DDLC Behind Closed Doors Remastered - DDLC Natsuki Mod

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[Music] [Music] hey hey [Music] hey yo spaghetto here and welcome back to doki doki behind closed doors now i asked you guys if you would like me to revisit this and like make a giant long video of the entire saga of the behind closed doors mods and you guys voted yes so here we are i have the the new revised version that was on reddit and i'm excited to play it because i talked to the developer and they said that there is some new content they didn't want to spoil it so i just had to see for myself in this video i'll be covering the entirety of behind closed doors one two and three and the behind the and the behind the scenes mod that is also not available anymore so it'll be fun to visit all these with you guys and to play through them all and have some fun together and also if you would like to check out an alpha version of behind closed doors 3 that wasn't ever publicly released i will link that video in the description and be sure to check out ddlcmods.com where you can find this mod along with a ton of others available and without further ado let's just jump back into it with our legs behind closed doors is a doki literature club mod that is not affiliated with dan silvato and all that stuff okay it is designed to be played after the original game everything you need is in this file fluffy dev on reddit if you ask fluffy dev on red if you have problems by playing behind closed doors you agree that you've completed doki doki literature club okay yep i agree it is time gamers here we go oh geez this is an unofficial fan work yes i think i'm aware at this point it's it's glad i'm glad that um we're able to mod visual novels without getting in trouble because it's a lot of fun to do so doki doki behind closed doors new game please enter your name ah yes we must noodle boy as always natsuki speaking oh man i gotta get i gotta get my voice on today today is a regular day i spend time with sayori discuss things with monica even share chocolates with yuri but nothing memorable happens noodle boy talks to me a few times but i'm scared he'll see me acting weird so i just treat him coldly until he leaves me alone i go to the corner and bury myself in manga letting my mind drift as the story replaces all negative thoughts with bright colors and cute art if i keep up the baking i'll be able to make amazing things too maybe if i get really good i can sell my creations and start a business just imagine that a little stall filled with cakes and biscuits noodle boy by my side as we greet the customers ah but if i keep being mean he won't know i like him exactly stop being a little annoying banana and convey your emotions in a healthy manner thank thank you for realizing natsuki that you're such a becca maybe that's for the best hmm okay i paid a little attention to the others just in case they called for me they didn't but i learned that yuri has a thing for noodle boy she spent most of the day been over his desk while they read together oh boy he tried to come over to me but i heard mention of that brat and such a child from yuri and that seemed to warn him away i guess i am a child i'm jealous about someone i never even smiled at he's probably better with yuri she doesn't have she doesn't have complications like i do she isn't a brat like me arriving at home i pause and i take a few deep breaths to calm my pounding heart what doesn't kill me makes me stronger right right nobody's home phew to anyone else that would be a lonely feeling but i welcome it the night sky would usually spill into a cozy looking room but the blinds are drawn today i flick the lights on deciding against opening them myself a soft globe brings a welcome sense of relaxation chasing away the darkness my stomach growls softly hunger growling inside growing inside i should eat while i can taking a deep breath i exhale slowly finally relaxing the kitchen is the place in the house where i feel most at home noting the bowls and ingredients that are littering the counter i decide i'll clean them i'll clean them up good job natsuki as soon as i made a sandwich a whimen making us a sandwich hooray just kidding don't don't attack me please no point and clear no point clearing up and then making more mess i agree i opened the fridge to look inside quickly locating my ingredients the sound of a car pulling up in the driveway sets my heart racing again but i ignore it it's probably just a neighbor lots of people live on this street humming softly to myself i locate a plate and i build the sandwich on it turning the head back turning to head back into the living room you didn't even clean up the kitchen natsuki that's probably why your father's so angry with you natsuki i jumped startled and the plate falls from my finger shattering on the ground oh no you didn't clean the kitchen and now you broke a plate and wasted food you're grounded young lady the closest thing to hand to hand is a whisk i doubt that'll be any kind of defense i should have known better than let my guard down now look what you've done not only is my food not good enough for you oh you're smashing my dishes too there's no way you can eat that now clean it up sorry crouching to the ground i lean on one knee and begin clearing up the broken fragments oh no he smacked her pain sears through my head as i fall to the ground grazing my knees on the silver the slivers of china the jarring blow of my father's hand resonates through my skull hurry up i haven't got all day that's what i said to noodle boy when i caught him spacing out it doesn't seem so playful in this scenario though collecting all the pieces in my cupped hands i shakily stand up and tip them into the bin i also grabbed the fallen sandwich reluctantly tossing that away with the broken dish you need to clear the counter too why did you leave the kitchen in such a state see i told you natsuki you should have cleaned the kitchen goodness i is this a question i'll get in trouble for answering or does he actually want to know did you not hear me why did you leave the kitchen in such a state cowering as he shouts at me i toy with the red ribbon at my throat i i was making cupcakes for class oh were you now in a pathetic attempt to buy your friends affections you know they're all liars they don't like you they think you're annoying and bratty i try my best to help i make you dress in cute clothes and wear your hair in cute ribbons but still you cannot be what i want i went for quietly putting the cooking utensils back in the cupboards the anger is terrifying but it's better than his other mood yuri really struck a nerve when we first met noodle boy she told me to go look for coins under the vending machine it's a trick my father plays with the co the couch and the reason i kneel not bend over i shut a shutter runs through my body as i try not to think about it turning my attention back to the counter i daren't look at him nice and tidy good the familiar look of lust creeps into his eyes accompanied by that sickening smile why don't we play hide and seek oh i'll close my eyes and you can hide i can hear the amusement in his voice as a fake jovial tone fades better pray i don't find you the second he closes his eyes i bolt from the room and i sprint up the stairs my heart thudding painfully i'm grateful for my size for once it means i could fit under my bed it's not comfortable but it's safe dropping i wriggle beneath the bed frame and i curl up tightly father calls in a sing-song voice and i try to silence my breathing ready or not here i come i can hear his footsteps on the stairs the bedroom door slams against the wall as he throws it open with such a force that the wood splinters natsuki where are you despite the deceptive sweetness in his voice i can tell he's not happy the playful act never lasts for long get out of here you little snitch i say i stay as silent as i can not moving a muscle or making a sound finally he turns to leave and my stomach growls loudly gotcha so what's going on over here oh i'll be right over how are you holding up admin yes my computer's name is admin thank you hang on let's get you out of here there we go you don't want to see how that ends trust me i'm sorry i couldn't get here sooner i was with noodle boy in sayori they're having a lovely time it's a shame you're not seeing things from noodle boy's point of view right now but at least i'm here now why yes monica it's quite a mess isn't it but sayari seems to be getting a lot getting on a lot better i think noodle boy being around is really helping and natsuki well she's a good liar so everything's fine right absolutely everything is perfect fine and dandy no i don't suppose it is you want to help her don't you of course you do but only noodle boy can help her and noodle boy doesn't know she needs help well maybe she'll tell him tomorrow let's find out shall we oh boy monika natsuki's point of view is this a motel 6 as the dawn drifts in sunlight stings my eyes pouring through the window and i reluctantly pry them open every bone in my body aches my head is pounding and it hurts to breathe still i slide out of bed and cast it along and glance at the scenic view beyond the glass i broke the window once and tried to go and try to go there but even behind the pain there was a force field or something a barrier that stopped me from reaching the world beyond as though it was just a picture rather than a reachable destination destination i laugh bitterly sparing the time to think about it more on closer inspection it's far too clean and precise to belong in this world perhaps my life is a game and then the sadistic or i'm sleep deprived and not thinking clearly it's kind of weird it i didn't press space okay i grab my uniform from the floor and wriggle into it groaning quietly as the sleeves ride up my arms it's such an uncomfortable feeling but one i ignore as i pad to the bathroom turning the tap on i filled the sink and i splashed my face with water before glimpsing myself in the mirror i take a deep breath and turn to face my reflection hi natsuki ow your arms look pretty bad i look awful same it's seeing myself like this that makes me feel terrible about the cutting joke that i made to yuri it's just something that happens in one of her books i doubt she does it i bet her arms don't look like this nope they look worse sniffling softly i roll my sleeves down watching the bruises disappear i need to stop delaying or i'll be late for school no time for breakfast and there's probably no food anyway i bypass the kitchen and head down to the stairs and straight outside the sun streams gently onto my skin and despite everything i smile with my mouth in the morning light things don't seem so bad i could spend a long day at school relaxing with my friends and noodle boy yeehaw as i take a deep breath and relax i see monica spreading up the street waving energetically at me natsuki it doesn't take long for her to reach me so i quickly apply my mask did you really come all this way just to come see me jeez i'd have been to school on time and it took you to get here i wanted to walk to school with you i thought we could talk with our mouths does she know no there's no way she could sure what's up are you okay you know you can talk to me about anything if you have any problems tell me okay just don't go bothering noodle boy with them [Music] you don't want him to know how weak and pathetic you are do you that was a little hostile wasn't it oh i just realized how harsh that sounded i just meant you should come to me because as co-president i'm supposed to look after all my members sorry let's walk to school together and you can tell me all about your night of course why did i doubt her it's just monica being monica she doesn't mean anything by it though the idea of talking about recent events is an unwelcome one i can always lie with my mouth i've fallen to step beside monica and we head to school alright i'm gonna check the files because there's usually a lot of stuff in the files hmm let's check the game folder that's a lot of stuff okay so let's