We Tried The VIRAL MOCHI In Japan 🇯🇵 (Is Nara Worth Visiting?)

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this video is brought to you by Squarespace  if you're still planning your itinerary for   Japan make sure to add Nara to the top of  your list this is the place where you get   to meet the cutest and most polite Japanese  deer eat freshly made mochi and take in the   beauty of this historic and magical  city see they're so polite they bow first we just got off the train station and  the deers are already here wow she's so beautiful be careful yeah but I think  before we feed the deer we should go   feed ourselves first I agree okay even  though they look very very cute but they   are wild so be careful when you are trying  to uh pet them they seem gentle though but   you know you never know oh and there's poop around so you got to be careful hey   what are you looking for I don't have  any snacks for you yet we'll come back okay so we're just making our way to the famous  mochi place here in Nara and just this walk alone   I can see so many beautiful temples it's not  quite as busy as all the temples we visited   in Kyoto I have to say which feels nice and  different and very spacious and enjoyable so far I think this is it babe everyone is lining  up this is probably the busiest place in all of Nara   city right now but they're famous for these  mochi that are called yomogi mochi so yomogi is   a Japanese mugwort so it's like a grass that  has a lot of nutritional benefits to it and   it's green and that's why it's so special here  cuz it's different from some of like the other   mochi that we've seen I recognize this shop I've  seen the guy who does the mochi pounding on Tik Tok he went viral right yeah they just posted that in about 25  minutes he's going to do another demonstration   of mochi pounding so let's try the mochi first and then we can stay and see how he makes it wow it was so quick and these are still warm they  smell so good they put the soybean powder on top   of it oh my goodness is there stuffing in here  I don't know actually we have to try to find out there's red bean paste inside let's see it you're making such a mess this is so yummy I think what  makes this one special is that they're   constantly making fresh ones so the outside  is still warm and it's soft because when you   leave it out too long the outside the the  rice cake part starts to get a bit firmer   this is so fresh what else did you get I  got this red perilla seed rice cracker which   is also fresh since we're still waiting you  know for the show I might as well try something else that sounds really crispy fresh rice cracker  are so good it's not as hard as when it's dry yummy too everything is yummy here we  still have 10 minutes to go people are lining up   to see the show already that line is for people  buying this line for people seeing the show can   you even see from where you are I can't really  see no I have to go further in I'll try to get the best shot was that what you were expecting yeah  well I've seen them before on Tik Tok but   uh I I couldn't see anything I hope the phone  got something I couldn't see anything honestly   I was just I pressed record and I found  this hole in between people and then I   just filmed it but I don't know I can only  hear them they go hey hey hey hey hey and   that's it it's over regardless of the show  The mochi is delicious now let's go feed the deer we can get the deer crackers here okay from the   man it's only 200 yen get two two packs  it's more expensive than the mochi oh is it yeah yay they actually smell really good  like like I would eat it said don't keep us   waiting give us the shika senbei which is the  deer crackers after you like bow be mindful   of the other deers around you when you don't  have any crackers left show us by raising both   hands in the air it's all gone like that watch  out for your belongings they make take it and   also feed the deer with only these ones don't  feed them with uh any other food because it   could be harmful to their bodies you are right  they smell like waffle yeah like like wheat biscuits [Music] what don't they're just crackers they're actually good don't oh okay just  in case they made it not in they mixed some   other grains and hey if the deer can eat if  the deer can eat them we can eat them they're   quite delicious just like rice crackers they  treat the deers like in such a good way that   it wouldn't feed them anything bad local  people here consider them as messengers   of the god true they wouldn't give them  chemicals and stuff hey there you want to   come and eat with us we're going to that  bench come we're going to that bench they   said if you bow first they will bow and then  you can feed them okay let me try a bow bow bow that's so cute you have to go  as low as her though she's very polite you're cute she keeps bowing should I keep giving good girl good girl I love this  town people are so nice and the deer are so cute   yeah they're so polite so the deer here are  wild but they are really taken care of by the   people they even get body checks yeah  they get personal health check up every year   and they all have identifications so they  know exactly how many are in the park and   how they're doing and they control the population  as well so that there's not too many deer there   there's still over a thousand deer here yeah  everywhere you go around town you see them no more you found it go away I don't have have any  more hey hey babe oh no over there over go over   there yes thank you over here over [Music]  here oh oh no bow no more I'm sorry no more no more look