How to cold start the A-10C II Warthog #dcsworld #topgun #a10

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welcome back alrighty so as soon as we get coming to the uh the end of the f-18 for dummies series that we've been doing on youtube uh we're going to start branching out into the other aircraft so we're going to kick it off with the a10 c 2 tank killer the latest iteration of the a10 uh full fidelity module in dcs world so we're going to go through all the systems all the things you need to do to put bombs on target and blow up the other things on the ground so uh as always there is a shitload of tutorials on youtube to do this stuff so if this one doesn't float your boat that's sweet you can move on and find one that does and if it does strap yourselves in boys because we're going to going on for a ride so we're going to go through cold start procedure today and how to start it up as quickly and pain-free as possible get all your systems online and again caveat it is by no means the correct natops by the book way to start things up but it gets the job done and this is how i do it so uh let's do this here we go so we are in the 810 let's reset our track i uh all right so a couple of things uh that we're gonna cover before we get started at night time or in low light conditions okay the the a10 doesn't have a flashlight which is default left alt l we'll put a flashlight on your cursor and you can look around the cockpit and it showings a torch essentially uh it doesn't have one to my knowledge anyway so what you've got to do is you've got to hit this guy here emergency floodlight all right turn that on and then put the canopy down and when you do that it'll illuminate all your switches and stuff so you can actually see otherwise you've got to use good old night vision and try and look around and everything's blurry which ain't cool so remember night time or low light conditions you're struggling to see buttons emergency floodlights are on shut the canopy and you'll be able to see so first i'm going to go through battery turn that on and then inverter we're going to turn that on to standby okay so battery on inverter on come on over here and then next to your uh ejection seat hand you've got ap start we're going to hit that button i'm going to come over here and we're going to look at our apu engine uh exhaust temperature and percentage when it gets to 100 rpm we're going to go ahead and turn our 8 new generator on it takes a little while all right so she's at 100 so now what we're going to do we're going to come over here we're going to turn on apu gen power and the first thing that i do is turn on this cdu and egi because this starts your ins alignment and this is the longest thing it takes to start up your a10 so the quicker you turn those two switches on the faster rns alignment will happen and the quicker you'll get in the air so once we've done that we are pretty much good to go you can if you want to you can uh you can check your oxy gauges all right if you want to do it by the books check your oxy you can check your fuel gauges as well okay test the indicator and you can uh choose which fuel display you want and as we come over here you've got a fire detect bleed air you can do that again you don't have to do this but you can check it if you want all right so we're going to start at the left so all you're going to do is put your throttle left throttle into idle and we're going to watch for our left-hand engine indicators we've got all the pressure coming up engine percentage is coming up waiting for engine light off there we go we've got light off engine is spooling up that's our engine trt engine rpm you can also tell we've got a engine start cycle on our caution panel there get this bad boy started while that's starting up you can come down here and you can right click on sisu jtrs and iffcc turn that on on your hud it will say engage preflight bit yes you press enter okay just let it do its thing while that's happening uh we can turn on our mfds to day or night mode up to you turn any skid on all right and once we've got our engine start cycle is off left engine is started up and good to go we're going to go ahead and put our right throttle into idle we've got engine start cycle again and watching oil pressure engine rpm and looking for light off there we go engine is lit off i'm good to go so while that's happening you can come over here turn on these guys your pitch sas and your your sas you can press take off trim press and hold the button there and then come back we're going to turn our radios onto your right click on the vhf radio there right click on the uhf and then right click on the uh the fm all right get that happening our preflight boot is finished so now we're going to press enter to exit and then we're gonna right click one more time on the iffcc and then we should have our hud all up on the screen so now we'll just go through getting a loadout so we'll just pick one all right we've covered how to do loadouts and stuff in another tutorial we're just going to do that get our loadout and while that's happening we're going to go through our cdu here okay so cdu we're looking this is our ins is doing its thing so you're looking for you can either have it here or you can press on your mfd cdu and it just displays whatever's down here display it up here so you have to look down next to your right knee so as soon as this gets to 4.0 0.8 this ins nav ready will flash it will turn on and off and it will say 4.0 0.8 that's what you're looking for for your ins alignment okay before you can uh go ahead and do the rest of your stuff you need to do so once we get a uh which we have okay if we go to our dsms digital stores management system you can see at the moment our aircraft doesn't recognize anything that's fitted to the jet so you're going to come here and you're going to press on the load button you're going to press load all okay and then all you gotta wait is for that little asterisks will come along and be an asterisk asterisk asterix and asterix and we can check our dismiss page after that when you do that while it's doing its load you can't get the cdu to display so don't worry it'll turn off if you put it up then you're like why did it turn off it just does that it just does it just waiting for our there we go so now we can go to dsms and confirm that we do have our aircraft is currently configured stores are as we've loaded we're good to go now you can come down and you can turn on these so you got missile warning system your jammer your rwa and your display you're gonna go to manual to turn them on and you can see we've got our jammer here it'll say standby air mws mixer warning system says active if you don't have a jammer it will say no jammer or something some like that all right it will say that uh we can also come over and have a look at our caution panel so this is a good way to tell if you are missing any switches and you can also see now it says iron and snav ready t equals 4.0.8 so we're going to bring it up here and again you can do it either on this screen or there up to you so when you've got this ins and out ready 4.0.8 you're going to come along and you're going to press nav all right that's going to stop that you're going to come down here underneath your hsi you're going to press egi all right you're also going to come down behind your throttle and you're going to turn on your radar altimeter and the eac then if we have a look over you can see the only thing we've got left is our apu because our ap is still running so we're going to turn our ap gen off we're going to turn our apu off as well and we are essentially good to go everything is up and running all systems are working we can taxi out and start our sorting last little thing because it is a 10 uh the a10 new version the a102 you've got your scorpion hammock so to turn that on you just come down here scorpion hmcs power right click on it and then you can see we've got our j hammocks we can see all right so if you want that on you can turn that on if you want it off don't turn it on all right so that's that's how you start up boys short sweet simple if there's any caution panels still lit up you're not ready to actually miss the switch of some description and you need to fix problem ah lastly one more thing okay this will catch you out sometimes if not all the time if you don't turn your pedo heater on all right as you're flying along uh your airspeed indicator will not work because your pitot tube will freeze up and you will get erroneous reading so this will start not actually working so turn on your pedo heater make sure it is otherwise your air speed and all the rest of your indications will not work so we can go ahead shut the canopy down we're going to go ahead and hit noticeable steering steering engaged and we are good to taxi good sir so if you guys did like the video make sure you hit the like button to say that you did if you haven't already subscribed to the youtube channel and lastly but definitely not least if you haven't already come check me out on twitch i stream on monday to friday at 1300 australian western standard time and uh we do dcs shenanigans most of time so drop on in if you've never checked twitch out i've got a link in the description below click on there and come on in and watch the uh the fighting too some pretty crazy goes down on stream we always do some dumb stuff it's always a laugh but anyways guys hope you learned something and i'll catch you on the next one later
Channel: TorniQuetHD
Views: 9,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aussie Gamer, TorniQuetHD, Early Access Game, tips and tricks, Military Simulation, Milsim, DCS World, Mission making, dcs mission making, dcs mission editor, dcs editor, tutorial, top tips, dcs 2.5.6, DCS - A-10C II Tank Killer Cold Start Tutorial, A10-C II Tank Killer, DCS A-10C, DCS A-10C Startup, A-10 Start up dcs, How to cold start the A-10C II Warthog #dcsworld #topgun #a10
Id: xvTJ3fK_Am4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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