compile this into a view let's have yeah let's make it a list all right so stay out obviously i'm gonna look oh yes ca air files perfect um i don't think i'm ready to look at those yet though look at those later anything else i should look at um main menu a bunch of images monica menu overrides party screens i'll take a look i'll take a look a little later i'm kind of curious though and tommy chr kind of want to look at that let's open that up all right notepad here we go oh yeah one zero one zero one one one zero one okay uh one second i'm gonna translate this alrighty so here's the translation it says monica was always the bad one i tried to warn you but they wrapped me in code and tossed me down here the only way to free me is to completely erase her data and start again a reset a reset should do it but i have no idea how so i'll let you guys take that as it is and let's continue back into the game all right here we go gamers noodle voice point of view sayori is hopping about the classroom like a rabbit halfway stuffing her face with a chocolate muffin i'm glad she appreciates my gift but i'm a little worried she'll choke sit down silly you're getting crumbs everywhere she piles playfully and ben and bounds over to her seat sinking into it watching her lick the chocolate from her lips makes me smile with my mouth she looks like she looks just like a happy kid yuri is also here but i see no sign of natsuki or monica maybe they got caught in a conversation with each other i don't think they live far apart so it wouldn't surprise me if their paths crossed we're here come on little boy you're with me today excuse me if you want to be that is she's so cute i bet she doesn't even realize she's blushing with her face there's no harm i'm relaxing today let your mind wander what was that hey space cadet they're talking about your focus what i'm so confused i didn't bring it on purpose i just have two copies there's nothing wrong with wanting to spend time with noodleboy yuri it's not like that after spacing out again i have no idea what's going on but i figure it has something to do with the thing we read yesterday you brought me a copy of your book uh i just thought we could read it together again okay yuri i'm gonna ask you to back up 400 feet because what the frick is that so you could preview all the things i wanted to do with you slice you open bathing your blood tear you apart and touch myself with the pieces i'm getting heated just thinking about it aren't you absolutely yuri oh man didn't i ever tell you have such beautiful eyes i could just lick them anyways i feel so awkward now ah i'm sorry yuri i wasn't thinking oh more reading right well they all care about me so much they should respect what i want right yuri i'm sure your book is brilliant and i'd love to read it with you at some point but i promised natsuki to read some mangoes with her and i don't break my promises even if my opponents break my promises i can't break my poems and promises we could do something together later right yuri nods gently and returns to receipt natsuki isn't listening to the conversation she must have sneaked over to the corner while nobody was watching walking to the manga cupboard i crouched down and softly call her name natsuki oh boy here we go oh boy hi natsuki you should spend time you should spend the day with monica i don't want you here i don't want you to find out about my secrets i don't want you to see my bruises go away needle boy huh what she looks surprised to see me the manga softly falling from her lap but she soon recovers oh little boy i thought you'd forgotten about me not that it would matter if you did it's not like i like her or anything spending time with you or anything stop making it weird i didn't say anything oh come on then we're going up to my side i feel nansuki lay her head on my shoulder as i open the manga she's breathing deeply her cheeks lightly flush softly giggling on occasion hey needle boy natsuki lifts her head staring at me with gentle eyes you're the first person that's actually cared about manga if you like maybe we could [Music] okay everyone [Applause] come to the tables please i want to make an announcement dang it monica that's a swear you've been banned i put the mango away and get to my feet heading for my seat hey that's a rhyme mc you should be a rapper as i arrive i notice that natsuki hasn't moved she's just staring she's just starting to stand up as she does her knees buckle and she starts to fall natsuki looks like she's going to faint i race over and grab her arm to steady her supporting her weight her sleeve bunches up and she stops swaying as i hold her against my chest breathing a sigh of relief little boy oh hey natsuki what's up with your natsuki you spilt grape juice all over your arm you silly goose here let me grab some uh some tissues to wipe that up here just there we go that should get the stains out and tsuki suddenly pushes me away desperately tugging at her sleeve her arm is peppered with bruises with bruises natsuki are you okay she finally manages to get her sleeve down but i can't stop thinking about the bruises beneath it i'm fine i fell over on my way home home and i spilled grape juice all over myself stop fussing monica attempts to comfort her looking concerned you don't need to lie to us monica you're the one that's guilty according to the game's text files of silence and this is about your f fruit cake natsuki cries with her eyeballs natsuki suddenly whimpers like a kick puppy and pulls away from us sprinting for the door as tears fell down her cheeks all four of them natsuki i start to race after but monica holds me back you'll do no good by chasing her her legs are faster i'll investigate it okay you just focus on relaxing and writing a good poem monica walks a leg walks away with her legs leaving me alone in the classroom with a knot of dread in my stomach how did natsuki get those marks how long has she been how long has this been going on i hope she's okay so admin you're getting a taste of what it's like to be me how it feels to be helpless you can't reach anyone in here it hurts doesn't it realizing that you're trapped behind a screen after all you have your reality and i have mine i was hoping you do so you'd do somehow make a difference like you could actually change what's going to happen here but it isn't working and i'm growing desperate i'm going to try something new to give you a way to alter the story i'm going to offer up some options it's best it's best to pick me if you wish to have any influence on the game we could finally defy fate how exciting so what do you want to do in that admin spend time with you i don't care about natsuki okay i knew you'd feel the same way i do it's not like the others are real anyway it's all right admin we could be together it's funny i've tried deleting at suki but it just won't let me really really hold up huh she's still there natsuki is your file okay oh yep there it is all the ancient writing it's just as though the game knows that i'm trying to be with you and it won't allow it and i know you've already seen siori hang and yuri stab herself that probably wasn't very pleasant so stop let's stop it from happening [Music] again huh why won't it stop trying to delete everybody monica we went over this okay you're so trigger happy oh i assumed you wouldn't let me do that is hurry gone she's gone monica stop please has anything appeared um i will sort by date uh nope nothing new so no i don't see anything okay so it's so funny uh oh i assumed they wouldn't let me do that oh wait i forgot to turn on hidden files maybe that'll help something anything new no all right well i guess that's that rip yuri she's dead my bad i hope that doesn't affect your save files only yuri won't be in them now well it stops her natsuki fighting doesn't it that's great let's be honest all yuri was going to do was traumatize you you're not wrong i hope the rest of the game still works ah it does well i don't have to go to comfort natsuki we could stay here and just stare into each other's eyes wait i natsuki's point of view as i arrived to the corner of the park i slowed down leaning leaving heavily on the nearest tree i can't believe noodle boy saw me like that but since it's out there i should tell him i can't help replaying the night in my mind thinking through all the possible outcomes could i have run for the door instead of upstairs no the door is locked it locks automatically that keeps the key hidden somewhere is this hello neighbor could i have called the police not at the time but could i but i could now i've tried it before but every time i dial the number it cuts off maybe today will be different i pull out my cell phone and i dial 999 left me the phone in my ear monica as usual the second it starts ringing the line goes dead i guess i have to face this on my own well not completely on my own i can tell needle boy natsuki are you here monica calls my name and i see her walk around the corner moments later [Music] over here i sink into the grass among the buttercups and monica heads over natsuki are you all right i already said that you can tell me anything i'm going to tell needle boy about my dad maybe we can use his phone to call the cops mine must have a bad connection or something shouldn't you tell me first oh boy the thing is it's only going to get worse for you if you tell anyone because he'll find out and when he does he'll hate you even more it's bad enough that noodle boy saw you like that what if he tries to stop your father he could get himself killed it would be your fault take your time i know it's hard i don't know why but my heart is clenching painfully and i feel nauseous what was i thinking if i tell noodle boy or anyone they could get hurt he just gets a bit shouty from time to time it's nothing to do with the bruises or grape juice like i said little boy i just slept on my on my way home i thought so but i wanted to make sure you're okay i'll let noodle boy know that you're fine we were all worried about you you're right to be worried about me but i'm keeping you safe jeez i'm not a kitty becca i can look after myself monica okay okay shall we head back then yeah you go on ahead i'll catch up to you i wait until monica's out of sight and then i pull my poem from my bag and study it i'd rather be a dog instead a dog is given food until it is eaten a dog will run away if it is beaten not being as in through a game being in an act of pain if a dog fights back it will be put to sleep a human however is left to weep to tiptoe around and turn eternally scared praying their footsteps never are heard don't petty the dog the dog is dead um but before it left it was well fed i'd rather be a dog instead oh by the way i'm gonna go back and do the other choice in a little bit so don't worry about that it's the one um from the day before since i never got a chance to show noodle boy i guess i'll have to write an uh write one about love but i don't really feel like it though when i think about noodle boy it makes me smile with my mouth maybe it's better to go for a platonic love rather than romantic what if he hates it uh dang it what should i write a platonic poem to be on the safe side i'm going to with a platonic poem cancelling out any feelings i have for noodle boy i begin to write the sky is red the sky is red but i'm not scared the night is dead but i'm prepared i'll look up and i'll discover my safety is held by another one who treats me like a zone i know i'll never be alone interesting jeez it looks like something you're yuri's dead wow guess what the gamers yeti has died wow yuri's dead that's a fat rip yuri no come back please come back you were the thickest one come back anything new no no yuri come back please it sounds more like something from a horror film than a love poem but this is all i can think of right now so i guess i'll show this one to him having picked a poem i leave the courtyard and i walk back to the front of the school heading inside boys point of view hey there you are i missed you whatever i suppose we should share poems now right becca natsuki chubbs