Deacon Larry Oney: "Your Call is Irrevocable" | SEEK2019

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[Applause] thank you so much Jessica good afternoon I'm glad that this is a lively crowd I don't want to be wasting my energy on the frozen Chosin amen we wanted people full of fire in the holy spirit amen so I'm you won't be able to take notes I've only got 45 minutes and I got a lot to cover with you just for those who are not maybe in the wrong room this is the diversity room here you I am a black Deacon some of you have never seen a black Deacon do not be afraid everything is gonna be all right so let's begin the way we begin all things honorably and name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit amen can you say Amen yeah I'm gonna be asking you and exhorting you to say Amen every now and then Amen just means I agree it doesn't mean you're gonna join the local Baptist Church or anything like that it just means that yes I agree with that for example if I say Jesus Christ is Lord you ought to be able to say so let's do this then let's invoke the Angels can you say angels Archangels principalities powers dominions virtues Thrones cherubim in the mighty Seraphim to come and to be with us right now amen so let's also invoke Michael the Archangel why Michael because he's a he's a warrior he's a warrior let's ask him to come and defend our minds right now so we can receive amen say this with me because you've been doing a lot of stuff today you've got a lot of things going on say this with me my mind is clear you need to point to your mind when you say that we're making a declaration to the enemies of God right now my mind is clear my eyes are open my heart is ready to receive now let's say they would passion there's no substitute for passion my mind is clear my eyes are open my heart is ready to receive amen say this with me now we're just get in the atmosphere right it's always important whenever the proclamation of the word somebody said oh you're giving a talk know with hope and purpose ministries we do not do talks we the preach teach testify or exhort and I'm gonna be doing some of all of that today st. Paul says talk is cheap we don't need to waste our time we're in a situation right now in the church we need to be preaching teaching exhorting or testifying can somebody testify and say Amen now I'm gonna be talking about just two things one is how from my past God helped me by it's amazing grace to overcome race we're not gonna spend a lot of time on that but I want to tell you that God was able to move me from a place of hatred and racism to now I'm a deacon in the Catholic Church you can see that the church is in a real situation that even let us old racist guys on both sides of the aisle cleans us up like st. Paul and send us forth in the power of the Holy Spirit I'm gonna be talking about that annually talking about how you can discover enter and walk in your divine mission upon the earth that's a good place to say Amen so I was born in rural North Louisiana can't you say this with me whenever you make a declaration publicly or a proclamation particularly the spiritual sense you're putting fear into the kingdom of darkness there's two kingdom there's the kingdom of darkness king of light you and I and the kingdom of light amen so let's just make this simple Proclamation now you already said that your mind is clear your eyes open your heart is ready to receive say this with me I'm fearfully wonderfully made I don't think the devil believes that you need to say that like you're really but let's say it with conviction this is what we did in a church today we need more Proclamation with conviction so there can be a demonstration of the power of God comma amen say this with me I'm fearfully and wonderfully made raise your hand when you say that I'm fearfully and wonderfully made I'm the apple of God's eye keep your hand up over there come on get your hand up I can do what God says I can do I'm the head not the tail God loves me God wants to use me God wants to heal me the DNA of God is in me the breath of God is in me I'm a threat to the kingdom of darkness amen hallelujah glory to God so I was born in North Louisiana on a plantation I said my god he looks so young yeah I know but indeed I was born on the plantation picking cotton for two cents a pound probably picked that shirt you're wearing right there two cents a pound my brother say well you want a very good cotton picker I didn't have a vocation toward picking cotton I mean I wouldn't I didn't love it but my mom it was eight boys and three girls and my mom said that we want you to leave we're gonna get out of here and so we moved to the promised land down near New Orleans where there's gumbo and praise God we have some people from New Orleans and Bourbon Street but we're not gonna go there right okay so but one problem with going from world North Louisiana to New Orleans you have to go to a place called Mississippi no problem with anybody from Mississippi anybody from Mississippi I'm just saying that the Ku Klux Klan some of your so young you probably know what that is all I can tell you there was a hate group it still exists in some places today and my uncle who was driving the first group of us