Deadly Takeover | FULL EPISODE | The FBI Files

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[Music] a string of vicious bank robberies grows more violent with every hole then ends in a deadly shootout [Music] with a dangerous man on the run police conduct an all-out search for a fugitive so desperate he will stop at nothing to make his escape [Music] two armed bank robbers hit a seattle bank taking over 150 000 but before they can escape police confront them and the pair splits up as authorities search block by block they learn one was a career criminal with a long history of violence i'm jim calstrom former head of the fbi's new york office the suspect was smart and desperate to stay free agents chased him through the caribbean and across cyberspace determined to put an end to his career [Music] one of the fbi's primary responsibilities is investigating bank robberies [Music] and they see more of these crimes in seattle than just about any other place in the country the fbi office there investigates every bank robbery in the state of washington special agent mike adams runs seattle's robbery division over the last five or six years we've averaged 300 bank robberies a year primarily here in the seattle or king county area bank robberies are a big problem here in this area the fbi cites a high rate of drug addiction and the fact that washington has a relatively large number of bank branches as reasons for this the seattle agents see two basic types of bank heists most are one-on-one robberies when someone approaches a teller with a note and a quiet demand for cash not necessarily a robber who cares to draw attention to him or herself by being extremely vocal or attempting to take over the banking operations the other kind of robbery is more rare and more dangerous the takeover a takeover robbery is where we have one or more robbers who enter the bank and attempt to take over the banking operations through various means either ordering people to the floor or ordering the bank employees away from the teller counters more often than not in a takeover style bank robbery the bank robber or robbers are armed with firearms so those are considered very violent as opposed to a one-on-one style bank robbery agents note that whenever takeover bandits get away with it they will usually rob again becoming bolder and more violent with each new attempt on may 17 2000 one particularly vicious string of takeover style robberies begins at a downtown seattle bank all of us working quickly they disappear in minutes with thousands of dollars in cash a week later thieves hit another area bank brandishing bigger guns intensifying their assault on unsuspecting patrons and employees [Music] two weeks later robbers strike again with even more aggression since takeover robberies are rare agents believe the crimes were all perpetrated by the same bandits we did see bank robberies that did appear to be similar in nature in terms of the level of violence in terms of large amounts of money certainly a robbery of that nature is going to pique our attention because of the significant level of violence yet each time the robbers escaped cleanly and stolen getaway cars leaving no eyewitnesses who can id the man the fbi is facing a pair of seasoned criminals who grow more aggressive with each attack recognizing a pattern of behavior authorities feel these violent robbers will turn deadly six days later on the morning of june 22 2000 their worst fears are realized two men head down aurora avenue then turn into the parking lot of wells fargo bank [Music] the people inside have no idea what's [Music] coming [Music] the robbers are organized one stands guard while the other finds a teller who can access the vault a dispatcher puts out an urgent call about armed robbers still inside the bank seattle officer wesley buxton responds it was a bank robbery in progress [Music] that's a little bit of an unusual call we usually get bank alarms as opposed to bank robbery in progress [Music] buxton races to the bank [Music] i said hurry up come on here fill it up hurry up inside the vault the thief takes all the cash his two backpacks can hold [Music] the teller follows orders hoping the gunman phone won't kill nothing you understand me buxton kills his siren as he approaches the bank i was the first one on the scene there was a motorcycle sitting out in front of the bank i believe was up on the sidewalk you really couldn't see in the bank following procedure the officer finds cover and waits for backup officer rick sprecker arrives and gets into position the bandits emerge unaware of the officers they cannot get the motorcycle started they sat there like they were frozen for a minute in time i guess trying to figure out why the motorcycle would start and then they jumped off the motorcycle and they started running away from me then one suspect trips i had my gun on him and told him to stay down buxton stays with the first gunman officer sprecker orders the second to stop but the man disappears then officer buxton is suddenly faced with the unthinkable it seemed like slow motion i've heard the tape recording of it and the shots were fired in quick succession but at that time it seemed like there were even maybe one or two seconds between the actual shots finally stopping the gunman officers contain one suspect the other is gone officer sprecker's call brings an intense law enforcement response [Music] emergency medical technicians work to stabilize officer buxton while officer sprecker quickly briefs detectives he got shot six times you guys lose the man who shot the officer is dead black jacket the hunt for the escaped suspect begins immediately fbi agents rushed to the bank among them agent mike adams on my way to the bank i did hear an officer was shot and was down it was obviously a very violent takeover style robbery adams recognizes that these initial reports are similar to the three earlier robberies and that the violence has escalated even