Decoding The Life Changing Secrets of The Rosicrucians w/ Dr. Robert Gilbert

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human beings are like fish and water that don't know we're living in water and that there's all these other invisible forces moving through the water all the time and the water is the spiritual world around us we're embedded in it and these beings are constantly moving through our energy field and leaving traces of emotional impulses thought forms things of that kind that we have to be clear enough to perceive that separated from what we ourselves are generating in our Thought Field and decide do I want to go with that or with this and as a person really opens up spiritual perception this is where the rubber hits the road in real Spiritual Development and you start perceiving non-physical beings and understanding the non-physical influences coming in without going off into some state of psychosis it's got to be held in balance that at that point you can then differentiate where's this information and these impulses coming from right the different types of beings one of my favorite experiences on a podcast is when there's somebody who unlocks an entire new map of the cosmos internally or externally that can give me access to wisdom that formerly I didn't have available and that's what Dr Robert Gilbert is doing on this show he's Illuminating the rosicrucian model and talking about zoroastrian models models of the cosmos both internally and externally that I was unfamiliar with that I have allowed to work through my system and now inform my own beliefs about reality this is a wild powerful interesting podcast that talks about everything from the Christ the Satan the Lucifer the rosicrucians the Freemasons I mean come on y'all this podcast is awesome so without further Ado Dr Robert Gilbert [Music] I always open with the prayer that you know may these words find the people who need them most and May this transmission be in service of the good of all and uh all of life in the cosmos and and just find the ears and the Parts particularly the hearts in the mines that are ready to be lifted supported involved liberated whatever the medicine may be we understand that we're here in service to a greater purpose [Music] all right here we are here we are I've been really looking forward to this podcast and one of the things that I look forward to more than anything else in a podcast is when I get to explore something that I'm lightly familiar with through my own you know 24 years of psychonautic Adventure and and philosophy and experience but there's a corner of the universe that hasn't been well illuminated so like I went deep into the cabalion and I got to explore the Hermetic principles and yeah it was like yes amazing or like Mahayana Buddhism or the wisdom of Solomon or something new that I get to explore and I feel that emerging with the rosicrucians and also the relationship between the rosicrucians and Gnostic Christianity so let's just start with the cursory understanding of what I mean and what is meant by saying the word rosicrucian or gnosticism okay and then eventually you know I want to get to Zoroastrianism I know that that that ties in so I want to leave these breadcrumbs like let's let's explore these different categories here and and try to put language and experience to some of these constructs that have existed and then we can illuminate the wisdom that's been kind of encoded for so many years okay that sounds good so when we use the term rosicrucian it comes from the root of the Rose cross one of the fundamental spiritual Concepts here is that it's understood in the European rosicrucian tradition that when we incarnate into the physical body it's a kind of crucifixion that the physical body is a vehicle as it's described in the Indian Vedic tradition it's a vehicle or a sheath for our spirit to work through but by moving into the physical body it's like a black cross it's a concept that you find in ancient Greece as well where they would say in Plato's writings that the world's soul is crucified on the the world cross and that the human being is crucified in the cross of the physical body so it opens up particular experiences and education for us in a physical body but it also opens us up to potential suffering in a physical body or ecstasy potentially yes but potentially when was the last time you had sex come on come on Doctor you know like it's there it's available absolutely but if we want to understand where they're coming from at the Rose cross concept the foundation of it is that the physical body is like a black cross that we incarnate into of the four elements and then what we can do is we can activate the energy centers of the physical body like you're talking about with sex with Tantra Etc and the activated energy centers can be brought into such activity that they become like a blooming rose in the energy body so the rose cross is the black cross of the physical body with the activated energy centers becoming so full of life and activity that what we think of as the seven chakras become like seven roses in the human energy body full of life and vitality and so it's about the experience of being in the physical body in the physical plane as a spiritual being and raising the potential of the physical body to where it becomes a vehicle for the spirit a vehicle for higher experience a vehicle for education and so this Rose cross idea then became the image for a particular group of spiritual initiates in Central Europe what time roughly 500 years ago nearly 1500s we began to get the publication of certain texts mostly around present day Czech Republic Germany areas of of Europe and they described that there was a hidden group of initiates the rosicrucians that had this very Advanced knowledge if we're to understand this in a larger context though we need to understand that there are certain Universal hermetic principles and teachings that have been around for thousands of years and most of the time we Trace them back to ancient Egypt with the original Emerald Tablet and the classic hermetic teachings and so it's understood that those teachings were probably just Egypt taking credit for a lot of [ __ ] that happened in the Atlantean pre-diluvian times exactly all right we'll give Egypt credit right right but I mean if we go back to the Greek teachings because some of the deeper teachings from Egypt weren't recorded in anything that we have access to today in Egypt they're recorded by the Greeks who went to Egypt and so that's where we find the writings of Plato and so in Plato's dialogues he mentions about a Greek name Solon who went to train in the Egyptian temples and the Egyptian priest is basically making fun of Solon and saying you Greeks are like little children there's no ancient knowledge among you our knowledge goes all the way back to the previous Epoch and it goes back to ancient Atlantis so the whole concept of Atlantis is something that we get from the Egyptians as brought To Us by the Greeks but the idea is that there are certain Universal principles of life and of Spiritual Development and understanding who am I why am I here what's the purpose of all this that the expression of it will change form in different periods of human history so the form that it took in the old Egyptian Epoch was a bit different than what it took in the Jewish Kabbalah and a bit different than how it then appeared in Greece and Europe and by the time we get to the 1500s it really took the form of the rosicrucian tradition in Europe why do you think they chose the metaphor basically of the crucifixion because it seems like and again you could feel my bristling yes at the idea of the Incarnation being a crucifixion because crucifixion is a very dark thing it's a very very [ __ ] dark thing it's a very painful thing in your hands are nailed your feet are nailed dear you know whatever the [ __ ] else is happening on the cross it's it's a nightmare yes basically right so and this is gehenna suffering in Buddhism but there's you know other ways to look at life as as the way you know to actually experience erotic life force energy through the body as a vehicle to actually wow I can smell I can touch I can taste why do you think they chose the crucifixion and and obviously I think the by placing the rose in there they're actually doing a form of alchemy yes exactly to the crucifixion and I think that may be where it's lying so it's maybe actually so so I'm curious as to like why they chose that crucifixion as a metaphor and then what the rose means and how that how that actually performed the alchemy that I'm intuiting that is is what was going on so what's been done for thousands of years in spiritual Traditions is that certain experiences that one has on higher levels of spiritual initiation then get translated into a type of image often a visual image that is what my teacher from the Clear Vision School of Australia who was uh the French Medical Doctor Samuel Sagan he would refer to as uh the principle of the packed thought form so certain things that are non-physical principles can be experienced in a download or in a spiritual experience in just a moment it's like a Eureka experience where you can perceive a tremendous amount of higher information in a moment's transmission and so this pack thought form can take the form of a visual image so a literal image of a black cross with seven red roses coming out of it was the way that they expressed this direct experience that from being out of the body in the spiritual world and moving through the stages of condensation to end up in a small helpless infant's body in a physical body in what in the Hindu tradition they call the sheath made of food to get reduced in scale to that level and put into this localized physical Matrix is something that does feel rather like a crucifixion it is a being placed in the much more expansive spiritual body into the small physical container and in that physical container certain suffering is possible it's uh one of the the ideas that I think a lot of people have is that like we're uh we're a vessel for the soul and when you break the vessel then the Soul gets to leave but actually the soul is present always so actually our our Essence our life force our soul self exists in embodiment and also it's not like it Emer it leaves the body and it's then all of a sudden it's realized it's no it's it's always there yes but there is a there is an aspect of the flesh bringing in all of the levels of suffering in the mind the the personal mind the separate self mind yeah that brings in all the levels of suffering so there's a physical stimulus of the pain is the mental stimulus of the separate self-pain you know that then can create suffering due to the resistance to that pain and and the relationship to that sensation but I think it's the way that I've always seen it is that it's not like we have a soul that gets released it's like we have a soul that's always there and it's participating in the body form is that in alignment with the teaching of the rosicrucians or did they have more of a all right everything's packed into this body and then if you kill the body then it's all released no it's very much a question of their understanding was that we have to have the experience of incarnating into the physical body into a series of physical bodies over time to get the education of the soul and to grow the Consciousness and to grow the level of sittas or powers that a person can have yeah through that experiential base so the physical Incarnation is absolutely necessary because there's also in spiritual some spiritual Traditions the idea that well maybe the physical world is just a Maya maybe it's just an illusion maybe we just get off the cycle of Karma and reincarnation and don't come back because this can be a plane of suffering but there was a crucial view most people aren't having enough fun that's exactly right so the resolution view is no we have to Incarnate into the physical body and we have to also understand that at that time this was at the very beginning of the Protestant Reformation and there'd been a lot of suppressing of free spiritual activity in Europe for a long period of time with the Catholic Church yeah don't say and it was all based on you know the nobility of suffering and not having the the freedom to have any experience or experimentation with the conditions of the physical body or physical life it was very regimented and very restricted and so their teaching was in some ways heretical that out of the Incarnation of the physical body which is absolutely necessary we can actually through our own spiritual activity bring in the ripening of the potential it's like a the physical body being like a seed put in the earth when that grows when it ripens it becomes these beautiful red roses of the activated energy centers which means that we can use our physical Incarnation to attain these much much higher States and evolve absolutely the it gets very interesting from a cosmic perspective when you think about Evolution because Evolution requires time actually because if you don't have if you don't have the construct of time then how are you evolving you're already there or are not there you know in the Timeless Place yeah everything and nothing and and like but but the Telos the direction of evolution requires time which requires a body which requires like a lot of different aspects that kind of start to layer in into this beautiful synchronized magical existence multi-dimensional existence that we that we live in and that gives rise to the whole concept of the teleological destination that there's something in the Stream of time having incarnated into space and time that is pulling us toward our spiritual Destiny toward the full manifestation of our spiritual potential and this may come in all types of Inspirations and dreams and downloads that we receive but it's almost like there's something in the future even though from a higher perspective all the moments in time are simultaneous but if we look at it from a linear perspective the concept like in the Greek tradition with the teleos is that it's we're being pulled toward what we have as the full manifestation of our spiritual potential right when all of the seven red roses are manifested in the human energy field and so this shows that there's a type of alchemy that needs to be done while we're physically present done in our Consciousness done in our energy done in our activities and then that gets into a lot of very specific types of practices that the Egyptians would would do that then transformed into the Jewish kabbalistic and then transformed into the European tradition and may it may have had deeper even deeper Roots Atlantean Roots so absolutely spread through many different schools that's where the Egyptians themselves said is that this is all from Atlantis yeah yeah indeed all right so if I'm gonna now I'm gonna try and make a make the the leap to try and understand the relationship between the rosicrucians and the Gnostic Christians yes and what so what's the correlation and differentiation so when did what's how do you disambiguate the Gnostic Christians and the rosicrucian so a lot of the Gnostic Christian tradition is really pre-roasticrucian it's around the 1500s that there's any public discussion of the Russian Christians yeah and so what happened in the early Christian centuries is that nothing was formalized yet people were receiving these tremendous spiritual experiences and downloads in their own direct experience of non-physical realities and trying to understand what's the nature of the Christ being what's the nature of developing Christ Consciousness what's the nature of accessing the power of the sun which is what they understood to be embodied with the Christ the solar logos how do we bring that power of the sun into ourselves to bring that spiritual fire and light and heat into our chemical process to maximize all of our potential of what we can become and so there were many different schools of thought about what is this all about how do we understand it and so one of those became what we think of today as the Gnostic Christian tradition and so this has to do with the different ways to perceive what is it to be incarnated on the physical plane why am I here what's this about and then to what degree is that something beneficial or not beneficial you know working with ideas in the Gnostic tradition like the demiurge the dark lord of the earth that yeah let's go slow here explain the demiurge so the demiurge was one way to understand what are the spiritual forces that are involved with taking all these non-physical Spiritual Beings and spiritual energies from the Divine world and taking them through a series of alchemical steps to crystallize them into physical reality for us to actually as a spiritual being move into a physical body for the physical Earth to be formed out of higher Divine powers and so there was the understanding that there were certain Spiritual Beings involved in that process of physical crystallization and one way it was described by the gnostics was as the demiurge that's a particular type of spiritual being involved in a crystallization process and again this was seen somewhat differently by different groups so my understanding of this is that there's and this comes from my own Journey experience from conversations with Matthias to Stefano lots of different sources but ultimately there's the clear pure light yes of source yes right but it's undifferentiated it's like it's the it's the moment of the Big Bang where everything is just all pure potentiality homogeneous in its in its form at that and and astrophysicists will say that the Universe was about the size of the tip of your finger you know and it's just all just pure packed white light pure light like the source light all the all color the all light the all sound and then it differentiates and then creation actually came from creating prisms of distortion which actually in Distortion is an interesting word but it actually is more like a prism that just refracts the light so that now instead of the pure light just like you do with actual light you can use a prism to break break it into a rainbow yes right even a drop of water that's what that's what a rainbow actually is a water it's a refracting the