Dead Horse Bay - Remnants of the Past

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welcome to paper moves today there is no paper there's a flea market there's no auction there's no estate sale there's just this dead horse Bay in Brooklyn New York I've come here to see what treasures we can find tossed up from the scene years of bottles leather shoe soles trinket things that have washed up from the lands though whose cat first years ago so join me on this actual certified bonafide treasure hunt and let's see what treasures we can find from years past from the new york times dead horse face it's at the western edge of a marshland once dotted by more than two dozen horse rendering plans fish oil factories and garbage incinerators from the 1850s until the 1930s the carcasses of dead horses and other animals from New York City streets were used to manufacture glue fertilizer and other products at the site the chopped up boiled bones were later dumped into the water taken from Atlas obscura calm during the 1920s the marsh of the bay became a landfill and in the 1930s the landfill was capped only to have a burst in the 1950s since that time remnants of times past have been making their way to the shore of dead horse Bay Brigance Andy and there's the ocean alrighty let's see what treasures oh my goodness look at all this there's just my I mean this is you want see glass oh my hi-yah this Wow hoping for my goes oh there's not glass she's I think I put my clothes in my bag there's a shoe they say the shoe shoes are super common here the soles Wow this is going to be a treasure hunt so this is amazing sad but amazing this is a need jeez I did bring a bag I'll get this red piece with me I do have gloves which I should probably put it on you know I try there's a piece of the handle I'll try and keep look at the green oh my goodness that green is this again I'm not using my club so it's not a shout no it's like a leaf to something I like the color of that so this is insane you think all these things have just washed up over the years I'm I'm not gonna wear my glove don't yell at me it's just too cumbersome it's much easier to pick without it where's that will have to handle ok this blue piece this was unbelievable you think this has been going on for how many years [Music] where do you even start I I came here because two viewers or subscribers to the channel told me that I should come here clear that piece and then I would love it this is like it's from a fixture or like from like a bathroom but they said that I should come here because I would love everything that it would be a place that I would want to see and boy were they right but if you think during low tide all these things that are out there that haven't been touched before or they just keep going in and out with the waves this is unbelievable listen to the sound oh my goodness so when they were putting in the Belt Parkway look at all these Souls Souls literally and then maybe if you think figuratively - that's a neat one what's this I'm like oh my goodness I I did have a bucket but I left it in my car because I didn't want to look because I think some people they might have some concerns about picking things up from here and taking them and obviously this this is pollution this all here is pollution but it's also treasures so should it stay here oh my goodness I can't wait for low tide there's a full jar but should it stay here because you figure eventually it's just all going I don't know so we're going to try and be selective with what we pick I do love these little pieces of pottery though the colors there's another green look at that Oh a shell will leaves a creature there we don't want to take him this is insane so yeah I want to be selective in what I picked you know obviously there's gonna be plenty more for other people to come here but my goodness oh look with the flower that's pretty this was a good time to come here I came here on a Saturday not summertime one court next week actually is Memorial Day weekend so you know people aren't gonna come here on this beach to swim for obvious reasons but to get into the show to get into this area I think they do I look at that these I think they do have a toll from time I would love to find a nice whole bottle or a little toy people have found a lot of toys here - because sorry if I'm repeating myself on there jumping ahead of myself is just really exciting as I said when they put in the Belt Parkway they had to demolish you know sadly take away homes that were here so the buildings that were here everything was just left so I lied we did find paper the dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn Coney Island branch 1953 we'll have to keep this that's amazing how I mean that this survived here in the water on the shore through the waves for over 50 some years crazy we did find paper I made a fib Sally we find ephemera even along the beach along the shorelines even the puppies out here digging for treasure what did that piece no wilkes-barre PA oh my god there's another pretty red one I guess I should have brought my bucket a good intention on the back we find that pretty so looking to find Harrison bone a little trinket that paper was a great find for here especially because it is from Brooklyn so that was kind of cool some little toy because again I've seen pictures someone found a vintage Santa Claus candy container here they posted it online and then someone found a toy of a horse like how appropriate is that a little bottle [Music] so that right there I think it's the closest thing I'm going to get to a year or a toy No I'm gonna take Halloween decor from dead horse Bay I have it pretty I found this too it's the lid to a compact I know it says loose loose pressed powder airspun what if we was left behind that that figures head along the way dad you crazy [Music] the seagulls get to live amongst all this treasure every day it was modern wrapper just one little kid he was walking with his dad and he goes how do all these people lose all these shoes he was more excited about finding crabs than all this great other stuff there's not a purse you seem to be a lot of those so what did we pick up today at the dead horse Bay a whole plate goodness I'd like to call it um I'll start off with something a bigger pieces I I did wash these pieces I used some simple green on them and then no just regular water they do still have the base mount to them so I'll probably leave em sit outside for a little bit but I picked up these two tiles there's a black one and a white one I thought that they would be neat to display some of these things on or even just to use in my other no displays as a kind of base to add some color who knows the building is come out of I picked up this I don't know what it is maybe some kind of spool kind of thing I'm not sure but I thought that I would be able to use it as a type of stand so you know say for instance you have that's not gonna work so I have to go this way so you'd have a little tray I mean a little tile with this on top then you know you could put some things on top to display more little pieces there was a larger white ceramic piece but that had a small hole