The Tragedy of Simon Petrikov

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hello my name is Simon Petrov I am recording this tape so that people will know my story oh no turn it off feo turn it off I was studying to be an antiquarian of ancient artifacts now I never believed in the Supernatural stuff myself just had a fascination with superstitions but everything changed when I came into contact with this item a magical Crown whose fantasmal circuitry will bomb to its first Bearer and Grant him his one deepest wish my deepest truest wish Gunther no Gunther no gun buddy what are you wishing for down there no gun no gun no gun no gun no gun no gun no after purchasing this Crown from an old dock worker in Northern Scandinavia I brought it home and excitedly showed my fianceé Betty and jokingly put it on my head just for a laugh or something and that's when it started the Visions I fought with them shouted at them until I realized it wasn't real it was the crown where's my daddy where's my princess princess princess Simon don't leave me like this all I know is I never saw Betty again since then I now see the Visions always whether or not I wear the crown they tell me to Secrets the secrets of the ice and snow that the power of the crown will save me with its Frost I don't yet know what this means as you can see my skin is beginning to turn blue my body temperature has been lowering at a supernatural rate to what is now about 30° C I don't know when it will end I'm really scared I know my mind is changing but I'm already too far gone to know what to do I want people to know that if I do things if I do things that hurt anyone please please forgive me man this is a boring [Music] movie Marceline is it just you and me in the wreckage of the world that must be so confusing for a little girl and I know you're going to need me here with you but I'm losing myself and I'm afraid you're going to lose me too oh yeah keep it going oh um this magic keeps me alive but it's making me crazy and I need to save you but who's going to save me please forgive me for whatever I do when I don't remember you wow I wrote that hot stuff what you don't remember what it means look musing I can feel myself slipping away I can't remember what it made me say but I remember that I saw you frown I swear it wasn't me it was the crown this magic keeps me alive but it's making me crazy and I need to save you but going to save me what is going on in there I have no idea I don't remember [Music] [Music] you ta you have to keep it together Simon for her Simon you [Music] promise making your way in the world today takes everything you've got taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot wouldn't it be nice to get away where everybody body knows your name where everybody hello Marcy I don't know if you'll ever hear this message I fear my thoughts are no longer my own just watch over me until I can find my way out of this labyrinth in my brain and regain my sanity and then maybe Betty my princess maybe you will love me again again please love me again Benny okay bye hey Simon I have finished packing your gear so can I have my tape now what no this is private silly there you go snug as a bug seriously Simon please don't go I I have to protect you how can you protect me if you're not even here I'll arrange for someone to come take care of you I'll make sure he doesn't leave please Simon I can help you with this yeah maybe one day you will but until then you have to stay Brave my Fearless Marceline ouch you see I have to go now goodbye Marcy wait no wait Simon Simon I back home hello ladies back oh my God back oh my God now now I brought you a baby and a puppy here now Wildberry princess I need you to play this I don't know how well come here I'll teach you put your hands through the bars at a princess and do I don't think I can just play it like I show you leave her alone Ice King play it around squish you in the juice won't somebody tell me what's wrong with me [Music] anybody anybody anybody anybody GR in the sky please tell me why stop acting like this hold on do you like me of course I do you old jerk really wow how about one of these ah not like that you don't remember anything do you Simon what man why do you even come see me when you don't remember me you don't even know who you are yes I do I am a Lyricist it's all here on the page the page in song Baby on this receipt on this takeout menu on these newspapers huh look this clipping this was you Simon Before the War I feel like nothing was real until I met you I feel like we connect and I really get you if I said you're a beautiful girl would it upset you the way you look tonight silhouetted I'll never forget it Simon oh oh the owner your fist has touched my heart what you're trying to stop me when I'm this close to harnessing the most powerful force in the universe and finally saving you yeah I guess right Fen emotional supercharge finally My Time Ice [Music] King owie Simon your crown what happening lady don't panic but I think Gul is digesting us breaking us apart layer by layer down to our essential forms Betty it's good to see you Simon it's good to be seen I always figured I'd go out saving somebody hey no one gets to choose how it happens look we can leave this way Betty we're saved go there's something I have to do first what I figured out what's wrong with the crown it reset just like us it's in its Primal wishing form now who cares leave it this world will end unless goldb is banished so I'm going to make a wish we'll make the wish after we escape I have to do it here the crown could revert once we leave I gamed it out but I can't I'm sorry for messing everything up wait Betty Betty however it has to happen I wish for the power to keep Simon [Music] safe what has she done no Betty Betty Betty oh my my Betty my princess why did you you're back it's what she wanted more than anything in the world where everybody knows your name and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] always to knows my old stuff I don't really want to talk about my old stuff he used to be a really cool Ice Wizard my favorite book series his girlfriend or fiance or something did something Bonkers and turn him into a boring sad [Music] guy no ice just just no more ice ever okay what's up you seem a little tense no everything's fine same old same old dang from fun wizard to sad loser he wasn't fun he was insane I don't know he looked pretty happy to me I don't care I mean you show me all my messed up past and expect me to just shrug it off like it's no big deal just move forward Simon well maybe I don't want to move forward maybe I just want to sit right here what's the point ow you dum dum if you don't help us Simon our entire world and everyone we know will die please help us [Music] go I know a way I can protect you from the Scarab bring magic back to your world and Make It Last Forever I need to become Ice King again
Channel: Beano Games
Views: 1,723,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fiona and Cake, Adventure Time, Ice king, Simon Petrikov, Finn and Jake, Marceline
Id: SL38JzF3XFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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