Decoding Lottery Patterns with ChatGPT-4

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[Music] this is Tech unmuted the podcast of modern collaboration where we tell the stories of how collaboration tools enable businesses to be more efficient and connected with your hosts George shanin and Santi quar welcome to Tech [Music] unmuted welcome to the latest episode of tech unmuted uh we've got a bit of an interesting podcast today we're going to take a look at some functionality in chat GPT really chat GPT 4 that lets you do some kind of data analytics uh so it's going to be a little bit of fun we're going to have here we're looking at some uh lottery numbers from the state of New York uh and we're going to walk you through and show you what chat upt does with it how to get to it that kind of stuff I do want to start by reading a disclaimer and that disclaimer is before we dive in the data discussed in this podcast is based on historical lottery results and is for entertainment purposes only past lottery Trends do not predict future outcomes every lottery draw is a game of chance with each number having an equal likelihood of being called regardless of the p data uh do not face your lottery decisions solely on this information always play responsibly understanding the odds are significantly low that you will win we accept no liability for choices made based on our content if gambling becomes a concern seek help promply there you go so in other words in other words do not use this podcast to pick your numbers to pick your numbers so so I'm going to walk through let me get my screen up here and share this screen yeah you know what this is this is gonna be fun actually this is great because it's yeah yeah so this is GPT Force this is the paid version uh specifically what I'm going to look at here is Advanced data analytics uh and the reason we're doing this this is a fun thing to look at with the lottery but this this is some really cool functionality to do data analytics this is a lot of stuff that's in here is what you'll see with Microsoft co-pilot when it gets into GA right uh this is a paid service I think it's 20 bucks a month is what I'm paying for this uh and again this used to be this used to be called code interpreter up until a couple of weeks ago which was an odd name and now it's now it's got a better name so the data I'm going to look at is Megamillions data uh that runs up until about 2020 I think it goes back 10 years so I'm G to I'm going to load the data set in place I found this was at uh there's a bunch of stuff we looked at but we chose this one which is uh beginning actually goes back to 2002 so and then it goes up to 2020 I'm pretty sure is where the data ends I I will point out to you you have one in 32.6 million chance of winning uh the megail millions so this is fairly difficult yeah so once you're in here you pick gp4 you pick Advanced data analytics right you go to your file sorder here I've got the lottery numbers it's going to load that spreadsheet in so once you've got the spreadsheet loaded you can qu query anything right so very simple query is just to say what do you see in this data that is interesting or unexpected so we'll do that as our first query it's a great we're doing this live if you look on the left hand side you can see we already played around with this once before but let's see what happens so this this is great because you're using what's called this is this is natural language processing before our eyes right we're using natural language to give this bot right uh instructions and it and not not only is it reading your your instructions but it's comprehending and so this is this is what AI is all about we're looking at it right before our eyes this is great and it takes a similar process no matter what data you load it starts to look at columns and rows and and tries to figure out what's going on so it identified there's a draw date there's winning numbers there's a multiplier um interestingly it's started to identify hey numbers one through 26 uh seemed to be drawn more frequently uh less frequently 27 through 39 very interesting there is an interesting element to this that we we flagged and I'm going to I'm going to prompt it on that in a second but we'll see it figures it out itself this time uh it is identified the numbers go 1 through 69 right so it's analyze the data and that's the one thing I'm going to flag back to it uh it's G to give us a chart oh look at this it's giving you it's giving you suggested reasons for for why you're getting certain results see that and there is a reason right and I think uh so that gives you frequency right interesting it is fairly odd in that chart that it there is a drop off uh and I'm gonna prompt it it's still going right so it's still analyzing it's analyzing it's analyzing this is amazing because you know we're seeing this a lot of people hear of chat GPT but they they never really had a chance to uh play with it or or use it and we're uh giving the audience here a live view of this artificial intelligence analyzing the data and answering your question it's still by the way it's still answering your question you said what's interesting and what's unexpected it's actually y it's it's it's giving you the answer uh it's crazy oh look look it's talking about the multiplier now so that's the additional you can pay extra to get the multiplier rate clearly double the the payout is more frequent than 10 times yes you would expect that I'm not