D&D Story: The RAGE Cage

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this video is sponsored by Symphony of the sojourn by Rowan Alexandria Bennett so what happened last time we went to turn off the portal while avoiding emotions ran into four claimers who were not chill and had a lot of newly upgraded mix we had some drama or just fuckups then Arena charged in with the old Dragon to save the day or distract us long enough for a foreclaimer to grab sips and attempt a hostage situation which did not go great for anyone as we're all very hurt and tired then finally the for claimers just like casually drop godric wants to see you gotha dear soul and why is that because he wants you to watch watch what the extraction of the next son as they do where we respond we just talked to this guy like what 12 hours ago oh God all of this has happened in 12 hours yeah also why wait to extract the sun seems inefficient to me our emperor makes decisions on the best possible outcomes for the cause we are not worthy to question his actions our mission was to gather information then find you gotha di Soul thankfully you came to us always happy to help why does he want to see me though I thought I was defective worthless it seems he found a use for you lucky me just you though The Others May join but will become useful in other ways don't like that don't like that then I'll just go what no no no no no no do you not see the big red sign reading trap here if godric wanted me dead he would have ordered them to kill me which they were trying to do just your companions H thoughtful but this is how it's going to go I will go see God no way but but you will give me 24 hours before I see him we've had a long day you know how it is you are in no position to negotiate look either we kill you all right now and and it takes them 24 hours to find your bodies or you simply let me arrive there in 24 hours with your lives intact choose there's a pause as everyone feels themselves grip their weapons and grit their teeth very well 24 hours nothing more wouldn't dream of it with that the four claimers Retreat wow I forgot how intimidating you can be gothy collapses then everything goes dark gothy feels herself falling through nothing with a familiar sensation of numbness which is comforting but also lonely gothy finds herself in a room a sweet Breeze fills the air as she feels the numbness leave her and then just feels sore and has a wicked headache that's really not helping so you're awake I thought you might be dead I was thinking about what to do with your stuff what what about everyone else they're fine worried rightfully so seems like you need to take a break you've been doing too much I'll be fine I'm already feeling better you need to tend to your wounds a few health potions I didn't mean your body there's nothing to tend to and there's nothing worse than letting wounds faster especially old ones hey can we come in we here talking sure we're done anyway well okay no listen to the old ladies no more I guess these young kids with their fancy Mech dragons weird Magics if you die I get your stuff what was that about nothing important an how how are you feeling fine zanu you're walking yes sneeze helped me I'm now getting the hang of picking things up observe almost just a just give me a second oh okay so almost almost got it okay gothy you're not actually going to see godric right godric is bluffing about the extraction of the sun if not why not just take the sun right now he needs something something from me maybe but yeah all the reason not to go and what if he's not bluffing for claimers don't lie right no no no it's it's too risky he's unpredictable he could just kill you just cuz I'll be fine I I've gotten this far no okay okay what's the actual plan cuz you know no matter what we'll find a way to follow you right and I know gothy wouldn't do this unless there's a good reason fine but we're doing this my way so let me guess and go in there start blasting I do have a somewhat intact Dragon I can use the new spell I got it's a sandstorm that just like shreds people to nothing with sand we're going the non-evil route right guys look we aren't in a position to start breaking everything and saving these people what we're ready we got like a God and everything why not almost damn it just a feeling we need to gather information this way we can strike more precisely instead of our usual winging it it's worked so far has it I'll distract godric and see what I can gather where this Sund Doom device is and how to destroy it while you all are gathering information okay but if something goes sideways get out of there and if I don't see you in an hour I'm getting you fine fine it's a deal got it so here's the plan at night MSA will pose as a researcher coming in for research stuff that way group a can sneak in with her to the library to gain knowledge the where and hows to take down their main power supply defense shield things or whatever and the big old Sun extracting machine only one problem I don't have a power Crystal also I'm a Hunter not a researcher I don't have clearance unless you got researcher stuff what I just you know I pickpocketed him before he wandered off into the jungle all depressed and stuff or whatever it's a reflex okay just also Tada oh also from the depressed for clamor uh well it's not magical anymore so it's easy to mend and it's got illusion magic on it so you'll blend in you don't have to if you don't want to give it now they will ask me