Guide to the Outer Planes | D&D Planescape

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there are many planes of existence in dnd first off there's the prime material plane which is where you're most likely to start any given dnd campaign and where you'll probably spend most of your time this is the plane that consists of the material universe in the planescape setting the prime material plane isn't exactly just one universe it's a collection of worlds possibly infinite each encased in its own bubble called a crystal sphere these worlds might just be a single planets or they might be solar systems or they might be full on universes but they're usually not bigger than solar systems what connects these world bubbles together is called the phlogiston it's like a cosmic river then there are the inner planes they're called the inner planes because the planescape setting uses the great wheel cosmology where they're inner with respect to the outer planes and because the name conveys the plane's central role in providing the raw stuff that nurtures the multiverse's existence but really i like to think of the inner planes as not only being inner with respect to the outer planes but being inside the prime material plane imagine the great wheel cosmology map except instead of a circle it's a sphere the prime material plane is the central sphere the inner planes are inside it and the outer planes are outside it the inner planes are elemental planes there's fire air earth water and positive energy and negative energy and then para elemental and quasi-elemental planes for these major elemental planes meet such as the quasi-elemental plane of ash the quasi-elemental plane of steam and so on and the third type of plane the topic of this video are the outer planes whereas the material plane is more or less bound by the laws of nature and the inner planes or places ruled by pure elemental energy the outer planes are defined and actually shaped by morality and philosophy then there are also the go-between planes the ethereal plane and the astral plane these planes touch every place in the prime material plane and i call them go between planes because they can act as pathways between the three main types of planes the ethereal plane connects the prime material plane to the inner planes and the astral plane connects the prime material plane to the outer planes which i think makes my sphere adaptation of the great wheel cosmology make more sense the ethereal plane would be like a liquid that encases and connects both the inner and prime material planes and the astral plane is a different sort of liquid that encases and connects the prime material planes in the outer planes as i said before the outer planes are defined by morality there are 17 possible alignments on the dnd alignment charge and there are 17 outer planes one for each when someone from the prime material plane dies their soul gets sent to the outer plane that most matches their alignment or to the plane where their patron deity resides where they become what's called a petitioner so the outer planes are afterlives but they're not your typical afterlives and in fact they're more than just afterlives in the real world people who imagine the afterlife to exist think of it as a place that is truly only an afterlife you go there once you're dead and not before but in dnd there are all sorts of ways you can travel to the outer planes when you're still alive not just by using the astral plane there are portals astral conduits spells like plane shift or magic items like cubic gates and so on though just like your typical afterlife the outer planes are the homes of the gods an advantage the outer planes have over real world conceptions of the afterlife is that while neither makes any sense the outer planes don't actually have to make any sense because they're not trying to be anything more than fiction and the outer planes differ from our typical conceptions of the afterlife due to the fact that your life there is not actually eternal you don't live forever once your soul goes for the outer planes you only live until you're killed so it's more like a second life but another thing that makes the outer planes not quite equivalent to how we might normally think of an afterlife is that they're worlds of their own they're populated with their own inhabitants that were born there and never existed in the prime material plane at all those who are born on the plains are known as planers like demons from the abyss devils from the nine hills of baytor and modrons for mechanisms and maybe you have a different way of pronouncing baitur like baitur or baat or but i like baitur the best but in addition to these races there are also humans and elves and such too just being born and raised on an outer plane is enough to make you a planer the visitors from the prime material plane such as adventurers like yourself are called primes outsiders or the clueless those who die and are sent to one of the outer planes are called petitioners petitioners don't ordinarily retain the memories of their past lives and if they die again they die for real at least usually petitioners