Debian 10 Linux | Beginners Basics after Install | Run Windows Programs, Change Desktops, and More!

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hey savvy people its savvy Nick here and today I'm doing a follow-up video on the Debian install as suggested by a member of the channel we're going to go through a few basics here on Debian for beginner users plan is to show you how to make a normal user a super user who can log in to a root session or simply said give them admin access like they have in Windows we'll also install a great multimedia player and then show you how to install missing codecs followed by how to install a program that allows you to emulate Windows programs called wine so we'll first start a terminal which is called console in this Katey version here of debian and once I got that up let me just make this a little bigger so we can see the font a little better and I'll make this fullscreen mainly will be focused on using terminal for this video today and if you're new and stopping by to watch a video today make sure to go ahead and subscribe and hit the notification bell for future videos installs and tutorials this of course is a brand new install of the KDE desktop version of debian 10 and that's what I'll be installing everything on today so let's just take a look at all the su doors available to the system we can do this by typing in sudo space VI sudo and then go ahead and type in a password as you can see here it says savvy Nick is not in the su doors file and that the incident will be reported and that's exactly the type of error that we want to take away we want to add our user to de su doors so they have access to root so what we'll first have to do is actually log in with the root user so when installing this system at least if you followed my install instructions the normal user that you created won't have root privileges so in order to give it will have to login as root so if we just do su space root and then type in the password for root user will be able to log in as root as you can see now I'm root and let's try the sudo VI sudo again and now we have access to our file let's go down real quick as you can see here we have a root user and that root user has all in every access to the system as well as any members of the group sudo so something simple that we can do is actually just add our user that we created so like I created savvy Nick to the pseudo group and then we'll be fine so I'm just going to exit out of here by doing ctrl X and following that we'll do a simple command as long as you're logged in with root sudo space adduser and then type in the username that you want to add to a specific group and just type in the group name so you got sudo here if we do that it says it's adding savvy Nick to the group sudo and it's finished successfully so now we can go ahead and test that access so let's clear the terminal first I'm going to change users so let me just go back to savvy Nick here with su savvy Nick let me just do sudo su and it's asking me for the password for savvy Nick I type it in and look at that now I can get into root using my savvy Nick user so that's great we have no more errors so now our user that we created besides root can login as a root user as well so that's great it's really nice to have this ability just so you can type in sudo while you're in your normal user to advanced privileges to the next level and be able to execute all sorts of commands so while we're at it now let's go ahead and just install another desktop environment a lot of beginners like to go ahead and do this experiment around with different desktop environments it's very easy to do right now I have KDE available to me what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna actually install gnome and I'm gonna show you how quick and easy that is if I just do sudo apt install and then I type in no it should be as simple as that now this might take a little bit and there might be quite a bit of packages to install but it should be a fairly easy process here through the terminal and now since savvy Nick belongs to the pseudo group we can use sudo up here in front so let's go ahead that's this is important and do that and it says do we want to install all of these dependencies and packages yes we do and we'll continue give this a few moments [Music] [Applause] [Music] and here we're asked about what display manager we want to use I'll go ahead and select the defaulted one here the SD diem you can do a little bit of research to figure out whatever display manager you want to go ahead and use this one is fun for me so I'm just gonna go ahead and hit enter and then let the install finish here if you went ahead and made it this far make sure to hit the like button it really does help me out [Music] [Music] so let's go ahead and see if we can login to our gnome desktop now I'm gonna go ahead and leave and sign out or log out and we might require actually a restart here but it doesn't look like we do so we have four different versions here a gnome classic line xorg gnome and gnome Wayland I'm gonna go ahead and use the Wayland version and then I'm gonna go ahead and log in real quick so this should take us to our new desktop environment here and as you can see it's a little bit different up top we have activities now and we don't have the taskbar at the bottom anymore so welcome to your new desktop environment like I said it's very easy to go ahead and install and you can also remove desktop environments if you're not using them anymore so I'm gonna go ahead and zoom in and this is a new terminal here and I'll go ahead and actually install one more different type of desktop so if I just do sudo apt install let's try out budgie desktop is the package name