Dishonored | FULL EPISODE | The FBI Files

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in 1989 a female marine captain disappeared two reporters without a trace known for her exemplary conduct colleagues found it hard to believe that she'd gone Abel military authorities suspected she'd fallen victim to foul play the FBI joined the investigation they would find the decorated officer well grampers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] surely Russell was a determined woman determined enough to reach the rank of captain in the United States Marine Corps when this decorated officer turned up missing the colleagues refused to believe she'd gone AWOL was unclear with the captain surely Russell was dead or alive I'm Jim Kallstrom former head of the FBI's New York office when a crime is committed on a military installation it falls under federal jurisdiction agents would have to rely on their dedication and instinct to solve the mystery of her disappearance the Marine Corps Base at Quantico Virginia is located 35 miles south of Washington DC since 1917 it has been headquarters to one of the nation's most selective branches of the military over 3,000 Marines trained work and live on the 100 square mile base [Music] nearly everything in civilian life is mirrored on base from department stores to housing married officers have the option of living on base in married officers quarters which are known as mo cute for six months moq number three nine four deep was the home of captain Shirley Gibbs Russell and her husband Robert Joseph [Music] by January 1989 captain Russell decided to end the marriage shoes for the next month she would stay with a friend off base until bachelors housing was available Shirley packed her civilian clothes her uniforms and her marine issue firearm Robert begged her to stay but Shirley was determined [Music] for Robert the separation meant he had to move off base as a former Marine who would be losing his last tie to the Corps [Music] captain Russell continued to advance of her career as the adjutant to the commanding officer of the Support Battalion at the marine basic school she was in charge of all personnel matters and administrative needs of the Support Battalion [Music] she was known as a dedicated marina by her peers by her commanding officer Lieutenant Colonel James Hodges when I first met Shirley Russell I was very impressed with the fact that she was a black female captain because we just don't have that many in the Marine Corps and that she had come from a poor background and was making something of herself and she seemed so energized and so eager to to keep moving up the the rank structure while assigned together they built a friendship based on mutual respect [Music] Raja's knew that Shirley's marriage is in trouble [Music] my relationship but surely Russell was very special in even though that I was their commanding officer and her ultimate boss if you will I was very close to her as sort of a Big Brother mentor and we talked sometimes it you know after working hours about her situation her marriage her past and so forth on Thursday March 2nd about a month after her split with Robert Shirley requested leave from work she needed to clean her former quarters and finalize her legal separation [Music] four days later on Monday March 6th Hodges arrived at the office expecting to find Shirley at her desk [Music] he was surprised to find her office empty [Music] surely had a perfect work record she had never been late to record and when I walked in the door I asked major buck booyah right away and I said where surely and he said sir she's not here and instantly I felt like oh no something has happened to her Lieutenant Colonel Hodges investigated the unauthorized absence captain Russell had recently moved into Bachelor officers quarters on base hodges hoped he would find her at home captain Russell Russell [Music] as the missing captain's commanding officer Hodges had authorization to search the room captain Russell there was no sign of her and no indication she had moved out the Marines returned to the office and contacted the captain's husband who now lived off base [Music] Hodges knew that Robert Russell had helped Shirley clean and paint their vacated quarters over the weekend they arranged to meet at the couple's former moq the Marine officers inspected the residence [Music] Russell told them that he and Shirley had met here around noon on Saturday to do some touch-up painting according to Russell Shirley volunteered to buy some paint and base exchange at about 1:30 he claimed that she didn't take her car but walk to the PX instead Russell said he hadn't seen her since Lieutenant Colonel Hodges didn't believe Robyn Russell's story it hit me is just totally alive because the PX was probably four or five miles away there's no way in the world that she would have walked to the PX from their quarters outside the quarters the officers also inspected Russell's storage shed [Music] on the floor Colonel Hodges noticed a rust colored stain Russell dismissed his paint [Music] Hodges was skeptical he was no expert but to him it looked like blood [Music] Lieutenant Colonel Hodges briefed the Naval Investigative Service the NIS reported the possibility of a crime to the FBI's Washington field office the NIS briefed special agents on the case captain Russell had been missing for three days with no indication of her whereabouts the agents followed standard procedure special