'Dead girl' comes back to life, knows SECRETS she shouldn't | The reincarnation of Dorothy Eady

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Pretty hard to explain otherwise, but I'm sure theres debunking arguements. I've also been thinking quite a bit about "soulmate" stories, people who believe they knew each in a past life/lives. It astounds me how many people there are, including myself, who have known someone or had a relationship with someone with another person they felt they already knew quite well personally before ever meeting. I generally write off accounts like this, but I've been thinking quite a bit about a girlfriend I had. We seemed to know each other's personality extensively right after meeting, I'm sure hormones were a factor but some things were so uncanny I would have bet all I owned I knew her before "meeting" for the first time in this life. I think there's a movie called "I Origins" that dealt with this issue. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2884206/?ref\_=nm\_flmg\_act\_6

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Accomplished_Ebb1979 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
a 1979 new york times article described her story as being quote one of the western world's most intriguing and convincing cases of reincarnation i myself am not a huge believer in reincarnation mostly because any of the stories i've heard there's no modern day corroboration of fact but in dorothy edie's case or as she became known am seti's case she has a number of things that line up with her story with her her lifelong story that she in fact was from ancient egypt and was actually a priestess in ancient egypt times and some of her discoveries are pretty incredible and frankly egyptologists and historians that have looked at this case have spent decades trying to prove that she was lying but can't she had information that she shouldn't have had that begins to make you wonder maybe she really was reincarnated before we get started if you could please gently destroy the like button and then go ahead and hit subscribe and turn on all notifications that would be great i'm gonna be posting a ton of content just like this as many times a week as i can i'm aiming for three if not four every week going forward so please come along the too long didn't read version of this story is you have dorothy edie who as a child has a near-death experience when she kind of comes back she believes that she is no longer home that her home is somewhere else she starts having dreams about this place she describes this garden and this big building and then eventually she discovers that what she's describing is a place in ancient egypt and she ends up becoming obsessed with ancient egypt and then begins providing information and helping with archaeological digs that leads to numerous incredible discoveries uh all from memories that she claims to have had from her previous life even if you don't believe in reincarnation and this whole story seems like totally made up just listen to how the story flows and then try to make sense of how in the world she had the information she had that led to distinct discoveries that nobody else had made that they found this stuff as a result of dorothy edie's information how do we reconcile that it's not impossible but no one's been able to do it yet so let's see what you think dorothy edie was born into a lower middle class family in london in 1904 she was an only child and she was absolutely adored by her parents now unfortunately when she was three years old she fell down a flight of stairs in her home and was unconscious they called the doctor and the doctor shows up and says she's actually dead as the parents are talking to the doctor after about an hour dorothy gets up and goes into her bedroom and is like playing on her bed and the parents come in with a doctor and they can't make any sense of it in fact the parents were furious at the doctor for pronouncing her dead because they're like obviously she wasn't if she's just fine now like who are you what kind of doctor are you but the doctor swears she was dead shortly after the accident dorothy develops a strange accent that they can't quite place and doctors and specialists believe that she's suffering from something called foreign accent syndrome which is fairly common amongst people with significant head injuries basically it alters your speech and and to people that don't know any better they might think that you have a strange foreign accent dorothy also started telling her parents about this recurring dream she had where she'd be near this huge building with these big pillars and she'd be in this beautiful garden she loved this garden she talked about the beautiful flowers and her friends that were there and it was just this unbelievable place it was like this oasis next to this building but she didn't know where it was and she's three four years old so she's not able to articulate much what this is but she was just in love with this garden and this location in her dreams and she talked about it endlessly dorothy's mother would find her daughter on her bed either before she went to sleep or when she woke up crying because dorothy longed to actually be in this place in her dreams when she started calling home now dorothy's mother would say but but dorothy you're home now and she would say no i'm not i'm not home my home is in that garden it's near that building and no matter how dorothy's mother tried to kind of convince her that no honey you live here now you