here putting my password here and it doesn't seem like it actually took across the whole entire system so I'm gonna actually restart the system real quick and verify that things work here so give me one moment right no I'm Wayne Lynn is selected I'm going to put my password in real quick again load it into the desktop and we'll retry that command real quick using terminal I'm going to make this a little bigger and now if we do sudo apt install budgie desktop put our password in you can see that it did work this time it doesn't look like the whole system got updated when we put savvy Nick in to be of the group pseudo so it does look like it requires a restart make sure to research a computer and then you'll be able to use your normal user to log in as a user all right now we have the budgie desktop so I'm gonna do the same thing here I'm gonna go ahead and log out of my user and I'm gonna go ahead and go up here and select the budgie desktop and log into that session instead and here we are so another desktop environment available to us a little different again I'm going to launch a terminal in here instead and then continue on as you can see a little different but I really want to go ahead and use the gnome desktop I think we'll be able to see the commands easiest on that so we're gonna go ahead and move on to installing wine which will allow us to run Windows applications on Linux so instead of budgie I want the gnome Wayland and password in get back in here it's super fun to go ahead and play around with these desktops so play around till you find one that you like then you can remove all the rest I'm gonna go ahead and make this bigger again for us and let's go ahead and go through how to install wine on debian 10 here these are all great beginner things to know how to do after you got debian 10 installed one thing I do want to show you all the different desktop environments you can download and install so as you can see here there's a ton of different desktop environments canola plasma xfce alex de mate in a few other ones available here below for debian so make sure to go ahead visit this page I'll go ahead and put a link in the description below for you to be able to use in reference alright and after showing you that real quick I'd like to go ahead and show you wine here so we have this somewhere on the wine HQ website where we can see how to install wine for Debian you can go through the website and I'll also include this one in the description below but the main steps here are highlighted now you can see that wine requires the 32-bit architecture packages to be enabled for the use of programs since a lot of the programs are initially designed on a 32-bit architecture so we'll go ahead and have to run this first basically I'm going to be running through these instructions here so if you need to follow along you can always follow using the written form but there is one little provision that we need to make and it's right here it's got a little caution it says for Debian 10 and later it requires the Lib F audio 0 as a dependency and there's a little forum post on how to fix this dependency but I will go ahead and just show you in the video how to do that instead of having to scour edge through their forums and figure out how to get that dependency resolved so now back to the terminal where we're gonna do the rest of the install for wine very first thing I want to do is do sudo D pkg I'm going to add an architecture this will enable the 32-bit architecture by 386 go ahead and put your password in now the 32-bit architecture should be enabled next we'll do W get to get something from online so we want to go and get something from the wine HQ dot org website and it's under wine builds and it's the key so wine HQ key I'll go ahead and put these instructions in the description below and as you can see here we've downloaded the key so the next thing we have to do is add the key so we can do that by doing empty key add wine HQ key the file we just got done downloading says ok here for confirmation that we've added the key next I want to add some to the sources.list so pseudo nan it's an etc apt and then sources dot list we're using nano to go ahead and edit this file and where we want to edit is just somewhere below here I'm gonna press ENTER and then I want to just type in wine to kind of distinguish what we're adding this line in for and we want access to HTTP colon backslash backslash line HQ dot org their website wine - builds and the Debian build we're gonna put Buster main here buster meaning debian 10 following that I'm gonna go ahead and save and exit so if you just do ctrl X and then type in yes it'll ask you where you want to go ahead and write the file - just press ENTER to overwrite the file and following that we're gonna run sudo apt update since we mess with repositories we'll make all the necessary updates and let's go ahead and try installing wine at this point so if we do sudo apt install - - install recommends and then the package is wine HQ - stable and it says here we are unable to install because we have unmet dependencies well this is where that second portion comes in that I mentioned that there's a caution up at the top of the wine HQ website for w10 that tells you that we need the Lib eff audio 0 package so we can actually get that by doing W get HTTP download now this is a pretty long one but I'm going to run through it anyway openSUSE org repositories and it's in emulators for wine colon backslash debian backslash debian backslash debian underscore ten and we need the release key from here and great we were able to get it so we've put in everything correctly I'll go ahead again supply this into the description below if you want to just copy and paste