Classic Carrot Cake Recipe | Cupcake Jemma

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hey guys welcome back to Soho now unfortunately I'm not here to do a walk around because obviously all the shops are shut at the moment but I am here to meet up with some of the guys in our shop and I thought whilst I'm there why not put those ovens on and we'll bake a recipe together and I thought I'd do one of my one-hit wonders it's one of my absolute favorite things and that is a carrot cake so I've been to the shop picked up all my bits and bobs so let's get in and do some baking it is so very strange being in central London with absolutely empty streets I cannot wait to get back to normal and have all you guys coming in for your cakes and your coffees so just give me five minutes I'll get all my ingredients ready and then come on [Music] [Applause] I love making a carrot cake because you basically can't go wrong we're not gonna use any fancy techniques or anything we're gonna make it all in one big bowl and then we're gonna pour it into a tin and bake it I'm gonna bake it in a loaf tin because I just think it's so it's satisfying having a nice slice of cake and I'm just gonna put a little bit of icing on top as well because the flavor of a carrot cake is so amazing that you don't want to hide it with loads of icing so let's get on and make this thing so in this bowl here I've already got 225 grams of sunflower oil but you can use vegetable oil as well olive oil I would stay away from just because it's quite a strong taste and and we don't really want to pull away from our other flavors in here so I'm gonna add 120 grams of light brown and two castor sugar and I'm gonna use a whisk to stir those together until it's fully combined and now we're gonna add three eggs I'm gonna add them one at a time and as usual and breaking into this little bowl first to make sure we don't get any shell in our mix so I'm gonna put them in and give them a good whisk this way it's just gonna combine a lot easier [Music] [Music] now it's looking lovely and smooth already so now we can get some dry ingredients in that so here I've got 210 grams of plain flour I'm gonna add a bit of raising agent to this so I'm going to add a nice rounded half teaspoon so it's more like a 3/4 teaspoon they like this of both bicarb and baking soda so they're both going in I'm gonna put a good pinch of salt because you know salt brings out the flavors say it every time and then some cinnamon as well so I'm going for a nice rounded whole teaspoon and first we'll just mix those together and now we can add this I'm gonna do it in two halves just going to get rid of my whisk because I am done with him for now and we're gonna fold it in with a spatula [Music] and that's our basic batter here it's lovely in smooth so now it's time to add our final two ingredients and that's the nuts and the carrots so firstly nuts I've got in total 125 grams of nuts and I've gone for a combination of pecans and walnuts but if you prefer one more than the other just go with that and as you can see I've chopped them up I use the food processor because I wanted them to be really quite fine so that they kind of add to the texture of our cake and then you get these nice and nutty chunks in there as well so I'm gonna put all of those into my batter and it's gonna fold those through again and once all of the nuts are combined I'm gonna add the carrot because it's the most important part of a carrot cake so don't forget this part so in this bowl I've grated 175 grams of carrots it's about two medium ones I'm gonna add that straight to the mix and mix it through okay now at this stage I'd love to say how wonderful this looks but carrot cake doesn't have the most appealing look before it's baked but don't worry it's gonna be absolutely delicious and moist and full of flavor once it is baked so now we need to pour it into our tin so the batter should kind of even itself out it's a very wet batter but you might just want to give it a little jiggle and then it's ready to bake so it's gonna take a long time because this is a big old bit of cake here so I'm gonna put it in the oven for an hour and then we're gonna check it I'm gonna put it in at 160 degrees C and then we'll test it with a skewer as usual so make sure it comes out clean if at any stage you think the tops looking a little bit crusty it's fine get a bit of tin foil and make a little lid for it and it's gonna make perfectly let's get it in the other so I'll see you in about an hour okay so the cake is out of the oven and it needs to cool down completely before I can I circularize my son's just gonna melt off and I would also recommend if you have time to is to leave your carrot cake to the next day just to give it a little bit of time to relax and soften and you'll find that the texture is much more moist that's one of those cake that takes to kind of improve the aged bit like wine but not as long as wine but I don't have time to wait a smart I want to eat my cake now so I'm gonna make a little bit of cream cheese icing just to spread on the top of my cake and it's super super easy so in this bowl I've got 50 grams of unsalted butter and 75 grams of soft cream cheese and now because this is quite a small amount of icing I'm going to use my hand whisk because and this is going to be quite smooth to put in a big mixer especially the size that I've got here at the shop so we're gonna whip this up just for a couple of minutes to combine it and get it a little bit fluffy so once that's looking nice and creamy and a bit fluffy we can add some icing sugar so I've got 250 grams of icing sugar here I'm gonna add it a little bit at a time whipping it in-between and just to finish it off a little pinch of salt just to kind of cut through the sweetness and we are so time to ice a cake now I'm just going to put icing down the middle of the cake because I really just love the carrot cake kind of flavor and texture and I don't want to hide it too much I just want me kind of icing to enhance all the flavors and add a little bit of contrast for kind of tangy nurse from the cream cheese so I'm gonna use a piping bag and I've gone for this hello was it good a petal nozzle here and now I'm gonna fill up my piping bag with this yummy cream-cheese icing if you're storing your cream-cheese icing I personally recommend keeping it in the fridge because it can go a little bit loose and then bring it out the fridge make an hour before you want to use it so here we go I'm gonna ruffle my cake [Music] [Music] that looks pretty awesome but I want to decorate it a bit further so I've made some of these delicious maple pecans that we did last week so I'll put the recipe to that in the description box below but you could just use some chopped walnuts or chopped pecans but I'm going to use these because they are so delicious and there it is my delicious pecan walnut carrot cake complete with cream cheese frosting and there's delicious maple pecans so I think I should probably cut it open and let you guys know how it tastes right [Applause] Wow look at that doesn't that look beautiful okay it looks beautiful but does it taste beautiful mm-hmm sure does you're so good and like I said overnight where the flavors are gonna kind of combine a bit more the textures gonna be a little bit more moist so honestly I recommend leaving it to a tomorrow mmm that's so good and if you don't want to ice it you don't have to but really just a little bit of cream cheese icing is so good with it it's really kind of tangy make it almost who's like wholesome but in the delicious way I'm not sure it's classed as healthy but whatever who cares oh I could quite easily eat a lot of that carrot cake but I'm not going to because I've got some people coming over for a meeting here in Soho so I'll share it with them it has been so lovely baking back here and so it's been like I don't know like three months nearly that we've baked here we really miss it and we hope that soon we can open up her doors again to you guys and so we can share our cakes and our copies now cookies with you lot but until then please bake this at home and maybe you've already made a carrot cake before but do try this on because I promise it will not disappoint you it's absolutely delicious make sure you share all your photos on Instagram with me and Gemma at Sally dolls and at cupcake Gemma and use hashtag cupcake Gemma so we can all see them and share your photos and your creations and we'll be back soon with another recipe so until then have a great week you [Music]
Channel: CupcakeJemma
Views: 471,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cupcake, cupcake jemma, jemma, gemma, cupcakes, bake, baking, how to make, recipe, crumbs & doilies, baker, buttercream, cake, cakes, vanilla, chocolate, jemma wilson, crumbs and doilies, bakery, perfect, easy, home made, hand made, simple, fool proof, new york, dessert, cookies, pecans, maple, maple pecan, treat, bake at home, carrot cake, walnuts, cream cheese, classic baking, classic cake
Id: 1LYTooeL534
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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