Deep Creole Seafood Boil

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[Music] what's good everybody and welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling with me ab check it out i probably should have just opened this video up by just saying hey happy holidays to everybody and happy new year hey so check this out when you saw that title you seen that thumbnail you know what i'm doing we're gonna bring 2021 in with a bang and before we i'll show you these ingredients check this out this is one of my little christmas gifts right here hey everybody know i like to use the word where is it right here hey it's fire and check it out it's lit hey so with that being said let's go over these ingredients and let me just show you how easy it is to make a real seafood great tasting boil now if you guys look right here hey it's new year's i mean if we gonna spin when we gonna spin right so i only got like a little and they call this a couple of clusters look how small this is three legs on it just that snow crab got these here but look the real star look at this right here ah yeah got that keen crab hey look at that meat right there hey my mouth is already accelerating you know just looking at this got a lot of meat we got lobsters we got lobster tail right now when they come to this lobster tail i'm gonna cut this down the middle all the way down completely to the tail so we got two halves in case you guys got some greedy people to be out here you know like hog and everything at least you know how many everlasting chills you can have you just times that by two and everybody'll get a piece of meat right now we're gonna put onions in here look i'm just gonna half that onion put it in there because we want that onion flavor to go in along with it right now i set this right here this was a frozen this is just frozen corn it's already cut now if you got a lot of people you could take a pack and even cut this in half right here but this is more so personal for about i think it's only about four or five people that's gonna be eating off of this boil right this is my other onion we got butter check this out look at this right here i like these this is a little bit on the high end they're very very inexpensive look take the tea light in the bottom it's got a ceramic top you put your butter in here and let this melt and boom let's give you that little bit of an elegant type look i got a few of these i'm gonna set these around the table you know what i mean so everybody can have one you know in front of them they got their own personal butter station now let's talk about these shrimp look at this right here look this is like a couple of pounds of shrimp i've already went ahead now some people do it the way they like to do it some people like to leave the tails on nine times out of ten i'm gonna say 9.8 out of 10 times i take it i peel them i do everything so i like to get my shrimp like that i take the tails off the whole shebang you know just got a couple of pounds you guys should always have this shrimp if you follow this channel you need to keep shrimp on deck in your freezer at all times and then if you guys got access to it at your local grocery store you can get it fresh too you know through your uh what like the fish part of your butcher now let's talk about we got lemons i'm gonna cut these actually i'm gonna put a couple i think i'm gonna put a couple in the water you know what i mean and then i'm gonna keep keep a couple like at the end because you know everybody like to squeeze lemon on it and now i'm gonna put putting red uh potatoes in now this is where it get a little tricky look at when you buy a pack of potatoes they don't always be the same size obviously i'll show you like this that's three different sizes this size right here will be ready before this will be right so we're gonna cut this in half and those two halves will be about this size right here so this one i won't cut this one i will you know and it's going to be real tricky because you don't want these to be soggy if you watch some of my last seafood boils you know getting the potatoes right that's the key now what are these let me know in the comment section below and if you know if you've been following me you know exactly what type of andouille sausage that is right i'm gonna go ahead and let you cut out the bag this right here just that chicken and dewey made by hoffy i didn't put half of you on the map uh if they want to know hey hoffy if you listening you want to know who buying all your uh your sausages out here in california it's me all right so let's go ahead and put this lobster tail back on this ice right here now let's get the drum roll oh check this out look right here right here i got about 12 eggs i got a dozen eggs in here and we're boiling those because we're gonna peel these and we're gonna drop this in a boil too now i'll save the best part for last what are we going to use for the seasoning right so i'm going to show you this is what got sweet smoky joe in trouble i ain't gonna say it got him in trouble but you see this right here this creole seafood boil this right here is a must-have uh i know everybody like to use them other brands out there i'm not gonna name drop no names or nothing like that i can just tell you this i can promise you this if you trust me and you watch this channel get yourself some of this i know a lot of you guys had this on back order but i'm here to tell you and that's why i'm making this video it's back in stock he'll be fulfilling orders right after the first look at that so you guys can see it deep creole seafood boil this right here is the magic this will rival any hey i'm not gonna say nothing get this make your boil and to be honest with you you can sprinkle this on a lot of different things but i'm not hey just a little bit of information at a time hey with that being said this is gonna be the key i'll put all the information down in the number one comment and uh with that being said i'm waiting for my timer to go off with these eggs and we finna get started now let's get it okay so you just saw me go ahead and put the what