DCS F16 Viper Red Flag 21-1 Mission 1

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okay welcome to nellis air force base and the mighty viper sit here in their revetments raring to go for this new released f-16 red flag campaign by abundant campaigns which has me super excited uh if you haven't already noticed they've already got a red flag going the mirage one by multi-dragon but it's kind of stored about three or four missions in and cannot progress it's a night one and i get to the staging after about an hour's flight time and i can't go anywhere so yeah i'm not sure what's going on with that but i'll work it out and in the meantime viper it is and yeah like i said super excited for two reasons one it's the first campaign i do believe for the viper a few user ones but no official campaign this is the first and number two is by bunyip now bunyip is pretty much responsible for me going from a casual in and out dcs player to being the dcs tragic and just getting the grasp of the systems and how to break everything down and work out how to the startups how everything works how they're all connected and similarly in mission just breaking everything down taking your time to processes that's exactly what's happening so oh a lot to mr bunya and i am super excited for this one because i know uh from experience that is going to be all over the research and go and buy these briefing packages which are many pages and very detailed i'm on the mark with that now this one here is the campaign guide which gives you an overview of the actual campaign what to expect uh what type of bfm maneuvers give a description of those the red flag itself we got the blue force uh the red force of course and the white force which basically controls the airspace the white force and gives you a bit of history the threats to expect there's a map in here of interest now in the previous missions if you see me in red flags i've been a bit wrong here i've got bored mountain you can't really see it there's not very good close-up map but uh i've been uh calling board mountain wrong out and i thought that this actual other feature no name was the board mountain which is this uh standalone little mountain on it's sitting out there but apparently board mountain is that one and i've got that mixed up at some point so i've already learnt something it's just above the no-fly zone i've been groomed lake in the area 51 area but uh yeah so i'll have to readjust my thinking on that um yeah but that gives you the history and how it all will play out now this promise for this one is red land is going to be china orange land which is the the country we're going to be defending um which is going to be taiwan in this case and then the us and its allies as blue force so uh it's basically the chinese are moving in and on the taiwan territory there's the flights involved on the f-16 so i'll be part of the 79th flight squadron cult i'm mostly doing strike by the looks of it more threats there the positioning of the red forces going to be up against j11s su-30s mid-21s so yeah lots of good stuff we've got uh wags and nine line in there as the voice actors so that'll be a bit of fun and switching across to the operating procedures so we've also got a stack of operating procedures to get in their heads there's the flow of the ingress to the staging area so similarly to like previous uh red flags i've done would be flying out to uh the truck stop or the cement tractor or harem here as waypoint ones labeled and then flying up the sally corridor to um the staging areas up here or to the tanker if i want to tank first uh we've got virginia new york maine and alaska station areas we'll push their push time and then fly into the um the area for combat so yeah uh where was that other one this one here so we've got the reventments so where they do the live ordinance loading up which we're at now and then we've got the option we'll be starting from is the uh non-live ordinance the red flag ramp which is on the opposite side of the runway so live ordinance for today we're straight into it um i remember bunyip's very first video of nevada i think it wasn't he did a tour around here showing off these rememberments and he's got a got some real life experience um in the area so um yeah be very very accurate now of notes here i've got to work out my time and time so there's a time to target or however i should not learn it um set up in the thing i know there's a time to waypoint but is there a retirement target i got to set up probably should check that before here but we'll soon work it out um i won't go through that i'll leave it to everyone else playing the um campaign themselves but i got all the radio flow there for the channels uh now the way that will work with the ordnance um it is live ordinance that they'll actually launch and all that but when we get hit we won't die so we'll be called out back to the reset area where we will reset then we'll be able to go back in and re-engage so um i think that's a very good um trade-off being not uh like in the real world having a dcs simulation so yeah we won't uh they'll get caught out if we die but it won't actually physically kill us which is a pretty cool way of doing it i reckon um we'll see how it works out i haven't actually flown it but we'll see how that goes um apart from that let's just jump into the briefing itself for mission one i am colt one we have shipper force f-16s and going on a strike mission the weather for today it