live here you've never lived anywhere else dorothy was unbelievably convinced that what she was seeing in her dreams was her actual home it was around this time that dorothy's parents brought dorothy to a british museum where they had a big ancient egyptian exhibit set up and when they went into the museum dorothy sees this exhibit and she's immediately attracted to it and as she gets closer she starts seeing the you know statues of the pharaohs and pictures of the pyramids and she sprints in into the exhibit runs away from her parents and she's running to the different uh statues of the pharaohs and of the the sphinx and all of these different icons from ancient egypt and she's kissing their feet and she's sobbing hysterically and she's she's yelling i'm home i'm home i'm with my people this this little tiny kid is is having this revelation that she's found home and she refused to leave the museum finally her parents you know get her to calm down and they're pretty embarrassed because people are like looking at them like what's going on with your child she finally leaves with her parents but at this point now dorothy has attached that place in her dreams that she longs to go with the beautiful garden she's attached it to egypt to ancient egypt and so she becomes completely obsessed with ancient egypt her obsession with ancient egypt started to get her in trouble when she'd go to sunday school you know her family is a very very devout catholic family she would compare catholicism to other ancient egyptian religions that got her in a lot of trouble and in fact they said you can't come to sunday school anymore then she got expelled from her catholic school because she refused to sing a number of the hymns that in some way disparaged egyptians ancient egyptians she was also told that she could no longer attend sunday mass for the same reasons she was basically not welcome anymore at six years old dorothy who knew how to write and read in english started to take a keen interest in hieroglyphics the egyptian hieroglyphics and she said that they were definitely familiar to her but she had forgotten how to read it when she was seven she was looking through a textbook and she saw a picture of the temple of seti the first which is in abaidos egypt and as soon as she saw the picture it was a big picture of the temple and then next to kind of like the the broken remains of what looks like maybe a garden of some kind and she immediately said that is my home that's where i'm from right there temple of seti the first in abaidos egypt that's my home and as she's looking at the picture and she's looking at those kind of tattered you know broken remains i mean this is thousands of years old uh she's looking at the area next to this this big temple in the picture and she's like that's the garden but where are the trees where is everything why does it look like this like she didn't understand that that was thousands of years ago that it was a garden but she saw the picture and immediately knew it as her home also in the textbook was the picture of the pharaoh study the first who the temple was named after and when she saw the picture of the very well-preserved mummy she was overcome because she claimed to have known him personally at age 10 edie was kind of discovered by world-renowned egyptologist e.a wallace budge who offered to teach her how to read and write hieroglyphics which she picked up almost instantly starting at 14 in addition to that recurring dream of the temple of seti and the garden right next to the temple of seti that she claimed was her home she started having a recurring nightmare where she in her former life was in this subterranean enclosure and she was being questioned by a high priestess who was demanding that she answered her questions and when she refused she was beaten at 27 years old edie meets an egyptian man and falls in love with him but also i'm sure on some levels she she was marrying him to secure egyptian residency because as soon as they got married they moved right back to egypt where she could be a resident and actually when they landed in egypt the first thing she did she's overcome with emotion when she lands and she starts kissing the ground and crying and saying i'm home i'm home dorothy and her egyptian husband have a son and they name him seti just like the pharaoh seti once edie moved to egypt she started by her account getting visits from an entity known as hor ra now hora she claimed was the spirit of the pharaoh city the first she would get into these almost trance-like states at night over that first year she was in egypt it was like she'd be sleeping but then she would get up and be in this trance and she would start frantically writing in hieroglyphics in the middle of the night and her husband would wake up and he would see her doing this and she was like you couldn't stop her he couldn't communicate with her she was just in a trance recording what she was claiming horrah was telling her was it was dictating to her that she needed to write down and it was in fact about who she used to be she used to be according to hurrah a woman by the name of ben trishit who lived 3000 years earlier in the time of pharaoh seti the first and who lived in the temple of seti in in and around that garden so after a year of her going into these trances and in writing and hieroglyphics she had over 70 pages of transcript of what she claims was her story and it goes like this before being born as dorothy edie she was an egyptian woman named ben trashit her father was