in it where water could get in and I had spent probably about five minutes trying to shake the water out on him there so on in there so I just left that there for someone else let's see some of the glass items this which is probably part of a bottle but I saw it like this so it kind of looked like a flower to me so again use that you know me if I can find a nice single fake flower a small one to put through the center and have it pop up I thought that'd be cute the other bottles that I got these two this just has a B on the bottom USA 7d TC w co TC West Company I'm not sure I did pick up another small one I'm letting it soak but I can show you it has stuff inside this little this little guy and then for the brown bottles 14-2 with some kind of symbol on the side I don't know if you can see this one has to dr b2 you can see how it's kind of getting that where from being in the water and then tumbling these are probably good for halloween but as i mentioned in my video it was funny because the smaller bottles remained intact while the larger the smaller and the larger bottles were the ones that stayed intact while the medium sized bottles seems to be the one that suffered the most damage i have seen photos of people that have found great old bottles from you know 1920s intact but i wasn't fortunate enough to find them now for the shards of pottery i try to be selective and what i picked based on color and print because i mean you could go you can come back with buckets from there but i didn't i didn't want to do that because i don't have a reason to so this piece i picked up mostly because it had lettering on it s UN sun sunrise sunday who knows there's that piece so I'm just solid color a nice pink piece this doesn't have the maker's mark you can't see that on the back some of these you can which is why I picked them up this one just says hark now I wonder what this design would have been the rest of it and which way it went and what it was out of this red piece I envisioned this is probably a figure a piece of a figure this is really worn down no you can't cut yourself at all on this this nice brown and green piece and then on the other side there's actually a very faint flower print this I had mentioned in the video it was the compact lid you probably can't see it on there too bad it wasn't the whole compact that would be neat another nice green piece again you can never go wrong with green the handle of a tea cup of course I have picked that up decided to do a tea some other interesting shards with neat colorings this is probably a really pretty plate at some point the pattern some pretty flower patterns this one with the nice greens and the pinks I just take that leaf thing it was green this one has a part of it something City pottery I was Garden City but you can see remnants of that some other shards sorry see some other shards there's a nice blue piece another red piece this one's Winchester with a nice flower I like this piece first of all cause it's green and that crazing is great on it but it just has a neat and very neat shape it almost reminds me of like a show that's I picked it up this piece that was a bowl it was interesting because on the back it says world China clines wilkes-barre PA so I have to look that climbs up and see what it was that was a neat find then the the only figure that I found those little Dutch Dutch boys that has the pale or Dutch nose as a boy wears had one I don't know so he'll stay out for Halloween and then the most surprising fine was actual paper finding ephemera this this is the dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn Coney Island branch mermaid Avenue and West 17th Street and then on the back there is a calendar for 1953 again the only reason is survived it's cuz it's like a plastic otherwise if this is paper you know it wouldn't have made it so this on there's a ruler soon so this was a really neat fine you know it made me a favor size doesn't we weren't gonna find ephemera cuz you go to the beach or the shore and you think water how can paper survive there but it did to back that would be neat if we would have found a message in a bottle I always want to find one those do wash up sometimes along the Jersey Shore I think that'd be so much fun to find one of those that's one of my goals in life that I don't think ever attain that one but so I think we're really cool to find a message in a bottle good anyway so this I mean it was it was fun going to Deadhorse Bay again the drive there I probably picked a bad day because it was a Saturday the weather was beautiful so a lot of people are going to Coney Island which now I know how to get there and I know that I can get there and that I can cross the Verrazano Bridge and be ok with it I would love to go to Coney Island and check that out I've never been there I've only seen postcards of it but that would be you know another neat place to go and see what it is like now and what it was back then you know do a comparison but yeah I mean if you if you want to go on a treasure hunt if you would like to get some shards of pottery you know a few little treasures to take home and just be in awe of everything that is there and the amount of items that are there and the years that they've been there you think 1953 this and it's 2019 and it was there right on the right on the shoreline you know definitely check it out bring a bag lunch there are restrooms at the Floyd Bennett Field the main little entrance area where you can park there's a restroom there no soap so burn your hand sanitizer or your own like towelettes to wash your hands but at least there is a restroom but easy walk to get to the shore you know you don't have to cut through brush it's just a path through the you know the woods I guess or brush the trees but it's nice because our birds and then you can faintly hear the sound of the water so it was definitely a good trip you know big thanks to the my to my viewers that suggested that I go there it was a great suggestion and I'm glad that I went so if any of you want to check out Deadhorse bag just google it there's a lot of stuff on there there's some other YouTube videos and some great photographs of the items and the treasures that people have found so I hope you enjoyed this little adventure with me and you know stay tuned for hopefully more adventures to different places and to see you know the history that we can find so thank you all for watching and until next time I hope you have a great day [Music]
Channel: Paper and Moose
Views: 9,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dead Horse Bay, Brooklyn, what is Dead Horse Bay, urban exploration, exploring Brooklyn, things to do in Brooklyn, New York City day trip, day trip, sea glass, hunting for treasure, beach combing, how to beach comb, old bottles, landfill, new york city history, paper and moose, sea glass hunting, sea glass art, sea glass beach, New York beaches, trash to treasure, bottle digging, garbage pit digging, mudlarking, mud larking
Id: Jx-a0_j5tVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 10sec (1690 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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