Death at Owell Rock | Western | Full Movie in English

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] a oh h are you sure Sheriff that spur there is Doc lesters he's the one who killed major white are you willing to back your story up in front of a judge the Lester family always wanted to take over his property sheriff and you know it it's a new invention clever ain't it I sure do like clever people what are you getting at nothing just this is a handy Gadget especially for people like me he more used to reaching for a gun than a match uh-uh no burd that's evidence I better keep it all right [Music] sh let go let's go what do you think you're [Music] doing go me oh be a good little boy show the doct your tongue we're ready I'll bet he could hardly wait to tell the judge everything take him away it's too bad fell off his horse and hurt himself thrw him out you folks get an early spring down here yes ma'am are you from up North yes Montana I know Montana well you going far young lady just to I'll rock to be with my father he's the government mining agent I see then your father's Colonel Pearson [Music] MH hey there buddy oh hey my horse stepped in a goo and I had to shoot the Critter you mind give me a lift as far as I'll [Music] rock howy good day excuse me [Music] ma'am am I glad you all come along we walking for Miles now see my horse broke his leg yeah yep from near broke my heart too full beast and horse and me we've been good friends for years now matter of fact he was probably the best friend I ever had hey you a fiddler now then that ain't nothing to be ashamed of right ma'am like my old granny used to say music had charms to suo the Savage Beast yeah yeah I imagine it's been a long time since you've been home Mr White oh yes that's right it's been more than 15 years where's your family oh I only have one sister one whom I hardly know actually not at [Music] all oh get down driver right are you Miss Elizabeth Pearson oh yes I am my name is Captain Mason I've been sent by Colonel Benson a friend of your father's I have orders to escort you to our Rock I'm afraid this road can be very dangerous we have a horse and a buggy for you miss I think you'll find it's a lot more comfortable than the coach Corporal get Miss ps's luggage thank you goodbye miss Pearson it's been a pleasure traveling with you I'm sure we'll meet again I certainly hope so I'm looking forward Sorry Miss I think we ought to get going tell me Captain how's Lieutenant Morgan he's a friend of mine uh Lieutenant Morgan oh he's very well if you tell me your name I'll give him your regard you sure about him being all right why of course I saw him the other day you know that's funny he died about 6 months ago oh he did it's a trap get [Music] [Music] in [Music] h [Music] let [Music] he ho ho [Music] ho here they are getting worried how come you find another driver you run into trouble here we were attacked by Al dressed like soldiers may I help you miss howdy John how come you're so late you are you been worried Elizabeth oh Father oh Father it's so good to see you darling it's really great to have you home again father this is Lawrence white and this is Mr Harry Boyd who saved us all from the bandits Lawrence white glad to know you thank you sir major white son yes I'm very happy to meet you I was a good friend of your fathers he and I fought together down in Mexico I look forward to seeing you as a guest in my house thank you sir I'd be delighted to come and see you good will you excuse me did you say that your name was boy that's right Harry boy from where from Colorado is it your intention to settle down near here well I might stay a while or know because I don't think you'll find it very easy to get work well I must say with my kind of work I've never really found much trouble I hope you find something good day I don't know as I like that Harry Boyd fella daughter he's the kind of Adventurer I'd like to see run out of town you may be right father but he saved us from the bandits sure still I can't consider that as an excuse for his insolence lawence J darling welcome back my little sister's grown up it's good to see you Lawrence father rean welcome home sir thanks very much for looking at nice to have you back with see you soon thank I hardly know you you look so different but when I left you were a child now you're a woman and a very lovely one you're teasing no no no I'm not no it's really true you're a beautiful girl here's your violin Mr White now Mr Boyd I'd like you to meet my sister Mr board was a very useful traveling companion well you'll have to call on us now and then well that mean listen to your brother playing the fiddle for me oh I'm afraid not thanks I'm afraid not come [Music] on what's up Sheriff well I talked to all the passengers Lawrence white is a coward he never shot once during the whole fight or he need to sit back and watch seems he'd rather be alive rabbit than be a dead lion huh and the other one he's different I think he's a professional killer he finished off every one of them guys we sent to kidnap the girl they told me he never missed a shot what's his name Harry Boyd he's from Colorado but I got a feeling I've seen that face of his somewhere before trouble is I can't remember where too bad for a sheriff you got a short memory with all the wanted men that are