typically begin their afterlives with a pretty lowly status and hope to work their way up the ranks of their new home plane then there are the proxies proxies are primes planers or petitioners i know it's a lot of peas who have been granted powers by the deities of their plane in exchange for their service the final type of creature to be found in the outer plains are called powers they are the gods that rule over the plains they get their strength from their worshipers in the prime material plan but don't get the impression that there's only one power per plane the planes are basically infinite and there are many layers and realms within each plane and even then there are often many gods that inhabit the same layer or realm layers and realms aren't interchangeable terms layers and realms are distinct regions of a plane almost like universes of their own with different laws of physics often but not always requiring portals to get from one to another think of layers as the bigger category and realms as the smaller there can be many layers in a plane and many realms in a layer or even realms that aren't quite in a layer but are too small to be called a layer of their own like on mechanus just like the rule of threes and the center of all the unity of rings is an important rule in the planescape setting all things come in rings there is no beginning or end sigl is a ring the outlands are many rings and the outer planes themselves form a ring and connecting the outer planes is the great road which is the band of that ring and all the planes are its gemstones the great road isn't a real road though it's a collection of portals each plane contains portals that lead to the two planes next to it so that you could walk through them all in a circle ending up in the same spot where you began although that might take several lifetimes the outer planes take much of their inspiration from the world's mythologies such as ancient greek norse judeo-christian chinese celtic egyptian babylonian hindu and so on elements of the afterlives of all these mythologies can be found here plus afterlives for each of the races of dnd such as dwarves gnomes halflings elves orcs goblins illithids beholders and everything else but in the outer plains these mythologies are mashed up mixed together and spread all around all the norse gods aren't found in one particular place as you might expect them to be but rather they're spread out through much of the outer planes loki is in pandemonium the norens are in the outlands and hell is in the grey waste which is the same place hades of the greek pantheon is yggdrasil mount olympus and the river styx spans several of the outer planes but while there is much taken from real world mythology i think you'll find a lot of originality here too each faction of sigel has a plane of primary influence where more often than not they make their bases not counting the bases that they already have within sigel most of the factions choose to make their home away from sigel on an outer plane though the athar the believers of the source the doomguard and the dustman don't the athar prefer the astral plane where they point to the corpses of gods as proof of their claims that the gods aren't truly gods the believers of the source use the ethereal plane where demiplanes are shaped by the will of powerful wizards as evidence of their beliefs the doomguard have bases on each of the negative energy quasiplanes as the negative energy plane represents the doomguard's idea of the ultimate fate of the multiverse and the dustmen have managed to actually build a citadel on the negative energy plane itself there are 17 outer planes seven of the planes are evil seven are good seven are lawful seven are chaotic and one is none of the above the planescape campaign setting book separates these into three main groups as befitting the rule of threes the upper planes of good the lower planes of evil and the boundary planes of neutrality but the accessory planescape books divide them into three groups based on the lawful chaotic axis the planes of law the planes of chaos and the planes of conflict but i'm gonna go through the planes in a circle starting with the top i will warn you there are a lot of strange names that i had to rely on my instincts for how to pronounce them properly i'm sure there is a proper guide of pronunciation somewhere but don't hate me if i pronounce them a different way than you would these are just how i think they sound best elysium is also known as the blessed fields the restful plane or the land of the thoughtless its alignment is neutral good it's the plane of peace and unadulterated goodness it's a land of fertile richness and unsurpassed natural beauty there are four layers in elysium the first is called amoria amoria is an untroubled land of woodland and meadow the headquarters of the transcendent order is located here the second layer is aronia it's a mountainous zone where the river oceanis tumbles off into many waterfalls balerine is the third layer it's a pleasant marsh completely free of disease and annoying insects the fourth layer is called thalassia the great river oceanis