D&D 5E Lore: Genies Monster Mythos - The Dungeoncast Ep.138

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congratulations you've just found in Afridi bottle your first wish to find a talented artist to draw your DMD character just came true bubble laser is a freelance artist on fiverr.com who has been illustrating D&D characters professionally for two years and she wants to draw your characters bubble laser is illustrated official logos podcast art and board game art but her passion lies in bringing nerdy people's D&D parties NPCs and player characters to life with hundreds of characters drawn in a five star rating on Fiverr you can know your commissioned character will be well taken care of so click the link in the description look her up on Fiverr or find her art page on Facebook or Instagram at bubble laser art and get your characters Illustrated today hey everybody welcome to the dungeon cast I'm Brian I'm well this is the podcast where we talk about everything Dungeons & Dragons from juicy juxtaposition to jars of gems and today we're talking about genies [Music] okay so didi Jeannie's Bryan yeah didi Jeannie's are loosely based upon the ancient mythological beings known as jinn now jinn originated from pre-islamic Arabian folklore and the name jinn was used to describe various supernatural entities both malevolent or benign they're more like spirits right kind of sort of it's complicated but I'm leaving it here with the super simplified kind of blanket statement because the mythology hydrogen is very complex convoluted and it's been changed and integrated with various cultures and religions over the course of millennia yeah ma'am and that's not what the spike is about Will Smith's Aladdin the genial and now like oh the course of millennia and that's that far this is this is how far we've come yeah so genies and DeeDee are depicted as powerful rare and legendary beings from the elemental planes there they rule from their lavish palaces as a mortal nobility they have a reputation for being mighty proud majestic arrogant and decadent few creatures say for God's dragons or demon Lords can challenge their power okay it said that a genie is born when a soul of a sentient creature melds with the primordial matter of an elemental plane Wow though many sentient souls do pass on it on these planes the coalescence of an elemental effuse soul manifesting into a genie is still extraordinarily to me rare yeah that's that's kind of like that's some like some wizard business really like transcending into like a new form like that's super powerful you have like this like this this primal energy like infusion going on so like a lychee and a genie they're very different but like they're I don't know they're similar in that way to me I suppose so yeah so like think so somebody somebody cool as hell's got to die in like that no no I mean you could you could yes specifically it's powerful Souls it's not really stated the the concept is that it's extraordinary rare and no one really knows how it works but regardless of what kind of soul becomes a genie a genie almost never has any remaining connection to its soul's past life oh wow a soul simply provides a building block that determines the genies form and appearance as well as some carried-over personality traits now the fact that the soul determines some of the appearance makes me think like what if Jeff dies and the Jeff comes back as a genie so it's just like Genie Jeff that's Jeff he ate dirt until he died and now he's an earth genie and like someone who knew Jeff and as fast life sees Nutini Jeff is like Jeff he's like no no no do you have any dirt yeah also some some personality traits still despite looking humanoid physically genies are nothing more than elemental spirit given sentience and form they do not meet and have offspring with each other although if one wishes it they can meet with the more don't produce at genesee oh wow that's right yeah they aren't born as infants that grow to adulthood they don't require food or drink to live and when they die they leave no physical form behind oh man okay yeah so I'll be one Kenobi yes straight up so though the four major genies are all very different in their own right there are some characteristics that are shared amongst all genie kind the first being that they all see themselves as born nobility who expect to be served by others and loath and rail at the idea of being bounded to service themselves yeah for sure that tracks yeah ii like the genie from Aladdin is totally bound to service he'll talk we'll talk a bit about that because binding genies into service is just the thing apparently related I hate it I hate it so much because it's a real problem it's a real actual problem secondly Gees are extreme septal to flattery gifts fawning adoration and open worship they dig that yeah there's many kings they're like they're not necessarily chubby actually most of them more physically beautiful yeah but they act like you know like they don't lift the hand and stuff until oh yeah a lot of them are like that for sure thirdly whether good or evil all genies have a very alien mentality that makes understanding their behavior rather difficult not quite blue orange morality level but frustrating to say the least okay yeah and then lastly the various genies do not care for each other at all none view others as allies and many types of genies you the other types of outright enemies there you go man that chubby little kings they're really territorial yeah they don't like the other ones Bailey I deserve the worship and praise I am the great Jean exactly yeah okay um so all genies in general