Dulce de Leche Cheesecake Recipe with Jemma! | Cupcake Jemma Channel

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[Music] hello cupcake jenna here and we're here with sam behind the camera in sam's beautiful kitchen and we've also got sally in the background she's gonna make sure i don't forget anything important like the fact that yesterday on sorted foods channel we took part in a pass it on challenge with them so make sure you check that out we made together collectively a pretty awful trifle it was mostly them we tried to save it didn't we sally yeah but um it wasn't to be so we are definitely determined to give you a really awesome trifle recipe over the next few weeks so make sure you're subscribed to the cupcake gemma channel so you don't miss that now why are we here well we're here to make a dolce de leche cheesecake i blending love cheesecake and i love dolce de leche if you don't know what that is it's essentially kind of like a caramelized milk product if you've heard of condensed milk then that's like a really super super sweet milk which you find in a tin and if you cook that over a long period of time just by covering it in a saucepan with about two inches of water over the top of the tin bringing it to the boil and boiling it on a sort of low rolling boil for about four hours it is a bit of a commitment but it is worth it because in the end you end up with this amazing stuff this sticky caramelly toffee-like yummy deliciousness oh it's so good i mean you could just spread that on things but i am going to make a cheesecake with it so without further ado the cheesecake is going to have a delicious oreo buttery biscuit base not one but two cheesecake fillings also i'm gonna add chocolate ganache because why the heck not and i'm gonna put some pie crumb on it some chocolatey pie crumbs this is gonna be a really decadent dessert so let's do it so in my bowl here i have 275 grams of oreo crumbs which are basically whizzed up in the food processor to a fine crumb consistency like that and that is with the creak some of you often ask if i scoop the cream out no keep the cream in there that's really important i'm going to add 75 grams of melted butter which is also slightly cool you don't want to make this when the butter is really really hot and just for good measure and a little bit of extra flavor a pinch of salt and just with a wooden spoon mix that all up so that it's all nicely combined to a kind of wet sand consistency okay that's looking pretty good so i've got an 8 inch springform pan i'm using a springform pan for the cheesecake because it just makes it so much easier to remove you can use like a loose bottom cake tin you'll just have to like push it up on the bottom but this way i can just get it out really easily and i've lined that with some greaseproof paper and i'm just going to dump all of this lovely breadcrumbage in now what i want from this buttery biscuit base is for it to line the bottom but also go slightly up the top so i'm going to be using this little mug you can use like a straight sided glass or even a tin can and i'm going to start by sort of evening it out but also easing it from the middle to the sides so i want to make sure it's nice and packed sorry i didn't see you there now i'm not trying to get it all the way up the sides because that would be awfully tall and actually i quite like the drama of having the dark buttery biscuit base and then the light color of the cheesecake filling once it goes in so that's ready so for now i'm going to pop that into the oven at 170 degrees c which is a fan assisted oven temperature and i'm going to do that for 10 minutes okay this has had 10 minutes and what you will notice is that the oreo crumb kind of puffs up um so obviously you don't want that with your cheesecake so i'm going to use the same cup to just press that all back down again and compactify it that's a new word that i like once you've flattened it all out then you just need to let that cool first before we go any further so let it get to room temperature then put it into the fridge for half an hour or if you're in a rush put it into the freezer for 10 minutes okay he's nice and chilled out so now it's time to get on with making the cheesecake filling so i'm gonna start by making the kind of base filling and then we're gonna split it up and make it two different flavors so i've got a nice big bowl here and i'm going to put 700 grams of regular cream cheese in there and then to that i'm going to add 85 grams of icing sugar and i'm going to sift that just to make sure there's no lumps lovely and i would like to also add a quarter of a teaspoon of salt and that's just going to help bring all the flavors out and also a teaspoon of good quality vanilla extract and that'll just make it just taste delicious don't forget you can buy our vanilla extract on the cupcake gemma website so now i'm going to use my trusty hand blender mixer type thing um to