which connects the upper plains elysium the beastlands and arboria has its source here thalassia is a seed dotted with islands and filled with sea gods by topia also called twin paradises is neutral good slash lawful good it's an industrious plane where people value honest work and leave each other in peace its environment is that of mountains forests meadows and streams but the thing that makes it different is that its two layers are smooshed right on top of each other if you look up you'll see the upside down surface of the other layer great mountain columns connect the two layers and gravity reverses once you reach the halfway point between them the first layer is called dothion it's mostly comprised of forests and fields filled with hunters farmers fishermen and traders a good deal of gnomes live in bitopia especially in dothian where the gnomish pantheon resides the other layer is called shirak this layer is more rough and mountainous and the residents here take up such professions as mining smelting and crafting mount celestia is sometimes called the seven heavens or the seven mountains of goodness and law and as that name would suggest it's the plane of lawful good mount celestia is a giant mountain set amidst an endless ocean just like in bytopia but unlike many other outer planes you can actually see the other layers of mount celestia each layer is higher and higher up the mountain the first layer is lunia the silver heaven it's a land set in an eternal pleasant summer's night this layer is where the base of the mountain meets the silver sea which itself is a sweet tasting holy water the second layer is mercuria the golden heaven this layer is bathed in golden light and it's where archons train for battle the third layer is venia the pearly heaven where the first layer is a moonlit knight and the second layer is a golden glow venia is a soft white light this is where many halflings go when they die into halflings it's known as the green fields the fourth layer is solania the electrum heaven here the sky becomes silver and the land is rugged with impressive canyons and crashing rivers it contains deep tunnels in the mountain where can be found the soulforge the realm of mordan dwarf father chief god of the dwarven pantheon the fifth layer is mertian the platinum heaven this layer burns with an even brighter silver than the last layer and is home to petitioners who were paladins in their previous lives the sixth layer is jovar the glittering heaven the peak of the great mountain is here and the sky is the color of a multitude of glittering gems atop the peak is a ziggurat that leads to the seventh and final layer of mount celestia which is called croneus the illuminated heaven so few are given access to this layer that the descriptions of it are shrouded in mystery furthermore this layer burns out all indifference in evil and those who do gain access to the highest heaven are said to merge into the very essence of the plane losing their individual selves to the glory of all arcadia is known as the land of perfect order the plane of peaceable kingdoms and sometimes the land of perfect good though that name is hardly true arcadia's alignment is lawful neutral lawful good it's a peaceful world of woodlands and kingdoms where all live in harmony though its woods are grown in such an orderly fashion that they're perhaps more accurately called orchards the grass only grows so high the towns are laid out in neat squares and all things are ordered and perfect on top of arcadia's tallest peak is the orb of night and day one half of the orb emits starry darkness while the other emits gleaming sunshine and this orb revolves in a perfect 24-hour day with no dusk and no dawn the goal of arcadia is organization for the common good there were originally three layers of arcadia but one of them has since merged with mechanus when its ideals veered further into lawfulness and away from goodness philosophy is much more important in the planescape setting than in other d d settings because the ideologies of the inhabitants of the outer planes actually dictate what the outer planes look like how they work and where they are what you believe in has a direct influence on the multiverse if enough folks in a town hold a belief contrary to the rest of the plane that town's going to drift away to another plane slipping from the grasp of one reality to join another and this is exactly what happened to arcadia's third layer the first layer is a mostly flat region called abelio the second layer buxinus or maybe buxonis is similar to the first except for its more militaristic and at times almost sinister cult-like vibes mostly due to the fact that the fanatic harmonium make their base here and the third layer is named mnemosis also sometimes called monasis but that is now a cog and mechanism because of the harmonium's interference and some worry that the same thing is going to happen to the second layer petitioners on arcadia are extremely hostile to evil and have the ability to know someone's alignment at will mechanus is the land of the modrons mechanical constructs who operate as a clockwork collective technically