DDLC Exit Music Ending (Reaction)

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let's go and welcome back everybody to Doki Doki literature club exit music last episode Yuri Natsuki got into quite the big fights Yuri has been in love with us meanwhile we have been dating not ski the entire time Yuri told Natsuki that she should consider self-harm to cope with everything that she's been dealing with recently whether that involves the fight she had with Yuri whether that involves the abuse through her father or whether that involves the bullying that she's been receiving recently in school as well we come home and we unfortunately see Natsuki sprawled out in the bathroom with her sleep with her wrists wide open you know I don't want to get too graphic but she decided to harm herself so we took her to the hospital and we've been waiting all morning to see if she's all right doctor said that you know we couldn't go into the room and check to see how she's doing so it's a new day we woke up and well I guess we got a nudge in our shoulder to see um from hopefully a nurse to tell us how things are I guess so without further ado let's get into it I feel something nudge my shoulder Natsuki I rub my eyes and see the same nurse from earlier must have been yesterday even she explains that Natsuki was discharged about an hour ago and our emergency contact was called to pick her up no oh my god the worst possible thing just happened not Sookie's father just picked her up oh my god no she is so [ __ ] dude I'm not trying to make any calls right now but like not ski is probably going to die by the hands of her own father I can only assume the amount of pent-up hatred that her father probably has right now you know I can only imagine I don't think he'll be able to take it take it out on her too lightly I think he's probably gonna push it further than its supposed to go now that it's really supposed to go anywhere you're not supposed to beat your children but you know what I mean this is bad emergency contact it just feels as if it's collapsed on itself that has to be your dad I jumped from my chair rushing out of the hospital without another word making my way to the nearest bus stop I glanced at the schedule post posted on the stop I don't have 10 minutes to spare the hell with it I depart from the stop sprinting down the street to get to her house I need to get her out of there god knows what I'll do to her in a state when she's that when she's in this type of state not to mention the property damage and the fact that she's stolen from him I didn't even have a chance to fully explain to her what URIs been doing that I was totally against it and even had to threaten your he just to get her to stop I can see her street sign it's a slowly jog her slowly slow down through a jog as I round the corner I see him her father's planted on the balcony where I first overheard his conversation he's smoking a cigarette taking a deep puff from it we're running or their stress but I feel as if my heart's going to collapse and leap from my chest at any moment I can't go to comfort him confront him about this directly not now he'd kill me need away from to leave I hang a left deciding to head back home really I feel like this was do or die I mean I feel like the music has to ramp up and keep going we have to bust out in the house right now what I guess that's not how real life works it needs to work that way I feel like if we do not go confront her dad right now Natsuki is dead I don't know man we better have some kind of trick up our sleeve after short while I return to the familiar have you of my own house I head up to my bedroom dressed notice in the bloodstains on the sleeves of my blazer you try it again everything in me feels as if my life is tearing apart I'll because she's been taken from me I launched my jacket as far as I can away from myself with nowhere else to vent my rage I'd Drive my fist into my desk causing the contents of the shelf above to topple over issue of parfait girls and some papers fall to the floor looking down to the Hmong guy I notice a word on one of the papers here Oh I place the poem back on my desk carefully and get dressed as quickly as possible I searched my house to find anything to use to protect myself just in case I get a run-in with her father nothing other than catching knives I'm caught in public with one of these I'm dead I guess I'm going empty-handed are you kidding bro oh it's like we want a bad timeline just hide the knife in your pants dude I don't know who's gonna check you it's fine oh no I had towards the front door notice in the closet in the floor I was left open out of habit I closed it up before seen on skis jacket in the scarf I bought her I can't tell what's driving me anymore is it the rage directed towards her father you say things iid caused by her actions last night or is it the void that she's left that's left by being taken from me that one at least for me bear the idea not having nods gave my life the closet door running out of my house I can see not skis house and walk instead I'm not wearing running clothing and I figure that someone in a long-sleeve shirt and jeans may seem out of the ordinary dude we are worrying about like all the wrong things we're worried about how we look weird I been taking the knife at this point anyway so who cares dude like we need to save her I feel like