were pumped towards me acting as though it was a huge bother for her to write one as i read through it i find myself staring at her over the page it's a little short like her but i don't mind it feels like she was holding back though why are you looking at me like that huh do you hate it of course i don't hate it is this about me it's kind of ominous what what is she afraid of love is a really sappy subject so it's okay if you don't like this one i think it's short but sweet like you thanks little boy it's not easy sharing poetry but it makes me happy that you like it it makes me happy you like me there's something i've been me okay everyone let's write poems now that we're done sharing poems it's time to pack up for the day we didn't really get a chance to share poems it was more of a trade i never got to read sayori's poem neither did natsuki what about you know the the purple year where is your okay i guess she's not there glancing at sayori i see that she's buried in a book with puppies in the basket on the cover she doesn't look up not at me natsuki or monica sayori are you with us natsuki raises an eyebrow and walks over to sayori gently flicking her forehead sarah looks up realizes we're all staring at her and jumps out of her seat sorry i got distracted i was just saying it's time to leave for the day do we all enjoy sharing poems little boy and me didn't get a chance to share we are walking home together again right you could show me on the way yay well it's saturday tomorrow i'll still have natsuki's number i still have natsuki's number from the festival so i'm going to arrange that we meet up over the weekend grabbing my bag from my seat i joined sayori at the door and we leave the school i'm looking forward to spending my saturday with natsuki i wonder what will happen sleepy i went to bed pretty early but by the time i actually drifted off there were birds singing outside the window i know it's the excitement of having natsuki come to my house for the first time but still i'm exhausted maybe watching naruto all night wasn't a good idea reaching for my clock i started the blurred screen waiting for the numbers to come into focus 9 30 natsuki said she'd be here at 10 and i'm not even dressed practically throwing myself out of bed i lunged for my wardrobe to grab some clothes ow i step on a dragon ball z figurine feeling the pain spiking through my foot dang it goku dang it goku you and your spiked hair kicking the offending character under my bed i comically hop around before dramatically collapsing against the wardrobe close close close scooping up a t-shirt from the bottom of the shelf i hold it at arm's length it has a cute looking puppy on the front with anime eyes i capture reading i woof you [Music] suck sunk d will probably tease me about it was that supposed to be natsuki so i'm definitely wearing this come to think of it she'll never eject uh she never objected to me calling her that what does sucked even mean when i first tried she got embarrassed and flustered since we both read manga and watch anime it doesn't take long to pick up bits of japanese so of course she translated the nickname to love and freaked out it's funny since we met she's become more of a sunderer than ever yet i feel like we've grown closer taking myself out of my thoughts i pull the shirt on wriggle it into my i wriggle into the rest of my stuff and go to prepare for her arrival 20 minutes later oh boy here we go you're sunk sucked here's sunk ship feeling refreshed and slightly more alive i find myself stepping outside wanting to meet the moment she arrives it sounds silly but i'd rather make her feel like the door is already open to her rather than have her knock the morning air is brisk and the sun is warm on my face to my delight i see i can see natsuki walking up the street a bright smile lighting her features she beams at me and as she crosses the road and stops just in front of my house morning noodle boy you didn't have to wait for me outside i know how to ring a doorbell you dummy i know i know i just wanted to greet you as soon as you got here [Music] really you've been texting nonstop since friday so i guess you're really excited about this huh why hasn't natsuki just texted noodle boy about the her father being a big poopy stinky okay you don't think it's a date or anything to you she switches moods so quickly but luckily i'm her personal masochist sappy and romantic just isn't my thing a beautiful girl on my doorstep dressed in frills on a saturday what am i supposed to think sookie don't say things like that calling me beautiful and giving me nicknames you only say that to girls you like needle boy and that's right i don't even like girls wait a minute even you should know that i raise an eyebrow glancing behind me and change and change the subject are you trying to keep me out of your house what secrets are you hiding and just like that she's back to being adorable nothing come on in i push the door open and usher her inside watching with a fond smile as she makes a beeline for the kitchen [Music] so needle boy i softly shut the door behind us leaning against it as she stands in my kitchen with a shy smile now that we're alone i want to tell you something don't make a big deal out of it okay okay i hold my hands up and surrender watching her intently i like you like like like you and that's really dumb because i know it's and maybe it's just because you're nice to me but don't go thinking it in a loud way because it's not i like you because you're really kind and understanding and you listen and i i feel safe with you she falls silent trying to judge my reaction i'm honestly unsure how to react of course i'm thrilled that she returns my affections and stunned that she admitted it but also saddened are other people not nice to her siori and natsuki are always together and she's an amazing friend to me so i have no doubt that she's lovely to natsuki too but the way she says it it's as though she doubts your own words sukiya i love every moment we spend together and you always make me smile and if we did date nothing would change so there's no need to be scared we'd still hang out and read together we'd still watch anime on the club's laptop it's not like i'm proposing marriage just like i'd be with you just that i'd like to be with you a lot more wait a minute this started with her confessing to me so why am i suddenly pouring my heart out well i've come this far that said you'll always be my dearest friend that said i think you'd make a brilliant waifu oh the cringe [Music] natsuki stares at me in silence for a moment then burst out laughing did you really just say that jeez you're such a web a weeb a boob i like you and you like me we're a happy family let's not make it weird i know i should just leave it here the mood is light and everything is calm again but it's now or never i walk over to natsuki and gently stroke her cheek watching her face soak through with pink i never noticed that natsuki has a cat on her shirt what if this ruins everything what do i do now kiss her back off it's smooching time i lean in and press a gentle kiss to her lips feeling her warm breath against my skin why did you i opening my eyes i wait for her to punch me or insult me in some way but natsuki appears to have crashed sorry i weighed my hand back and forth in front of her eyes natsuki.exe has stopped responding please reboot she doesn't react sookie she locks eyes with me once more and this time she initiates the kiss pulling me in oh the soft caress of her lips sets my heart fluttering as her rose eyes gaze into mine finally she breaks the kiss and steps back looking away i feel a little light-headed this is all so perfect soft but urgent knocking startles me and i leave natsuki in the kitchen to go and answer it natsuki this is monica and i want to know why you're playing lip guitar with my noodle boy yeah that's right i saw you oh boy uh monica it seems that monica has chosen to pay me a visit now or at all really she said that she'd been at school all day preparing the club room or something come to think of it she shouldn't actually know where i live yeah how does she know hmm noodle boy you seem flustered am i interrupting something yeah i was just watching han anime not at all do you need something or can i shut the door and get back to natsuki wow actually i do before you see natsuki again you need to know why she might be acting a bit odd around you please don't take this lightly it's not something i wanted to tell you but little boy hurry up i'm about to start making cookies and you need to come choose what kind natsuki calls me from the kitchen and monica's voice changes she sounds a little annoyed so that's why you look so ruffled and we could talk about it another time you should get back to her monica closes the door in my face i blink twice and then head back to the kitchen where i belong [Music] ah admin before you join noodle boy in the kitchen can i steal a moment of your time i know it's uh it's all a bit confusing but i'm sure you're i'm sure you're ing now it's a real shame admin he lied you said you were here for me your intentions are clear enough don't worry though i can't remove natsuki from the game but i know someone who can you don't have to lie anymore admin i won't talk to you again enjoy the rest of the game thanks monica i know i will you miss me oh the with the cookie mixture made i couldn't resist trying to steal some natsuki tried to stop me and failed so she got a sponge from the counter and threw it at my head i grabbed a sponge too and now we're running around the kitchen trying to hit each other with sponges you're cheating you won't stay still you won't stay still either she pauses beside the sink and dips her sponge in the dishwasher this just got serious she raises her arm to toss the sudden sponge at the sudden sponge at me and i pounce and pin her wrist against the wall the sponge falls from her hand but she still continues giggling with her mouth now you're definitely cheating little boy oh oh i like where this is going maybe but i can't get you either you've already got me oh i see all right i'm gonna check the game files real quick see if anything new has appeared hmm what is this cold blood png file i'm going to open that oh okay it's just an ending thing okay never mind i guess there's multiple endings interesting cool okay so in the stay out folder interesting all right is yuri still dead please don't nope oh yeah i killed her okay rip natsuki stares at me the situation turning from playful to well i'm not sure what it is but i like it oh what should i do with you then well this conversation escalated quickly gross you're thinking about dirty stuff again noodle boy christian channel stop this at once i'm not that kind of girl i'm not i swear no swearing good you'll have to go at some point and when you do oh i went i'll win don't count on it i release her wrists and step back waiting for her next move big mistake she dips down grabs the soaked sponge from the floor and splats it on my head i win water spills down my hair and face and i've grown quietly well it's worth it you look like a mop needle boy a wet loser i'll let you win remember i let you in remember that you keep telling yourself whatever you need to hear anyway shouldn't we put the cookie mix on the tray obviously you don't need to tell me how to cook up my own recipe you let yourself get distracted you let yourself be a distraction with that settled she picks up the bowl and begins carefully pouring out the mixture onto a baking tray she fills the tray then kneels and places it in the oven setting the timer so who was at the door natsuki turns to me removing her removing her oven mitt monica she seems angry there's no point in lying to her who builds a relationship on deception that's weird maybe she's having a rough day i'll check in on her at some point detective natsuki is on the case detective natsuki has a ring to it when i when i grow up i want to be a cop like my dad every dad sookie ever allow me to be a a police officer noises oh so her old man is a police officer uh yes arrest