further with one armed gunman still on the loose authorities quickly moved to contain the situation there were several people bystanders who were beginning to gather around so seattle police immediately took control of the scene because of the imminent danger and potential [Music] threat that still existed the seattle police department directs their homicide unit to the scene including detective paul seguro anytime there's officer involved shooting where a seattle police officer fires a weapon we are called to investigate all law enforcement agencies begin working together to develop a plan to find the escaped gunman seattle police form an emergency command post to coordinate the effort their assignment let's wrap it up right now take off all right members of our swat team had already started a search of the inner perimeter area moving toward the general direction of the fleeing suspect swat methodically searches every hiding space they are careful knowing that the gunman is desperate and could be anywhere concerned for public safety law enforcement swarms the area roads are blocked traffic re-routed detective sergeant david ritter the bank robbery and subsequent police shooting led to a tremendous police presence in the area we had dogs we had the king county helicopter [Music] the special weapons team the swat team goes door to door warning everyone in the business district anybody in here businesses were shut down we closed all the local businesses for the safety of the people because the suspect was still at large okay you guys are right just do that please thank you after treating gunshot wounds in officer buxton's left arm and right shoulder the emergency medical technicians take him to the hospital both wounds the bullet went in and out so it was just a matter of clearing cleaning it up and making sure there wasn't anything that would cause any kind of infection special agent adams searches the downed bank robber for clues i pulled out his identification which said his name was daniel del fierro he was not someone known to the fbi at that time but nonetheless certainly a name for us to conduct further follow-up investigation investigators locate the 380 semi-automatic handgun used to shoot buxton [Music] in a belt pack they find a 38 revolver agents also recover two backpacks full of cash a lot of the money in there was still in shrink wrap delivered from the federal reserve bank later the money found in both backpacks came up to well over a hundred and fifty one thousand dollars that is a lot of money much more than is typically taken during a bank robbery police run the plates of the motorcycle and learn it will not help them id the escaped suspect the bike was stolen fbi agents interview bank employees and customers searching for clues that might help them locate the second gunman the robbers never used any names and no one saw their faces an evidence technician recovers a footprint left on the teller counter but it is the only physical evidence investigators find at the scene the heist was clean local police pull up the record of the dead robber daniel del fiero he was fresh out of prison having served time for manslaughter and assault police continue to hunt down del fierro's accomplice within hours of the robbery they pick up his trail detectives respond to a nearby junkyard where officers have recovered evidence we are backtracking finding the item's evidence that were discarded because he's running he's getting rid of his motorcycle he had on gloves it's sort of like the trail that he left behind he continues running probably another 50 feet took off his jacket there's a high chain link fence and barbed wire on top of that here's also a handgun a 45 caliber semi-automatic pistol covered close to the jacket [Music] investigators suspect that the gunman was covering his trail by leaving behind evidence and any clothing that would later identify him but just as the suspect's trail appears to be getting cold it heats up again i'll be right there investigators head to a nearby apartment building responding to a call made by the building's manager excuse me ma'am you don't want to call the police earlier she had called police after finding fresh blood outside an apartment went upstairs to my apartment and noticed the uh blood on the stairwell did you see any surmise that the second suspect must have cut his hand going over the fence if it is the gunman's blood he could still be in the building armed and desperate police call for swat all right we'll get you to a safe spot and a nearby team arrives immediately with a dangerous and elusive gunman still on the loose police hope they now have him cornered following a seattle bank robbery in june 2000 a gun battle leaves one police officer injured and one son dead a second armed suspect flees on foot and disappears follow a blood trail to a nearby apartment building thinking the gunman might be holed up there a swat team checks the place one hallway one apartment at a time [Music] but they find nothing once the building is cleared investigators secure a sample of the blood for later testing [Music] authorities pour every resource into the intense manhunt according to detective sergeant david ritter because of the seriousness of the robbery every available office that we could find was involved in this uh hunt for the second suspect police are cautious knowing from experience that someone willing to shoot a cop is far more dangerous than the average criminal fbi agents approach residents asking them what they've seen and warning them about the fugitive the suspect was obviously very dangerous and the people in the immediate area were afraid tactical officers continue to check buildings alleys any place the suspect could hide here clear let's go next point [Music] they instruct every business in a 15 block area to shut down and lock up in no time authorities seal off one of seattle's busiest shopping districts bringing the entire area to a standstill