we're not being driven enough bro I'm steps away from the gate of her home I can see her father's car parked in the driveway I continue down her Street and around the block I see a bus stop with a bench across the street I'm gonna sit here until I hear his car leave the car is a performance vehicle I'd be able to hear the loud obnoxious engine from miles away like I don't know about you again like care about is is is not ski man I need to make sure she's okay I I would try to climb up to that balcony like like we have to know what her room is because we've been inside her house if that's her room up there or if it's a room up there in the other balcony wherever it is we're finding a way to climb on top of that house knock on that window and [ __ ] get to our baby bro like what are we doing I checked my phone for the time I've been sitting here for more than an hour and a half she's still in there need a drink my tongue feels like sandpaper I stretch out and stand up heading quickly to the store nearby for a can of cola I'm telling you man I don't like this back and refreshed I passed by nos Keys house car still parked in the driveway he's not leaving dude he's not gonna leave why would he leave I'm coming for you Natsuki promise again I round the block this time walking around and sitting down at the bus stop I stay there motionless fixated on the houses gait a hand on my shoulder breaks my concentration and makes me jolt to my feet Oh Monica Monica it's a 2v1 let's just [ __ ] go in there right now I'm telling you rarr what are you doing here I uh it's private Monica sorry this is not the time to care Monaco to fully understand that not ski is in danger bro like this is the time you can you I'm telling you I don't I feel like I shouldn't jump out and analyze too much and I shouldn't let the story play but this is the time where nothing else should matter besides saving not skis life we care about Monica's thoughts about what we're trying to do are you kidding me if she doesn't want to help then tell her to [ __ ] off like it's only a negative to not tell her dude like we need to leverage everything in our power to save Natsuki now we know the type of danger she's in it's it's not it's it's it's not like it's a gamble it's not it's not we're like oh maybe she's not getting abused yet maybe she's not dead right now but she's getting abused she is in a terrible situation right now we need to do everything now oh my god what are you doing here I was on my way to check on Natsuki I yuria told C or E wait Yuri told see Orion and I that you two broke up sorry for [ __ ] up that sentence I stopped by your house as well but you weren't home but we didn't break up Monica took her back after I took her to the hospital so what you're just gonna sit here and stake out our house and why was she in the hospital she but the look on Monica's face she can tell that she knows what I'm trying to say is it because a Yuri I didn't think she'd take it seriously why don't you go knock on her door and ask to see her I can't do that neither can you me to explain but if you knock on the door not ski might get hurt again I agree if it's us Momoko should absolutely at least knock on the door right now try to get like some kind of Intel try to do some body language read her father etc etc see if maybe you can peek through the door or see something you know what do you mean again her father he he oh Jesus I understand rawr do you want me to keep you company while you wait I don't think that's a good idea Monica should probably get wherever you're going it's getting late okay roar let me know if there's anything else you need okay just call me I nada give her a week smile she stands and walks away it's like they don't care I don't understand mónica should be able to have some [ __ ] hard reeds bro I mean she doesn't understand the full context but that's why we should tell her this is dire finally I hear the engines start and the headlights illuminate from the driveway maybe I'm being too crazy I mean again like I don't know I don't think I am it's like under the wall you can't break into somebody's house and safety outski uh yeah I know but like I feel like with everything we know we know that we need to do that that that is the only choice bro she ain't ok you know I'm just thinking about I'm thinking back to the anime Higurashi actually by the way Higurashi is getting a new anime adaptation this year if you didn't know that which is actually pretty cool but you know there's this one lolly character that you know gets abused by your father constantly and you know in one timeline the main character like you know eventually takes action but in that situation you know I don't know I I guess is I feel like things shouldn't change like even if the person that's getting abused isn't going to literally die today from the abuse the fact that they're getting abused at all I feel like validates the reasons who like bust down the door right now are you telling me that it's only valid to bust on the door if literally we know not skis going to die tonight I don't think that's fair I think they should the door should be busted down either way it's just I know it's a sticky situation when we're talking legally but like what we're doing right now is not even really legal in the first place anyway we're like staking out her freaking house and trying to abduct her again