. ) Chicken skin gyoza. ¥650The mentaiko omelet at this stall seems to use chin soup stock. Another order came in for another dish. It was put into the oven. This is what the inside of the kiln looked like. Food stalls cannot serve raw foods or raw vegetables, so the vegetables must be thoroughly cooked. Food stalls with kilns are also rare. We still have a lot of oden and beef tendon stew available. Shopkeeper: It's still going to take some time. Stew. Owner: Yes, please, chicken skin gyoza for ¥650. It looks like the meatballs will be ready to be baked in the oven soon. Shopkeeper) Enters the kiln. Owner: One mentaiko. Speaking of Fukuoka's specialty, it seems that you can order several pieces of kiln-grilled ``Karashi Mentaiko'' at the same time. Clerk) Welcome, there are two of us here. The kiln-roasted meatballs are now ready. Oven-roasted meatballs ¥600 Owner) Yes, oven-roasted meatballs, sorry to have kept you waiting. The delicious food and drinks go well. Kanpai. 1 kiln-roasted mentaiko ¥500 Fully booked. It's a good atmosphere. Owner: Yes, please, it's a plate. Owner: Yes, chicken skin gyoza. It's hot so be careful. Owner) Thank you. The location is along Watanabe Dori. Shopkeeper) Is it okay to pay in cash? Shopkeeper) We will charge exactly 3,000 yen and 200 yen. thank you very much. Shopkeeper: Make sure you don't forget anything. Kiln baking is also very popular. Customer: Excuse me, can I have a highball? Owner) Would you like another highball? (Customer) Refill. Mentaiko is also very popular at food stalls in Fukuoka. A fun night at the food stalls is getting underway. Please note that there are irregular holidays such as days of bad weather. If you order oden separately, it will cost between ¥200 and ¥300 each. It seems like a new product. A variety of dishes are prepared in this small and limited space. Some meat was added. It's baked in a kiln again. It was full of customers and there was a wait. Here you can eat udon, which is rare at food stalls. Ramen is popular, but udon is rare. Owner: Yes, it's a snack of burdock tempura. Customer) Sweet potato shochu mixed with water. There seem to be several types of udon, but this one is mentaiko kamako udon for ¥900. All the dishes looked beautiful. Owner) Thank you for keeping you waiting. Why not enjoy the flavors of Fukuoka's home cooking in a relaxing space that feels like home? Other udon options include beef tendon udon and burdock tempura udon. Owner: Yes, it's barley shochu mixed with water. At this stall, you can use not only cash but also electronic money and credit cards. Each food stall in Fukuoka has its own unique atmosphere and flavor, and you can enjoy a wide variety of food and drinks. This is probably kiln-grilled offal. When asked about their impressions of the food stalls, they said, ``The atmosphere of the food stalls is really fun! It's great to be able to interact with locals and tourists.'' ``The food at the food stalls is simple and delicious.The flavors unique to food stalls, such as grilled and fried foods, are appealing.'' Comments such as, `` There is a wait when it is crowded, but that is acceptable as part of enjoying the atmosphere of the food stall.'' sorry. It was clams, not offal. Oven-baked clams ¥650. Shopkeeper) Sorry to have kept you waiting. Oven-roasted clams. Most people were taking photos. Seafood at food stalls is also very delicious. There are so many different types of oden that it would be difficult to introduce them all. For now, it seems like you can go wrong with the 5 recommended dishes. It seems that you can also request an assortment of 5 recommended types. Alcohol also goes on. Owner) Thank you. The kiln is also in full rotation. Food stalls in Fukuoka are mainly distributed in three locations. 1: Nakasu area, 2: Tenjin area, 3: Nagahama area I think the food stalls in Tenjin area are popular with both locals and tourists. What kind of meat is this? Owner) Oven-grilled duck meat. Oven-grilled duck meat ¥650 Owner: Generally speaking, there are always a lot of girls. Shopkeeper: The other day, after the men's festival started. Shop owner) I was surprised. Store owner: All customers are now men. The hostess was very nice and everyone seemed to be having fun drinking. This food stall doesn't have ramen or grilled ramen, but the other dishes seem to be of a high standard. There were also quite a few orders for chicken skin gyoza. Among the fried foods, fried horse mackerel was also interesting. Owner) Highball. A fun time will pass. If you would like me to photograph this stall, or if you would like me to photograph your stall, please let me know in the comments. Thank you very much for always watching.
Channel: 福岡博多グルメ屋台飯 / Japanese Street Food
Views: 754,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stall, Street food, 포장마차, 攤位, दुकान, ларек, paralyser, ድንኳን, puesto, ひとつ屋根の下, 屋台ひとつ屋根のした
Id: wT-AtROmfis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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