investigators have identified the suspect killed during the shootout as danny del fiero he is the investigator's best lead for locating the second robber king county deputy prosecutor steve thaw so we got an immediate warrant for his residence his car to try to locate whatever information we could about him and through that who he might have done the crime with at del firo's home investigators meet a woman who had lived with him she says she knows nothing about the robbery but helps them compile a list of her housemates associates we're trying to solve a crime here listen i understand i understand you're uptight investigators then search del fiero's home but find nothing that can help them identify the escaped suspect across town officers respond to a call from a man who claims he was the target of an attempted carjacking it is just north of the building where the blood was found all of a sudden he saw this guy jump out in front of him and slam both of his hands down on the hood and force him to stop the guy said hey i've been in a fight and i need you to help me can you give me a line look i need your card man became more aggressive he put his hand into the car tried to grab the keys and tried to take the car himself when it became apparent that um that was not gonna work he became quite vicious you know within you know a matter of seconds the owner of the car was able to fight him off push him out the door and then just jet off as fast as he could he reported what had happened to a police officer police are convinced the carjacker is the robber they're pursuing the victim gives them a detailed description of his assailant in the direction he was going he was moving to the north so that moved the search in that direction we got the description out immediately and then the media was helpful and they got it out to the public as fast as we had it for three hours investigators find no sign of the fugitive until a [Music] a 911 reports that he and his wife had been held hostage that afternoon the intruder had fled but they think he was the bank robber they heard about on the news [Music] investigators raced to a residence north of the carjacking attempt the couple explains what happened three hours earlier the woman was leaving her house when she saw a man in her truck [Music] he was calm and told her he'd been in a fight and needed her help she didn't fall for it at this point the police in that media were circling the area and she went up to the helicopters and said no i think actually they're looking for you and again the personality changed just like that the woman is not somebody who's just going to kind of roll over for this guy she tried to fight back he grabbed a knife uh let her know that he was capable of using it he signaled to her that his own survival was at stake and he was going to be as brutal as he had to be where's the tape tell me right now where's the tape do you have any rope don't move as he searched for something with which to tie her up her husband came home honey hey where are you hey i'm home honey what's going on my husband then tried to intervene on behalf of his wife and uh this guy punched him stop moving stop moving give me your hands give me your hands at this point they were just doing what they needed to do to survive and so they said i think they felt like if they were tied up at least they wouldn't be shot or anything like that the couple could hear the assailant making calls on his cell phone in another room 434 campbell road knock on the window okay then he calmly got a beer from the refrigerator and began watching accounts of his own robbery on television he seemed transfixed by live images of the extensive manhunt about two and a half three hours after they were tied up there was a knock on the window and he sort of ran out the door and that was the last they ever saw by the time police respond it's clear the suspect has slipped through their net once we interviewed the people in the house then it was pretty obvious that he had gotten away the intensive search ended when it was obvious that he had fled the scene and he had had some help from somebody else probably a car so the actual physical search of the area was pretty much stopped at that time investigators processed the entire house collecting fingerprints and blood samples they hope the evidence will help them identify a dangerous criminal a man who will do anything to escape the law an armed bank robber is on the run following a deadly shootout in which police kill his partner during his flight the fugitive assaults a couple then holds them hostage in their seattle home while he waits for a getaway driver to help him escape fbi special agent gary shaneline knows this fugitive is especially dangerous the nature of the act itself of bank robbery is very violent but in trying to affect and escape his partner and he were involved in the shooting of a police officer and also the taking hostage of innocent citizens so the stakes in this particular case were definitely higher detective paul seguro begins canvassing the neighbors of the slain robber danny del fiero basically one man tells suguru he had seen television reports about the stolen motorcycle used in the robbery and he recognized it he saw del frio with the motorcycle prior to the bank robbery taking place the man tells the guru he saw the bike on a tow truck and this individual had seen another individual inside the truck with del faro the day before suguro thinks the tow truck driver might be the second robber he asks the neighbor if he knows who he is the man says he had never seen him before [Music] the owners of the bank that was robbed tried to help according to fbi special agent mike adams all right that very day the bank came to us and wanted to offer reward for information that would lead to the the identity arrest and eventual conviction of the person or persons responsible for that arms bank robbery agents hope the large reward will make people more willing