said we're going to New Orleans and my mom said do what your uncle says did my uncle gave us this divine instruction keep your nappy heads down in Mississippi this is what he said sounds harsh but this is reality because at that time you could not have three or four black men young are all in a vehicle together driving through Mississippi so it was kind of our Egypt and God was bringing us through our desert we finally made it to not directly to the city but right outside of the city and a place called Kenner to an so now I was on a plantation and I live in a place called plantation of states now I'm still on the plantation but it's a it's a mo better plantation praise God glory hallelujah I said I grew up very angry and all of the things that were around me but I knew God had a purpose for my life but I didn't know it until much later one day when we were hungry and didn't have any food in the city at least in the country we had food a knock came to our door and my neighborhood people that look like most of you did not come to my neighborhood but this day a woman came and brought some groceries we just had some turnip greens to eat that day this is why I always get a little bit agitated people say Oh eat your vegetables and these greens are good for you I've eat my share of turnip greens okay so I don't have to eat anyone enough because when all you have is turnip greens or vegetables you kind of get tired of it but that day this lady brought us a turkey praise God can somebody say Amen listen when you don't have anything a turkey is a beautiful thing but that day we ate and everybody said well who was that woman I believe that that woman was on a divine assignment from God because she came into a neighborhood that was dangerous for her to bring food to a family that was hungry and you might say well how did you know how does she know you were hungry I have no idea every Thanksgiving now we recall this woman who was on a mission of mercy she had entered into her divine assignment she was doing something for the kingdom of God it changed the trajectory where I was I was trying to join the Black Panther Party at 15 years old but you need a 20-cent to catch the bus to go downtown see some time God will block you from things that are bad for you because God blocked me I'm gonna go fast forward with my testimony now just to show you how God is working one day we were going fishing with some of my brothers three or four of them with the cross the Mississippi River it's called the river of the Holy Spirit I didn't know that then and this young man probably a focused missionary walked up and looked me right in the eye and said God's been looking for you I'm like but I haven't done anything I had no concept of God see God will break into your life like that he will and I wondered for a year or two why did he come up to me and not my other brothers see this was a divine appointment God had assigned someone to break into my life so he was riding the ferryboat I said we when I came back I thought I'm staying away from this guy this was his pulpit he was just riding a ferry boat back and forth across the Mississippi River looking for somebody to encounter he was on a divine mission God assigned them to me just like you've been assigned here today this is this is not a mistake that you're in here to talk about your call that's irrevocable in your life I didn't realize that God was calling me it took me two years now and see how God arranges events in your life these events are not just event these are divine appointments this is the divine moment right now because God is calling somebody he's speaking to somebody I want you to get this in your heart because when you look at me I almost became a black panther I remember the Black Panther Party I can say with full throat and with conviction that my history does not determine my destiny I was a hater I wanted to kill people I was that enraged but God little by little with people doing their divine mission that's why it's important to do what God called you to do to be in the place that you're supposed to be so somebody tricked me into going on a retreat and said what is a retreat I'm fast-forwarding some years now but on that retreat I heard something I'd never heard in my life this little short woman she came up to me I said I news is gonna be trouble she said God loves you I said she didn't even know me and I began to cry because see see whenever there's evangelization going on the Holy Spirit always goes ahead so the Spirit is working in the receiver and he's working in the preacher the one given a testimony can somebody say Amen see the Holy Spirit didn't say well you do it because you're smart and you can work it out no he's working in the heart of the person who's receiving and he's working in a part in the heart of the person that's giving the message so when God says do something or as we used to say when the Spirit says move you've got to move amen don't wait well I'm gonna pray about this way God had already said go into all the world and preach the gospel so we don't have to wait so all of this was packin up on my testimony now God says he sent that woman to tell me that God loved me you said well how can you come from a family of eight