you know it's like I don't know I guess she's 18 so like none of this would actually be legally bad but still okay this is my chance the gate opens allowing the car to burst from the driveway I didn't see any one of the passions or passenger seats so she must bill still be inside yeah no she's in the trunk because she's a [ __ ] corpse actually bro I sprint towards the house and you'd act fast I'm not sure how long you'll be gone for I'm banking on her being a holed up inside a room like last time so it shouldn't take long for her to pick up and all right so it shouldn't be long for me to pick her up and take her to the police station this can't go on any longer I won't let it seeing as the knocks provided no response and I'm not taking no for an answer I braced myself for impact as I swing a small rock through the glass window door okay why the [ __ ] did we not just go into the house because we were too much of a [ __ ] to take on her dad dude we have to or just call the cops I mean maybe they would at least like do something is when the cops would come in they would definitely see some some of the abuse right again unless they saw it taking place then they couldn't do anything okay I'm just gonna shut up and play the mod this [ __ ] just pisses me off I want to save not ski bro I know exactly what the consequences would be if her father caught me trespassing like this but I don't care I jammed my hand through the window door and unlock the door from outside it creaks open and I slipped through slamming it behind me I why did we slam it what through the downstairs of the house she's nowhere to be seen definitely her room then I nearly found myself sprinting up the stairs shouting her name not ski it's me I noticed that the remains of the doorframe I'm left behind have been cleaned up leaving a vacant entrance to her father's room curiosity washing over me I take a quick look her father's room is even a bigger mess than hers all that time ago the cupboard is gaping open clothing littering the floor desk drawers torn open their contents spilled fast-food wrapper litters the bed I reach out and I feel it it must have been from before he left then checking the Nazi store a nearly trip over what appears to be your shoes strewn out neatly in the hallway I remember what she told me about knocking and what happened when I didn't my own safety I rat I rap on the door a couple times not ski it's me nothing how the hell with it I swing open the door [Music] goosebumps covering my entire body [Music] Natsuki no no it's not I'm not here this isn't happening that what the [ __ ] my entire body feels cold I can't feel my heart beating anymore I dropped my niece she she can't be not ski she's gone the only girl that I've loved like this she's been taken from me want to scream but I don't want to make a sound the overwhelming for whelming urged to vomit nearly overcomes me but my sobbing suppresses the pile in my throat I can hardly breathe I can't even properly I can't even see properly my tears vlogging my vision to a blur no I can't even speak her name without without getting without it getting caught in my throat I reach out and gently wrap my hand around hers slim called lifeless I take my hand back I loved her but I couldn't save her I've never felt so weak in my entire life try as I might I can't even bring myself to stand all sensations other than absolute shred has left me can't bear to look at her like this anymore I jammed my eyes shut and try to fill my mind with memories of her happy thoughts happy thoughts happy thoughts [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] Sunday [Music] knock-knock-knock knock-knock-knock they're not going to shut up if I don't answer slowly rise from bed and make my way downstairs reaching the door I open it Monica stood outside Yuri and see orientale they all look solemnly at me don't even bother and I want to know you missed it the funeral rar it was today but I had no idea not skis funeral I want chance to see her say my goodbyes gone I I need a minute I dragged myself upstairs to the kitchen just in time to vomit into the trashcan [ __ ] pathetic I can't even make it to the funeral the girl that I loved can't even get out of bed I can save her rarrr rarrr I'm so sorry what are you having to go through this everything you saw brush past her on the way back upstairs to my room I can hear the other girls rushing up the stairs you know willow we always said we'll be there for you at the club are you coming I need to go back there I know I do that's key would have wanted me to I can't feel her again I guess well we've spent suspended club activities for now it'll just be a place to talk for a few days you okay with that to a fidgets uncomfortably tears welling up in her eyes I can tell she wants to say something C or e3 arouses towards me pulling me an affirmative embrace stumbled back nearly tripping over she begins to cry on my shoulder roar I'm so sorry I awkwardly Pat her on the back to comfort her but he does nothing along silence ensues making my only series stifled sobs eventually she breaks away wiping her face he's been arrested apparently for more than what he did to her it wasn't your fault there was nothing you could have done wrong nothing I could have done nothing I could have [ __ ] done I could have done so much more I could have stayed with her at the doctor's I could