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foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] food for factories for farms for first graders everything from applesauce to x-ray machines from guided missiles to mouse traps rolling in an 11 000 pound metal container bigger than the average living room with strength to withstand shock and strain that would crack the average passenger car like an eight shell [Music] open her up fill her up there'll be nothing unusual about this load a solid compact 43 000 pounds carried to its destination over any kind of terrain through any kind of weather by a 15 000 pound Powerhouse hooker up this is your baby bye she's so well developed you have to weigh her in sections with only one foot on the scale she weighs over thirty thousand pounds she dwarfs everything on the road with her size power and weight 72 000 pounds over 35 tons you can drive her through the eye of a needle or through a brick wall it's up to you the driver [Music] it takes only a moment of carelessness an instant of impatience to cut it up [Music] reshape it turn it into a killer but you're bigger than this killer heavier a lot faster and just as dead every second you're at the wheel of your race you must face the possibility that you can be a carrier foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] most of you who drive the nation's 14 million trucks are professionals Professionals in every sense of the word most of you but not all of you there's a big difference between the professional driver and the fella who drives a truck just to earn a good living and it shows off the highway as well as on pretty good well take it easy now yeah see you again I guess I owe you some money here you know which one do you wear the driver's cap or the Killer's helmet let's follow them [Music] it's easy to spot the professional driver he cares about everything he does that's the big difference between the pro and the drive for pay guy who doesn't care about anything even himself usually has a bad safety record but he doesn't give a nan oh no none of those accidents were his fault Pro realizes his safety record tells what kind of job he's doing drivers don't worry about the job as long as the paychecks keep rolling in foreign [Music] to hell with it it's just a job roll that rig that's what they're paid for get the load there one way or the other [Music] but that is not the professional way it was quite a banquet his company his family and above all to himself [Applause] and now for the highlight of the evening the presentation of the first place truck driving safety award to the driver who has done all these things in an outstanding manner Jack Domer [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] I hope you win another one at the rodeo next week thank you Mr dearman I'll certainly try and what a rodeo challenging the best even though the only thing he won was the admiration of his family friends and fellow drivers but don't think he wasn't proud to be competing with some of the top drivers in the country funny that the most skilled drivers are also the most cautious the ones with the best safety records the ones who take the most pride in their profession sure the hours are long pay is high and good drivers are hard to come by and losing a good driver is a setback to any company but a real Pro won't take a chance on being lost suspended fired or worse he knows about defensive driving and it makes sense he's heard too it's not for him a real Pro knows that watching out for the other fellow is the best way of taking care of himself Pro drives only as far as he can see and no faster than he can handle his truck he knows that hard driving doesn't get him there any sooner only makes it harder to get there a pro does all these things and more every second he's behind the wheel because he is a professional Road driver not a professional killer [Music] [Music] that nut's gonna lose his tarp look at it flat look at it flat at it flat get the flag [Music] this is one way of looking out for the other fella foreign how many times have you passed scenes like this no you stopping too late for that boy [Music] the tarp wasn't lost he made sure of it foreign [Music] take a close look he doesn't look like a killer does he but he is he is the Killer and the victim he was the only one to receive a scratch [Music] no you're wrong he was wearing white shorts at least he won't hear any more about defensive driving he won't hear anything and his safety record won't contain any more chargeable accidents he's had his last he didn't care about anything even himself [Music] maybe he wouldn't even care about this well I sure wish I'd known you were running today well I'll see you when you get back and please I know I know I'll be careful today Jam your bag I'll be back to get it as soon as I check in with dispatch good morning man morning Jim guess where we're going we're not back to Chicago again are we can probably to Detroit yeah Charlie says the road and weather conditions all right well it's fine let's get her checked out and get going fast you make you a good driver yeah I see you may as well start off with our best buyback look Jim if you couldn't drive a truck you wouldn't be working here attitude behind that wheel is just important you mean mental attitude is what makes a good driver right and don't you forget it like charity safety begins at home at the terminal life right turn left turn stoplight if you're going across country or even across town know the road conditions before you leave the dispatcher's office and know the condition of your truck before you leave the yard this includes Emergency Equipment if something is defective or missing you're the one who has to live with it or possibly die with it the old fox has let it charge more than 20 years Pro Pro you always say safety is just being nice to people around you but it seems so simple it isn't simple but if you practice it every time you