around here on the loose I may forget a face every now and again but sooner or later I'm going to remember and it won't be a pleasant day for that de Harry Boyd if I do never mind Boyd that Lawrence white is the one we've got to be careful of we must let him out of our sight watch out he can be dangerous ah don't worry Lawrence white can't make any trouble for us doctor as for Mr Harry Boyd he may find life is a little difficult here at our Rock [Music] 2 Queen find the ace now watch carefully when I place the cards on the table is that the ace yes it is and the gentleman wins a dollar 1 2 3 put your money on the ace oh I'm sorry sir sorry house wins again try again better luck next time yes no more sir the money yes sir thank you right here thank you now we'll try again in a minute thank you very much sir put the money here yes right there sir yes sir thank right here sir yes the money thank you very much sir that's it hey let's go what are you doing excuse me gentlemen thank you tell you I saw him with my own eyes now you're blind come out of VI a nerve of that guy hey young felly want to shave nope the girls like me better this way [Music] ah how uh you have any CH on Tobacco hey you have any CH on Tobacco please yeah can take y that's 20 cents how much 20 over here it says 10 cents what's the matter can't you read friend stranger are you looking for trouble I'm just looking for T tobacco at 10 cents no yeah [Music] oh all right now what do you say we talking the business huh huh see this how much does it cost 20 how much no 10 cents 10 cents that's the way I [Music] like besides Kentucky CH and even worth 10 cents you 18 in my saddle bag yeah there you are sir excuse me but uh there must be some mistake uh this is number 18 hear that Brad the man says this is number 18 he must be able to read I guess he's a real smart boy I bet you read number 18 on the door did you guess you'll have to find yourself another room if you can well they must have made the mistake downstairs then well just go down tell the man [Music] there [Music] now number 18 ain't occupied no [Music] more here these are father's guns Lawrence they're yours now this is the shirt he was wearing and this is the bullet that killed him he wasn't shot by rustlers like they tried to make out and it wasn't Pablo Rodriguez the Mexican who murdered him doc Lester did it Jay be reasonable maybe it wasn't Pablo Rodriguez who killed that but why put the blame on Doc Lester maybe it wasn't him at all do you want proof I'm really surprised at you the lesters cut out Bert's tongue so he couldn't testify Rodriguez wouldn't have done that it wasn't him the lesters needed water a lot of water for the herds on their Ranch Bert knew how much they needed it oh but why do you think that would give them a reason to want to kill dad because of the river it was too small for both herds theirs and ours the lesters told father their cattle were thirsty so they wanted to deviate the river into a canal for us it would have meant ruin if we don't have enough running water for the cattle this land is worthless so when father didn't agree they shot him then we took the lers to court for killing him [Music] here's what the witnesses said at their trial all false why why if they shoot him the law might have given him their Canal don't forget our silver mine they were using and there was nothing wrong with that that rented the mine to yes he rented it you know he'd never have sold it only the night he was shot all the documents ments relating to the mine disappeared and somehow the lesters got judge Warren to register their names as owners of the mine and if what you say is true the lesters are so rich they'll never have to work again that's right only they're clever they keep on working so that no one can guess what's really going on they're slowly taking over all the property in the county all right I'll go along with you I'll try to get a new trial and reopen the case by now their tracks are covered a new trial is no good you have to kill doc Lester I can't do that nobody can take the law into his own hands no matter what happens the law is fair and I believe I can get Justice through when the judge helps the lesters I'd fight for my land and I'd be glad to avenge the death of my [Music] [Music] father [Music] ha [Music] how [Music] it hey I think I figured out what it is you're trying to do you have to knock them balls in the holes using the white one and one of them sticks that right yeah that's right care for a lesson well I don't need one this game looks like it's pretty easy to me don't worry it ain't all that easy I don't expect much from beginners just $300 a lesson $300 eh what happens if I win and I'll pay you $300 well what are we waiting for good now you got it straight $300 24 points right all right now you keep the score and you keep it good do you hear there you are which B I start with start with number one but before you begin put your $300 in that pocket there oh yeah go ahead [Music] not bad how many points you get four for that one good three one [Music] four mark up another four [Music] yep $30 [Music] 0's not a wrong with years have you heard the news judge Larry white is in town sheriff told me today when I was at your place you think I'd forgotten you might have it could happen and he could make trouble for us