light so that now you see seven colors instead of seeing just light just the sun yes Alex wow seven colors holy [ __ ] it's beautiful right so it's like it's the Distortion is like the creation of the prism so is that accurate to say that the demiurge is like the creation of these different prisms that that refract that refract the pure light I think from the Gnostic perspective they would see it more as the demiurge is part of a later stage of alchemical crystallization into physical matter because it goes through multiple stages so if we look at it from probably the easiest way to understand it today the system that we use to understand different planes of creation and the cell chemical step-by-step process today in the west is basically from the theosophist so we start with the Divine plane and the Divine plane everything is one everything's a Unity nothing's differentiated Source like Source light pure clear light and then the next step is to move from in sacred numerology from the one to the two and so we go from where everything is one in unity to a differentiation into yin and yang differentiation into masculine and feminine and that's where you get polarity absolutely polarity gets created but at its most fundamental stage polarity is not polarity of the physical plane it is polarity of beings its polarities of Consciousness polarities of energy and that's where we get in the Indian tradition the idea of the Shiva and Shakti has the actual higher spiritual personification of the male and female which then have to be reunified in tantric work to go back to the highest Divine clear Light plane from that spiritual plane we're beginning to differentiate out first the pure polarities then we go into the deeper aspects of the prism where all of the inherent potential for difference then gets manifested out and you then go from spiritual plane to the causal plane where would be understood that through our actions we create our Karma we have particular patterns in our life certain things we have as potential certain things that artelios is drawing us toward so manifest as a fully awakened activated siddha or power and then from the causal plane to the mental and the emotional sometimes one or both of those referred to as the astral and then into the Vitality or etheric Chi key Prana level of Pure Life Energy that forms then the pattern in energy that then is the blueprint for the crystallization of physical matter the physical plane different beings and processes are involved with every stage of that alchemical movement and then the demiers is involved at that last stage of the actual crystallization of the energy pattern into the physical matter whether it's our physical body or whether it's the physical Earth we're living in so so the urge feels like it's a desire like something's being drawn forth like there's a is is always urge the right word like we're we're drawn forth into this by some Force we could certainly see it that way in the original language the Demi urge may not be as involved with the English concept of of urge but certainly it was understood that there was always a desire nature involved in it because there would be no life if we didn't have the desire to unify with the the other and then bring forth New Life which only happens through the alchemical merger of opposites it's always the case in higher alchemy that is bringing together the two opposite polarities in the right way that opens up the gateway to the Divine plane back to the source light and so this is the the key to everything it's going to be at the first level as kind of subconscious desire a subconscious urge that pulls us toward whatever it is we need for that process to take its place then as we become self-aware we illuminate that and we're conscious of it which means we can work with it in more conscious ways to help to develop our own as the restrictions would say the seven red roses or the potential cities in our own energy body so not just an animal being pulled towards something through subconscious urges although that in itself is something natural and needed in the process but has become more conscious we can bring more light more love more awareness into the process to help us develop ourselves into our fully awakened activated form so is the demiurge then value neutral in that it's it's creating all of the positive aspects of Love truth beauty transformation and also all of the negative aspects of distortion delusion you know separation all of that as well is it is it value neutral the demiurge is it just more a force of Creation in many aspects of the Gnostic tradition it's viewed as something negative it's viewed as a force that pulls us down into darkness and some type of over manifestation over materialization but again this is seen differently by different uh groups and and sex within things like when we use a term like Gnostic it actually pertains to many different groups and right and teachers and people having direct experience of it so some may see it as a more negative thing and you can find Gnostic teachings that really see the demiers as a type of opposition force that we have to overcome but it could be seen by others as an absolutely essential part of the process of a full alchemical movement from the clear light Unity space through all the different planes into crystallization on the physical plane which actually gives us the potential for freedom and this then leads to one of the most important concepts of the rosicrucians that I help things make sense of the whole process which is one of the most advanced rosicrucian teachers ever to go public was Rudolf Steiner and so Steiner had the idea that if you look at the Gnostic teachings about the Spiritual Beings that are around us all the time that then developed into esoteric Christianity uh we have an understanding of multiple ranks of angelic beings above us Angels archangels archive Etc exactly they all have different stages of Consciousness stages of development different powers things that they do but there's the understanding that just as they have names that give them their identification for what their whole process is at that alchemical level the human beings alchemical name is spirits of love and freedom that's the rosicrucian concept that's the two key polarities that according to the rosicrucians we're here on the physical plane to try to master now this leads then to focus so spirits of love and freedom is what they describe humans that's right so so we are spirits of love and freedom that is our that's a fundamental core belief yes and that is all about what we're here for because these are two opposite cities to opposite powers to opposite abilities so why are love and freedom opposites because the love is understood as the force that makes us want to unify with another being and return to the clear light the ones in complete Unity and the freedom is the ability to separate out of that so as my you know teacher kabbalist Mystic teacher Mark Gaffney would say it's the forces of allurement the drawing towards to and autonomy yes to actually be distinct and Sovereign that's right a lurement and autonomy love and freedom yes and we can also see that in terms of this alchemical ladder from the Divine plane of complete unity and merging at the top where there's we're not a separate being there we're a part of the complete one and then at the most crystallized level on the physical plane in a sense where the most Freer or the most separate yeah this could also be seen as a type of suffering by some traditions but we are the most separate but it gives us the most freedom and so understanding that we're spirits of love and freedom is how do we hold a balance has to be a dynamic balance between these things now in the Chinese tradition they talk about the heart pains like the nine different heart pains these are the things that we associate a lot of pain and suffering within our lives and that's because we're always searching for the other we're searching for that perfect relationship we need that that other person to merge with to be able to reach the Divine plane with the two polarities become one and we merge so deeply with the other in love that we can't tell ourselves apart from the loved one and that's like the highest spiritual experience that we have in Tantra and love and sex sure that's what we all seek now there's an aspect in this of that merging that again this concept coming from Dr Samos Sagan my late teacher from the Clear Vision School in Australia he had this idea of common Essence so you may be doing an advanced spiritual practice maybe you're doing a lot of psychotropics but you're perceiving a certain non-physical reality on a higher plane that physical reality may appear to be one large being great radiant being of light on a higher level that you're directly perceiving but then you see that out of the straight being of light other smaller beings begin to move out of that larger composite being and you begin to understand that this being is a composite of multiple beings just like we're compositive trillions of cells exactly and so this idea of combinescence is that out of the physical body and these higher non-physical Realms and planes beings can actually have the love the unity impulse to where they merge so fully that they appear to be one great light being but they still have the freedom to separate back out to have an independent path of action now the microcosm of this and our physical lives is trying to find the right romantic love connection so we can have the perfect alchemical tantric merger where there's no separation with the partner and we have that feeling again of that connection to the Divine to the unity stage that's why like the best sex is always said to be like a spiritual experience but at the same time that won't work out unless we have enough freedom in our lives to pursue our own path in the midst of that and so again spirits of love and freedom is the core rosicrucian concept of what we're all about how do we have the perfect development of both so we can merge and combinesce with a partner when we choose and return to the Divine one state and still have the freedom to separate out and take a run path when we choose or when we need to yeah there's a recognition of the beauty of even with the suffering and even with the pain and all of that we are in a stage of radical freedom because of the degree of separation yeah that we've gone from Unity with the source field we have maximum separation at this point in time and also the ability through different Technologies whether they're psychedelic Technologies or whether they're psychonotic Technologies or breath work and dance or sexual tantric Technologies we have ways that we can find the merger but also abide in radical autonomy as well so it's a very I've always felt like human beings are in this kind of like we're in this kind of golden golden zone of having the full potential to go radically merge with the one with the source and also radical autonomy and sovereignty and to understand that and to say like yeah there's a lot of things that are challenging but there's also a great Beauty to this place that we are right now because we really have all access to the full gamut of expression of what life and evolution could look like and and there's a beautiful encapitalization of this in a statement by Khalil Gibran and the prophet where he says you know our pain is the breaking of the shell that surrounds our understanding and so it's understood that the suffering on the path is finite but the gifts of the path are infinite and so we have to see that that suffering aspect as something that is contextual and we can develop to the point that we get into more non-resistance to the suffering that is incumbent in physical experience on the on this plane because we're so focused and so understanding of where this is bringing us to something that is so beautiful and so empowered yeah that to become as the rosicrucians would see it in their tradition a spirit of love and freedom that now is a free agent in the universe to be able to go anywhere and do anything at the end of our process of development here in this crystallized state yeah that's a that's it's beautiful explication um all right so if if I'm understanding rosicrucians then then they've sourced some info from nostril Christianity Source some info from Egyptian mythology which was again sourced from Atlantean mythology and and spiritual Concepts hermetic principles which may go all the way also back way farther than the Egyptian way farther than absolutely so it's like hermeticism Gnostic Christianity a variety of different things and then an actual group of people get together and they say all right we're going to make our own codex of symbols which is going to be the black cross the seven red roses and we're gonna we're gonna actually come forth call ourselves the rosicrucians develop an order was it like a secret society like so so but basically they Source all of this information in you know 1500s and they're like we're the rosicrucians these are our symbols we're condensing all of this higher wisdom into this framework and then starting to put forth content is that kind of what happened yes the you know the the real Publications that caught on were in the 1600s some of the spiritual work was going on back in the 1400s but it was really developing as a process now the rosicrucians themselves would look at this as a process that was basically essentially non-physical in nature so it wasn't necessarily that they had like physical books or text from the gnostics or from Egypt or things of that kind although they may have had access to some of those and some of those teachings on the physical plane but it was more of an understanding that there were human beings that had gone through initiatory processes in Atlantis Egypt these other time periods the essenes that now in their latest Incarnation with that being held within their Consciousness within their energy are bringing it into modern Earth and cultural conditions and so it always has to be changed somewhat in in how it's expressed and so they develop new images based on that new expressions of It new terms and so the esoteric group really that the roost Christians came out of after the early Christian centuries was the Holy Grail tradition now the primary way of representing the Holy Grail tradition was in The Grail cup but it was understood that there is a toroidal energy field around a human energy body that's shaped like a Grail cup open at the top coming into the heart at its narrowest point and then spreading out at the bottom and that toroidal field then circulates around the human energy body that the Christ being is a force related to the alchemical power of the Sun the can be brought in from the areas above the human head in tantric practices and brought in to the top of the Grail cup of our own body in our own energy field and circulated inside as a way to develop ourselves to a higher alchemical state now that Holy Grail tradition then went from its Origins around the 9th century into then about 500 years ago with the roscrucian order in Europe and began to use this new imagery it's all an alchemical process moving forward but this was then understood among the rosicrucians that there was no real physical group or order as a physical institution it wasn't like a church or something where they had like some particular Church they get together with it wasn't like the Masons not really now there are some connections between the Masons and rosicrucians but that gets a little bit more complex at that for later [Music] you talk about them a little bit yes but in the beginning it was really that these people who had been initiates in the earlier times were now incarnating into Central Europe and They Carried with them the fruits of those earlier incarnations they held it inside of themselves as as sitters and knowledge and the core of the rosicrucian tradition this is why it was not accepted by the Catholic church and things like this the core of it was that you don't go through any external human being or physical institution to connect a spirit you connect a spirit directly up your own energy column you connect to higher worlds higher beings spiritual inspiration you don't have to go through an intermediary it's all about how to make money if you don't have an intermediary exactly Catholic Church didn't appreciate that at all yeah yeah that was I was taking away their power and again one reason that this rosicrucian reformulation of the Grail tradition happened around this time as it was the beginning of the Protestant Reformation there are people saying we want to still have an understanding of the Christ impulse but we don't want to be stuck in us authoritarian control structure that the Catholic church has created so around that time the rosicrucians come out now we have to remember that in the Grail tradition there were certain Grail groups in Europe like the cathars and the albigensians and the bogamels that were killed by the Vatican armies that's where we get the whole statement about kill them all God will sort them out that comes in a statement by one of the the generals of the Vatican armies that they're going to kill every man woman and child in the Grail communities in the south of France and God will know his own so this had been savagely suppressed and murders by the Catholic church and the Vatican for years and so that was part of that earlier Grail time now moving into the rosicrucian time and they're writing on the way this is like an early form of an inquisition against these Gnostic Grail oh absolutely and I think one of the tricks that and we'll talk about the force behind the tricks of you know Empire you know aramon and then that's kind of these kind of energies and I am very excited to get into that but I think one of the tricks is they've tried to trick us into conceiving of these things as literal right like the people who are looking for the Grail were actually looking for a cup exactly and the cup had magical powers and then because the Cup held the blood of Christ no no the Christ energy is the energy of the source light that comes pours through the crown exactly the heart and it is the secret to immortality because you merge with the source field of all life eternal life