step into a tractor you always be sure of stepping out sounds good Al though I'll give it some thought between here and Mansfield oh oh Jim look at him weave [Music] Let's Ride Along [Music] instead of driving 10 and sleeping eight he's driven Maybe 15. now he's dog tired his reflexes have turned to molasses and this makes him a potential killer [Music] slow-moving motorists returning from church all thoughts on the picnic his company doesn't want him to press his family doesn't want him to press but he is oh he has a reason and he's staking his life on it and the lives of others fatigue has drained his judgment he tells himself he's all right when he's not fighting to stay awake too close stay awake fatigue is a killer stay back you're not a carrier you're a killer break break [Applause] he never knew what hit him or what he is but he realized what was happening his legs were made of stone now he can sleep forever Thou shalt not kill with a gun or a steering wheel a young family wiped out by a sleepy killer who pressed toward them even while they knelt in church plan your pass in advance Jim stay at least six trailer lengths behind until you're ready to make your move that's it Jim make sure he knows you're behind him and intend to pass if you don't he might panic when you appear out of nowhere and this could spell trouble [Music] give him plenty of room don't cut him off that's it a clean pass [Music] it takes all kinds of people to make a world and every one of them can drive a car how many times has a motorist Florida when you're starting to pass cornered Mouse will fight she thinks she's corner she's fighting don't depend on her breaking off Jim your size scares her Let Her Go Jim [Music] your presence scares them they'd rather be ahead of you than behind you you look as big as a mountain when passing you their tents cotton hair triggers you know the ones smiling nervously talking rapidly they're whistling in the dark because they're afraid here she comes Jim go on the defensive give her as much room as possible in case she takes more than her share and she is give a little Jim give her plenty of time to get her car under control [Music] when they're stacked up behind you on public roads pull over and let them pass but remember it's against the law to flag them around you can help them Drive but let them make up their own minds believe in actions not turn signals is it so simple Jim being nice to them if you believe in speed flying now and paying later payday might be sooner than you think their only protection is you your young victims just around the next curve no protection from your tremendous power they didn't see the sign the trucker received only superficial cuts on his face and arms they will heal he didn't mention the pain in his chest to hospital attendance no medication would heal this it will be with him always feeling that he is a killer it will keep him awake at night and during the day the pain will be unbearable maintain control at all times test breaks periodically at dawn and dusk be constantly alert for school buses be a weatherman be constantly aware of road conditions remember that Bridges freeze before the road that an empty trailer will slide easier than a full one free as a bird an empty trailer or running bobtail no wings a light tap on the brakes they lock you slide you're a dead dump unless you're lucky [Music] the man in this car is not paid to spy on you to trap you the company puts men on the road to help you let them that's the Checker's job hi Jim oh Fred how are you today fine thank you good how was your trip good so far can I see your logbook your thing Fred and the state puts men on the road to help you too foreign like riding on the back of an Angel Jim take care of the old Fox his life is in your hands too even if the signals aren't going your eyes and ears should be always assume the gun is loaded [Music] be alert for the Jack in the Box stay away from traffic and you'll stay away from accidents when in it run with it but not at the expense of motorists wanting to pass you lose your turn signals that's why you have them right hand turns are always treacherous natural traps for the eager motorists the unobservant motorists oh Jim good thing Al didn't see this [Music] remember Jimmy boy you're always in the spotlight right or wrong your size and business makes you guilty in the eyes of the public how about a cup of coffee good idea say you're improving I must have slept off 10 minutes you know your idea about being nice to drivers around you I've given it some thought I see what you mean it isn't simple but it's necessary as hell for safe driving that's a proper driver's attitude never forget it I'll try that for eign [Music] how about that well I burn the wheels off of that darn truck get here to meet you one time so what do you see we drink up and get out of here I got a lot of time that's all right with me I lost five bucks on that rotten pinball machine well I told you not to play the darn thing well when I finish my beer these are the boys who make it rough on everybody a couple of beers a few minutes of conversation a pretty face are killing [Music] run alone without Benny artificial stimulants can lead to an early grave [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign out into traffic without looking especially at night you're a fine Target for a rear end collision it will appear to be moving when you're just beginning to roll something like this can easily take place [Music] foreign [Music] remember this every time you start your truck every second you're behind the wheel responsibility is yours be a carrier do not even kill it [Music] laughs [Music]
Channel: PeriscopeFilm
Views: 64,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Periscope Film, Stock Footage, 4K, HD, 2K, 16mm film, 8mm film, 35mm film, film transfer
Id: 8U4Wx2OWdAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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