empty see no more empty real  quick we just wanted to say a big thank you to   our longtime partner Squarespace for continuing  to support our channel and for creating a very   user friendly platform for building website  if you're struggling to start you can browse   through thousands of award-winning templates  that can inspire the look and feel of your   website you'll also have all the tools you  need to set 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yeah I know why local people here love these uh   deer because they help to bring in a lot  of tourist and help to boost the economy   here in Nara and I think also the tourism helps  to provide for all the deer in the city as well   for example the proceeds from the deer crackers  go towards the um maintenance and the health of   the deer like taking care of them taking care  of these Parks yeah taking care of the parks   I hope some also pay for the uh labor involved  in clearing all the poop making sure everything   city is clean clean and safe for people and for  the deer oh poop I stepped on poo it's a big one too okay let's walk on the grass here  we have been to a lot of shrines in Japan but for   some reason this one feels a little more  special it feels like more like majestic   because of the environment yeah and I was  just looking up what um the Shinto belief is   so this says the main beliefs of Shinto are the  importance of purity harmony respect for nature   family respect and there are many Shinto  gods and spirits and that's why all these   shrines are dedicated to them where people  offer food and money and prayers so this one   specifically the Kasuga Taisha dates back to  the year 768 when four uh Gods were invited   to reside here on the side of Mount Miksa out  of a desire for the prosperity for the nation   and the citizens that's a long time ago 768  yeah let's go and explore this area a little bit this is the place that I  needed to take you here this here means like   a married couple like a husband and wife and  what else can I read here this is like for a   good relationship um and I think that's what  you do you like get a fortune reading um by   putting a piece of paper in the holy water and  get a blessing we should do this yes we should   do we don't need it but we should do it right aww  you said we don't need it okay first we have to   pay 300 Yen to get the special paper and we  put put it in the holy water and the special   blessing will appear so right now it just looks  like this we'll see what happens once it's in the water I think I can kind of understand  it a bit this one here it's it says that if I   can refrain from doing laundry our relationship  will be will be very good uh how about the wish   what do you wish for husband for you  to purify your soul uh you need to do   more dishes oh cuz you get to clean your  hands at the same time oh okay and this   part which says like a learning a knowledge  that you need to listen to your husband to   learn from him oh wow interesting um I'm  not sure about this one so I'm just going   to wrap it up and leave it here that's  what people do with ones that they don't like I don't think I can say it any  better than the person who wrote it here but   she said and I won't read the whole thing just  this part I really like which is I wish to for us to   live a life where we are proud to have happiness  in the little things I am scared worried but most   importantly excited for our future that's  how I feel for us hey to 10 more years at   least 10 more years of fun and adventure and  happiness happiness hungry hungry let's go eat nice spot it's pefect I can smell it smell  the matcha no yours oh Cheers Cheers it's really refreshing this one is  sweetened actually it's quite nice though   this is pretty awesome we got the whole  meal for our dinner for just $7 sometimes   we do find ourselves eating a lot of Family Mart and 7-Eleven because it's delicious and cheap that potato thing that was delicious  spam in Japan is so good I usually don't eat   Spam but this is delicious it's spam and egg and  tuna mayonnaise tuna mayonnaise like pulls it together chase it down with  some Asahi Dry Zero does it taste the same   as tastes just like beer you  just don't get drunk [Music] I had a great day me too I'm really  glad that we made the day trip here to Nara   and it wasn't difficult to get here uh we came  from Osaka and it took us under an hour but if   you were coming from Kyoto it would be the  same would be under an hour to get here by   train so definitely worth the trip mhm Nara  is probably I'm not sure if it's for you but it is one of my favorite cities in Japan so far  it just feels a lot more peaceful and quiet   and there is something magical I think about  this city it is one of my favorites I think as well as always thank you so much for joining us  on this amazing day in Nara thank you for   watching and Have A WonderFlo Day see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Flora and Note
Views: 32,869
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Keywords: nara is japan's most magical place, nara deer, nara japan, nara deer park, japan, japan travel, things to do in japan, places to visit in japan, japan vlog, japan food, japan in november, kyoto japan, osaka japan, things to do in kyoto, things to do in osaka, things to do in nara, day trip to nara, flora and note, japan travel guide, 日本, 日本自由行, เที่ยวญี่ปุ่น, japan 2023 travel, 奈良自由行, 奈良, nara day trip, viral japan, Japanese food vlog, Japan travel blog
Id: cx84pkohg8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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