powerful but one percent of all genies are powerful on another level on super genies super genius a : Nicole they're called noble genies I didn't know we had super genius game these are the genies that are so powerful to have reality altering abilities and kick grant wishes stones bodied indeed so you know you here are your three wish she needs right here then okay so and each genie type has a noble genie type subtype if you will okay they they basically they're just bigger badder can do more rule more territory etc etc other than that there's not really a difference okay cool like you said super genius super genies so today our instinct today we're going to be covering the four most prominent of genie kind the ones tied to the four major elements of air water earth and Fire the the genie or the jinnee the merits the Dow and the Afridi there are other genie types that would cover on another day but not today we don't have time for that oh we're gonna have genies part two yeah well of Genie genie King Genie kit okay sounds good so let's start with the genies of the element of air the the gin so the gin are attractive well-muscled and beautiful humanoids a stand roughly 8 to 10 feet tall they have blue skin and dark eyes and they are known to dress in shimmering silks that are as much for comfort as for flaunting their aesthetic physique hmm if any of genii kind could be said to be good it would be the Djinn who possess relatively benevolent minds and of a favored favorable attitude towards mortal humanoids if someone mischievous mischievous one so they like to play pranks but they're not outright malevolent they are especially interested of course in beautiful humanoids so what like they'll like rearrange your furniture like while you're gone yeah I can see that your average Ginny is obsessed with the sensual side of luxury they hate delight yeah they like enriched foods scents and sensations succulent fruits us to ostentatious feast fine perfumes pungent wines shimmering silks all of these are their major interests should I put my earmuffs on as such creatures interested in delight Djinn are the most likely of genii kind to take mortals to bed and produce janazah man that's dope yeah it's pretty cool so like like a normal birth just janati though um or because I know that there's I there's Jen Aussie origin with genies like that is more expansive than that right then the slow rate that that would like yeah create an Aussie which we talked about in the generosity episode so there's like yes I'm kind of so that was a long time ago dude it was a long time so so basically they give birth to lots of them or there's like these special ones that get birth like individually like one other time out of out of this congregation okay I'm trying everything what you're saying so ink these do not see any different from no they're just you know see okay and they're not different from janati born from Jen Aussie having children amongst each other or from humanoids that end up getting infused and become is you not see that way okay so essentially all the same they're just humanoids with elemental infused into their soul nice okay so if you have a super Genie that makes a baby is it a super tenacity I mean maybe canonically it could be but like if we're talking about game mechanics No okay got it okay so yeah still Jen are not all beauty and delight they are known to be chaotic as the wind and they willed power and fury that wield the power and fury of whirlwinds and violent storms they can fly summoner el air elementals and hurl lightning bolts a ginnis fury is a thing of violence and destruction some Zeus stuff yeah kind of further muddying their ethical standing is there keeping of slaves now whether the servants of a jinn are slaves or servants is up for a bit of debate I would say still slavery but it's definitely a ton different from the other genius which we'll get into more extensively but jinn view servitude as a matter of fate that no being great or small can deny it this is why of all genies jinn are most amenable to becoming servants themselves okay um they just say don't harbor ill-will about it unless it's like forever and then they're like well no okay they don't even keep their slaves forever as such Junie see their servants as deserving of kindness protection and payment and decadent delights themselves though those who serve them have almost always bargained to do so willingly and can convince their Lord genie for freedom with sufficient reason and bribery oh wow so like slaves with benefits yes leaves a better this sounds more like what indentured servitude was kind of like maybe not really they agree it's definitely different well did they agree to being a servant sometimes not all the time most of time it's a bargain deal yeah then I'm with you this is human eyes otherwise like if it's elementals and no it's probably like their forehead so we got subjugation welcome back to this part of the show where we talk about subjugation indeed comes up a lot in D&D yeah or just like well is this Jen aren't evil are they no they tend to be chaotic good but like I said it's still I forming their servitude that is best morally gray that being said they're not human they don't think about these things the same and they have the power gods what are you gonna do yeah sure the jinn ruled the elemental plane of air from atop floating cloud islands covered in enormous pavilions enormous buildings courtyards fountains and gardens the capital of they're loosely hierarchical society is the citadel of ice and steel which is a chunk of ice and earth sculpted into an oval like shape a top which sits a