Deconstructing Religious Pluralism - Ustadh Bassam Zawadi (Part 2)

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okay so Namrata a little more we left off before the break talking about whether we could comment on the specific fate of an individual and right now we're moving on and we're still within the theme of the faith of the catheter and here we're talking about the punishment of hell is the punishment of hell everlasting in a nutshell I'm not gonna spend too much time on this in a nutshell the answer is yes the textual evidence from the Quran and the Sunnah for the everlastingness of the punishment of hell is overwhelmingly strong and it is the dominant opinion now what has happened is this it is argued that scholars great scholars such as epidemia and his student even famous josiya adopted the opinion that the punishment in hell is temporary and that it's not everlasting while others argue that they did not adopt this opinion in fact but rather they were only sympathetic to this opinion and argue that the opinion is a valid one regardless we don't want to step into the actual debate itself the reason why I'm bringing up this topic is because there are religious pluralists who are trying to take advantage of this situation they're coming and saying look event a Mia and a millennium held the opinion that the punishment of hell is temporary so that shows that event a Mia an imodium had her allistic tendencies and that this opinion entails that there will eventually be a universal salvation for all creation because if punishment in hell is temporary that means that after the punishment in hell the Kafar would go to paradise so they're saying one this is a valid view because even Damien in the Khayyam opted for this opinion secondly this opinion shows that eventually everyone will go to paradise now it personally baffles me to see why we're just poor list we'll bring up this subject but they still do and I felt that it's worthy for us to address it first of all let's assume only for the sake of argument that this opinion is a valid opinion I personally don't believe it's a valid opinion some scholars say it's a valid opinion even though it's a weak opinion but I personally believe it's a very weak opinion but let's assume for the sake of argument alone this is a valid opinion and that we don't condemn this opinion this does nothing to support the view of religious pluralism because first of all color is still being punished for so whether you believe that Cofer is being punished for ever forever and how or whether it's being punished for for a couple of million years in hell doesn't change the fact that people are still being punished for their cover if jurists argue or debate with each other what the punishment is for a specific crime that doesn't change the fact that both of them still believe that that action is a crime similarly even if we're gonna debate our Kafar they're gonna be punished in hell forever or for a million years for a billion years or for god knows how long that doesn't change the fact that co4 is still something that is to be condemned that's the first point secondly it doesn't logically follow it doesn't logically follow that just because a catheter may be punished in hell temporarily that this would entail that he eventually enters paradise these are two separate things to say that someone will be punished in hell temporarily is one thing and then to say that he will go to paradise after he's punished temporarily is another thing you need to provide an independent set of evidences to prove the second point the Prophet Kezia problem was very clear that no one will enter Jena unless he's a Mormon so what is your evidence then to say that the Catholic after being punished temporarily will enter paradise you have to argue that point you can't just assume it thirdly they try to create a false analogy now in Islam we also believe in the concept of Jahannam e'en meaning that there will be Muslims who've committed sins that have not been forgiven for that could suffer in hell temporarily so just because you're a Muslim doesn't mean that you're completely safe from hell at the end of the day you still need to strive for paradise but what these people come and say is well look what's the difference now between a Muslim who goes to hell temporarily and the Catholic who goes to hell temporarily well the major difference is is that the Muslim who goes to hell temporarily will be will be going for hell going to hell for crimes such as rape murder drug dealing etc well the catheter if he was still an upright citizen even if he was an upright citizen and he didn't do any of that stuff he would still go to hell for his cover and that's something that religious pluralism does not accept so at the end of the day the analogy is completely false even if we accept the notion of temporary punishment and help the adult farah who are they and what's their fate there are two opinions the first opinion and this is the dominant classical opinion is that the ethnic fatahna are people who lived in the period of no revelation between two prophets or messengers the most famous example is the approximate 600 year gap between a sade saddam and muhammad peace be upon now the people who hold this opinion will say because right now notice what it says it says people who lived between two prophets so how about people that came after the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and there's no prophet after him well they'll say that people today could have the hokum they could have the ruling of if