boys and three girls you never heard I never heard the words God loves you but I heard him that day and then I I collected myself as my god I'm a I'm a young black man I'm crying in public this can't be so but when the Holy Spirit comes on you something happens it's kind of like in the scripture in Acts chapter 2 and suddenly the Holy Spirit came see you can be going in one direction and then suddenly you will hear word that's why it's very important that before we talk about trying to heal people there's a clear Proclamation before there's a demonstration because in Jesus's ministry Proclamation and demonstration is very close together you notice that look at Peter and John after they received the Holy Spirit Proclamation silver and go have I none but in the name of Jesus rise up and walk then they helped them up proclamation then demonstration your ministry ought to be like that God is calling somebody today to move out of the mediocrity and a mediocre and then move into something else the call that you have on your life the call that I have it's irrevocable God doesn't take it back can you say this with me my history does not determine my destiny when you say destiny you've got the point toward heaven say this with me with conviction now my history point like that behind you my history does not determine my destiny this is very important to get in there because you're gonna the devil is going to try and tell you you've got a pass you've got stuff in your past boy I've got stuff in my past can anybody say Amen I can tell there's a lot of sinners over here they're not saying one word let's work with the holy people over here this is the good news that Jesus is always washing us clean and giving us a new beginning so going now with my story I mean I was I was angry I had bought a little pistol to put in a book to carry around with me because I was anybody messed with me I'm gonna yeah I was crazy see remember Saint Paul he was kind of crazy too pulling Christians out of the houses and haven't turned them over to the Romans but then there was a Metanoia and it began to happen to me somebody began to proclaim the gospel to me there's a friend of mine he's a deacon been a deacon many years who catechized me for two years driving a hundred miles to give me the gospel look it takes time to disciple someone remember I had no church affiliation since oh you were a Baptist for no I was a heathen before and God called me and so now I stand before you as a deacon of the Most High God it's amazing that God could do that not that I'm amazing it's amazing that God's call in my life when I was a young boy they used to call me preacher because I could say a litany of curse words you know for 20 seconds and my uncle said that boy is gonna be a preacher and so I am say this with me my history somebody say this with my history it does not determine my destiny when you say destiny don't point like this point up there your destiny is in the heavenly places amen my history does not determine my destiny God has called you he's prepared a place for you and for me God wants us to be with the Father amen so I want to look at that for a little bit can you say this with me because it's true you and I are receivers well what have we received what we received the breath of God if you don't have the breath of God in you we should call the Undertaker right away Jessica because somebody's dead in here I mean you know you got the breath of God the only way you live is because the breath of God is in you so you receive this breath and if you're a believer in Jesus Christ you are a healer and your deliverer how so because you have the words of life in you so say this with me I'm a receiver I'm a healer I'm a deliverer do you know that there are people waiting for you to give them the words of life they're waiting for you to give them the words of life you have them right on your tongue this is a powerful thing he said but I'm not a professional minister I barely you know made it I'm just struggling along no God can use a man or a woman like you because I was just like that to struggling alone I don't have it all perfect now but I know this the perfect one is a friend of mine his name is Jesus the Christ amen so God is looking for us to arise and do something upon the earth here's one key we have to open ourselves up to the power of the Holy Spirit if you want to enter into your divine mission upon the earth you have to open yourself up to the Spirit of God you can't do it with intellect I'm not anti intellectual I'm just saying we need the power of the Holy Spirit to do the work in the spiritual realm no matter how much intellect you have you don't have the power of the Holy Spirit it's not gonna happen because the scripture says is not by power and not by my by might but by my spirit says the Lord amen I'm testifying about who I was and who I am see God always changes you when he calls you and some of us are on the fence about our call but once God calls you he won't leave you alone he will he will give circumstances in your life I remember after that retreat when I went back to work I'm a young young man now working in the business realm a young brother well a little bit older than me named Jimmy he was saying