don't let it worry you we'll take good care of you anyhow you're probably going to die from whiskey before anybody can shoot you eight more points one two three four five 6 7 8 sure too 1 2 3 4 5 and another 1 2 3 I've won now you hold on a minute you got to make eight more points boy oh yeah why is that the game is 24 and you've only got 16 the way I calculated you you got to get eight more points before you win well now let's see 16 plus the eight your friend forgot to mark up makes 24 so I win you afraid of him Mac who me oh no you don't get back there come on hey I'd like to talk to you fella maybe I got some work for you beginning [Music] tomorrow [Music] would have been better for you if you got shot like the others we ain't got no room around here for [Music] fools you got 2 hours to get out of this territory and make sure you don't ever come back oh doc doc listen I just heard now rock that Colonel Pearson wants to investigate how he tried to kidnap his daughter and that ain't all he told the sheriff he's going to help Lawrence white win his case against us for the water [Music] rights what did you kill him for because there never would have happened if that brainless idiot had kidnapped the girl like he was supposed to come on let's [Music] go morning Mr White good morning Mr boy oh you in a bad mood this morning no I'm in a hurry I'm sorry not in that much of a hurry that you can't have a drink with an old friend come on not now thank you hey mister hey see that lady over there she wants to talk to you to me yes that's what she said that one there thanks good morning good morning Miss Elizabeth still in now Rock guess you could kind of say that glad to hear it would you like to see me home well I really don't know if I should I don't think your father took to me too much you mustn't mind my father he's always like that with people he doesn't know do [Music] [Music] come [Music] yeah and you all how you getting along down here you and your father oh not too badly I like living here the people are so kind yeah um what's Mr White been doing have you seen him again well I've seen him a couple of times but we really don't have very much to say to each other see he's sort of well he's an educated man well I haven't had much schooling schooling isn't all that counts you know I'm kind of glad I met you [Music] h [Music] hey oh there what house you got here yes it is nice but it isn't finished [Music] yet well uh here your packages why aren't you coming in oh I really don't think I better that's not very kind of you you shouldn't refuse a lady's invitation please do come in all right father daddy Oh Daddy they killed him he's dead no my sister and I want to know the truth about my father's death Shar there was a complete investigation and trial when it happened no trace of the murderer was found except for the bullet that killed your father the rifle it came from was owned by Pablo Rodriguez so you think what happened to ber was an accident Lawrence what does that got to do with the fact that Pablo Rodriguez killed your father father at any rate we're not satisfied with the results and I think since you were a friend of my father's you should be more than willing to help us I'm your friend too LW that's why I'm telling you just forget the whole thing why can't I convince you that there's no reason to start another search besides who would you look for Rodriguez he's safe in Mexico Lawrence take my advice try and forget about it don't make trouble no Sheriff I can't take your advice I've got to see this thing through to the finish I'm going to get to the bottom of it and find out the right answers Lawrence I've already warned you stay out of it I'm sorry that's out of the question goodbye Sheriff tell me Sheriff what about you what's your opinion about the death of my father I'm not allowed in opinion I just follow instructions Mr White how about you and me having a drink together huh no thanks I'm afid I don't have time anyway I don't feel much [Music] like did you hurt yourself sir your nice suits all dirty here's your hats ha got new headphones [Laughter] anybody he's got [Laughter] to what's the matter with you smile it was you forced me to come here what is there to smile about you're paying off your father's debt honey you made your choice haven't you tonight you stay with me unless you want to see him in jail you wouldn't want that no [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] one thing's for sure it was someone you knew funny the sheriff didn't seem the kind you could take by surprise well there's no point in worrying over dead Sheriff besides I never did trust him much looks like what we need now is a new sheriff Mike wake up judge waren we're going to do everything nice and legal I don't get it let me handle it evening judge you know Harry Boyd well he's our new sheriff howy Jad sit down come here I Robert Warren District Judge Al Rock appoint you to the office of sheriff and may God help you that means you've officially got the job now son you know what it means to be the sheriff of our rock well that means I follow your orders huh gentlemen First Act are your new sheriff this off be all a drink on me come on Judge Eddie why aren't you coming with us no maybe it don't bother any of you the sheriff's death but I think there's a killer loose now