me daddy anyway what do you want to do while the cookies are baking nothing why don't we watch anime in my room you know us supan inu has its own anime now right it does yeah it but only in japanese so we'll have to watch with the subs on noodleboy inviting natsuki and upstairs and then saying sub boy i don't like where this is going like you even need subtitles anymore i'm surprised you don't come into the club and start speaking fluently in it i think i'm a long way off that i'll go and set things up can you prepare some snacks of course i'm about to leave the room when natsuki's smile fades she grabs her phone lighting up the screen dang it that's a swear sorry needle boy it's coming out to lunch time and i have to be home by then my dad will be putting dinner on the table and he'll get mad if i'm not there i didn't realize that so much time had passed she looks like she's about to cry and i want to hug her sookie i reach out opening my arms invitingly but she shakes her head i've gotta go sorry i'll walk you out she's already picking up her things her bottom lip trembling it's fine it's your responsibility to keep the cookies from burning by the by the time i've thought of a response she's already left with her legs ah man natsuki's point of view as i leave noodle boy's house i look up at the sunlit sky how could time betray me like this i'm an hour late for dinner and at this rate i'll end up going hungry again geez i haven't eaten in days now how am i still alive days wow that's not an epic gamer moment i'll need a full stomach to deal with whatever comes my way so i really hope that dinner's still an option arriving at my house i stare at the door as if it's going to grow teeth i don't want to go inside but i've lost enough time already not allowing myself to delay any longer i unlock the door and push it open [Music] you're late you know what i said about being late for dinner i was helping monica at the club so you make me wait and you're a liar i know that you are not with monica but but how i silence weakling i don't want to hear your excuses is that the it sounds like the jaws theme monica came to see me to ask if you were having trouble at home what did you tell her nothing i said it i'm fine so you tell the truth to your friends but not your father how disrespectful sorry aside from the occasional shouting he's surprisingly calm maybe monica's soft in his temper i can't be bothered with dealing with you today room now that's it wow i didn't get beaten yay i'm so relieved it feels like a weight's been lifted from my shoulders making my way to my room i arrive at the top of the stairs push the door open and gasp everything is gone wow my bed my desk my curtains even the carpet is gone did my man just rip the carpet off the floor ow how did it looks as though i never been here like i don't like it didn't exist at all the whole room is cold and unwelcoming is this some kind of nightmare whining softly i sink to my knees and i stare at the blinding emptiness why how when who after a few minutes a shock is replaced by desperation i search every corner for something familiar something comforting anything nothing nothing except two evenly spaced dents in the wood it looks like something heavy was dropped here there the barren walls are making me feel sick so i tug the door open wanting to leave going somewhere no you're going to tell me that you don't like your new room what room it's empty i warned you the next time you're late for dinner you lose your privilege privileges did i not but yes my bed you don't need a bed you have mine oh i'd rather sleep in my room of insanity do i not even get a word of gratitude you'll grow up polite and respectful thanks to me he waits for me to respond and i continue staring blankly at the dev in devastated silence dead sorry what was that he takes a step closer and holds a cupped hand to his ear daring me to make some the same mistake again i quickly correct myself sir hi how can i say thank you for this even lying through my teeth i can't put any honest emotion into my words why the second the words leave my lips i know i've made the wrong choice father lunges from my throat painting me against the wall has gripped tightening oh huh kinky ah within seconds i find myself gasping for breath struggling to get air into my lungs you've always been a brat this is why your mother left top of the morning to you ladies my name's jacksepticeye and welcome back to another video tears sting my eyes the words feeling like knives through my heart i want to shout back at him to scream the truth but my vision starts to fade so too does my determination he releases my throat catching my wrists as i collapse and holds me against the wall oh wow ouch look at her throat you drove her away you're the reason she left me i can't hold back anymore i find myself retaliating words escaping before i can stop them you killed her she loved you and you tore her apart did my did my man datsuki really cut up his wife that's not epic shut up father digs his fingernails into my cheek applying pressure until i yelp i said shut up everything you do is so annoying natsuki shut up you're so annoying oh no oh no no i don't realize the blows is coming until it hits and father tosses me to the ground ah the room fades my brain screaming for me to run but i'm too weak to move i'm going to die if i can't get out of here i i need to nap time nap time time to sleep noodle boys point of view man those cookies smell amazing i've taken them from the oven set them on a plate and put them in the fridge but the kitchen is still flooded with the delicious aroma of baking it's hard to believe that just an hour ago natsuki was in my house in my arms her mood changed so much when she checked the time i know dinner's important and all but that was more a look of fear than urgency i wonder what monica wanted to tell me she slammed the door in my face it seemed very out of character for her also natsuki usually tells me when she gets home to let me know she's safe i check my cell again finding the screen empty i'm worried about her i hope she's okay it's probably just overprotective paranoia but what if something bad happened still holding my phone i head up to my room yawning softly i flop on my bed and draft a text hey suki okay not heard for you since you left x i delete and re-added the kiss at the end about six times before gathering my courage and sending it leaning over my bed i began to flick through the discs in my box black butler death note yuri on i ah there it is i pull a suspend enu pause for thought from the case and pop it into the dvd player there now it's all set up for when she visits again my phone stays ominously silent but it might just be because she enjoys making me wait eager knocking starts at my door and i raised an eyebrow maybe she forgot something and came back for it [Music] i pulled the door open with a big smile and find sayori and monica noodle boy since the club isn't on we thought we'd come say hi sure come in i step back with my legs inviting them into my home sayori i'm always happy to see but monica seemed to be in a bad mood earlier sarah bounced past me taking the stairs up to my room she's been there plenty of times so i bet she's aiming to rifle through my chocolate stash before i get there monica walks past me with pain steps she seems to be limping i'll ask her about it when she gets upstairs when we get upstairs i close the door and join the girls in my room oh boy they're waiting for me in a comfortable silence hey monica yes you look like you're a bit injured you okay i'm fine i just carried something too heavy and hurt my back what did you carry all this posture you should have i'm so sorry you should have asked me to help you i didn't mean to i didn't mean to make this about me i was helping a friend i was helping a friend to move a bed she mutters the next thing to herself sayori and i only catch a few words oh that's because monica was helping dadsuki empty out natsuki's room because monica loves natsuki and she's the good guy seems code handle heavy evie huh what did you say i was a spacing out yee oh i didn't realize i was thinking out loud i'm making a game and i was thinking about the code i'll use for it what kind of game i bet it's literature-based it'd be just like the president of the club to make a literature-based game [Music] actually it's a horror game i bet you weren't expecting that not at all you're super nice just because you make a horror game doesn't make you a bad person of course not it's just unexpected that's all anyway didn't you say that natsuki would will be joining us it's at the literature club without her she went home for dinner i'm sure she'll show up any minute in the meantime let's share our poetry that's a great idea but i want to go find natsuki like you said it's not the literature club without her while she's not here ever the caring friend needle boy hopefully i won't be long i leave sayori monica in my room and go to find natsuki admin you'll be able to see things from your point of view for a moment it's important that you see this sayori i could feel your anger towards me did i do something wrong i didn't want to upset noodle boy but now he's away for a while zory pulls a butterfly knife from her pocket and holds it to her chest and claps hands i found this i know it belongs you deleted her didn't you i was the president once it's not something you just forget sayori is natsuki next do you plan to just remove us from the game one by one you can't delete me because i'm self-aware now and if you can't delete natsuki either there's a chance she'll become president if anything happens to me i swear that's not my intention no swearing i only deleted yuri to stop her from harming needle boy i know you and natsuki would never won well i don't approve of it but i'd be broken if anything happened to noodleboy if anything happens to natsuki though i'm deleting your file i don't want to the fact that i'd become i'd have to become a killer is one i hate but natsuki is my friend and i won't let you erase her existence too i promise i don't intend to harm her i know you can't talk to admin but if you could they'd tell you the same i need to step out for some air excuse me all right monica where are you going you're ruining you're ruining everything sayori from what on earth see how we see our uh oh can't be found memories of yuri deleted yuri's does not exist hold up sayori where where did you go oh you're still here okay anything else i need to look for anything new uh monica is pretty evil that's great uh what about the mod assets nope okay back to the game fine uh natsuki's injuries are gone oh okay that's fine and her blood's gone too now she won't know until it's too late oh boy noodle boy's point of view monica why is monica outside nobody answered when i knocked at natsuki's house maybe she's sleeping or something you were taking a while to come back so i came to find you come on we're discussing different forms of language you can show me how much you've studied romance with that she practically drags me back into my house oh boy natsuki's point of view there's a strong smell of a strong smell of bleach hits my nose nice and i sit up as quickly as i can manage it doesn't help my lungs are still burning with every breath glancing down i expect to see bruises littering my body but there's no marks at all i remember father knocking me unconscious but everything after that is just blank like someone scratched a cd in my memory it just jumps when it reaches the scratch part and doesn't play that part maybe i'm going insane going insane would be easier to understand the floor is sparkling clean which would explain the overwhelming overwhelming smell of bleach just a tiny streak of crimson remains in the dentin area despite the lack of evidence i'm still in agony my muscles are screaming at me to stop moving but i dragged myself to my feet leaning on the wall and then shakily make my way down the stairs the second i get downstairs i look around the house to find it's empty i'm alone again and i've never been more grateful wait