welcome to the church I'd gotten baptized I lived near the city but I got baptized by the deacon down you can read about this in my book amazed by God's grace and discover your hope and purpose I believe both of them are here I'm gonna be signing books right after he I got baptized among the Catholic French people and my brother said I'm the only Catholic in my family my brother said we think that Larry has gone completely crazy he's going among the Cajun people to be baptized and he says they eat alligator they'll probably eat him we'll never hear from him again but as you can see I live amen but it was a beautiful day my mother was there my brothers were there and my mom said we know that you guys sprinkle but I'd like my son to go down in the water and so on a Friday night I went down on the bayou Bayou Lafourche which is called it means a fork in the road and I went down in the water and something powerful happened when I went down in the water you may not believe it I'm testifying to this because it's a fact when I went down on the water I saw that the church was packed I saw the faces of the people and when I came out of the water the faces of the people look like angels all of the racism all of the pain had been swept away by the blood of the Lamb I had come up out of the water I was a new person I could say like Paul I'm a new creation that's a good place to say amen hallelujah glory to God see God prepares us when even we think it's just regular stuff God was preparing me by providing that woman by providing a young man on the ferry boat by somebody that woman who brought the food a little by little showing me that we have to look at all people with dignity and grace see God is no respecter person he he doesn't think that I'm better than you just because I have a better suntan than you do God does not respect a person and we can't be either can you say Amen we have to look at everybody like they are because they are a son or a daughter of the Most High God amen so God is doing something upon the earth and then after our hours are dein I'm celebrating my 10th year now God praise God my friends are still saying what the Catholic Church must really be in trouble Larry is a deacon in the church they said the same thing about the first Pope you know yeah Peter is the yeah this is why we say my history does not determine my destiny I'm always pointing like this because my destiny is in heaven you don't get slack into you my history doesn't determine des no say it with conviction my history does not determine my destiny because you what does that do reminds the devil that you know what the final game is I want to look at a woman in the Bible who changed the trajectory of the whole salvation plan her name was Ruth see you know who Ruth is Ruth cain't got into the lion and the lineage of Jesus wasn't even supposed to be you remember Abraham Abraham had a son named Isaac Isaac had a son named Jacob Jacob had a son named Judah Judah had a son named Perez Perez had a son named hezron hezron had a son named ram ram had a son named a been a dad and a been a dad had a son named Nash Shan and Nash Shan had a son named salmon and salmon had a son named Boaz and Boaz married a girl from Detroit or somewhere named Ruth and Ruth and Boaz had a son named Obed and Obed had a son named Jesse and Jesse had a son named David and David had a son named Solomon Solomon has a son named roboam and roboam had a son named Abu John I was you I had a son named a SAP and a SAP had a son named Jehoshaphat Jehoshaphat had a son named joe ram and joe ram had a son named Uzziah and use i have a son named jot them and Jotham had a son named a has an a has had a sir you can read that in matthew chapter 1 and following and down to the generations a man named Mithen had a son named jacob and jacob had a son named Joseph and Joseph was betrothed to a young girl she wasn't in college yet but she was pregnant she she she was pregnant and didn't have a husband because the Holy Spirit had been fused her womb and instructed her to name this child Jesus this is before she was married to Joseph and you and I here at this focus conference at a very inconvenient time for some of us because you and I are sons and daughters of the Most High God , amen all of this because Ruth decided to follow her mother-in-law to get out of her comfort space and this is a divine word that God has given for some of you here get over yourself this is for me too but God is saying get over yourself so Ruth now she said to her mother in law and they owe me she said wherever you go her husband had died Naomi's husband had died Ruth and Oprah not Oprah Winfrey the other Oprah that's in there she said wherever you had this is what this is what Ruth said wherever you go mother-in-law I'm gonna go wherever you die I'm gonna die your people be my people see she had a sense that her purpose was with her mother-in-law young men I'm giving you a divine insight now when you get married be nice to your mother-in-law amen you remember Peter Peter when Jesus came to Peter's house and first in the first chapter mark he said he went to Peter's house his mother-in-law was sick with a fever isn't it amazing Peter had his mother-in-law living with him and he