yes yes so yes it is but this is a metaphor this is not about a cup this is not Indiana Jones that's right where there's a special little cup and it's a cool story and whatever but even that story is a metaphor yes you know and everything is is metaphorically understood and actually the suppression was not against actual people who are looking for an actual cup it was for people who were living and abiding by this idea that undermined the power structure absolute of the church at the time absolutely that's exactly the case and so the rosicrucians were adamant about this thing that you don't have to go to another person don't have to go through an external institution you develop the ability to directly connect a spirit and have your Spiritual Development that way that's what they were all about but there was no physical organization to join that was like a big thing for the rest of Christians we don't have a physical Organization for you to join that only came later a few hundred years later we began to have in Europe and North America people creating rosicrucian organizations based on these principles but they somewhat formed them on the ideas coming from the Freemasons like a series of initiations and grades and that can be beneficial for certain people at certain times it also exposes you to attack like there's a lot of [ __ ] that can happen as soon as you actually crystallize the other challenge exactly and the other challenge that can happen is that it can lead to people getting caught up in the political machinations of the organization trying to move to higher and higher grades in this type of external institution rather than the direct connection to Spirit and having a Latin trajectory of development again it can lead to somewhat I'm going through this external institution I'm going through this particular leader of that group whatever it is it's yeah there's there's a lot of pitfalls of hierarchy and and not that hierarchy can't be helpful in organizing you know a mission a plan a directive Etc and I think we've become allergic to hierarchy because of the abuse of hierarchy yes absolutely and it may be the case as well as we see this in context people that have had a lot of initiatory experience in previous incarnations are at the stage of development that they simply can't tolerate being beholden to an external institution or something of that kind as a thing they have to go through to connect a spirit for sure but people that don't have as much initiatory experience they may feel they need the support of that type of organization to give them some type of structure or guidance on the process which requires a lot more pulling it out of yourself if you're going to connect directly but it's important I think to understand that the original rosicrucians were not about any external physical organization it was all about your connecting directly to Spirit and although these initiates May recognize one another and they may work together on the physical plane at certain times they would often themselves say that a lot of their connection was not physical it was on a spiritual level sure that they're because they're conscious on that level to be able to work together and so the idea though that there were these great European initiates in a Christian context that had a level of development equivalent to what we might see in the Indian tradition or the Chinese Taoist tradition or something is something that was very exciting at the time and still as exciting to people today that there's a western version of that type of very Advanced spiritual knowledge it's important to recover that lineage and understand that it wasn't entirely broken all of these you know Empire as is the term that I like to use you know to describe it it's just the force it's that force of control and nomination and we'll talk about these these forces from the extra dimensional perspective but Empire seeks to break all of these lineages and it includes the more kind of pagan in the good way sense of the earth-based traditions of The Druids you know at the same time at the same time that the Roman army was going to decimate destroy the the Hebrews they were also going up to destroy The Druids you know both different peoples who had access to direct communication with source which then would you know leave no Authority and no power are not enough power for the Empire that seek to have all the power and all the control absolutely and some esoteric Christian circles it was considered that the Druid tradition in the Celtic lands had one of the healthiest ways of incorporating the Christ impulse into their work that they were so tuned in to the elemental forces of the earth and what was happening with the nature energies they could perceive when these higher alchemical energies came into the land and came into the world and it wasn't until later where the Catholic Church comes in and starts to try to affect the cath the the Celtic lands as well as they had taking over Europe that it began to get more rigidified and began to have more of the unpleasant aspects of external Christianity and lost some of that beautiful original Celtic Christianity that it began with yeah I want to weave a couple threads in here as well so you hear something like the Knights Templar yes who were they what were they what were they doing so the Knights Templar developed as an order within the Catholic Church but they're always considered [Music] as something that needed to be observed by the Catholic church because they were extremely dedicated to their own goals now at this time the Catholic Church basically dominated all of Western Europe so the Templars developed inside of that but the Knights of the temple were basically a monastic order so these are people that had taken vows of Chastity poverty and obedience to be able to work for Spiritual purposes and there probably wasn't a knight's Templar in a past life well you never know because what happens now I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure doctor is that sometimes people will have great tantric incarnations and then so we have the complete spectrum of experience we'll go into a monastic experience where we don't have any of it and then realize wow I really like that tantric experience I understand I understand so that way we cover the gamut but these were people that really wanted to serve a spiritual purpose now but we could talk a lot about the historical aspect of the Knights Templar but just to talk about the real spiritual impulse behind it so the Knights Templar were people that were working toward creating a spiritualized earth a new spiritualized world and so one part of that is that they were creating a new economic system and that's why one reason they took a vow of poverty they don't own anything for themselves but they came became really the first International bankers and so you could deposit money gold whatever with Knights Templar in one city and then you get a note and you could then get it out in another city in Europe or after they moved into the Holy Land This is highly helpful when you got brigands on all the pathways absolutely trying to rob you of all your gold if you can distribute it to the Knights Templar who had armor and swords which were effectively uh the power that would allow them to protect themselves and then just have the note exactly and then you could you know and so they were creating a type of new economic system to be able to fund people doing spiritual activity people being able to manifest good things in the world but they didn't take any of it for themselves so again they had a vow of poverty so they're not doing it to enrich themselves and it was really trying to create a basis for a kind of banking that's not based on new serious charges of Interest right which then became a huge control mechanism for Empire took it over and yeah Empire took it over and now banking is like one of the major levers it's how you control the money system but they were trying to create something on a completely different level with with money being understood as one of the great levers of power and to be able to manifest Spirit on the Earth itself now what happened unfortunately is that all kinds of things happen but I I feel like they had something to do with the Grail tradition they absolutely did so they considered themselves to be Knights of the Grail they considered themselves to be completely dedicated to the Christ impulse to spiritualize the planet and to develop the world to a higher level but they weren't afraid of getting into a fight so they became one of like the elite units and the Crusades man they just had a little more sex I think I might have been a nice Templar you'd have been into it because I'm like I'm with him I'm with them I like fighting I like all this all these ideas and it actually reminds me of what's this this movement for decentralized currency and cryptocurrency which is obviously now contesting against Central Bank digital currency which is Empire's version of controlled currency yes exactly democratized and decentralized goods so it's almost like those who are fighting for this you know crypto and decentralized currency or the new Knights Templar in a way it really is a kind of new Templar impulse trying to rest back all the power in economics to people using it spiritually in the world rather than the current control structure and unfortunately of course as everybody knows what happens to the Knights Templars they were destroyed by the Catholic Church Empire got them the Empire got them uh the pope was being controlled by the king of France at the time uh or vice versa well this is what was called the Babylonian captivity of the Pope and he was actually being dominated by the the French King and so he got the pope to declare the Knights Templar to be heretic so that he could seize all the gold and all the money that the Knights Templar had and that's what happened so they said that you know their Heretics their devil worshipers they're having sex all this type of stuff anything that in the Catholic world would be considered to be bad they threw at the Knights Templar they murdered huge numbers of the knights They seized all of their Holdings and and that was the end of of the Knights Templar but it was understood there was a spiritual impulse behind it and so for example in the Masonic tradition there's like a particular grade out of the 33 steps that's considered to be like the Knights Templar grade and there's other Knights Templar imagery within within the Masons but essentially it was one particular type of warrior monk group that came together to try to do good spiritual things in the world and like you say Empire got them but the the whole beauty of the thing is that even if you kill them all they will all come back in the next Incarnation sorry about it that's right it's going to keep coming and we're going to keep coming you can kill us this time around yeah but you're going to die off in this Incarnation you're not going to live forever we're going to come back yeah and we're going to come back with even more determination now this is also our experience exactly and this is also connected to what you're saying about you know you'd like to be a Knights Templar except for the the celibacy yeah part of it but there isn't an idea with inspiration maybe I was like the icky you sojin of the Knights Templar right and I was like y'all it's even better if we do all this and have sex and they're like you're crazy bro and I'm like but do you see what I'm doing here I'm fighting better than y'all yeah I'm [ __ ] better than y'all like it's all getting better maybe maybe that maybe maybe now I'm seeing a pathway where in a previous Incarnation well there's also a particular principle involved here that in many spiritual Traditions they would give something up for a certain period of time because it gives you magical powers in that thing later to have given it up for a period of time because that's when you fully experience the loss of it and you fully experience it when you get it back the true power of it so it's like fasting exactly fast for you know you go on a I remember I've been on like five day fast where it's just like it usually like juice or salt water or something like that I don't go for the full intense dry fast Vision Quest version but I remember like the first time I did one of those and I had a cashew yeah and I was like oh my God yes a raw cashew what a gift from Gaia the heavens I was like chewing it slowly like this is incredible whereas you know you've been eating a bunch and you're kind of full it's the end of the meal I'll grab a handful of those [ __ ] and just Chomp them down be like ah cashews yeah you know what I mean it's a totally different thing so I definitely when you have the absence also I did a Darkness Retreat experience absolute black for six days and the way that you appreciate light in your sight and the ability to see after you've been in complete darkness is is astounding and is one of these tools to actually help bring you into the proper gratitude and right relation to the gifts of this amazing world and to help activate the pineal and pituitary from yes indeed the darkness another example of this is the vow of silence so it's like some medieval monks would take a vow of silence because by doing so they became hyper aware of speech and the idea was that they would incarnate at a later time with a magical power of speech abilities to speak higher than the average person because they gave it up so for a person that went through a period of celibacy now this may be interpreted at that time like in the Catholic church in a different way but the real spiritual principle behind it was by giving it up you then when you get it back later understand it in a completely different way that you can do much more with it than you could before when you kind of took it for granted so as you're describing this it seems like this idea of the continuity of your soul yeah and that your life includes your death and the future Reincarnation of your life had to be present because if you're going to take a lifelong vow of silence for a later Incarnation get you have to have this Rock Solid belief that of this continuity of your life which also gives you immense courage she's like yeah yeah kill me now all right you know yes you know good for you but I'll be [ __ ] back yeah I'll be you know the content you're not going to be able to kill my actual life Essence My Soul Essence I'm going to continue to evolve and continue to return it's interesting that every major spiritual tradition in the world throughout history has always believed in reincarnation except for the three monotheistic traditions in their external form right their esoteric versions always have believed in reincarnation so Christianity Judaism and Islam in their esoteric forms already have Incorporated an understanding of rufusion gnosticism exactly so if you read the documents from the first few Christian centuries before the Catholic Church brought in their Dogma in the first few centuries writers like origin from Alexandria Egypt it wrote an incredible book called on first principles about what is the nature of the Christ being what's the nature of a human being and one thing he talked about was the transmigration of souls reincarnation was a Christian doctrine for the first few Christian centuries until the Catholic Church got a hold of it it was absolutely present in all the early documents and in Judaism there is a book written by a Jewish rabbi called beyond the ashes of this kabbalistic Rabbi finding the current reincarnations do you have his name um I know we can look up the name beyond the ashes yes name forthcoming yes so he talks about in the book that Heath sought out the current reincarnations of Jews who died in the Holocaust in many cases they weren't currently incarnated as Jews they had incarnated in other other groups but he was he sought them out in their current incarnations and so we can find all these indications of reincarnation being understood at the highest levels of the western tradition as well as every other tradition around the world and again that is one of the most important steps I believe for the key questions of human life who am I why am I here what have I chosen to do in this current incarnation to where we move beyond what is sometimes referred to as our present personality I think I'm Robert Gilbert I think that I incarnated in South Carolina and this particular Scottish background or whatever it is but the permanent personality is much more than that right we're Beyond just our current gender Incarnation we're beyond the current racial Incarnation the current culture something much bigger and this is sometimes referred to as developing the vision of the eagle the vision of the eagle is that if we look at the stream of time if you stand at a stream of water all you can see is that present moment that the place on the stream that you're standing right then but an eagle can rise above the river of time and see it from the beginning or to the end of the complete River and that's a major part of initiation in all classical Traditions to develop the vision of the eagle to see not only Earth Incarnation from the beginning to the end but our personal incarnations so that we understand ourselves based on the permanent personality with all the incarnations together as one rather than just the present personality and that opens up a lot more potential for higher Consciousness and all kinds of activities yeah absolutely and it does an amazing thing with fear if fear is the contractive force in the universe that actually keeps the flower all all the flowers all the seven roses fear is what actually contracts them and slows down their Spin and keeps them clogged and blocked and distorted right yes the this continuity of our of our of of the self actually starts to loosen the grip on all of these on all of these fears so that you're actually really free to start to flourish because the the temporal fears of this one finite Incarnation then are extended into a longer strand so that actually your Deeds your lessons everything that you've learned everything that you've evolved in your own life will carry forward with you yes into all life's you know all lives going Beyond this one and once we