that'll make a lot easier on you following that we'll add this key as well just like we did before sudo apt - key and then add the new release key says okay so it's confirmed it's been added let's go ahead and I use nano again so sudo nano we'll open up that same Etsy apt sources that list file and where wine is located let's add one more repo here so this one is gonna be dead similar here HTTP now it's download open sous gorg repositories and then we want emulators wine Debian and Debian underscore 10 we'll put that right here let's go ahead and do control X and let's go ahead and write our changes press ENTER to overwrite the file following that again sudo apt update since we made changes to repositories give it a few moments here to make updates and then let's go ahead and retry the install of a wine HQ stable so again sudo apt install install the recommends with wine HQ - stable and as you can see here now it's populated all the libraries in packages that we need really just the suggested packages and dependencies here and there's quite a lot which is fine because lion requires quite a bit of packages and libraries in order to emulate Windows programs here on our Linux Debian 10 environment I'm going to go ahead and press yes to install every package this might take a little bit so give it a few moments here to go ahead and finish up the install [Music] alright and once we're back here we can go ahead and just test that wine so how can we do that let's just type in wine and try out the notepad program by typing notepad afterward after it give it a few moments here to go ahead and load things up and here we go so why now says that we need extra basically packages in order to go ahead and run the notepad so let's go ahead and install them it's downloading now but this is a great sign that we're getting this prompt here looks like wine actually it looks like a wine installed successfully and we'll be able to test it here once we have all our dependencies met so it's searching through as you can see it's asking about getting the Gecko installer so we're going to go ahead and download that as well since it just since it is a dependency give it a few moments we might have a few more here before we're in the clear and let's see we got more and it looks like we're finished here and look at that we have an untitled notepad file open looks very much like you would see in Windows congratulations if you've made it this far you've successfully installed wine and wine is a great tool to have here on linux especially if you're new coming from windows one other thing i do suggest is something that will help you install applications into wine it's a graphical method which will make things so much easier on you i'm going to go ahead and exit out of here and once that's exited out you can see that we're back in our terminal and we're exited out of wine since we have no pad started with it so i also want to go ahead and install one more thing here but i'm gonna go ahead and first add two different repositories here so if i do this sudo apt add repository if I do the non free or proprietary repository so now that's enabled as well as the sudo apt add repository for contributions by the community we can go ahead and add those in and of course run a sudo apt update to update our repositories and finally we'll go ahead and install a program that's great to use with line called play on Linux it'll help you install various different applications into wine that you're used to having in Windows and we can do that by doing sudo apt installed play on Linux it's important that you go ahead and use the non free and contributory otherwise you cannot get this package so I'm gonna go ahead and hit yes here take a moment to install and then we'll go ahead and in a little lunch it real quick just to test it out and see what it does for us so if we hit on activities we can now run play on Linux it should be available as you can see and now I have this new application started and why is this so great well you can simply install different programs available to wine simply through a graphical method now it'll take a few minutes to go ahead and update all the repositories and information of applications available through wine once you start playing on Linux for the first time so just give it a few moments to go ahead and update and while that's going the next thing I want to show you real quick is another popular thing to do is go ahead and install different various different types of codecs one very popular one is a DVD codec which here on this page now this is for Ubuntu documentation but it's very helpful in the way that they've written this and and Ubuntu is a deadly and based distribution very similar instructions apply and I'll be showing you those instructions anyway but in order to just kind of read through here so the fact is you can go ahead and install various different types of multimedia players but not all of them come with all the codecs and sometimes you have to go ahead and install them by yourself one particular one that most dvds need in order to be played is this live DVD CSS - as it says here most commercial dvds are encrypted with CSS content scramble system which attempts to restrict software from playing DVDs so we'll need this codec in order to play most dvds on the system and also I like using VLC media player so I'll go ahead and show you how to install that as well as the codec it'll be a very similar process for various different codecs that you might need or you run into as you're messing with the Linux system and figure out that you need later so it's something nice to be able to reference and do so let's go back to the system and just check up on on our play on Linux update of programs