became the leader of the church praise God I'll give you another instruction and be nice to your mother-in-law are you getting this but but so she knew that her destiny was caught up with Naomi so she followed her and then she went to this place where she didn't know anybody and she met a young man named Boaz and our whole life change see God is waiting for you and me to enter into our divine destiny let me give a couple keys about how do you discover in turn walking your Divine I'm gonna give you about 10 or 12 of them but this is one here for movement now toward God your anointing will be at the place of your assignment your peak performance will be at the place that God has shape you and for you to be Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 it says before you and your mother's womb I knew you I dedicated you I appointed you do you know that God had already decided what he wanted you to do with your life before you even even born Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 and further Jeremiah objected so I'm still in college I'm sorry I can't do it I'm too young I don't think they like me my I'm having a bad hair day no God says say not that your hair is too bad today say not that you young he said I'm calling you see whatever God calls you he puts an anointing on you his call is irrevocable you obviously are here because you're looking for something there's a call on your life some people try and say well you just carpenter you for it no no no there's a divine call there's a purpose God made you to do something upon the earth amen Ruth stepped into her divine anointing I mean and look look how fruitful she was she wasn't even supposed to be in the Jewish lineage but she got out of herself she got over herself and went with her mother-in-law to the city of bread to Bethlehem and then God had appointed a man named Boaz for her to marry ladies all I'm telling you is get in the right place so you can find your Boaz if that's your desire amen no I mean God God arranges these things these are not just incidence God is saying I need you to be sensitive what I'm calling you to do today I'm assigned to Indianapolis I'm here I didn't just happen here God has assigned me here to see you in the front row and that two cents a pound shirt that I picked cotton for you to have where I was a divine assignment they're divine assignment and divine appointments for each one of us God wants you to discover it I want to give some keys now how you can discover what is my assignment what does God call me to do how do I know what I'm supposed to be doing right now well here's a couple keys that I'd like to give to you then let me just tell you this first you will not easily enter into your divine assignment why because of the world the flesh and the devil but here's a countermeasure to the world of flesh and the devil it's the word the blood in the name of Jesus say that with me the word can you say with passion the word the blood and the name of Jesus see the world will try and suck you in now go make the money forget about discipleship yeah the world is like that the flesh you know your flesh has a political platform it has a cause all of its own it wants to do what it wants to do and the devil is real he's not theoretical but we have good news in Revelation chapter 12 verse 11 and following it says that we have overcome how by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony that's why when we stand before people particularly if we're going to present something we shouldn't say we're gonna give a talk we should say we're gonna preach teach we're gonna exhort or we're gonna testify otherwise keep your seat we don't want to talk talk is cheap st. Paul says we're in a moment where we need apostolic preaching teaching exhorting and testifying can somebody say Amen can you say Alleluia can you say glory to God you can't give glory to God too much so God is saying that I'm calling you I have a plan and a purpose for your life don't say well I come from a divorced family don't say I'm too short I've got too much weight on me I need more hair I'm just saying no whatever your disposition is God can still use you because he's made you for something he says Jeremiah chapter one verse five before you mean your mother's womb I knew you I dedicated you I pointed you a prophet to the nation's now I want to look at these I'm gonna go quickly so here's some keys what do you love it's a key to your divine assignment upon the earth what do you love what do you have passion for there's no substitute for passion what subject gives you energy what people energized you what people exhaust you you know the people when they call you on your cell phone and you go mmm it's so and so that's a key because you don't like to be in contact with people like that what people exhaust you what enemies are you willing to confront what do you hate and have a passion to correct what books are easy for you to read what would you do if money was no object you know people say boy if I had money I would do this for God well what would you do if you had no money do that thing if you had all the money you need it rather do that thing set out to do it what makes you laugh you say well I'm a pretty serious person I