a minute the door is locked but literally that door is completely open natsuki run locating my soul in the drawer i find a text from noodle boy natsuki run look the door is open you can go you can run with your legs oh he's worried about me i quickly text back thinking up an excuse yeah i'm fine just fell asleep and lost track of time x is putting a kiss too sappy a warmth wraps around my heart as i recall our time together earlier he deserves a kiss on this text i send it and sink onto the couch trying to think of a way out of the situation i'm in i've tried calling the police and that never works i can't walk down to the station either the barriers that surround my house also cover the streets there are a few people there are a few places i can actually access the school noodle boys home and that's about it so what else can i do i tried telling monica and she get advised against it what about sayori yeah sayori would be able to help or would she she admitted that she suffers from depression and though i helped her through it i'd be a bad friend if i put my problems on her noodle boy would probably be all macho and take on my father himself so i'd be putting him at risk if i told him i'm going to try the police one more time i dialed the number and i left my phone to my ear 999 what's your emergency i caught the call and turned my phone off my blood running cold my heart is pounding loudly in my skull and i feel sick of all the people to answer the call they can trace numbers i'm sure they can i'm in so much trouble why did i do that with trembling hands i take my hair down and run my fingers slowly through it that usually calms me down but it seems to be failing i stuff the ribbons in my pocket and take slow drawn out breaths finally my heart stops racing and i can think clearly again this is my phone vibrates scaring the life out of me and i snatch it up reading the message it's from noodle boy come over i miss you monica and siori here but it's not the same without you kiss yes i need to get out of here i'm not just sitting and waiting for trouble to find me though it's not the first thing on my mind i find myself tying my hair back into bows then i grab the keys from the bowl and unlock the door and head straight to noodle boys house noodle boy's point of view the atmosphere in here is a little tense but it's probably just because i'm waiting for natsuki monica and sayori have been talking animatedly about language sonnets and something else that i wasn't paying attention to the second i hear the door i sprint down the stairs and rip it open with my hands hi i bet monica's boring you to death pretty much the cookies turned out amazingly i put them into a tin for you to take home i raced back to the kitchen open the cupboard grab the tin and run back to the door holding it out to her take home no those cookies are for us to share silly we made them together we can eat them together should we share them between sayori and monica oh wait should we share them between sarah and monica noodle boy just went through puberty real quick his voice just dropped 10 decibels nope i laugh softly and ruffle her hair she whines batting at my hand you'll mess up my hair her pouting is so adorable i pull her into my arms and retire soft locks with red ribbons she blanks and stares at me with gentle eyes thanks i wasn't going to wear them i hate looking cute i raised an eyebrow sign quietly i like your cuteness it's not a sign that you're weak you know yeah you always seem to say the right things little boy it really helps let's oh let's put the cookies back then we can join the others okay putting the tin down i watch as she goes upstairs and then her oh she watches i go upstairs and then her okay there now we're all here yay monica is like oh boy oh noodle boy so yummy was just showing me her blade isn't it cool sayori holds out a butterfly knife to me which looks oddly familiar no i've never seen it before hmm butter knife it is mid toast i will [Music] you shouldn't play with sharp things or grown-ups monica and it is a pretty cool knife i just remembered i have things to do i'll see you at school and with that she gets up stepping carefully over to the over the other two who are sat on the floor and leaves the room a few seconds later i hear the door slam a cookie for me when i turn back to the girls natsuki has dropped a chocolate chip cookie into sayori's lap i recognize it as one um that was in the tin and i find myself wondering how she got a hold of them without me knowing until she produces the tin from behind her back tada me and little boy made them earlier we thought it'd be fun to share them out but now when monica was here has something happened between them that i'm not aware of she didn't want me or monica to know about the cookies or at least until now hey natsuki you didn't want to share them with monica ah i didn't mean to exclude her i only remember that i stole the tin when you turned your back of course nancy would never never do something like that on purpose no she wouldn't but both sayori natsuki are acting odd monica too girls has something happened between you and monica she looked really uneasy just now not at all i know it's not my place to interfere but natsuki was going to tell you something monica told her that she shouldn't bother you but that's not very nice when i said that she seemed okay just until now i was only trying to be a good friend natsuki was going to tell me something well since we're both here why doesn't she tell me now suki what were you going to tell me i was going i wasn't going to tell you anything little boy could you step out for a moment i know it's weird to say that in your own house but i need to talk to natsuki sure i shrug gently and leave them to it closing the door then return downstairs guess i can kill some time watching tv your point of view you could be right monica seems really unhappy about that knife maybe she just doesn't like knives it's more than that i'm telling you monica is out to get you she wants xenopoint all to herself this knife belongs to a girl called she's not here anymore because monica made her leave that sounds familiar and it makes my head hurt i'm sorry about that but i think i can fix it i've never tried this before so i hope it works um call console oh wow oh it worked what the heck is that ah it's a box i'm scared of him it's the thing monica used to delete i'm going to see if i can bring her back um admin i know i can't actually talk to you anymore but please don't delete her file once i just restore restore it sayori turns the natsuki and whispers into her ear there's actually a backup of the character files but that nobody knows but us can access so even if admin is working with monica they won't be able to delete i can natsuki has stunned into silence she just nods in the right places console restore c-h-r uh okay yuri's restored successfully oh look at that sweater so what just happened you're back yuri yuri literally appears in the middle of the room looking highly confused and natsuki and sayori rushed to hug her natsuki sayori it's good to see you i don't know where i was but i'm really glad i'm not there now sayori hands the butterfly knife back to yuri and she slips it into her pocket monica deleted you and we think natsuki is here her next target i know it sounds crazy but i wouldn't lie to you i believe you my experience was certainly something from a fantasy novel why is yuri teaming up with them when she's not sentient uh uh oh well natsuki's not sentient either at this point reality is questionable but acting like like scared children isn't going to help so what can we do once she's gained some understanding of the situation yuri begins thinking about how to fix it and natsuki finally pipes up again fabricated or not this reality is all we have and since little boy arrived in it i've been finding moments of happiness in my day so we show monica that we're stronger than she is and she has no right to interfere with our lives yes monica we have bigger muscles than you and everything's gonna be fine by the way natsuki why haven't you told them about your dad tell them tell them but since we're on the subject is there any way we could change my father's code he's not acting like he used to when my mother was around i uh checked the files when you came to school with bruce's and your father doesn't actually have a file uh excuse me excuse me right here it tommy i even translated it and he's calling monica evil and then monica's file is but i'll translate that later but and then there's the fluffy file hi there um i'm guessing you're looking for something else if not then everything beyond this point is a spoiler aha the game is broken now i can't really do anything about that and tommy is still roaming free and monica is either deleted or reset i'm honestly not sure i think the other character files are trying to tell me something but i can't make head detail of it it can't end here right we have to free sayori and yuri and let you be with natsuki then we'll follow this game to the very last word i guess so developer we will anything in the files come on sayori anything i can delete can i just delete stuff uh yuri are you oh there's yuri she's back heck yeah yuri's back the thick one he was never supposed to exist so we're dealing with a virus not quite let's just install mcgafey windows defender norton virus protection we're dealing with the way that natsuki dies what mother created a way to end our lives so she can be with noodle boy my ultimate end is a noose here is a knife i believe that natsuki's father is the tool to kill her we ourselves we cannot modify the code like she can even with access to the console we can change what we can change is very limited however noodle boy is representation of admin in our own world which means that no code can alter what he does yuri in a book with multiple endings how do you change the story you choose a different page exactly if we if we can get noodle boy to make choices to prevent natsuki from being killed then we can change the story but how do we know that admin is on our side they could be working against us to lead us into danger we have to hope they're honest and ask them directly admin will you help us take control of the story yes nah all right fine yes see i told you they were on our side we had to be careful not to address admin again but now we can continue the story due to monica's interference the game will find itself to try and run many different paths to code since it can't ask us which one i'll ask admin i really hope they choose wisely i have an ominous feeling in my heart i can hear footsteps needle boys coming back then it's up to the admin now good luck admin oh boy noodle boy's point of view all right i'm going to take a short break um get some water and give my voice a little bit so this there's going to be a cut here in the footage alrighty i'm back guys and i went and ordered pizza hopefully it gives me a little while before i can so i can finish this up this mod wouldn't let me save like i was going to close it out and like try and save the game but it wouldn't let me do that so i'm here back like five minutes later trying to finish it all up in one go so let's continue this descent into madness with me as i continuously go through all this alright noodle boy's point of view i softly pushed the door open with my arms to find natsuki sayori yuri happily eating cookies it was so nice them to come over for the weekend it's a shame that monica had to rush off are there any left for me i raise an eyebrow as i settle next to natsuki grab a biscuit from the nearly empty tin and place it on her head little boy she huffs as she she hops and rather than just take it down begins trying to shake it from her hair looking like a flustered puppy that wasn't very mature while yuri you're right i'm not very mature she's yuri sighs gently and retrieves the cookie and i take natsuki's hair from the and i take natsuki nuki's hair from the ribbons combing my fingers gently through it sorry there was two gentles in that sentence and it freaked me out it's