did i do i put the butter in the pot right so now i just want to cut these down now you just notice i'm just cutting them you cut them how you want to cut them but i think cutting these in like circles is probably like the best you know these little slices like this i like the meat and the reason i put the butter in there because what i want to do is i want to put this in there and i want it to start releasing some of the flavor you know into that butter then we're going to add water to it all of that great and dewy look at all of that look at the color inside of there you guys see that that right there oh my goodness okay so you can see got them all cut now we're going to go ahead and put this inside of that with that melted butter so now we're just i'll put it over here i don't want no hot butter splashing on me right so now i'm gonna go ahead and just turn my fire up just a little bit got that going we want to make sure hey and again look you see how big my party is i don't have no issues with getting all of my pieces flat on the bottom now but first let me make sure they got a little bit of that butter on it let's get a little heat it's almost melted and we're just gonna let the heat do the work right now okay so let's go ahead and just cut these look i just flare these out you don't have to i ain't gonna lie to you look how nice that look right there so look we just want to cut this in half right so i take my hand look i just get a center take my hand like that and i start towards the top you know what i mean you can see once you start putting pressure on you can hear it crack and then you just start applying your pressure and working your way down now this is a sharp knife i just want to make sure i get it to come all the way back put some pressure over the top of the blade like this and then it'll just cut all the way down and this right here look at that right there now you got your two halves this is a little piece of the shell take that out there you go real simple and now i put them back on ice until i'm ready to put them in and all you do now is just repeat the process boom okay look i brought you guys back over here so you guys can see you know what uh what butter looks like right but as it heats remember i'm telling you about releasing the flavor you see that right there ah that right there is flavor so look that butter right there i could bottle that up and sell it with that andouille seasoning and that chicken fat and all of that in there and that right there be the best butter on the planet now let's continue okay so now come trying to let's put some water in here everything is you know ready in the inside you turn this off like this now it's time to fill it up it's up to you guys it depends on how much you have but i obviously got enough as far as my pot size go to put as much as i want you because don't forget the more you feel this the higher up it'll come let me get my doorbell and i'll be right back now after you get that filled you want to bring it to a boil and then it's time to add your deep creole seafood boil i'm using like again like this is just nothing but a half a pack right remember the more you put in there the more bite it's gonna have but this right here for a pot this size half of that is perfect okay so what you're seeing right now is my corn right if you're using corn like especially if you're using frozen corn look you want to put this in first so i'm going to put this in like that and just notice i put it in up against the eggs and i'll drop it down reason being listen that's hot all of us have got a little experience just working in this kitchen we all know that we all got to battle wounds to prove it about the splash and all of that so we're just going to add this like you see now what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and just start prepping you know the rest of my ingredients right so look you got your uh lemons all you do is just cut them in half because we're gonna add that into the water now i've already peeled my onions look i'm just like cutting off like the ends and then what we're gonna do is we're just gonna cut those into quarters look they're gonna dissolve and you know in our in our boil but that's okay because that's what we want we want to get some of that onion flavor too now when it comes to this garlic right here look we're gonna save some thyme just go ahead and cut it the same way you see i'm doing it right here look at that that opens it up and gets it ready now just throw away some of that peeling those peels and just start adding everything right there you just saw i just put the onions in then we come with the lemons and now the garlic now here's where it get a little tricky we're gonna put the potatoes in right but you want to make sure your potatoes are almost about the same size reason being if you got some smaller ones you got to cook longer so you know because your bigger ones are going to get you know done your smaller one's going to become mushy so just look at the size and cut them accordingly just keep them very very close as your water comes back up to the boil just insert them and set yourself a timer okay so i let these in here these have been boiling right you know those potatoes that's where it gets tricky so you're gonna want to get yourself some type of uh let's see you want to get yourself a fork knife or whatever and what you want to do is get yourself a strainer you're gonna need to go in here and get your find yourself a potato right and when you find one you just want to go in here and check to check the tenderness this right here ah that's about right it's still not quite done this has only been about 10 or 11 minutes but i'm going to lower this back in here we don't want to overcook it and we got a little bit more boiling to do right so now we got that i'm liking that now it's time to go ahead and add our crab now look at this right here look at the size of this look at my hand and look at the size of this right here this right here gonna make for some good meat now you just want to go ahead and start adding all your king crab this is a little