a big lottery player but I I guess that would be an expected outcome there was a thing on there in the chart that was a little further up and I'll scroll back up once it's done analyzing uh there was a perceptual you could see an actual drop off at about 60 for the numbers that are drawn it said something about it said something about that it looks like numbers were added later on it said that in the description so that's interesting yeah so I'm going to go back and say yeah yeah reanalyze real quick uh taking out what happened at that point in time also ask it to identify when the number 60 or higher had started to appear in the uh in the numbers now it's doing this is far more analytics than we saw the first time and we asked a very similar question uh so it is giving number seven and 15 have been drawn together 20 times these these are some interesting things that absolutely did not identify this before uh and it's got other sequences of numbers drawn together again this is all random uh the standpoint of a lottery listen this is amazing right look like for example it would take us if we took the same data and try to uh uh do the research ourselves it would take us probably days to try to reach all these con inclusions that the AI just did right and this is the beauty of the latest uh advancements in artificial intelligence I mean look at look at all the all the analytical points we have now in a matter of minutes I mean this is great so now there's something happened with 60 uh again I I didn't go back and actually look this up but it was clear that the number 16 above didn't exist at one point asking it yeah go back and look again right tell us what's different uh but I'm gonna stay in the end of this because this took a really long time I'm gonna say uh keep uh let's say let's make actually not let's I'm just going to tell make the summary uh of your analysis shorter this time so gonna send it back to do this so I'll tell you what it's doing this I did see that it did capture it said something that it appears like those numbers were added later so it was able to find that hey this ha you know something about a data this apparently these numbers WR it later so so was able to pick pick that out [Music] um oh there you go September 26 of 2020 so there's clearly a a pivot that happened [Music] here and I suspect there was another one prior to that because there was a sort of an inflection point in another place maybe around the number 50 something like that okay so 60 was only drawn after 2020 and again it f it did not figure this out the first time around when we analyzed the data but it has the second time these completely independent uses of this analytics yeah you know I think I think a lot of has to do with the prompt too right it's like you know it's it slight changes or slight differences between how you prompt it will give you a slightly different result sometimes um and that's just with AI in general and this got down to a much narrower data set because I think this data only goes through the end of 2020 so it got really narrow now it's 60 come in uh 60 and above now it's slicing down at a smaller level below that now it's going to do a little analysis on uh on what it sees in this data and then we're going to ask get to pick some numbers for us we'll see what it comes up with look at the first number one it says numbers 27 to 39 which were previously drawn as Powerball numbers cease to be drawn after they added the 60 plus interesting interesting so for some reason having the additional 10 numbers or whatever that at the end that Gap that that that space in the numbering sequence uh fell off that's that's that is very interesting so how do we want to ask this so since it's it's not going to want to give us the answer but I'm going to say uh what are the most likely numbers to be drawn be drawn next oh give me three ways you would come up with this you're gonna really make this a I think yeah so it's not going to want to answer I'm sure it's going to warn us going to do right so it's inherently uncertain since it's designed to be random however there are some strategies so look it even called it hot numbers see that and cold numbers oh okay so there's actually a terminology for this and it's actually giving you that all right all right uh wow and again the the value of this overall is you can take survey data yeah do the analytics you could step through all of the data uh you could then even say summarize the results summarize the results that I would use in a report summarize the results that I would use in a press release uh and in fact I might try that at the end of this to say write me a two paragraph press release to talk about frequently used numbers or numbers to pick for the lottery but let's let's see what it comes up with so okay if we were to go with hot numbers uh gave us a couple Hots but did you notice that did you notice that it gave gave you the hot numbers but they're not in numeric order they're scattered you see that and it's they didn't give us six so let's let's go back and ask one more query here so uh I'm gonna say give [Music] me the last three bullets but make it six numbers in each see if it understands that because that's a little bit of a complex query actually if you think of yeah so so if you're listening to this podcast on the audio platforms you're probably going what is going on it's got to be painful yeah you're you're gonna have to come to YouTube because this is just mindblowing like