declutter & organize my closet with me | my journey to becoming a minimalist

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[Music] let's declutter and organize my closet hey everyone welcome back to my channel and welcome to my decluttering Series in today's video I'm going to be doing a closet declutter and organization one thing I really enjoy is organizing my space I think I've always been like this since I was a little girl I've watched many different shows on organization and one of them is actually the home edit on Netflix I don't know if you guys have seen that show it's a great show and I've learned that whenever you're organizing a space it's best to remove everything from that space and just sort it all out first before you even decide what you want to get rid of the reason I wanted the clutter in my closet is because because I want to create more of a intentional closet and really know everything that's in my closet they say you only wear 20% of what's in your closet anyways I want to know exactly what's in my closet so that it's easier for me to get dressed when I have places to be now that my closet is empty I like to take this opportunity to wipe down any surfaces that may be Dusty or vacuum a bit just to get the space nice and clean and ready for the clothes to go back in these shoe boxes are from Amazon and I like them because they look more aesthetically pleasing the only downside is that sometimes they kind of like come apart a little bit so you do have to like readjust and make sure that everything is assembled properly I've stumbled upon Madison Gray's channel on minism and slow living and I'm loving it she made a really great point on one of her videos and I'm completely paraphrasing what she said but she said that when she had kids she felt like this calling I guess to be minimalist she felt like she deserved to live a life that's clutter-free and it's empowering to know that you don't have to manage so many things at home she also says things in her video that I feel like make a lot of sense it's like we weren't really put on this Earth to manage so many things and I feel like sometimes my attachment to things make me feel overwhelmed because things get messy because there's a lot of things that maybe don't have a home or they're just overflowing and it can tend to slow me down and frustrate me so I really want to live a minimal lifestyle as minimal as I can be because I feel like I have tried to give this life a go in the past I was younger so hopefully now that I'm in a different season of my life I can go ahead and be a successful minimalist so let's talk about some of the pros of decluttering I feel like cluttering helps you realize what shopping decisions you're making that might not be working out for you so for instance sometimes as I'm decluttering I start to see a pattern with certain types of clothing that I'm buying that maybe isn't flattering me but I keep buying it so it just helps me to be aware of what doesn't look good when maybe I buy it and I'm thinking it's going to look good but it doesn't another thing is that cluttering can help you realize that maybe you're buying into more trendy pieces as opposed to more Timeless pieces so for me one thing I'm trying to do is be mindful of what might be just too trendy in the moment like I will only buy into Trends if I truly like them now as opposed to just buying whatever is trending and this is something that's been a conscious decision of mine because I just feel like with the influencer culture that there is nowadays it's so easy to see everybody posting about the same sneakers for instance and then you're like oh well I want to get those sneakers too but sometimes you have to take a step back and ask yourself do you really like these sneakers or is it just because everyone has [Music] them something that has really hindered my ability to declutter is getting into the mental head space of I don't want to let this item go because I spent x amount of dollars on this item and I want to wear it one day and I'm just going to keep on holding on to it but this content creator Gabe bolt on YouTube he said something that resonated with me and he said and I'm paraphrasing but he says you didn't lose the money when you got rid of an item you lost the money a long time ago when you purchased the item so that is something to also keep in mind is that you know I lost the money a long time ago let's just try to move forward look forward and not and not spend money on things that I might not wear I really long to be a better Steward of my money by buying less and a better Steward of my time by managing less items in my life I just I feel like I'm in a stage of my life where I really just want to take care of my home and I just want to maintain a clean space which is something that I've struggled with for a long time while I feel like I I'm pretty organized I just make messes because not everything has a home there's still some room in here a little bit of room that's kind of what I want I do have a lot of color in here which is fine I like a lot of color honestly I have my Basics that are more neutral up there and I have my jeans up there and then at the tippy top shelf I have um some bags and I have more bags in this container right here but these in the corner are my wedding stuff that um I just want to store I like this system it works really well for me just having my shoes here and then a shoe box on the corner another shoe box here this is my to go travel bag um I have another duffel bag there that I keep to travel and here is a bag of totes so it has more totes within that so this works for me and that's how we're going to keep it I hope this video inspired you to declutter your space SP and perhaps live a little bit of a minimal lifestyle baby steps if you will if that is your desire if not I hope that this video provided some kind of declutter organization therapy for you if you like this video please consider subscribing thank you so much for watching this video and I will catch you on the next one bye for now
Channel: Karla Perrone
Views: 19,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: closet declutter and organization, closet declutter minimalism, closet cleanout 2024
Id: sGqqqGBUedY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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