bit of a smaller craw claw for these when they long like that you know what i mean just to keep people from like taking these big pieces you know what i mean and trying to like run off into the side of the corner i'll go ahead and just add it this way now you guys can take a pair of scissors and cut this off but for me i've done some of them like that already but since i didn't do that one i'm gonna just add it here's another one then if you got snow crab leg i'll just bring this in right now i would add this last like right when i put the shrimp in so i'm gonna put these off to the side and then these pieces like this we're just gonna start adding them now i'm going to start adding my lobster tails you guys got to get the order right so that everything finishes about the same time these lobster tails are small we all know that once they cook they like to curl up you know what i mean so i'm trying to put it on top just so you guys can see remember i talked about you know the snow crab now if you guys got a lot of clusters now would be probably the time to just add them because they only gonna need about five to six minutes and then last as far as the seafood goes i'm gonna go ahead and add my shrimp now you guys seen this i had these off to the side now i'm just gonna add them and i'm just gonna go ahead and just give it a whirl you can see look how quick they start to curl up they're starting to tighten up already boom we got to add these eggs these are just hard-boiled eggs you guys do them like you like them it's going to be i like my egg sauce but it doesn't make a difference because it's going to be in this hot water right here you know what i mean they're going to firm up but hey just that real southern seafood boil and this is really like a request because everybody was asking me like hey you didn't put no eggs in it well there you go we're gonna set a timer for five minutes and then we're gonna come back we're gonna shut it off we're gonna drain this and get this out so we can eat it gotta use this right here you guys got to get yourself some of these this right here when we talk about leveling up that's it right here so what i'm doing is it's just a tea light i'm lightening you can see how it works look the tea underneath the ceramic cup it's going to heat whatever we put in there if you don't have what i'm getting ready to use you guys can use that too this right here right no we're not going to do that let me show you what we're going to use for me i'm going to use this ghee just that clarified butter when you go to a restaurant they don't take regular fatty butter and put it in there and melt it and give it to you this is what they do so right now it's been in my refrigerator it's kind of you know hard we're just gonna put it here okay so let me just do this so you guys can see this if i take this spoon and i just lift this up maybe you guys can see the color look when i talk about clarify look at how clear that is it's got the yellow tint but it needs a little help right because you see this right here just that garlic butter the seasoning from sweet smoky joe and i know my channel might look like a sweet smoky joe product you know a channel but let me just say this a half a teaspoon of this in here and look at that right there look at them seasonings let's take a look at it we got it boiling it's nice i'm gonna go ahead and just remove turn this fire off as soon as you open the pot and then look at these pieces right here look at this all right that right there that's monumental folks now once it's done then it's time for you to go ahead and do your plating job right now i said plating because that's what i'm used to doing but really come on this is a seafood boil right that's me being fancy just taking that and putting that in there that that ceramic dish but you know you like to just spray spread some butcher paper or even some newspaper out you know you drain all your liquid and you just pour the whole thing over your counter but look at that right there look at that lobster ah yeah this right here is fire now check this out look remember that ghee get you some whatever you want to dip i'm being bougie by using a fork but you know how we get down folks oh man everything about this the spices are just right and i got it you guys probably thinking for those you guys like your mug bangs you know what i mean he's like hey mukbang nah i'm gonna get out of here i'm free to get nasty down to my elbows but i will tell you this y'all you know what this is you got to wash that down now i don't know what i did to deserve you know such a nice treat and to wash it down with this kool-aid table whatever it is i'm thankful listen i want to tell everybody happy new year don't forget listen that's that creole seafood boil by sweet smoky joe i promise you if you took my advice and you guys went with that creole kick and or the garlic butter seasoning this right here is this is the top three this is gonna elevate your uh your seafood game and i got something for you too you can put this really on anything too just a little sprinkle of that hey but enough about that now listen if you're new to my channel let me just take just trying to say hey thank you for watching this video don't forget to like smash that subscribe button and tell everybody out here it's a channel out here to simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking and with that being said you guys i'm about to get nasty and dirty with this and i'm outta here [Music] peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin' wit AB
Views: 188,496
Rating: 4.9622321 out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, Deep Seafood Creole Boil, seafood boil, sweet smokie joe, seafood boil recipe, how to make a seafood boil, deep creole seafood boil, seafood boil in a pot, seafood, cajun food, dinner, king crab, easy recipes, recipe, food, recipes, cooking, creole food, king crab legs, crab boil recipe, cajun seafood recipes, how to make, southern recipes
Id: DmwmvxzH1MA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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