citadel before the fortress of solitude I guess so the Citadel is in a perpetual state of falling through the elemental plane of air that's forever and only the great Khalif of the Jin has the ability to impose gravity here in this place that's a sick power indeed it is cool I impose the will of nature upon you indeed sick the Jin do not care for the merits which are the water genies whom they see is arrogant and they openly despised both a free D and Dao who are full Knievel and they hate okay with that being said let's take a short rest let's do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] your first wish came true but now you want to use your second wish to find a way to get that character on a custom character sheet well guess what you can do that bubble laser ask custom character sheets that she can put your character on want to turn heads at your next gaming session want to always be reminded just how freaking cool your character looks every time you check your sheet want something awesome to frame when you finish your campaign do yourself a favor and order a custom character sheet character sheets are currently available for 5th edition and 3.5 D&D and Pathfinder sheets are on the way so click the link in the description lookup bubble laser on Fiverr or find her art page on Facebook or Instagram at bubble laser art and get your character sheet today the episode we are not talking about that last thing no we're not no will no stop it I see if no don't we're not talking about that we did our love become so assertive oh it's always I don't know this episode I guess ok but it is our love good guess that's what we're talking about in this part of the show we're also gonna talk about video games and how we play them and we have a YouTube channel where we host those recordings indeed we do it's called TDC plays the link will be in the description and if you enjoy what we do here at the dungeon cast and you'd like to the sound of our voices and our personalities you can hear those there at EDD plays playing video games we play megaman x indeed or watch me my sister kiki play zelda winwaker HD watch us on Sundays for Super Smash Sunday indeed or watch some of our older playthroughs where we did a Pokemon Nuzlocke through heart gold I just bought starfox 64 oh nice something is really wrong with Falco's g-diffuser for sure I've never played Star Trek 64 well maybe that's something we should do that sounds like a good time ok what that being said let's get back to the chef we've returned I'm gonna do it again diet dr. pepper no leave it in let's do this yeah we're back we're back let's talk about water genies um yeah marriage merits are the genies of the element water and are said to be the most powerful and wondrous of all genies now this wondrous genie yeah because they have the most like mystical power you described like cloud city to me yeah all this crazy shits about to get crazier now this is the hype is real canonically they're the most powerful though in the Monster Manual they're all identically powerful okay cuz all genies need to breathe so except for this genie actually no genies have actually have to breathe it all that's right you said that yeah so as such it is said that they tower over other Genie standing 16 to 18 feet tall oh they're giant they're giant indeed they're physical description varies depending on addition in the first and second edition of D&D marriage certificate as beautiful humanoids with pearl teeth and skin the various colors of the ocean and hair of bluish black man while underwater most merits of this these additions wore no clothing and on land they wore large pantaloons and flowing robes large very nice indeed the artwork for each successive addition though has added fish-like features to their appearance until we have reach 5e where the merits are depicted as almost grotesque looking fish people with scaly skin fins on their face and arms clawed hands and needle-like teeth oh wow so take your pick I personally you like both and very hard from each side it's like it's cool to have a variation between they all look how they all look because otherwise the water ones look a lot like though air ones but like they look really gross and I'm not a fan of that true I mean I do like the incorporation of like the fishy features that's like on brand for me right maybe they should like they should do like the pants like parachute pants and then like the hairs up in a topknot and like yeah I'm a wallet chain well that's what the pantaloons are they're the parachute pants that you're talking about okay but um I was picturing my aunt's that are tight at the ankles in the waist and they're like really bill OE exactly oh no I'm talking about like bell-bottoms style Oh yeah like well bad 90s pants sure but for me I feel like they've gone a little too far with the fishy look because it looks so drastically different from any of the other genies Oh like it it's almost hard to tell it's a genie yeah like you would have no idea it just looks like a weird grotesque fish person but yes well the jinn are obsessed with sensuality merits are obsessed with prestige and you'll notice each genie has their own like luxurious obsession if you'll okay so merits have the reputation of being the most via merely independent proud and pompous of the genies everyone married believes that they themselves deserve the title of pata shwa which is the title of the technical ruler of all merits they are largely unpredictable in nature as their moods shift as rapidly as to see a storm I love this hierarchy like that these creatures have in some of these like the right dragons do now