Dealer Reveals The Truth | What Brand Struggling The Most | Deals Behind The Scene

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[Music] me [Music] all right michael i know you're real busy but now that you got a minute uh you've been running around which is totally understandable let's kind of finish up a little bit here about this one thing i wanted to ask you is what do these run so you're going to be in the 13s depending on deck size this is a 61 okay and obviously you can go to a 52 or 72 but you're just you're in the 13s depending on where you land 13 000. anything else you want to point out so a few things here uh i guess on if you run a zk or a skag a lot of them have a through bolt for the spindle shaft if you notice on these these are not so that's kind of a nice thing to not have to reach up and around the deck to try to get the spindle out very sure the nut off of the blade very nice these tires are the largest i've seen on them so they're 26 tall and 14 wide whereas standard in the industry is a 24 by 12. so you've got two extra inches of meat on either side planting you to the ground so that's a lot of traction that's what she said no stickers i noticed no stickers everything's edged in so you can't pressure wash it off i like that these the stickers they just over time you know they yeah they go for those of you that use attachments you have the standard two inch receiver hitch and i see some more of these right here tie downs you're tight there nice bumper too yeah so this thing this design and the roll bar doesn't have play in it the one little thing is you notice stuff rattles around sometimes they were smart enough to actually put a brace down here with rubber bumpers on it so the roll bar will rest on something and not rattle and chatter so the little annoying things very thought thought out man like i said earlier these this is two individual tanks here with a sight glass for your hydraulic fluid so you can quickly check color condition and if there's enough fluid i love the i mean this is like military stuff it's really robust yes um wow the tanks just like a zk they feed to a y valve so you don't have a fuel tank selector for a left or right tank they drain evenly for stability on a hill you just have an open and close valve that's it that's really all you need and ed's pointed out in many videos as others have your drain plug is right here very poor draining your oil guard so you don't have that wonderful mess everywhere very easy access how many gallons uh 15 and a half 15 and a half okay so enough to cut all day every day and i like this too it protects the motor it's very very cool and what what is this so that is your debris management system so this is new right this is new on these engines most of the other ones you're used to seeing it's kind of like a rain cap yeah so that's that where the air goes in this actually has a little propeller inside that spins around so as air goes in whatever dirt's in it is then getting slung around and out and you can see there's grooves on the outside here and on the bottom so air is sucked in through the bottom and it's ejected out here as it spins centrifugal force throws the debris out so it extends the life of your air filter so yeah i would say not only that but the air filter itself too right so then your air filter stays cleaner longer that's amazing man depending on where you're at in the country and i'm gonna i'll do this because i need to get this discharge flap down but you see your deck height here it's quick and easy you toggle with your foot from that bottom piece and it releases down and back up and it's up it's got a fat spring counterweight up here so you're able to see this is pulling traction and there's one on each side to raise and lower the deck now compared to a standard right on a uh let's say a zk or a standard x several guys have said in parts of the country depends on how you get the vacuum or the cut quality and it may or may not be the best and i know right came out with thing called a northern baffle kit yeah which does help with some of that if you notice this deck pan is flush across the top there's not that angled slope to the back anymore and this is only on a zxt is this deck pan as you can see is flush across the top okay um if you want to get a shot of a zk behind you you can see that the back edge of the deck shell has an angle to it uh-huh okay so a little drop all right so what this has allowed it to do is it's the full depth and allows more air volume for vacuum and circulation for discharge so this should improve with cut quality and movement of clippings and dispersal why do you think they've only done that on these and not on the zk's then so this was on the redesign obviously this mower was ground up brand new that was easy to integrate into here and um this is this is dubbed the aerocore gen 1.5 which tells me that the gen 1 is what's on the other mowers this is 1.5 which tells me if we're probably in process to a gen 2 and this is just the first step in that evolution of deck i got you cool man awesome it's a it's a amazing and 40 horses of course that's a bonus oh yeah i mean that's a little overkill i