Dedicated Follower of Cake | Honey, I Joined a Cult - Part 2 - Early Access (1970's Cult Sim)

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hello lovely people welcome to the geek cup and i am peng and welcome back to honey i joined a cult and of course welcome back to the covenant of the cake where last time we founded our exclusive club for paying members who love cake a lot which is definitely not a cult and we got building and so far we've really only got the basics in so if we go and look over here you can see that we have a number of bedrooms we've got a cafeteria we do have a bathroom which admittedly is quite heavily reliant on buckets for pretty much everything so we need to improve that a bit because it is quite grim the bathroom is not a fun place to go i don't imagine then down here we have a research room we've got a tiny maintenance room over here we have our meditation room and in the middle here the very spiritually important eternal bakery where people go to achieve cakey enlightenment and so far we've managed to acquire seven followers which is not too bad i'm quite happy with that i mean we're only just starting day three so we've had two proper full days up and running and that's quite good i think seven followers is pretty good so today we just need to carry on with more of the same i suppose so get more followers get more money unlock more things we just need more more stuff more cake more of everything all in the name of the starbaker and the path to spiritual cakey enlightenment of course i think however let's begin by making the bedrooms of our cakers a little less dreadful because these are the bedrooms of our most devout followers these are the bedrooms of our cakes and they currently contain a bed which let's be honest isn't a bed it's a mattress on the floor and it's a dirty awful mattress at that so it's a mattress on the floor and a box and it's a cardboard box so that's quite terrible now the prestige must be awful yeah the total prestige of that room is two i mean i'm amazed at that bed there you know the mattress bed gives any prestige at all i'm amazed because really it's awful but there we go so prestige of two so i think we just need to make these rooms a bit better because these are our cakers these are the starbakers representatives on earth these are our most devout followers so let's pop some lovely decoratives into their rooms that sounds fun because everyone loves a decorative now i'm thinking i'm thinking there's a great big bit of floor space i am thinking a rug might be perfect for that sort of thing how much is a rug they are 300 a piece my goodness me what are they made of they're very very expensive rugs okay um i think i think what we'll do is rug one is a bit boring i think we'll go for it because i like the idea of filling that gap up with something and it gives a prestige of two so already already if we put a rug in the prestige of the bedrooms will be doubled and that might make the cakes a little bit happier i don't want them to feel sad or whatever so yes i think what we'll do is we'll have rug one looks a bit boring so we'll have rug two in there and then three and then four and then five and then six that seems perfect okay so rug two um do they only come in uh great now there's a color thing just there ah we can change the color of the rug okay this is wonderful now if we have blue because blue is the color of the blue is obviously the most sacred holy colour of the star baker but i think the floor is already quite blue how about we go for yellow which coincidentally oh my goodness me means that we shall have some geek cupboard corporate colors because the floor sort of blue and the rug will be yellow oh hang on a minute it's that one there we want isn't it i mean you know this is um this is not in any way linked the covenant of the cake is in no way linked to the geek couple they are two entirely separate entities of course but um but yes i think that could be quite nice i think that will look very good indeed so yeah let's get that let's get that and we'll pop that in there and that fits quite nicely in that gap that's perfect so yeah now it is expensive we're not gonna have much money left at the end of this but i think so rook two just there and then broke no not rug three because in the middle of rook two in the circle we have ourselves the eye of the star baker oh that's absolutely perfect so the star baker can watch the cakes whilst they sleep and do everything else oh that is perfect yeah we just have lots of those please absolutely wonderful so pop that in pop that in pop that in and pop that in oh that is wonderful that is very good so yes the star baker themselves can just keep an eye on everybody that is wonderful okay right i do like that that looks really good from a distance i do like that okay right so let's move time on because it's a little bit early in the morning now what is our current research remind me we're doing the pr missions yeah so currently we have no missions at all emissions are good you can bring stuff back with missions you can get money for missions and followers and all that kind of stuff so yes we want the research to begin hang on hang on what time do people start doing things i'm guessing about seven o'clock because everybody's just kind of sprung into action uh yes so the cake is get up at five it's an early start here at the covenant and then seven o'clock is actually when they get on with doing some sort of work stuff and they have a little break for lunch and then they go for their sermon at eight o'clock and then they go to bed afterwards okay right that's fine here we go sabine well done doing lots of lovely research work don't forget the super computer press some buttons it'll go bleep bloop and give you lots of very good answers but there we go that research will be done in not too long at all i would like to think let's move time on nice and fast in the