have been there to comfort her I could have told her that I loved her more I could have convinced her to go to the cops but if she did she'd be free from her form and she'd be safe she'd be happy but now how she never will be nor will I feel that tears welling up in my eyes again I need to get away from this I need help I need sleep I need I need nod Sookie I need to be with her aw it don't top of you please just leave just get out I'll be at the club tomorrow I just need some time alone he wants to protest black glare at her classy ID she doesn't back down well I'm sorry bro but you already come on rahrr needs some space Monica you can't tell me what to do he clearly needs somebody to speak to and I know how to help him Yuri he just wants to be alone why is that so hard for you to understand he doesn't know what he wants and you do Yuri Russia's Monica a serie jams her self between them trying to retain the lungs lost long lost piece stop it I know exactly what he needs you don't know anything Yuri now that not skis gone you just want to swoop in and take him while he's vulnerable guys stop I saw the pictures you sent him you're disgusting my head spinning I can't focus stumbling back against the wall I slide down to the floor watching them fight wearily how dare you um Yuri stumbles to her knees dazed and confused Monica's fist raised to the air freezes that on the spot as everybody lives eyes lock on her Oh God Yuri I'm sorry Mary pulls herself to her feet I'm Monica scathingly and starts trotting towards her instead of making a move she shoves her past straight down the door I have no words Harry rushes out to the ketchup or to leave I don't know Monica left along with me begins muttering to herself I shouldn't have I'm sorry roar being the last girl believed Monica slams the door behind her and I'm alone with my thoughts again may as well put this time to good use I grabbed the noose from my drawer I pull out a sheet of paper and a pen and I start to write oh well that's actually healthy good Monday club time oh my god it's been 28 minutes already I guess this is just gonna be a really long episode morning this is it my first day back to the globe I swear I didn't hit the spacebar there I make my way to the bathroom oh god I hadn't cleaned up and dried blood still specks the tiles broken glass spread all through the floor I can hear it crunching beneath my shoes so I try to make my way to the sink and splash water in my face from the tap basin the mirror I take one long look at myself look at you you're disgusting this is your fault you should have done more you should have called the police as soon as she confirmed your suspicions you didn't guess he was out of town and things were going well between you two you were lazy and he didn't want to deal with the hassle disgust me you [ __ ] idiot it's all your fault that she's dead it's your fault it's your [ __ ] fault I can't take it anymore I'll leave the bathroom tap still running back in my room my uniform Elaine's waiting for me I get changed quickly ready to go taking one last look I make my way down stairs and net out the door school will sell of course I had teachers and students like reaching out offering me someone I should talk to if I need it yeah so in case this ends up going for another half hour I will probably split this into two parts so if there's no like intro for the next part like if this just randomly cuts in and cuts out that's why I just want to play through the whole mod to you know keep the emotion that's built right now so yeah I think that's worth not having an intro on an outro alright we're back well acting like I'm cutting it here who knows anyway let's continue of course that teachers and students alike reaching out offering me someone to talk to if I need it all sympathy that's what it is I [ __ ] hate it regardless I think going to school is worth it I can go back to the literature club straight a long way from literature at this point open the club room door this this isn't right Oh roar how are you doing we're all here for you you know rocky gives me a weak smile I understand where she's coming from but false sympathy is the last thing that I want cannot but feel drawn to the closet like fallen well if I step foot there break down entirely I sit near the corner of the room entrance to the club rawrr are you okay yeah I don't want anyone sympathy I can feel my vision being blurred by tears hanging my head down to avoid anyone noticing Jimmy my eyes shut Roy are you sure Laura please say something I'm fine can't voice broke your hand on my shoulder don't want a jerk who April what's the point your hand lifts mission you'll be ok roar time heals all wounds I can't hide my disgust with those words do they honestly believe what they're saying a love of my life has been ripped from me I can see if it's ears falling over my cheeks things aren't [ __ ] okay she's gone don't you get that or was she just so disposable to you they don't give a [ __ ] I lay my head down on my arm supported by the desk couldn't mean a snap I just can't help but feel even worse fine then I'll leave you alone jerk see where you realize what he's going through right yeah I know but that doesn't mean that's enough it's okay chewing I I understand I can't handle this you need to see the closet one last time I answer dropping my bag for the rest of her manga collection