the land of the modrons is only one of the layers of mechanism called regulus but it's the biggest and most important layer not many petitioners end up in regulus but those who do were dedicated to utter and absolute order in their past lives moderns are divided into 14 castes and the ruler of the modrons is known as primus the 1 and the prime this chart describes the names in the functions of the fourteen cast of modern society the monodrones obey the will of the duo drones and cannot even conceive of the existence of the tridrones and on and on it goes up to the top of modern society where only the four members of the highest modern caste know of the existence of the primus and as you go up the cast the moderns become less mechanical and more biological if any modern dies the nearest modron from the next lowest cast gets automatically promoted to take its place and so on until you reach the bottom cast where a monodrone will create a new monodrome by a type of mechanical mitosis but that's enough about modrons mechanus is a plane of giant cogs that hover in space it's lawful neutral meaning the only thing mechanist cares about is order supposedly mechanist has many layers but regulus is the only one of them that's named not counting the mouses that used to be in arcadia but there are a lot of realms though such as anu the realm of the babylonian god of the same name as much as it might not seem like it should be at least to me mechanus is also called nirvana maybe this is because of the existence of the jade palace the realm of shangti the celestial emperor he is the jade emperor the first god and chinese myth the fraternity of order has their headquarters in one of mechanisms realms called the fortress of disciplined enlightenment mechanus is also called the clockwork universe because of its rotating interlocking cogs some cogs are barely the size of a small island while others are hundreds of miles across clusters of cogs are usually all one layer and each cog is often its own realm acheron the infernal battlefield it's the lawful neutral slash lawful evil plane a plane of constant pointless war where identity is forever lost in acheron conformity is more important than good which often causes a great amount of random cruelty the mercy killers make their base here acheron is a plane of blocks the size of cities and kingdoms drifting endlessly through space gravity in acheron always points toward the center of these objects meaning any side of these gargantuan blocks can be walked or built on the petitioners that end up here are warriors lost to the joy of battle and saviors who forgot their cause acheron has four layers avalas feldenin tintibulus and ocanthus avalos is the battlefield of acheron where armies wage war upon each other and soldiers are recruited for the endless blood war the chief deities of the orcs and the goblins make their home here feldenin contains the wreckages of countless ships and war machines where patrols from avalask come to forage for scraps tintibulus is barren and lifeless filled with colliding stone ocanthus is also inhospitable due to the fact that it's made up of a multitude of razor thin plates that act as vorpal blades meaning they decapitate on critical hits baitor is the plane of lawful evil it's got a lot of names the nine hells the nine hills of baytor the pit of darkness and the stinking mire it's a land of oppression torment and diabolical plots overall not a great place to visit there are nine layers of baytor avernus dis mineros flagathos stygia malbulge maladamini kenia and nessus avernus is a rocky wasteland with a dark red sky the river sticks flowing throughout this is the second layer but the most prominent aspect of this lair is its city also named dis the iron city of dis is a sprawling horrible place where the streets echo with cries of agony mineros or perhaps pronounced menoros is the layer of greed is a disease-infested bog of sharp hail and volcanic ridges flagethos is the layer of fire a visitor there could hardly tell the difference between being there and being in the elemental plane of fire except the devils of course it's chock full of volcanoes and rivers of liquid fire the next layer is stygia it stands in stark contrast flagethos as it's the layer of ice the sky is lit by tumultuous blast of lightning and just about the only non-frozen water to be found here is the river styx which will make you forget everything you know if you touch it malbulge what a horrible name is the layer of dangerous rock falls in dark tunnels where the sky burns with red steam mallow dimini is a layer of ruins mind pits and slag heaps under a blood black sky kenia just like stygia is a layer of ice except it's worse full of colliding icebergs jagged mountains and howling winds being here in non-magical clothing will freeze you to death within minutes and the ninth hell of baytor is known as nessus this is the deepest pit a land of extremes the coldest cold the hottest fires and the steepest cliffs baytor is home to the batezu devils that exist in a rigid hierarchy shifting physical shape as they climb up the ranks they endlessly torture the