Rock H well personally I like it it's time we had some fun around here it's nothing at all absolutely nothing at all just don't you worry about it what about the pain it's nothing to fuss over just a romatic twinge a good sweat and then you'll feel like most visitors here what do you mean just that everybody who comes to our Rock seems to have something happened to them sooner or later isn't that right doctor listen Mr White why don't you tell me the real reason for your visit do you happen to know a man by the name of Bert Bert Bert Johnson think about it for a minute I think you'll remember it I don't think so no no wait a moment Johnson of course what a fool I am he was the man who whose tongue was cut out just a moment I can't permit you to say stupid things like that son that man was injured in a fall from a horse a rather uncommon accident wouldn't you say uncommon yes but not impossible besides I was called in to take care of him after the accident and I did all that was medically possible for him who called you it was a long time ago besides I forget an important details like who called me what counted was to reach him quickly before he bled to death yes you got him fast I'm sure poor BR won't forget that as long as he Liv I I have to wait any longer come right in I'll be with you in a minute Goodbye Mr White I hope you won't need to come back again I hope so too [Music] do hello Elizabeth yes Sheriff I only wanted to tell you that I'm very sorry and if there's anything at all that I can do you can leave me alone Sheriff I don't understand then I'll try to be more clear you're Sheriff now aren't you well then go and arrest the murderers of my father they're going to kill Lauren's fight now if they can or aren't you interested in murderers to arrest the murderers of your father I have to know who they are first well I'll tell you who they are there it doesn't matter whom you suspect I have to have proof as for Lawrence white I'd say he's big enough to know if it's to dangerous for him here anyway that's his worry isn't it who' take care of his sister meanwhile the sheriff that girl would be difficult to take care of I'm afraid since she's only bent on avenging her father's death when I first met you I felt a strong distaste for you but I tried hard to overcome it it seems to me you succeeded very well I refused to believe the story that you were working with the lers then they made you sheriff and now your attitude convinces me that the story wasn't just idle gossip you're nothing but a criminal and I'm glad I can tell you so to your face Elizabeth if you touch me again I'll kill you one more thing you've got 24 hours to do something about the men who killed my father otherwise I'll call in the federal authorities let's go Pete Pete have you seen Mr Laur yeah he's gone to his room Miss oh thanks very [Music] much for I the sign to freely admit that the L of Brothers forced me to operate on bir Johnson and then I gave false evidence about the murder of M you why there here it is but remember the deal I'm to have 24 hours to get out of town for good morning good morning Mr White is there something I can do for you I'd like to sell my Holdings in Al Rock and by land in the East only it's been such a long time since I left here that I don't remember what I have well Mr White i' be glad to let you have a look at the title reges for your property property titles let's see now white why I'd like to give you a hand but I have a great deal of work that I must get done my predecessor Mr Gilbert you know didn't keep the books in very good order in three years I haven't managed to sort everything out Mr White needs your desk thank there you are Mr White for find something interesting white maybe oh thank you I was able to find what I was looking for goodbye good day sir oh by the way you said your predecessor's name was Gilbert didn't you yes it's right thank you are you Mrs Gilbert yes I'm Lawrence white where can I find your husband that's where you'll find him that's his grave my husband he was shot down and when did this happen 3 months ago somebody was hiding in those rocks up there he was expecting you'd come sooner or later he left your note [Music] up with your hands white I get moving I'm sorry Mr White but uh this is what they pay me for Mr White please please forgive me but they said they were going to torture me they made me bring you here somebody murdered the sheriff and the old doctor and I'm sure we all know that somebody I'm talking about you better prove for sure that he is the one you sound like you're trying to tell me how to handle this business proof huh proof who else had any reason to see them two murdered what do you think one thing certain all this began when he got into town this here white now that we got him I say we make him confess and if he didn't do it maybe he'll tell us the truth if we put the questions right we need someone who's good at asking questions I bet I know who's the right man how about it huh boy you pay the Sher OB Bays only thing I'd be kind of careful if I were you what's the matter afraid me all I can lose is my heart but you you men can lose everything of course that ain't none of my business is [Music] it [Music] [Music] oh good for you Sheriff so duck was right after all he thought you were up to something now boy you