they didn't get the message of Islam sufficiently but they are not bad Fattah but they could be they could have the hokum of Allah Fatah well the second opinion says there's no restricted time frame so anyone who did not receive the message of Allah in its true form or misunderstood it could be Adam Futaba whether it's today or in the past conditions of delivering the message of Islam took fi the first condition is that the message has to be understood not merely communicated but understood if the person is death you either show him the message of Islam in writing or his victim in sign language the personally speaks Chinese you communicate sometime in Chinese if the person is not that bright and sophisticated you simplify the message of Islam for him the point is is that the message has to be understood by the individual now some of the major scholars that held this opinion of Fallujah or that or the fact that the message must be understood are scholars such as Imam in the causality sayfudine and amedy been measured humbly there's Medina to feel humbly event a Mia and million and other major scholars and if anyone could read Arabic I would refer you back to dr. Sultana nor Mary's book Gaddafi revision because he provides several arguments from the Quran itself and from the hadith proving that famine puja or the fact that the message must be understood is clearly a condition in Dawa so you can refer back to his book for more details secondly the message must be communicated in its true form now earlier I made reference to that hadith where the Prophet peace be upon him said by the one in whose hand is the soul of Muhammad not one of this nation Jew or Christian will here of me and will die without having believed in that which I've been sent but he will be one of the doors of hell so not anyone who has heard of me and then the did not accept me will be one of the dwellers of hellfire now here shekel Albani comments on that part of the hadith whoever hears of me this is what he says he says that is in his true picture as a human messenger and prophet who ever heard of him in a manner which does not reflect his guidance and great character either due to the ignorance of some Muslims or due to the misguiding preaching of missionaries and atheists who present a caricature of the Prophet then these people have not truly heard of him the Dawa has not reached them in the warning issued in the hadith does not apply to them so this warning in the hadith whoever is not heard of me and then did not accept me only refers to people who hear about the Prophet peace be upon him in his true form amantha's and II in his face of the buffer always also talks about how during his time he believed that the majority of the Christians at his time might possibly be saved by the mercy of Allah because he believed that most of them did not receive an accurate message of Islam that most of them were hearing a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and he believed that during his time many of those Christians or most of them might possibly be saved by the mercy of Allah because they did not have the true message of Islam communicated to them you could refer back to him having the Rosetti's face of a tough Lathon read more chekov Annie goes on and he makes an analogy with another hadith there's a hadith that many of you may know where the Prophet SAW Allah this Adam said whoever has seen me in his dream has truly seen me for the devil cannot take my face whoever has seen me has truly seen me for the devil cannot take my form now what did all the other not say about the Hadees they said this is only referring to see the actual form of the prophet peace be upon him because Satan what he could do is take a false form of the prophet and say I'm the Prophet but that's really not the Prophet so if you see someone in your dream if you're blessed by Olaf's maradona to see the Prophet Muhammad in your dream in sha allah you have to go back to the books of hadith in the Shema and make sure that the description that he saw matches the descriptions that you that we have narrated down to us so this hadith whoever has seen me has truly seen me means whoever has truly seen me in my correct form similarly shekharan bonnie and the imam ghazali and other scholars will understand this hadith whoever has heard of me and rejected me is is gonna go to hell means whoever whoever has heard of me in the correct form the fate of the etc there are three dominant opinions regarding this issue the first issue the first opinion sorry those who died from a vendetta they didn't receive the message of Islam and died they're saved this opinion is the majority opinion from amongst them were to kill the moon from the ashati school of thought and most of get me up all right and most of the qur'anic officer hoon also adopted this opinion a mammal cuff Toby said that the majority of the Maliki scholars also adopted this opinion what are the evidences for this position the evidences are verses such as these surah 17 verse 15 whoever is guided is only guided for the benefit of his soul and whoever earns only earns against it and no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another and never would we punish until we sent a messenger Sura for ayah 165 we sent messengers as bringers of good plot of good tidings in Warner so that mankind will have no argument against Allah after the messengers so if Allah did not send the messengers and they would have an argument on the day of judgment and say that's why we rejected you so about sending messengers to them