this is one of those YouTube only uh podcast uh because this is you know listen I I understand all the advancements in AI I know how we've gone from machine learning to natural language processing uh to conversational AI to uh even even neural networks I get I understand all those Concepts this is great but to see it right like to see it actually unfold before your eyes this way it just it never ceases to amaze me like I am I am in I'm having AA moments every time I see it and I don't get bored of seeing it right that's just what's so fascinating look at this and it is interesting if we look at this so it did it understand stood what I said so most frequently drawn numbers hot numbers right gave us six uh cold numbers gave us six right common pairs maybe not as useful I don't know maybe it is useful you might like a pair it's up to you uh but it gave that data so let let me do one last query here and I'm going to say write a two par paragraph press release about the last response you made that highlights how [Applause] chat GPT can help you Pick lottery numbers let's see what it thinks about this and you gota if you don't use chat GPT one of the things you need to be aware of is don't don't just set it Loose if you know you need something long or concise right it it will tend to do long and oftentimes very long multi- paragraphs of stuff so it's part of your prompt right so you gave it some parameters you said listen keep it within two paragraphs otherwise it'll it will it will go along so that's what's great about this is the prompt is key right all right so there it is San Francisco California yes this is pretty funny actually so if you read this uh open ai's advanced language model chat GPT is offering A New Perspective on how to approach the age all challenge of picking lottery numbers with its vast analysis capability chat GPT has demonstrated the ability to sift through historical Lottery data to identify for frequently drawn numbers less common ones and even pairs of numbers uh that often appear together so not going to read the rest of it but it's pretty it's it's a little funny uh it's almost like it gets it's funny right uh it does do the note again on the end you'll get this on a lot of things with chat GPT it gives you a warning right if you try to do something that it's not doesn't have the data set to do or something like this that you can't really predict redit it this is completely random yeah going to caution you on this uh but again we thought this was an interesting thing to look at today uh we've used it a couple times with some dirt survey data and other stuff uh this data set actually is one of the better ones I've used uh to do analytics but it was really clean and straightforward it only had a couple of columns it had multiple rows of data so it was both more simple on the front end and uh in the data set uh have found with some survey data if you get traditional kind of spreadsheets cross tabulations whatever it is back on it I they are more challenging for this to analyze and I've had to restructure the data to get it get it to work but it has identified some insightful things that I would would not have otherwise identified the data or would have taken you an extremely long time to reach those conclusions so one thing I want I would like to go is I like to go back and look at your prompts because I think I think the key to all this is what your prompts are so your very first prompt was was very short but to the point because you challenged the AI you said what do you see in this data that is interesting or unexpected so now now it's really it's when to take those two words right to heart it's going to say hold on I need to sift through this data and come up with interesting points and the unexpected and man did it come up with data this is a significant amount of a an analytics it gave you right I mean if you scroll down just we're not going to read all but if you scroll down there's a lot of interesting point massive points here and and interesting things right it it a chart here its own that helped you understand what was going on the one caution I will give you uh we don't load any proprietary or sensitive data into this I'm not 100% sure what the uh what the privacy policy is on the back end of this we've not really drilled into it we've just taken the stance uh from our standpoint that uh we're not putting sensitive data in here we just don't know where it goes or how it gets ingested something probably should look at in the future on a on a podcast but at some point we have to review that that I'm I'm assuming that once you go into a paid model or something that's part of what you're paying for right some some type of uh policy sets but yeah let's look at your second prompt because once it once it generated all this did all this right and then I said look at it again so this was the first one I got a little more detailed right uh I knew there was an issue at the number 60 because we'd seen it when we did a Dy run on this previously uh it came back and said let's let let me identify I think it came back last time and said something like I'm sorry I missed that and then it reanalyzed yeah so and and this time by the way to sant's point somewhere up there it it apparently did see that there was some anomaly so it did it did catch that that it looks like you know numbers after 60 were at it later it did it did identify that I don't really have a full understanding of how it's regenerating at its