going to tell us a whole story ain't you we'd like to know just how long you've been a friend to this Lawrence white huh boy we'll just leave a little brand so we know who you work for [Music] Harry I tried to see that they didn't hurt him too badly thanks for trying the main thing is having him here excuse me it's nice to have a sister back again but it's even nicer to have a fiance back again I think Harry we' better go we don't have very much time come [Music] [Applause] [Music] on [Music] stop stay where you are birdie Nolan don't you recognize me anymore I'm Lawrence Lawrence what he Lawrence I really didn't know who you were it's been a long time since I saw you we had to hide up here in the mountains to escape the Lester brothers and the sheriff they told me you were in town so I went down to see you but the man they pointed out to me is Lawrence wife was him there well him there is Harry Jeff a federal lawyer from Washington and an old friend of mine he's reopening the case against the lers for us how are you nice to meet you still I'm confused about how Harry became me yeah it was Harry's idea you see he warned me that if I came here as Lawrence white bent on avenging my father's death the lers would have killed me for sure so he suggested that it would be a good idea if he took over my role playing Lawrence white a little cowardly and that way we could put the lers off guard and give me a chance to get all the evidence we need to incriminate them Lawrence hasn't been home for 15 years and nobody in town would ever know him so we thought we could pull it off I warned her to expect the worst because I knew it'd be kind of risky for him with my friendship for Lawrence and my love for Jane I'd take any risk At All by the way where is Jane we left her with her friends The Smiths oh incidentally I got hold of Doc Lester SP and uh signed confession from the doctor that he cut out poor Bird's tongue but I still need a couple of court documents from Judge Warren there is one way which you can get Old Judge Warren to help you son that would be if you were to speak to Pablo Rodriguez he's the Mexican who was exposed by the sheriff to shot your father and cross the frontier to Santa Cruz why don't we go find out what he knows huh thanks but as long as I can I'm going to try and do it myself [Music] [Music] I don't know who you are seor but you must never find the G General Pablo Rodriguez get out of here [Music] everyone my name is Lawrence white you may remember my Father James White excuse me I have to finish my bath I believe in cleanliness I make a habit to capture this town once every year because here is the biggest bathtub in Mexico it's all right by me I have all the time in the world except maybe you don't I know why you are here but I did not kill your father you can believe Pablo Rodriguez I was accused without any reason and I wrote a letter to judge Warren to explain everything that letter wasn't among the other evidence at the court trial tell his muchat was here to move on when I didn't call for you this unra me Amigo get out and close the door after you you're are very smart I me go and I'm always happy to meet anybody smart like me you shoot first you speak later I like you you know do you see this rifle here in the whole North America there is only two people have weapon the same as this and the other is DOL I sold do the one he has and the price was a girl wonder who got the better of that deal not me I tell you you see doc kept the gun and the girl was so difficult that you were out her name is Helen she stay here in Mexico she's never forgive Doug Lester and me for trading woman like horse there is nothing better for the memory than to hate Helen could tell you what really happened to your father where is Helen these gentlemen want to talk with Helen you two will show the house ad your amig go [Music] for get out who do you think you are you get out of [Music] here maybe you already heard my name Lawrence white you know Papa Rodriguez told me about how you were traded him for his rifle well he's crazy when did it happen and why did you accept that's none of your business get out of here there must have been some very important reason why you would allow yourself to be sold to Pablo Rodriguez [Music] leave that alone give it to me I think that [Music] explains [Music] good bye [Music] Helen who is it the office is closed I can't open it what do you want I've just come back from Santa Cruz I had a long talk with a fellow named Rodriguez I want the truth Warren I want duck ler hung by his neck I don't know anything I swear it I only sent the trial record to the Tucson Court wait here you are here are the papers nothing missing I'm not mixed up in this go to the courton Tucson don't come to me let's forget all that look when I was down in Santa Cruz I met a girl pretty girl girl pretty despite the fact that she's been forced to make her living in hotel rooms her name is Helen Helen mhm you're lying no it's not true you're wrong she was sold to Rodriguez for a rifle and the only reason that she went with him was to save your skin because she knew that if she didn't your life wouldn't be worth a plug nickel now it's up to you to save her judge War it isn't too late to sa believe me look she's still young she can still make something of her life and I'll help