so that they don't have an argument and ever is Allah exalted in might and wise so our 67 is eight to nine it almost bursts with rage Hellfire every time a company is thrown into it it's keepers ask them did there not come to you a Warner they will say yes a Warner had come to us but we denied and said Allah has not sent down anything you are not but in great error so the evidence here seems pretty strong those who are in hell are those who have clearly received the message of Islam because they was when they are asked did you receive a Warner they will say yes second opinion those who died from the unfettered are and did not receive the message will still go to hell and this opinion was adopted by the martyrs rights and the majority of the melodies and their their arguments here are threefold one the generality of the passages on not being forgiven and Kafar going to help the end of the day we said Kathir is he who was not a Muslim and the Quran says that before going to hell and also found other said that is not forgiving so Fattah could still commit shirk and shirk is not forgiven so that's what we believe secondly the hadith about the prophets parents being in hell they would appeal to a hadith and Bukhari and Muslim would speak about the Prophet is the eponymous father and mother being in the Hellfire and they'll say well wait a minute the prophets parents were from the Fatah yet these are hadith still say they are in hell so that means that the etc are still going to hell while people from the first though the scholar from the first opinion will say no rather we reject these a hadith we don't accept these a hadith because they go against the Quran which says that only people who receive the messenger will go will go to hell and since the prophet's parents are from lympha torah we don't believe in these Hadees third proof they gave was the aachen or the intellect is sufficient reason to hold Kafar accountable don't say it doesn't matter if they didn't get revelation doesn't matter who a messenger didn't come to them the fact that they have an intellect to use should have been good enough reason for them to know that they're wrong so when you read the stories of the prophets and the quran they go to their people and they say for that thought they don't want you to use your intellect and see that you're worshipping these idols and that this is absurd and that this is silly here they argue the prophets would not have appealed to the often in their debates with the Kafar unless the Hakan was sufficient grounds for holding them accountable so the other is more than enough for someone to be accountable for and he doesn't need a messenger this is the second opinion third opinion is that those who died from the admin Fattah and they didn't receive the message they will be tested on the day of judgment this opinion was held by some of the latter Matuidi such as alcaman bin Hammam nathaniel Ansari and others was also held by eben has inferred a lot from the Lahiri madhhab even hazard an Oscar Donny adopted this opinion even taymiyah and his students even Cathy random Nilayam also adopted this opinion and this opinion appears to be the most popular one amongst selfies today there proof is this hadith there are four who will protest to Allah on the day of resurrection the deaf man who never heard anything the insane man that very old man and the man who died during a state of Fatah the deaf man will say Oh Lord Islam came but I never heard anything the insane man will say Oh Lord Islam came but the children ran after me and threw stones at me the very old man will say Oh Lord Islam came but I did not understand anything and this part of the hadith is a is a strong proof for those who argue that the message must be understood that manraja the man who died during the state affected I will say Oh Lord no messenger from you came to me he he almost burnt Allah will accept their promises of obedience then word will be sent to them to enter the fire by the one in whose hand is the soul of Muhammad if they enter it it will be cool and safe for them so this camp uses this hadith and argues no we do not say that alpha taurah are automatically saved nor do we say that alpha tara are automatically condemned rather they will have a special test designated for them on the day of judgment allah subhanaw taala will command them to enter the fire well and if they actually enter the fire it will actually become cool for them just as the fire became cool for him at a Sunnah these are the three opinions it's up to you to compare and contrast the arguments between all the three different opinions and reach that conclusion that you want to reach but what is the conclusion that we derive out of out of these opinions we see how careful the scholars are and we see how careful Islamic Scripture is in ensuring that justice will happen at the end of the day and we're not it's not the simple dichotomy of whoever did not accept Islam it's bound to go to hell rather there is care and there's justice being accommodated for just to conclude this topic there was an there's an author by the name of Mohammed chakra here he authored a 160 page book on the topic of alpha is called alpha terrible woman fee hook me him and he concluded his findings by sharing 11 points and I want to share those 11 points with you as well first one adhering to the correct faith is essential for our salvation to the role of the messengers was to convey the allah alone is worthy of worship and that shift must be shunned three the messengers who came before the Prophet