meantime have we got people coming in yes here we go and the research is done also also we have ourselves a person here they're donating money oh well hello there welcome i can't click on you to find anything out about you which is unfortunate but you're donating money which is very welcome indeed right hang on a second hang on um oh you didn't want to stay you just donated money and then went away okay maybe you'll come back another time and here is our very very first follower there is the brilliantly named let's be honest emma baker i didn't really look at what you were like emma i do apologize i was more amazed by your name so yes i think we looked at your job annoying beggar so your bio is you joined on day one you are the first follower you are the original follower here the covenant of the cake um no attention spa okay very good um has the head and body of a human my goodness sleeps in the worry zone okay i mean hopefully hopefully if we can get you as a recruit then you can sleep here not in the worry zone that would be nice and yes what happens is our followers can stick around for a bit as much as they like but if this recruitment bar gets up to the top i believe we can then recruit this follower and turn them into a cake kiss and of course we need more cake is to go around the place and do things we need somebody to do maintenance and we need somebody to go on missions and such like the mission status says he is awake um okay i mean do you mean the starbaker he's always awake the starbaker never sleeps he watches over the ovens to make sure that the eternal cakes are always baking perfectly and there's no eternal soggy bottoms or whatever okay that's that's slightly bizarre okay right so there you go emma so welcome in yes we've still got seven followers but yes you're over here these three are doing a lovely little bit of exercise or meditation or whatever it is i mean it looks like it looks like quite hard work to be fair but they're generating tiny bits of influence they are generating some money as well which is all very wonderful tom over here doing a splendid job let's have a look at everybody else because yeah we've not really looked at our followers so here is adam adam joined on day two he's a potato peeler um he is coated in treacle he's allergic to tidying up goodness me he's got the same condition as my kids and uh he walks in reverse on weekends okay okay that sounds fun i'd quite like to see that um amy here oh no hang on i've clicked on patrick kojak oh no you're power no sorry yes patrick is there the names are above so this is uh this is patrick so patrick is a freelance corpse maker okay does that mean you're a murderer it might do you joined on day two you are controlled through a series of pulleys and wheels okay that's impressive you already have three mortal enemies okay i suppose that comes with the job and you only ever face forward okay i like that um abigail joined on day one edible parts excluded rolls a dice to determine actions and is ham colored okay right these are wonderful and um amy here you also joined on day one you're a fan of all things orange yet you're not wearing orange but okay you have a wet dog smell and you came from a space egg my goodness me we certainly have a wonderful mixture of people around the place and we've got another follower we have an eighth follower oh my goodness me okay daniel um you have a bulbus everything you collect pencil sharpeners yeah that's fine that's a good thing to collect and you can make sunday's fun but won't tell anyone how oh daniel you'll have to tell us how does does it involve baking cakes and then ellie um detach detachable arms and legs interchangeable head okay so she's like some sort of some sort of toy and extended their life eating green mushrooms and then sarah taylor you joined on day three so you are our newest recruit you killed the nemesis at falling over a waterfall okay you drink cabbage tea okay i mean i've never tried it but anybody who drinks tea is very welcome and of course tea goes very well with cake of course it does and you smash up loads of bread okay as long as you don't smash up cakes that's fine we're okay with you okay so now we've got eight followers however i see our research is done okay so this is good complete that so now pr missions will appear on the map which is good for us so if we just go and look at that right now there's already one up there there is a pr campaign that expires in 23 hours so what does this get us so we go to we go to what's that we go to the radio station and we just tell everybody about how great we are and how good we're at making cake and we warn people about this spicy tod place down the road i think they're set up relatively nearby i think they're quite close by they just must be around the corner or something but um but yeah we'll warn people away from the spicy todd place because i don't really trust what they're doing over there i'm not entirely sure but but yeah so we'll tell everybody about the ways of the cake and what do we get so 135 xp per cake is plus three faith eight influence 24 pr rating which i imagine means more people are likely to come and join us i used to access higher quality followers and we get a bit of heat because of course we're going out there saying hey we're a club that people can join that you pay to join that worship cake and everything about cake so people might start sort of getting a little bit suspicious there so um yeah okay let's assign sabine because sabine was going to do research but that research is done and you know for four hours however long it takes she can go and do that so yeah you go over there please does it get any money uh no we just get some influence which is quite useful because we use influence to do the research okay right so sabine can pootle off over there does she actually leave the building yes she does she actually has to leave she doesn't just sort of