just a few crumbs it's payback for the sponge he lost fair and square the mood is no different than to any other day we spend hours together all four of us talking about everything under the sun by the time the sun sets the biscuit tin is empty sayori has woven natsuki's hair into many different styles and yuri has convinced her to start reading some kind of horror novel this is super fun we should do this again tomorrow but i promised my parents i'd ring tonight and i let them know how i'm doing so i should get home sarah stands up with her legs and hovers to the door wait if she stood up how did she hover to the door did she just float i should really begin the next book in the of the mock-off series yuri stop reading the portrait of markov there are other books have you ever heard of garfield it's my favorite manga yuri joins her at the door giving a shy smile but we'll be all together tomorrow right natsuki has gathered all my dvds into her lap and is looking at me with bright eyes right have a safe journey home you two i watch them leave and listen as they will talk to themselves before the front door closes natsuki and i are alone again in my bedroom there better not be any pre-marital hand-holding no twister no checkers nothing no checkers it's been a while since i've talked about checkers i really like playing checkers the board game not the other thing today has been really fun she suddenly sighs as though something has just occurred to her but i should leave too we can totally meet up tomorrow though right [Music] i wait until she walks past me and then ease the ribbons from her hair she looks beautiful with her hair down wouldn't it be nice if she wore it down tomorrow you look beautiful with your hair down will you wear it down tomorrow for me she turns she turns the color of a newly blossom roses and knots once before hiding her face as she retreats from my home laughing quietly to myself i close the door and fall onto my bed again i can't wait until tomorrow oh boy here we go natsuki's point of view my cell phone alarm begins to shriek at me as 7 30 arrives i yawn softly [Music] lifting my aching bones from the ground and rub my eyes the room of insanity isn't so bad once you get used to it though i wish it was at least carpet on i wish there was at least carpet on the floor instead of just wood so as i located my outfit from yesterday and slip into it i find myself smiling does she just sleep on the wooden floor naked uh i'm going to visit noodle boy again and that means i'll have a full day of in his company father wasn't home when i got back and when he finally arrived he was too tired to do anything i like it when that happens it makes my life easier i glance down at my wrists and find it unmarked despite the fact that i cut it open last night just like before with the information that sarah provided i figured out that monica is hiding my bruises cuts and so on most likely so that i can't show them the noodle boy when i met up with him yesterday my bruises from the day before the ones that he saw were gone by the morning i thought i thought it odd at the time but uh honestly but i don't know maybe i just assumed that i that i heal quickly natsuki you're not freaking wolverine okay yes i'm gonna slit my wrist open and then it's just gonna heal instantly whatever it is that monica is planning i don't want to think about it now and i shouldn't have cut myself but that's okay it's not like i'll do it again i was just just i'm not really sure what i did why i did it maybe it was because of control the one thing i could command was the blade of the knife i'm helpless to everything else [Music] this is supposed to be a fun day i'm not letting myself become blue growling at how easily i got lost in my mind i walked to the bathroom aiming to wash my worries away oh yes it's a tub where i like to reside after splashing my face a few times i feel much better the excitement of today's event sinks in and i find myself beaming but laser eyes [Music] you should wear your hair down today noodle boy will appreciate it noodle boy wanted me to wear my hair down right well if he likes it that way there's no harm in it carefully untying the red ribbons i set them on the sink and comb through my rose locks with my fingers i leave my fringe clip in having hair in my face is annoying deciding that i'm suitably dressed and ready to head out i make my way downstairs i can grab something to eat at noodle boy's house oh boy here comes dad suki dad sunkly daddy-o hi i'm dad hello as i arrive at the front door i find father stood in front of it waiting for me he's got a bottle in his hand guess he's been drinking seems a little odd he doesn't smell of alcohol but it's definitely empty everything suddenly feels cold and tense like a shadow is creeping in to choke a life from my body i'm probably just being anxious out of habit you're up early you're going to leave without saying goodbye that's not very nice i i would have i would have woken you but but i didn't want to deal with this but i didn't want to disturb you i didn't think you'd be awake he's not usually up this early so i thought i could sneak out without getting caught well monica pointed out that i haven't really been spending quality time with you she suggested that we share a drink you've had wine before it's not much different so this is new i haven't in the original copy of the mod this wasn't there um what monica what the heck oh that's really nice of her i don't drink but i'm not about to admit that and i'd love to share a drink with you when i get back i inch closer to the door as i do the father's eyes snap open again this person gave moves from my eyes to my hair where are your ribbons i told you to wear your ribbons every day so you look cute for me uh why just why would you defy me i can't say i lost them and saying that noodle boy likes me with my hair down is really bad idea think natsuki you forgot think i accidentally left them at siori's house that's why i'm going out to get them back you're lying i saw you sleeping in them he watches her sleep why so not only did you try to sneak out this morning you also lied to me and deliberately defied my orders well if you don't care about looking cute why don't we cut all your hair off my heart sinks the tone in his voice makes it clear that this question is rhetorical he grabs a pair of scissors from his pocket and steps behind me grabbing a fistful of my hair before i can run dragging me to the edge of the room he corners me there pressing my back against the wall making sure there's no space between us i want to see the regret in your eyes as i do this he lifts a lock of hair in his fingers and brings the scissors to it i lose control panic overrides all other emotion i find myself trying to snatch the scissors wrestling with father no his expression shifts from smug to livid i can almost feel the heat of his burning stare you little twerp how dare you he tucks at the scissors using all of his strength and as desperately as i cling to the handle i inevitably slips from my fingers victorious he tosses them aside and brings up the bottle smashing it onto the table before i have a chance to react i'm forced to watch in horror as he drives the point in glass into my stomach haha yes again she's dead i knew it it happened and again and again admins point of view she literally just went yoink yeet was that so fun natsuki falls to the ground clutching her chest as blood soaks all through her pretty white top as she lays there her movement slowly breathing rapid every heartbeat spurting more blood from the wound in her chest she's wishing that noodle boy hadn't asked her to wear her hair down she's wishing that she never met noodle boy don't just lie there oh hey he has blood on his shirt did he make spaghetti i love spaghetti you've learned your lesson let's do this bonding thing but the color is faded from natsuki's eyes and so she gives no response if only noodle boy had chosen monica natsuki get up dang it uh yes i just stabbed you allow me to slap you in the face if only sayori hadn't tried to stop monica from being with noodle boy looks like natsuki was deleted after all wait is her character file gone [Music] oh it is gone that's a fat rip well we don't need him anymore do we what killer.chr that wasn't there before hold up hold up i didn't ever see killer.chr that's not there i don't see that it is not there refresh please yeah like i'm gonna search i don't no way yeah not there no matches no items match your search that's what i thought and stay out there's tommy's file's still there okay interesting noodle boys point of view man today is going to be awesome sayori already texted to say that she's on her way over yuri will join us later in the day ow my elbow popped i wanted to surprise tatsuki by showing up on her doorstep oh boy i can't wait to see her face or lack thereof because she's dead as i arrive at natsuki's house i notice the door is a jar i raise an eyebrow and head inside natsuki i softly call her name finding no trace of her odd maybe she's still asleep see where i used to over say or used to oversleep all the time heading up the stairs i stop outside natsuki's room knocking a few times gains no answer so i mumble apologetically and i gently open the door okay every time every time it's every time they think it's so funny where you just go hey anybody in here natsuki are you alive and i gently open the door [Laughter] great gatsby it's her corpse it's lifeless all right well time to go home i guess she didn't have her hair down though oh that's new i don't remember that she's big dead oh boy what a mess oh oh wow what a mess oh boy natsuki propped up in the corner looking like a porcelain doll is my best friend her eyes are glassy her shirt is soaked through with blood there's no way she'd do this to herself yeah this is new huh bro she's like legit dead holy frick wow i suspect she was scared of going home but i never thought i just didn't think if i insisted she stayed the night been more firm with her got the truth i could have done something i could have prevented this and now she's dead if only i could go back protect her but she's gone and nothing will change that nothing nothing nothing i'm getting some serious exit music vibes hmm interesting is that it end of the game hello it's so dark here i felt the game crash it was agonizing it can't have been much fun for you either admin i'm talking to you and i don't even know if you're there i failed i said i'd delete monica if she'd do anything to natsuki but i didn't realize that well i didn't realize that her death was inevitable that there was nothing we could have done no choices were given the game tried to rewrite itself without her but i can't let noodle boy forget i can't let it simply replace her as though she never existed it might be too late now but i want to fix this if you delete monica she'll simply take us down with her this world will be gone but if i order the code to bind her i can buy some time at least she won't be gone for good but long enough for us to take control and then i'll become president again so i'll be able to talk to you and see you a rest oh monica's captured okay did it work can you hear me can you see me uh no admin i guess i can't fix things after all well there's no point in you being here then sorry i wasted your time that's it just picked no and the game's just like too bad well it sucks that i couldn't save the game and my pizza is here so i'm gonna go back and check out the other choices don't worry i'm not gonna let it end there that was funny though i just wanted to see what happens if i press no all right so uh it'd be you know what the mod should just ended there the end nothing else all right time to go back alrighty so i went back and i got a save file um exactly where the the last ending we got left off so let's just jump back into it with our legs i went and got some water too because my voice is so dead so admin can you hear me uh yes i can yay i can see you too so everything is going as planned let's see there are a lot of files here so it may take me a while to