understand that not only does it change everything in our current lifetime knowing that we're more than just our present Incarnation as part of a much larger thread it also allows us to understand what they were doing in some of the earlier Traditions was some of their very Advanced spiritual practices and using things like sacred geometry that there would be certain patterns that you could activate in your energy field or you could stabilize in your energy field that help you to hold on to the the sittas the gifts the knowledge from the previous incarnation in the next incarnation and so this is like one of the Hidden aspects of what's referred to as the Tree of Life in the Jewish kabbalistic tradition that in in ancient Egypt and among the essenes and in other Traditions they understood that this was actually a form to be constructed in energy in the human physical body because once you are able to structure the energy and Consciousness in the body then when you leave the physical body it is a structure that can help to hold that content right as you move to the next Incarnation right and until you understand this about reincarnation you don't really get why they're doing these practices the way they are because they understand that everything is a pattern and it's like biohacking at its highest level like a spiritual biohacking once you understand how to create the right pattern that pattern is what creates a specific result think of it in that way because we're you're like reinforcing and reifying a pattern that exists beyond beyond the locality of the body and you're saying like I am this pattern and if I strengthen all of the energy centers of this pattern I will be a being that is then that can carry forward in all of the information can be coded and kind of and distributed in a way in into this pattern that strengthens the pattern and the geometry of it and then when that geometry comes into a new form it will still be intact and then the form will then you know acclimate to the pattern that's already been established absolutely you know one of the great examples of this in modern times is a Greek Christian hermetic initiate uh stelionis a Teslas who was known to the public as dasca loss and daskalos was a Greek initiate in who became known to the public in the 1980s uh when a book was written about him by a professor from the University of Maine but he had incredible abilities now desk loss was known for his ability to dematerialize parts of people's bodies that he was working on and re-materialize that body part in a completely healed form he was known for being able to read write and speak every ancient language he knew in previous incarnations he could do fully conscious out of body travel and from an out of body State he could re-materialize an etheric hand to manipulate physical objects from a out of body State the kind of very Advanced things we normally associate with some Eastern initiates because these Western initiatives that have these Powers don't like to be known publicly there's no there's no structure to contain them in the Western World the way that they exist in things like India and there's swords or guns that come for them exactly when you Expo that's the that's the interesting thing about the eastern and western Traditions a lot of these Eastern traditions you could be a guru yeah and you don't get killed that's right there's a structure for it yeah he's like oh cool yeah you're a guru yeah fantastic yeah you know like awesome you want this Temple it's amazing yeah just sit there and you know eat fruit and throated people whatever you want to do yes you know what you're talking about maharaji there just like gave snacks to everybody's most and did magical things yeah you know but you become a Messianic figure in the western tradition and it's like here come the spears here come the arrows yeah this didn't have a container for it exactly and so and have a story for it the story is the container that's right and so daskalos you know he had these incredible abilities and people would ask them how did you develop these abilities and he said I didn't develop them in this lifetime I I developed them through what I learned to do in the Egyptian temples thousands of years ago and he described the way that it was the Egyptian precursor to what later the Jewish kabbalistic tradition called the tree of life and at that time was referred to as the symbol of life was constructed in the human energy field it said because I was able to create this to such a degree in the Egyptian initiations I don't lose my my knowledge of my previous incarnations that's why I remember all the old languages and I remember who around me was who they were to me in a previous Incarnation he doesn't lose the knowledge he doesn't lose the abilities so when we see it from that perspective some of these very esoteric practices of building these structures in the energy field make a lot more sense and they also show us how we in our present Incarnation can do things that will lead to better conditions in our next incarnations and so that's something I think is very important because today particularly with psychotropic culture people are getting more and more interested in sacred geometry because what it is you see it and you get all this beautiful psychotropic art that's happening today of people like in their DMT experience or whatever this is what I'm seeing but these are patterns that often you can find from ancient cultures they were perceiving it too because this is the Angelic language this is the thought forms from the mind of God that is the structural basis of everything in physical existence and so there's a reason why we have this psychotropic Renaissance right now there's a reason why this is connected to the sacred geometry and again it all brings us back to spiritual science and to spiritual initiation in its current form that we're developing now in a very Dynamic way at the present moment yeah so when you were describing daskalas it reminded me a bit of my friend Matthias de Stefano are you familiar with Matthias and stuff now yes yeah I haven't met him but I know of him oh we've got to meet him yes we'll make that happen yes that must happen yes because he remembers his past incarnations and remembers the wisdom and technologies that he was accessing during those times yes and it's you know it's very interesting he's become a good friend and oftentimes he has one of those phones that has like a little stylus where you write notes with the with the stylist yeah and he'll be writing in Atlantean just because that's his that's like his home language yes yes because he his primary Incarnation that it was the source point was in the civilization of Kem and so he has songs that he would sing and he uh and he has and you'll just see him scribbling in notes what the [ __ ] is that he's like oh it's atlante and I'm just making notes for myself you know and he's able to do I just spent you know uh 10 days in Egypt with him and just wonderful seeing the absolutely ridiculous things that he was able to do and the Technologies he was able to do with different geometrical patterns like he had me and my wife in the center of a circle and then he had three men and three women forming this kind of merkaba form the six-pointed star which was actually representative of a multi you know merkabah instead of just a flat star and then the masculine and feminine polarities and then he had them Spin and then he had two like basically like electrons moving over a masculine feminine circling in the opposite direction he created this portal which awakened this massive explosion of My Own Heart Center in the temple in Egypt and it was because he remembers these Technologies yes that are beautiful that are capable and but what was in what's interesting is he also remembers that one of the ways some of the ways they used to be able to move some of the megalithic stones was form like enter into sympathetic resonance with the stone change the vibration of self because and then in resonance with the stone change the vibration of the stone change the actual physical weight of the stone so the stones could be easily moved you know because they weren't as heavy because you were actually changing the weight so this is a type of you know manipulation of the physical world that daskala seemed to be able to keep intact and then when I talked to Matthias about those powers like well why can't you do it now he refers to the necessity of a field of belief that allows for that possibility that actually the collective belief of the collective belief does not allow for that possibility the single person's belief that they're able to do that will be kind of butting up against the collective belief field so that's why some of these things that were very not only possible but regular in times past are now no longer available daskala seemed to be able to either have such a strong belief field that he is able to generate that he was actually able to do some of these things that were known and done in previous times in this Incarnation and so it seems like he had a particularly powerful ability and there's other examples of people who have yeah you know had these abilities well that no I think one of the key Concepts here is about structuring the subtle body now for me this is like the million dollar idea that we hardly hear about anymore in metaphysical circles that our subtle body is structured by every thought that we have every emotion we have every action we take all those things create particular types of energy emanations particular vibrations and they allow the subtle body to take on certain structures for better for worse and so the ability to work consciously with structuring the subtle bodies for some of the people to the level of a task loss they've got a structure to the level they can still do some of these things but to back up your point dasclus himself said they were things that he could do in the Egyptian times that he cannot do now because he said the conditions on the earth have changed so they become much more dense on the earth than they were previously and talked about the way that the the vibrational forces the etheric life forces on the earth have become more densified and it's it's even for advanced initiatives it's a bit harder to do some of these miraculous levitation of stones things and such that they could have done much more readily five thousand years ago and so I think that this can be tied into the idea about the belief field in that if we think of everything as being a vibrational resonator every human being with the thoughts they're generating the emotions they're generating is emanating like radio wave tower all the time and hoping to construct the vibrational field in the world around us that that is affecting the the etheric field of the Earth itself right and can make some of these things easier and more difficult one of the great Concepts I want to throw into this from my teacher in Egypt Dr Ibraham Karim the founder of biogeometry is this idea that in the ancient Traditions they talked about creating a new golden age and this is not a abstract metaphor we literally can create a new golden age because one of the energies we work with in biogeometry is something that's referred to as the higher harmonic of gold so when you see these religious paintings of a gold field around the head or the entire body of an initiate a Halo yes it's it's not a metaphor it's a literal energy emanation of a gold quality and so this is part of an alchemical transformation process and so we can bring the energy fields of the earth up to this gold emanation and literally create a new Golden Age based on these principles so through the structuring of our own subtle bodies and the development of the raising of our Consciousness and energetic potential it affects the world around us and I think this is again another one of those tricks where people tried to reduce Alchemy to a bunch of scientific Kooks in the basement trying to turn actual lead into actual gold right when actually maybe that could have been possible but the first the first requisite kind of process for the initiate was to turn their own etheric lead yes into etheric goals absolutely so that they were vibrating at the frequency of gold and then the very best of those adepts yes and Masters could potentially manipulate base of lead in the physical density into actual gold but that's like that that's like a the hypothetical Masters in trick and at that point when they're already radiating gold energy they probably don't even care that much about gold so that's right you know what I mean so you almost have to get to the point where you don't care about gold if you're going to make gold out of lead yeah you know so like if we have it all backwards but we we tried to reduce it to this thing yes and a lot of people probably fell for that path like oh I want to make gold oh yeah or something like that Rudolph Steiner and the rosicrucian tradition has a great term for this he calls it occult materialism but you know it gets so materialistic it's like oh what can I make physical gold out of it and make a bunch of money and again my Egyptian teacher Dr Kareem says that this the story of Midas is like the cautionary tale about this you know he followed the wrong path trying to make the physical gold but then Andy couldn't eat anything and he died because everything is internal the real gold of life into lead exactly yeah and so one of the things though like there's a practice that we talk about in Egyptian biogeometry now we use a variety of energetic Tools in Egyptian biogeometry that were designed by Dr Karim and are made in Egypt to detect the different energy qualities like higher harmonic of gold but a very simple example of how it could be done is that you can take a sample of actual physical gold in one hand and because physical gold is a crystallization or condensation of the etheric gold energy so it becomes a sample of that energy so you hold a sample of physical gold in one hand take a pendulum in another hand and connect energetically the two together and then if you put the pendulum into a back and forth search position over person's energy field you might only get a very slight pull but if the person goes into deep authentic blessing or prayer you'll see the pendulum start rotating very quickly because it's connected to that gold energy of what's being held in the other hand because the person is literally emanating the scold energy from their energy field when they're in a state of of true blessing of true prayer or a state of unconditional love all right so let me go so this seems like a very pragmatic for those fellow occultists who are listening it seems like a very pragmatic process here so yeah got a gold got gold in one hand yeah maybe it's a coin maybe it's a bar maybe it's a piece of jewelry that's made out of gold whatever yes a gold in one hand and then you have a pendulum and I know that Ibrahim creamy has his own you know particularly sacred geometry pendants that he uses for this which is probably the highest level that you can do and I don't necessarily want to go into that rabbit hole but we can okay but pendulum yeah and I'm because I'm assuming it works with other pendulums as well that for this process does not require a specialized biogeometry pandemic can be a fishing weight on the end of a string correct simply as oscillating right all right so your your then basically creating as I use the term sympathetic resonance with exactly from the gold to the pendulum yeah so that the pendulum is detecting gold frequency exactly is that right and then you're moving it up and down the energy centers of the body and seeing where there is strong gold energy that can be done although that's a different practice than the one I was just describing the one I was just describing when we were in the Strait of blessing prayer unconditional love it gets M the gold energy is emanated from the entire body the entire energy field so what are you using the pendulum for the pendulum allows you to see the movement connected to if that energy is present or absent so for example but that sounds like a diagnostic uh if you want to call it that but it's basically detecting the presence or the absence of a specific vibrational quality that sounds like a diagnostic okay right because you're detecting whether it's the gold the emanation of the gold energy is is or present or absent or to the degree at which it's president and that point in this very simple analog method we have much more advanced methods in biogeometry but this is just to describe something very simple then you'll actually get an increase of the rate of rotation and the amplitude of the Swing as the amount of that higher harmonic of gold energy increases right so if you test any place that's called a power spot on earth in this method you'll find it has that strong higher harmonic of gold energy it's a power spot if you test any of the chakras in the human body it'll have a certain amount of this but what we do with our our thoughts and our emotions Etc can determine whether or not we are constantly emanating this higher harmonic of gold into our environment that then becomes part of the general mix in the environment around us or whether we're actually generating other vibrational qualities that so sometimes quite toxic or quite harmful all right so let's say there's somebody on a Bodywork table yes gold in one hand yeah I got a pendulum in another yeah and I'm finding let's say the my you know the mind the third eye this third eye energy wow a lot of gold beautiful thoughts coming out of here right yeah strong energy all right and then I'm moving down to the sacral chakra for example okay right yeah you know that that Sexual Energy power source and like wow not a lot of gold energy circulating from this point so that to me would mean that like all right so now what do I do is there something that I can do with the pendulum and with my with my intent I'm using me as a surrogate as just an avatar for any practitioner who wants to practice this so let's say you determine like all right this is feeling pretty good you may actually feel that the whole field is absent of gold energy which at that point there's something to elevate the whole field but let's say you find an