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[Music] well hello there I just got back from the grocery store I did a smaller haul this week so I'm going to include that footage here in a second and then we're going to get straight into meal planning for the week let's dive in and see what I bought all right folks so I've just come back from the grocery store and I thought I'd take you through some of the stuff that I got this week as I've shared in previous videos uh about every 3 to four weeks I do a really big haul and every 10 days or so I do a topup shop similar to this one here so I'll put all the prices on the screen for you if you're not watching from Australia you might just be interested to see what things cost here in Australia so all of this is from Woolworths which is one of our main supermarkets in Australia and first up we got some bananas I've got um a lemon I use fresh lemon in a lot of cooking also it's really nice and refreshing in a drink got a cucumber some apples I think this might be pink lady we're on special mandarins are finally back in the shops um for a while they weren't looking very nice but these looked really yummy uh baking paper I do a lot of sheet pan meals as you would have seen on this channel already I needed some plain gluten-free flour I use this for baking dessert desserts and things like that haven't quite braved the bread yet um some hot sauce we were almost out of this one and we had no tomato sauce left so uh my husband got this large one cuz that was on special this week got some team crunchy peanut butter this is pure peanut butter I believe um without a bunch of extra sugar and things like that a little bit of salt so that's fine um potatoes this was less than $2 a kilo at the moment and this odd Bunch brand like I've talked about before is um things that are different sizes and things like that um so they normally sell it a little bit cheaper which is fantastic um I'm going to be doing some meal prepping using chicken this week so I use the I'm going to be using the chicken thigh fillets this whole pack was um $18 but this will make a few different meals for us and finally I splurged on a gluten-free noi so I think I'm going to do like a chicken pesto Yi thing and finally we've got eggs I always buy freerange eggs it's one of those things where having seen how cage tens live Etc I do try to buy free range whenever I can afford it um so that is the grocery haul this week and we're going to have a quick look now at what we're going to be making this week now before I went to the grocery store I do always have an idea in the back of my mind of the stuff that I have in my Fraser my fridge and my pantry which includes things like potatoes and carrots in terms of fresh vegetables I always have some frozen vegetables on hand and I always have a couple of different options of Frozen proteins on hand so we're going to go through and meal plan now for the week based on the grocery haul that you just saw and the stuff that I have in my freezer and the thing I really love about having a well stocked freezer and pantry is that you can mix things up as you'll see in today's meal plan I'm going to give myself and my husband a few different options depending on what we feel like that night so first up you don't need anything fancy to meal plan I'm just using a piece of paper and I've got my lunch and my dinner and I've got the DAT of the week I typically meal plan for one week at a time you can meal plan for more than that if you want and you will see that I have actually got more than seven days worth of meals that I'm doing this week now the main thing I start with in meal planning is when you are going to be out or doing something else so on Wednesday night I'm taking a good friend of mine out for her 40th birthday uh special night out so I'm going to be out and my husband is probably going to be doing takeaway that night when it comes to meal planning and meal prepping I've got a couple of criteria as you know if you followed along here in the channel I like to cook fewer times a week and be able to reheat tasty nutritious dinners for my husband and I it's only the two of us in this household but if I make extra it means I have to cook less and a meal that is really nice both on the night and reheated is often my criteria so I'm going to be trying a new recipe this week which is based on ground beef and coconut cream it is served on Rice it's got some vegetables in it I actually had all these vegetables on hand so on um Monday and Tuesday night we are going to be trying this new um minced beef Curry um I'll take you along in the next video when I make this for the first time the other thing I happened to know that we have in the fridge so I've got some tomato that needs using up I've got some burger buns in the freezer and I've got burgers in the freezer so um I've got some lettuce and cheese and other things as well so for two nights um we are going to be doing Burgers um and I'll probably just make my own potato wedges um because it's so easy so it's time to see me build out the week here I've got my um my Curry my eating out so e is for Emmy P is for Paul my husband and then we're going to do burgers with wedges now I've put the burgers on Thursday and Friday we may end up eating it on that day or another night so that's the thing about flexibility if you have your ingredients on hand you can be a little bit flexible depending on what works for you and for your family so that means that I need to have dinners for Saturday and and Sunday and I think what I'm going to do I noticed that I have some uh two salmon portions left in my freezer so we're going to just do salmon with um roast veggies um on one of the nights so probably I've written it down now for Saturday night but you know you can mix and match and move it around and in my grocery haul I picked up some noi um it's quite hard to find gluten-free Yi my husband is gluten-free but I wanted to um make something quite nice so I've got some mushroom I've got a jar of pesto in my pantry and I bought those chicken thighs so I'm going to be using some of those chicken thighs for that meal so I think I'm going to do a chicken um pestoni and I'm just going to see how many portions that makes it might actually make more than um one portion each it probably reality will make more than that so what I sometimes do if I think the meal is going to make more is you'll see here I've just added Monday so next week's Monday again and I've added leftovers there so by cooking one two three four times I'm going to get all my dinners for more than a week taken care of so that is the kind of stuff that I like now for lunches you see there's a big gap here I noticed that I have have some tofu in my fridge we like tofu especially oven roasted tofu which I've done here on the channel before but I think what I'm going to do um for lunch a couple of the days is a fried rice so it's really simple you just use cold cooked rice along with some kind of vegetable some kind of protein so I'm going to do a mix of egg and Tofu for the protein and I'm going to make up a batch of fried rice uh for lunches that we can bring to work with us for 3 Days um and fried rice typically lasts really well in the fridge so it's not really a problem now I do also have some leftover chicken we did a roast chicken the other night so I think what we can do for a couple of the lunches this week is to just do chicken sandwiches I've got um lettuce I bought some cucumber I still have some tomato in my fridge um so we're going to do some chicken sandwiches and I think I'm going to do that for 2 days apologies for my uh appalling handwriting but we're keeping it real here so I've got um uh for Thursday and Friday we're doing chicken sandwiches for lunch Saturday I've got some friends visiting so we are going to be eating the lunch out on Saturday and on Sunday I'm just going to do some simple like eggs we often do like omelette frittata fried eggs boiled eggs on toast something like that so there we go that is my meal plan for the coming week um most of this I actually already had in my fridge freezer and pantry and then I just did a topup shop we don't typically meal plan for breakfast the few times I have breakfast I'll have a piece of toast or a piece of fruit or sometimes I'll do chia pudding I have made chia pudding in this channel before I'll link the recipe up here it's so simple to make it's really really healthy it's got a lot of good fats and things like that in it but that is the plan for the week I hope you follow along please give this video a thumbs up if you like it it really helps out my channel helps me make more videos like this for you guys and if there are any particular things around meal planning or recipes that you're curious about leave a comment down below and let me know so I can add it to my filming schedule have an amazing week I hope you meal plan some healthy nutritious food for you your family or your living situation and I look forward to see you in the next video
Channel: Simple Meal Plan & Prep
Views: 1,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meal plan, meal prep, australia, budget meals, healthy meals, easy recipes, quick meal prep, easy meal plan, gluten free recipes, meal plan for 2, budget meal plan, gluten free meal prep, grocery haul australia, woolworths australia, woolies
Id: 1_2NSJgNljA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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