looks beautiful a few clouds between twelve thousand twenty four thousand uh of no i think it was i have to refresh it i think the um hard deck was twelve thousand for this so this hot there's the threats as i went through got the j11s sus mig-21s um there's the same sites i've also got to set up my home page for the sa2s and the hq are not really familiar with those but yeah we've got to set up for those ones before we take off um it's told me there's a few things i've got to do before i take off before it clears clesis there's the flight so the marshall i'll be at uh 16 000 and 19 000 at maine which is about the third one up um tanker channels uh there's the game plan so ford's gonna go in as cap first up which is a green one here they'll be flying in through there then um uh where's that springfield springfield's gonna be flying in striking on seed and then we've got our flight which will be going in out of um oh we forget i think it was made and flied in where are we oh okay so they're all four flights flying in at the same time and there's my flight i'll be striking this waypoint here in this target out of uh main there and there is my target area so i'll be flying in on the radar side is it i've got a aaa just off to the south so i'll be flying in lazing and off we go there's the target uh there's the radios all right so let's get into it and get this thing started now i haven't i've got to pause the moment because everything's going to be time sensitive jump off and yes a beautiful viper cockpit so look around look at all these planes how can you not get excited this all these flights got up um but let's get excited but not distracted so let's jump in now it's going to be a long video so i'm expecting so let's just probably skip the start up everyone can do the startup tutorials and all that themselves but uh yeah i'll just skip through and do the startup and come back when i'm ready to taxi i reckon unless some other comms come up all right welcome back i've got my f-18 flight let's just script back to here which is springfield the seed flight going up now uh ford's already in there and uh tusk is taking off in front of me so i've got a b1 coming up the taxiway too pontiac uh so i gotta get a hustle on now pretty much go get started i'm just running through my weapons now let's get back to uh this page uh here so my target on um cot11 dp1 the flat face radar which is this baby here that's going to be my target i'm hitting uh they've got here the gbu 12 set up now i've got those towels set up i've got single here let's go 75 spacing and ripple two now arm delay is what i was having a little think about i don't think i've ever delayed him so i don't know how to actually do it profile just switches profiles so it must be somewhere else to actually do it let's change the ccrp anyway i'll have to work that out i don't think it's in inventory you know i'll run an i'll work with that in the air um yeah that's pretty much set up there now my push time takeoff is 21.15 it's pretty flexible um briefly saying so pretty much can get in the air now let's cut this canopy i just realized it's pretty pretty loud out there ah let's switch to ground switch off here to ground here and actually let's look at the time so the clock is reading i think 1 pm i'm assuming that is about 11 past one in the afternoon local time which is uh minus eight zulu or plus eight minus eight and i've got about four minutes to get in the air so yeah i wanna hustle uh radios let's go to atc channel 4. now let's call that him yes no no try that again must be on the wrong button just turn that on before i forget all right request taxi to runway good downlink everything was looking good those were steering on position is there another thing coming up the taxi you only have to tell me once there we go where's the flights there we go all right let's push out i don't want to be late and the mirage red flag i was always late assuming my flight's going to follow up 15 they echoes yep so i think they're on a strike mission as well dodge flight so they might take off behind me i don't know how to get these any brighter there's a brightness button but i can't seem to get them i'd love them to be a bit brighter where's my flight come on there we go all good all right i'm not sure i'm not sure if i'm gonna tank let's just uh try this first one without tanking see how i go let's hold short here make sure we're all set i'm pretty happy i wouldn't mind the flight getting a bit closer but we're all good let's get up in the air kick this thing off oops i should probably request a takeoff shouldn't i already done that atc i don't think we have to worry about too much they're a bit unresponsive with the best of times all right let's get got a bit of weight on gear up 20.1 off to my front there steer point one ah it's good to be back could be back in the air limited time for dcs right now so any chance i can get i'm very appreciative so out to the truck stop i forget the name of the actual waypoint already me and my briefings uh shocking for memory i don't think i've actually got the map there do i of the actual yeah i love that departure flow map that's okay yeah i'm not sure what higher that's meant to be i could flip out to the other pdf but we'll be right i've got to jot these things down and you own a little knee board so the other flights or other wingmen are up i'll continue on and so let's have a look at the waypoints so this is out to 1.2 through the corridor up to