petitioners that end up here the bates you form one side of the eternal blood war a battle between lawful evil and chaotic evil over who gets control of the lower planes the tanari form the other side batesu the devils are beings of lawful evil while tanari demons are beings of chaotic evil both demons and devils are types of fiends which is simply the name for evil beings from the lower plains over the eons of killing each other the demons from the abyss and the devils from baytor needed a way to create more troops when you die on the prime material plane and get sent to either baytor or the abyss you're reborn as a larva or a mane respectively to be beaten and tortured by your fiend masters but in time your hope is to rise up and become a fiend yourself and when that time comes you get pulled into the blood war as fresh meat because of this ever-presence demand for troops demons and devils have since started spending their time trying to turn mortals evil so that they may die and be reshaped into soldiers for the eternal blood war gehenna is also called the plane of bleak eternity or the four fold furnaces it's neutral evil lawful evil gehenna is a volcanic realm of evil schemes and merciless cliffs here you can find double-sided mountains hovering in space spewing lava and deadly fumes into the air petitioners that end up here become greedy and require payment for everything there are four layers of gehenna each layer is also called a mountain colosse being the first it's a place of boiling waterfalls and glowing caverns just like in bator the river styx runs through here in fact the sticks connects all the lower planes acheron bator gehenna the grey waste carceri the abyss and pandemonium the second layer of gehenna is called kamada or chamata or shemara it's the most savage of the four filled with cascading rivers of lava poison vents and burning magma mongoth is the third layer it's a land of acidic snow and hardly any light crangath is the dead layer there are no fires here just blackness and ice the grey waste also known as hades is the neutral evil plane it's a land of evil and evil only the land is a dull gray the sky is a dull gray even the petitioners that end up here are a dull gray there's no color on the gray waist aside from grey once you step foot on the gray waist everything you own turns black white or gray here all emotion and compassion is drained away until only hopelessness selfishness and apathy remain as batesu and tanari meet and clash and the colorless expanse since the blood war is fought between lawful evil and chaotic evil over control of the lower planes the bulk of the bloodshed takes place right here in the grey waist situated right in the middle of bator in the abyss the gray waist has three layers called the three glooms the first layer is onos it's a layer of stunted trees disease and you guessed it depressing grayness this is the layer that serves as most of the battleground for the blood war niflheim is the second layer niflheim is a place of thick mists and gray pines home to hell of the norse pantheon one of the roots of igdrasil the world ash reaches here like oceanus and the river styx ygdrasil acts as a pathway between planes except yggdrasil is a tree rather than a river of course it's a sort of magical interdimensional tree that's a bit hard to think of as actually being a tree igdrasil connects niflheim to pandemonium to isguard it also reaches into elysium the beastlands limbo the outlands and the astral plane and the prime material plane as well to travel along yggdrasil you have to climb along the roots and branches and every so often the tree will disappear into a shimmering portal that leads to another plane pluton is the third layer of the grey waste a land of blackened dying trees ruled over by hades lord of the dead and here is found yet another interplanar pathway mount olympus the roots of mount olympus reach into kahana the grey waste and carcerai up into arboria the astral plane and into numerous worlds in the prime material plane to traverse the lower planes using mount olympus you have to find your way through a series of twisting caverns and for traversal in arboria the astroplane and the prime material plane you have to climb the slopes searching through rocks and woods for magic doorways carcerai or perhaps you'd like to call it carcery is also known as tartarus it's the plane of neutral evil chaotic evil liars cheats and traitors are imprisoned here by their own deceptions petitioners that end up here are ambitious cunning creatures incapable of telling the truth this is the revolutionary league's plane of primary influence carcerai has six layers one nested inside the other like russian dolls the first layer othris is home to the olympian titans othris used to be a part of arboria but when zeus and the greek pantheon overthrew the titans they cast off this lair intercarcera to become a prison othris is a place of boggs and quicksand with the river sticks running through it catharis is the second layer it's a poisonous jungle filled with plants that ooze flesh-eating acid minethus is a layer of sand and winds that will strip flesh down