peace be upon him came with the same core message of Islam to hate for the message that the Prophet peace be upon him came with is for all of mankind and jinn and is applicable for all times and places so this whole issue of relativity you know that engine is that religion is relatively true for its adherence is baseless in Islam five Avatara are those who didn't receive Dawa in the period between two messengers the most prominent example being between the time of Assad Islam and Muhammad peace be upon him six accountability is only placed on those who received the Dawa not on those who didn't seven the stronger opinion regarding the children of the calf are the children of the Crafar is that they will go to paradise there are three other opinions regarding the children of the cod 1 of them is we remain neutral another opinion says they will be tested on the day of judgment another opinion says they will go to hell like their parents but by far the most dominant and vast majority opinion of scholarship is that the children of the kafar we'll go to paradise by default remember eight the stronger opinion regarding the mentally incapacitated is that they will be tested on the day of judgement it seems like this author preferred up opinion number three but so that's why he's saying that they will be tested but it's up to everyone to choose what opinion he was adopted number nine this is important in our times today those who didn't receive the Dawa and didn't hear that there is a religion called Islam or they may have heard a tainted representation of it via missionaries the Rope the ruling upon such people is that of eleuthera 10 it is the responsibility of all capable muslims to fulfill this great obligation of Dawa number eleven there are many ways to spread Islam but the best of ways are to utilize the different forms of media number 8 the stronger opinion regarding the mentally incapacitated is that they will be tested on the day of judgment so the mentally ill have are excused are they are considered under etc but again that depends what opinion you take if you take the first opinion that effect are saved and the mentally incapacitated or saved what's interesting is opinion number two held by the majority of the notorious because the majority that opinion says that Hakan your intellect is a proof against you it's a Hodja against you but the people who are mentally incapacitated are lacking in the area of often so it's my assumption that those maturity scholars would make an exceptional excuse to the mentally incapacitated because they don't have they can't use their optimal number eleven was that there are many ways to spread Islam but the best of ways is to use the different forms of media that's not really the focus of our topic I just wanted to mention that because that's what he mentioned now we're going to spend the remainder of our time refuting arguments all right so right now we kind of built this positive case for the additional view but right now these religious pluralists obviously have arguments and they have two sorts of arguments they have the luckly arguments and they have the oculi arguments they have the scriptural arguments and have the rational arguments so right now what we're gonna do before the break is look at the scriptural passages from the Quran and hadith that they appeal to in order to drive their agenda we'll take a break then after that we'll look at the rational arguments and then we'll conclude and then have a Q&A Inchon them refuting the scriptural arguments of pluralists start with the first argument which is their most famous one here they appealed to surah 2 ayah 62 indeed those who believed in those who were Jews or Christians or Sabian's those among them who believed in Allah and the last day and did righteousness will have their reward with their Lord and no fear will be there concerning them nor will they grieve this is their most off cited verse to promote their view where are they saying they're saying this verse is saying what is enough for you to attain salvation is to believe in Allah do good deeds and believe in a day of judgment whether you be a Jew whether you be a Christian whether you be a Sabian whether you be mother firstly response to this this interpretation literally does not exist before the 20th century I mean let's first reflect on that for a second how could we're not talking about a peripheral issue here in Islamic theology we're talking about the core substance of the religion we're talking about the heart of the message of Islam we talk about what is covered and what salvation how is it that the Quran is Mubeen it's clear and only until the 20th century some enlightened enlightened person living in the West decided to decided that he found the correct interpretation for this verse just reflect on that for a second and see how mind-boggling that fact is secondly this interpretation makes no sense in light of the passages that we read we read clearly that the Christians and Jews are committing sure that they are committing Cofer because they distinguish between the profits that they have to follow the unlettered prophet prophesied in the Torah in the injeel those passages were extremely clear we read them so how does this interpret how does this interpretation make sense in light of those other passages thirdly what is belief in Allah mean can I just pick any object call it Allah believe in it do good deeds believe in the last day of judgment just go to hell and go to a good heaven believe in Allah doesn't mean I could believe in the trinitarian