genies that's super cool yeah yeah absolutely so all merits see themselves as an ability and thus give themselves noble titles such as Shah Sultan etc they consider all non-merits inferior to them inherently and mortals especially so so a mortal dealing with a merit will be expected to use ostentatious honor honorifics and ODEs to the merits greatness mm-hmm or face wrath of a very very angry or face or die or die okay definitely I think insulting a merit is a capital offense that will end in death sounds right so merits have little concerns or demands for their slaves which they do have many of they keep them simply for the status of ownership again it's all about prestige those they do go out of their way to enslave do so for great artists and performances they use in their courts again allow prestige type of thing like look at like the great artists that serve me yadda yadda yadda okay as I said before merits are considered the most powerful genies they can inherently manipulate water in any way they desire Oh sick this includes creating water from nothing and shaping both clouds and mist they can also turn themselves into mist if they so choose also all genies can fly so they can as well and they can create sea storms and are all-powerful spellcasters oh my god and they like rise up out of the ocean like a water tornado yes I like sending like ocean bullets at you exactly oh that's exactly what a marriage could do oh man merits dwell on the elemental plain of water where they rule from independent fortresses made of coral and pearl oh sick is really cool officially the merits are all citizens of an empire and all Oh fill T to the seat of power which is the Citadel of a 10,000 pearls and its ruler the great pada Shah of the marriage this is great this is great lord I love this in truth though this Empire is extremely loose with each marriage free to rule their own community as they will okay one final personality trait tributed to marriage the stems from their egotism is their propensity for long embellished stories that they tell about themselves and all married kind marriage tend to be fanciful exaggerator's that lie often and very creatively it's considered a capital offence to interrupt a married telling a tale oh god that's so annoying any questions about the marriage no I don't have questions well like I don't know it sounds great like the writers did a great job whoever created this particular part of the mythos it's like your point yeah could I like bribe demerits I like the genies in general it was fun doing the research for them yeah so I mean elemental plaintiff era is super cool it's like on brand with like the way like genies reminded me of like Muhammad's Palace the way they have they're like cloud their cloud palaces yeah I'm sure Bahama has relationships with certain genies for sure yeah they all have a secret handshake so let's move on to the dow who are genies of the element of Earth okay and they are depicted as tall muscular humanoids with characteristics that evoke their elemental nature such as like dark rocky skin and a burly stocky physique okay they dirt yes kind of the gemstones for serious perfect yeah they have a reputation for being both greedy and malicious creatures with that are absolutely obsessed with wealth so there this is their obsession wealth wealth wealth does it have monetary value I want it okay they adorn themselves with extravagant amounts of jewelry crafted from precious gemstones and rare metals to add a visible monetary value is paramount as every Dao wishes to be the envy of every other dowa meets so they're wearing jewelry and yeah it did like to an extreme insane degree yeah they've got like as much as their body can bear they've got at least several chains on exactly well never mind I was gonna do spoilers for Game of Thrones but never mind okay um the DAO dwell in the elemental plane of Earth in an immense complex of interconnected twisting tunnels and caverns known as the Great Dismal delve here they drive their slaves tirelessly to mine out precious materials expand their ever-growing maze works build their ostentation palaces and cities and serve them for their every waking moment man the slaves are doing the digging oh yeah the dowels are it's hard to say which are worse between the down the Afridi but like they are horrifying slave drivers oh man and you think they were just like onyx their way through like the mountainside well they can but like why why would they because genies the genies like choppy feel like lifting the finger to do anything is below them yeah I got you yeah so the DAO are without any form of empathy or compassion for others they have no concern working mortals to death for their wants the dangers worked out slaves are forced to do leads to countless deaths and causes the doubt to provide to need to provide and procure a never-ending supply of slave so they're just reckless about their resources absolutely because they have no short of wealth to pay for new slaves right because they live in the element of the plain of Earth which has all the gemstones in the world maybe you can like convince one to be a saver and like maybe you should treat us better because you wouldn't have to spend so much money no because a big part of them is ease about spending as they they want it to be visible I'm so rich it doesn't matter I'm so rich it doesn't matter that's a huge part of them like who said you could come out of the mine yeah when it comes to the fritti which we'll talk about later because they're very evil they're very devil like but they're actually kind of likely to grant wishes more so than like a doll