teleport out of existence she actually has to go out of here and go on a stroll okay that's absolutely fun okay so speed time up now everybody is in here amy here our wonderful amy is um is doing a spot of the spot of the preaching and you know just telling everybody about the good word of the of the star baker and telling everyone just how brilliant they are and how weird and strange that todd the spicy fellow is who lives around the corner okay we have another person who's just joined us elisa ran in from her break i think she might have been having lunch or something she ran in and this unknown male has now joined who was it who was was it dil um i've been dylan dylan defazio because i don't recognize your name dylan so yeah you joined on day three you once ran at 88 miles per hour okay well done you i suspect you might be fibbing a bit you're an expert mini goal for good skill you aspire to eat five cheese wheels in a row okay okay right you've got some uh you've got some good uh some good bio going on and your current job is a spice zombie i don't even know what that means but okay well than you that's very exciting now yeah these people in here they are generating an awful lot of the money look at this we spent quite a lot of money on getting all these rugs in and already we're back up to almost seventeen hundred dollars which is wonderful what's um what's pench covered up to what are you doing you're just relaxing you're just relaxing can you not go and do something or is that kind of it now is that it everybody else that does your bidding because you know you are constantly in communion i suppose with the star baker the starbaker guides your actions so maybe i shouldn't actually question what you're doing do you know what lord of the bake you just relax you stand on that table you do what you like and the mission is complete which is all very good so let's turn that mission in there we go we got various bits and bobs oh we only got two heat oh i thought it said it was gonna be more than that but okay that's absolutely fine so we've acquired some some heat we do also have some pr we got a few other little bits and bobs as well but there we go so now we should see another pr mission appearing tomorrow i think it said they appear um every day did it hang on a second anyone go into their pr missions oh periodically becoming available okay so we need to keep our eye out for another one of those however let's now get some more research underway because we've got we've got quite a lot of influence we should be able to get some research done now do we want to get one of these a spirit chamber followers using this will gain xp and generate influence that's quite good because influence is very very handy and that seems to be one of the trickier things to come by money seems to be okay because yeah if we go and look when they're in here they generate six point four dollars but only 0.1 influence so more influence might be very useful okay so that's certainly worth thinking of an energy spa followers using this will gain xp and generate influence ah okay so that's hang on is that money skills increase influence and money received so they don't generate money that followers gain xp and generate influence that's xp and influence and skills increase influence and money recruitment office kks will walk out to the street to attract potentially better quality followers or we could get a recreational room used by k-kiss to increase their fun needs okay kiss how are we looking for fun oh i think sabine's leveled up hang on a second um hang on how are we looking for fun because you've got these values here which is which is fun is it the star that's prestige that's hygiene fun must be the smiley face 26 out of a hundred that's not very good is it i think we might need to get this done first so just get the first sort of the first tier of research done um yeah three hours 20 um 20 influence yeah that's absolutely fine right so we have some level ups to do now i kind of uh just sort of last time out sort of very easily went and did these levels yeah everyone's leveling up brilliant lots of people in the comments have pointed out that when we actually level people up they do cost us a little bit more money they do actually cost us some more money i can't quite see where there it is daily cost is 14.40 but that's in faith that's not in money oh oh that's fine oh i thought it was in i thought it was in i thought that was all in money oh no it's fine it's in faith oh we've got loads of that absolutely loads of it no you're welcome to that it's all good um okay so sabine has so beans what never leveled up before really i'm pretty sure you have sabine i thought everybody leveled up okay maybe not sabine then oh okay all right let's have a look how much faith it does sort of uh just go up to when we start doing this so yeah we want somebody who's intelligent so yes that would be you because that increases research speed and that's her main job so one point there that goes up to 18.24 but in terms of faith yeah i thought that was money from what i've read in the comments people said it was money but no it's faith okay that's good and you know what just had two intelligence points that's fine so it went up from 14 to 22. okay that's that's okay we're gonna have to sort of live with that um okay so let's go down to so tom so tom does he's the person that's out doing the sort of meditation and stuff so i think the same skills again empathy and retail to get a bit more money out of people and a little bit more influence which is good and then one other person has leveled up and that's elisa so she's the receptionist so you can have how about uh where have we got lobby increased recruitment chance you know what have two points in that she costs a lot of faith 30 faith okay okay right so we are spending quite a bit of faith on our people i don't quite know what happens if that runs out um game