agent Allen Mellon Jack headed the case when you have somebody missing either have a case of an abduction you have a case of a missing person somebody who's walked away for whatever reason or you have foul play so the initial investigation that the FBI was involved in will ran all three of those investigative lines according to standard procedure we did a missing woman's husband Robert Russell was the first to be questioned thank you very much he told agents that he was talking with a neighbor around 1:30 the afternoon of Shirley's disappearance when a friend of her was stopped by to pick her up for lunch at 3:30 Robert said he called her Bachelor officers quarters to see if she had gone home the duty clerk had not seen captain Russ so Robert left a message around 4 p.m. robert borrowed his housemates car and drove to pennsylvania to spend the weekend with his parents during the first interview that I had with Robert Russell he was very calm very businesslike wanted to assist the FBI in the investigation and provided me with multiple locations of where Shirley might be who she may be associated with what could have happened Russell thought it was possible someone had abducted the harbor though Shirley had no enemies the couple had experienced some trouble due to their interracial marriage Russell told agents he and his wife frequently visited his home town near maja noise City Pennsylvania one afternoon while shopping the Russell's were harassed by racists [Music] according to her husband Shirley had been frightened but another incident scared or even war an unidentified man had called their house on bass [Music] hello the caller used racial epithets and threatened to harm the couple whoever that caller was in whether Russell's lived after the threatening phone calls Robert told officials he felt Shirley might need protection for the times he couldn't be her a pawn shop near base Robert picked out a 25 caliber Raven semi-automatic just two days before Shirley disappeared [Music] Russell told agency surprised surely with a gift on the day they met to clean their former quarters [Music] according to Russell Shirley was appreciative of the pearl-handled weapon thank you agents were suspicious of the story as a Marine kept and surely already had a personal sidearm if she felt unsafe why would she need another gun with Shirley and the gun nowhere to be found that question would be difficult to answer Marine Captain Shirley Gibbs Ruslan vanished from base house on March 4th 1989 her husband was the last person to have seen her agents needed to corroborate his story the FBI interviewed marine captain Patrice Gayle according to Robert Russell on the day Shirley disappeared captain Gayle had arrived at Shirley's former residence to pick her up for lunch about 1:30 Gale confirmed this Robert also told her that Shirley advised return captain Gale thought this was odd [Music] surely never missed appointments and this had been especially deformed just a day earlier Gail had accompanied Sherman to the base leaders to remember separation papers surely plan to present them to Robert the day they painted their former quarters this would make this separation official and surely worried about Robert's reaction afterwards she would need a friend to talk to and ask captain Gayle to meet her which surely failed to show up captain Gale worried that Robert had done something to her friend [Music] FBI agents checked Shirley's Bachelor officers quarters the clerk had not seen her since Saturday March 4th the day she disappeared on that same Saturday corporal Dan caraway confirmed that Robert Russell had called looking for his wife the Corporal noted the time in his logbook is 3:30 p.m. about a half hour after he took the message Carolee thought he saw captain Russell she was talking on the telephone he recalled that she was wearing jeans in a maroon sweater he wanted to give her the message that her husband had called but he was distracted [Music] by the time caraway was free the woman he thought was captain Shirley Russell was gone his description contradicted Robert Russell's statement that Shirley had been wearing a blue jogging outfit the Corporal also only saw the woman from behind he never got a good look at her face agents doubted if she ever returned to her apartment they found no trace that Shirley had changed her clothes were brought back to separation papers [Music] investigators question Russell's old neighbors one of them said she saw a blue station wagon backed up to the Russell shed on the day Shirley had disappeared she noted the time was 5 p.m. this was an hour later than Russell claimed he left for Pennsylvania investigators wondered if Robert Russell was mistaken or lying agent Allen malechek called the FBI in Pennsylvania to pin down Russell's whereabouts the rest of that day Special Agent Michael quark of the Allentown office became Koch case agent he contacted Roberts parents Robert Russell had traveled to st. Clair Pennsylvania on March 4th 1989 and he stayed with his family the weekend of March 4th March 5th FBI interviews with Russell's family confirmed he had arrived alone none of them had seen Sherman the FBI launched a media campaign seeking the public's help captain Shirley Gibbs Russell's photo was featured in television and newspaper stories leads began to pour in midway between Quantico and Robert Russell's hometown the clerk in York Pennsylvania called federal authorities the clerk reported that a young