or a married because parlor mentality is like by granting a moral a wish it like brings great like prestige and honor to themselves because the greatest wish of a mortal isn't something given freely and discarded freely without thought by someone as mighty as ana free a pittance yeah Pitons it's definitely a power play if you want okay so back to Dow though so where was I the Dow view mortals as nothing more than potential slaves and will never lift a finger finger to assist one unless there's wealth to be gained from it when it comes to other genies doubt despise both the jinn and the merits if reading on the other hand have a very strong trade agreement for the pyramid of slaves and work metals so okay be free tea and the DAO work together they don't like each other but they're too valuable to each other to have open war interesting very interesting the Dow like all genies have Minnie and her magical abilities including shape-shifting stone shaping summoning earth elementals and the natural ability to cast a plethora of spells retinol is pretty strong right oh yeah yeah elementals and in general tend to be pretty powerful yeah extra planar beings in general yeah it's just pretty powers like cr7 something like that something like that I don't know off the top my head but yeah quite powerful pretty big okay um all Dow Oh their allegiance to the Great Khan of the Dow who dwells at the center of the Great Dismal delve and sprawling labyrinth known as the Sevenfold maze work we talked about this a lot more on the elemental planes episode yeah that rang a bell for sure but this is a magical City or Citadel that's basically an enormous labyrinth and it's enchanted in such a way to confuse all non dhow who attempt to navigate it even minotaurs are not immune to this so even a maze get lost here which I thoroughly deeply upset them that's how you know it's bad when you pass like a Minotaur skeleton and in this place oh god I'm dead I'm dead and I think they do hold a fair amount of Minotaur slaves - oh don't say anything because at least they're like okay at the maze they're not gonna like get out of there have to be at least functional yeah like you can go find on the little hunger in the pigs so any any questions about doubt now that was cool very cool yeah pretty straight for some dirty bones for sure so let's talk about the free tour the free tea depending on how you want to pronounce it forget which ones plural which ones singular the 3ds probably I don't want to say yeah but the free or efreeti are genies of the element of fire and they have a reputation for cruelty and tyranny they are depicted as hulking 12 foot tall humanoids with red or black skin they're well muscled and massive in bulk and they have a very devilish look to them due to their usually red skin and the horns protruding from their heads okay so also much like Devils afridi are lawful evil both renowned for their ruthless cruelty and their strict orderly society this orderly contact is a byproduct of their Genii obsession which is conquest and ruling so much like all the other genies you pretty see themselves as a nobility but unlike gin who revelant decadence marriage who squabble over prestige and Dao who are obsessed with amassing wealth the free tea take pleasure in the active ruling of their subjects and if I'm more subsequent and finding more subsequent subjects to rules so they just want to impose themselves yeah it's about like like they are nobility and nobility rules so that's what they're about this is my right there right yeah there's a lot like devil devil elemental plane of fire stuff is just like congealed together huh it's like there's Arthur definitely they're there they're closely related in that like they deal with each other a lot because they're so alike okay yeah though there's a lot of Devils that live or come to the city of brass which exists in the element to plant a fire cool and there they have a lot of deals with the afridi so where was I Jimmy the afridi view all others as potential subjects to be oppressed they organized their militaries to invade other planes for more slaves how these slaves they rule as oppressive tyrants only promoting the cruelest amongst their slaves these of which they turn into overseers and give them whips to help keep the rank-and-file slaves in line oh dang it turns slaves on each other yeah you free are also known for the great ability to beguile and deceive they use their silver tongues as often as their strength of arm and magic to get what they want again very devil like as masters of flame you freed er immune a to fires heat and they can create it on a whim they can summon fire elementals hurl powerful fire magic and utilize their fire control for famed and extraordinary weapon in armor smithing which is another reason why the down them have such a big trade agreement because he free to make the best weapons okay oli free do their allegiance to the great Sultan of the free he dwells within the charcoal palace in the fabled city of brass the epicenter of e3 culture and society we talked about the city of brass a lot in the plane of the elemental plane into the episode so go check out that episode if you want that info I should really go back and check out that episode I love that lore yeah it's tough it's fun yeah that's a good expansion on that the Afridi despised both Jin and merits and they tolerate doubt due to again their trade agreement so any questions about any of genii kind I want to know who's winning in the fight just straight up no armies no no it's just um all aerial plane in the five Mac and the five you monster manual it's pretty even