would say right well it is and it is to the degree so the two things that make productivity up are speed and horsepower and that horsepower allows you to get the speed because it allows you to process the material and then that's what gives you your time savings right so there's a lot of stuff you can buy out there that is 23 25 horsepower is it enough to get the job done yes weekly maintenance perfect but if you are taking on some heavier jobs larger acreage properties stuff like that sometimes the little extra fuel burn is worth it in productivity you'll make it up in manhattan i got you awesome man awesome well uh let's walk around i know you always like to show me what you got going on yeah so everything as it lines up out front here is all sold it's all sold that's also even the zxt that's the demo okay so i'm one of the few dealers that's actually going to have a demo that we will let you go cut with so keep that in mind ninja so yeah master motors call michael if you want to demo a zxt exactly so we've got that one you do have to be in a relatively close area to me though is that one for sale it will be what's that so this is nick's mower um we've got a we'll run it through service obviously if you've seen the issue with the starter that kind of thing will warranty and handle all that so by the time whoever purchased the mower it'll be ready to go that 72 is sold this is the fairest version of a 72 with the 40 horse nascar seat a nascar seat with a headrest an armrest are tucked up as you can see i mean you guys can see how busy we are all these stacks are returnable crates and the two stacks there that's that's last week and today's only tuesday insane the week before i returned 58 crates they normally they asked to return us in 12 15 at a time i have to have they have to send me an empty semi load just to take my returns just for those so we we get here if you guys can see what's going on with inventory nowadays and i'm sure you're experiencing it at your local dealer yeah covet's going to be one reason everybody uses and it's really supply chain so this goes all the way back to the base raw material that you need certain components to then make and turn into steel or press into pulleys or you have to boil stuff down petroleum-based products to make belts rubbers plastics so there's shortage of these things intermittently rolling to every manufacturer out there as you can see from a ferrous standpoint i'm one of the largest dealers in the country this is normally three high too deep all the way down and you can see how many are ones twos and filling out it's insane and this is just within one week the right product is in the wood crates behind us here okay there's a few there they're the only ones that do the wood plates here i remember that and they've committed to changing over to these returnable crates just as the year progresses it's a phasing thing sure so you can see this the inventory is starting to dwindle what about toro have you had the same issues with toro toro actually seems from from vendor standpoint seems to be struggling the most to get product out okay um and let's keep in mind that it's toro x mark because it's all one manufacturer you know two factories uh and i think there there's two factors going one xmark is a distributor product so they have to make sure those distributors are filled to cover their territories toro is half distributor and half direct across the country so there's a mix there we go and think about toro they also have half distributor half dealer and then they also have mass merchants so you're talking about home depot and tractor supply there's contractual obligations and again this is just my opinion i don't know this for fact but when you have contractual obligations to fill mass merchant like that in the millions and millions of dollars of product and you have guaranteed shipment dates unfortunately what ends up happening is the individual dealer becomes the one who is going to get shorted on product and i would think my opinion this is probably what's happening there it started to get a little bit better in the last week or so with shipping i also think they're running they're running into some challenges on what they can build and when based on what either engine or products available kawasaki seems to be shorting all manufacturers everybody's on allocation and a great example of this is scag skag was shorted so many engines by kawasaki they reached out to vanguard and vanguard was able to strike a deal with them for 15 000 engines wow because that's how much just one one brand could not get from kawasaki is 15 000 units so think about that now multiplied out times all these mower brands you're talking probably in a six digit of number of engines that kawasaki can't supply due to shortage so when we talk about zxts and maybe you get the angle over here even up here but so i got i've got 460 ones i've got 272s and i do have a 52. so i've got seven in stock what is the 52 run since you said this you're on the low end of that 13 range basically so you're still in the 13th range okay okay and a 72 uh about 13 8 39 so they're all in that yeah they're all in the 13. gotcha