staging corridor run through this section here truck stop and cement factory brick pit i don't know it's been so many names for this section what's the most common one truck stop brick pit i'm pretty sure there's a cement factory in here as well i might be making that one up all right let's push steer 0.2 and that way you get a bit more speed up and i shall come back uh i went a bit further along okay so i'm 12 miles out from waypoint 2 here i'm just going to flip out to this departure flow page now 17 000 is when i want to be at uh juno here heading in the corridor and i want to check with a wax channel 16 as well so i'm a bit low but that's okay we'll make it up let's go channel 16 for a wax and check in on that two's got a mud spike [Applause] we are clean and eight miles from waypoint two let's do point two why am i getting confused there and then we do a left turn i'm confused by my waypoints here so we went north and that's going left this is on a tasking out to clear catholic or contact dark star uh corridor elspacer clear tactical contact star which i've already done requests okay cold war dark star radar contact your ill corridor or via roman peak shell tanker available 83 yankee arco tanker available uhf channel 15 attack cam 94 gaming picture available on request lowdown south sa2 active west hq7 active east hq7 active all right so we've actually got uh dark star comms there so um that's me uh russian bit and probably miss that in the package unfortunately but uh yeah good good to hear a familiar voice on dark star i am i'm already a lot calmer and i'm short by two thousand feet let's bump up to steer 0.3 which is a bit off to my right um geez i'm very slow aren't i i feel the weight and the turning is just very sluggish we're all good there let's just lock in here put on why is that not holding probably my configuration is too heavy if i put cat three that doesn't let me all right i'm just like keep manually flying this thing and continuing on available on request loadout south sa2 active west hq7 active east hq7 active all right so there's the briefing now i'm looking at the clock here it's coming up to zulu 2130 and push time is 21.40 so i don't think i'm gonna have time to hit the tanker i'm close to them i think shell was off to my left here narco was up there so i was going to hit up arko and do it but i think i'll just skip that um there's the awx call so we've got some enemy in the air so i'm going to push up to main here which is my orbit where am i this one so i'm going to come in from the northeast you hit my target but yeah i'm just going to go up to my push waypoint and go from there let's just skip up to 1.4 now and my fuel i think is still pretty good my externals are still plenty so i'm not too stressed not yet anyway looks like the seed flight all being up there i reckon for okay mission update we've got a lot of things happening out there cap flights engaging getting locked up spike by a between i should say yeah just trying to work out actual marshall waypoint here get my position here far out so i think i've got a way to go before the actual marshall area i'm fairway still off where the tanker was um i'm sure that's going to be the flicking back to this one where was it the flow here i'm used to coming up this section so i think i'm still well out this way yeah push time 40 so i'm a bit behind really i'd rather be up at this section right now with these other flights i'm not sure if i'm meant to just add my waypoints you know i've got to follow this set one or i could have just skipped there if i didn't want to refuel so i'll have to work with that um what do i got down there what town is that that's my cap flight what are we doing here we've got plenty of red ones still up i just want to move your landmark right now um so student gap there should see the farms if that was the case where's the this i'm just too far out for it to show up pretty sure there's a student gap here just makes this around my irish and my visibility just is not showing anyway um i'll continue on and hopefully what's the time now i'm really behind i've got to be up with these green flights i might hit the burner just for a little bit so i'm moving along like a warthog at the moment all right another update so that is definitely a student gap and i've got the alamo and the agriculture sector section here i got mount irish here i do believe in another mountain i forget about and i think i was there's the farms i think board mountain which is this one not the other standalone one that i thought it was there's another mountain range mountain here what was it called um worthington and i've got a flight up here 30 000 with me push time is already gone and i'm over this section here so there's maine so i'm past push time so i think i'm okay i think i'm just getting a bit out of place here let's push up next point it's all happening it's all happening out there let's probably bring it up to about 20 000 i think so i'm going to start fencing in i think so let's go master arm tgp is already on and warmed up let's turn the lights off i think that's good to go zoom in a bit here all right so yeah i think i'm i think i'm okay so my next uh point of call would be where is it 2152 so i've got about eight minutes to get to my target no now i'm worried eight minutes to get to i think this one's my target so yeah i don't know i got two minutes to get to this one and see how long it takes to get to that one nine minutes yeah no i'm way