primarily from sermons okay i mean when it comes to whatever time later on 10 o'clock or whatever time we do our sermon um yes you better do a good one you better do a good one lord of the bake because yeah we need quite a bit of faith oh and somebody else is leveled up hang on hang on amy's leveled up and she's public speaking so yes here we go increases money generated from followers in the eternal bakery we'll have a bit more money thank you very much and bluffing that increases influence yeah okay we will have those things to just keep them sort of leveling up in the same skills to then become better at their jobs which makes perfect sense okay here we go so now we boot out yeah they were quite happily sitting there when they hang on what we'll do is let's get through the sermon so here we go oh look you've all sat on the back leaving amy leaf at the front are you gossiping you lot are you all gossiping about amy amy's very good running sermon program alpha beep then a little smiley face oh then a kind of shock face then i don't know what kind of face eyes then a laughing face then a sort of straight face then whatever that was may the star baker be with you always yes indeed oh look he's got wibbly lines and he's laughing at them oh and then he's telling them about the cake he loved then some terrible cake do it for the star baker indeed oh oh dear that is not very good at all a one star sermon i don't know what happened there he ran out of topics so we just you know started talking about anything he could see he started talking about the pews and the weather and everything else okay that was a bit of a disaster how can we improve that um can we do anything about that it depends on the mood of pench cupboard over the past 24 hours okay so we did generate a bit of faith that's fine okay the mood of pens cupboard right hang on a second hang on your mood is coming down um why would that be i think it's fun i think it's this i think fun is causing us a bit of a problem because everyone's just getting a little bit fed up and also i think as well all of our followers were quite happily sitting in that room at eight o'clock with amy just telling them how to you know best i know put icing on a cake or how best to leave them to cool or whatever um and then the sermon started so all of our followers got booted out i think we should probably just adjust hang on now where's the sermon time the sermon time is in here isn't it um yeah there let's adjust it to nine o'clock i don't really fancy at 10 because they're not going to get enough sleep they'll be tired and grumpy but if we put that to nine o'clock that's quite good that's an extra hour of people sitting in there giving us money and influence and all that kind of stuff okay that's absolutely fine right okay here we go everyone is now gonna run off and go to bed oh hello who are you i think you might have been one of our followers i've got nine followers this is wonderful stuff and somebody's injured i imagine it's poor hygiene again yeah tom lewis has got a huge gigantic feat 16 hours hopefully most of that will be gone by the time everyone comes back in in the morning um yeah look at this they're still coming in they're still wandering in ellia's come in even though it's coming up to midnight and she's just you know having a little bit of a little bit of worship of the star baker as you should because you know the style baker is eternal they don't go to sleep of course as we've established so yep that's absolutely fine oh no okay we have a broken thing now what we need is what we need is oh missions are available um we need somebody to become a maintenance person so if we assign somebody to the maintenance room they will run around the place and fix things like this so that shower is currently broken i mean i don't quite know how broken a bucket on a stick with a bit of string and it could be maybe the string's falling off or something i'm not sure but there's a hole in the bucket um i mean joe what if there is a hole in the bucket it's better that it's yeah with shower bucket than a toilet bucket with the hole in but there we go um so yes i think we need to get ourselves a new person on board how are our followers looking i mean emma baker it makes perfect sense for her to become our very first new caicos recruit because she's called emma baker i still can't believe the absolute perfection of that so um so yeah i think when you come back in we shall recruit you the only thing is you're going to need somewhere to stay so that means that we could start building another do you want to build some more bedrooms up here i mean we've only got 2170 money so we can't be too sort of too frivolous with building do we just tack another room onto that or do we start a whole new building do we start ourselves a whole new building but this is very convenient because it's next to all of the facilities they need unless we have ourselves a little tiny corridor bit here we have a door on that side and a door on that side just in case we build something over here and then we have more bedrooms up there that might make sense do you know what let's give that a go right how big are the bedrooms they are three by four teeny tiny compact bedrooms that's fine so if we go to brick foundation oh this is going to be horribly expensive that's 150. so that's 300 oh hang on a minute so that will allow us to have the corridor that i want for 450 money and then we're going to need to have one two three four is that right so seven hang on hang on that's not wrong we need another one don't we so 1200 oh this is this is very costly okay hang on a minute is that right so it's eight highs we're gonna have i'm just trying to think out loud with this corridor come i use my fingers to count on everybody maths with pens so we've got corridor corridor wall that's three and then we've got bedroom bedroom bedroom wall that's only seven that's seven that's absolutely