How to Land on an Aircraft Carrier

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Do the crew automatically walk away from the catapults when everyones taken off, so we dont kill them on landing or is there some sort of trigger we need to set for this ?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kingpieman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm curious about deck crew interaction post-trap. There didn't seem to be any at all.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HalfAnP πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The little indicator is whatever, but how did they manage to make the actual FLOLS even less visible?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/impairedvisually πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

How's the carrier functioning in multiplayer?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bionic_bagel πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can I see the ball in VR now?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SnipeUout πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Any chance we can see multiple flights entering the stack properly in the mext video? Maybe a mixed group of players and AI?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/goldenfiver πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Now I know why the Stingers weren't uploading any videos recently.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/arkroyale048 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

You guys have new comms wich is good, but all three agencies are in the same frecuency.
At one point you can even hear Marshall telling you: "update state, switch tower"
But the Carrier only have one single frecuency

I hope its a planned feature because otherwise you put effort in new comms to do that al last.
And i cant imagine the future new ATC comms doing the same in an airport

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Renko_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

No LSO calls?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AlvaroLage πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey everyone wags here from Eagle dynamics and today we'll take another look at case when landings on the supercarrier using the Hornet case when landing is defined as conditions with clouds above 3,000 feet and visibility of greater than 5 miles in other words this is for daytime landings and good weather conditions it does not though use the automatic carrier landing datalink system to help best explain this I've invited my friend Shar from the virtual Stinger Squadron to lend me a hand let's get started [Music] from our mission briefing we should know the ship stackin and IC LS channels that will enable us to navigate to the supercarrier in this mission tachyon is set to 71 X and I CLS is set to 11 when we call inbound the carrier will give us the ship space recovery course which we can then display as a course line over the tack and symbol on our HSI from BRC we can determine the reciprocal downwind heading and also the final bearing for landing due to the super carriers angled flight deck the final bearing will be 10 degrees left of the BRC foot holding pattern is a left orbit starting at position 1 the supercarrier 180 degrees of turn is position 3 the maximum diameter if the orbit is 5 nautical miles you can join the port holding orbit from any direction but positions one and three other preferred entry points you commence your entry into the landing pattern when the carrier says your signal is Charlie the next time you arrive at position 3 commence a wider descending turn to arrive at the initial point 3 nautical miles behind the carrier at 350 knots and 800 feet the US Navy case 1 pattern begins by flying up the ship's right side at 350 knots and 800 feet within one nautical mile of the carrier reduced power to idle and enter a level break turn at 250 knots lower your landing gear and extend full landing flaps on downwind heading you should be between 1 and 1/4 and one and a half nautical miles our beam the course line slow to on speed angle of attack and descend to 600 feet when you are a being the LSO platform begin a 30 degree angle of Bank descending turn to roll out behind the carrier at Point six nautical miles and 300 feet approach glide slope is defined by the meatball the meatball is an amber light mounted on the side of the aircraft carrier when it's lined up with the green datum lights your own glide slope when it's above the green datum lights your high when it's below the green datum lights your and should add power to climb back up to glide slope red flashing lights indicate a wave off situation you can reference your line up from the yellow and white painted centerline of the landing area in addition supercarrier features the long-range laser lineup system when on centerline the light is Amber deviations to the right of center line changes the light to green the light begins to flash increasing in frequency the further you go from centerline if you are lined up left the light is red the f-18 Hornet is designed to land at 5 degrees of pitch in relation to the horizon this sets the tail look at the best angle to catch an arresting wire approach air speeds can vary greatly with aircraft weight so we use angle of attack to ensure we always touchdown with the correct attitude fill the Hornet on speed AOA is 8 degrees which combines 5 degrees of aircraft pitch with 3 degrees of approach glide slope in level flight the relative airflow matches the horizon so if we fly at 8 degrees of pitch we should see 8 degrees of AoE on the left side of the HUD is the AOA indexer a yellow circle means we are flying it on speed AOA we use this configuration during the case 1 downwind leg if we fly 10 degrees AOA the indexer changes to a green chevron telling us to go faster if we fly at 6 degrees AOA the indexer changes to a red Chevron telling us to slow down if we're on speed and we lower the pitch to 5 degrees but use the throttles to maintain on speed AOA we will begin to sending along a 3-degree glide path our descent rate will be roughly 700 feet per minute we use this configuration on final approach to the carrier the landing signal officer is able to see your approach angle of attack by way of 3 repeater lights on the nose landing gear thanks for the great introduction jar let's take a look at this in admission now