behind i am way behind that's okay we'll work something out it's all good no need all right so saying they're 4-2 is alive and has been reset so they've gone back to the reset station area which is back here and they're now live so ford's back in the flight uh now down here i've got a four ship at 12 12 000 behind me i think that is the dodge flight which are the f-15es i think tusk was just a two shield players dark star ford won a live east reset yeah dust tusk was a two ship so i think that would be the other one uh the f-15s behind me my flight time about five minutes off being on target or what i should be and i'm still saying i'm five minutes just the ip so that's not good not good at all um i can't see i've got a flight here at 29. i think these are still the cap flight so i don't know now the b1 was going in first then so the b1 is hidden at 21.51 so this is probably the b1 and i'm behind you too far that's that's what it is so this guy's a b1 at 28 000 or 29 000 and i should be just up there behind him yeah i just got to work out that staging um in the right staging area i think it threw me a bit going out to the tanker area all right i'll roll with it the bandits are all down so there's that and yeah we'll keep running with it actually just popping back in so i've got the farms down here this is no-name mountain this is board mountain up here so i always thought i got that mixed up before um this here is actually the fever line which i'm now flying over or is it this one no so i've got the right say i'm flying dead over the feed but now which is generally the other red flags i've been in has been the same container in the no-fly zone is just in this section down that way 20 000 feet we got the waypoint just ahead like i said i'm still a bit behind i'm not sure the seed is still up hopefully though i might hit something but uh yeah i'm gonna start getting my ip head on so let's go and the ground i've got all those set up already so i'm going to go back to here let's go steer 0.1 up let's see what we can see down here make sure i'm level all right um so that's the way point yep they're on my target there i think so let's just zoom in that's my targets back on beautiful so i'm all set up i'm pretty happy i'm just late pretty much hitting my target now i should have been i'll get better i'll get better let's put that down a bit could just cut the corner but then i think they i think they took this one down on one of these so h gears up we got to band it up this might be the b1 bomber coming back i'm not sure so i lost the b1 off there aaa um yeah so that guy's worrying me south sa-2 destroyed west hq7 active east hq-7 destroyed so this hq is still active this one destroyed all right let's turn it on target um this bandit is going to be problematic now keep pushing actually i can drop these tanks can't i so let's go back to and let's get our nose up first and release those back to hsd back to air to ground all right we are laser on oops whoops why did it move i didn't want that at all let's get a point track on him oh yeah fair enough so they're hitting their targets down here oh everyone's going to be back at base having a beer and i'm still going to be trying to bomb your target what is oh i'm that to trust my cat flight all right let's just get lined up here ready to go still showing that red bogey abandoned i should say let's get this in a bit all players dark star west hq7 destroyed good job good job i'm happy with my lineup there way too slow so speed up a bit for a bit of burner on okay here we go online coming down and pickle release off i forget which way f 18 if no it's right hard point yeah lazing i should have got my other guys to run in as well i forgot to command them come on hit boom beautiful okay uh flight flight flight flight engage mission and rejoin so i'm off and i am on to the next waypoint let's go ahead air in case there's some about switch the hsd so good hits on my target i think i clipped another one of my wingmans where was it yeah way south to go get north again i sure got a visual as well i don't know where i totally lost my bearings where was that field i was just looking at oh down there i can't see anything smoking though definitely hit him might be this section this section i think that was it all right um yeah i'm just going to push back keep out of range of all them actually i'm on that white line aren't i following my steer point all right so that wasn't uh the best i was late but here we hit our target hopefully my other wingman do the job fuel should be okay i might just orbit here make sure they hit their targets and i'll come back uh when we're pulling out of you okay call one one zero zero five that's me there they are let's go have some fun what the heck happened there what the heck happened there i switched to um just uh bvr mode there and it just switched everything off interesting so what do we got here let's go tws i've got a lot of cap heading in on him so i probably shouldn't get involved here i don't know any flights actually running on their targets let's just try it again look at them all that's hilarious yeah i should stay out of it they're pretty close though this guy here is it 12 000. was it this one yeah they're all over it they're all over it just bug him let's track this last one out here 19 000. tracked by a 15 sa-15 site like this guy let's see if i can hit air kill oh he's going down already bugger all right fine fine i'll stick to my air-to-ground mission