black woman had been in the store on the afternoon of Saturday March 4th the day captain Shirley Gibbs Russell disappeared from Quantico according to the clerk the woman bought several items and paid with a check the clerk asked the woman for identification she produced a military ID card she resembled photos the clerk had seen in the newspaper the agent asked to see the checks received on that day he found that none of them were written by Shirley Gibbs Russell Assistant US Attorney Lawrence eliezer worked with the FBI on the case he noted another detail that suggested the woman in the store was not captain Russell the color of the ID and the location of the picture in the ID described as belonging to Shirley Russell was the idea of a dependent military person not of an active-duty military person there had been no activity since March 4th and captain Ross's bank credit card account nor had she called her family and friends considering surely stable character her disappearance didn't make sense to agent Alan Malin Jake she was a type of person who was going to do very well in the Marine Corps she'd be promoted she had that capability she was sharp she was squared away she easy to make friends everybody that worked with her liked her she had a lot of stability in her life with regard to church and family for her to just disappear of her own accord just didn't make any logical sense with no word from her or a kidnapper agents believed it was likely that captain Shirley Gibbs Russell was dead they were now searching for her body dozens of Marines fanned out across the huge base they searched hundreds of acres of dense woods the Marines used for training they found no trace of the missing captain perhaps Robert Russell knew more about his wife's disappearance than he was telling the FBI agents asked him to submit to a polygraph examination the agreement said last time you saw her you were painting your quarters and it was some time prior to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday March 4th and that's correct as before agents found them to be coulomb and cooperatives for almost three hours Robert Russell answered dozens of questions relating to Shirley's whereabouts he was subjected to three separate exams this redspot paid mr. Russell each time Robert Russell was found to be deceptive when agents told him the results Russell seemed unfazed almost smug [Music] [Music] he even consented to be fingerprinted perhaps he was aware that polygraphs were inadmissible in a federal court of law without a body agents would need something stronger than a hunch to prove that Russell had killed his wife and disposed of her in the spring of 1989 the FBI continued to hunt for the body of marine captain's Shirley Gibbs Russell in their search for answers agents delved deeper into the background of their prime suspect her husband Robert Russell a Special Agent Michael quark learned that Russell was already married before he met Shirley he had two children with his first wife Pam [Music] the marriage only lasted six years in 1986 Russell told his wife that he wanted a divorce he left Pam and their children on Christmas Day six months later Robert married Shirley while they were both stationed at Parris Island South Carolina the FBI learned that Shirley was transferred to Quantico a short time later they also learned that Robert told friends that the distance was hurting his marriage he claimed he was leaving the Marine Corps to join Shirley in Quantico in order to stabilize their relationship but agents discovered a different motive for the move [Music] agents believed it was unlikely Robert would voluntarily relinquish his rank his captain being in the Marine Corps was Roberts whole life and whole world [Music] military records showed that in February of 1988 while stationed in Gulfport Mississippi Robertson peers found that his passion for the Corps did not seem to apply to its regulations [Music] they issued Robert a less than honorable discharge for dereliction of duty and defrauding the government he was escorted out of his office and was prohibited from taking anything with him except his own clothing hello robert was no longer a Marine he moved into officers quarters at Quantico based on Shirley's rank of captain while surely supported him Robert tried to get his life back on track by becoming a teacher in a nearby high school but his drinking started to become excessive he was getting drunk more often staying out later Robert [Music] shirley was distraught she joined al-anon the support for the loved ones of alcoholics when Robert became physically abusive Shirley finally left him assistant US attorney Lawrence Lizer believed that Roberts problems left Shirley few alternatives she realized the marriage was was going nowhere began to get counseling from a local counseling center that was made available to members of marine corps she also consulted with the Navy lawyer to begin the divorce process to investigators Russell's instability and abusive behavior reinforced their belief that he was capable of killing surely his personality could not tolerate the fact that this black woman his wife was a Marine Corps captain who was successful who was succeeding in her career and to top it all off wanted to divorce him agents learned that during her separation Shirley had sought refuge off-base with her close friend fellow marine captain and back [Music] captain Mac told agent balichek that Shirley was afraid of her