fine yeah so 15 by will do the job saved as a tiny bit of money there yay um and then we need ourselves uh some walls here so brick wall so one two three four and a cross like that okay that's good i like that and then we'll put we'll get rid of these doors so demolish that and then we get some money back so that's not so bad and then we'll have ourselves some doors over here like so that's very nice we'll put some doors there as well just for the sake of it and then yes in here oh hang on hang on why is there no why is there no floor why is there no floor just there okay hang on a minute hang on hang on we need some we need some flooring i mean i'm not very good at doing flooring where's the hang on did that not just get automatically put in when we built the thing um okay hang on there must be there must be some flooring it was under objects wasn't it um uh yeah floor there we go floor grass paving um i don't want paving i want whatever that is because i took the doors out it's thinking that that's oh that's all a bit strange isn't it um hang on a minute hang on can we put paving in and it just look uh never that's outside paper i don't kind of i don't know what to do with that there i'm a little bit befuddled as to how to fix this um you know what it's fine we'll leave it for now we'll leave it for now let's concentrate what we need to do let's get this back in so we'll have ourselves a door i can't remember what doors we had i think they're these doors aren't they so pop a door in and then we want to go to rooms and we want a bedroom pop that like that see specific items horrible terrible mattress an awful storage box and then of course if we go to objects and go to rug and change the color of that to that yes we will give you one of those it's very expensive it could possibly cause us some financial problems but we're going to do it there we go right so now we have a new bedroom set up so when uh when whatever her first name was baker comes in what was she called emma baker when she comes back in we can recruit her and that can be her room and then she can immediately go and become a maintenance person and go and fix things around the place because right now everything is falling apart and nobody's you know going between hitting it with a hammer to make it all better again so yes that can be what we do pretty much first thing in the morning we'll try and get her in get her recruited assign her to there and then make her go and clean stuff ass blended i figured out how to sort the floor out over here so yes all we had to do was build some wall and then delete the wall again so it didn't like it with doors but it was okay with walls so yeah there we go everything's all fine i think people are getting a little bit grumpy that there is no entertainment available so somebody could just get on with this research really quickly that would be marvelous um okay right so have we got any followers in i've moved on nice and quick missions are available but we haven't got anybody to go and do a mission right now got nobody spare i don't think i don't think uh lord of the bake pens cupboard himself can actually go and do any of that can he i don't think he can um i don't think he's allowed oh hang on that needs two oh yeah pench cover can't go and do missions okay right no let's not do that right now we might have to leave that for the moment we need you all to come in and worship and possibly give us a small cash donation but mostly it's about the cake okay our research is done which is wonderful so okay we can now build ourselves a lovely new recreational room i imagine that's going to be relatively expensive so okay we might have to wait until we get that in um yes what do we need for that can we see what goes in a recreational room i don't think we can it's not going to show us okay i imagine the stuff that goes in that is relatively costly so we won't get that done right now i mean i guess it could go up here it could go here or we could build it at the bottom here i think we might build it down here that seems like a good thing to do okay right lots of people pouring it look at this everyone pouring in here amy leaf do lots of talking about cake ah hang on a minute emma emma emma emma there you go right welcome back um can we have a word emma your sort of devotion and your dedication to all things cake has not gone unnoticed we would like you to join us emma join us come over become a cakeist look at what you get to wear look at what you get to wear you get to wear some wonderful chef's whites and a little hat that looks a tiny bit maybe if you squint and turn your head it looks a little bit like a cake maybe i think i think she'd do it so okay so we press recruit okay so now we just have to wait and see what she does so she's pondering things she's doing some arm exercises which is good you know and i think that's it she gave her some money she generated some some influence i think it was and now now she's part of the team she's become a cakist emma baker the the fantastically perfectly named emma baker has become our first recruit that we've done ourselves because of course we have got other people but pens could have got them this is the first one that we've actually recruited all on our own and that is wonderful okay so one less follower of course but we need more people to run things around here so yeah okeydoke right where are you going you're walking to the meditation stage right hang on a second we do not need you to go and do that um we could hang on hang on we've now got two people spare haven't we hang on how is this going to work then what do we get for doing this participate in a comedy observation channel segment about smelling freshly mown grass at the tv station okay it takes four hours we get a lot of xp we get faith we get influence we get pr we get a bit of heat okay i think we do this one as well so let's assign let's assign emma and currently