Death On The Highway

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foreign traffic accidents we have the police department are doing everything within our power to make your streets and highways safer for you but the accident rate in this county is still growing a great deal is being accomplished but much remains to be done it is to encourage your cooperation that we present the following traffic safety picture [Music] thank you [Music] police officers get some mighty unpleasant jobs to do at times now take this situation one person badly hurt and two killed all this death misery and heartache bobbing up in just one Split Second but something must have led up to this Split Second Wind death struck [Music] Steve Daniels and his son are leaving for home after watching the wrestling matches the night before [Music] [Applause] with the good night's rest a hearty breakfast is in order the little fellow had been looking forward to this trip and he watched a few of his favorites win their match [Music] Steve decided to take care of some business while he was in the neighborhood Steve is always thoughtful of his family and friends always had a friendly word for everyone Mrs Daniels is planning a surprise party for her son so this is a good opportunity while he is away from home [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] with a brand new baby at the Daniels household and the party to prepare for Mrs Daniels can use all the help there is after all a party is a big event to a child [Music] foreign [Music] speaking of parties this followed Joe thought he'd like to have one of his own of a little different variety though Saturday man it's time to relax to a Carefree mood he's a nice fellow no different from other people ordinarily but time and events have a way of changing things just a normal regular guy having a good time on a Saturday afternoon if Joe could remember the way to gems maybe he would join in the good time [Music] it's nice to help a fellow Joe expects more courtesy than he is willing to give thank you [Music] to the driver of this truck Joe looks as though he had trouble with his car knowing car is the way this driver did he figured he could be of help but Joe found what he was looking for it was a waste of time for the driver they only help Joe needed he would have to give to himself foreign [Music] well anyway he went off down the road taking on more of a load as he went [Music] the trouble is most folks on the road can't tell when a fella like that is on the loose a few drinks give a guy a lot of confidence false confidence and he'll take what he thinks are just little chances he probably didn't know that he had had too much to drink that his judgment wasn't good enough or safe driving he didn't pull off the road when he stopped the way this driver did he was curious when he saw the truck stopped maybe he thought he could be of some help but good intentions in his condition don't mean much Joe didn't understand that he was obstructing the road and that he could cause a bad accident no serious thoughts were in his mind in that fuzzy State and still feeling full of confidence he was a sure set up for some kind of an accident you just can't tempt fate too often this guy was pushing his luck a little too far [Music] but Steve Daniel's luck wasn't so good he had car trouble just when he was in a hurry to get home for the party after all it would be difficult for Mrs Daniels to restrain hungry youngsters when there is cake and ice cream on the menu [Music] [Music] Daniels appreciated the help he received but he was in too much of a hurry to give more than a quick thanks and off he went in a breeze this trouble delayed him and he was hurrying to make up for lost time [Music] but what about Joel racing his whiskey blurred way down the road he is not going to stop until someone or something stops him [Music] Steve was still trying to save a few seconds and there was little time for him to realize that an irresponsible drunken driver was taking up the road ahead then it happened [Applause] yes policemen do get some mighty unpleasant jobs to do at times [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] here is one ruined life [Music] and two that have been lost forever and perhaps this all didn't happen in just a split second after all that makes it too simple too easy to explain it was really the result of growing carelessness and irresponsibility accident those deaths were starting to happen early in the day when those fellows let circumstances start to push their caution to one side everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] the wreckage is cleared but the shadow of death will always remain [Music] ladies and gentlemen I feel it my duty to comment on the episode you have just witnessed the wreckage may be cleared from the highway the scraps are steel and glass may be salvaged and replaced but there is no possible replacement for the lost human life material destruction and damage can be measured in dollars and cents but who is there who can place a monetary value on the lives of that man and his son I would now like to introduce Mr John Stiff city manager of Irving thank you Chief Cooper a community would be rightfully indignant if a known killer were allowed to roam the streets freely irresponsibility lack of caution and disregard for others are known killers from behind the wheel of a car don't permit these Killers to ride with you it may be your life they will seek next [Music]
Channel: Grand Prairie Historical Organization
Views: 78,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grand Prairie, History, Grand Prairie Historical Organization, GPHO
Id: 45eUZC8k9EE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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