just whip it up together make sure it's all nicely combined and slightly thick and whippy we are whipped and now we need to carry on whipping but this time we need to do the double cream so in a separate bowl i'm going to put 210 milliliters of double cream nice thick double cream and i'm going to whip that to a sort of soft peak texture all right that's looking mighty soft whippy so now i'm going to combine the two so just pop the cream into the cream cheese and this is just going to add a nice bit of lightness to the whole shebang you don't want it to just be pure cream cheese because that will just feel a little bit heavy i think so get whipping again brillo pads right so we're going to pop that there and that's the basic cheesecake filling done but obviously we're going to jazz it up a little bit so i'm going to start by taking out about a third of that mixture and just putting it to one side and we're going to do something fun fun with that later that'll probably maybe touch more that'll probably do it and that goes to one side and so to start with i've got my nice chilled buttery biscuit oreo base i'm going to literally dump all of that remaining two-thirds of cheesecake filling into that and then just using a cranked palette knife just level that out gently [Music] so once it's nice and level just make sure the edges are nice and clean and if that means losing a tiny bit of cheesecake filling then just say goodbye to it you can always eat it later it's another secret of ours so that's done now that's going to get a lot more exciting any second because now it's time for dolce de leche so i have a piping bag here and i have a lovely big bowl of previously long boiled total dilution now this is actually more than a tin here so um but what you'll need to do with your single tin is put half of that into this piping bag um but obviously i'm going to wing it because i've got more i wanted you to see lots of it in the bowl so pop some into the piping bag here oh it's so sticky and it smells amazing hands up he wants to just eat a spoonful anyone else me yeah there she is okay i reckon that's about half it's up to you you don't have to use that much or you can use more so this is going to form the secret puddles within the cheesecake so just nip the end off with a pair of scissors and now excitement time so i'm going to literally stab into this cheesecake filling right to the bottom and squeeze as i pull up which is going to create these lovely little pockets that will kind of reveal themselves once you've cut into it later on oh surprise dolce de leche puddles this is very satisfying to do because it all kind of swells up around the piping bag [Music] oh my goodness that's going to be so delicious when we cut into it but first we have to just do a few things so i'm going to start by just leveling that off a bit just so it's not like really lumpy bumpy i want it to be nice and neat and it doesn't matter too much if there's a little swirl on the out on the top next is the second layer of the cheesecake so remember that third we put to one side well it's time to let him have his moment so we're gonna pop him into the back into the big bowl and i also have 100 grams of the dolce de leche just measured out which i'm going to add to that like so now this sometimes can make the cheesecake filling part of it a little bit runny which i will see in a minute if it does go a little bit runny that's okay just whack your mixer out again and give it a little whisk yeah so this is a little bit runny so i am going to get my my mixer out which is like one of my favorite things to do anyway and just give it a little whip just to thicken it up a bit done delian and now all that remains is to pop all of that on top of your previous layer so grab your tin back and pour it in oh this heavier than i had anticipated but we're all in and then just to make things pretty get your palette knife back and level it off yum that just looks so delicious so that's nice and flat this obviously does need to chill i mean maybe it's not obvious it's obvious to me but you do need to chill it for at least six hours that's an ideal scenario well really the ideal scenario is overnight but six hours should do it so pop that in the fridge and while that's chilling i'm going to make something to pop on the top for a bit of decoration and that's just going to be a chocolate pie crumb so i've got a bowl here and i've got 85 grams of plain flour i've got 35 grams of good quality cocoa powder 20 grams of caster sugar i'm going to add a quarter of a teaspoon of salt and also i've melted 60 grams of butter which is now slightly cool which is ideal pop that in as well and then i'm going to mix that all together now what i'm looking for is a kind of crumbly nugget now you might need to get your fingers in there and i actually quite enjoy doing that um but also you might need to add a little bit of water so have a look at it it does look a little