still there I never did take it back to my house our house close the door behind me looking out to the clip room under that windowsill it meant that sure Natsuki the one I fell in love with crumbles of the floor near the window can't get sure with it serious anymore hey I just want her back um roar it's nearly the end of the day we need to go home soon I get stood above me and talked to me I'm pretty much unresponsive sighing she out stretches her I'm in my direction pulling me up I reluctantly stand up on my own accord ignoring her helping hand see or ease already gone home well if you want I can take you home I just want to make sure you recover rawr this is horrible and we all hate seeing you go through this it's why we're trying our best to help you don't need to roar please don't tell me you're considering you know I'll have to let the school know I'm not I'm fine living with this I deserve it rawr why why are you blaming yourself because it is my fault I should have called cops as soon as I knew for sure that something was going on it didn't because he was away or something we were enjoying the time we had we didn't want to think about it I had the perfect opportunity to give her a better life and I [ __ ] blew it no not skis dead I'm rotting the worst how I could possibly think of rahrr this isn't okay you can't live like this come on let's go I'll walk home with you I need to use the bathroom first fine I'll be waiting outside okay we exit the club room together without another word she takes a seat on one of the benches in the hallway in the bathroom I move into one of the stalls I show up my bag to the floor and unzip in look for my poem buried deep within it oh don't make me read here oh oh oh no exit music so there we were together a white room by a window where the Sun came through no matter that I'll come no matter the cost why did nothing but the best for you your tiny hands you're crazy kitten smile everything was perfect only for a short while it all came crashing down is yad so Eve now that you're gone there's nothing left I didn't try my now we paid the price into my life comes the darkness and there's nowhere left to hide in my heart and my mind places that you used to her side lay an overbearing silence caused by your absence this is all on me how could I let it happen guilt holds me like a phantom regret drags me like a stolen calling out an arch and helpless to resist in my darkest hour whatever happens next I really messed up everything can't bear the consequences wailing the toils with my sanity I run to the back and cover my ears it's my deepest depths it's the loudest sound I'll ever hear maybe a deep dive to face my fears help me get back to your arms two feet below the surface and still make out your wavy face and if I could just reach you maybe I could leave this place you couldn't believe how easy it was I ran in took a leap of faith splash problems do have solutions you know a lifetime of [ __ ] and things up extend one determined to crash I'll see you in the next life swallow I'm gonna have to make this quick thanks to the bathroom note in hand Monica must know something's up because she stands up at once and approaches me roar what's that it it's something I wrote last night you mind letting me read it sure go ahead I let go of the letting it drift to the floor towards her she bends down and picks it up returns to receipt on the bench to read a couple of minutes passes her eyes fixated on the paper by the time she's finished reading he stares up glassy ice she's on the verge of tears she doesn't have time to mutter my name I'm sure she would have is a marti out the door well ting out of the school roaaar here that Aiko from behind as I sprint down the street and out of her sight draining at this point it's the adrenaline that's carrying me to my destination I know where I'm going I need to make sure I don't run into anyone not far now I hear a siren layer out a couple blocks away sounds like motor case let him know about me doesn't matter anyway I'm here I stand in the middle of the bridge and stare out over the water I try to control my breathing and sobbing but it's no use I failed there I could have done things differently I would have I can't now the girl I loved is gone forever dropped to my knees gripping the railing with one hand I lift my head out of the vast body of water bring myself to my feet intense wave of clarity stops my sobbing I hold my breath for a moment letting out a shaky sigh I step onto the ledge this is what has to happen I was doomed from the start there's not much else I can do now but rawr my eyes lock on Monica rushing towards me looks like she found me eh my heel closer to the edge rawr don't she reaches out to grab me Monica desperately holds on to the labels of my jacket well I give people resistance I'm talk for word collapsing onto the concrete rawr listen to me I'm not letting you go not for a second just please don't do this let us talk it out rarh this this isn't a solution to what happened rawr this is only gonna make everything worse do you understand [Music] rahrr this isn't how your story ends please I want their meanings here's from the cheeks managed to rise to my feet gripping the railing for support my entire body trembling I [Music] I feel completely known look at me rawr please you can't do this meet Monica's gaze for a moment seem bits here is