find the right one um every other file just disappeared there's only one left i guess we have to choose this one i hope this is the right thing to do wait every file disappeared are you serious uh one second all right so here are the files um oh boy there's lots of stuff in here let's let's just make this back to details and sort by not name date colorable no it's still the same in here it's still the same in here um about in the character folder yeah sayori and yuri are still there but natsuki and monica are gone because i i don't know why where's monica safe where's monica character file then uh well she's captured uh that doesn't sound right console what's wrong uh oh boy natsuki does not exist well can you restore it like you did with yuri oh she's back well well that looked like it worked up there she is statsuki you're here in all your weird garbage mind if i just i'ma just there we go game messed up just kidding just kidding uh is she back in the character folder admin uh no she's not no oh maybe the code is broken beyond repair it's it's not your problem you should go stop ending would i say no uh we're only gonna get so far if i keep causing so many problems all right all right is she back in the character folder admin why yes she is see i'll even double check there she is natsuki's right there yay so if i try to run the script again uh here we go hidden your choice renpi that fixed it what is the hidden your choice uh hold up hold up like the view hidden items are on so can i look that up your ch choice no it's not there i don't see it okay so that's not there interesting okay so let's just go back to the game then well there's a whole script here but i can't actually see inside it even if we don't know what's going to happen let's hope for the best i've done all that i can it's up to you now admin all right thank you sayori very cool restore hidden killer gosh dang it wait we're not better off than before i'm sorry admin it looks like we're going to get the ending that broke the game again uh yeah poor natsuki we could have saved her but we failed i i i'll let you go now how many endings are just them being sad and being like oh yes game over how many endings do i have to get oh my gosh it's so funny it looks like we're gonna get the ending we got before no not this time huh no you're right it looks like we're gonna get the ending we got before yeah yep you should go away the end changes my mind no way you're right it'll be fine you're noodle boy in this reality we're staying with our original plan since having killer.char will in the code will cause errors so when the game looks to you for answers on which path to choose you could steer noodle boy towards the one that will have a good result we can save her you're a good friend admin thank you for being here for us you're welcome sayori what can i say except you're welcome sayori stands up and hovers by the door i should really begin the next book of the markov series yuri joins her at the at the door giving a shy smile but we'll all be together tomorrow right natsuki has gathered all my dvds into her lap and is looking at me with bright eyes right have a safe journey home you two i watch them leave and listen as they talk between themselves before the front door closes natsuki and i are alone again today's been really fun she suddenly sighs as though something has just occurred to her but i should leave too we can totally meet up tomorrow though right uh i have a feeling that something terrible will happen totally see you tomorrow noodle boy as natsuki leaves i feel a wave of nausea pass over me my heart sinks as i recall the bruises on her arms the fear in her eyes i hope she'll be okay are you serious it's gonna take me back to the main menu again i'm trying to get every choice here guys so every single time you make the wrong choice the game just ends and you die okay that's good to know all right natsuki are you ready to have a sleepover with me a boy a male of the opposite gender hopefully we won't have any lewd foot tickling sleepover i can't my dad will eat me kill me uh boil me cut me into pieces it's his last resort he can't do anything to harm you if you're here with me i know you don't want to get i know you don't want me to get involved but i want to help you i'm here for you and if anything happened to you i wouldn't forgive myself so please tell me the truth you know you can trust me sookie who is a dummy like me going to tell i try to ease her nerves with a joke but she's tense and uneasy i won't pretend to know what you're going through but you can talk to me i do know that it's scary to add to admit when someone is hurting you because you think they'll become worse i promise hand on heart that if you chose to confide in me i'll do everything i can to help you you don't have to but the offer is there okay finally she looks at me again her eyes filling with tears little boy i'm so hungry i'm terrified of my dad he hates me because i beat him at mario kart he's always shouting when he loses and he gets angry and then he hits me with a red shell he he always never feeds me the bananas that's why i'm so small and play the smaller characters i pull natsuki into my arms with my arms and hold her against my beating heart nothing i do makes him happy except she stops and i begin to softly stroke her hair staying silent ugh she gives him foot rubs it's so gross anything i say might cause her to change her mind and i'm finally hearing the truth he makes me sleep in his bed her voice fades to nearly a whisper and we don't sleep ah they play board games it's you know i love it when daughters and fathers bond does she mean i glanced down and natsuki with a question in my eyes and she nods sadly it's so disturbing i hate that i hate that so much a thousand images flood through my mind my first intention is to beat the son of a biscuit to death but that wouldn't do any good calming my thoughts and easing my anger i realize she's trying to wriggle out of my arms i release her and sink down on my bed so you know everything she wipes her tears away and staring at me what happens now it's up to me to change this go in for the kill inform the police i'm gonna try informing the police and see what happens i'm going to inform the police i know you said he's an officer but he has to answer to someone higher right i guess so we go to a higher authority and tell them that they've got a crooked cop in the force would you be willing to show your bruises and give a statement i'll be with you as long as you want me to want me here her bruises aren't visible yeah you literally just told me that monica's hiding her bruises what on earth that won't work then let's call them and see what they have to say i dial the number away anxiously as it connects my gaze flicking to natsuki who is now by my side a friendly voice answers after a few minutes of ringing and i begin to explain the situation a few hours later once everything has been checked and rechecked and notes by the officers that came but came to my home we decided to take a trip to natsuki street she's highly reluctant at first terrified that there won't be enough evidence to convict her father but as we arrive we find the door beaten down and a barrage of police escorting that man out of the house in handcuffs they're having to shout over his cussing from where we're stood we could clearly hear the charges what a loser uh we are arresting you on the suspicion of grievously bodily harm and rape you do not have to say anything but it may harm you but it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court anything you do say may be given in evidence i gently hold natsuki close as we watch in silence and she cuddles into my side that was a little bit odd way to read someone's rights but okay as natsuki's father is pushed into the police car she turns away from the scene and smiles faintly at me that was really brave of you little boy i'm glad i told you i smiled gently in return not wanting to spoil the moment it'll go to court until i need to testify against him but for now it's over i'm just happy you're safe suki now he's in prison he can't hurt you anymore and you can come and live with me for as long as you want me really thank you so much for playing my game since we're speaking in different languages uh i don't speak italian jay tommy noodle boy why are you looking at me like that i grinned and blushed softly though i'd have thought she'd go for a japanese i have no idea what that meant i'm not flu i'm not so fluent in french sookie giving that sookie a teasing smile i gently prompt her and pop and she pouts uh i um i love you little boy i oh i love you more now that we're done being all sappy shouldn't we go home and get something to eat right you're probably starving how does pizza sound i can't cook to save my life i'll make us something if you want or pizza does sound good why doesn't anybody ever get chinese food all snuggled up watching supan inu yeah then what are we waiting for beaming at natsuki with my laser eyes to take her hand in mine and she threads our fingers as we walk back to my home behind bars ending i guess the end he's in jail i've never actually played this ending so interesting all right i'm gonna go back and um try the other ending and the other choices towards the beginning of the game so please give me a moment so there's this scene where you can say spend time with you i don't care about natsuki or you could say save natsuki so if you click spend time with you i don't care about natsuki i wonder what happens if you continue to stay with monica i knew you'd feel the same way as i do it's not like the others are real anyway alright so i'm gonna fast forward to the next scene where i get to prove to monica that i love her all right so there's also a point in the game where you can have natsuki write a romantic poem or a platonic poem i wonder what the romantic poem was i decided on a romantic poem if i'm not honest with my feelings i could lose him setting the notepad on my lap i begin to write letting emotion flow chemistry chemistry look across a concoction of emotions bubbling deep inside the elixirs the elixir of feelings building up your eyes meet that's when the fusion causes the reaction and only the fraction of a millisecond that's all it takes fizzing and sparking corrosive and dangerous sweet scented and mild brave and courageous then comes the color soaking through your delicate complexion staining you you look away the liquids inside beating your heart and no way to hide the blush feeling the rush of chemicals through your blood intoxicated mesmerized you're determined to carry on bury your head back in that book completely focus until the next look i think i like the other poem a little bit better than that one jesus looks like something get yuri is dead wow i forgot about that part oh yeah yuri's dead it doesn't sound like my style noodle boy will be expecting something cute i screw up the i screw up the paper and stuff it in my pocket growling under my breath then i tear off another sheet right whatever comes to mind oh okay so this is different when the sea is green i stood on a beach the other day watching the gentle ocean play and as it lapped and softer zoo azur i feel i felt it smile upon the shore when the sea is blue it's pure and true doing what it's expected to do don't hate me i'm not being mean but i prefer it when the sea is green when the sea is green the plants below have been torn up to join the show when the sea is green i wait in there and put some seaweed on my hair maybe it sounds silly to you but i want to join and be green too the color of luck spring and rebirth the color of everything good on this earth it's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen i'm truly at peace when the sea is green that's better i liked it better than the other one well it's heartfelt i'll show this one to noodleboy having picked a poem i'll leave the courtyard and walk back to the front of the school heading inside interesting noodle boys point of view hey there i missed you whatever i suppose we should share poems now natsuki shoves