god of the Christians what is believe in Allah mean obviously to believe in Allah correctly you need to have the correct identity of God you can't just point out something call it Allah and then believe in it and expect that you're okay in terms with God what our good deeds good these are very subjective good deeds according to which religion so this is very vague fourthly this is the traditional understanding of this verse this is referring to followers of previous prophets of previous nations who truly followed the message that their prophets came with so those who truly followed the Sharia and the message of Assad a Saddam are saved those who truly followed the Sharia and message of moosa' Adi sanam are saved etc that's the only way this passage could make any sense in light of the other clearer passages that we read second argument it's a set of passages surah 10 ayah 18 had your Lord so willed all the people on the earth would surely have come to believe all of them do you think that you could compel people to believe surah 11 ayah 18 had your Lord so willed he could have surely made all human beings into one single commune but he willed it otherwise that they continued to hold divergent views so our 49 ayah at 13 o mankind we have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another indeed the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you indeed Allah is all-knowing and acquainted so here the argument is Allah Himself is telling us that he didn't unite us into one religion Allah Himself is telling us that he's the source of religious diversity so how could Allah will that to happen and at the same time not be approving of it that's the argument response we must differentiate between what is known as universal or prescriptive will radically Nia and Sharia or moral will via rather Sharia now just because almost upon Allah Allah wills that evil runs rampant in our in our world today that doesn't mean that all Estrada loves evil and there are things that Allah wills that he does love he wills that there be believers who praise His name who fasted Ramadan who do righteous things and worship Him so there are things that Allah wills he doesn't necessarily love and there are things that He wills that he does love so just because a loose montana willed that there be religious diversity willed that there be cover on earth that is not proof but Allah loves cover or loves other religions if you want to be consistent and say the Allah loves everything he wills and that means you also have to say that Allah loves rape murder drug dealing with any other benda or all these things so be consistent in your methodology secondly the verses in question are emphasizing the free will of human beings and how racism and tribalism are to be shunned they're not praising the idea of religious diversity if we go read those verses again and talk about how all the smarts are created different tribes and races and that how you shouldn't think that you're a superior just because you're from what one one seven count tribe or than another thirdly the Quran tells us the reason why Allah did not unite his creation into one surah 5 verse 48 had Allah willed he would have made you one nation but he intended to test you and what He has given you so the Quran is telling us the reason why Allah has allowed this diversity why he didn't unite us is because he wants to test us not because he praises religious pluralism or because he praises the idea of equality of religions argument number 3 surah 5 verse 82 you will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity towards the believers to be the Jews and those who associate others with Allah and you will find the nearest of them in affection to the believers those who say we are Christians that is because among them are priests and monks and because they are not arrogant so here the argument is how could the Quran praise these Christians for being humble and for being close and affection to the believers yet at the same time condemned them to help first of all this ignores the first part of the verse which talks about the animosity of the Jews I mean just to go back to the verse notice how they cherry-pick they ignore the first part of the verse that talks about the animosity of the Jews but only focus on the second part of the verse that talks about the affection of the Christians so first of all there's cherry-picking here going on there allow they're not reading the entire verse together secondly this ignores what the next verse says and you just have to go to the next ayah where it says talking about the Christians that it's praising and when they hear what has been revealed to the messenger you see their eyes overflowing with tears because of what they have recognized of the truth they say our Lord we have believed so register us among the witnesses so the Christians are being spoken about here and IFAT - it's clarified in ayah 83 that these are Christians who came to the real zatia that Islam is true and have accepted the message of the Prophet peace be upon him it's not speaking about Trinitarian Christians today who reject the prophet of muhammad peace be upon argument number four surah 22 ayah 40 there are those who have been evicted from their homes without rights only because they say our Lord is Allah and were it not that Allah checks the people some by means of others there would have been demolished monasteries churches synagogues and mosques in which the name of Allah is much mentioned so here the argument is look the verse is saying the allah's name is