imbalance like strong mind low you know Sexual Energy Center yes so there's many different ways around it any type of vibrational input into the weak Center could be used all kinds of different methods to do it could be essential oils you know it could be uh various types of natural plant substances it could be anything Reiki some type of intentionality medicine yeah and In classical Traditions there's a very interesting aspect of this working the human energy field just like we talk about seven chakras there's a hidden pattern in a lot of classical teachings so for example in the Jewish kabbalistic tradition in the original Hebrew alphabet is 22 letters and in the classic work Safir yetzera the book of formation it says those 22 letters break up into three sets there are three mother letters seven double letters and twelve Elemental letters now the hidden part of that coding is that there are three major energy centers in the human body for our our astral body or our Consciousness work there's seven major centers in the etheric Life body that we think of as the chakras there's 12 levels of differentiation within the physical body that you see in these medieval diagrams but sticking with the three for the moment there's three major energy centers in the body that in it's understood in many Traditions but one of the clearest descriptions is in the Chinese tradition so in Chinese medicine they talk about the upper Elixir Field Upper Elixir field is around the Consciousness in the head and certain Alchemy happens here then there's the middle Elixir field that happens around the chest and the Heart then there's the lower dantian or lower Elixir field and that's in the lower abdomen areas and so for those of you who don't know the Don Tien is like uh I don't know roughly an inch below the belly button and it's it's kind of like deep if you do body work you can just find that spot and it's like uh it's like this almost like the center of centers in in a way yeah there's another Center in the heart but there's the dantian is a very much like a Center of incarnation in this is the center of balance for the physical body right for the physical body in Chinese medicine and it's really fascinating again to know that Don Tien means elixir field so this is where we do internal Alchemy and so if a person was to have let's say a weakness in the sacral chakra then it's possible to develop the thought forms from the upper dantian that have that higher harmonic of gold energy and the opening of the heart chakra to develop a lot more of that gold energy and to direct that to the sacral chakra as a way of working together with the three Elixir fields that would be one internal Alchemy method we could also have external Alchemy where again you're using Energy Medicine from the outside or essential oils or plants or whatever it is to bring the vibrational Force to that Center so it can be generated inside the human being to develop our own forces and to direct them to the place needed in the body or from an external Source coming in but with that it's all it'd be a question then with our discussion of higher harmonic of gold to be able to increase that higher harmonic of gold now that's increasing the alchemical potential of that Center because many people their sexuality is not full of alchemical potential there's all kinds of neuroses or blockages or all kinds of things their understanding of it their relationship to it may not be a purely healthy one right but if they can understand it in the deeper form where literally the higher harmonic of gold is the vibrational signature it's the vibrational resonance with the Divine plane with the state of unity the state of Oneness that's simply being expressed by the gold field it shows a connection to that Unity stage and so that becomes very strong in the sacral chakra that greatly increases the ability of the person to attain the unity merging tantric goal of sexual activity because so much gold is contained in that chakra and again the more in the whole body the better because the whole body should become a tantric instrument and all of the five senses become tantric forms to work with sight and smell yeah uh would it be good to have a gold pendulum if you could you could but it's not absolutely necessary because you can get the same result with particular types of shapes or certain types of number sequences so Egyptian biogeometry again from my friend Dr Kareem in Egypt is sometimes referred to as Nature's design language what's the patterns that everything is is created on Nature's design language of shape sound color motion angle proportion every one of those things is its own quality scale so there are people that are are healers with light in color and so a particular color will have an effect on the human energy field that's different from a different color some people are sound healers and one sound will have a different effect on the field than a different sound yeah I wish my wife was here she would uh oh there she is she is here there she is sound healer exactly she knows exactly what we're talking about so with the biogeometry we can also create this with geometric shapes and also with again things like number sequences so putting together the correct shapes in the correct numerical sequences can can create the same vibrational quality as actual physical gold could and that again is part of the steeper mysteries of ancient Egypt and the alchemical work of all Traditions I'm making a gold pendulum oh yeah it's beautiful yeah I'll say the Dr Karim himself has a particular pendulum that he created to have the shapes that resonate with the seven planes of nature the seven spiritual planes made out of pure gold that's pretty dope yeah that's pretty dope that's a power tool yeah all right so this is you know this is really Illuminating part of this process of going through and healing both yourself and other you know other people if you're in in that in the process of because actually once you see other people as just different emanations of the self yes you know then the actual desire to heal self collectively yes grows stronger so we're starting to understand that I I saw in one of the you know one of the videos that you produce excellent excellent work that you're putting out there and I just encourage everybody to devour you know a lot of the content that you have out there um there was basically uh something likened to the Hippocratic Oath which has been obviously very much abused which is Do no harm you know as you develop this so in these orders of understanding there was always this idea like as you develop these powers do not use these powers for your own selfish gain at the detriment to others yeah and that was like that was like the the unbreakable principle of working with this kind of being a light worker basically it's one of the core principles of the rosicrucian tradition which is that all the powers all the sittas all the knowledge all the abilities that we get on the path are to be put to the surface of other people it's an absolute foundation of the path yeah yeah all right so there's all of this that's happening in in the physical body in our 3D in our in our life we've talked about some of the history we've talked about Empire we've talked about the slaughter of different orders we've talked about the discovery we've talked about physical gold we've talked about all these things but there's let's talk about the way that the rosicrucians the gnostics understood and potentially even the zoroastrians understood the non-physical dimensions and you talked about three particular beings that I would really like to illuminate you know for for the audience and also for myself and the beings being Lucifer Satan who is related to Seth which was I thought was very interesting which is an Egyptian god who uh cut Osiris into a bunch of different pieces yeah so that's also an interesting myth and then um aruman which is well Aaron and Satan are the same they're different names for the same being from different traditions and the third is actually uh the Christ and the rosicrucian tradition got it yeah so aramon and Satan are just different names for the same yes and set are so aramon set Satan yes but isn't isn't it from like from this kind of understanding of an aggregor basically like like a thought form actually condensing a a reality in the non-physical like the more you actually worship a being with a particular quality would there not be a little bit of disambiguation between these entities based upon what has been placed upon the names themselves even if they come from a similar origin yeah such a very good deeper aspect of this whole thing so let's start with the fundamentals of it yeah so if we start at the Divine plane everything is one it's all the unity uh it's the source light then as you move to the spiritual plane things begin to differentiate out into different high level beings that have specific qualities or powers from the godhead like Shivan Shakti as the initial power split Shiva is holding the Divine Center at all times but it's the Shakti that creates everything it's the Divine feminist moving around that Center all the time so they all have a particular principle involved with them so another polarized principle is the one of the complete range or gamut from completely spiritualized to completely materialistic and so these things at the highest Divine plane level is a thought form in the mind of God but as that thought form then begins to manifest out going toward physical crystallization as its final stage at its spiritual plane level it will become embodied with a tendency of certain beings certain beings are going to be very attracted to the process of materializing things into physical matter that's like the demiurge we talked about before with the gnostics other beings are not going to want to deal much with the physical plane and they're going to want to keep very non-physical and very spiritual [Music] now as that affects human beings that can be two opposite influences on us that we can become aware of from different types of Spiritual Beings that we encounter so for the one extreme Spiritual Beings that are extremely spiritualized much more advanced than we are but don't fully understand the purpose of the physical plane and just try to get us to have constant ecstatic processes and get off the physical plane and not reincarnate and that sort of thing that's toward a particular aspect of spiritual light then became known in the earlier Western Traditions as Lucifer or light bearer these beings don't necessarily intend harm but they not wanting to deal with the physical manifestation muck down there as they see it they're trying to they see human beings as like innocent children being thrown in a slaughterhouse going into the physical world so they get off the cycle of carbon reincarnation and come back to the spiritual world this is your real home and so these beings were referred to again as Lucifer a light bearer I mean when you're saying referred to as Lucifer like who's referring to the because Lucifer has not been referred to like that by most people well we're talking about what's the the deeper aspect behind it that then came into terminology and the Hebrew tradition and the Greek tradition that then became known in the western tradition as Lucifer that moved through these stages but that was at some point it got corrupted dramatically and then actually it got deflated with Satan they didn't even tell the difference between the two but it but the keep trying to keep it as simple as possible uh this is like one extra and I'm gonna keep trying to keep it as complicated as possible okay great yeah so we'll be in a good we'll be in a good tension here exactly between the two of us will always hit the center yeah so with the uh luciferic beings they influence human beings in a way that does pull people towards spiritual activity and we should never think of something like oh those bad people over there are influenced by Lucifer not me we're all influenced by these beings all the time and so you talked about us having a permeable spiritual membrane oh absolutely where all these beings are actually available at all different times they're moving through us all the time yeah and so these luciferic beings though their influence towards spirituality is that the light can be so bright that it blinds whereas the opposite the satanic or Aramaic is like complete darkness but either one can lead to an inability to see and so this tremendous light from the luciferic beings can sometimes have the influence on people to award uh illusory forms of Spiritual Development things that are based on not true spiritual principles or upon wanting constant ecstatic process where a person becomes like a heroin addict or something like that because they want to just be in this out of the body elevated State all the time of course the physical body can't tolerate that it doesn't work in the physical world to do that but that's like a luciferic influence and the opposite of that I mean so so as I'm imagining this I'm also you know you would I would have never made this correlation without understanding this this idea of a luciferic being but you imagine some of the monastic Traditions as being highly luciferic basically like the all the asceticism exactly which is like deny the body deny the body spirit is the only thing that matters yes you know go seek the clear light everything else is [ __ ] all is Maya like all of these you can see that as another form of luciferic influence as well as the kind of escapism from somebody who just wants to be an academy Journey all day all the time yes you know where they're just experiencing you know the non-physical reality disassociating from the Flesh and getting stuck in that cycle so you can see how there's a beauty to the impulse but there's also a shadow to the impulse if we allow it to be too strong in relation to the field of the other beings yes being Satan in Christ if we want to use those terms right the three different types of beings again that's the way to be expressed in the rosicrucian tradition but the the principles are Universal and so you're absolutely right that in a very aesthetic approach it's extremely luciferic because it's kind of denying the body and denying the physical world and we see that a lot in everybody's spirituality there's a part of us that we're attracted to that luciferic side and it's not a hundred percent bad one of the difficulties of even talking about this in modern uh in the modern world Christians get all mad well the Christians have such a uh superficial caricature of the reality of these beings that to talk about the reality of what luciferic beings are and how they influence us is can be quite difficult because I think once you use that name they think they know what it is but it's a caricature of what it really is so we're influenced by these beings all the time all these beings it's a constant process and we have to just dynamically balance it all the time I mean they all they all have to be present let me draw let's stick with Lucifer for a moment yes there is I went through an interesting kind of thought process where I looked out and I saw the Morning Star yeah which is Venus yes which the Morning Star is also referred to as Lucifer and so I made this correlation Lucifer Morning Star Venus and then the demonization of sexuality you know yeah which a lot of people have Venus which stands for Eros basically it's Aphrodite it's it's and it's like this is just the biggest [ __ ] hoax that's ever been pulled but I can also see that potentially there was a deeper truth in if someone was completely lost in the light that's available from Eros alone so that they could become this kind of like he did like hedonistic or geostic in a way like Bach and all like like the luciferic impulse to actually transcend the and just merge with the light through the vehicle of sexuality could also be Lucifer yes absolutely because if you had pure Eros with no Agape without Universal love to go with the Eros it could become unbalanced right and so this is all a principle of balance so everything is always a as a Divine principle you have two extremes and then you have the perfect balance in the center so the luciferic aspect is pulling us towards spirituality but if it becomes too extreme and unbalanced it can become illusory forms of spirituality or addictive forms of living or things that pull us away from taking full advantage of physical Incarnation and the nitty-gritty of physical life the opposite side to that is going to be the forces that are actually involved like we talked about with the gnostics with the demiurge with the process [Music] of crystallizing the higher energy patterns and Consciousness patterns from the godhead into physical reality to literally make the physical plane and again that's how the demiurge was understood but long before Gnostic Christianity we have the zoroastrian tradition so the zoroastrian tradition uh from Persia they were one of the first traditions in the world to give a name to this other extreme the materialistic extreme because in ancient times of human history people had more of a kind of effortless Clairvoyance they perceived spiritual realities much more easily than we do become much more condensed like a much more materialistic over time so if you read ancient texts people are just seeing Spiritual Beings everywhere but now it's like an extraordinary thing if people do so in ancient times they didn't perceive this materialistic beings influence as much but by the Zora Austrian era they began to perceive it so they refer to that being as angromanu or as arrowman and arrowman is considered then that's the archetype of the dark lord of the earth that the gnostics talked about this is the being that actually allows the physical plane to get crystallized it's a group of beings who are moving away from Lucifer so in the zoroastrian tradition do they even have a an idea of Lucifer as we've described her as that not really there not in as they have more of a duality instead of a Trilogy right in a sense that they had the aspect of what we would think of as the Christ being which they called a Hera mazdao which means the being that I see in the Sun the being glimpsed in the aura of the Sun and her Mazda was opposed