to the bone within a few hours colothus is a gigantic mountain with canyons that are miles deep where travel on foot is essentially impossible porphidus is a cold shallow ocean where the starving petitioners gather on tiny islands agathis is the coldest and final layer of karsurai where nothing lives except for half frozen petitioners the abyss is known as the plane of infinite layers because unlike all the other planes there is no end to the number of layers here well there might be a finite number of layers but no one has ever succeeded in counting them each layer is so horribly grotesque and dangerous that no one would ever want to see all of them let alone a single one of them it's the plane of chaotic evil described as evil lands of choking perversity in unpredictable horror charming the abyss is the homeland of the tanari the chaotic evil demons who are devoted to seizing everything they can for themselves and killing or enslaving everyone else just like in baytor the petitioners here hope to live through their constant torment to rise through the ranks to become powerful fiends themselves in order to inflict more cruelty on others some of the planes of the abyss have names the first layer is known as the plane of infinite portals or the plane of yawning pits it's a barren land baking beneath a giant red sun innumerable holes containing portals that plunge into the deeper layers and huge iron fortresses dot the landscape where the nine hells of baytor form an orderly descending cone the infinite layers of the abyss look more like a messy deck of cards the only unifying theme between all layers of the abyss is that they're all harsh and less than hospitable some are endless deserts of rust some are seas of acid some are freezing ice planes while others are networks of tunnels filled with eyes protruding from the walls pandemonium known as the plane of windswept depths is an infinite network of pitch-black catacombs with winds that drive men mad it's the plane of chaotic evil chaotic neutral it's the least inhabited of all the outer planes because it's the least hospitable it's not the hottest or the coldest plane and it's not the cruelest either but it is the loneliest and the most maddening the bleak cabal make their headquarters here pandemonium has four layers pandesmos cocketus flagathon and agathion pandezmos has the largest caverns and is the source of the river styx cockatus has smaller mysteriously hand-carved tunnels and it's known as the layer of lamentation for its piercing winds that sound like wailing screams flagathon is a layer of deep darkness and dripping water filled with stalagmites and stalactites a gatheon is a layer of holes in endless rock limbo is the plane of chaotic neutral it's known as the plane of ever-shifting chaos it's an alien anarchistic and unpredictable plane the chaos attacks make it their home due to their love of primal chaos some say limbo has layers some say it doesn't those who do claim it has layers say it has five each named after the inhabitants gith also called slaad sussinu agni indra and the layer of lost gods the disagreement about whether limbo has multiple layers is due to the fact that all the layers look the same a roiling soup of the elements bits and pieces of prime material terrain randomly distributed limbo responds to the will of its inhabitants if you concentrate hard enough you can form your own pocket realm here just like the plane itself the petitioners that find themselves here don't take on any permanent shape but rather change their bodies to suit their mood isguard also called asgard glad time or the heroic domains is chaotic neutral chaotic good it's the eternal battleground where true heroes prove their valor this whole plane is essentially one of norse mythology aside from a few realms here and there it's made up of immense rivers of earth flowing through the sky whose undersides give off a reddish glow these rivers crash into each other now and again producing mountains and gigantic earthquakes the petitioners that end up here are always ready for a fight and they have a unique benefit that petitioners of the other planes lack if they die in battle they rise again the next day this is the plane of primary influence for the faded faction isguard has three layers the first layer is also called isguard and it's the home of the norse pantheon the top of yggdrasil is located here this layer also contains gladsheim which is odin's feast hall valhalla odin's hall of heroes vanaheim home of the vanir who are basically lesser norse gods alfheim home of chaotic elven spirits and yachtenheim home of giants the second layer is muspelheim in muspelheim the giant chunks of rock float flaming side up and it's home to fire giants nirvelier is the third layer also called dark home its earth rivers are so densely jumbled together that it feels like a giant cavern system it's home to many dwarf and gnome petitioners arboria is the plane of chaotic good it's also known as arvendor olympus or the olympian glades it's a fey realm of passion abundance and nature's caprice it's got craggy mountains deep gorges forests of monstrously huge