husband she intended to leave him but needed a place to stay she had asked captain and Mack if she could stay with her at her townhome in the Springfield Virginia area and captain and Mack agreed and laid out some ground rules about Bob Russell not being there not coming into the house nothing like that whatsoever but it was not enough to keep Robert away from Shirley Mac was worried about her Mack told investigators that Robert was stalking Shirley on several occasions he showed up at the house early in the morning as Shirley was leaving he harassed his wife until she agreed to spend some time with him Mack said that Robert Russell was living off base he had moved in with one of his new colleagues an FBI agent check the address it was the home of sandy Flint sandi Flint offered little she said she knew nothing Roberts missing wife on the way out the agent met Robert Flint Sandy's father-in-law he was a retired painter who had looked at the base at Quantico for ten years [Music] mr. Flint told the agent about a conversation he had with Robert Russell two days after Shirley's disappearance Robert Russell to ask them how to clean up bus stains from concrete floors and the father-in-law had told Bob Russell that you could just use chlorine or soap and water and that would pretty much clean it up or dilute it and Bob had asked him what if it's blood and and the father-in-law had said well you could use muriatic acid mr. Flint told the agents something else of interest sandy and her husband had recently separately he suspected sandy was now having an affair with Robert Russell with each new person agents interviewed they found more deception from Robert Russell if sandy was indeed involved with Russell she might know if he had killed Shirley agents would informer would be unwise to obstruct a federal murder case now sandy agreed to speak with the FBI this time agents found her to be far more cooperative she described her role in Robert Russell's obsession she had admitted to having a an intimate affair with Bob Russell Wilde Bob Russell was still married she advised us that she at Bob's requests she had surveilled Shirlee Russell she could report to Bob Shirley's activities and whereabouts he enlisted her as his spy sandy told the FBI Russell was convinced that Shirley was having an affair he wanted to know where Shirley went and who she met [Music] sandi followed her everywhere but found nothing to support his delusional fixation he's so compulsive he wanted to catch his wife cheating of course the irony of all of this is she wasn't cheating at all of us he was cheating on her Robert was a too far gone for logic he refused to believe the assurances of his mistress in his own mind if he was cheated so was surely and he would go to any lengths to prove it he told sandy that he broke into his wife's car and planted a voice-activated recorder when it failed to record anything incriminating he decided he needed to get closer Robert broke into an mac's house to bug Shirley's bedroom what happened next told sandy that her lover's obsession had completely consumed him Robert called his mistress from his wife's bedroom speaking in a whisper he told sandy he was drinking Shirley's wine and reading her journal then he said something she would never forget he had informed her that if shirley comes missing it'll be me i'll have taken care of her and she had said we can't do that you know she's gonna look for says and if anybody questions you on this deny it they don't even admit to the conversation we're having now sandy statements were incriminating but it was her word against his to corroborate her story the FBI needed physical evidence we requested a consent search of captain and max residence and retrieved several items and and some of those items one was a telephone and one was a wine glass and when we sent those to the FBI laboratory for analysis we were able to develop Robert Russell's fingerprints on those items the FBI now had its first piece of physical evidence to corroborate that Robert Russell obsessively stalked his wife but without Shirley's body it was still not enough to charge him with murder in March of 1989 there was little evidence to link Robert Russell to the murder of his wife Marine Captain Shirley Gibbs Russell early in the investigation agents learned the suspect had been having an affair with sandy Flint Flint now told the FBI more about the day Shirley Gibbs Russell it disappeared [Music] she said Robert Russell had borrowed her car a blue station to drive to his parents house in Pennsylvania she remembered he left her house sometime after 4 p.m. Sandi's autism strange because he could have used his own pickup truck assistant US attorney lawrence liza believed russell borrowed her car that day to transport Shirley's body to pennsylvania reason he asked to use that car was because he had an open bed pickup truck the body was still in the storage shed and he had to dispose of the body and he couldn't do it in an open bed pickup truck so he borrowed the closed station wagon of his girlfriend to dispose of the body agents were to substantiate this theory they returned to Russell's former recipes where his neighbor had seen the same blue station wagon backed up to his shed investigators needed to take a closer look at the floor where Lieutenant Colonel Hodges had seen the rust colored stain but the stain was gone at least on the surface and as they were chiseling the the whitewashed pieces of the