don't laugh you got a problem you've got a problem if nothing makes you laugh there's a problem somewhere you need to search it out GK Chesterton says that the reason why angels can flies they take themselves lightly you you have to learn how to laugh because if you if you're gonna be a representative the Most High God you have to learn to laugh mostly at yourself can somebody say Amen hallelujah glory to God because while you're walking around taking yourself very seriously I'm going to the University of whatever my family is a perfect family all of the children my family have perfect teeth my sisters have married the perfect men and you and I know that that's not true amen because even Jesus's family wasn't perfect I mean he has some prostitutes in his lineage I mean he had there were problems but still his history did not determine his destiny can there's some destiny people here I said his history did not determine his destiny I mean he was branded a brigand they stripped him naked and put him on a tree but still and they put him in a grave but after three days he got out from the grave he got up so you and I can get up the devil did not plan on Jesus getting up from the grave he thought that he had won that's why we can say in Revelation chapter 12 verse 11 and following we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony amen so doesn't matter where you are doesn't matter what you've been through God says I'm calling you my callers irrevocable you said but I got a situation I love it my jury but you're making friends say there's never a problem but sometime there is a situation you might be in a situation right now you may be going through something your family might be in a situation I said I can't I can't I can't respond to God's call something happened to me when I was a young kid your history does not determine your destiny I could have God blocked me from joining the Black Panther Party praise God I almost drowned in the lake where we used to live but but I go back in a minute moment and and I didn't know it then but I could see that God was I was bouncing up off the bottom god had a destiny for me a divine destiny he had something in store and plan had a plan and a purpose for my life this god of ours is an amazing God so whose voice makes you tired what pain do you want to give released relief to what focus is ever before you here's a couple more keys when you go to an environment access assess rather every new environment that you enter you're always looking for the enemies of God if you if you want to enter into your divine mission and learn how to be appraiser I'm telling you it's one of the keys that's almost forgotten because God loves a people that praise him you have to spend some time praising all of your prayer all of your thing can't be about the stuff you need Lord I need another car I don't like the cute girl over there I'd like her to kind of like her phone number that young good boy he's a good-looking guy I wanted to get to know him it's got to be about Lord we praise you we thank you we bless your Holy Name spend some time praising the scripture says I will enter his gates with Thanksgiving in my heart our interest courts with praise be a praising be intentional and praising because when you do what does praise do it it brings into the realm of God's glory praise is a battle-axe you're going through something begin to praise God intentionally lord I praise you I thank you Lord you're beautiful to me thank you for your ways o Lord thank you for waking me up this morning thank you for the food lord thank you for the clothes I had thank you for my parents thank you for my friends Lord yea begin to thank God and praise him it's a powerful thing the devil hates it when you praise God the place of your assignment will give you a fresh anointing that you can enter into always be about if you want to respond to your call wherever you are because wherever you are God is present if you're a believer because the DNA of God is in you the Rue ha kodesh the breath of God is in you so wherever you go the anointing is there can somebody say Amen so you should always be trying to create an atmosphere of expectation why because when there's an average of expectation there's a visitation and when there's a visitation there's a manifestation and when there's a manifestation there's an impartation when there's an impartation there's a transformation there's a transformation because there's a habitation in other words God is in you when there's a habitation that's the beginning of your preparation for participation in its glorification in other words your history does not determine your destiny you're preparing to see the Lord at the end of the age come on can somebody say Amen you're not gonna I have bad news for you you're not gonna live forever but you're gonna live forever if you're if you're a son or a daughter of the Most High God Amen that everything's got to be about getting to heaven and getting your friends there with you amen so create an atmosphere of expectation don't talk negative talk in a positive way you know for years I only wrote my testimony because God gave me a divine instruction I was saying oh you know it was hard coming up God look God knows