match because they're all challenge rating 11 with very similar abilities I don't have their step blocks on me right now because I'm not reading for step locks on a single episode no that's annoying that's bad so one thing I wanted to talk a little bit about is this is where we get into I want more warlock patch yes probably should have talked about it last episode with bronze dragon yeah sure because dragons we but we've kind of talked about how dragons should be able to be warlike patrons behind you but this is a great like I think we've mentioned this too he's a great candidate for that I really think there should be an elemental packed for the Warlock and also I think there should be just a general a genie or elemental bloodline one for the sorcerer a warlock totally adds up and like that I like that I think more bloodlines for sorcerers would be great yeah it's just because both of these things have been available in all past editions of D&D that included warlock and sorcerer yeah so I just wanted because I like the idea of specializing in a specific element anyways so like this is a fun way to do it and yeah I just I just wish it was more built into the rules because I don't want to have to homebrew this I want to be able to be like yeah I'm gonna take the genie warlock pather I'm gonna take the genie bloodline I'm sure there's a lot of great elemental magic so an expended spell plist for warlock in any element would be super viable i think yeah and yeah if you're going to create source material to one here's one like easy thing let's say you have a genome or life packed whatever whichever geni type you pick your eldritch blast now becomes that type of damage solo cold or fire or I guess you can do force or bludgeoning I suppose for the earth one I'm not sure I'm sure you work something out there and then rock damage is bludgeoning damage so yeah okay yeah I mean I mean like yeah I just think that would be pretty dead because that's just the only it would be sweet it would bother me though because it isn't consistent with the rest of like be like maybe as an expanded invocation maybe not like automatically when you're okay yeah yeah I think that's a fair assumption I mean you could kind of already do that I think with some of the implications from what's an authority I'd and there might be a one two turn I'll judge Bolton to fire or something like that maybe I don't know I've read a lot of them for my character on our other show but I don't think I don't know if that's one of them I'm not super familiar but I think it would be a great idea if you're gonna if you're gonna put the resources forth to expand in the source material for this sort of thing that's something you could easily add in to make it like hey we got like additional warlock packs it's a super popular class like yeah oh yeah yeah like why not I mean for sorcerers to I think they really do need extra bloodline stuff and this would be a great yeah way to incorporate them in like I mean I think they have the Phoenix one I'm not sure if that one's official or not and they technically have the storm one so like you do have stuff to work with a suggest some of these just seems so obvious it's like why isn't this a thing yeah and this is one of those things to me personally so you're telling me on past editions you were able to do this sort of thing oh yeah definitely Wow like what like fourth edition I guess yeah fourth edition and third so you would be like a warlock with an earth you you could take an elemental pack as heroes of the elemental chaos was the source book for that and 40 so at least there is some source material even if it's from a previous edition that you want to homebrew something you have something to build on true yeah no that's not so bad but really how long they must be playing them a real long game with 5e yeah they must be kind of like this is something like I feel like if you are hurting in sales that is something you could definitely throw out yeah they definitely got a lot of things that they can fall back on if they decided they're hurting in sales that's for sure I don't think they are no and I don't think they are yeah and with that being said I think we get ready for our long rest yes I think well we'll go ahead and pump super quest saga again yeah the show where we hear the judge again around the table in place for judges and Dragons but specifically space sci-fi adventure dungeon space with laser pistols evil elven Empire's strange Goblin technology and a bunch of other futuristic one it's a lot of fun one and only 1/2 work yeah so the only half work because it orcs were wiped out 20,000 years ago only it's every episode 80 thousand years ago sorry every episode my last our first episode there's only one half work yeah it's true in the first episode there's lots of there's lots of course yeah because some guys are you guys are from the original like DD campaign vanilla setting of like medieval what whatnot and then you got displaced a hundred thousand years into the future I think it was called vanilla world right sure go with the vanilla world yeah that's the name of my setting yeah let's call it a game what's the third wish to set the GG free of course but don't worry you can find an art genie on Facebook Instagram or fiverr.com bubble laser art [Music] [Applause] [Music] the dungeon cast
Channel: The Dungeoncast
Views: 9,538
Rating: 4.9367948 out of 5
Keywords: dungeoncast, dnd, dungeons and dragons, 5e, lore, rpg, ttrpg, tabletop gaming, monster mythos, genies
Id: F0ye3MLFt2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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