D&D Story: Ep 21- Discovering Motives [Fool's Gold]

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more on that later honey are you okay okay so what happened last time some deep life talks learned a bit about sips's new powers along with some raccoon soul pushing what hey seeing the god-given gift that is vicki that's me arena found out her mom sold her soul to a good dragon because poor decisions that's really stupid mom then finally we had an intense fight with a wyvern where gothy almost died she then woke up to a scene of a very scared jack and a tree and a very murderous jawbone about to eat him because lying near him was the same wyvern but completely catatonic like its soul was pushed out of its own body by someone who would know soul magic [Music] which kathy was like because i'm starting to feel that someone hasn't been a hundred percent honest with me isn't that right jack white hold on a second how did the wyvern get like that jack what wait no ah because i only know two types of magic that can do that so either you're a necromancer or you've had a crystal shard this entire time what no i i don't know what happened well maybe jawbone eating a few toes might help your memory no i i panicked one moment it was gonna eat me the next it just dropped i i don't do you really expect me to believe that no i just jack it's happened before i don't know why or how but whenever i feel like i'm about to die things just drop like that i don't know if you should call me lucky or cursed but it freaks me out just as much as you so please i'm not your enemy i just need help [Music] help gothy rolls a sense motive and he's genuine we'll have to feed you something else archaeologists are too rubbery anyway gothy and jack sit around a small fire for an interrogation jack explains that this has happened before where he'd be in danger and the creature would just drop right in front of him like its soul was pushed out of its own body which really just sounds like soul magic zanu or someone possessing a crystal are the only ones who could do that and you're telling me you have no knowledge of ever having a crystal shard no you guys are the first people i knew who had one i'd read about something like zanu but i never knew there was something like that actually existing gothi stares intensely at jack and makes another high sense motive check and sees that he's not lying you see jack is not some big bad no it's something more complicated eizano how many crystal shards are left again five abby arena probably gothy where are the other two i sense one is on the other side of the portal lost when i was shattered as the portal closed the other is in that man that man jack now don't freak out i'm already kind of there but i i think you might have a crystal inside you what no way i call him yes he indeed possesses a piece inside him in his abdomen what wait how did he eat it okay i'm freaking out it's just a theory but by the evidence it seems likely that you obtained one without knowing it that doesn't seem possible it makes sense though you just used the soul magic subconsciously as a defense mechanism like a scorpion and its tail the crystal is just trying to keep its host alive but that also makes me wonder jack do you truly think that fire that drives you to open the portal is yours wait have you been controlling him no however that doesn't mean i haven't encouraged him encouraged him yeah okay so zano has the ability to essentially amplify somebody's sole desire if you really want to be a clown zanu can boost that desire to the point where that's all you want to do or think about it's like motivation on crack the fire that never goes out that's why jack always seems so underliningly evil where he'd do anything when it comes to foreclaimers and the portal but in reality you gave him an obsession obsession or passion the line is ever so thin they both reach his goal your goal we share the same outcome he wished to open the portal just like me that is not evil i kept him on track i helped helped are you able to manipulate me have any of my decisions been my own sips if i wanted to manipulate you we wouldn't be having this conversation jack's and your decisions are your own i am not your enemy sips i simply want help and to help you then prove it hmm we'll have to find a way to prove it i don't without pushing someone's soul out of their body yeah i i'd prefer that but for now i need time to think because it seems that you're most likely just an idiot not evil thank you we're still doing this but i'm not taking any chances with you jack try anything i don't like and well jabba will eat me got it well who knows maybe if you're right that means maybe the crystal shard really was just trying to help protecting me and all that yeah maybe sips i can help you control your wild magic how okay so sips's magic works like this sips cast a spell drawing from zanu's source of magic like a warlock then it moves throughout sips's body however when it reaches his soul slash cursed part in his body the magic gets messed up making it go wild the more the curse is covering sips's body the more the curse has the chance of messing with the magic aka the wild magic percentile that keeps going up however if zanu and sips work together while casting a spell and feels it going wild they might be able to concentrate together to stop it the two against one thing all they gotta do is practice well i'm not just gonna start casting spells to go wild that stuff don't mess around i could just explode and die impossible you are immortal what with a god in your mortal body you do not age and if you ever get close to death i will step in and prevent it no matter the cost wait so i can't die correct i am a mary sue however if i do need to step in there will be consequences uh-huh well all right i guess let's test out some wall magic so for the next week or so sips trains with zano and it goes alright is this supposed to hurt probably you know for a god sip succeeds his concentration check and stops the while magic surge from happening he loses his spell slot but nothing happens oh holy crap it worked i i did it however sips's victory is shortly lived as the fourth light shoots up into the sky four down one to go as the countdown continues whether he likes it or not we're running out of time you