by Arab so they had the huge contribution that they brought forward this understanding of the the opposite being but part of that is they didn't Focus as much on the luciferic side because now now we're bringing this new knowledge about this being which hadn't been Mass present before and so they talked about the dark lord of the earth paraman and then as the zoroastrian tradition in time period moved into some of the Egyptian Mysteries then this being was referred to as set now they understood that the the Pharaoh the initiate had to be have their power activated or had to have certain dispensations from set so you'll see these images from ancient Egypt were set some like on one side Horus on the other side they're like doing things to the energy field of the Pharaoh or an initiate so set has to be involved with that because this is a being that's involved with living on the physical Earth and the powers of the physical Earth so they never had a thing of like we're just going to get rid of such you couldn't you couldn't do that and it's an essential part of this world but he is an opposition being again he did dismember Osiris and he is a being that is an opposition because if we were to give ourselves completely over to the set impulse we would be completely materialistic we would lose all spiritual understanding all spiritual perception our spiritual path would Decay into something that would be clearly and even in the myth of Osiris he cuts them into 12 pieces or whatever which is basically 14 I think yeah 14 yeah and the the idea of that that is what material world does is it takes the takes the light to clear the light of source and it cuts it into a bunch of different pieces and then they couldn't find the phallus and it becomes part of what Isis has kept it for a little while yes I was playing around with that that's my theory but we have to understand that in the first dildo was Osiris's etheric [ __ ] for the Egyptian tradition you know they they were so very plainly you know a pharaoh or an initiate with an erection you know they wouldn't show that in the Catholic church but that was like a basic thing in ancient Egypt and the same with Greek and Roman tradition yeah there's a power principle and so what it shows is that set can take away your power if you were to have too much of that influence as you become completely materialistic you'd lose your spiritual power and so it's a bit of an opposition being but not one that you got rid of because it has a place here and you have to even be empowered by that being is the way they looked at it so when Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt and of course Moses was an initiate in the Egyptian temples he knew their practices the concept of set became in Hebrew hasatan meeting the adversary and hasatan became simplified to Satan and the later Christian tradition right so Satan is that being of complete materialism and what happened is because they tried to take the deeper teachings away from the public and you have to go through the Catholic church and things to access any spiritual knowledge nor to connect a spirit is they they lost the differentiation for the public between Lucifer and arrowman and so they started talking about them like they're just the devil like they're the opposition being and they turn it into a simple polarity between Christ and the devil the problem is anytime you do that you're going to create terrible destruction in people's understanding and in Social processes on the earth because it's always the true principle is like what the Tibetans teach about the middle way the middle path even in the Jewish Kabbalah on the tree of life there's the two side pillars one is luciferic one is aramonic and then the middle pillar is only one that goes all the way up to ketter at the top and all the way down to Malcolm at the bottom it's the only one that goes all the way up all the way to heaven and earth that's the the principle of the perfect balance between extremes so we can't get rid of the extremes what we do is we constantly dynamically balance those extremes that's the path to health can't be too hot or too cold you can't eat too much or too little so it's a matter of the the Tibetan middle path and so when you reduce it to in this case Christ versus the devil then anything you don't like in society is going to be of the devil you don't like sexuality well sexuality is from the devil you can only have sex in the missionary position if you're going to have children or whatever everything gets put in that that way and then people start thinking subconsciously whenever you've got two polarities rather than both being essential and equally good and having to come into the right balance they start thinking one is good and one is bad liberal or conservative one is good as one is bad male or female one is good one is bad and this leads to destruction yeah it's a it's a nightmare for the actual healthy structuring of their Consciousness to have these polarities in these different Energies with the value proposition of good and bad yeah put in them rather than necessary components of a healthy system yeah of the yin and the Yang of this you know balanced polarity that requires both to exist but when you put the value proposition of good and bad it actually corrupts the mind in a way that you can no longer see the truth which is and again to go back to you know a Buddhist teaching from John Church who I had on the podcast he talked about the highest realization is being the place where the demon and the Buddha meet yes you know so they they started the practice of Tonka worship right like where it wasn't even worship it was almost that they were evoking their own demonic and buddhic you know christ-like qualities and expressing them as in totality in full balance you know and like that was actually what the what the higher initiates were actually attempting to do yes so it was understood in the initiation Traditions that were constantly being influenced by the Lucifer beings that helped pull us towards spirituality where we can't give ourselves completely over to them or things will get very unbalanced and that we're constantly yeah and it's a slippery slope into the shiny materialist spirituality like The Escapist spirituality the what you know Mark Gaffney would call pseudo-eros like these shine like the false light almost yes here's a glimpse of it yeah take a little more of this drug take a little you know shoot up this heroin take this you know take this thing like you'll experience it give up all of your you know everything or in even the darkest form I suppose it could be give up this life this life is [ __ ] yes exactly you know what I mean so there's there's ways in which that that light could be if it's out of balance absolutely so so really it seems that the the rosicrucians had in some ways and even an evolution of the zoroastrian which was important because it created things in balance and necessity of the tension between the balance yes which was also the Buddhist kind of concept of the tension between the balance and also the Hindu Shiva shot there's a lot of balance of of a duality but then adding the trinity seemed seems like it's even a a more interesting and complex way to understand and structure our Consciousness if our goal is balanced I actually think that that understanding of the threefoldness of it the two extremes and then the middle path in the center is the essential today to heal our societal Rifts otherwise we think one extreme is the right way and the Other Extreme is the wrong way and people just tear each other up in society if that's the idea rather than understanding bring it together in the center so the is the Christ now let's talk about the Christ let's talk about the Christ being in the Christ archetype yes we've focused on the the darker the dark well quote the two extremes the two extremes yeah yeah so the understanding then is that both these forces have to be present extreme spirituality which can call unbalanced extreme materiality which creates the physical plane but we can't give ourselves over to it and so something's going to hold the center and so the sacred geometry image for this is going to be that blues for an Airman or their their own particular extremes or their own worlds so the fundamental expression of an entity of a thing is in its perfect form as a circle or a sphere so you have two spheres and where they perfectly overlap creates an almond shape in the middle that's called the vesica Pisces and so the vesicle form shows two extremes either side and where they overlap creates this perfect balance so in the Masonic built temples in Europe you will see above the entryway into the cathedral the Christ inside of the vesica they don't show you the other two circles but they'll show you that Christ is holding the center in the vesica but sometimes you'll see things like the Buddha in the center of a vesica in the Eastern Traditions so whatever their being is of a being that has spiritual wisdom or balance and knows how to balance these forces that's what's held in the vesca and the sacred geometry form and so it was understood in the rosicrucian tradition that the Christ being and other beings of the similar nature like at the archangelic level of the Archangel Mikhail that these are beings that hold a balance between Heaven and Earth between spirit and matter and they can help us to unify these two things in a healthy way and that's the foundation of mental health emotional health physical health having a life on Earth that leads to a great outcome or not and so this is part of the understanding that the christic process is to bring in the power of the being of the Sun the solar logos in an alchemical process to bring it in like was shown with uh the iconography Around Jesus Jesus when he's going through that process of bringing in the Christ has The Descent of the dove of the Holy Spirit coming down the central column and entering into the Crown Center in the classic Christian iconography and so this is turning ourselves into a Grail cup allowing a being of a higher level that holds the balance to enter into us because the whole idea of the Christ is that this is a very high spiritual being the being behind the sun this is meant quite literally it's not a metaphor that behind everything we see in physical reality there are non-physical beings so behind the sun there's a great being and we can bring that being into ourselves now this had been done for thousands of years previously in other spiritual Traditions with what they call Sun and Moon Alchemy where they would bring in solar and lunar forces into their own body for alchemical purposes but this has a slightly different Focus to it so it was understood that Jesus had the capacity as a advanced initiate to do this process of bringing the Christ being into his own sheaths in a very powerful tangible way and so this then creates the understanding of the rosicrucian tradition that Unbound spirituality is connected to the Spiritual Beings that we experience on the spiritual path that are unbalanced that are referred to as the luciferic beings and then the materialistic impulse that we're constantly dealing with in our physical lives and spiritual lives related to the aramonic beings and then the being that holds the perfect balance in the center is the Christ being now are you using the Sun being and the luciferic being as somewhat interchangeable or is it separate separate we have to understand that in the that when they understood the nature of this being in the zoroastrian tradition they referred to him as a Hera masdal the spiritual being seen in the aura of the Sun a person who had Clairvoyance could actually perceive the sun being yeah and that was a hero mad Style so this is like a later understanding of the same principle they refer to them as the solar logos so the solar logos then becomes the Chris the the Christ being and Christian understanding but really the same as a Hera masdale and really connected to the sun beings understood in multiple traditions but now with the development of the alchemical process that Jesus could do in bringing the Christ being into the physical Seas of the body to transform Consciousness energy everything else that Focus became there with the way that we understand Christ in the rescrucian tradition or in the western tradition today but as a complete system then you have Unbound spirituality Lucifer and balanced materiality with Airmen and the Christ being holds a balance between the two as a spiritual being who incarnated into the physical plane which most of them don't do in the to that level So within the Sun as I'm trying to understand this because I'm seeing I'm seeing Christ in the center of the vesicle Pisces yes I'm seeing you know aruman and on one side and what's the name of the light being in Zoroastrianism or uh masdale um but in the in the rosicrucian it's you know in the rosicrucian it's Satan and Lucifer and then there's gangster between they actually use the term Airmen rather than Satan because it's so misunderstood today that direction but yes same thing and and then there's the the light being of the sun which seems like the it seems very much like the source light behind it all almost like the Dow that's behind all of creation it's the it's what you know my teacher Mark after because Shekinah you know like the force of Eros that moves underneath everything else and so he allows that to kind of pour through as he's holding the opposite so it very much it's kind of bringing all of these systems together in a way where that the the Jesus has the point of the trinity you know or Christ I should say is the point of the Trinity Jesus is the one who access to Christ yes is is the balanced point in the center the middle path that then allows because because of the balance of those two things the pure the light of the Sun the light of the source Eros Shekinah you know the Dao whatever to move through and actually explode him into full or her into full potentiality because it was understood in all the ancient Traditions that everything on the physical plane including all the planetary forums had a spiritual being behind it and so the source of all life in our solar system all light all heat all life is the Sun so in the early Christian centuries they were trying to figure out what is the nature of the Christ being we have all of these older types of understandings of Spiritual Beings what spiritual being is the Christ being and so this was described in the early Christian centuries before the Catholic Church's Dogma came in in the third Century A.D and Alexandria Egypt with uh now known as a church father named origen and origen wrote in a book called on first principles he said the way to understand what the Christ being is is that the godhead is a being that is everything it is literally the one source of everything it contains everything inside of it and this being is so vast you can't really perceive it as a separate thing as an incarnated being because it's everything but what the Christ being is is moving from the Divine plain level to what they refer to as the macrocosmic level it is the macrocosmic emanation of the godhead with all the qualities of the godhead but reduced in scale to where human beings can perceive and interact with this being agban is Brahman they're the same but they're different it's like it's the local Point yes of the collective field of God it's very much the same thing in esoteric Christianity that from the godhead at the Divine plain level the macrocosmic emanation becomes the Christos which then becomes the being that manifests physically as the sun in the solar system because it's a macrocosmic being not a microcosmic being and then human beings are the microcosmic emanation of the godhead we have all the qualities of the godhead but at a smaller scale at the microcosmic level and that's why they develop the saying in esoteric Christianity of not I but Christ in me because we're moving from our microcosmic level of the nomination of the godhead to start bringing in more macrocosmic aspects yeah being able to have the multi-dimensionality and the understanding which creates Paradox ultimately because that's also something you have to Grapple with as you walk the path is the Paradox of physical three-dimensional reality I gotta go to work I gotta eat I gotta do this stuff and then the multi-dimensionality the aspect of the Angelic Realms that don't require such things and you don't have to deal with it yeah yeah this is a perfect one of the things that's coming to mind is it seems as if actually with this understanding that we've explained today of the luciferic beings I think a lot of people associate Christ with actually what the Lucifer impulse is which is like nothing matters but the light and that's not what this model is saying about the Christ because it's also held in Balance by aramon yes like ultimately right like it's the combination of both so it's not it's not like form is ridiculous just go to the next life already be good so you get there but actually so there's been this interesting move where actually the way that Christ has been taught is taught as Lucifer in a way this becomes a challenge in modern spirituality because without a clear understanding of the two polarities of the luciferic and Aramaic what happens is then people associate any being connected to light as being a christic or a good quote unquote being and our case is good would be balanced uh and that's not the way it is we can be approached by all types of great beings of light that don't have a balanced energy to them that may be giving us counsel that is illusory and is not real because again the blinding light blinds as surely as the complete darkness and so it needs to be understood that we're all of us affected by the luciferic and aeromonic beings at all times we are like human beings or like fish and water that don't know we're living in water and that there's all these other invisible forces moving through the water all the time and the water is the spiritual world around us we're embedded in it and these beings are constantly moving through our energy field and leaving traces of emotional impulses thought forms things of that kind that we have to be clear enough to perceive that separated from what we ourselves