concrete up Bob Russell had asked him what's going on and they told him that they're taking these samples to determine what the substance is on the concrete and mr. Russell had voluntarily told them well I had cleaned that up with some muriatic acid the FBI lab confirmed the muriatic acid is present on the concrete the same substance that mr. Flint had suggested Russell used to remove blood from cementec technicians found no trace of blood or paint on the chips but could have been a key piece of forensic evidence had been destroyed agents hoped sandy Flint's car would reveal more FBI examiner's scoured the stationwagon inside and out [Music] it was unusually clean for an older car that had so recently made a round trip from Virginia to Pennsylvania it turned out to be another dead end as the investigation stalled in Virginia Robert Russell split up with sandy packed his things and moved to Pennsylvania to start a new life [Music] the FBI's investigated focus turned north as well agents followed Roberts every move they observed that while he relied on his parents for support he was very close to his brothers Mike and Ron agents approached the brothers on several occasions [Music] Mike Russell agreed to meet with agents he told them that the day after Robert arrived in Pennsylvania following Shirley's disappearance Robert took sandy Flint station wagon to a nearby car wash Robert and his brother thoroughly cleaned the inside of the car vacuuming it and spraying it with deodorizer agents believed Roberts actions demonstrated his intent to remove any evidence that Shirley's body had been in the car Mike Russell told agents he never saw a body he did concede that his brother's behavior had seemed desperate and Shirley left him two months before she disappeared Mike and his older brother Ron drove to Virginia to take away Roberts guns agent quirk recalled that his brothers felt this was necessary to prevent Robert from hurting someone he was depressed in the fact that he was no longer in the Marine Corps that he loved the Marine Corps he didn't have money he was a captain in a Marine Corps now he's a special education teacher Shirley had removed him from her checking account so he was having problems financially circumstantial evidence was mounting but the FBI lacked one crucial piece of evidence for their case Shirley Gibbs Russell's body the first question was where to look agents learned the answer from Robert Russell's first wife Pam robert's boyhood home was in Schuylkill County a rural mountainous region in northeastern Pennsylvania thousands of coal mines mostly abandoned are scattered throughout the rugged County [Music] some are hundreds of feet deep and partially filled with water as a young man suspect Robert Russell had spent much of his time hiking and hunting in the region his family said he knew the place like the back of his hand a search conducted in this terrain would be daunting but nobody ever questioned whether it should be done a hundred and fifty people participated in the extensive ground search for Shirley Gibbs Russell in early May volunteers from the FBI the Marines the naval Investigative Service and the Pennsylvania State Police participated [Music] none of them were more eaten to find the missing Marine than her own peers from the United States Marine Corps nine helicopters and six transport trucks filled with Marines were deployed over three days they searched 2,000 acres of land they never found captain Russell's body agents would soon develop a theory as to why the search was not more fruitful agent quark learned about a strange phone call Ron Russell received from his brother Robert Bob @s Ron if he could get him some dynamite and Robert had stated that that he couldn't get dynamite in quantico because it was too expensive and Ron had asked Robert why do why do you want dynamite and Roberts response was I want to blow up surely Ron never bought it but agents now wondered whether Robert Russell had thrown Shirley's body into a mineshaft then sealed her grave with an explosion the search did yield one surprising result an agent found what appeared to be the grip of a gun handle it was sent to the firearms and toolmarks unit at the FBI's lab in Washington DC for analysis by comparing the samples to hundreds of other guns examiner's determined that it was consistent with the grip of a 25 caliber Raven semi-automatic it was the same type of gun Robert Russell had purchased from a pawn shop on March 2nd two days before his wife disappeared unfortunately the tantalizing discovery would not help with the prosecution agents never found Roberts fingerprints on the gun part to prosecutors it looked as if the ex-marine had covered his tracks well without a murder weapon or a body it would be next to impossible to convict Robert Russell of murder very clear after an investigation spanning two months two states and thousands of man-hours the FBI was no closer to arresting their prime suspect Robert Russell for the murder of his wife marine captain Shirley Gibbs Russell though agents had gathered a significant amount of circumstantial evidence assistant US attorney Lawrence eliezer didn't have enough physical evidence to prosecute Russell for the crime he didn't have a body we didn't have eyewitnesses we didn't have weapon and it just took a tremendous amount of investigative skill and effort to put the pieces together to go out and search out the leads tremendous amount of hours and energy that these