welling up like one of your eyes it's a sharp pain through my chest bra you're not thinking a bigger picture C or E what will happen if she loses you I know you know amar you really want that I can't and you worry god only knows what she do why should I care she's a good chunk of the reason [Music] let's go back please I could say it's holding my hand pulling us away from the rail we all love you rawr well I'll be there for you no matter what I released my grip from the railing following Monica's lead No pushing with all my energy I have left I take motor good by the shoulders and shove her back as far as I can she loses her grip on me stumbling and nearly following on to the concrete as Monica realizes what's happening she lets out a scream and scrambles to her feet this must be done this is the only escape from everything I can't get y'all my actions anymore I'm coming Natsuki i sprint towards the rail faulting myself over so begin the journey to Helen I remember all the time two knots and I had spent together first time reading together when she first told me she liked my poems cake together when she told me she loved me all of it being able to tell her the same seeing the look at her face pure happiness reminded at the sensation of weightlessness almost like right now now I'm going to sear again that's gif you can hear me I'll see you in the next life this was great choice you you well I don't want to sit here in silence for you know any longer than I already did I wanted to let it sink and though I still want to let it sink in I don't feel like talking about it it's just rough dude that's it that's the end of doki-doki literature club bags of music what a rough one [Music] I have so much to say but again I just it's just tough man it's just tough that was really care that's a heartbreak vocalists I was so sad damn how you gonna do that again bro [ __ ] Oh God did I not tell you that we were gonna go to a picture at some point bro I'm not saying I had the reeds it's very obvious that was the point of doing it doesn't change the fact that it was a smart thing to do it's good storytelling yeah um so I you know again I don't think the mod really did anything like crazy special you know it really just is it's like it's almost like it was a continuation of like the original game without Monica having God powers but that being said it was like it was really well written you know it was just just a romance that involved abuse and self-harm you know I thought they did a fantastic job at the end there that last I mean you know this this recording is an hour long that entire time I was just you know glued to my seat the build-up to the very end it's very powerful just everything flowed really well again this whole mod flowed really really well there was there was never like well I guess if I had like one thing to say that was like a little a little annoying was like the fact that me nots get sex like three times and we like litters became like shut-ins and just like [ __ ] each other and only cared about each other but that also like it plays into the mod as a whole like there's a reason why it was you know directed that way it was all really good Loki is that a disk or tag Lucy four four three three what the hell else would that me add me on discord if you want to talk about how depressed you are about this mod I'll give you self-help or not self-help [ __ ] you know what I mean okay I don't love this to be any longer than it already is really again clearly you guys know but I might split this into two parts Oh war this could be the epic conclusion one-hour video I premiere it on my channel and I watch this whole thing with you guys for an hour you guys are like rawr why are you talking about this that's what we just did right now that's what we're gonna do oh that's totally what we're gonna do this is gonna be it's gonna be so good okay yeah that'll make it for a real hard-hitting good good last episode I think that should be really really good dude hell yeah okay I'm like all of a sudden I'm like kind of happy again just thinking about that and being able to like experience this with you guys I really liked this last hour of the mod again obviously was really sad God if I like weird there's times where it's like you know me playing the role of the character I've noticed that like me playing the role like if I know somebody's supposed to be sad and and I'm reading like something that someone's crying is saying I gotta force myself to get out it's here to kind of because I just get like so invested in the storytelling and like you know being the actor so there are moments like that where I guess recording makes me almost like crying it upset a little more but at the same time like dude seeing that picture of me and not ski with the phone cracked on the concrete oh my god I seriously like I started bawling for like I don't know maybe ten seconds there I it would've just kept going if I was not recording oh my gosh that was so tough to see but again really good tokidoki lyrical bags and music probably going to go down as you know top three men favorite mods I would probably say I would probably say mmm magical here wind not ski is number three number two is probably [Music] disappearance and then one is probably exit music maybe I thought disappearance is probably written better well I don't know is much more thought-provoking