mentioned in monasteries and in churches and in synagogues not only in the Masjid so here the Quran is saying the Allah excuse me is also worshipped in the houses of worship of other people of other people going to different faiths well firstly the phrase in which the name of Allah may possibly only be connected to mosques now if you go back to the verse there are some commentators who argued that this is that you've got a fear Allah is only going back to massage it it's not going back to the synagogues the monasteries and the church is so linguistically grammatically it's were quite neutral I in which the name of Allah could either only be referring back to mosques or grammatically it could also be referring back to monasteries churches and synagogues let's say for the sake of argument that it's referring back to all of them is referring back to the churches the synagogue's the monasteries near mention of Allah's name isn't sufficient we know that the kuffar of Quraish claimed that they worshipped allah they said that Allah created the heavens and the earth and they said that they worship Allah and they want near to Allah the reason why they worship their their idols is because they want to get nearer to Allah through the worship of their idols so merely mentioning Allah's name even Arab Christians today Arab Christians today refers to God as Allah again just using the word does it mean anything at the end of the day you have to have the correct identity of God and you have to worship God the way he commands you to worship Him argument number 5 surah 5 verses 47 to 48 and let the people of the injeel judge by what Allah has revealed therein and whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed then it is those who are defiantly disobedient and we have revealed to you O Muhammad the book in truth confirming that which preceded it of the scripture and as a criterion over it so judge between them by what Allah has revealed and do not follow their inclinations from once come to you of the truth moving on to verse 66 and only if they upheld the Torah in the injeel and what has been revealed to them from their Lord they were they would have consumed provision from above them and from beneath their feet so here the argument is the Quran is telling the Jews and Christians follow your Torah follow your Anji so the argument is unmade o that means that they could follow their religious books they don't need to follow the Quran this is to put on is saying follow your Torah and follow your injeel response first of all we need to this is where semantics is plays a very important role sometimes we're using the same terms but we mean by it different things when the quran uses the term torah or in gene it's talking about the revelations revealed to moosa a.s around in isolation on respectively these revelations were revealed to them directly when the Jews say Torah they're referring to the first five books of their Testament when the Christians say gospel or in Jean they're referring to the Gospels of Matthew Mark Luke and John the first four Gospels or books in their New Testament today these are books written about Jesus not revealed to Jesus so we're not talking about the same thing here we need to make sure that when we're talking about using these terms that we're talking about the same thing secondly the Quran must be followed by everyone there are plenty of verses in the Quran that you could read which talk about how the Quran has been sent for all of mankind how Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him has been sent for all of mankind thirdly the verse itself that they appeal to says whoever did not judge by what Allah revealed surely they are the transgressors this is a general statement and this would obviously also include the Quran fourthly what does it mean when it tells the Christians and Jews judged by the taurah and the injeel what's the quran really trying to say what's really trying to say is that when you read those passages in the Quran which talk about how the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is prophesied in the taurah and the injeel to come that ii thought i said i'm even told of the coming of muhammad peace be upon him and he said his name will be ahmed when the quran is telling that the jews and the christians judged by the torah and the injeel what it is actually telling them to do is accept the prophet muhammad peace be upon him because the taurah in the in gene told of his coming so judging by the taurah and the injeel in fact by default truly leads to you judging by the quran and accepting islam argument number six now here we step into the hadith literature so here we step into arguments of they appeal to from the hadith a funeral procession passed in front of the Prophet peace be upon him and he stood up when he was told it was the coffin of a Jew he said is it not a living soul so the argument is this hadith proves two things one the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him did not differentiate between a Jew and a Muslim and two jewish souls are equal and since jewish souls are intertwined with Jewish Jewish religious beliefs this means that Jewish religious beliefs are in part with Islam so imagine they derived this whole thing just because the prophets arm stood up when the funeral of a Jew that's fine now first of all just because we recognize the sanctity of the life of the kafir who's not waging war against us that doesn't mean that we recognized that he's following a true religion this whole talk that were talking with that