i see some new hdxs right here stuff coming in yeah um is this their new one so this is the new hdx pro 4000 okay 4000 series so we can take a look here's one open okay this particular unit has 5400 series hydrogear pumps an fx 921 31 horse carbureted engine suspension seat uh 24 by 12 drive tires and if you get on this 4000 series the 921 engine it's a five year 1500 hour warranty on the motor itself not on the engine but on the machine but that's how you can easily tell if it's this bigger engine it's a 5 1500 if it's any of the other engine options it's a 5-year 1250. wow so these big engines have the 5400 hydro gears and run 12 miles an hour all the other engine options are 4 400 hydro gears and they'll run 10 miles an hour so toro did a phenomenal job redesigning this mower that's amazing and and you can see i mean i think one of the cooler features here is definitely this i they call it an i-beam front end so call it a uh maybe a tribute to a bad boy design yeah but it looks super cool that looks beefy man super beefy one other neat thing here is the engine is now in line with the mower as opposed to turn sideways how toro and xmark have been in the past and the perk here is you can actually access the starter and to service it a lot better than you previously could so that was a complaint that we had heard in the past granted great quality product just it was a little tight to work sure a lot better now that's awesome man that's awesome tours coming coming along oh yeah they're they're really wanting to separate themselves from exmark and create their own product offering and not just be duplicate products the same even though it's the same company the same ownership they want the product to stand out from each other i get it okay cool new ferris right here another 72 that sold and you are selling mowers like i'm changing socks man [Laughter] brand new so this is a demo unit it is for sale if anybody is looking for one uh 14 and a half hours on it's the 35 horse fb 3000 and what are you selling this for um i'll do this unit for nine grand nine grand okay so this is a really great deal considering list is 12-5 yeah yeah yeah no no doubt and i will have me another one eventually first time i'm getting it going off well there it is ninjas yes i went back with the bumble bee why do you think i did that mike well that 52 is really a perfect mower with that 37 horse yes yes and i i was telling the ninjas in my last couple of videos i've actually noticed where the 52 is like my go-to mower 61 is when i really just have some bigger you know fields 36 is only for those small gates and a 52 is like my go-to mower yeah depending on property mix that's what we see from from our customer base is that the 52 really is a sweet spot yep for a lot of properties and obviously if you live in a more acreage area the 61 is probably your go-to size what do you think about 48 would that be kind of like a 52 the 48 especially in our little market here is a very go-to size because we have a lot of gates that a 48 fits through the 52 those four extra inches just are too much so i sell a lot of 48 inch mowers specifically for that reason but vast majority of time if you have a 52 and can get most places and then you can justify a 36 for backyards i recommend that combo primarily from the from the sheer standpoint that one you're always going to need two mowers and then two you just buy one size blade and it fits both mowers it's always interchangeable parts so ninjas we'll talk a little bit more when i leave here when i get home but why i decided to stick with bumblebee of course i was gonna get the same size deck but i just want to say man thank you again for everything uh you always make you and rc always make it the best experience here absolutely knowledgeable friendly and just down the earth and you make it i feel like i'm home when i'm here man and for that thank you and i look forward to doing it treat everybody like family which means we love you and if you piss us off we'll tell you how can so ninjas best deals on mowers in my opinion anywhere else so where can the ninjas contact you so i'm sure nick will put all our information in in the notes below the video but we're at master mower our website is we're located in marietta georgia if you need to get catch me my direct line is 678-328-8942 please be patient as i get numerous calls text emails a day i respond as quickly as i can to get back to you if you contact us through the website or shoot a text i will get back to you so please just be patient as it is springtime and summer gets really busy for us and i'll have ninjas as he said i'll have all his information down in the description but buddy it's been an honor man as always brother thank you so much and uh stay tuned ninjas maybe july 4th we'll be doing something safe and great all right bye mike
Channel: SG NINJAS
Views: 267,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dealer reveals the truth, mower brand struggling, the most, deals behind the scene, saving green lawn care, saving green, sg ninjas
Id: cbbjaXUc8Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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