her get out of there if you'll help me you understand me One hand washes the other now what do you say F your daughter sold herself to save your skin I'll be a man for once in your life what can I do I want you to reopen the case against the lers well I'll keep my promise you'll be hearing from [Music] me [Music] this is for Lawrence white father if I don't return for it if anything happens to me will you give it to him personally please I will but you're tired why don't you rest a while no I have no time to rest will you do as I ask I promise thanks father now I've done my share it was a bargain made with Lawrence white Here Comes The Judge heading this way let's give him the kind of a welcome he deserves we sure will we're going to treed him just like a judge like a real judge and I don't want any of you to move unless I tell you to you know judge I can hardly remember your last visit it's an honor to have you with us this is the last time that you'll try to make a foood fool of me I can promise you here get a drink for the judge I guess your throat's kind of dry he judge never mind I'm not drinking well I'll be done this sure is a night for [Music] surprises if you didn't come here for our whiskey what do you want then judge what brings you here anyway to tell you I'm reopening the case what do you mean you're reopening what case I mean the case of the murder of Lawrence White's father accusing you and your sons leave him alone you're going to stand trial what made you decide Warren I'm sure surprised that you finally had the courage to do something about it and I'm real happy that we're going to get this stupid accusation settled at last reopen the case anytime you want to the only trouble I see and you better think about it is that you're going to have difficulty making a court case without any witnesses to support the prosecution or maybe I'm wrong who are your Witnesses Warren Lawrence and Jane white will speak for the court yes well from what I hear you're Mr White and his friend who pretended to be white it looks like they slipped out of town no one knows where they are and I don't think Lawrence will be coming back to town to act as witness that's my problem it's not yours Lester when he knows what I intend doing then he'll show up and when will that be the day after tomorrow just enough time to get Lawrence and Jane here well good luck judge we I'll be real happy to see the whites again at our Rock we'll be waiting for them waiting with open arms all right boys you know what you got to do well go on I don't want any part this I want to leave ow Rock and I won't come back until this is all over [Music] with a aah oh [Music] sh [Applause] oh [Music] don't cut the horses loose till the coach has enough momentum the boys are all ready Lawrence there's not much Point waiting any longer good just don't forget one thing the L is on mine I won't forget it don't you worry okay [Music] they're coming the wa they're coming they're [Music] [Music] coming that's it we got them [Music] all they made fools of us take a look these are [Music] [Music] [Music] dummies [Music] [Music] listen to me Lawrence white you killed two of my sons come out in the open if you got any [Music] guts stay [Music] back [Music] don't anyone fire this one's for me I'll kill that [Music] jackass [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Music] [Music] well families make the best tiger practice I always say yeah and that Barrel there's your brother Jerry and that's Jack but don't let it bother you they're already dead you thinking of using that gun again well it appears you're not very good at counting are you doc those you shot at me one over there and three over here here make six check me if I'm right and now start walking I believe judge Warren's waiting for you doc that gun's empty doc I shot six times too but take a look [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] out hey Doc see this pistol it's mine now [Music] watch didn't your father ever teach you how to count you're angry huh you shouldn't have believed me when I told you my gun was empty hey B [Music] yeah take him to judge Warren and if he makes one false move you just blow his head off before you get any ideas doc just check your arithmetic there's one bullet left now get going you're running off and leaving me all alone huh well now you won't forget to write to me will you I guess you'll feel lonely won't you dear I'll have a lot of work you see I've decided to stay on his Sheriff are you quite sure you don't want to change your mind Lawrence and come with this my old grandfather used to say to me Three's a Crowd Jane come here bless you well so long for now well goodbye Harry take care of her will you don't worry Lawrence I will all right shom and don't forget to write [Music] my [Music] here I am I've come to give myself up oh what was a crime I'm afraid I didn't believe in the sheriff well that deserves a stiff sentence life [Music] mhm it's never late I decide to begin from on this day who can be happier than than [Music] [Applause] [Music] me
Channel: Django360
Views: 21,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XgWn0zGFeTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 21sec (5181 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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