everything we don't have to instruct him he's up nipa dn't he's not nishan he's omnipresent he was there when I was going through what I went through but he wanted me to know look don't stay back there look forward because God lives in the supernatural now amen I gave you a few keys but I want you to about how can you can discover your divine mission it's simple but it's powerful look at your personality look at where you came up look at where you are now what do you love what do you have passion for what moves you what makes you laugh what makes you sad it's very important it's a key to how God has made you I want to quickly look now you can have all those things and know what your mission is but you won't be able to enter it until you yield to the Holy Spirit in Acts chapter 1 when the disciples were afraid they were huddle up in in the upper room they were paralyzed because of fear and then suddenly Jesus appeared to them he told them to wait there in Jerusalem for the promise of the Father and the promise of the Father is the Holy Spirit and then suddenly the Holy Spirit is there like it says in Malachi chapter 3 verse 1 and suddenly the one that you have been looking for shall appear and it'll be like that with you you'll be going along don't you're supposed to do it and suddenly a divine moment is before you but you have an anointing to enter into that divine moment why because you've open yourself up to the power of the Holy Spirit we see over and over again Peter and the rest of the sight was they were paralyzed until the Holy Spirit came upon them they could not introduce a divine assignment the divine mission God had a call on their lives but they couldn't respond to it because they had not the Holy Spirit had not yet come so we have to open ourselves up to the Holy Spirit and now we see in Acts chapter two around verse 14 Peter is afraid and then the Holy Spirit comes and then the scripture says and suddenly Peter stood up see you can't stand you and I can't stand until the Holy Spirit comes upon us there's there's no evangelization there's no witnessing in the spirit without the Holy Spirit it's just talk in activity everything in the spiritual realm is enforced by the Spirit if we're going to respond to I'll call the one that God has on our life we have to be open to the Holy Spirit and acts again the scripture says in acts 2:4 and they prayed the place where they were acts 4:31 as they prayed the place where they were gathered shook and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continue to speak the Word of God with boldness see when you're open to the anointing of the Holy Spirit there's a boldness not a cockiness but there's a boldness and the scripture says that they continue to speak the Word of God with joy in the Holy Spirit whenever you see somebody who says they're believing there's no joy if they're walking around looking like they were baptized in lemon juice you should be suspicious I'm a child of God oh I don't none today thank you no I don't mean a manufactured giddiness I'm talking about real deep joy that you're sold out like you're not worried about what's gonna happen to you I remember dr. Martin Luther King when he was in Memphis Tennessee on the night before he was cut down you could see the anointing of God on him he says it doesn't matter what happened to me anymore for thine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord I've been up the mountain when you go up the mountain and you look over and see that your destiny is in heaven you you're not afraid anymore because you're you're ready to give it up for God that matter what your history is that matter your parents will probably think I think that boy is local in the cocoa now they think you've gone crazy but when you sell out for God something happens in you there's a freedom there's a particular anointing this metanoia is powered by the Holy Spirit that's why we got to open up to the Holy Spirit amen in Acts you know when Peter went down to Ephesus he they they they saw the community they said well when did you receive the Holy Spirit they said well we never even heard of the Holy Spirit we're Americans we don't know anything about that and then of course you know the scripture said in Acts chapter 19 he laid hands on them and pray for them and they received the Holy Spirit and there was a manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit when there's a manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit there's some fruit that's there st. Paul says in Galatians chapter 5 that the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace this is ladies this is what y'all are we looking in a young man if you're thinking about getting married look and see is there any love any joy any peace any gentleness any self-control and vice versa for you guys we should be looking for the fruit of the Holy Spirit we should be looking at the body where this fruit that's why we assess every new environment that we enter when I came in here I'm assessing the environment I'm looking to see are there any spirits that I need to put underfoot in the name of Jesus you can quickly do that just by saying the name of Jesus spirit of whatever be quiet be still you can say I rebuke you