oh tom um yeah okay let's assign both of those i'm a little bit aware of assigning tom because people do like his uh they like his meditation lessons but okay that'll do the job it's only four hours um yeah okay you two go away and do that so emma's got her first big proper job it said down there just then mission status singing a jingle about the star baker now they're questioning past mistakes okay so that must be done very so look you can see actually it's ticking up there okay so rifling through cabinets maybe don't get caught doing that i'm changing color to blend into background okay right the mission is done okay so we shall turn that in thank you very much oh hang on hang on why have we got ourselves an imprisoned cakeist why have we got tom's been arrested for participating in a segment about smelling cut grass um oh right so a cakeist has been arrested um he's been arrested for five hours oh i'm very sorry everybody i do apologize but meditation might be off for the day oh no um i'm ready to join i could scream pretty darn loudly um leave or i'll continue to taunt you okay some slightly bizarre things going on with our uh with our followers there okay it's fine right also just realized um we need to assign a bed hang on a minute hang on cakeist um amy we need to assign you a bed don't we um yeah is that a sign oh no it's not amy it's emma there we go again we need to assign you a bet so click bed to assign that one up there wonderful you have your own bed welcome aboard um and yeah where is she gonna fit in terms of the food um she can actually hang on hang on she can have the same the same well justice so it's all nice and in order there we go so you two like that uh and no not like that there we go so pens cupboard and elisa reynolds go a bit later amy and emma go at uh the middle sort of at 12 o'clock and sabine and tom have a slightly earlier lunch break okay that's fine and you can all continue doing some work until it's sermon time then you can have the sermon then you can have an hour just sort of kicking about relaxing and then you can go to bed and get lots of sleep okay right that's that sorted i think we do need to look at getting the fun room in because everybody is becoming very glum um yeah let's have a look here um hang on nope i can't press the right buttons you have no furniture yet this is kind of your top job number one right brick foundation build that down to there so that's i mean how big does a fun room need to be let's spend 630 money on oh hang on no we need to we need a corridor as well don't we how much is that 1 330 right we can't do that so let's build that for 890 that's more money than i was hoping to spend on things but never mind never mind and then we need a wall uh at the end here so we need to have a wall going down there so that's some more money that's another 80. then we need some doors um okay let's have what what door says fun um how about well how about a blue and a yellow but again you know they're not in this place is no way linked to the geek couple maybe they just watch geek kobe videos because that's what they do okay and then we need a recreation room the fun room okay so room specific options okay uh we need does it say what any just anything it just needs one thing i think okay we'll have dominoes and we shall have a ruble cue ball puzzle i like that right so we'll pop um we'll have dominoes maybe we'll have games across there so different types of games and then down at the bottom end of the room we can have slot machines all very expensive very expensive but they generate some good fun prestige of dominoes is three okay do you know what dominoes can go there and the ruble cube will puzzle oh they're on their own hang on yeah so why don't we have two dominoes next to each other and then we can just have a number of those down there like that oh this is this is a little bit risky we've got 24 money left but that room is up and running it's up and running and it's quite a nice room to be fair okay can everyone go in here and just you know smile about stuff and not feel so grumpy this is good stuff right okay so pens covered is in here playing some uh whatever it was scrabble dominoes on his own but that's fine his phone has gone up 73. okay everyone needs to go in there and just enjoy some some games there you go sabine that's not where the shower is have been so bean you've failed to do showering um okay we got um have we got a chappy bag is tom back i think he might be back where about would he be is he over there um no emma's taking the um emma has decided to take the meditation class okay that's very bold of you don't tell tom tom might be a bit miffed where is tom um can't quite see where he is one two three four uh and then we've got five um i don't know where tom is unless he's on his way back unless he's on his way back do you know what i know what happened i absolutely know why tom got got got there and got put in prison for five hours it's because some of those top the spicy people were interfering weren't they they went over to the cops and grassed him up oh my goodness me that is unacceptable that must be what happened they heard that they were going to go on the radio they didn't like it they didn't like the fact that people wanted to come here and learn about the one true proper path to enlightenment you know via the star baker and all things cakey they didn't like that at all so they dubbed us into the police and got one of our number arrested okay that is outrageous todd the spicy whoever you might be i don't really know but that is not acceptable it has been noted and we are not happy about this todd okay so the clock has struck nine it is time for another sermon to begin and there is the lord of the bake yeah i assume i assume that tom is still locked away because he's not here now normally tom would be here of course he would be he is a cakeist he'd love to hear the words of penge cupboard