trees and vast stretches of fields and orchards the petitioners that end up here are full of passion always partying fighting singing drinking and presumably as one might expect from a place where so much is always happening the sensates make arborio their headquarters outside of sigel arborea has three layers the first is olympus mount olympus is its most prominent feature whose caverns extend into gehenna the grey waste incarcerate the elven pantheon is also on this layer the second layer is called assa but the elves call it aqualor it's a vast and shallow sea covered with islands the river oceanus flows here coming from elysium's lair of thalassia assa contains many portals that connect to other layers of arborea and giant maelstroms that will suck you into elysium the third layer is pellion also called methardier it's filled with white sand snow and ruins the beastlands also called the happy hunting grounds is the plane of idealized nature its alignment is neutral good chaotic good this plane has no cities no towns and no settlements because all the petitioners that end up here become wild talking animals the beastlands are a lush and savage land of all types of natural environments this plane has three layers the first is krigala where it's always noon it's home to savannas jungles deserts woodland and tundra and the river oceanis runs through here between elysium and arboria the sign of one has their citadel here the second layer is brock's where it's always twilight brux is cool and misty and just like kregala every type of terrain can be found here karasuthra is the layer of knights and glittering stars where daytime creatures fill crigala and crepuscular creatures fill brox karasutra is home to nocturnal animals the final outer plane is the outlands also known as the plane of concordant opposition it's the plane of true neutrality the plane between all other outer planes being committed to complete independence the free league have a lot of power here the outlands take the shape of a giant pancake except for the middle and the outlands are home to sigel which is located exactly in the middle of the plane atop a spire of infinite height this plane is divided into 10 layers each one a concentric ring as you progress through the layers toward the center magic works less and less the outermost layer is the thickest it's where most of the realms and gate towns are found gate towns are villages built around gates that lead to one of the other outer planes one town for each plane on this layer magic is mostly unaffected though some gate towns have distorted magical effects leaking in from the outer plane that they're associated with the next layer in is where your magic starts to not work all ninth level spells and spell-like abilities no longer function in the third layer it's 8th and 9th level spells the fourth layer is seventh level and up and so on until you get to the spire where no spells work but then inside the city of sigel magic works just fine except for planar travel spells because the lady of pain wants to have control over all of the ways in and out of sigel the trouble with these layers is there's no clear delineation between them the only way to know if you've entered a new layer is to try casting a spell and see if it still works the outlands are a popular place where lots of different types make their bases and petitioners of all planes can come at least in theory the petitioners of the outlands are odd creatures being true neutral you might expect them not to take sides or to remain uninvolved but that's not how they operate instead they keep track of their actions and feel a need to always balance things out if you need help doing something good they might help you but then they'll feel a compulsion to do something evil afterward so if a petitioner from the outlands randomly does something awful to you it's probably not personal they're just paying back the balance of course there's a lot more to the outer planes than that there are more realms i could have talked about more gods and notable inhabitants of the plains more details i could have gone on naming the first 400 layers of the abyss or described each of the gate towns of the outlands but i guess that's what a campaign book is for the planescape multiverse is basically infinite certainly bigger than any single video or dm could ever accurately capture so tell me your favorite aspect of the outer planes that i didn't mention down in the comments also tell me in the comments which of the outer planes you think is the coolest and remember don't be a burke thank you for watching this video and i'll see you next time
Channel: Wade Allen
Views: 231,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: planescape, outer planes, dungeons and dragons, sigil, outlands, abyss, baator, mount celestia, mechanus, limbo, elysium, bytopia, arcadia, acheron, gehenna, hades, gray waste, carceri, pandemonium, beastlands, ysgard, arborea, wade allen
Id: sKiG0H-As9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 22sec (2122 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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