I bind you I take authority over you most people don't even know that when you have a spirit that's coming against you you can rebuke bind and take authority in Jesus name can you say that with me I rebuke buying and take authority in Jesus name you'll have to continually be doing that as you proceed in your divine calling your divine mission why because the enemies of God will resist you you will not have a gravy train with biscuit wheels it's not gonna be easy you're just gonna slide into no it's not gonna be like that God wants to release a fresh anointing on everybody that's yield to his call he wants to release a fresh anointing on us here today I wanna I want to pray for that if you're open for it I don't know how much time I have my sister now four minutes okay I thought they're gonna give me ten minutes okay good signal but here's what I want to do can you stand up with me I want to make some proclamations as you go out from here just remember your call was irrevocable and also that your history does not determine oh come on somebody point with me my history does not determine my destiny amen I want to lead us into the holy Shelke of somebody here might be going through something in Joshua chapter 6 when the Israelites were facing a problem God gave a divine instruction we need to always follow divine instruction he told him watch around Jericho for six days on a seven day he says specifically he says get the people to shout I know someone said oh my god I didn't know we authorized to shout in here you are authorized you're not just shouting for you but you're gonna shout for your whole family we don't have any music but I want you to just sing this a little song for me because you might be somebody who might be stuck they can't in turn shoot a divine mission that the call that God has in our life they may be stuck and God's saying we can loose that sing this little song with me it goes like this he lifts me up he turns me around he said smite on solid ground I can tell you got rhythm you can send raise your hands and sing this with me he lifts me up he turns me around he sets my feet on solid ground now he lifts me up he turned around he sets my feet on higher ground he lifts me up he turns me around he sets my feet on higher ground amen so I want us to give a shout for your breakthrough now for your breakthrough we got two minutes now I think about two minutes I want to be have a fidelity two time two minutes so I'm gonna count to three I just need you to raise your voice your break you ask them for a breakthrough so you can enter into your divine mission your divine call upon the earth are you able to do that okay three of us are able to do that okay no no no we can do that just raise your hands up this is poses you to receive you're not shouting toward me you're you're shouting for a breakthrough to enter into your divine mission upon the earth your divine assignment the call on your life is irrevocable so let's sing one more time he lifts me up keep your hands up now he lifts me up he turns me around he sets my feet on solid ground now when I count the three just cry out shout out blessed all the people that know the holy shout they shall walk in the countenance of the Lord six days Jericho walk around on a seven day shout we're shouting for everybody here for the 17,000 year for breakthrough and but for you and for your family so you can break through and into your divine assignment upon the earth nothing can stop you are you ready one two three now shout into the Lord shout out shout out can you shout out to the Lord glory hallelujah [Applause] Gary Gary Gary Gary Gary Willy good here again Laury Laury Gary Amen now give yourself a hand clap we're closing right now I'm telling you somebody got a breakthrough right there keep your hands up and spray this with me now we're closing right now I'm fearfully and wonderfully made say it like a declaration now I'm fearfully and wonderfully made I'm the apple of God's eye I can do what God says I can do my mind is clear my eyes are open my heart is ready to receive I'm a receiver I'm a healer I'm a deliverer now I'm gonna make some declaration God will lift me God will hear me a God will lead me God will perfect me God will elevate me God would defend me God will protect me keep your hands up now say this make this final declaration here because I'm we're in our last 32nd now it's a news make this declaration it's a new season it's a new day a fresh anointing is coming my way it's a season of power in authority it's a new season and it's coming to me amen hallelujah glory to God let's say that with passion now amen hallelujah glory to God let's scare the devil now amen hallelujah glory to God that sense our other brothers and sisters can hear us now amen hallelujah glory to God god bless you today [Applause] thank you sister got me [Applause]
Channel: FOCUS Catholic
Views: 17,164
Rating: 4.9334722 out of 5
Keywords: catholic, catholic church, christian, deacon larry oney, dynamic deacon, seek 2019, SEEK, focus catholic, college, catholic youth conference
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 7sec (2707 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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