but yes i assume tom is still locked up he's coming in he's tom hurry hurry tom you could still catch the end of the sermon yeah he got here in the end he can top up some of his sort of his meters and such like okay that is very good i'm glad you got back tom don't worry we're yeah we know we know who was responsible we shall deal with that in the future but okay so we it was a one star sermon that's a little bit that's a little bit disappointing i thought it might have been a tad better than that given that we made him have a rest and stuff but okay never mind never mind he lost a chunk of energy okay how much energy do you have you've got no energy at all energy can be increased by sleeping in a bed okay it might make sense to try and head toward research that increases the quality of the uh of the beds maybe can we see where that might be bedroom upgrade number one unlocks new bedroom objects yeah that might be quite good because our leader is a bit tired the most esteemed and cakey cupboard lord of the bake is a little bit worn out and he's not getting his strength back properly which means that his sermons are less than ideal he's getting a little bit sleepy in them and again he's just i know getting his phone out and reading about the news or something i don't know oh no we're in the 70s he wouldn't have a phone he's just going to read a pamphlet or something and so i think maybe maybe we could get a leader sanctum which does sound very exciting that sounds very good get one of those to then lead on to a bedroom upgrade i think that might be what we do right now influence cap follower cap cake is cap they're also going to be required as are all of these things oh there's so much stuff we need we do need another sort of room for the followers to go into whether it's the spirit chamber or the energy spa i'm not really bothered the energy spa sounds better it sounds more sort of exciting and also relaxing because it's a spa that's nice i think though let's get the leaders sanctum only because it leads onto the bedroom upgrade although a leader's sanctum does sound very exciting used by the leader to discover divine inspirations okay it sounds all sorts of exciting oh a kitchen a kitchen would be also very good indeed because then they can make their own food then we're not paying loads of money per vending machine item that they get out oh my goodness me you know what bedroom upgrade first let's go for the leader sanctum 40 40 of our influence oh my goodness me that's quite the chunk okay that's fine that's fine right we need some doors to get it down here now because we can't get into this corridor anymore so i think what we might do hang on bit of foundation please let's just build that like that and then delete wall like that demolish those doors right there we go now this is what we have to do this is what we had to do went to walls hang on brick wall wall wall then delete wall delete delete and look we put the proper flooring underneath marvellous and then yes doors let's have those wooden doors i like those a wooden door wooden door and there we go so now people can get in down here rather than having to go all the way up there okay right happy with that and pause time let's move things on is everyone going to go and have a play yes tom is going to go and do whatever that thing was some uh some dominoes was it again yeah there we go so his mood is actually pretty good he's got an awful room i wonder which room he's referring to because i imagine most of our rooms are rather poor in quality um is it the room he's in it might be the room he's in and when we could we haven't got much money now actually we don't have much in the way of money but we could start putting things in that room to make it a little bit better there are missions available however however what we do want to do is we want to go to here we want to go to job priorities and where are you emma emma you can be our maintenance person you can be good at maintenance you cannot work in the lobby not work anywhere in fact that can be your sole job just do maintain for hang on you could do maintenance and you could possibly man the reception actually so you can do maintenance but if nobody's actually in the lobby uh yeah manning reception go and do that as well please that would be absolutely fine and that means sabine you don't need to do that you do not need to go on the lobby anymore um and everyone else let's have who do we want to so elisa don't let's have nobody else working on the maintenance stuff nobody else work on maintenance please that is solely the domain of emma baker oh deary me somebody else is injured what's happened here okay so broken filter bits once again we have somebody who's got ill because they've got dirty hands whilst they're eating okay so their bladder is decreasing thirty percent faster because it's just being sent right through oh okay fine that's slightly too much information but okeydoke and i did notice that the bathroom got very very busy it was very very busy indeed we might possibly need to expand the size of the bathroom because now we have six cakes but we've got three showers three i mean i'm saying toilets three places to go and three sink trough type things and you know there's six people so there were people waiting for the showers i think it was so yeah there is much in the way of busyness over in here so we might need to possibly change that around a bit i mean i'm thinking do we get rid of the doors there and just expand that up a bit and then add some more things in that might work oh sabine's leveled up oh good job sabine okay this is wonderful i mean yeah you're our chief researcher so you've got intelligence of two out of five already now who do we actually want to get what do you want to get down here so espionage and intelligence okay so sabine can you have another point in intelligence because that makes you research quicker and then espionage in