to talk myself other fbi agents spent many long hours attempting to gather as much information as we could investigators tracked down every possible lead trying to get more information on del firo's known associates we drove to several different addresses and locations in our attempt to interview different people who we thought might be able to lead to the identity as well as the location of the second suspect on this bank robbery every lead becomes a dead end investigators finally get a break when officers begin processing the evidence left behind by the fleeing robber inside the jacket was this piece of paper that had a photocopy of a driver's license that belonged to a young 16 year old girl and then a lot of information about who she was police begin looking for the young woman they called the best number they had for her which was her dad and her dad said well she's at the movies um and they said well you know you need to get her so she came and talked to the police and she said that as soon as her dad came into the movie there she immediately knew what it was about uh basically the reason why i asked is because they show her the photocopied license and ask how the bank robbers got it she told us that she was approached by a person she went to high school with the person she was in high school with said i have an individual that has large sums of money he needs id and social security numbers in return you'll get a couple thousand dollars if you let us use your id and social security number the young woman explains the information was to be used to set up bank accounts to launder stolen money she gives detectives the name of her high school friend the middleman for the id fraud so what is this all about detectives track down the man and try to get him to cooperate we contacted him early morning hours uh he was somewhat reluctant to talk to us at first but then as we started talking we finally started to tell us about who it was that asked him to obtain the identification social security numbers his name is aristotle he tells detectives the man's name is aristotle marr we then thought that it's very possible aristotle mars the person we're looking for because he was obviously looking for a way to launder money in hopes of getting legitimate funds in return investigators are convinced they're on the right track when the middleman tells investigators that marr owns a towing service [Music] police conduct a background check dmv records reveal that there is a tow truck registered to mar and that it matches the one described by del firo's neighbor [Music] investigators returned to del firo's home to ask his old roommate if she knows aristotle marr she says mar and del fierro had been friends since childhood so now his name has come up in two different sources or two different ways during the investigation so now we started to focus on aristotle mars being the second suspect involved in the bank robbery authorities check mars police record it's clean except for one assault charge he received as a minor tax records show marr runs a successful towing business and already owns property worth four hundred thousand dollars police are surprised to learn he was a star athlete in high school graduating six years earlier with a 4.0 grade point average the first thing everybody said about him was how smart he was and you could see he had a lot of potential in life but was impatient enough i think that that fed directly into the greed that motivated these crimes steve fogg subpoenas the cell phone records of mar and del fierro he discovers calls made between the two suspects prior to the robbery circumstantial evidence that they were possibly in the planning stages danny and aristotle were talking you know 10 times an hour in the days and weeks that preceded this police then ask witnesses to confirm mars identity to do this they create a photo montage it's typically what happens is you have six photos and the person who's the suspect is one of the six here the police put together a 12 person montage they really went the extra mile just to make absolutely certain that we had the right guy authorities show the photo montage to the woman who was assaulted and held hostage in her home and she didn't have any hesitation at all she picked out mr marr immediately later her husband and the carjacking victim would also pick out mar as their attacker so with that i take him together with all the circumstantial evidence we were quite confident that aries lamar was the guy we were looking for let's go authorities secure an arrest warrant for mar and a search warrant for his home knowing mars volatile tendencies police prepare for what could be a violent confrontation [Music] on june 22 2000 a pair of alleged serial bank robbers hit another seattle bank during a shootout with police one bandit is killed and the other escapes the dead robber is daniel del fierro authorities believe the fugitive is aristotle marr fearing a violent confrontation police prepare to serve a rest in search warrants with the help of a tactical unit with the team are homicide detectives paul seguro and david ritter when we went to the residence we had members of the swat team multiple seattle police units to assist us in securing the premise room by room swat searches the house they find no sign of mar homicide detective paul segura once the home is secured myself and the rest of the homicide unit went in and started searching through the home something real quick they look for any evidence that can tie mar to the robbery or provide a clue to his whereabouts in a hidden storage area they find remnants of an arsenal look at that there it is look at that detectives recover empty containers for various types of handguns [Music] although they do find a few weapons most of the guns are gone there was different types of ammunition for long gun shotguns there was ammunition for handguns detectives begin looking at the bullets more closely and uncover an important