I'm gonna forego the porthole then goes straight into the pattern after coming down to 350 not selling eh the automatic throttle control ATC hook is down and on the right DDI I'm gonna select the HSI and enable the TACAN and the IC LS punch in my attacking channel which gonna be 71 X ray and the IC LS channel which is going to be 11 on the left DDI I want to display the flight control system with SCS down to my left knee and we're going to go ahead and hit the bypass to carrier and I skip the off and now let's go ahead and talk to carrier and let her know that I'm bound Marshall treats your thumb mark Imams 131 one six Angels won state 6.30 case break that down so I'm calling Marshall to boat I am 3:05 so my site number marking mom's 131 that means I am 131 degrees from her at 16 miles my altitude angels one is 1,000 feet in my state is my fuel state for six thousand three hundred pounds let's continue [Music] okay that's a lot of words let's review that so three beer three zero five is me mother's telling me that the visibility is 10 plus miles and scattered clouds about ten thousand feet the pressure altimeter is ninety six point nine three which is pretty close to where I already am case when recovery which is a you know clouds three thousand feet or higher with five miles visibility and expected BRC which essentially the carrier's heading is 309 degrees and she's telling me to let me know when I see her when I'm at ten miles let's get going Greed's your okay so I'm gonna type in 3:09 Cecil for that bearing which is set on the tack and so now I have my course line directly to attack anguishes by the ship and now I'm waiting for ten miles and a let her know when I see her at the 10 mile marker to confirm audit flaps hook us down grease your thumb see you at 10:00 switch down 3-0 knocking state five wait button okay so next first we're talk to will be the approach control there yeah well talk to him we get a bit closer to him and are gonna be descending down 800 feet 350 knots but in the meantime bring up the checklist make sure you forget anything which I did which is messieurs has turned those off cool so angular myself again just to bring myself just start rid of the carrier and down to a 960 feet you know keeping the ATC on 350 one less thing for me to worry about and I'm also reducing my HS I did a ten-mile scale and explained why here in a little bit a 4.5 for the carrier three months coward 3-0 thumb overhead angels one state okay it's talked about that so approach is telling me that the carrier BRC is 3:08 and signals charlie and that means that the everybody for me to land and let's oblige unpause this point I'll be checking over my left shoulder and making sure that the landing area or the box is clear for me to land which it is and I'll disengaged a TC tick over manual throttle control again keeping my air speed at 350 knots around 800 feet and I'll break into the pattern about 1.5 miles that gives me plenty of time to get on speed on the downward okay breakout I don't throttle a nice gradual pool you know you can do a hard bolt beginning and then float it out later I tend to like to do a nice gradual turn at 250 knots we'll bring in the break drop the gear and flaps down to full there we go and gonna descend to about 600 feet and starting to add some pitch trim pop not pointing to stick back and about a hundred fifty I'm gradually gonna start putting some throttle back on the jet not too much though and now it's a combination of throttle and pitch trim not pulling back on the stick let's pause here for a second so you can see in the bottom right corner here we have 1.3 Cecil and that's our distance from this BRC line recreated and that's really where we want to be anywhere between one point two five one point four based on your gross weight the lighter you are the closer in you can be we're a pretty light aircraft so 1.3 it's looking pretty good here that's on pause and at this point now we're about 40 or 50 feet below where we need to be this one accrues just a little bit so just gradually increasing the throttle justine trim if I need to but not adjusting the stick up and down let's turn on the controller so you can see that better once I see the stern of the carrier which I do right about now I'll initiate a 30-degree Bank into the carrier while increasing thrala just a little bit because I'm losing lift in the turn and I want to have that flight path marker just below the horizon line about a 200 feet per minute indication on the hood right above the altimeter and I'm not going to peek at the carrier about 90 degrees through the turn I should be between 450 and 500 feet which I am about 480 let's take a look turns looks good and also now I have this horizontal bar on the HUD and that's the glide slope marker for the ILS and I can see I'm a little bit below glide slope so I'm adding a little bit of throttle to get me on to glide slope again well again raising it up with a throttle and trim but never pulling or pushing back on that stick I now have the ball tool called up and I can see that have a nice centered ball yeah we should get the horn ball here in a second there it is three zeros on all five weeks you okay I've uncaged the flight path marker and I'm flying that pretty much it right on the the flight deck not too much wind centered ball and I'm just adjusting the throttle now at this point really not touching the stick balls dropping a little bit and need to add a little power not enough so I landed a little bit short yeah to wire still an okay past oh so hookup flaps up let's get out of the box yeah thank you for watching and thank you for jar for all the great support really appreciate it thank you so much and I'll see you next time
Channel: Matt Wagner
Views: 177,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS, Digital, combat, simulator, aircombat, warplane, weapons, missile, fighterplanes, jet, dogfight, lock, on, lockon, flaming, cliffs, trailer, aircraft, teaser, video, eagle, dynamics, Modern, Air, Combat, MAC, F-16, F18, F/A-18C, Mig-29, World war 2, game, pc, flight, amraam, aim 9, carrier, naval, operations, persian gulf, hormuz, Normandy, VR, Virtual reality, flying, air combat, The Fighter Collection, Digital Combat Simulator, Aviation, NNTR, Hornet, Eagle Dynamics, Best air combat game, supercarrier
Id: 4t-GGqEj1IY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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