a soldier and her mother was a vegetable seller who actually died when she was just three years old unable to care for her bender sheet's father placed her in the temple of calm el sultan she was then raised at the temple where she later became a priestess when she was 12 years old ben trishit was given two choices either venture out into the world on her own or become a consecrated virgin and stay at the temple ventra sheet decided to take the vows but a few years later she meets pharaoh seti the first and they end up falling in love and soon she becomes pregnant when she is discovered to be pregnant she was interrogated by the high priest and beaten when she refused to answer a scene that corresponded to her childhood nightmare unwilling to put her beloved seti through a public scandal benter sheet took her own life edie's husband grew increasingly disturbed watching his wife go into these trances and write out the hieroglyphics i mean she's amassing all these pages of hieroglyphics her whole thing was just too much for him and so he ultimately filed for divorce in 1936. following the divorce dorothy and her young son leave and go live in another town near the giza pyramids and she starts going by the name om seti which means mother of seti so she doesn't go by door at the edi anymore and at this point she also takes a job with egypt's department of antiquities and she begins a very lengthy and highly successful career in egyptology for nearly 20 years om seti would research almost exclusively the temple of seti the first and learn everything about not only the temple but the people who lived there because it was where she believed she used to live but it wouldn't be until 1952 when she's almost in her 50s that she finally actually steps foot in abidus it was because of a job transfer that put her there and in fact she took a pay cut to get this job she was so desperate to just finally step foot in the place that she believed was her old home as soon as she walked into the temple the first thing she says is it's as if i've lived here before and she quickly sets up a office in one of the temple rooms and spends almost all of her time there and she even befriends a cobra and and feeds the cobra daily and just has this cobra friend that just hangs out with her which no one could make any sense of you know lots of rumors swirled around whether this woman was sane but because her contributions to egyptology were so pronounced and so useful that she was very highly regarded but of all of her accomplishments of all of the things that she did the thing that she is most known for is when she was able as soon as she got to the temple of study the first identify exactly where the garden was for om seti she had been having dreams of this garden her whole life and so she very quickly said if you dig here you're going to find this garden and sure enough they dug down and there was the garden and in fact she had described the layout of the garden what trees were where what types of treats were there and it was all confirmed and once they dug it up she was also instrumental in identifying where to dig on the north side of the temple where she said there was a tunnel that ran underneath it was a secret tunnel and sure enough they dug down there was the tunnel you know that was something that they had never seen before only she knew about it and there was no way she would have known about it without prior knowledge in addition she also pointed researchers to search in a specific area in an area known as the valley of the kings for a tomb a long forgotten tomb and sure enough uh almost exactly where she described there was in fact a tomb that had never been discovered before as much as other egyptologists did not want to accept uh um seti's claims that she had been reincarnated and that's why she has all this knowledge they wanted frankly it to be just the ramblings of a crazy person and it could just be some elaborate hoax but they couldn't deny the fact that she had intimate knowledge of certainly everything that ever happened at the temple of study the first in the time frame that she claimed to have been living there uh 3 000 years prior fascinatingly right before she died when she was 81 she said that there was a a secret underneath the temple of study the first there's a secret chamber and there was a secret within that secret chamber but no one's ever gone down there no one knows where to begin to look uh and so without obseti guiding them it may be one of those things that we'll just never know so without any sort of rational explanation for how she would have had all this knowledge or understanding of an ancient culture it leaves skeptics wondering i mean is this potentially a real case of reincarnation or is there a better explanation and i'd love to hear what you think in the comments so that's gonna do it guys thank you so much for watching if you liked this please like the video and hit subscribe i'm gonna be posting multiple times a week stories about the strange mysterious dark stuff if that's the kind of thing you like then i'm the channel for you i hope also please follow me on tik tok my handle is also mr ballen and then on instagram it's johnballen411 that's going to do it guys thank you so much for tuning in see ya
Channel: MrBallen
Views: 5,601,420
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Id: EYhtu-u8lqQ
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Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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