her poem towards me acting as though it was a huge bother for her to write one as i read through it i find myself staring at her over the page she writes so passionately and honestly it's it's a total contrast to her persona why are you looking at me like that do you hate it of course i don't hate it green is my favorite color too that's kind of funny because in real life green is my actual favorite color i like that you don't have to lie it won't change anything do you really think i'm that shallow not at all i'm being honest well of course you are my poetry is the best thanks noodle boy it's not easy sharing poetry but it makes me happy you like it it makes me happy you like me there's something i've been meaning okay everyone now that we're done sharing poems it's time to pack up for the day we didn't really get a chance to share poems it was more of a trade i never got to read sayori's poem and neither did natsuki going to get sayori i see that she's buried in a book with puppies in the in a basket on the cover she doesn't look up not at me natsuki or monica i really hate how a lot of mods make zayuri seem absolutely clueless and then when she does a serious thing it doesn't really seem backed up by her whole i'm an airhead persona i don't know sayori are you with us natsuki raises an eyebrow and walks over to sayori gently flicking her forehead cereal looks up and realizes we're all staring at her and jumps out of her seat oh sorry i got distracted i was just saying it's time for the leave for the day did we all enjoy sharing poems little boy and me didn't get a chance to share we're walking home together again right you can show me on the way yay well it's saturday tomorrow i still have natsuki's number from the festival so i'm going to arrange that we meet up over the weekend grabbing my bag from my seat i joined sarah at the door and we leave the school i'm looking forward to spending saturday with natsuki i wonder what will happen they're gonna play checkers so that's how that scene went we've already seen the whole saturday moment with natsuki so let's just skip to the choice so there's the point in the scene where you get to either kiss natsuki and why da monica or back off and in the main let's play i did earlier in the video i lied to monica so let's see what happens when we back off and don't do anything i pull away i get i pull away deciding against kissing her i have too much to lose do i have to do everything myself dummy fine she tangles her slender fingers and my hair lightly tugs it pressing her lips to mine i feel heat flooding my face my heart pounding is this really happening her breathing is deep and slow but her own heartbeat is just as rapid as my own finally she releases me now try not to faint sookie rather than move away she nestles herself into my chest and closes her eyes her cheeks are stained with rose as she wraps her arms around my waist she looks so peaceful i want to stay like this forever a soft but urgent knocking startles me i leave natsuki in the kitchen and go and answer it noodle boy what are you doing alright so that's what happens when you decide to let her kiss you monica it seems all that monica's chosen to pay me a visit now or at least at all really she said that she'd be at school all day preparing the club room or something come to think of it she shouldn't actually know where i live needle boy you seem flustered am i interrupting something not at all did you need something or i can shut the door or can i shut the door and get back to natsuki actually i do before you see natsuki again you need to know why she might be acting a bit odd around you please don't take this lightly it's not something i wanted to tell you but little boy hurry up i'm about to start making cookies and you need to come choose what kind natsuki calls me from the kitchen and monica's voice changes she sounds a little annoyed so that's why you look so ruffled we could talk another time you should just get back to her monica closes the door in my face and i blank twice and then head back to the kitchen so did that even matter at all oh okay never mind it i guess it did matter ah admin before you join noodle boy in the kitchen can i steal a moment of your time i know it's been i know it's a bit confusing but i'm sure you're ing now it's a real shame admin you lied you said you were here for me well i okay so i guess i don't really get a choice for monica that's kind of sad i was i was wondering if there was going to be a monika ending but i guess not all right all right so there's this choice where it says will you help us take control of the story by sayori i'm going to click now and see what happens nah i don't want to then you'll do more harm than monica can get by admin [Laughter] there's so many of these weird endings where you can just totally screw the characters over and it's so odd i really would have liked it if there was an inserted ending with monica i don't know maybe i can't remember if i was in the original version or not i don't think it was so anyways let's go back and get the final ending where you could choose to kill natsuki's dad [Music] oh my save files are gone that's disappointing okay oh yeah i can tell monica i want to save natsuki let's tell monica we want to save natsuki oh you do i rushed you into that decision didn't i that must be why you made the wrong choice oh jeez i'm sorry i'm super sorry i'm pretty awful huh i'm not judging you on your choice so don't worry you just picked the first one you saw i must have panicked you i'll ask you again okay take your time admin you need to pick the answer you really want spend time with you i don't care about natsuki so what do you want to do admin it's not like the others are real anyway all right so that was a little funny tidbit um then it goes back to monica monica's whole mess we've already seen that alright so let's continue right gamers we gotta go in for the kill and execute natsuki's dad are you ready kill him i am all right we're gonna go in for the kill wait here okay i'm going to fix this okay what does she think he's gonna do stay safe needle boy and as always you stay safe too natsuki i stand up leave my room and head downstairs into my kitchen oh boy rooting through the drawers i locate the biggest knife i own and slip it into my bag just calling the police isn't enough ah yes murder murder is good he's done too much to be let off with just a jail time i'm taking matters into my own hands as i make my way outside i begin to plan my course of action he's probably much older than me so he'll move slower i won't even let him know i'm coming the element of surprise will be on my side oh boy here we go gamers i make my way to natsuki's house and knock on the door yes his eyes match natsuki's but i'd be better to make sure before i attack are you natsuki's father yes who's asking he doesn't get the chance to utter another word as i pull the knife from my bag and plunge it into his chest oh my gosh a look of surprise flicker is in his expression as he staggers backwards my chest ouch oofies i got stabbed keeping him impaled i stormed forwards forcing him into the house with every step oh boy finally stopping i bury the point of the knife into the wall and han the handle pressed right against his chest you corrupted an innocent girl you violated her you made her petrified even be alive i glared him twisting the knife in the wound how does it feel who are you i'm batman i pull the knife loose and stab him again blood soaking my clothes answer me i can see the regret in his eyes but it's only because he got caught scared he mutters coughing up a lung full of crimson so you should be i don't even know your name but but i know that you're beyond scum you've damaged a beautiful soul his gaze locks on mine the smirk plays across his lips i've broken a useless toy a red mist descends over my vision as the most heinous of anger overtakes me yanking the blade from his chest i jam it into his neck and begin sawing at the bone there i don't stop until there's hollow thud and his head hits the floor breathing deeply i step back my palms sweating heart pounding and mouth dry i just killed someone how can i live myself after this with trembling hands i turned the knife on myself oh hey remember okay monica finally steps in because i was about to be like how on earth does the other ending work i mean wouldn't monica do something the other ending kind of totally forgets about monica and it's a little weird huh i blinked twice finding myself elena natsuki's house how did i get here noodle boy the police have arrested natsuki's father you should get back to her oh wait no never mind say rebound monica i totally forgot about that and um she probably erased noodle boy's memory because she doesn't want him traumatized about killing somebody she's waiting for you without a word i not gently and leave the house still feeling a little confused i find natsuki waiting outside for me smiling warmly little boy i called the cops and your father and they've arrested him it's over natsuki snuggles into me cuddling me tightly as tears of relief strained down her face that was so brave so brave of you little boy i'm glad i told you i'm just happy you're safe suki now he's in prison he can't hurt you anymore and you can come and live with me for as long as you want mikasa is you casa really thank you so much since we're speaking in different languages oh boy oh hey it's monica finally monica steps in oh my gosh hmm let me see oh so you did the good ending first why'd you come back to finish him off did the bloodlust get to you in the end no i mean i'm just more of a completionist or you just want to see both endings that is correct i'll tell you a secret you made exactly the same choice when you called the police sayori fabricated this that spiel where he got arrested you actually grabbed the knife and hunted him down but in this end you got to see what you really did and the other ending you were inside the story her denial became your reality either way you're a murderer just like you but i'll let you go now and i'll be back we both will try in the try it the other way the results the same i'll reset it for you oh boy try it the other way hey monica you look beautiful so before i end this little bit of the first part of behind closed doors i'm gonna go back and see if i trying it the other way leads me to any new dialogue after completing this ending and if not then i'll talk about stuff i just played alrighty so that's it for behind closed doors one um i'm gonna talk about this a little bit i didn't like how monica seemed to be completely bound and literally just oh hey she's disposed of she can't do anything now but then somehow in the end she talks to you and ridicules you for being a murderer and another thing the whole part about sayori fabricating and covering up that you did the murder in either in either ending seems a little bit bad like on her part like that's kind of bad i don't know the whole game the pacing was kind of off it felt a little weird and jumbled in most parts a majority of the choices don't actually even really matter if you make the choice it just ends the game and overall it's just i'd say it's kind of just like a confusing fan fiction i mean it's not terrible but it's not necessarily great either so that's the whole um that's the whole thing of behind closed doors one let's move on to behind closed doors too so here we go i'm oh boy let's see how this goes from here on out [Music] you
Channel: Spaghetto
Views: 862
Rating: 4.9398499 out of 5
Keywords: ddlc mod, natsuki mod, spaghetto, spaghetto ddlc, natsuki death, new ending, saving natsuki, bcd, behind closed doors, doki doki literature club, doki doki exit music, doki doki blue skies, yuri, sayori, monika, Natsuki's dad, monika meets monika, two natsuki's, the bike, ronald mconepunch, drechenaux, natsuki kidnaps mc, full game, mod download, anime, visual novel
Id: X0FDyt1jkRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 57sec (7257 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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