alright and great this is all finished up so as you can see here we have subcategories up top I'm just going to click on games and you can see all the different various games that we can install whether or not they're trial versions all depends on which you select but as you can see here is the Age of Empires series and I can select any of these Age of Empires and go ahead and on the bottom right hand corner hit install but let's go ahead and get something a little bit simpler here let me see what else so if I go to accessories I'm gonna go ahead and give a let's see 7-zip a shot don't quick let's just install that that's a fairly small package so we don't have to wait too long as you can see here I'm asked a few questions I can go ahead and hit next through them then play on Linux will begin to install 7-zip for us 7-zip is a popular compression tool that's available for Windows and now you can use it here in Linux as well through an emulator called whine so we'll give this a few more moments to go ahead and install and while that's going on let's go back to the terminal I'm gonna clear things out real quick and so let's go ahead and try that real quick before we move on actually so you can see 7-zip right here if we hit the Run button since it's installed on our system now give it a few moments and here we go it came up so now you can add extract files that are zipped up test them copy and move them delete them do whatever you need much like you can windows with 7-zip this is a great tool to have play on Linux and wind together for beginners that are moving towards any Linux platform and/or distribution including Debian and Debian 10 here that we're using today congratulations if you got this far we'll go ahead and exit out of these two you can go ahead and play around with that some more when you get a moment I'll go ahead and go back into that terminal and continue what we were doing installing those codecs for the DVD playback so continuing on sudo apt add repository we've already done this but I'm going to show you this once more anyway well first need to go ahead and enable the non free repositories so the proprietary repositories for this Linux distribution as well as do the sudo apt add repository for the contribution 1 so from the community and then sudo apt update to make sure we are up-to-date with the latest and greatest of the repositories and then following that we can do simply sudo apt install and the first library in codec that we want is the Lib DVD read for and then the one that was mentioned on the website was live DVD CSS 2 and let's go ahead and install as you can see it's going to take about 1 4 144 megabytes of his additional disk on the storage space and you can hit yes if you want to go ahead and actually install it it'll take a few minutes here to go ahead and install all right now we're being asked here it's whether or not we want to go ahead and enable automatic updates for live DVD CSS to codec you can select no or yes whatever one you want but if you select Noah will be up to you to go ahead and run the update process manually as you can see here it tells you how to do that so I'm gonna go ahead and select YES for that and then one last thing we need to do is actually run that same command initially just to go ahead and initialize things here so it's going to be sudo dpkg re configure and we want the Lib DVD PKG so as you can see here it says this package automates the process of launching downloads of the source files for our codec from a certain website which compiles them and installs any binary packages needed so you can select whether or not you want to go ahead and do that yes we do it's important that we do this initially or the codec will not work of course while this is going if you do wish to download and install more packages make sure to go ahead and just search for various codecs if you just google Debian codecs there's actually a list of them available in the process of what we're doing here is very similar you won't need to go ahead and re-enable the new contrib or the non free repositories anymore since that's already been done once they're good to go you can disable them if you want the biggest issue with those two repositories they they might not be the most stable versions of packages but they will be the greatest and latest and of course there can be vulnerabilities by getting packages from those various repositories following all that the last thing I want to do is just install the VLC media player we can do that simply by doing sudo apt install VLC yes I do want to install it give it a few moments and then we'll be able to launch VLC media player this woman is by far my favorite it's available for Windows Linux and Mac I believe so some users will be familiar with it but here we go we have the VLC media player now so you can not play music files DVDs what have you on this Media Player here it's got a bunch of supporting codecs already built-in so there's not much that VLC media player can't decode and play right off the bat well that's about it I hope you enjoyed this tutorial of some of the basics that are needed for Debian 10 especially for beginner users if you didn't know how to already do these I'm glad you follow it along and if you have any questions comments or suggestions please post them below in the comment section also make sure to subscribe for future videos and make sure to like the video look for any commands down in the descriptions and thanks for watching
Channel: SavvyNik
Views: 50,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GNCwot8byqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 50sec (1610 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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