approach on the back end but it's it is Loosely possible that that previous goor round we did it learned hey I missed something and I need to not miss it the next time so this goes back to the broader premise with AI this is a tool to help you do your job better it's not going to replace your job but and it's proven here it missed a key point or it in the second time it didn't totally miss it but the first time it totally missed the key point which was something changed at a point in time with the numbers right yeah this is just fascinating man no matter how many times oh here's the other prompt so uh oh correct so what are the most likely numbers to be drawn next I love that prompt and give me three ways you would come up with this and so uh and then it came up with its own like description hot numbers Cod numbers and then just a an analysis right I mean this is great um so and what's what I love about it is that it's actually describing its approach as well so it's it's telling you hey here's how I'm going to develop your your answers I'm going to look at these things and then it does it so it explains what its approach is going to be and then as you scroll down it gives you the output and there it is and then it didn't give me all the numbers right so it said hey give me the six uh the six this is a little bit of a complex prompt right even though it's a sentence I'm saying the last three bullets they weren't actually they're technically bullets but they were numbered right it understood it understood uh remember it's comprehension that's the thing about AI it comprehends what it's reading it's uh which is scary and then finally the press release press release which is fun I thought was was was and I can see give me a chart of this data to be used with the press release oh nice see what we got does a pretty good job with the charts cut and paste them out right you don't have the data set you can ask for tables as well yeah uh so you could get a table un cut and paste it out uh and drop it into Excel taking a little more time here so it's must be thinking about what it's going to do now show the work let's see what happens there so it's looking at the data sets oh look at that oh yes I see what it's doing so I wonder if it's uh it understands the press release words well what it is is it's going to create a a a graph based on the three things right hot numbers cold numbers and common Pairs and there you go there it is so there's the chart ah it's interesting right it's not great it's interesting but but it's okay it gave you it gave you a v a visual of the uh the hot numbers the cold numbers and then the common pairs I mean this is listen for anybody who plays a lottery and likes to have a scientific approach to gambling I guess this is good data listen people people have been doing this since the lottery existed right there's people who analyze you know his hisorical data to try and come up with their next pick uh AI just kind of made that process uh shorter for them now oh what are the odds say one what are the odds of winning based on the numbers in the original data set see if it can figured this is another fairly complex because it as the data set it probably like we intuitively know there's a set of numbers that I think go up to either 69 or 70 in this data set so you could do some the a way to prompt it as well would have been yeah scroll random draw six numbers out of 69 what's the odds of picking that in any given thing right yeah uh so to ter when so it thinks it's Powerball by the way it's Mega Millions um number range is 169 it's pretty interesting oh it's giv you the math formula hold on hold on hold on I got let's see what the odds are the other thing we saw on the web said like 302 million let's see if it comes up with the same number this saying it's even more challenging so one in 400 thou 438 million wow so again it thinks it's it thinks it's power balls I don't know if power balls different Mega Millions it's not Lottery is not my thing but uh Hey so with that we'd love to get some feedback on this if there's other data you'd like us to take a look at it analyze do another podcast and do the same thing yeah but by the way by the way uh entertainment purposes only that's the key that's the key here but yeah we would love to like showcase uh stuff like this because this is really the only way to understand the advancements of artificial intelligence is to actually see these types of things unfold before your eyes and so yeah I say let's do it if if if somebody has an idea uh for for for a data set that we could use um on chat GPT leave it in the comment section below and we'll we'll we'll entertain that and I think we could do another episode uh using suggested data sets I would love to do that so yeah um George you you hit the ball out of the park for th episode I love this this is great this is great uh folks uh this does bring our podcast to an end uh please go ahead and subscribe subscribe to our podcast on your favorite podcast platform um and as well as YouTube this one was definitely a YouTube definitely YouTube so uh but folks uh until next time remember this stay connected visit Fusion unmuted for show notes and more episodes thanks for listening
Channel: Tech UNMUTED
Views: 96,930
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Id: nd7y-H4qmAs
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Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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