Dealing With Difficult Customers | THE HANDYMAN BUSINESS

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back at it again on the handyman business today's video is a question from a viewer and it's all about OCD customers annoying customers a difficult customer one that needs a lot of attention so this viewer writes in and says handyman I'm currently on a project it's for a woman the house is 5,000 some odd square feet she's very wealthy I need this job but she's OCD and at the end of the day I'm tired my back hurts and I can't deal with her how do you deal with difficult customers that are OCD very limited information but I wanted to give my opinion based off of my experience and training yes customer service training I've talked about it in the past I worked for a two fortune 250 companies prior to going out self-employed and they invested a lot of money in training their employees a lot of that training was in personality profiling and communications so you would immediately profile a person once they're categorized there's certain ways to communicate with those different personality types I built hundreds of houses and at the end there's there's a buyer and I have to do what's called a buyer orientation meeting it's the last meeting between me and the new homeowner and I take them through their new house I show him how everything works and then they create the punch list this is where I got most of my experience with Anil OCD difficult customers as I just had an unlimited amount of trial and error to test and use what they trained us to do into real life and a lot of them didn't go well I mean I was young I was in my 20s and it was a learning curve on how to talk to people and at the end of the day there was a very very tight budget when they would go through the house crawling on their hands and knees rubbing their face on the wall we call them crawlers man I got a crawler this orientation meeting for six hours it can be frustrating you start getting anxiety and stress about I've got two days before closing how am I going to get every single contractor to come back here and just do some minor touch-ups or fix a crooked piece of baseboard subcontractors they put up a fight and the larger that punch list grows the more difficult your job gets and the more you are tested as a customer service rep of the cut of the company with that said I think it's a mental game for yourself you have to remove yourself as the guy that's doing the work and have maybe just completed the work and you are now a new person you have a new job and that is to please this customer to show interest in their needs not be defensive not trying to talk your way out of anything I see it time and time again when I'm on large projects where there's other contractors and a customer goes to them and asks them a question the contractor gets defensive thinks that they're being overbearing and or anal or OCD and they start making excuses it's all that's within spec or that's industry standard or that's when tolerances or you know you selected this type of material even though the customer had is not attacking they have a genuine question the mentality didn't switch from the guy who just put his blood and sweat into this work didn't switch to the guy whose new job is to focus on that customer just address their needs and make them feel at ease and make Malee's just answering questions and having a calm confident tonality in your voice it's happened to me get you get back then backed into a corner and you're like man I just want to go home I'm starving I've been sweating my ass off working day and night I just want this project to be over that's a big factor in the success of your self employment as a remodeler handyman whatever you may be you're just painting or you're doing just trim carpentry it's all the same now I also always have to throw this part in stay away from them whenever I'm in a like I I said earlier I have a ton of experience hundreds and hundreds of encounters with customers before I even started on my own you got to read them read the customer do I want to work for this person can I exceed their expectations you don't want to take out a job that you can't win and winning is you you exceed their expectations they're as happy as can be and they want to tell their friends and family about you this the other day I had a warranty call and it was through a long line of referrals of course they didn't think it was a warranty they were just having me to come back to do some work I went back it took an hour and they were super nice I had a good rapport with them but not too much they walked me out to my truck I'm putting tools away they're like so how much do we owe you I can say oh you don't know me Oh me anything and they're like well what what really I go yeah it's it's under your warranty because we'll hug that's the warranty I said well typically it's a year but I said you were urine mothers my network of high referral customers so if you ever have a problem simple like this on work that I've done in the past just give me a call the guy was literally speechless couldn't believe it was not expecting that sure I had a lot of drive time it was on the south end of town it was so easy when you do this work for decades it's so easy to do not very challenging it's not like this remodel that I'm on that's that can be a little bit more challenging this was simple handyman stuff so that customer service role really plays a major part in growing your your network of happy customers and referrals it takes practice I've had tons of practice and I'm still learning sometimes I'll be in one and I'll be like Oh get back to the truck in a sec man you shouldn't have said this you should have followed up with this you shouldn't talk too much about that it you're always learning in order for this channel to really work we need more than just one man's opinion put your experience below and I want to clarify what the question is we're talking not not a nasty customer just not like a total customer that you should never have worked for but one it's a good project what's hopeful hopefully you've been it right you're gonna make good money they know a lot of wealthy people and if you can get through this one correctly it could lead to a lot of future high-dollar work they are just a little OCD it means they're needy they've got a lot of questions I think that's about it there's got a lot of questions and they may be picky yeah so they're they're needy with questions and they're picky on the quality of work how do you deal with that put them in the comment section below if you guys checked out Mandy works yet check this app out on your phone good bye
Channel: The Handyman Business
Views: 81,163
Rating: 4.9054966 out of 5
Keywords: customer service training, sales training, business management, business management app, handyman business, business strategies, handyman jobs, home owners, make more money, grow your business, painting business, carpentry business, plumbing business, construction company, remodeling business
Id: dJNhh2DF3CM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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