are generating in our Thought Field and decide do I want to go with that or with this and as a person really opens up spiritual perception this is where the rubber hits the road in real Spiritual Development and you start perceiving non-physical beings and understanding the non-physical influences coming in without going off into some state of psychosis it's got to be held in balance that at that point you can then differentiate where's this information and these impulses coming from right the different types of beings so there's it was understood classically and then I got lost that we go through certain stages we start the first state is always mindfulness it's simply to observe the content of our thoughts that we have our emotions we have our will impulses mindfulness is always the first stage so that we become self-aware and being self-aware we already start to clean up a lot of our garbage because once we see it it's kind of horrific like I can't believe I generated a thought form that negative about that person right that's completely destructive these are my agreements in fear these are my you know yeah we start to become aware of aware of actually what we're doing so awareness is yes and that's also something that John Churchill again the Mayana Buddhist he was talking about is that most people think well that's the end goal you know and and actually for you know it's it is a it is a momentous task it is to be aware and there's levels and levels and levels of awareness so yeah it is an ongoing process so you can put that as like become more aware more aware more aware but it's actually not the end goal he was like that's that's like the first stage that's the beginning it is it really is that's just where we start yeah but most people think oh yeah well that's the goal awareness but it's just actually the first the first stop of the train and so seen from a particular perspective you develop the mindfulness so that you're aware of your internal content then you start to clean it up a bit so that you're resonating at a higher level and more productive that then you become aware of what's inside of your present personality that then as you do the vision of the eagle and you begin to see this is a beat on a chain of multiple lifetimes you then become more aware of your permanent personality and then this helps you to understand what thoughts feelings Etc you're self-generating versus those coming in from the outside and then at that point you start to perceive you can in a healthy way perceive non-physical beings and influences and start to have some discernment about what's the nature of the influence is coming in because the average person who doesn't do any mindfulness they are not aware of these influences coming in from the outside at all they just think it's part of their own internal dialogue if they're even conscious of it and doesn't go straight to the subconscious in the rosicrucian tradition there is a particular uh exercise or practice that's known as the six essential exercises and it's basically taking mindfulness to its full extent they say that if a person does this series of practices then they will be safeguarded against detrimental effects of all kinds of things in the world it's really the foundation of everything so the first three practices are to observe the content in your thoughts your feelings and your actions and then to uh illuminate what it is so that you can direct your thoughts feelings and actions in the best way possible so first You observe what's there without trying to change it just see what you're actually generating and then you're consciously choosing the higher level thought forms the higher level emotions the higher level actions in the world in a fully conscious way so it's mindfulness taken to a full extent then the next practice is one of positivity no matter how bad things look in your life or the world around you to look for the positive hidden in it so the rosicrucians give one example of this there's a Persian legend of the Christ where the Christ is walking with a group of disciples past a dead dog and the dog is rotted and smells and there's maggots crawling in it and all of the disciples turned away and discussed and the Christ looks at it as they walk by turns to the disciples and smiles and says what beautiful teeth that animal had it's like always looking for the positive in anything and then the next exercise is radical openness radical openness to New Perspectives radical openness to new information radical openness to new ways of living and being and then the sixth and final exercise of it is to harmonize all that together in your daily life so you've got illuminated mind illuminated heart illuminated will positivity openness to new things new ways so you don't get caught in the old traps illuminated will I don't think we we fully expounded upon that okay so just like you can in a clear mind State observe the thoughts you're generating or the emotions you're generating you can observe the impulses to the actions you take in your life so before you take any action if you really observe yourself internally you'll see that there's an Impulse toward that action and some of these actions may be detrimental actions like otherwise it ends up in prison people that end up in prison have particular problems and impulse control if they were able to perceive inside themselves the impulse before they took the action they could choose and say well that's not the action I want to take and the awareness of the source of the impulse exactly and this is in in the kabbalist lineage that I'm studying and this is what we call the process of Bearer which is a process of the clarification of your desire yes to understand what is driving what you want yes and then ultimately the goal is that what's driving what you want is that Christ's archetype of the being that's in Balance it's actually one with the will of the universe so you try to clarify your desire so that your desire is optically identical or as close to identical as possible with the will of the universe as expressed through you as a unique incarnation of you know the unique self of of the being of the one right so the barur is the awareness and clarification of your desire until what you want is what God wants and what God wants is what you want yes and then you're really in flow of the universe it's like this infinity loop of like all right what I want is what God wants what God wants is what I want and then that's when you're in baru you're in the clarification of your desire yeah and you've merged with the the will of the universe and at that point you've got the prerequisite to do True Divine Tantra and things of that kind but not only are you maximizing your ability for the greatest level of pleasure Joy Etc in sex but also so focusing on maximizing that in your partner and at that point having as the the focal goal the returning to the unity state that both of you are in such an elevated State you're both so happy you're both so joyful you're both so open that at that point there's no shields in place and the merger to become one and to connect back the Divine and then becomes possible now I want to bring out one other hidden thing about these six exercises that it's not always immediately obvious but in doing these sex exercises we think of them as things you're doing in your Consciousness but everything you do in your Consciousness is structuring your energy body so when you do those six exercises will be subscribed by the rosicrucians is that your heart is a 12 petal Lotus like they talk about in India the six of the Petals of your 12 petal Lotus they say were developed in earlier times of human evolution we have to work on another six petals to complete the process in this time period so each one of those six exercises I just described develop one of the six remaining Lotus petals once those six remaining Lotus petals are developed all 12 Lotus Petals of the heart become active at that point the heart becomes a fully Active Center for the entire energy body and it becomes the organizing center for the entire human body of energy for a higher alchemical process to take place if someone wanted to double click on this go deeper understand the process of developing this these six Petals of the heart yes six-fold process which is just real quick where would they go maybe you have some resources maybe there's a good source of material that they could point to it so thank you very much and the resources I created there are things that are to reward spiritual science which is developing Consciousness and some that are toward developing energy with the vibrational science so the introductory course that I have online for the spiritual science is called essential teachings and practices of spiritual science and that goes into great detail about each of the six practices and the six essential practices and describes it uh everything step by step for how you actually do it in a practical way in your own life and it also covers a lot of things we haven't touched on about absolutely essential principles for developing Consciousness and energy so that's the essential teachings in practice and where where do they go to find that they go to my website which is and vesica again is that almond-shaped enclosure of the balance and it's spelled v as in Victor e-s-i-c-a dot o-r-g beautiful all right so I want to I want to zoom out real quick and talk about the imbalance collectively okay we're experiencing in the world because um you know in in consuming some of your material and I agree there is a strong aramonic impulse that's sweeping and overreaching into our world yes and this is materialism transhumanism and you even make the connection to AI being actually the the final step in the aramonic victory where everything becomes material where you've actually split off all of your ability to access the higher you know the higher spiritual actualization and therefore split off your ability to access the Christ because you'll be completely out of balance you'll be overtaken by the harmonic kind of impulse yeah so talk about like this this principle applied not to the individual but to the collective and like where you see it showing up and and then the correlation to what people see and ascribe to these ideas of like is there actually uh satanic we we usually use the word satanic not many people use the word sure sure but is there a satanic undercurrent and are is this harmonic being under underpinning this and is there is there a structure behind it like what's happening here in the collective so the difficulty of discussing this just like with discussing Lucifer and Airmen to begin with is that people associate certain things with the concepts rather than the dynamic reality of what these beings actually are and so when we say something like is there really a satanic Force involved with this the short answer is yes but again the difficulty of discussing it is the way that people have such a sensationalized view of it and are often very reactive in in their their approach to it they've been programmed with all kinds of things about this that either it really exists like in fundamentalist Christianity and it's behind everything or it doesn't exist and that's like a fear thought form you should get over it's hard to talk about it in a realistic way but there's definitely these influences of the luciferic and aramonic are very very strong at all times on a mass societal level as well as on a personal level it's just a matter of microcosm and macrocosm in this form between the personal and the societal so we can see that for example in the 1960s American culture was quite aramonic and in many ways and as a counter impulse he then had the counterculture in the 60s form and and that was Lucifer and it became very it could have become very christic but it became luciferic because there wasn't a clear understanding of the balance between the polarities what happens time and time again in society is because we have this simplistic good versus evil polarity idea is like this extreme must be good because that extreme is bad rather than understanding both extremes are unbalanced and you've got to go to this yes so listen looking historically you got were coming out of the World War II it was about can we make how many bullets and bombs and Science and Technology and then we have the Boomer you know the Boomer can you buy everything you can have a you know white picket fence you can have all of these different things that we got into food sources that are coming out we got everything as material so that's aramonic in its nature yeah and people like [ __ ] this there's something else here and then they go swing too far on the pendulum the other side and they get luciferic which is just you know chasing that that Bliss chasing that chasing that light at the expense of what's happening in the physical so what we have to do now particularly with the psychotropic uh Renaissance that we're in right now is make sure we don't have happen what happened in the 60s I mean we got to learn from history we're going to repeat it every time yeah and so you know if you look at something like what Timothy Leary uh told people and influenced a lot of people with this he said you know with the psychotropics in the 60s you need to uh turn on tune in and drop out and well to turn on and tune in is fantastic but once you put in the drop out now you're going to luciferic thing I'm not going to right to activate myself to go to the center and balance the aromatic aspect of the society I'm just going to drop out that's a purely luciferic part of it folks when people don't have discernment the thing we have to develop at a societal level is discernment and understand that it's always a matter of finding a center between two unbalanced polarities with every social question everything that we're doing everything in our personal lives is always the balance point the the radical Center between two extremes because we don't want the the psychotropic Renaissance right now to turn into this Dropout thing which could easily happen because it can also happen that we've become extremely self-absorbed that my internal process is so fascinating as I'm working through all of my old stuff and I'm developing these new citizen powers and abilities and seeing these things we have to be careful of what was discussed in the past and this is really at a societal level as well as individual there are certain challenges that occur on the path of Spiritual Development so one of the first challenges that I I talk about in my work classical idea that happens when you begin to awaken spiritually is something that is known in the rosicrucian tradition as luciferic inflation that's where you begin to get a little bit of knowledge a little bit of spiritual powers or sittas and immediately as soon as you do that luciferic beings will come in and they'll whisper in your ear that oh yes not only are you on the path now and Awakening but you are so incredibly powerful and advanced and significant and they'll start telling you all these things about you're The Reincarnation of the most advanced people in human history and you're this great Avatar and all these things about how you're better than other people and you're more advanced than other people and you're incredibly significant and so the luciferic inflation status you see a lot in spiritual circles where people get overly inflated overly self-absorbed and self-referential and way inflated estimate of their own level of Spiritual Development and so that's something we have to be very careful which ultimately is harmonic in the fact that they're becoming spiritual materialists that's exactly what happens yes so it's almost like the Lucifer there is a there's a is a beautiful intention behind the the core of the luciferic impulse oh yes but when it gets mixed in with the harmonic materialism and blends in an unhealthy way in the shadow way yeah and you get luciferic inflation the rosicrucians have a saying about this that everybody wants to give themselves to Lucifer because that looks like fun but what happens is that says the karma of Lucifer is Airman that if you go too far out on that edge to where you're unbalancing your brain chemicals and your physical body and all by doing too much of this stuff and being too self-absorbed you're going to burn your life out and you're going to end up in a really rough aramonic space and so these things happen all the time they're in constant Dynamic interaction and it is very very possible to become a spiritual materialist even though you think you're going this one pattern on Spiritual Development so we have to be careful about not understanding creating a center through the psychotropic Renaissance that we have now and not falling prey to a really unbalanced self-absorption and way overestimating our level of Spiritual Development with luciferic inflation on this path because again the only thing that's going to change the world is people changing their Consciousness and changing their way of living and having discernment between these different forces because everything in our society right now is based on neuro-linguistic programming and presenting things to us in a way that is meant to make us into a stimulus response organism and push our buttons even the way issues are described they're described in terminology that's meant to push some subconscious impulse inside of us to push us to a particular action yeah so um you know at [Music] um you know at the center that I'm involved with and gonna step into the board chair of um which was formerly the center for integral wisdom and it's going to be World philosophy and religion they have a term you know and this is Mark Gaffney zackstein again they call it techno feudalism and it's this idea of like the Skinner Penland you know kind of idea of complete control of people's actions which we're really seeing play out in social media because we're being rewarded and coerced subtly in all of these different ways and you make a uh not so not so veiled implication that there's if you were going to claim an incarnation of that impulse you'd look at somebody like Zuckerberg who's behind meta right like I saw that in the video of like all right this is the control like the control impulse which you link to our the