looks a bit one-sided this uh although we did lose a couple of uh flights there had to reset all right question is where is my flights how much run-up they had yeah i should have done it on the way in so i messed that up let's just check my fuel here 5 000 should be enough to get me back to nellis but yeah i don't want to wait too much longer well 29 is off to our front yeah interesting oh crap just bug them because i am in the lead here let's get some burners on these ain't good these guys up top jesus crap got four of them coming in how about we do fox three and i'm getting out of here okay boys get out of here rejoin head north oh there they are there there's my flight come on rejoin rejoin is that one splash i think there was a couple of splashes in there they are close you know what um flight engage bandits oh boy 29 spike come on boy it's getting oh beautiful good work cult flight is cleaning up all right let's see if i can lock them up on here all right so say i think they've got him beautiful all right let's just deselect these all right i'm getting out of here i've got to get back to base i'm going to run out of mighty fuel yeah something weird's going on with the um dogfight mode in vvr mode since doing switching it's doing different things what i'm expecting but uh we're okay we're alive uh i think i've got a couple of air kills check that way and get back to base and wingman got one so we're not not bad uh fuel still i'm confident of getting back with that just take it nice and easy all strikers had egress all right all strikers have egressed except for me because i just figured out uh what was that dude i must press f by habit on the f16 as i took off i figured i was in the f18 off a carrier and i had my flaps down the whole time and i did not notice on any of the i don't do many outside views but i didn't pick it up because the farms just beneath me but that is the reason i was late that was the reason i was lagging so much i thought it was because i was just heavy but i should have clicked to be mistakes were made uh we'll put it that way uh so next time i think i'm going to be a lot better on time and all in all that went pretty well so i'm going to forgive myself for that and i'll come back when i'm back at base how are those flaps they bring me buggered by now good grief one dark star copy clear rtb all right i just got a message there dark star cult one in flight report target destroyed so it's a bit late i'm assuming that must happen when i exfil uh rather than when i actually hit it so yeah i'm just passing over the alamo and crystal springs now ready to back down the corridor i gotta say i'm going i'm going really fast now so yeah i'll be home in no time oh hope one dark star push natsif uhf channel 4 okay uhf channel 4 and i was just looking for my um ios and all that but uh in taco i don't really need it though got a good visual on i it was in the other package but that's okay so i've got nevada down here where's my waypoint just push up start the descent fuel oh crap i got really high then uh is my autopilot working now i've got my flaps down that's why uh what am i looking at down here all right so yeah i'll just come in for approach pretty sure everyone's back at the bar already because i was so late but you know what you try to do a whole mission with your flaps down and do as well as i did so there we go i'm taking that as a win yeah i've confused left or right um i forget where i'm going afterwards to go back to the revetments looks like they're going off left so we'll do that it's gonna be slower feed on the pedals oh i feel like i'm dropping a bit too fast here there we go oh boy little shaky a little shaky all right safely down i've got a live ordinance still so i'm just assuming i go over to the revetment which would make sense to unload them wavy down the runway here but we're okay all right so mission complete sort of except for the time on target let's see how i did uh if i bring this up i got results 100 so i'll take that score 26 my victories i got two vehicles which is that and zero planes well that's a bugger all right i'm going to check tech view for that one all right can i hit some what's saying this at least uh too complicated look at another time all right let's get some fresh air because that was kind of stressful being the first mission and not knowing where is it not knowing um the actual flow of how it works i read it all but until you actually get into it i don't know um it's a bit different to the um what do you call it uh the faulty dragon red flag it's a lot less uh story orientated but uh a lot of that is true he's hard to keep up with that i'm constrained so hard so it's kind of um a bit of a bit easier to not have that lumen over you and just concentrate on the mission on hand but uh no very durable and um you know very keen to get the next one now i know a bit more is how it's set up you can read as much as you want until you actually get in there and get hands on all right i'll leave there's probably run a very long mission but yeah the other ones should speed up a bit once i get more into the campaign speaking of which i better slow down a bit
Channel: lankypilot77
Views: 9,463
Rating: 4.9220781 out of 5
Keywords: f16, viper, bunyap, bunyapsims, red flag, 21-1, dcs, nevada, lankypilot77, mission 1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 59sec (3239 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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