the research office it increases research food okay i mean let's mix things up a bit you can be very clever but you can also be a little tiny bit sneaky as well hang on a minute what's going on here sabine is saying see you at the party um okay i did not know there was a party sabine but okay i'll be there if there's cake and um and who's that there that is is that amy that might be amy there possibly i can only click on a toilet i'm sure her name isn't toilet bucket um yeah tom's using that one but it's whoever's sort of up there i think that might be amy hang on can we can we tell from there can we tell from their appearance um no because it didn't show us their appearance of course it doesn't that would be too easy um i suspect it's amy um yeah she yeah it's amy she's saying dave wanna buy some lovely pegs we don't have anybody called dave we've got nobody called dave here unless oh no i know what's happened i know what's happened when they got introduced when amy and tom were introduced she for some reason either misheard his name or she's remembered his name as dave and she's been calling him dave all this time and he's too polite to sort of correct her he's too polite and he's just going along with it so he's not called dave he's called tom but you know she keeps going dave how are you morning dave good night dave you're looking good dave and he's just kind of living with that now he's just accepted her mistake and he's just getting on with life okay that's fine so there's dave who isn't dave because it's tom and sabine is inviting us to a party that i know nothing about but sure i'll go i'll bring cake will there be tea as well because you know t and k go very very well together somebody there saying chocolate has no downside absolutely particularly if you smear it all over a lovely sponge cake then it's absolutely perfect and there we go the research on the leader sanctum is done which means we can now build ourselves a fancy new room and maybe our leader can get divine inspiration that sounds good however however big important job number one let's get bedroom upgrading let's get this done it's quite a chunky bit of research it's nine hours it's 70 influence points so that's quite a lot we've only got 178 so that is quite the chunk of points though hang on is that gonna is that going to cause us problems with everything else no we'll still have about 100 left which means we can get other stuff research i just think that's quite important i think that's quite important for the mood of all of our people if we can give them a proper bed at least rather than just a mattress on the floor that's got to be a good thing so yes okay it's quite the uh quite resource intensive in terms of time and influence but i think it's worth doing in the long run so okay get that research please let's see if we can have some slightly better bedrooms which actually is not that difficult because our bedrooms right now are pretty terrible and emma has leveled up already oh well done emma this is wonderful stuff i didn't actually check your trade so much sorry i didn't actually look at what you were like yeah so your quality is also very poor so your skills can only go up to level five i think that's the same for most of our current cakes so at some point i envisage maybe we'd get rid of some of the slightly yeah slightly less talented cakes we might send them down the road to that toddler spicy place and then yeah we get other ones in that are slightly better but for now this is what we've got so what do we want her to have skills in so either in planning or improvisation they're both good things okay so planning um what does that do uh increases patrol speed okay so that makes her move around quicker to identify broken things and then in improvisation that also increases patrol speed okay have a point in each why not there you go mix things up a little bit so now we've got emma who's leveled up this is wonderful and i think with that done we will finish things up for now we have done some good work here in the name of the star baker here at the covenant of the cake we've got quite a bit of money our research is going well we've done missions i think next time we'll try and get ourselves a new bedroom items and then also we'll get a new room in over here we'll try and get a new room in for our followers to go and enjoy maybe the whatever it was the something spa whatever it was the energy spa that sounds like a fun thing to have so we'll try and get that in as well but we shall do all that kind of stuff next time now because we shall finish up for the moment hopefully you are still enjoying this if you are please do leave a like that would be most marvelous indeed and also if you're not already then please do subscribe to keep up to date with how we get on here next time out in honey i joined a cult but for now thank you very much for joining me in the geek cupboard and i will see you next time your time is now and you have missed cuny this is this is unacceptable cuny and ash's caravan has been ambushed by man hunting chinchillas are you gonna land on my potatoes that is just not the done thing oh there's a lot of them one two three these guys have amazing hair i'm delighted that we've actually done something and it's worked
Channel: The Geek Cupboard
Views: 13,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geek cupboard, the geek cupboard, british lets play, honey I joined a cult, honey i joined a cult game, honey i joined a cult gameplay, honey i joined a cult lets play, honey i joined a cult playthrough, honey i joined a cult early access, honey i joined a cult pc, honey i joined a cult steam, cult simulator game, 1970s cult game, 1970s cult simulator game, hijac, hijac game, hijac gameplay
Id: OQOfCzStzlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 23sec (2783 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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