need to make a decision sips this is your chance to step beyond yourself and make a difference i said shut it second rule vicky time hey why so sad here have an apple vicky see better huh what is it it's just okay if you had the choice to wipe out an entire race of people that lacked the ability to feel empathy who tortured and tormented an artificial god over 2000 years ago would you do it even though it would be the next generation meaning these people had nothing to do with the previous atrocities but they might do it again who knows is that enough evidence to justify killing an entire race of people simply because they lack empathy yep what are they bad people they can be but they don't know how to be good it's just their nature well i'd want to protect people i love so i'd do it so you'd commit a genocide yep but i mean i'm like eight that doesn't no get out what hey why i need the cabin tonight wha why secret no coming until i tell you no peeking i don't know hey so oh i'm breaking back in okay sips turns invisible and just magics his way in vicky pulls out a bag and places it on the floor now our group's initial reaction was ah she gonna throw a surprise party for her monkey friend yay until she pulled out the crowbar uh am i about to get robbed by a little girl she then turns and moves one of the rugs exposing the bare floorboards which she lifts up using her crowbar revealing metal anchors huh vicky then pulls out from her bag big iron chains wait never mind i'm gonna get murdered by a little girl she secures the chains to the anchors then shackles herself to them and just waits for something she looks determined and steady but then she has a small look of fear as she glances towards the window and the full moon rises suddenly vicky's body lurches forward a look of pain shoots across her face and sips watches as she transforms into something unnatural black fur large teeth and sharp deadly claws a werewolf sips turns off his invisibility which instantly causes vicky's feral instincts to kick in and she jumps towards sips to attack but is stopped by the chains holding her back and sips is face to face with this small scared and angry werewolf it appears that she's cursed that's that's why my touch curse didn't work on her yeah in felix's world curses can't stack so vicky would automatically be immune to sips's touch curse she was never at risk only at risk to herself do a spot check sips looks around the cabin and notices old large scratch marks on the floors and walls not made by raccoons but something else this is her cabin that's why she's been able to get in here she has the keys she'd come here every full moon and wait it out all by herself sips approaches her but is instantly swiped at by a very vicious but scared vicky i suggest you avoid getting in close unless you would like to truly test if you are immortal shut up just let me think sips weighs out the risks but he knows what he has to do moving into her square vicki instantly lunges towards sips jaw is open ready to attack sips then purposely moves his left arm in front of his body and takes her bite teeth piercing deep into his flesh he then raises his cursed hand and swiftly places it onto vicky's head gently [Music] hey it's okay [Music] you're not alone not anymore then there's a pause as vicky's fierce feral look starts to soften as she comes to realize where she is who she's looking at and she just cries her jaw unclenches from sips's arm sad and defeated the two just sit with each other as sips lightly pets her head staying with her all night till she falls asleep sips can't sleep anymore anyway so it gives him time to think time to think about all that's happened so far the choices he's made what choices he has to make and what really truly matters to him if the foreclaimers came through the portal what happens depends there are many scenarios but no guarantees what do you think what happened war wiping out everyone who is defective and they won't stop in the bellowing wilds they will spread their warfare like wildfire affecting all okay i'll do it i'll help you commit a genocide we finally did it we finally decided genus to make plushies [Applause] just look at them and all their glory sneeze is such a sweetheart and sips is sips beautiful top quality material it's so very soft baby hug proof wall proof stab proof buy one of these boys for 30 bucks or buy them together for a cool 50 giving you 10 bucks off because friendship pre-orders are from now till september 5th then from there i take the number of the orders to the manufacturer and then they make it for one to three months see you guys gotta be patient with covid shipping and making things is not as fast as it used to be so if we can avoid another boat getting stuck in the god damn canal then we're looking at arrival time for january but it's gonna be worth it just look at that face what the who keeps giving him a knife oh so pre-order them while you can at fool's gold that and if you guys like plushies we might make more but we gotta see what you guys want speaking of you guys have been asking felix and i for years about making a fool's gold module well this october 12th we are partnering up with hitpoint press and going to be launching a kickstarter for just that so we're gonna have module campaign setting lore monsters races items sheep the whole shebang felix has been working on this for almost two years two years so you can sign up for the newsletter to stay updated because also we're gonna have amazing artists such as gothy's player and the famous just jackdaw doing the monsters so it's gonna be good to celebrate we're giving you guys a taste by releasing the foreclaimer race pdf from the book for free so now you can play your own foreclaimer with no empathy and psychopathic tendencies it'll be great i know we did this in like episode 7 but now it's been rewritten and edited by actual professional people and it's pretty so link in the description down below for plushies free pdf newsletter and all the good stuff i'm so excited
Channel: Dingo Doodles
Views: 732,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeons and dragons, dnd, animation, storytime, storytime animation, fools gold
Id: uxz8b0VyHpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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