we're giving talking about how the Katherine is following a wrong faith this is completely separate from the from the issue of whether his life is sanctified or not of course someone that we have a peace treaty with their lives are sanctified so these are two separate things secondly when it comes to the hadith there are different theories why the prophet peace be upon him stood up when the Jewish funeral procession came one theory is is that they stood up for the angels so the Prophet peace be upon him saw that there were angels at the scene of the funeral and he stood up in respect for them another theory is is that and these theories are coming from the Sahaba from themselves and if you go too soon and in an SAE or an ISA it depends how you pronounce it you could see the narrations another another theory is that the Prophet Musa hung did not want the funeral of a Jew to pass over his head so that's why he stood up and the other theory says and I think I personally adopt this theory is that the reason why the Prophet is honest up is because death is something terrifying so if you see it stand up so the reason why the Prophet peace be upon him stood up when the funeral procession of the Jew came is because death is enormous he's up out of the enormity of death not because he honored the Jew or because he viewed the Jew as someone who saved going to paradise none of that all of this interpretation is completely baseless and has no foundation in the text itself has no basis in the text itself argument number seven the Prophet peace be upon him said the disagreement of my community is a mercy so this clearly shows that God approves of religious diversity and disagreement I think some of you can see just how silly some of these organs are becoming but again we have to go through them first of all community here is referring to the Muslim Ummah it doesn't include the clod secondly disagreement has its limits there is invalid disagreement and there's valid disagreement all of cetera Dada says in surah 6 ayah 153 and moreover this is my path which is straight so follow it and do not follow other ways for you will be separated from his way so don't disagree with the straight path that Allah subhana Allah has set for us to follow again a very anti religiously pluralistic verse before your eyes argument number 8 I'll just read the relevant part is from surah 5 I have 48 to each of you we prescribed a law and a method so here they're saying the Allah so Allah is not restricting us to one law and one method once again this is referring to past messengers and prophets the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was the final messenger he didn't come with several laws in several methods he came with one and this ignores the first part of the verse I mean sometimes it's it's it's funny that you don't need to even go to the next verse itself you just have to read the same verse itself to catch them out on their interpretation the first part of the verse itself says and we have revealed to you O Muhammad the book in truth the Quran confirming that which preceded it of the scripture as a criterion over it so judge between them by what Allah has revealed the Quran is coming as a mo Haman or or maybe as a quality controller kind of weeding out the falsehood and confirming the truth of the previous scriptures again the Quran is clearly not on par with the taurah and the injeel rather it's coming as a criterion to filter out the truth and falsehood from these two scriptures argument number nine the hadith Qudsi allows Fantana says my mercy overcomes my wrath so the argument is if this is so then how could Allah send people off to hell to suffer let alone for eternity if Allah's mercy overcomes his wrath then Allah should forgive everyone otherwise his mercy is not overcoming his wrath first of all we need to differentiate between general mercy and specific mercy generally speaking all smart Dada is merciful to his creation even to the gaffar he's given us health he's given us food he's given us water to drink air to breathe ice to sea with generally speaking if you look at the world today generally speaking all's mercy has overcome his wrath in that general sense but then there's a specific mercy the honest man to Allah has only reserved for the believers in the afterlife secondly we need to balance between mercy and justice Allah has several attributes he's not only a Rahim he's not only the merciful he's also neither leaves also just and it will not be just all Estrada were to judge everyone the same so we need to take that into consideration and remember that before we go and misinterpret or miss abuse any a hadith so these are and I want to point out that not all religious pluralists use all the same arguments what I tried to do here was try to be as comprehensive as possible and try to grab as many arguments as I could so that I could try to lay it all down here for you today but the first verse that we read together almost every one of them use that as an argument so now we'll take a break in Soma and then we're gonna look at the rational arguments that they use and then we'll conclude the discussion today [Music] you
Channel: i3 Institute
Views: 1,342
Rating: 4.125 out of 5
Keywords: Islam, Quran, Sunnah, Religious, i3 Institute, West, Anatolia, Fatrah, Pluralism, Prophet, Muhammad, Bassam Zawadi, Deconstructing Religious Pluralism
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 33sec (2793 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 25 2016
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