Decline of Western Civilzation

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i'll tell you joe it can never ever come down to taking self-responsibility yeah yeah well unfortunately i think what we've seen is um since the 1960s this experiment our society has essentially run on black people they're now expanding to people of all races yeah and it's the severing of actions and behavior from consequences and rewards so that if you behave in a way that's pathological to yourself the consequences used to be pretty obvious that you suffered and the people around you suffered people around you told you to get your [ __ ] together yeah but what we've done now is we we've completely disconnected that just as we've disconnected the idea that if you are disciplined delay gratification and go to work you will be more likely to thrive than if you didn't do those things so we've severed those connections and that's why you have people saying um you need to compensate me even though i've done nothing to earn that and you have done nothing to be in my debt so once you disconnect those things then you can live in a world where nothing makes sense anymore because there's nothing that's why i know i was bringing up but that nature is metal channel on instagram to me that is the purest example of what life is really like that's real life your life is a constant hustle to get some food in you without getting eaten and squirt out your dna before you shuffle off this mortal coil that's what life really is like so life really is a wasp that injects its larva into a cockroach and they eat their way out and that they can't that's life life is not like oh but my feelings were hurt because i was not adequately celebrated for my purple hair and my you know my right 48 inch waist it's like yeah yeah you would you would die without the without the almost magical intervention that western civilization has created over the past hundred years yeah and without that well we're gonna [ __ ] find out baby we're gonna find out people seem to be uh looking forward to that i mean there's this uh celebration with every statistic that comes out that sees that western civilization is is on the down swing and that uh um certain races are not procreating at the rate of other races and and it really is this um celebration of pending suicide yeah it's just i i'm sorry you look at history and what it shows is that the minds and and bodies of western civilization have built an amazing yeah amazing thing here on this uh society yeah there's never been a better time to be a human being across the world yeah yeah no i used to joke that we we have fat poor people that's never existed anywhere else in the animal kingdom yeah but you could even have the opportunity to gain weight to become obese and we have fat poor people poor people rich people what was that maybe only within the past couple hundred years you had a few of those and now we have uh fat poor people so we won and now we have to go through these cycles of you know hard times soft men's you know you have to go through these things and uh i i like reading about history and oh yeah i was watching it was this interactive map of empires that have ruled the world and we forget for a while poland was king [ __ ] in europe yeah sweden was running the show for a while and if you lived during those times you never thought like well 150 years to be different like you you never you didn't look that way because everybody thinks their moment in history is the moment right right take a look at the [ __ ] mongols the mongols ruled the world and how did they do that because they knew how to shoot an arrow when they're on a horse that was what did it for them and because you know genghis khan was prepared to jizz inside as many women as he possibly could now you tell me a better system we've come up with than an arrow from a horse and [ __ ] in as many women as possible it worked it worked for [ __ ] thousands of years for years and people think like it's not even 100 years the things that we take for granted yeah yeah yeah kings didn't have toilets and just the the relative uh youth of this country yeah the united states there does seem to be this um amazing thought that it just can't end like this will stand it's like no odds dictate it will end that's how [ __ ] works it it time goes on and something else comes along and uh or like the roman empire it's eaten from within and it just disappears off the face of the earth i don't think you ever see from prosperity to conclusion in a single lifetime i think a lot of lifetimes are in between the pinnacle of an empire and its demise so i you know people that are alive now going oh my god the america's going to be dead in you know 10 years or something i like and i don't think you're going to be around to see it yeah but you know steady decline it does happen it's happened you know those internet i love watching those interactive maps that are time-lapsed yeah yeah you see the power see like an empire go and then the color sweeps across then goes swings back again and you're like holy [ __ ] that yeah that was a couple a hundred or maybe even a thousand years but the bottom line is it happened that they you know so so if you look at that and you think what was what's the commonality one empire replacing another and i think a lot of times it's the new guys wanted it more new guys he didn't have as much to lose look take a look at the taliban yeah what do they have to lose their life sucks and they're cool with that yeah look at that look how simple their lives are if you're in the taliban your life is pretty much try to live get a a woman to do whatever out of jail whatever you want to do there and serve god by fighting infidels so you really only have three things to worry about that's it so what do you do i was laughing when they showed the video of the taliban in that guy's gym oh yeah and how funny it must seem to them the idea of you know work out and staying they're like mountain people walking around in sandals and if they you see like they're 30 years old the guy looks like he's 70. so to him the idea of oh yeah but i need to stay in shape and burn off calories or my lats need work like to them right what are you talking about here you go yeah yeah look at him on the elliptical it's like one it's fake joke yeah he's going backwards on it and look at this way we can put a homosexuals head in here and smash like they're just trying to think of ways to hurt people like wow my stamina for goat [ __ ] is really it's a joke to them like look at this what is this and then they burnt it like they just have no use for this [ __ ] bumper cars the same thing look at this what is this fun they call it fun i don't know i have fun shooting people in the head that are against allah uh yeah and then they burnt this place down too they they have a little fun they check it out and then they uh light a match that's actually from adventure land on long island that was that adventureland i thought it looked familiar i remember my dad taking me there on the weekends when he had custody of us with his ak-47 right with his ak and we'd but you don't say like look at their life they're not distracted by oh no somebody or something like oh man i feel bad that i didn't call somebody by their preferred pronoun yeah they don't give a [ __ ] i didn't see one obese [ __ ] in there either that's for sure you know you didn't see that here they are on uh swan boats yeah this is their uh the navy taliban a taliban navy nice romantic place to take out your harem of ten-year-old ten-year-olds takes his child bride out into the lake that looks nice and you know what they'll throw a bar soap near that water and they'll they'll head for those oh yeah the water looks pretty pretty nice where that is imagine that afghanistan has a lot of great natural beauty yeah there's not look at him with this nice [ __ ] american weapon and optic he's got a nice [ __ ] here's some positive news though i was talking to somebody who's uh who served in afghanistan and he said um don't worry he says our shit's gonna all our stuff falls apart in a couple years he said that's not like an ak-47 where you can use it to hammer nails and then another yeah because he said the blackhawks he says these guys can't read they're gonna [ __ ] service a blackhawk helicopter yeah yeah they got one off the air off the ground with a guy hanging from it which i i was pretty impressed with quite frankly but yeah the maintenance on all that equipment is a job in itself and uh yeah i can't see one of these guys turning a wrench underneath a humvee yeah exactly an oil filter or something you know it's got that little thing you plug into your car that gives you the codes yeah yeah yeah this will not pass emissions yeah oh dude you're checking your fluids yeah not monitoring your fluids yeah they just they'd rather just use the dipstick to beat an infidel yeah that is something that within a couple of years i think they're going to have a hard time using any of that equipment uh parts they they get no new parts but who knows with biden he might ship new parts over there accidentally humanitarian uh projects
Channel: Compound Media
Views: 33,007
Rating: 4.8748221 out of 5
Keywords: the anthony cumia show, anthony cumia, opie & anthony, gregg opie hughes, opieradio, jim norton, siriusxm, Artie Lange, joe devito
Id: z0pFSqctJW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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