piece of evidence we found ammunition that map ammunition that we found at the scene of the bank robbery authorities also discover another lead documents that show frequent travel to and from jamaica by mar and several associates also there was small photographs and templates for the making of what appeared to be false identification investigators suspect that mar may have plans to flee the country under a false name during the search at mars home authorities discover a second agents immediately file a search warrant for the place and set up surveillance while they wait for the warrant to be processed for a week authorities watch people come and go but see no sign of the robbery suspect when a judge finally issues the warrant swat goes in what they find spins the investigation in another direction the building is a storage unit for stolen goods we found numerous boxes brand new appliances riding lawn mowers that were brand new refrigerators numerous cellular phones and just all kinds of items that were still intact brand new still in the box investigators find packing lists still attached to the items indicating they came from local home improvement stores it was obvious to us that aristotle moore was involved in a bigger criminal enterprise than just bank robberies the items were large there were appliances there were pallets of windows big things stuff that somebody doesn't go in and shoplifted i mean these were these were big items and showed that there had to be some pretty sophisticated means to obtain this property [Music] it was obvious that we needed help from our burglary and theft people they coordinated the recovery of the property the burglary and theft division work with representatives from the local stores to identify more than one hundred thousand dollars worth of stolen goods representatives provided a big large moving ban and all the items that were identified as being stolen or suspicious were then loaded in the vacuum movement and taken off properly [Music] investigators suspect that mar must have had help obtaining and selling the items we believe a lot of the stolen property was sent to jamaica there just was some indication some receipts shipping receipts etc that showed a large amount of household goods going to jamaica authorities intensify their search for the alleged crime ring leader aristotle maher the seattle fbi's fugitive task force takes the lead special agent gary shaneline well we started with the fundamentals by contacting his family and associates in hopes of you know finding that person that could give us the information that would lead to uh you know safe and swift apprehension but every person agent's interview claims no knowledge of mars whereabouts within weeks the search for mar begins to take its toll on the fugitive in an unexpected bold move a group of mah supporters including his lawyer holds a press conference proclaiming his innocence they charge police have falsely accused him because of his association with daniel del fierro agents speak with lawyers about arranging surrender but instead hear a preposterous claim we try to have him turn himself in in a safe manner in in a controlled environment and they said that he was you know afraid that he was going to be you know killed by the local police marr remains a fugitive the fbi takes a new approach they seek the help of a national television crime show advertising a 25 000 reward for information leading to mars arrest the tips pour in one caller claims he's been in contact with mar through a popular web-based instant messaging system agents subpoenaed the internet provider for details on the instant messaging account and received transcripts of the online conversations through the content of the dialogue on the instant messaging communication it was logical to to believe that that one of the participants was aristotlemore the company provides agents with the address of the computer used [Music] we approached it with a belief that it was possible that uh mark could be there at that time armed with a search warrant they confront a man who they recognize as a known associate of mark he says mar isn't there no agents conduct a thorough search for any evidence that could prove the fugitive had been in the apartment but they find nothing agents confiscate the computer in question they eventually determined that mar had probably never used the computer that it had been the associate pretending to be more on the instant messaging system the investigator's latest lead is a dead end that search really didn't glean any further information regarding aristotle's whereabouts the fbi continues surveillance at the houses of family and friends but soon realize mar may never return you know unlike your garden variety at bank robber aristotle mar did have some financial means he had owned property had a rental house and i'm sure that those assets and those means you know helped him in his fugitive status an informant calls the fbi with a tip that appears to support what agents already fear a confidential source indicated that he had fled under an alias that he had not just crossed a state line but actually had fled the country and that he had fled to jamaica if mar has indeed left the country under another name he might be impossible to find the fbi is now facing their toughest obstacle in a case that appears impossible to crack [Music] the fbi continues to hunt for bank robbery suspect aristotle marr they believe he fled to jamaica under an assumed name but the fbi cannot simply go after him according to special agent gary shane line we don't have any you know police authority in other countries so there are fbi representatives and there's u.s marshals in jamaica that liaise with jamaican authorities and i was providing them with all the information that we were gleaning from our investigation here giving them names and points of contact possible locations that were worthy of investigation in jamaica in the pursuit of mar [Music] investigating mars whereabouts in jamaica is difficult he's well connected on the island and has a lot of money to help him disappear [Music] we're confident that through those resources that he was able to maintain a low profile and and have different places to go to to uh to hide himself informants report occasional sightings of the fugitive but he eludes capture agents believe he is moving from house to house under cover of night supported by a loyal group of associates [Music] following the leads from agents in the united states authorities in jamaica relentlessly pursue the fugitive they contact every known associate of aristotle mar they're uncooperative but authorities keep them under surveillance marshalls were watching everything they did down in jamaica they made it very clear that they were not going to go away until mr maher returned to the united states and answered to these charges in seattle king county deputy prosecutor steve fogg decides to file several charges against the fugitive based on the abundance of circumstantial evidence already in hand we charged him with an array of counts that reflected the full nature of this crime spree he charged him with robbery in the first degree with the firearm enhancement because he was armed when that happened we charged him as an accomplice with danny del fierro to the shooting of officer buxton we charged him with the temp robbery 2 which is a formal wave zing attempted carjacking [Music] and then kidnappings because they were essentially kidnapped and held hostage in their own basement steve fogg also suspects maher is involved in an international theft ring but decides not to press charges mr mars already looking at so much time that the amount of additional time that would be added by this left ring would be negligible i mean you're talking about a year or two on a guy who's looking at you know 30 40 50 years in prison so we did not charge mr maher for that authorities intensify their search for more seattle homicide detective david ritter we kept the pressure up give me a break i mean they felt our presence they made several complaints that we were harassing them we were conducting an investigation a very violent crime and we wanted to solve it we wanted him in custody it got the whole situation probably too hot for him he didn't he wasn't having much fun anymore after seven months the constant pressure pays off on february 7 2001 aristotle marsh shocks police walking into the king county jail with his lawyer [Music] go up to the counter put your hands where i can see him seattle police detective paul seguro had chased mar from the beginning sergeant christopher this is tebow down at the watch desk aristotle maher just turned himself in i was surprised that aristotle ward actually took upon himself to turn himself in we tried to talk to aristotle interview him about the robberies where he'd been he did not wish to talk about any aspects of the investigation at all authorities believe he has come back to take the pressure off his associates and because he is sure the charges will never stick he was quite confident in fact probably cocky that this would be a case that he could beat in court he could come back beat this case and kill two birds with one stone at his arraignment marr pleads not guilty to all charges one advantage that mr maher had by fleeing was he could sit back and watch our case develop and i had no doubt that he'd have an explanation for all the evidence and we would have a real fight on our hands at trial mars defense team knows that lab examiners have found his fingerprints on items dropped outside the bank including the motorcycle helmet and a pair of gloves they explained the prince by claiming mar lent the items to daniel delfiero the suspect killed in the shootout what mr maher didn't know about but we of course knew about was this blood trail that had been left i knew that the next step was to get an immediate sample of his blood and i knew that that would definitely be the silver bullet if we were able to develop dna information from the blood trail that was left a judge orders mar to submit the samples which dna experts compared of blood found at the apartment complex and inside the kidnapped couple's house and truck the examiner reports a match at that point any concern we had about the outcome of that case definitely lifted because uh you know it was clear that taken together with all the other evidence that we already had that you know this is a rock solid case maher decides not to risk a jury trial and changes his plea to guilty he is sentenced to 23 years in prison with no chance of parole seattle police officer wesley buxton shot during his confrontation with mar and del fierro is relieved that marr finally got what he deserved i'm probably your typical police officer that feels that criminals should get much more than they actually get as far as the demands of justice but i was fairly satisfied with the sentence special agent mike adams given the high number of bank robberies we have every year on average well over 300 bank robberies here in the state of washington it's a good feeling when we can bring about or at least help bring about a successful conclusion to such a high profile bank robbery investigation in the end it was the combined efforts of the seattle police department and the fbi that finally put aristotle mar out of business [Music] you
Channel: The FBI Files
Views: 875,645
Rating: 4.6407104 out of 5
Keywords: FBI, FBI Files, FBI Documentary, Documentary, Crime, Crime Documentary, Crime Patrol, True Crime, True crime daily, Unsolved, Crime Stories, Crime Documentaries Full Episodes, Full Episode, unsolved true crime, fbi files full episodes, we got him, mystery, solved, investigation, police, criminal, prison, jail
Id: NxzO-J001Zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 23sec (2963 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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