why I'm there so I need a good reason like a research reason maybe you found something or a creature you need to experiment on but a creature you'd actually have to be able to carry right so much rage so with all those pieces we can set off but first we do rest God damn it let us rest heading off we split up into group a and well gothy who enters first sips turns Arena and Jack invisible for about 10 minutes so we can enter no problem you start to arrive at the gates but hit a bit of a sag as we realize four climers don't wear glasses meaning we're going to have a blind guide well hey it's okay I could take msa's hand to be her guide if that's okay oh that's not I'm I'm not take it your skin is very sweaty it does that all the time I don't know I just I think it's so with our guide being guided we attempt to get in which goes witness him as best as you'd think entering the facility we are once again in awe of the architecture layers upon layers of research and knowledge as far as our eyes can see we hitch onto an elevator to arrive inside the heart of it all then the invisibility wears off so invisibility is a highle spell for me so you guys are just going to have to be less you and more stealthy oh please I'm like the epitome of stealth you literally leave glitter behind everywhere you go I'm trying to keep up an aesthetic uh let's just see where we're going first now MSA do you remember where the main power supply is like if there's a certain sign or or floor we need to get to H I've never been what what do you mean I kill things I'm a Hunter not much on reading oh my God we got the one for claimer that doesn't know it's fine that's fine I I know how to read for claimer and figure it out I thought the whole point of this plan was to not wing it well let me see we got history biology lemons that doesn't seem right no you are correct godric II had a thing for them we still don't know why to this day okay we we'll avoid that area oh they got a whole floor on rocks Jack you like rocks well not just rocks but the different tops or gemstones like Alexandra did you know that it changes color under different light sources it has to do with the light W Jack I like to kill things with rocks that's also a good use though if you wanted to use a rock for combat I recommend obsidian when it's fragmented it creates edges sharper than any of our man-made knives H release me from this new layer of hell I in So eventually we start making progress by finding Clues to the location of the main big old power source we navigate through aisles and corridors barely avoiding other for claimers in the process which we are not rolling great on stealth okay all right I am not getting captured and experimented on again that character Arc is done sips casts locate object on the four claimer power Crystal meaning within an 800t radius sips can sense and see them like he vision there that'll make our lives a lot hey MSA you said the four claimers all have one power Crystal right that all the power crystals are accounted for yes they are passed down through generation then why can I feel hundreds of them piled into a small space 800 ft below us like in a room no like a like a box that's not possible we don't have enough nor can we make new ones so they are what does that mean it means something's not right walking through the echoing hallways of godric's Palace gothy is escorted to a large meeting room but this one is different than before it's roof slightly slanted and screens lining the walls along with other technology it all looks so foreign yet familiar as a feeling of unwanted Nostalgia washes over gothy well godric I'm here unfortunately it looks like we'll have to wait on the sun extracting demonstration as nighttime isn't exactly ideal I prefer to wait as I have brought you here to talk I've thought of another [Music] question this video is sponsored by Symphony of the sojourn by Rowan Alexandria Bennett do you like words do you like lots of words inside of a thing then you will like book specifically Symphony of the so you're so pretty a fantasy book inspired by the good old chaos of a Homebrew 5e campaign so you know there's going to be good wild in here it got Pirates Wizards Rogues and a unique storytelling format Borrowed by the Canterbury Tales and Dan Simmons Hyperion I don't know what that is where each character tells their own story as part of a really large intertwining epic adventure as they all try to recall what the happened in the sojourn sea so if you'd like to experience more epic D and D Adventures but in book I strongly suggest you give Symphony of the sojourn a read today Link in the description down below oh also side thing we're opening up a purchasable personal shout outs on Fool's Gold Sands podcast this will be in a segment called coffee time where if you want our lovely voices to read out a message you wrote for your buddy or your Grandmama you can this is a first come first serve service thing and we do have some rules so go check out the details on our coffee page link down below also just side note thank you everybody who's been supporting the Sans podcast we're having a lot of fun and um thank you all and and uh yeah all right bye yeah
Channel: Dingo Doodles
Views: 241,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeons and dragons, dnd, storytime animation, storytime, animatic, animation, drama, comedy
Id: n3FK2eKmBqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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