which I like philosophical and psychological [ __ ] disappearance had that this was really not philosophical and psychological but written very well this probably had a honestly better narrative to it damn man I can't wait to finally make that D DLC mods here list I can't wait to like talk about exit music again I'd like I'm gonna be obsessed with this mod for a little while I wish you didn't have to end man that was sad not see I [ __ ] love you baby I'll probably have to play another mod where I can like date you again because now there's a big empty void in my heart but yeah not ski just know that I [ __ ] love you so very much and I'll protect you at all costs even more than this [ __ ] MC I'm not saying MC should have blamed himself and killed himself but but he could have done more he's correct I would have saved your [ __ ] life baby I swear God maybe unless you immediately hung yourself and he got home then the I guess he would have been dead I would have still approached things differently in the timeline where I was MC I bet nas could be alive that's all I'm saying that's all I'm saying I'm just claiming it now okay but anyway with that being said I hope you guys really enjoyed this it was a blast to play through this mod I even got like a few of like my older twitch viewers like involved in this playthrough cuz they really liked the mod in general this was super well received I can't thank you guys enough for supporting the channel as of recent and this mod specifically it was just a really really good time and and I think I couldn't have chose a better time to play this mod so um yeah like the video if you enjoyed of course subscribe if you haven't already turn on the bail notification if you want to get notified for for when I post a new video cuz of course I post every day yeah I mean like I said about twitch too you know I live stream on Twitch every other day or sorry I'll actually want switch every day besides Monday and Friday so if you want to go down in the description and follow my twitch channel get more content from me since this is gonna be your premiere I can pretty much guarantee it if you like to chatting with me as we were you know watching the premiere of this mod together this is like so meta me addressing something that's like gonna happen live at a point if you if you enjoyed interacting with me in the chat and watching this with me and stuff like that definitely come over to twitch twitch is just again it's it's it's everything live you know I'm there live with you we played tons of different games we have a great time which is awesome if you want to get like close if you want to get to know me better get closer with me have more fun times come over twitch I can't recommend it more but anyway with all that being said I'm sure we'll find another mod to play very soon and I guess this video is probably gonna come out it's gonna come out before my 1000 subscribers special I like the announcement video is gonna come out before this and then this is gonna come out between 1k basically what I'm saying is hey congratulations to me hitting 1000 subscribers as well again I couldn't thank all of you guys enough I was kind of talking about that like a few minutes ago about like you know this has been great thank you for the support again thank you so much for getting me to a thousand followers subscribers guys I really want to just personally thank you for that as well but you know I'll have a video addressing all that nobody special stuff going on so you know you get ups to see but yeah I should be it should be really good time yeah I guess that's pretty much it thank you so much for watching everybody I hope you had a great time hopefully you're not still crying and if you are hopefully at least it feels good feels cry feels good to know you have emotion I love crying actually I like I can't wait to rewatch this and cry again seeing anyway whatever okay thank you so much for watching everybody I like don't want to end this video because I feel like I've been with you guys for so long and I'm also like low-key kind of waiting for this thing to hit an hour we are now exactly at one hour of the recording pretty much will end in twenty ten seconds we will be but thank you so much for watching everybody I can thank you guys enough if you're still here that is beyond awesome let me know if you're still watching right now down in the comments you know send me like a like a heart in the comments I don't know but they'll love but yeah much love everybody thank you so much for watching hopefully I'll see you all of you guys tomorrow take care and have a damn good one guys see you later
Channel: igoesRAWR
Views: 9,408
Rating: 4.9745221 out of 5
Keywords: ddlc, ddlc mods, ddlc mod, doki doki literature club, doki doki literature club mods, doki doki literature club mod, ddlc natsuki mods, natsuki, sayori, yuri, monika, ddlc natsuki mod, exit music, ddlc exit music, doki doki literature club exit music, ddlc exit music ending, ddlc exit music all endings, ddlc exit music bad ending, ddlc exit music good ending, ddlc exit music reaction, ddlc exit music extended ending, ddlc exit music ending live reaction, ddlc exit music mod react
Id: Cg0OEpS9kUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 17sec (3617 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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