bit on the dry side at the minute so i'm going to just put a little tiny splash of cold water in and then just to break up these nuggets a little bit more i'm going to get my fingers in there and just rub and separate any gigantic nuggets to be smaller and what you want is a nice little bite-sized nugget collection that you can pop on top of your cheesecake so once we're at that point you can bake them so i'm going to pop them into a baking tray which i've lined with a bit of greaseproof paper just in case they stick spread them all about just make any massive nuggets a bit smaller and then bake those at 170 for 10 minutes [Music] oh thankfully i haven't had to wait six hours for this because we actually made one early didn't we sally so it's time to finish the decoration off and it will require a little bit more chilling but the first things first we're going to make it look pretty so i have some chocolate ganache here which i have just made um if you don't know how to make chocolate ganache it's um 100 grams of chocolate whether it's 70 or 54 up to you and 100 grams of double cream now you can do that in the microwave just in like 30 second to a minute burst stirring every time or you can bring your cream to the boil and then pour it over the chocolate and then stir it and that will have the same result but here we are with some lovely ganache i'm going to pop that on top yummy and i want to spread that out but i don't want to spread it all the way to the edge because i really like this color combo that's going on here so it's kind of caramelly brown and the very dark chocolatey brown so just using my palette knife i'm going to ease it over to the edges a little bit [Music] and i still have some leftover dulce de leche and you probably will as well so i've put mine into a piping bag just gonna snip the end off and then give it a little wiggle around the outside of the ganache [Music] and now using my chocolate pie crumbs i'm just going to decorate all around the top of my little wiggles i just did [Music] oh so good looking but obviously it's not quite ready it just needs to set in the fridge for about 10 minutes so i'm going to pop that in and try and resist the time has come my friends to see what lies beneath this pool of ganache in this delicious cheesecake i mean we all know because we've watched the video hopefully [Laughter] but i've got my very sharp knife that sam has sharpened and they're always quite scary when sam does that so here goes [Music] oh guys guys [Laughter] we just made quite a fit cheesecake here this cheesecake look at that look at this beautiful crust and this lovely fluffy cheesecake filling and then this delicious fluptuous cheesecake layer the ganache the crumb it's got it all going on it's going in my mouth oh yeah hello hell yeah that is so delicious you just get enough of that dulce de leche but hang on do i want more hell yeah i do i'm gonna get some off the top put it in my mouth hang on we've got some we need some pockets there's definitely some in here because i put so much in this cake oh hang on i've kind of collapsed it but it's in there yummy what a brilliant thing condensed milk is eh who knew i mean we all knew and then i just reaffirmed so i hope you give this a go don't you forget you can share your photos with us by posting them to instagram and using the hashtag coop geek gem gym actually no it's cupcake gemma a cube cake i'm just trying to make myself sound more exciting but turns out i'm just really boring um well so i need to tell you don't forget to subscribe to the cupcake gemma channel and if you've liked this video then please do give it a thumbs up using the little thumbs up icon because it really does help us out and also helps us to know that you're enjoying what we're doing which i really hope is the case if it's not then obviously let us know actually don't i don't need my self-esteem knocked um we'll be back next week with another recipe video for you in the meantime if you haven't checked out the sorted food collaborations then make sure you head over to their channel to check those out and um yeah lots of exciting things going on oh sally's pointing into her mouth like um who's the cat simon's cat so i'm afraid i'm gonna have to go and feed sally not literally because that would be weird so i'm going to love you and leave you thanks for joining me bye can i just have one more bit first [Music] you
Channel: CupcakeJemma
Views: 134,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cupcake, cupcake jemma, jemma, gemma, cupcakes, bake, baking, how to make, recipe, crumbs & doilies, baker, buttercream, cake, cakes, vanilla, chocolate, jemma wilson, crumbs and doilies, bakery, perfect, easy, home made, simple, fool proof, dessert, hand made, dulce de leche, cheesecake, buttery biscuit base, oreo, condensed milk
Id: 84IO13EnZrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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