FBI agents took to gather the evidence authorities didn't even have enough evidence to make an arrest agents were frustrated as were the hundreds of Marines whose lives have been touched by captain Shirley Russell it was like the loss of a child or a dear friend and there was nothing you could do about it and it went frustrated me so much was she was so close to being executed from her bad marriage and for her to be killed it still bothers me to this day I mean it just it's just one of those things that you just never really totally get over it looked as if Robert Russell was going to get away with murder but Russell's past indiscretions would come back to haunt him we had been contacted by the Naval Investigative Service at Gulfport Mississippi that there was some evidence in a in a locker there that they maintained from when Bob was discharged from the Marine Corps and so they send it to us and it turned out to be a floppy disk it had been confiscated when Russell was relieved of duty in Mississippi the year before Shirley Russell disappeared [Music] for security reasons no service member who's been relieved of duty is allowed to go through their documents after dismissal one of Russell's former superiors found the disk and read its menu of contents one of those items that he saw on the menu was the word murder and he pushed the the mouse for that on that word murder and up came 26 steps very detailed and elaborate steps on how Robert Peter Russell was planning the murder of captain Shirley Ghetts Russell's plan clearly documented his intentions the 26 steps was a very revealing piece of evidence because it showed the men state of mind his willingness to to even contemplate murdering another human being let alone his wife step one is leave Thursday January 18th for Parris Island well who was that Parris Island Shirley Russell make it look as if she left well that's exactly what he tried to do when he did murder his wife and then the last thing he says is blame it on her own kind obviously affront to her race this is a man who clearly had the the mental wherewithal and an intent and motivation to do this kind of act On February 8th 1991 the computerphile convinced federal prosecutors to bring charges against Robert Peter Russell for the murder of his wife captain Shirley Gibbs Russell ironically Russell was arrested in a prison he had recently taken a job as a substance abuse counselor Pennsylvania's Graterford State Correctional Institution New York but prosecution would not be easy assistant US attorney Lawrence Eliezer would have to assemble all the pieces of circumstantial evidence like a mosaic hopefully the jury would see the portrait of a killer emerge assistant US attorney and co prosecutor Michael rich would help to prepare the case against Russell it was clear they were going to make it you know circumstantial evidence a lot of that circumstantial evidence was as a result of what Bobby Russell had been saying and doing since his wife's disappearance in 1989 so the plan was to assemble all that and to some sort of coherent scheme and present that never before had the federal government attempted to try someone for first-degree murder based solely on circumstantial evidence at trial the prosecution asserted that Robert Russell intended to commit murder when he bought the 25 caliber Ravens semi-automatic on March 2nd several of his co-workers reported that he had told them at 25 caliber is a perfect weapon it leaves little evidence behind he said there's virtually no blood spatter and the bullet usually lodges in the body on Saturday March 4th when surely gave him the separation papers he refused to sign just after noon that day the prosecution believed Robert Russell snuck up on Shirley in the shed had to wait for nightfall before he could remove the body to establish an alibi he talked with a neighbor and lied - Shirley's friend about his wife walking to the base exchange to buy paint around 4:00 p.m. he went to Sandy Flint's house and borrowed her station wagon [Music] after night fell he wrapped Shirley's body in a tarp and placed it in the back of the car their neighbors saw him backed up to the shed [Applause] he then drove four hours to st. Claire Pennsylvania with the body in the back of the car [Music] once there he knew exactly where to go there were hundreds of abandoned mines to choose from then Robert Russell who had once sworn to uphold honor as a member of the Marine Corps dumped his wife's body into a mineshaft he threw dynamite here to bury the evidence under thousands of pounds of rock the jurors were convinced on May 3rd 1991 Robert Peter Russell was convicted of murdering his wife Shirley Gibbs Russell Robert Russell was sentenced to life there is no parole in the federal system he will never leave prison alive [Music] [Applause] you [Music]
Channel: The FBI Files
Views: 1,677,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FBI, FBI Files, FBI Documentary, Documentary, Crime, Crime Documentary, Crime Patrol, True Crime, True crime daily, Unsolved, Crime Stories, Crime Documentaries Full Episodes, Full Episode, unsolved true crime, fbi files full episodes, we got him, mystery, solved, investigation, police, criminal, prison, jail, shirley russell, shirley russel, marine, usmc, Robert Russell
Id: vxJO6jT4x68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 9sec (3009 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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