aramonic impulse which is basically to control all aspects of of being so so explain explain that a little bit more of what I what I saw so what always happens is that there's going to become certain organizations certain focal points for any societal impulse and so you see who gets the most rewarded by Airmen in the sense of Mammon you know they get power they get money they get all these things and so that's what we're seeing with the tremendous amount of censorship with uh what can be talked about in social media today and it's it's even worse in Europe than it is in North America you know what's happening now there where all of the social media Outlets have to agree to the rules against misinformation from the European Union and they're saying they're going to take down Twitter because Twitter didn't agree to sign on to their yeah feelings like [ __ ] that yeah this is good luck taking down Twitter we have to look at what the the organizational centers are there and this and it's going to keep shifting you know what was the the power centers 100 years ago or not exactly the same as what they are now it's going to keep dynamically evolving so this is where we really need to develop discernment so I don't like to focus too much on any one particular organization or any one particular person because the people can change people may be working some really destructive things at one time and then they have an Enlightenment experience and they try to change Redemption is part of the source code right it's always possible so part of the thing for me is as I always try to live life without enemies like nobody's No Man Is My Enemy No person is my enemy any person that I have a conflict with and hopefully we can both get more enlightened and work ourselves out of it even organizations hopefully can can be adapted in a way the only enemy is in Balance exactly but we have to see where those imbalances are for what we want to support or not support and find the ways because there's there's probably never been a time in human history that we didn't live in a coercive system the system always tries to reward you for doing what they want and they punish you if you don't rather that punishment is being banned from social media or demonetization or whatever it's very very real and so if we can understand this in the larger context and again it comes back to the very simple thing of look at the two extremes and find the center but if we lose freedom of speech which we're quickly moving toward then it's going to be a lot lot harder because we have to see that if we understand the development of modern technology from a spiritual perspective what's really happened here is something where we now have the ability to almost instantaneously transfer ideas across the planet and as long as we have the freedom to keep transferring those ideas and in the end the good will will win out but the more that the censorship comes in and the more constriction that we feel on what we talk about because I feel constriction of what I talk about and my things are certain things I'd love to talk about but I know instant Banning from social media and demonetization if I do so one of the ways to work around that is talk about in terms of principles these are the key principles these are things we can work on in our own lives the other things we can work towards societally that we can reward the activity for societally and help support the people who are doing it so if we see a particular organization or a leader of it is not tao-towing to a censorship regime that's somebody we should support now this is a very simple principle yeah I agree there was um I want to just touch on and we're we're moving towards a close history of beautiful conversation thank you so much thank you there is this idea of the the Masons yes and you actually referred to some symbology in in the kind of masonic tradition of using stars and you pointed to a bunch of different stars in different corporation logos and different things which was this kind of identification of like all right we're part of the same we're part of the same team here as this kind of like a symbolism so in some ways I think of Mason's like one part of my mind is like man it's like my fraternity you know I was a Kappa Sigma and it was cool and we did some stuff but really we just kind of got together and we had some drinks yeah and like whatever you know you go to the lodge you smoke a cigar with the boys you do a few different you know kind of flaccid occult rituals that don't really have much power yeah and you know like we do [ __ ] in the dark and whatever like and speak some things and yeah evoke some whatever it was just it was all very flaccid and very like impotent you're trying to create your own initiatory process a group that got together the play intramurals and yeah yeah launch kegs of beer into the into the University of Richmond like really that was pretty much it in some part of me he's like that's that's the [ __ ] Masons but then I'm open to the idea that there's actually a stronger deeper power structure that that exists so where where do you fall in the balance of those extremes whether this is a a major influential piece of what we're experiencing that's hidden and that actually they want us to think that it's like you know Kappa Sigma where you're just kind of getting together hanging with the boys and drinking some beers or whether it's actually a foundational power structure that has deep influence even now so the first thing we have to be aware of is that there's a difference between what was called operative masonry which were the people that actually learned how to build Cathedrals and build structures so they're operative Masons because they actually built stuff they were literally Masons but that became what became known as speculative masonry around the 1700s where these people no longer were being trained to build sacred buildings and it became a type of fraternal Lodge us and these types of organizations can change energetics over time and certainly there's a big change at the time they moved from operative Masonry training to speculative Masons to you know meeting on a Wednesday night or whatever so in the original operative Masons you know this goes back to the Temple of Solomon and the knowledge in the western world really before that in Egypt to be able to use sacred geometry to enhance the power of sacred power spots on the Earth to create real operative energy devices as temples on the Earth's energy grid and that's what the Masons were very very skilled at they knew the secrets of how to do this and so the original original operative Masons and they in their own mythology go back to the Temple of Solomon uh understood how to use sacred geometry the way that higher Spiritual Beings did to create the physical world to use the same patterns and principles to create our world to help create a new golden age so I believe the original Masonic principle and intend to be something highly beneficial to create the new golden age to know how to create temples and of course part of that was great the Temple of the human body there's some very very deep levels of that that are not well understood anymore so one of the original Masonic principles was something called The Royal art and the Royal art was based on we're going to learn the sacred geometry principles that the higher Spiritual Beings use to create everything in our world and once we learn it it's going to be our responsibility at a later point in time to create the patterns of the next round of spiritual Evolution just like this Earth was created by these higher beings and just like human beings become parents and we have children and then the children do the things that we used to do after we move on same thing for Spiritual Beings Spiritual Beings made everything for the Earth for this round of evolution but for the next round of evolution human beings need to learn the same patterns and we need to create the conditions of the next round of evolution now that became things like the Masonic influences on the founders of the United States to create the patterns of how do you create a constitutional democracy and they were absolutely brilliant in it I was starting to throw away a little bit too much of that because yeah they weren't great people in all cases and yeah they did bad things and yeah they may have had slaves not excusing any of that but nonetheless what they came up with as a framework of checks and balances so that nobody in the government can take over everything and become a dictator was absolutely brilliant and that comes out of the Masonic work all the original people that worked on the Constitution Declaration of Independence they were all Masons and that is something I think is highly beneficial so we've got a very esoteric side of it how do we use sacred geometry to amplify power spots and create temples and things of this kind and create our own body into a temple in some of the deeper teachings but around the 1700s this becomes an intellectual thing it becomes a an organization like a fraternal Lodge and again had some very good Outlets like creating the United States as democracy uh then as we move on I believe my experience of it has been that a lot of the esoteric knowledge that was held in masonry has become very very diluted so uh I don't believe that the Masons are a primary influencer in where things are going right now there may be some people who are masons and understand some of that work but I know from my experience of modern day Masons and Masonic lodges I am not a Mason myself but because I teach sacred geometry and that's a big thing for Masons I was invited many years ago to give a talk to one of the oldest Masonic lodges in the United States which is in Savannah Georgia and I gave a talk there about the foundations of sacred geometry including us that's reflected in certain types of masonic imagery and things of that kind but really talking about the whole principle of sacred geometry at the end of it the different Past Masters of the lodge all came out so thank you so much for giving the talk to us you know none of us here know anything about any of this and what you always do is like oh there's this one guy Craig in like Kansas City who knows something about it but it's always like some mythical person in some place but nobody here knows anything about it and they even I don't know what came of this but at the time they were saying oh there's like an even an Impulse now but rather than spending years working through the grades from 1 to 33 to become a 33 degree Mason then maybe we can put something together that a person can become a 33 degree nation in like a weekend or something and that way they can come to some more of the meetings and the Shriners thing and all this type of thing but in in my limited experience of it maybe there's a whole nother hidden cabal of it that I've never seen and have no contact with but the the average Masonic Lodge it's more of a fraternal Lodge and they're very small number of people there that know anything about the real esoteric background of this it's more for business networking and social stuff uh so it could be that they still have some real influential things somewhere but I tend to think these things like change over time and you know the ball has been passed to some other control groups that are now working in some different configurations because certainly the external Masonic lodges if you actually spend time with them and talk to the people there they're not highly esoteric yeah I mean it seems like originally it was a christic impulse it was about bringing this yeah how do you bring the Divine Light into manifest yeah you know aramon and Lucifer balanced and this christic impulse and then influenced by the shadow versions of of of both where it was like all right let's you know let's get drunk and let's let's you know let's make more money yes you know and so it almost was deluded and also you know mildly corrupted as we all are by these by these influences one thing that happens over time is that organizations as they have like the original founding people die off because a lot of the knowledge can get lost So within a lot of esoteric organizations as time goes on it's definitely the case that the vast majority of external Masonic members know very little about any of the spiritual principles or what's behind their rituals yeah and I've met a lot of nice people who are masons but they're not knowledgeable in this area and so it becomes a thing that for those Masons who actually are interested in this stuff and who became a Mason because they want to you know understand these spiritual principles and they find that there's not much within The Lodges now to learn from with that it might be good for political or business networking but they learn very little inside of it so some of them want to rejuvenate the esoteric impulse within masonry and others are just happy to have it become more of a networking thing and I've been invited to become a Mason and I'm not putting Masons or masonry down but uh my thing was that I'm not certain why I would want to join this uh because I'm I know more about the subject and I say that hopefully without ego but I gave the lecture to people and they know everything about it than the people that I I would now have above me in a hierarchical structure yeah it doesn't make any sense plus I have no personal uh urge whatsoever to join any hierarchical structure and I feel a little bit sometimes like Woody Allen saying that I wouldn't want to join any organization that would have somebody like me for a member so so I'm not a big organization guy um but I think if you look for where some of the controls are being pulled today at one time certainly it was the Masons I'm not so certain that's where the focal point is right now yeah it seems that now we're in the time of the democratization of all of this esoteric wisdom and knowledge and it's time for it to no longer be in closed societies you know we don't have people going around with swords and guns killing the people who have the esoteric knowledge they may censor some of it here there they may yeah but actually it feels like the powers of beer almost they've forgotten how powerful this esoteric wisdom is so you don't even see it coming they don't care about it they don't care about it because they've they've they've forgotten how powerful it was yes and I think that's to the advantage of those of us who are now democratizing this information people like yourself we're bringing this information into light is that you know those powers that be here like yeah yeah whatever like that's not going to amount to anything are they putting bodies in the streets are they you know China uh go against this Pharma mandate or whatever it might be like they're focused on on these other the different things but I think there's immense power in this movement of remembering which is putting back together all of this information and synthesizing many of these different schools from the you know hermetic principles the rosicrucian principles the Gnostic principles the kabbalist principles the Deep Buddhists every every everything is invited into this new Alchemy in this new Synergy that's being created and uh I think you know those powers that are opposed to it are really sleeping to the to the dragon that's Awakening yes for me one of the big impulses with creating the The vesica Institute was that I had no interest in being a part of an external hierarchical organization and I didn't even want my I don't want myself to be seen as like anyone who's like a infallible Source sure it's all about the original rosicrucian impulse was for everyone to connect directly to Spirit without any external intermediary and my purpose with vesica was to be able to gather the information from many different sources where it's very fragmented right now and often very unclear and to put it together in a clear concise context where people could save time by accessing the information and the practices that they're going to do with whatever they choose to do with it because their path that might not be the same as my path has nothing about following me or my being anything other than a person collecting and transmitting the information it's all about them getting what they need to connect directly and understand this incredible Legacy that a people that came before us which also includes Us in previous times put together as bodies of knowledge and practices that will help us to develop in this lifetime and help the world around us in this lifetime to get to the next stage it needs to get to yeah thank you for your work thank you for coming and uh and sharing your wisdom here on the podcast and uh and appreciating this field then um you've mentioned where people can go and find you and I just really encourage people I mean that's I got to absorb a lot of this content before this conversation is just fantastic what you've been able to do and so keep going and I look forward to how our own paths will weave as we uh go to democratize access to the truth yes thank you so much it's such a pleasure to be here with you and I love the work you do so I'm it's a great pleasure to be here yeah thank you so much and thank you everybody for listening we love you and we'll see you next week thanks for tuning in to this video make sure you hit subscribe follow me at Aubry Marcus check out the Aubrey Marcus podcast available everywhere and leave a comment let me know if this video resonated or what else you would like to hear from me in the future thank you so much
Channel: Aubrey Marcus
Views: 470,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aubrey, marcus, aubrey marcus, Aubrey marcus podcast, dr. robert gilbert, sacred geometry, self initiation, hidden practices, rosicrucian practices, robert gilbert, egyptian biogeometry, rosicrucian video, robert gilbert vibration, robert gilbert egypt, sacred geometry explained, Spiritual science, spiritual development stages, rosicrucianism explained, rosicrucian initiation, rosicrucian teachings, ancient atlantis technology, ancient egypt spirituality
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 57sec (9417 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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